#cowboy hellcheer
vulpixsworld · 6 months
Happy Hellcheer Everyone!!!!
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Somebody Like You - Chapter 3 - Vulpixhc86 - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
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rose-n-gunses · 9 months
okay i know country music is. unpopular. but! some of zach bryan's music is sooo eddie coded btw. especially heading south. and also don't give up on me feels very hellcheer. okay carry on
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ghostlynimbus · 5 months
I want a Westworld inspired au rn.
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cyraclove · 1 year
Ooooh tell us more about the horse ranch wip 💗
hiiii!! I would be happy to 🩵 tysm
this one’ll be called you’re the one walkin’ in my head
So, I’ve been calling this the ‘Montana AU’ because the song the title is from is called Montana Sky (YES this is a Jonas Brothers song and it slaps)
I’ve set this in a fictional Hawkins, Montana (I was hoping there was one, there isn’t)
Chrissy is the daughter of very wealthy horse breeders who specialize in show horses. They function as a dude ranch for tourists in the summers
She’s engaged to Jason, the son of long-time family friends. Jason’s mother won Olympic bronze on one of the Cunningham’s horses in 1964
Laura wants Jason and Chrissy to eventually take over the ranch
Eddie gets arrested for possession and is put on probation. Probation officer tells him that he needs a legitimate job and that she’s scoped one out for him as a ranch hand/wrangler at the Cunningham ranch
Eddie doesn’t know shit about horses but takes the job anyway
I’m thinking enemies to friends to lovers
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thediktatortot · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition
I've been tagged in a few things over the last few days and hadn't been able to get to any of them but i'll do them now all together :3
Thank you @discodeviant & @weird-an
ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove!
2. most annoying ship: I don't consider any ships annoying really. I might not generally enjoy the fans of a ship, but not a ship in particular.
3. second favourite ship: Mungrove! This is only listed as second because Harringrove came first but Mungrove is at the same level as Harringrove for me as far as love/enjoyment wise :3
4. favourite platonic relationship: Hollogrove!
5. underrated ship: Calicheer! I just- I love them.
6. overrated ship: Eh- I mean there's popular ships but nothing is really overrated. All ships, even popular ones or ones that don't makes sense are worth while to someone.
7. one thing i would change in canon: One thing....that's hard uhm- Keep Billy Hargrove alive of course :3
8. something canon did right: Lumax. They are just good for each other. Probably one of the most wholesome, true to life ships that just feels right.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: My J.C.Leyendecker inspired pieces are like- my bread and butter pride of this fandom. Hellcheer | Eddie
But also my Billy Hargrove Accidental Christ Figure piece I did :3 and my Mungrove Cowboys piece.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Murray!!!!!!!! and you're all lucky I've kept my murrayposting private because he lives rent free on his own couch in my brain
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Steve is the one I personally relate to the most. I do have a few things that I relate too with Billy & Eddie, but Steve is the one I find myself reminded of most. Not for what people would think, but for certain personality qualities.
12. character i hate the most and why: Hate is a strong word for fandom because these are just characters in a story that have no real effect on me. However my least enjoyed characters are Nancy and Jonathan. I see a lot of my own family in them for various reasons and I just don't enjoy them. No hate though. I don't subscribe to the concept of vitriol against fictional characters or those who enjoy them.
Jason is a close runner up, but I don't necessarily hate him in any way but I just am uncomfortable with shipping him for myself. He's a great character and I truly wish I could enjoy him in fics.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: Mistakes aren't the end all be all of who we are. We make them and if we make up for them through action, then they don't have to define us forever.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Hurt/Comfort | Whump | Slow-Burn
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character:
Cutting Crew's "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" Corey Hart's "Sunglasses At Night" Ricky Montgomery's "Lover Man" TOTO's "Hold The Line" Nick Lutsko's "Sometimes" Dido's "White Flag"
These are all songs that are intrinsic to my personal Steve Harrington vibes for various reasons.
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opaldraws · 2 years
started this same poll on twitter and figured I'd put it on here too! the winner of this one will be the 2nd WIP I work on (unless the winner ends up being the same LOL)
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sunshinebunnie · 2 years
Thank you so so much for the delightful ask, doll!!!
💝: What is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hmmmm.....this is really hard. For Fexi, I'd probably go with Country Roads Take Me Home. I know AUs can be a little hit or miss, but I was really surprised by just how little modern cowboy Fez meets daughter of ex-rodeo rider Lexi seemed to resonate with people.
For my Hellcheer series though, I was really surprised by how little engagement Sweetest Little Liar got. There seemed to be some interest in a phone sex fic when I wrote it, but it really didn't seem to get hits the way I thought it would. That being said, I feel like this might've partially been a timing issue because I put out the 3rd installment really soon after I published this, so I think it might've just gotten lost in the shuffle. Not really sure though....
🎀: Give yourself a compliment about your own writing.
Aw man!! 🥺🥺 I think I do pretty decent job at world building. It's something I really enjoy writing because I feel like it helps the story feel more "real" to the reader. Like, if I'm writing something totally canon compliant, it's pretty easy for a reader to find a gorgeous screen cap or edit here on Tumblr to help them envision the scene, but if I'm describing something from my imagination, little details like describing a vengeful cat puking into someone's shoes (for example, lol) where it becomes a little easier to latch on to the other details in the story to paint the picture in your own mind. 😊😊😊
Fic Writer Asks
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shinydixon · 2 years
part 1:
i knew that what i said was going to be taken out of context but here it goes: i never said people can't have fun unless they're having sex. everyone is different. the wank comment was NOT something hellcheers came up with. a lot of anti vanquins/hellcheers were sharing the same comment on twitter and laughing. look how crazy the reaction to someone saying joe hooks up is: how the hell do you guys know most of the people in those pictures are in a relationship? because you went looking for it. and why were you trying to see if those people were single? because you wanted to know if there was a chance joe had hooked up with someone. you absolutely can have fun without doing anything sexual. but my rant was in response to this phenomenon that happens every time joe is pictured somewhere with girls. every single time people have a meltdown and go looking for any proof that there is absolutely no way joe may have been with the girl he's pictured with. it's fucking crazy how much drama a single picture of him with a girl gets; also, i specifically said that he is caring and kind. there are times he is nervous/shy. his interview on jimmy fallon proves that. his hands were shaking, sometimes his voice cracked. and that's adorable and charming but some fans tend to make that his entire personality. if anyone suggests he may be doing something absolutely wild there is always a discourse about how he's not that kind of guy and he would never go that wild. i also never said taking pictures or filming him without his consent is okay. i'm saying that it's going to happen anyway. because some people don't have that train of thought, they don't really think that sharing a picture like that is invading his privacy; they just want to see a new picture of him so any consideration to his privacy goes out the window. and has anyone ever stopped to think that joe knows his pictures are going to get shared? first of all none of those pictures were private. they were on that girl's stories and someone saw it and thought 'oh shit, it's joseph' and decided to share the pics. and joe knew for sure that was going to happen. the pictures some fans hunted down that show him as a child are creepy, i agree. or when people keep filming him when he's enjoying his private time. but oh my god, he was at a party, sharing a pic like that is not a breech of privacy. you guys think he really doesn't check his social media? you really think he has no idea how crazy some fans can get? he knows what goes on behind the scenes, he just chooses to ignore it and carry on with his life. that pic with the guy with a cowboy hat, of course he knew it was going to get posted. again, i want to make this very clear, it was a fucking party. he knew he was going to get caught in random pics.
The wank thing is fake anyway! He never said that, it was taken out of context as always.
Secondly, people indeed looked for infos about these people, and it's creepy, but you indeed basically said that he always hooks up and you could tell from pictures of him partying when he was younger 💀like how can you tell something like that? Just because he's having fun? I have pictures at parties as well and all I did is making out with strangers 💀
About the pictures, nobody said you said it's okay to share but you said that people should shut up about it because it will be a normal thing... Sorry but I'll never shut up because I'm tired of people sharing private pictures (and I'm sorry but stories tags are "private" so, those pictures weren't meant to be shared) just because he's a celebrities.
I'll never shut up about it and I'll always call them out
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those-little-sheep · 2 years
 I've seen several people say Chrissy Cunningham has horse girl energy, and as a life long, card carrying, currently professionally employed horse girl ...I kinda want to write the AU. Featuring thing such as...
The Cunninghams own a fancy fancy hunter-jumper barn, the kind full of high five to six figure show horses that winter in Florida. Chrissy's mom trains the hunters and equitation riders and her dad does the jumpers.
Chrissy as the Hunter/Big-Eq Princess. Hunters and Equitation are disciplines that have a not entirely undeserved reputation for being toxic af at the upper levels. Both are centered around a kinda subjective ideal of how a horse (hunters) and rider (equitation) should look/move. There are plenty of genuinely good riders in both disciplines, but there’s also a reputation of “the thinnest girl with the longest legs on the most expensive horse” ends up sweeping every class. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of coaches being straight up verbally and emotionally abusive to their students, a lot of eating disorders, and (especially when male coaches are involved) SA is not unheard of either. So it seems like an environment rife for Chrissy to end up in a similar mental state as she does in canon. 
Jason the Jumper. Jumpers are a bit more rough and tumble, focusing less on perfection and style, and more on getting over the biggest jumps as fast as you damn can without knocking down any rails. Agility, power, and speed are the name of the game. Big jock energy. He’s a bit of a reactive prick when he rides though and is too heavy handed with his horses.
Wayne takes a job working as the general handyman on the Cunningham’s farm and Eddie and him move into the cabin on the property. They used to live in Indianapolis but Eddie crossed the wrong people in his drug dealing, so Wayne (who grew up in the country) quit his factory job to move them out to the farm in hopes of helping Eddie start over fresh. They move in during the winter when a lot of the horses are still down in Florida and he fucking hates it. There’s nothing to do, he doesn’t know shit about horses, they’re big and scary, and he has to muck stalls which he thinks sucks. 
Spring comes, the show horses and rides who have been gone in Florida come back, and he sees Chrissy for the first time. This itty bitty slip of a thing sailing around on a 17hh horse over three and a half foot jumps like it’s absolute nothing and he is entranced. Suddenly (and Wayne fucking knows) he’s asking to do more chores, spend more time around the barn, just so he can watch Chrissy ride...and in the process realizes Jason’s a dick (both to Chrissy and to his horses) and sees how brutal Chrissy’s mom can be to her during her lessons. He starts to really think this whole horse riding thing in general might be bullshit. 
It starts getting hot and Eddie does not know how to cope at first. Chrissy sees him about to die of heat exhaustion with his long ass hair and gives him her scrunchy to put his hair up in a man bun. He keeps it. Also a lot of sweaty Eddie in tank tops with tattoos on full display doing manual labor. 
Eddie has a motorcycle cause why not? Hell yeah Chrissy’s gonna ride behind him like a little back pack. 
Chrissy’s childhood pony colics (potentially deadly tummy ache for horses) and Eddie stays up with her all night taking turns walking the pony and offering it water, he lets her sleep and spends hours just going up and down the barn aisle with this damn pony. 
Eddie turns out to be a natural with horses on the ground once he starts warming up to them. He’s a naturally empathetic and sensitive dude, I could see him picking up on how to read horses’ body language and how to work with them pretty quickly. He’s able to calm down one of Jason’s upset, panicky horses when Jason’s temper is only making things worse, which pisses Jason off to no end. 
Chrissy teaches Eddie to ride. He eventually is...sufficiently competent. Maybe one day she gets him his own scruffy ass horse to ride around on the farm with her.  Chrissy starts enjoying riding for riding again without feeling all the pressure from her mom and competing. 
Eddie is really really into Chrissy wearing her riding clothes. Tight ass pants for the win. 
Eddie helps Chrissy change her discipline over to Jumpers. He sees how stifling the Hunter/Eq world is for Chrissy and encourages her to either quit or try something different. Her mom will flip if Chrissy tries to do something else, so Eddie helps her sneak around to practice for switching to the Jumpers and she eventually goes head to head with Jason.   
Chrissy has a nasty fall at a big horse show. Hurt/comfort feelings ensue. 
Chrissy starts teaching some beginner lessons. Eddie encourages her since he hasn’t died yet and she taught him, and turns out to be really good at it/enjoys working with the kids and helping them learn to love something she’s so passionate about. It helps her as she’s recovering from her fall.  
Eddie’s past catches up with him?
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vulpixsworld · 27 days
Schedule for today through September:
This weekend: Somebody Like You
Next weekend: Enchanted
Week 2-3: Love Over Matter/Enchanted
Week 4: Somebody Like You
I will be also looking up self-publishing for my book during September. Got a lot on my plate this month but I will make it work. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I will try to answer them as soon as I can. Thank you.
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vulpixsworld · 10 months
Chapter 1 is uploaded!!!
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Okay everyone! This is my first western/cowboy hellcheer au. I managed to get it done early! Yay me!
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vulpixsworld · 3 months
Next up is Somebody Like You. I will be out of town this weekend but I will work on Chapter 4 as soon as I get back home. Happy Fourth of July everyone!!! Stay safe!
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vulpixsworld · 3 months
Sneak peek Wednesday:
Chapter 4 of Somebody Like You,
“Will it be ok if I go in line and get a corn dog?” Maybe 3, he thought in his head. It’s been two hours since breakfast and he’s starved…despite the smell of horses, cows, and sheep hovering and spiking his nose hairs. He’d thought he would get used to the smell, but nope! It still gets him.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Andy hands Eddie some cash.
Eddie thanks him and is about to leave until Andy stops him, “Oh, will you take Shep with you?”
“What?! Why?” He whined. He frowned at the idea of watching over a dog in a huge crowd with other dogs. He didn’t feel like dog-sitting. Hell, he wanted to get away from the dog who never leaves his side.
Andy sighs at him. “Because I’m going to check on the horses and meet someone who hates dogs.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. He should do him a favor after all he’s done. “Ok fine. Come on!” He pats his jeans twice to get Shep to follow him.
‘Bark, bark!’ He follows Eddie with his tongue sticking out to the side of his mouth and his tail high up.
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vulpixsworld · 23 days
After like 6 months of delay, Chapter 4 of Somebody Like You is up.
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Somebody Like You - Chapter 4 - Vulpixhc86 - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
I'm so sorry this took forever. I really didn't mean for this to drag out for so long. I hope you guys can forgive me.
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vulpixsworld · 25 days
Jamming to the Bar Song and remembering Houston Rodeos when I was little while typing Somebody Like You is fun. Eddie would totally be an outlaw.
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vulpixsworld · 4 months
Sneak Peek Alert!!!!!!
Love over Matter chapter is done, and because I am so happy today, I decided to give you guys a sneak peek of Chapter 4, Somebody Like You.
The passenger smiles at Andy. He has wavy blonde hair and blue. “Cousin Andy! Long time, no see!” He chuckles. “How have you been?” He too has a Western accent.
Andy runs down, chuckling at the two. “Great to see you two.” He welcomes them with a hug and a couple pats on the back. “How’s Shannon and Francesca?”
“They’re doing great,” answers the brown-haired young man. “They’re on a horse trail across the mountains. Won’t be home until three weeks.”
“Ah,” Andy acknowledged. He looks past them and at the truck. “So, ah, where’s Blue Jeans and Wrangler?”
“We got someone dropping them off on Saturday. We’ll practice a little in here before the first Rodeo competition. We figured let them rest for a bit.” Answers the blonde-haired young man.
Expect tomorrow for the chapter to be posted. I'm beat now and am going to have dinner soon. I also want to double check to see if I'm satisfied with the chapter before I post it.
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