#cowboy saeran
marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Ok ok, but....... cowboy Saeran teaching you how to handle a pistol. Just so you don't die in vain, of course. He's not worried for you at all, why would he? Anyways. Just. Uh. His hands on top of yours as he teaches you the right hold, guiding your fingers into place. His breath ghosting over your ear, his voice low and raspy due to his proximity, making it impossible to pay attention to what he's saying at all. Oh. Don't forget the moment he teaches you the optimal stance for shooting at a distance. His hands on your hips, correcting your legs into place by moving your thighs........ Oh yeah. No lesson is going to be learned.
Also, depends on the type of Cereus we're talking here. If you get all beet red in the face and clumsy from the butterflies in your stomach, Unknown will quickly take notice and tease you on purpose. Only, at one point, a game turns into a teasing kiss on your cheek, and the rest is history.
Or, if you're more of a cocky type, maybe you'll lean into him on purpose. He'll scold you for not paying attention to his lesson. But you can shut him up with a kiss. Or you can steal his hat.
"Just like that, darlin'. Keep yer' eyes on the target. Y'ain't gonna be half as lucky with a movin' target, but let's see whatcha' got before we get to testin' yer' luck other places," his breath was warm against your cheek. You could feel the shape of each letter on your skin with how close he was, but you didn't shy away since you were the one to ask him for tips and advice to protect yourself.
A knife wouldn't cut it, even though you knew how to handle one with expertise thanks to your upbringing at your family's bakery, because a knife at a gun fight was about as useful as a deer with no horns the minute mating season came around. You didn't want to find yourself staring at the bottom of a barrel again.
Even if Unknown could be at your side in a quick draw faster than you could scream his name, that didn't mean he would always be there to protect you when you needed him. As much as you didn't mind owing him your life, you wanted to hold up your end of the bargain. You were capable of fighting, too, even if you weren't as tough as he was. You'd survive even if it was tough.
You promised yourself never to hold back when you left home. It was a dream you always aspired toward, to be confident and bold enough to grab your dreams, but it wasn't always easy... and yet, when you'd stood next to the wicked outlaw himself, it almost felt like you were a confident person without having to force it.
He brought out a side of yourself you didn't know.
A side that was both itching to bite at his fingertips when they got too close and another side that quivered when he teased you in just the right way.
You didn't remember to breathe as he settled a leg between your thighs and adjusted your stance, nor did you hold back the squeak that settled in the back of your throat as he corrected each of your fingers one by one until they were in place. It took nothing to best you and he knew that.
Your eyes didn't dare steal a glimpse at him. You knew what he would tell you if you did. He'd tell you that you were supposed to keep your eyes on the target and if you didn't remember that, it would force him to protect you faster than he could protect himself. You knew he had the power to do that, to look after you just as much as himself, but it made you want to be able to do the same for him.
How hard would it be to make him look at you the way you looked at him when he rescued you?
The target wasn't that far off. You could hit it if you wanted to, that's what you told yourself, doing everything you could to ignore how the heat burned across your body with every chuckle that left his throat at your expense. You could hit the target and show him that he was a fool for tormenting you when you wanted to learn something from his arsenal.
That puff of air against your ear commanded, "Little Cereus, Shoot."
In one swoop, you fired the gun at the target with his hands holding yours steady. He was the one focused on the target now, not you, as the minute you knew the target was blown apart, you turned to face him and stole a greedy kiss from his lips. He gasped, realizing what you'd intended from the start, proving you could handle yourself and handle him all you wanted.
Just not in the way he expected.
You knew Unknown felt the smug smile against your lips, and you thought to yourself, Good. I hope you know I have you in the palm of my hand just as much as you have me in yours.
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You told me to remind you to write Em teaching Uyu to flirt, but my memory span lately has been similar to one of a goldfish. So maybe if this stays in your asks you’ll see it when you get time? I think my brain reset this afternoon lol
Also my weakness is script writing so if I have a base I can use that later to draw the scene >:D I still want to try and design their casual clothes bc that’s fun. Also I’d imagine they’d have the lesson in city clothes? Ever since you wrote the draft I’ve been imagining them playing in the saloon when it’s closed
THANK YOU as I almost forgot I wanted to do this already as these days I too am at goldfish level. It’s also super fun to build of each other’s content and ideas ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ and all the drawings you do make me cry tears of gold.
I also apologize for how messy this is as I’m trying not to overload ideas and am failing + I rewrote too many times TT. I’ll also totally admit all of my best edits got erased 1st time and I got too lazy to go back and re add all of that work. And I’ve been nitpicking with no direction——
Uyu- my cmc
Em- Mel’s cmc
This AU once again belongs to @marshmallowprotection , based on her Cowboy!Unknown fic “Cereus”! Here’s the link to go and check it out: Cereus
Uyu was easy to perceive as shy and docile. On many fronts, she felt herself to be cowardly, always afraid of reaching for objects on higher shelves due to the possible “what ifs”. What if she’s simply not tall enough to grab what she desires? What if as she tries, she knocks over the object she wants? It took a lot of personal growth for her to start reminding herself not all “what ifs” in life are negative, but it’s not something that’s easy to wipe clean from the brain forever. It’s a deep conditioning that’s going to take time to shake.
Self confidence is a skill that she has to learn later in life than most of her peers, tossing away the stick she often beats herself down with. Even as someone with small acting experience back home, working up the courage to shine like a star never comes easy.
One thing she can say performance has taught her is that success tends to blossom under practice and familiarity. At first, it’s normal for most people to trip over their own heels, but sooner rather than later it becomes a flawless routine you can give your all without extra thought. With song and dance it’s easy to feel more alive than ever, all of your focus trained on hypnotizing your audience using what you already know like the back of your hand. On stage, there is no time for worries and “what ifs”, only the solid fact that the show must go on as you pretend to be something you’re not. It’s a transformation of the self under those bright lights and she’s always loved the feeling of playing pretend, now doing so in a new way that often tripped her up. The role of the sexy and confident desert flower was a big spin on reality really, but acting is simply that. Acting. A job is just a job, and today like any other, her role was to complete it.
As Em and Uyu’s getting ready process takes a bit longer than the other workers’, they usually started their mornings earlier to have enough time to get in full costume and clean up the stage. Together they swept the area to prepare to mop before changing for the day, as something as small as a random sticky patch could cause injury to a performer. This was simply their routine, as was the way they deviously twirled and span round on that stage to get you to empty your pockets. The longer you were here ogling the eye candy, the more inclined you were to order another cool and refreshing glass, and then another, and a another.
A tricky ploy it may be, but it was one that worked like a charm. It was their job to be on display in order to attract customers, and as professionals they each had their own ways of ensuring you left with a much lighter wallet. With Uyu’s set of pipes and the movements she followed taught to her by Zen, she eased the worries of each and every guest, so trained on her they let their guards slip for the idea of it being “party time”. And with them relaxed, Em could approach and flirt up a storm, encouraging them to drink up as she giggled and teased, asking how much alcohol “such a big guy” could really handle. And of course, they never forgot to leak out everyone’s secrets as well as their savings. Em especially was a natural at it, even with them “both” being new to the trade.
On the few and far between visits from their favorite outlaw as well as in those letters, Em took most of the charge when it came to collecting and delivering the goods. As the bolder desert lovely, she was able to squeeze her way into being at the bigger league’s tables, fake laughing it up as they ordered her drinks and Yoosung poured her colored water instead to trick them. Those poor fools paid full price for a drunken sleaze and instead only hydrated her for the same price as their beers, wondering how she was so good at holding her liquor. She saved her real thirst for her own stash of bottles she’d discreetly acquire during the shift.
Uyu’s lack of helpfulness with secret trading was something that bothered her, at times feeling a bit unable to prove her own usefulness. At first it was a matter of “will I be killed if I’m no use”, but now it’s morphed into the gut feeling that comes with being no good at your biggest assignment.
Unlike Em, when the guests at the tables coo at her and beckon her near, she froze before picking up her feet. Uyu felt lucky that her stage presence was advertised as coy and angelic, as it allowed herself to tie her nervousness into the act she had to put on. Her and Em were hyped up as the “devil and angel” type duo, but watching the way Em could even get their boss to blow steam out his ears on occasion made her wonder what it would be like to take on the role of Lucifer. It seemed fun in a way, knowing you had the power to wrap everyone in the room around your finger with Em’s devilish confidence. It’s what chipped away at her during today’s morning routine, still not yet dressed and ready for work. Uyu never stopped the motion of her broom on the upper stage as she bubbled out some of those thoughts to the other lady sweeping away behind her. Em was quick to respond to their conversation’s switch up.
“Let me explain this to you, since it looks like what you desire is a lesson in flirting.”
Em placed a gentle hand near Uyu’s rib cage, the other landing atop her shoulder. Long forgetting about their cleaning tasks for this more import matter, Em pressed right up against her pinker counterpart’s back, speaking in a quieter tone than earlier. Uyu stiffened in response to the physical contact.
“You see…you’ve actually got the foundation of this all wrong. You don’t need to be bold or sassy to sink your claws into everyone who is already tempted by you. You’ve already got a good thing going, you just need to make it better and pay attention to your surroundings.”
Uyu awkwardly twisted to look over her shoulder to make eye contact with her coworker, confused.
“But I don’t understand how to do that.”
“That’s the point ‘little hedge’, you just don’t get it.”
Em’s teasingly pouty expression made her partner scream internally, as did Em’s finger which was now drawing slow circles onto the pink fabric which clothed her stomach. Uyu tried not to sound panicked as she continued.
“So…can you help me to understand what you mean by that, then? Don’t keep me in the dark on this, elaborate please.”
Em chuckled, “Sugar wants to understand the art of manipulation better?”
“Uh- I mean…I guess that’s kind of what I’m asking for, isn’t it? What exactly do you think I should be doing better?”
“Well, if you really want to know-here’s what I think.” Em pulled back slightly to start playing with those long blond locks which belonged to the other performer. “To them, you’re innocence. To them, you’re a sleazy lady, but a lady none the less. Your appeal lies in the idea that those dirty fools can all strip those sweet titles from you with their grubby hands.”
Uyu gave a funny mix between a dramatic frown and grimace. “Ew.”
“Hah- but do you see how that ends up working out? On the other end of the spectrum is where I sit, so the pieces fit together like this. My appeal is that I’m their match, and yours is that you’re everything they’re not. This makes them hungry to taint you, while for me they’re worked up at the thought I’ll play ball with them. Get it? Tease them with that fact about you, but never let them have the satisfaction of blackening any of your white feathers. It’ll keep them coming like the idiots they all are, and as you pose no threat being a small female I see them all talking easy peasy~”
Uyu shuddered uncomfortably, “Ugh, that feels gross to play along with.”
“It’s just a performance remember? I thought you’d get that, and you’re definitely some kind of saint compared to them so it won’t be too hard if you get the guts. Think you could go gun down a man with that pistol you carry around right now?”
“Yeah, or maybe go rob the local bank and load up on whatever is in their vaults? Or maybe catcall me or Zen?”
“See? Everything they’re not around here and maybe then some.”
Em then released her, coming around to face her front. Her grin was mischievous.
“So go on then, see yourself as a shiny prize but don’t act high and mighty about it. Let’s practice. Pretend I’m an old fat bastard drooling over you here rather than spending time with my wife and kids. Get me to empty the money I should spend on feeding my family on beer, and get me to open my big mouth about how I actually am having a gay love affair with the sherif.”
“The sherif?!”
“Shhh, pretend!”
“Wait but if you’re gay, are you really all that interested in me? Or in your own wife for that matter-”
“You’re missing the point here- this dude just likes everyone ok? He’d even stick it in a cactus, and don’t comment on that either.”
“Right…Uhm ok-”
“So what’s your first move going to be with me after you finish a song?”
Uyu paused to ponder on that question before replying, mostly to use as breather due to the awkwardness of the situation. Her smiles were laced with anxiety.
“I’m going to seductively walk my way over to you… and then pretend I care about you specifically, despite the fact that I’ve got a hundred other customers to flirt with too and I’m being payed to do this.”
“Yes, now that sounds like the game we play! Make me feel like I’m the only person in the room. Trick me into thinking I’m a special somebody deserving of your attention. Go on and try it, sweetheart.”
Taking a few steps back until she reached the set piece chaise lounge, Em waited on Uyu for her next move. She sat with a wide man spread, putting on her thickest town accent she loved to poke fun, joking around some to set the scene and establish a character.
“Oh man! I’m so werked up, I’m tweakin' like em raccoons in the back of this establishment on trash day! It’s been a whole eighteen hours since I last screwed with someone, that being our finger lickin' good sheriff-”
Damn near loosing composure and the ability to seriously continue, Uyu pantomimed writing a letter. “I’ve heard every vital piece of information I needed without even working at it. Time to report this word for word back to the boss.”
And only after a few more giggles were exchanged did Em drop the accent, straightening herself up. Uyu cleared her throat and followed suit.
“Nerves shrunken up now? Don’t think I can’t see how stiff you are. I hope you realize just how foolish this game we play is overall as we practice for real this time. Give me all you’ve got, Uyu baby.”
Taking a deep breath while ignoring the flush which that nickname brought to her cheeks, she worked up the courage to try her idea for a plan of attack. She wanted to push her limits by playing a card usually off limits for her as she never liked to invite physical contact. “Do I have your permission to-”
“Don’t ask me for permission, just do it. If this were an actual client, you’d just have to stroll right up to him.”
“Right….Uhm- here goes nothing then?”
Sending all of her worries off on a train to a different part of her subconscious so that she could dismiss them best she could, Uyu tried her best to get into character. With the closing and then reopening of her eyes, coupled with a moment to breathe in, it was mission to go time. Like a sweet and slightly awkward lynx, she approached her current target with a walk Zen drilled into her head, hip movements exaggerated and her posture straighter than usual. It was nothing cartoonish, but seriously , no one really walked this way did they? It was hard not to feel ridiculous, but acting is all about silencing your screaming brain telling you you’re making a fool out of yourself for not following your normal social cues and patterns.
Next came the narrower doe eyes and the sweet batting of the lashes in Em’s direction, her gaze never leaving the lady’s which sat upon their set piece. She practiced this look in the mirror far too often to ensure she never came across as idiotic, but it was certainly difficult not to worry that right now she wasn’t nailing the expression as planned.
Uyu secretly wished to win some shock out of Em by pushing her own boundaries like this as she then plopped down in her lap, facing her sitting sideways by twisting. She reached out to toy with an outfit accent in the middle of Em’s chest, but drew back before having a chance to fiddle with the piece.
“Now now, bravery is the key here darling. Bring that hand back where you meant to place it.”
And with that command, Uyu listening, toying with the expensive brooch’s pearls. Em then placed a hand on one of her hips as if to either stabilize her in her position, or to add to her part in this production further.
“So, you prefer taking orders from others as opposed to listening to your own ideas, huh little floozy?”
Uyu pressed their chests together slightly, hoping the other could not feel the nervous and fearful drumming of her heart. And if she wasn’t so caught up in her act, she may have noticed the new shade that which adorned Em’s face.
“Well- I’m always worrying about our guests, you see. What if what I was about to do made you uncomfortable?”
She allowed her nerves to shine through as part of her character with a little spin on how she actually felt.
“Oh, I would have made it clear that I was uncomfortable starting when you took this seat. A pretty lady’s hands on me is always welcome.”
Uyu let out a fake giggle, “why thank you for the compliment. Glad to know I’m not a bother then~.”
“You a bother? Never. Those hands can wander wherever they like, although they might only end up making me a different kind of bothered.” Em then solidified her nasty joke with a wink.
Pretending this was a real situation, to neither offend nor instigate, Uyu played it off with more false laughter, as if she was amused rather than grossed out. She then allowed her arms to wrap around the back of Em’s neck as she snuggled closer, solidifying her place as the lap dog you enjoy attention from but pay no attention to.
It felt easier to slip into character with this scene partner as she could trust that they’d never beg for more than just a fun chitchat. Convincing scoundrels, highups and hooligans that you were attracted to them was a dangerous gamble, and you never knew which fool would come around and act entitled to more. Playing it off as goofing around with a friend made it easier to try, but would something like this really help rid her of the anxiety that came with dealing with a real client? The only real way to be sure was to keep the scene going.
“Do you feel confident enough to try this with a guest now?”
“Not really.”
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
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"Ya know... I reckon, I know now. What... my favorite flower is. Do ya remember how I never gave ya a proper answer to that?" Chaewon murmured into the curly golden locks of the young woman pressed up tightly to her chest, her rough voice emanating with such foreign gentleness, she almost couldn't recognize herself. Oh, how she wished she could protect her dear friend from all the ugly and cruel things in this rotten world by simply holding onto her like this and letting her shed her tears freely into the thin fabric of her shirt.
"I reckon... I love wildflowers best of all. Ya know why, sunshine? They may be small 'n frail at first glance... But, they grow wherever they want to, scorchin' sun or whippin' winds be damned. They don't need anyone to fret over their every need. And no matter what anyone might try and do to put an end to their tiny blooms... their seeds will blow in the wind, findin' a new place to try again, leavin' something beautiful for us common folk to look at in the middle of the dry desert. 'Guess... I like wildflowers 'cause they remind me of you, Rika."
Some soft cowgirls for @marshmallowprotection 's wonderful cowboy au! Reading the first chapter of Rika's side story made me feel so utterly heartbroken for her... So, what better way to fix this than to give her a strong and tall cowgirl that is rough around the edges but secretly has a heart of gold? I always wanted to put Chaewon into the cowboy universe, but since we had so little info on Rika's backstory 'till now, it was difficult for me to do. Which is why I'm so excited to read this new story!
It's going to be painful to imagine how their fleeting romance will have to come to its inevitable and tragic end... But, that doesn't mean that what they shared between themselves did not make a difference to these two lost wildflowers in the middle of this hot and sandy town.
Make sure to go ahead and check out Wildflowers, it's really amazing and will definitely take your breath away with its play on our mysterious and complicated Rika Kim!
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olive-wolive · 1 year
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I will be listing the fandoms I write for and the main characters that I focus on. I may add more in the future as I tend to get easily attached to characters. THIS TOOK FOREVER!!!!!! You can request <3 from the list or if you think I may know a character I can be willing to do it
Persona 5
Persona 4
Persona 3
Genshin Impact
Kingdom Hearts
One Punch Man
Oshi No Ko
Stranger Things
Our Life(coveeee<3)
Demon Slayer
Mystic Messenger
Fruits Basket
Re: Zero − Starting Life in Another World
Honkai Starrail
Assassination Classroom
Cowboy Bepop
Saiki K
Death Note
Red Dead Redemption 2
Life Is Strange
Komi Can't Communicate
Tokyo Ghoul
Lollipop Chainsaw
Chainsaw Man As for characters
Saki(you know by the name)
Ryuji(persona 5)
Kanji(persona 4)
Denji(chainsaw man)
Power(chainsaw man)
Aki(chainsaw man)
Chie(persona 4)
Ai(persona 4)
Ren(persona 5)
Goro Akechi(persona 5)
Yusuke(persona 5)
Yosuke)persona 4)
Sae(persona 5)
Shiho(persona 5)
Ann(persona 5)
Makoto(persona 5)
Rise(persona 4)
Yukiko(persona 4)
Marie(persona 4)
Aigis(persona 3)
Akihiko(persona 3)
Junpei(persona 3)
Shinjiro(persona 3)
Makoto(persona 3)
Haru(persona 5)
Spike(Cowboy bebop)
Naoto(persona 4)
Yu (persona 4)
Eddie(Stranger things)
Steve(stranger things)
Zen(mystic messenger)
707(mystic messenger)
Saeran(mystic messenger)
Jumin(mystic messenger)
Cove(our life)
Chole(life is strange)
Light (death note)
L(death note)
Najimi(komi cant communicate)
Tadano(komi cant communicate)
Arthur Morgan(red dead 2)
Jing Yuan(honkai star rail)
Dang Heng(honkai star rail)
Bronya(honkai star rail)
Gepard(honkai star rail)
Himeko(honkai star rail)
March 7th(honkai star rail)
Natasha(honkai star rail)
Sampo(honkai star rail)
Welt(honkai star rail)
Caelus(honkai star rail)
Yanqing(honkai star rail)
Serval(honkai star rail)
Yae Miko(genshinimpact)(mommy)
Juliet(lollipop chainsaw)
Nick(lollipop chainsaw)
Mariska(lollipop chainsaw)
Swan(lollipop chainsaw) (what he's hot)
Sora(kingdom hearts)
Namine(kingdom hearts)
Riku(kingdom hearts)
Aqua(oshi no ko)
Tanjiro(demon slayer)
Giyu(demon slayer)
Inosuke(demon slayer)
Obanai(demon slayer)
Tengen(demon slayer)
Mitsuri(demon slayer)
Akaza(demon slayer)
Kyojuro(demon slayer)
Zenitsu(demon slayer)
All Might(MHA)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic(one-punch)
Ken(tokyo ghoul)
Adrian Chase(peace maker)
Bye bye!
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 3 years
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Idk when I’ll get to finish and colour this so have it now
cereus!mirae is probably as affectionate as she can get away with after the events of the first story
AU by @marshmallowprotection​
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marmar-shii · 3 years
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this is the stupidest thing i've ever done
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well-look-at-this · 4 years
fl. bonds of affection ; you will always be beautiful to me
also known as gillyflower, tenweeks, hoary, brompton, or vintage stock
ft. v AE saeran ; reader is mc
an. i will never be happy with v’s route bc of the total disregard shown to ray’s feelings(v i still give u uwus even tho u made some bad calls). additionally the ae is horribly biased towards the obviously wrong choice of disregarding everything rika did mental illness or not(please do not jump to the conclusion i am ignorant to the significance of mental illness but rika is beyond mere clouded judgment). v route saeran deserved more than this. ;-;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
jihyun’s surprise revealing of saeran had brought little less than wholehearted sobs to your body. the desperate cries of seven doing little to easy the surreal situation.
you remembered everything.
receiving that final call, seeing the true intention of it before it was even halfway finished. running tirelessly through the woods covering the mic to disguise your heavy breathing and countless falls that caused numerous stinging lacerations, all unnoticed as you desperately clung to every word ray conveyed to you through the phone. only to arrive to magenta desperate and aching as ray said his final good-bye you crying out only to be met with a dead line and the image of the massive building bursting into flames in a large blast.
your ceaseless cries drowned out in the roaring flames not even stopping when seven and vanderwood had arrived to drag you back to the cabin unable to speak upon arrival from your severely abused vocal cords. mourning had not been a kind process and even less kind was the grating smiles you were forced to deliver to seven’s clueless form.
to see a person whomst you have spent numerous hours replaying the audio formatted suicide note of and losing sleep lest you close your eyes and be greeted by the view of treacherous flames of their demise was enough to send someone over the edge.
in a way you supposed it did, a small laugh slipping from your lips as you stride across the room. seven was quick to read the dissociative look on your face and stepped away from his brother leaving you to make direct eye contact with a color you never thought you’d see again despite the mindless mixing of paints you’d desperately attempted.
“...ray?” your voice was small as if any noise would break the fragile reality in which you’d been placed. ray, now saeran, swiftly avoids your gaze turning his head so that his left side was promptly obscured from view. your name falls from his lips timidly as he finally meets your gaze although still turned away. your hands shake violently as you reach for his face though your right hand never reaches its destination and is instead caught in saeran’s cold grasp.
“it’s better if you don’t… i was never much but…” his voice is small and you tentatively pull your wrist from him only to place it on the now marred skin and turn him to look at you full in the face as he winces eyes closed in fear of your disapproval.
“ray… saeran… you will always be beautiful to me…” your voice wavers and tears spill in fresh waves. his eyes fly open in wonder to be met with your ardent tear stained smile.
he really was so beautiful.
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aftergiow · 3 years
Very specific mystic messenger headcanons:
What is each character's favorite Taylor Swift album?
Reputation stan
Loves Taylor's portrayal of finding true love in the middle of chaos. Your lover being the only one who truly knows you, and that's all that matters at the end of the day
Favorite bad bitch moment song will be I Did Something Bad, favorite soft song would be Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Has watched the Reputation Stadium Tour Live Show a million times
Cries to New Year's Day
Favorite lyric: "Flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes / even in my worst lies, you saw the truth of me / and I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side / my one and only, my lifeline"
Lover enjoyer, probably would have Folklore as his second favorite
We know Saeran loves love; he finds comfort on Lover because of Taylor's depiction of the said topic. Love isn't perfect, but it's one of the strongest forces out there
Also loves Folklore because it feels very innocent, fresh but warm, like a hot summer night. It despicts themes of regret, the naivety of being young, passion, love, and the fear of not being enough, which he can relate to
Favorite songs would be The Archer (A Ray Anthem™️), Cornelia Street and Seven
Favorite lyric: "All the king's horses, all the king's men / couldn't put me together again / 'cause all of my enemies started out friends / help me hold on to you"
Fearless (Taylor's Version) stannie
Loves the portrayal of young love, first time experiences, the heartbreak, passion and intensity you feel when you're young
Thinks of V when listening to Breathe
Favorite song would be Fearless, he loves the depiction of risking everything for the one you love because you don't have any fears when you're with them
A close second choice would be You Belong With Me, he has definitely screamed it at the top of his lungs on his room before
The Other Side Of The Door Enthusiast™️
Daydreams about having a fight with his lover and then reconciling with a kiss in the rain
Favorite lyric: "You pull me in and I'm a little more brave / it's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something / it's fearless"
Jaehee is an Evermore person, this isn't up for debate
Which is gayer: whatever Taylor has going on on Evermore or Jaehee
Loves this album specifically because it makes her feel warm, like drinking a nice cup of coffee on a chilly fall evening
Appreciates the songwriting
Favorite songs are Ivy, Cowboy Like Me
Her favorite non-evermore song would be Wonderland
She also loves No Body No Crime because she, too, has fantasized about k*ll*ng men before
Favorite lyric: "I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones / in a faith-forgotten land"
Probably loves Folklore because Taylor uses smart words that no other person in the RFA understands except for him
Maybe it is hard for him to relate to most of her lyrics but he still finds interest on her songwriting. Loves analyzing the lyrics
Does the August tiktok dance
Favorite songs would be The Lakes and Hoax
Favorite song outside of Folklore would be False God, loves the instrumentals on that one
Favorite lyric: "A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it / while I bathe in cliffside pools / with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief"
1989 stannie, pop music enjoyer. Reputation is a close second on his ranking
Appreciates the songwriting but goes insane for the simple things in life, like Blank Space and Shake It Off
You Are In Love is one of his favorite love songs ever
Favorite songs would be Wildest Dreams and I Know Places
He also loves Welcome to New York. He hasn't been there yet but he has a romanticized version of New York on his head because of how Taylor talks so passionately about the city
From Reputation, King Of My Heart is his jam
Favorite lyric: "Like any great love, it keeps you guessing / like any real love, it's ever-changing / like any true love, it drives you crazy, but you know you wouldn't change anything"
Taylor literally wrote Red (Taylor's Version) for him and him only
Gets chills whenever he listens to All Too Well
Will never recover from All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (don't worry buddy, me neither)
Constant Pain And Suffering™️
His favorite song from red would be All Too Well (obviously) and Sad Beautiful Tragic
Outside of Red, his favorite songs would be Mirrorball and Afterglow
Favorite lyric: "'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night / we're dancing ‘round the kitchen in the refrigerator light"
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dailysaeran · 3 years
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Today I give you: cowboy Saeran and Sunset as Cereus from @marshmallowprotection's cowboy AU fic. Tomorrow? Who knows
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sapphireicecream · 3 years
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COWBOYS (Part 1/3)
Cowboy Saeran, a little fanart for the lovely Lilacnightmares~ ✨💙😚✌️🥰🤠👢
Read “Cereus” by @marshmallowprotection to learn more about her awesome twist to this charming fellow~ ✨💙😘😉
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libra-kirishima · 3 years
hi, I know that requests are closed but I couldn't find a list of fandoms 📋to request from when they're open again!
Anon I'm so glad you asked because this ask encouraged me to rethink my content and write & post more! This will be expanded upon as I'm exposed to new media and hyperfixate on new things.
𝓛𝓲𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶𝓼
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My Hero Academia
The primary fandom I write for on this blog
The only characters I know I can't write for are Endeavor, Overhaul, and Monoma.
Any other character, if I haven't written for them before just ask.
Favorite characters to write for: Togata Mirio, Nejire Hadou, Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou
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Cowboy Bebop
The only character I can't write for is Vicious
Ed is a child so I'll only write platonic or familial relationships with her.
Favorite Characters to write for: Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine
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Mystic Messenger
I'll write for all characters
I'm a filthy Rika sympathizer so if you request for her I will kiss you.
I'm also a sucker for GE Saeran and I'll kiss you if you request for him too
Favorite characters to write for: Jumin Han, Rika, Saeran Choi (any version of him but I specifically have a soft spot for good ending Saeran), Jihyun Kim/V, Zen
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Ace Attorney
Another one where I could probably write for every character
I've played the original trilogy and all of the Apollo Justice games so I can write for characters from both
Favorite Characters to write for: Phoenix Wright (especially college Phoenix), Apollo Justice, Mia Fey
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marshmallowprotection · 10 months
you got me thinking about cowboy au V too much my brain cant handle it 🫠
The last time you saw him, you dressed his wounds day in and day out, and kept a smile on your face despite how extension the damage to his back was. You didn't want him to feel like he was powerless at that moment, even though he had been the most powerless he’d ever been in his entire life the day of the accident. 
It wasn't his fault criminals burned his house to the ground, nor was it his fault the fire had already surrounded him by the time he woke up in the dead of night! It singed his very soul as he tried to escape, and despite how much pain he was in, the one thing that he kept asking for when he became lucid was his mother. 
Nobody had the heart to tell him what happened to her in the fire... not until after you left the town to advance your studies in medicine.
She sacrificed her life to save him that night.
It was an act of love nobody would ever be able to erase.
You tended to him just as that woman would have wanted you to when you were barely older than he was at the time. You were just children at the time, not much older than twelve, and all the same, you wanted to save his life because he was a kid who treated you with a smile every time you saw his face.
Being the only child of the town's doctor was awfully lonely, but you wanted to follow that career to make sure smiles like his would never disappear. Your father tried everything he could to save his mother in the dead of night, but the wounds were too much... too grave... and it was over before he could mend anything. You... spent hours cleaning his charred skin during that time. You prayed they would come out of the other side together... but they didn't.
You stayed by his side throughout his recovery process just to make things easier on your father's work in town. You got to know him in a way that not many people did, and whenever you felt any doubt in yourself, Jumin Han was there to place a hand on your shoulder and let you know it was going to be okay. 
He didn't suffer alone, there was always someone there with him throughout the process. That wasn't normal in your profession, but you wanted it to be.
That's why as much as it pained you to leave your small town when you did, you knew it would be worth it in the long run, because the more you learned about medicine, the better your chances would be at helping people like him and his mother from an untimely end. 
He was your first patient and the one who radicalized you the most in your humanity.
You wanted nothing more than to make sure his suffering wouldn't last for long if you could do anything about it with your knowledge. You felt much better about that sentiment now in your life, but as you watched the train move on the track and bring you to more familiar scenery of your childhood, the only thing you could think about was the knot in your throat.
You hadn't seen him in years and the idea of seeing him exhilarated and terrified you. 
What would you say?
What would you do?
With a heavy heart, you looked down at the faded photograph from the last day you were with him and Jumin. Jumin had a stern face, one that could last the time it took for a camera to process a photo, Jihyun had a nervous smile on his face that didn’t waver for as long as it took the shutter to develop… and you? You had your eyes turned in his direction, a gentle look in your eyes as your hand steadied him on his feet. 
You had it bad for him, didn't you?
"Jihyun, I reckon I have to be brave today... not the kind of brave that makes me fit for a doctor who ain't scared of no blood, but the kind n' brave that'd make me face you without gettin' tonguetied. I hope yer' ready for a blast from yer' past... our past. Jumin said ya' were doin' good... but I can't wait to see myself."
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Mystic Messenger x Taylor Swift
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Fics inspired by Taylor Swift songs (NOT songfics)
the 1 - V
cardigan - Zen
the last great (american) dynasty - Jumin
exile - Seven x MC x Jumin
my tears ricochet - Seven
mirrorball - Saeran
seven - Jaehee
august - Yoosung
this is me trying - Jaehee
illicit affairs - Zen
invisible string - Yoosung
mad woman - Jumin (part two)
epiphany - Yoosung
betty - Seven
peace - V
hoax - Saeran
willow - Seven
champagne problems - Yoosung (part 2)
gold rush - Zen
‘tis the damn season - Saeran
tolerate it - Jaehee
no body, no crime - Vanderwood
happiness - V
dorothea - Zen
coney island - Jaehee
ivy - Saeran x MC x Jumin
cowboy like me - Vanderwood
long story short - V
marjorie - Jumin
closure - Yoosung
evermore - Jumin x MC x Seven
“Bonus Tracks”
tolerate it - Seven
MC is the in-universe Taylor Swift — all characters but Vanderwood (headcannons)
Mysme characters as T Swift songs
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bluecrayolapony · 4 years
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When will I return to draw ponies? I really don’t know I am not drawing for a long time also but today’s a special day so I had to draw something! So today’s one of my friend’s b-day and he LOVES Saeran from Mystic Messenger and recently he’s into cowboy stuff a lot too so I thought drawing Saeran as a cowboy might be a good b-day present for him! So yeah here it is! 
Also I’ll probably draw ponies in a near time because I KINDA MISSED MY GIRL AND BOYS so yeah.. I don’t know when but STAY TUNED! 
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evieonic · 4 years
Ships! (UPDATED: 7/13/2021)
THere’s my lovely ship list categorized alphabetically by fandom. I have multiships in some of these fandoms, just so you know and if a ship you like isn’t on here, it could just be because I’m not very familiar with the ship but you can still request it if it’s not listed. I’ll let you know if it’s a ship that i just... ehe >~< isn’t my cup of tea and can’t doing anything for you. 
Ships in Bold are my ultimate OTPS. Non bold ships are ships that I still adore but may not love as much as the bold ones, but that’s okay, you can still request XD
NOTE: If you want a ship to change to where it’s trans x trans or cis x trans or anything lgbtq related, I’m fine doing prompts and stuff like that, I’m all for it BUT if you want me to change ships for transphobic/homophobic reasons, I won’t do it. Example, if you want me to change Dazai x Chuuya to cis female Chuuya x Dazai, I won’t do that because that’s kind of homophobic. That also applies to characters who are canonically gay and canonically trans. If you want me to detransition a trans character for a comfort reason or anything like that, I can do that because detransitioning does happen and is 100% valid so I’ll do that but not for any transphobic reasons.
A:   Angel Beats! 
Yuzuru x Kanade, Yuzuru x Hinata, Hinata x Yui, Yuzuru x Naoi, Yuzuru x Naoi x Hinata
     The Arcana: A Mystic Romance 
Nadia x Portia
     Angels Of Death
No Specific Ship
     Assassin’s Creed 1 & 2
No Specific Ship
      Attack On Titan
Levi x Eren, Levi x Erwin, Levi x Eren x Erwin, Eren x Jean.
B:   Boku No Hero Academia 
Deku x Bakugou, Todoroki x Deku, Deku x Iida, Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Bakugou x Deku, Shinsou x Denki, Momo x Jirou, Tsuyu x Uraraka, EraserHead x Present Mic.
      Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai x Chuuya, Atsushi x Akutagawa, Ranpo x Poe, Yosano x Kouyou, Mori x Fukuzawa.
     Bee & Puppycat
No Specific Ship
     Banana Fish
Ash x Eiji
    Black Butler
Sebastian x Grell (Note: Not a lot of people know this but Grell is a transwoman, so if you request this ship, it’s going to be a straight ship pairing. I can do male x male but only if detransitizan is a specific request from you for comfort reasons or any other reason that is not transphobic.) Alois x Ciel.
C:   Camp Camp
Max x Nikki
      Cowboy Bebop
No Specific Ship
     Detroit: Become Human
No Specific Ship
F:   Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited
Daisuke x Haru, Suzue x Myself (She is my wife, go away)
      Fire Emblem: Fates/Three Houses/Awakening
(Fates) Ryouma x Xander, Takumi x Leon, Perri x Jakob
(Three Houses) Dimitri x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, Dimitri x Fem or Male! Byleth
(Awakening) Chrom x Fem or Male! Robin, Frederick x Fem or Male! Robin, Chrom x Frederick x Fem or Male! Robin
     Fallout 3 & 4
No Specific Ship 
     Fairy Tail
Natsu x Lucy, Natsu x Gray, Gajeel x Levy, Jaleel x Erza, Rogue x Sting
G:   Genshin Impact
Childe x Zhongli, Venti x Xiao, Kaeya x Dainsleif, Beidou x Ningguang, Beidou x Ganyu, Bennett x Razor, Chongyun x Xingqiu, Kaeya x Albedo, Kaeya x Childe, Childe x Diluc, Diluc x Kaeya, Diluc x Zhongli, Diluc/Childe/Kaeya/Zhongli/Baizhu, Zhongli x Baizhu, Amber x Eula, Ganyu x Keqing, Ganyu x Beidou, Beidou/Ningguang/Ganyu, Albedo x Subject Two.
H:    Hetalia
America x Russia, Russia x China, France x England, FACE Family (France and England as dads, America and Canada as their sons and are brothers), Prussia x Austria, Austria x Hungary, Germany x Italy, Spain x Romano. 2P!Prussia x 2P!England
I:      Identity V
Aesop Carl x Wu Chang (Fan Wujie & Xie Bi’an), Aesop Carl x Xie Bi’an
J:    Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuuji x Megumi, Yuuji x Sukuna (with Yuuji aged up of course), Nobara x Maki
L:    Legend of Zelda series
Zelda/Tetra/Shiek x Link
M:   Mystic Messenger
Saeyoung x Yoosung, Jumin x Zen, Saeyoung x Jumin, Saeran x V, Vanderwood x Saeyoung, Jaehee x MC
      Miraculous Ladybug 
Fem or Male! Ladybug/Marionette x Fem or Male! Chat Noir/Adrian, Luka x Adrian, Kagami x Marionette, Marc x Nathaniel, Rose x Juleka.
N:    No Game No Life
No Specific Ship
O:    One Piece
Nami x Luffy, Luffy x Zoro, Luffy x Sanji x Zoro, Zoro x Sanji, Crocodile x Doflamingo.
P:     Pokemon Sun & Moon
Hau x Gladion
R:    Rune Factory 4
Doug x Dylas
        Resident Evil 8: Village
Chris Redfield x Ethan Winters, Lady Dimitrescu x Reader, Bela x Reader, Cassandra x Reader, Daniela x Reader, Heisenberg x Reader, Donna Beneviento x Reader.
S:    Soul Eater
Soul x Maka, Black Star x Tsunami, DTK x Crona
       Steven Universe
Steven x Connie, Ruby x Sapphire, Lapis x Peridot.
      South Park
Kyle x Cartman, Kyle x Stan, Kenny x Kyle, Kenny x Stan
      Sk8: The Infinity
Langa x Reki, Joe x Cherry, Adam x Tadashi
      Stella Glow
Dante x Alto, Popo x Ewan, Alto/Elcrest x Klaus, Alto/Elcrest x Klaus x Dante, Klaus x Rusty.
T:     Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Hanako x Nene, Kou x Mitsuba
V:     Valkyria Chronicles 4
Raz x Claude, Claude x Riley, Kai x Raz
W:    Wolf Girl and The Black Prince
No Specific Ship
X:     Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Rex x Pyra, Zeke x Pandoria, Morag x Brighid, Jin x Lora, Mikhail x Minoth (*sobs*)
Y:     Yuri On Ice!!!
Yuuri x Victor, Yuri x Otabek
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 3 years
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wouldn't want to be at the end of his gun when he looks like this😬
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Cereus by @marshmallowprotection
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