#daily saeran
dailysaeran · 2 days
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Grumpy little flower man from 2022
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lovers-lake · 5 months
Day 3's f/o is Unknown
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condemnedtranscendant · 8 months
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day 21
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cheritzteam · 4 months
[Mystic Messenger] Two Brothers Who Resemble a Refreshing Summer 🍉, Twins’ Birthday Event Announcement 
Hello, it’s Cheritz.
Coordinator, did you spend a long-awaited vacation together like the members, have a fun and happy May?
May has passed and we got closer to halfway of the year, the month of June.
The fact that we are already halfway through 2024 makes it feel like time flies so quickly.
These days, we can feel that summer is quickly approaching as we see the longer days and green leaves on the roadside. 🏖
Around this time before the real heat sets in! 
The birthdays of two men who resemble summer is also coming back ~ 😎
June 11th is the Twins’ Birthday!
You’re saying, you’re looking forward to what kind of event is prepared for the twins’ birthday this year?
Then, please check below for more details~ 😉
< ① Twins’ Birthday Event >
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707 & Saeran who have a birthday full of celebrations every year !
On their birthday this year, they said they want to repay those feelings in a special way.
So, they are preparing a special surprise event for the Coordinator 🤐
(Coordinator, you will also pretend not to know for the sake of the twin brothers who are working hard to prepare, right ?)
Photos of the happy times you spent together will also be released. So please wait a little bit 📸
Also on the Twins’ birthday, we will be having a repost event on X.
To the Coordinators that reposted we will be having a raffle and giving out 50 hourglasses​⌛♥ (15 participants)
There’s more! There is also a Bonus Event to celebrate the Twins’ birthday!
Using hashtags ​#Happy_BDay_707 #Happy_BDay_Saeran congratulate their birthday
and don’t miss out on the 50 hourglasses​⌛ we will be giving out through a raffle♥ (15 participants)
Lastly, To celebrate their birthday, a discount event on the twins related goods will be held
For those of you who were hesitant to make a purchase, please★ take advantage of this opportunity! 
Cheritz Market Discount Period : June 5th(Wed) 2PM ~ June 12th(Wed) 2PM 
< ② In-Game Login Event >
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Please access the game during the event period below, enjoy the game with the title image celebrating the Twins’ birthday, and celebrate their birthday as well🎉
Also, don’t miss out on the Twins’ birthday celebration login rewards!
Title Image Period : June 5th(Wed) ~ June 18th(Tues)
Twin’s Birthday Celebration Login Reward : June 10th(Mon) ~ June 13th(Thurs)
Did you receive the June event news we prepared?
We would like to bow our heads in gratitude in advance to the Coordinators who will participate in the birthday celebration event with the Twins.
Just like the warm weather, Coordinator we hope your daily life is filled with warmth and happiness!
Thank you!
Sincerely, Cheritz
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
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[Twitter Link]
I consider this a major victory. I am now living my best life while the RFA tends to us and we got an Elizabeth the 3rd cameo!
Zen gets the chance to live his Cinderella dream, Yoosung just realized he needs to watch his step, Jumin isn't having a good time cleaning the floor since he just realized how long it takes, Jaehee is having the time of her life styling out MC's hair, Jihyun is unbothered and content doing laundry for MC, Saeyoung is absolutely thriving in sheer gender euphoria, and Saeran seems so happy to tend to the daily chores to make the space clean and tidy for MC!
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natasha-in-space · 7 months
Yk one time i came across this reddit post (which i had eventually came across multiple times) and there the op talks about her now husband whom she has always known to be very logical cold stoic and unemotional.
But on the day of their marriage he was the most soppiest person she had ever seen, he cried alot (happy tears ofc) and his gestures were very heart melting.
Whenever i remember that post i think of jumin. I cant help but think it is so jumin like oh god.
Hmm, I see your point, but Jumin is very far from stoic and unemotional when it comes to his MC, actually! :D He's honestly almost on par with GE Saeran with just how openly doting and affectionate he really is with you. I mean, here's a lovely compilation of him being all lovey-dovey with you. Openly and proudly. Keep in mind, this is in chats, and this is in his route. This is not from calls where you can be more romantic with every member, nor is this from his after ending or Valentines dlc where they are all lovey-dovey in some capacity, since you are already in an established relationship. No, this is Jumin in the chatrooms:
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Jumin is stupidly adoring with his MC. He doesn't hide his affections, almost to a fault. I mean, he kisses you right in front of Sarah! Sure, a part of him did it to prove a point, but he openly expresses that he wanted to do it. He just goes for it.
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Jumin has a lot of love and affection to give once he finds someone who he feels safe to give it to. It's honestly not surprising, and it's the same situation as is with Saeran. When you grow up without much love given, once you get an opportunity to share it with someone who you feel safe and happy with... you will do so tenfold. Off topic, but that's why I adore his friendship with Saeran so much! They have quite a lot in common.
Jumin will get emotional on your wedding day, there is no doubt about it. But he makes sure that you feel loved by him on every other day of your shared lives as well. Remember, Jumin believes in expressing his feelings to his loved ones daily, not just on special events.
In other words: Jumin is an affectionate sweetheart, and he's not ashamed to show it!
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mxsticmess · 6 months
se saeran is such a comfort character to me esp in fanfics where his daily struggles r shown like!! yes i feel bad and mentally ill and like everything’s falling apart but this guy went through some shit and got through it and i think he’s pretty cool
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nonmurdery · 3 months
suit saeran + reader | oneshot
summary: reader deals with the aftermath of saeran’s bad ending 2.
author’s note: hello! this is my first time posting my writing on tumblr. i recently got back into mystic messenger thanks to @cvhenia and fell hopelessly back in love with these pixel arrangements. i’m already thinking of writing a pt.2 for this.
trigger warnings: verbal abuse, starvation, suicidal thoughts
word count: 1,482
This is Reader’s doing. Isn’t it? At least, that’s what Saeran’s been telling them for the past forty-nine days. Forty-nine days. That's how long he has spent delighting in their misery. It's been fifty-eight days since their arrival to Mint Eye, nearly two months.
“…Ugh. I suppose you’ve earned something to eat, moron.” He sauntered over to the single pedestal table in the middle of their room. Along with the black vase with its assortment of flowers, there was a platter of sandwiches. Two pale pink wingback chairs flanked the table, one with a decorative square pillow. Reader has grown weary of the shade; that same pink occupied their blanket and pillowcases. They bit back any comments about how it sickened them—it made sense that Saeran would change their ivory walls and curtains to pink in order to torment them further.
They were sitting on their knees, on the mattress where they spent most of their days. Reader toyed with the hem of their dress, the same dress Saeran kept them in. Once, they might’ve thought the flower patterns and vine embroidery across the blackness of the smooth fabric was beautiful. Now, the dress was a tragedy.
At least Saeran dressed in the same well-tailored suit that hugged his body. Reader redirected their attention to the rain lashing the windows. They imagined hanging out in it with old friends. A ghost of a smile graced their lips imagining the scene: Yoosung slipping in a puddle and dragging Saeyoung down with him, Jaehee suppressing laughter, Zen’s mocking smirk, and Jumin hiding away under an umbrella.
It's difficult to picture what they're doing right now. Hopefully not locked away in a tower like the Brothers Grimm’s Rapunzel with her long, gold tresses.
They imagined Zen to be the one clad in prince’s attire and chanting: “Reader, Reader, let down your hair!” from below. He'd make a great fairy tale prince. They pictured him beaming at their comparison.
With the rain, Reader’s mind became flooded with thoughts of their kind-hearted Ray. They'd kiss him as rain beat down on the two. Reader regretted not kissing them harder in the secluded garden. Their daydreams went up in smoke with the loud click of Saeran's tongue.
“Are you deaf? Or do you just lack the brain cells to understand me?” Saeran's mouth slid into a lopsided grin.
Reader's eyes roved freely over his figure. He lifted a brow and moved into one of the seats, his movements perfectly feline. Saeran picked up one of the little finger sandwiches off its silver platter and bit into it, chewing slowly. “See? it’s not poisonous.” Not that I'd waste poison on you, he failed to add.
They’ve trusted him before, only to get their gifts ripped from them. Reader didn’t remember when they started thinking of food as a gift … Maybe when it became a rare delicacy. Saeran’s cruelty seemingly knew no bounds. They only wondered when he'd get a partner to spite them. They’ve lost a dangerous amount of weight in their time at mint eye. Reader has started to lose other things, too.
Small things, mostly. Such as autonomy, freedom, access to daily showers, and the RFA. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t lost great things—take afternoon walks and cold lemonade in the summertime for example.
“Ask: ‘Saeran, may I please eat lunch with you?’”
When they went to speak, their tongue felt leaden. Despite this they asked: “Saeran, may I please eat lunch with you?”
Reader’s voice cracked right in the middle of their sentence.
That fiendish smile on his moon-white face grew. “You may, Reader.” He watched as they reluctantly left their spot on the mattress and sat in the other chair.
Saeran’s minty blue eyes filled with amusement. He propped his cheek with a spare hand and his snow-white hair shifted, the frosted pink edges falling over one eye. It was difficult to imagine him with crimson hair and honey-colored eyes like his twin, Saeyoung. They gingerly reached for one of the small sandwiches and picked it up. Seconds later, they wolfed down the entire thing, going in for seconds.
“You’re such a hog.” He made a face. “I’d kill you if you weren’t fun to break.”
“I wish you'd do it. Get it over with.” Their eyes spoke what their lips refused to.
He can pretend to have power all he wants; Reader knows the truth. Saeran is equally weak, if not weaker. He’s under Savior’s control, just like everyone else in Mint Eye. That’s what made it difficult to completely hate him. Reader justified his wrongdoings because of his trauma. Their bodies are bony, skeletal, with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. The main difference between the two of them was the smell. Saeran smelled like his floral lotions while Reader’s scent consisted of sour breath and sweat.
Saeran saw the flickering embers within their eyes, the remaining fight from their lost inferno. He wanted them to snap and say something without his permission. Reader is only a shell of their former being. They’ve lost nearly all hope of being rescued by the RFA. If Saeran sought further control, he’d need to reevaluate his plan. His harsh words elicited no more tears from the faucet in their eyes.
Did that mean their affection for Ray has gone down the drain so soon? They stopped fighting for him. Saeran expected them to burn brighter. To Reader’s satisfaction, he found himself painfully disappointed in them.
“Dull as dishwater,” he mumbled under his breath.
It's not like they're silent without reason. Saeran commanded them to only say “yes” to him. Yet there isn't anything worth talking about anyway. They lowered their eyelids, watching the sandwiches as if they'd grow legs and crawl off the platter.
“I’ll be back.” Saeran’s bottom lip caught between his teeth on his way out of the room.
They let loose a sigh of relief when the door clicked behind him. Reader placed a hand over their chest in an attempt to calm their thundering heart. They gobbled up the rest of the sandwiches, not sparing a crumb. If they kept this up, Saeran’s ought to get bored of them.
“Now,” Reader moved to the door when he surely left, twisting the knob.
When it didn’t open, they tried opening up the windows. This became something of a daily routine. Reader held a sliver of confidence that he’d forget to lock them in. Everybody makes mistakes. They've made a whopping amount of them. Enough to completely change their life in a number of days.
If only there was a reset button for this.
Even with one, they didn't trust themselves enough to not fall in love with Ray again and do this over again. Love had proven itself to be a destructive force.
“Oh, come on … There must be something.” They chewed on one of their jagged fingernails, contemplating their next decision.
Their attention turned to the vase on the table. Angrily, they scooped it up in their frail arms. Either it's heavier than it looks, or Reader has lost their strength. They walked over the light gray rug that sprawled across the floor and hurled the vase at their window.
Except they missed their shot. The vase slipped from their hands and crushed a foot beneath it. Tears rushed to their eyes from the pain as they let out a screech in response. Reader grabbed their foot and watched as water and flowers poured from the intact vase.
Why hadn't they thought to drink the water? Plant fertilizers are mildly poisonous, but it's better than nothing at all. Burning tears trailed down their cheeks. They took a sharp breath inward and threw themselves on the bed, landing on their back with their legs dangling off the side.
They sniveled as the tears gathered in their ears. Watching the brown chandelier overhead had also become a part of their daily routine. It reminded them of the parties they used to host. Reader interlaced their fingers and settled them on their belly.
Unknowingly, they melted into the void. A dreamless sleep with nothing beyond darkness. They've compared rest like this to death itself. It made death seem … Easy. Easier. Relaxing. Worth it; Saeran couldn't bathe in their sorrow if they were dead.
He never specified when he'd be back. But Reader saw no more of him for the night. Maybe he did show up with dinner for them, only leaving upon the discovery of their rest. No, that wasn't like him.
When their moronic eyes opened, they took in the expanse of their bedroom. Their temples throbbed from another migraine. Sunlight seeped in through the windows, casting a soft glow on the planes of Reader's face. How long had they slept? Was it the next day or a catnap later? Only one thing was for certain—
They were alive.
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megami606sama · 2 years
Does Saeran have DID?
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TLDR: No, but he has a similar condition called OSDD2
Saeran's personality has been widely discussed, his duality, characteristics and behavior have quite possibly made him the most loved boy by the fandom. However, little has been detailed about his condition, leaving many questions and confusions that I would like to try to clear up in this very long post.
I hope you can sit, drink a warm coffee (or Dr Pepper if it's summer!) and enjoy this analysis, based on the most accepted psychiatric diagnosis manuals, my own knowledge and also experience.
As always, any constructive criticism or talk is welcomed :)
So.. ☆ let's get started ☆
What is DID?
Dissociative disorders are a group of conditions characterized by experiencing a disruption in the person's perception of self. It can also cause a discontinuity in the integration of consciousness, memory, perception and/or behavior.
This can translate into memory loss of important events, or daily life (dissociative amnesia). A sense of not knowing "who i am", or feeling like "i'm someone else" (disruption of identity), seeing the world as "i'm watching a movie" or "inside a dream" (depersonalization / derealization)... All those symptoms are consequences of the same basis: Dissociation.
In Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) dissociation will be experienced in two major alterations: the presence of two or more different personality states and episodes of dissociative amnesia.
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Personality is a characteristic of every person, it's the set of traits and qualities that makes us who we are. In people with DID, personality fails to integrate, keeping parts of it fragmented into different identities.
These identities or alters, can be different from each other, harboring separated memories, tastes, behaviors and sensations.
And generally, there are one or more alters that have often the control of the body, we know them as "hosts".
When there's an host switch, the identity that takes control usually doesn't has access to the memories that the previous host had, causing the dissociative amnesia episodes.
Structural dissociation theory
In short words, structural dissociation theory proposes that DID, and some other dissociative-related disorders, is caused by severe trauma during early childhood, when identity isn't fully formed yet.
This theory suggests that children are not born with a unified sense of self, but it takes form from multiple experiences. And, in children overwhelmed by traumatic circumstances, many parts of identity that should have been integrated remain separated.
Complex trauma will cause the child to focus on survival instead integration, keeping their perceptions, memories and experiences dissociated as a protective mechanism.
It is implied that the severity of dissociation may be related to the complexity of the trauma and the age it was experienced.
Saeran's Story
To define if Saeran has any condition or not, and based on what we already reviewed about DID, it is important to summarize Saeran's important life events, the ones that made him who he is.
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Both twins were born and raised in a context of severe abuse and trauma, making possible, based on what we discussed about structural dissociation, that Saeran may have dissociated parts of himself from an early age. However, this is not suggested ingame.
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It is known that Saeran and Saeyoung lived together till their early teen years, when Saeyoung left to work at the agency, around their 15 years old. But until then, Saeran kept a structured and consistent personality, that Saeyoung described as "kind and tender".
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So, with the information provided by Cheritz so far, we can safely conclude that, even if Saeran has evident risk factors to it, he didn't dissociate at early childhood, but later.
And the moment of his first dissociation is explicitly shown ingame: once kidnapped by Mint Eye, tortured by Rika and "cleansed" with the drug they call Elixir.
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After prolonged torture focused on making him deny his beliefs, Saeran finally gives in to Rika's manipulation, providing her what she wanted: a different Saeran.
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His first identity, differentiated from the Saeran we have met till now, is a "nameless one", who uses the same name, but at the same time behaves completely differently: Unknown, also known as Suit Saeran (but I have decided to call him AS Unknown, for reasons I will explain later)
At the same time, Ray is born as everything that "Unknown is not", merging all the characteristics, fears and feelings that Unknown is not allowed to experience, everything that is qualified as "unworthy", but also as "nice".
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Both Unknown and Ray behave, act, think and feel differently. And even if they share some similarities, each has a full sense of identity, almost antagonizing each other.
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They're both conscious of each other, and can share some partial inner communication. Even if the other one is fronting, or in control, the "dormant" identity will still know what's happening.
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So, after being forced to dissociate, Saeran's identity is mainly split in two: Ray and Unknown, but it is not possible for them to determine who's gonna be in control. They can't switch as they please or because the situation requires one of them to be present, Ray will stay as the main host till a trigger happens: the same one that created them. The elixir.
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This dynamic stays similar since the beginning of Magenta till it's fall. In AS, this happens after 6 months; in OS after 1 year and a half. (conclusion obtained considering Rika's death date as the funding date of Magenta, and its fall the time it has passed since then, suggested in both prologues)
In OS, after a more prolonged exposition to the elixir, and more time to settle in, we get to know a more mature version of Unknown, the one most people are used to see; staying as the main host.
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And, depending on the route, we'll meet a third identity, one formed after therapy the power of love.
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Whether by romantic or filial love, we will meet Saeran again, this time more stable and "complete", inheriting aspects from both Ray and Unknown.
In SE we'll see a more Unknown-ish Saeran, while in AS, a more Ray-ish Saeran. But in both cases, the process is the same: trying to be one again.
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Is this Saeran the same Saeran he was as a child, before dissociation? Is he the result of integration? or maybe a third identity? It is not really clear, but we know that both Unknown and Ray are not completely gone, they still persist in his inner world. Which means that certain dissociative elements are still there.
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By this reason, and for Cheritz's provided information, i believe that GE/SE Saeran is most likely a bridge for integration, the result of him accepting both of once split parts of himself: an still healing Saeran Choi.
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This coincides with the 3 identities officially recognized by Cheritz.
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Being that said, all other "versions" of Saeran met in the diverging routes and endings, would be one of those three under different scenarios.
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So... let's go to the main question:
Does Saeran have DID?
Let's compare DID diagnosis criteria with what we have seen about Saeran:
A. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states. B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. D. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. E. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance
As we can notice, Saeran does have a disruption of identity; yet he doesn't suffer from major dissociative amnesia. He can recall what the other identity has done, even if he can't control it while it's happening. He remembers his past pretty well, and so his daily life.
His dissociation does cause disturbance in his normal life, but since his first dissociative episode was caused by the Cleansing ceremony, and is mainly triggered by the Elixir (as Unknown said himself, he needs the elixir to wake up), he does not fit in the last criteria either.
It is important to point out that, despite him suffering from severe childhood trauma, it isn't implied that he showed early dissociative symptoms, and even if dissociation can be manifested at any age, it is most likely that this was caused by Rika's torture.
With 3/5 criteria, we cannot diagnose DID, which forces us to look for a differential diagnosis.
Saeran does not have DID.
What is Saeran's disorder then?
With DID ruled out, we're still left with a wide variety of diagnoses when it comes to dissociative disorders. The WHO recognizes 10 entities within this family:
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Among these conditions, there is one that fits surprisingly well to all the circumstances described in canon: Other Specified Dissociative Disorder Type 2, proposed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5.
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OSDD2 is a clinical diagnosis where the subject experience dissociative symptoms manifested as prolonged changes in their identity, that might be accompanied by a disruption on their consciousness and/or memory; as a consequence of indoctrination, torture, brainwashing, and/or being recruited into cults.
The longer the brainwashing, the longer the symptoms prevail, which may worsen this identity disruption across time.
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OSDD is an entity that has less strict diagnostic criteria, which can be summarized as:
Experience dissociative symptoms
Not fully meet criteria for other diagnosis
Identity disruption is a consequence of brainwashing.
Saeran meets these three criteria, which allows us to say that he very likely has OSDD2.
Unfortunately, OSDD2 is a very understudied and underreported condition, so it is very difficult to find more information about it other than its diagnostic criteria.
Finally, as I will explore in the conclusions, it is important to keep in mind that there are details that we do not know about Saeran. Elements about his past, future and evolution, which perhaps, in case new canon content is revealed, will make us reconsider this diagnosis in favor of a different one. But for now, with the information and evidence provided in this same post, i can safely conclude that Saeran has OSDD2.
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Other, yet less likely, possible diagnosis: Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder (also known as OSDD1) as the second most fit to him, since he only doesn't meet 1 criteria (it is stated it can't be caused by drugs).
Much less, yet also likely, possible diagnosis: Secondary Dissociative Syndrome, Unspecified Dissociative Disorder.
It is always important to keep in mind that diagnoses are a consensus made by experienced people, who find similar patterns in certain ones and associate them with a syndrome or condition. Disorders as such, describe a group of people, adapting to them, it will never be the other way around. Diagnoses don't have to fit people's situation, not perfectly at least, and that doesn't mean their circumstances are any less valid or painful.
Diagnoses are meant to adapt to people, people don't have to adapt their situations to fit into a diagnosis.
Despite everything, Saeran will always be one person. Each of his fragments forms part of him, and therefore there isn't a Saeran less valid than other, or less "real" than other.
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Lastly, if Saeran does indeed have OSDD2, with time and therapy love, it's very possible for him to become a single identity again. One of the characteristics of OSDD2 is that, since the person's identity is already structured beforehand, the traumatic event generally only manages to disturb it and not fragment it (since the age where structural integration consolidates has already passed), so recovery is very possible.
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However, this is not an absolute. If dissociation continues to be encouraged for some reason, it will be difficult for him to reintegrate. Hence his need to be in a healthy, supportive environment that allows him to heal.
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Of course, these are mostly assumptions, since reaching an accurate and definitive conclusion would require talking, studying and working with Saeran himself, and not with the limited information we have about him.
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Finally, after all this, we can summarize this analysis in:
1. Saeran doesn't have DID 2. Saeran most likely has OSDD2 3. This may change with time and circumstances he could face in the future. Since by the end of the game, he has just begun his healing process.
If you managed to read this till here, I hope you enjoyed this analysis as much as I enjoyed writing it. Any comments will be appreciated ♡
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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Asociation 5° edition, 2014.
ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, World Health Organization Eleventh Revision, 2022
El Yo Atormentado. La Disociación Estructural Y El Tratamiento De La Traumatización Crónica. Onno Van Der Hart, 2011.
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mystic-headcanons · 1 year
hi this is the same anon who just sent the message about the recent saeran fic and then a saeran request, i just saw your jumin autism headcanons, and I LOVE!!! i also have autism and you are right, autism recognize autism and jumin is autistic through and through <3 jumin with an autistic mc would be so cute, he’s so bad at taking care of himself despite how well functioning he seems so someone who understands would be so good for him!! hope you don’t mind the spam lol i just wanted to let you know your writing is appreciated :3
THANK YOU!!! i’m veeeery excited to write ur saeran request 🥰
also i’m using this to push more autistic jumin and mc hcs because i could talk for daaays about them <3
you and jumin can and HAVE talked for hours about special interests. he’ll often repeat the same fact a few times, but it’s so endearing and he is visibly excited when someone listens, so you never point it out.
if either of you collect anything, it’ll be proudly displayed on a shelf that you call the tism corner when jumin isn’t around (definitely not at all based on what my bestie does with me)
the absolute funniest miscommunications happen between you two
jumin is absolutely horrible at taking care of himself, but is really good at taking care of you. he'll forget to do basic self care with himself-- he can and has before gone a full day without eating because he just. forgot.
but when it comes to you, jumin is asking like every three hours if you ate. if you wanted a snack. if there are certain foods you wanted that day.
HATES even numbers. they "have bad vibes" according to jumin
he also hates big utensils for that reason
jumin has a daily routine that he meticulously follows. if it's disrupted, he gets this Look on his face like he's about to commit a crime
there exists, somewhere on his phone, a very shaky video of you vocally stimming. jumin is 100% sure if you ever found it he would probably get murdered
i feel the need to reiterate again that jumin has a personal vendetta against crushed velvet <3
jumin has THEEE best poker face. sometimes he'll fuck with you and you genuinely can't tell if he's serious or messing around
jumin has every single cat statistic memorized
jumin has and probably will again ruin a mood by voice a random thought and then the conversation will spiral until it's been two hours and both of you forgot what you'd originally wanted to do
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi there! I'm a 20 year old trans dude, so 18+ only please! Both for RP content topics and also my own comfort.
I'm looking for roleplays in a few fandoms over Discord! Fandoms with colored names are top priority, non-colored are also good but not as favorable. Muses in bold lettering are who I'd prefer to play, muses in italics are who I'd like to RP against, and muses in normal font I'm neutral to. One last note before the list, muses will be listed in priority order as well! So a muse I'd like to play the most will be written first, one I'd like to play but not as much will be last, etc.
Mystic Messenger: OCs, 707, Yoosung Kim, Zen, Saeran/Ray/Unknown
Mystery Skulls Animated: OCs, Vivi Yukino, Arthur Kingsmen, Lewis Pepper
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun: OCs, Nene Yashiro, Sousuke Mitsuba, Kou Minamoto, Teru Minamoto, Akane Aoi, Hyuuga Natsuhiko
My Hero Academia: OCs, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Mina Ashido
I'm a lit-advanced lit roleplayer (3-4 paragraphs minimum) and so I'd like a partner that writes about the same level as me. Replies don't have to be daily, but are appreciated if you have the motivation to write them that much! No pressure, ofc, cause we all have lives. I love bonding and chatting and plotting OOC, so don't be afraid to be friendly!
We can discuss plots, any triggers, and boundaries on NSFW and the like in DMs, so please interact with this post or DM me if you're interested!
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dailysaeran · 1 day
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New art time for once with pirate fem!Suit from @marshmallowprotection 's wonderful fic Armeria maritima!!🫣 I also gave her freckles bc I like to think Saerans would have freckles if they spent a bit more time in the sun lol
Pretty pirate lady please take me away pleaseplessepleasepl
🏴‍☠️ A few other versions under the cut (closer to canon white hair + mint eyes + no freckles version & no coat versions)
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
OMG THE VALENTINES REQUEST! Maybe GE Saeran and how he loves hungrily? 👀
Thank you for the request, anon! I was hoping someone would ask for this pairing, so I was thrilled to receive this in my inbox!
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Saeran loves hungrily
He spent most his life denying himself his most basic wants. He wasn’t living, just existing, pushing through the heavy haze in his head in order to prove that he was worthy of the little he received.
He was hungry. All the time. For the sky and the flowers, for sweet snacks, for the smallest bit of kindness. He wanted nothing more than to get rid of it, but It lived inside him like a gnawing reminder of everything he could never have.
It made him feel guilty. Wanting more than he had was always attributed to selfishness, thanklessness. He was lucky enough to be alive, he was told over and over again. To want more was greedy.
So, in order to prove that he was good, he tried his best to ignore the growing hunger inside him. He was determined to become strong enough to survive on as little as possible. It was easy to lose himself in the numbness of his daily life. With his near-constant headaches, exhaustion and the brain fog caused by the elixir, the hunger pangs were easy to dismiss. Another pain his body would have to adjust to.
Then, he meets you. His shining light, the gift that guided him through the fog. Once he realized there was a way out, he couldn’t stand to exist in the darkness any longer.
However, along with this newfound clarity, you also brought with you a dangerous new kind of hunger. One that he could not simply push away. He felt it in his throat, in his fingertips, in his chest. It was an all-encompassing need for you.
It scares him at first. He has trained himself to never give in to the things he craves. You encourage him to try things slowly, one little indulgence at a time, and he’s so relieved when you don’t call him greedy for wanting just a little more.
You show him a brand new life where he’s allowed to want things. He’s allowed to satiate the burning hunger inside him, be it for the sky or sleep or you (especially you).
And oh, he wants you.
He wants to hear you say his name. He likes to watch it form on your lips, feel the warmth that always seems to accompany it. He has spent a long time avoiding his name, feeling only fear when it was called. With you, every time he hears it, he feels loved.
He wants to hold your hand. There’s a certain safety in knowing that you’re connected this way. Even when you’re alone, even when you’re not going anywhere, he wants to feel the warmth of your hand in his. In quiet moments, he’ll intertwine his fingers with yours and run his thumb over the back of your hand. It never grows old for him.
He wants to feel your hands on him. Your fingers running through his hair, gently combing through any knots, putting it in little styles, working shampoo into the roots. Cupping his face when you want to look into his eyes, fingertips gently resting against his cheekbones. Trailing down the contours of his body, lingering just enough to make his breath catch in the back of his throat. It’s never enough.
He learns that he’s allowed to be selfish sometimes. He’s allowed to ask you for the things he wants, and you won’t hate him for even daring to want more than he has.
The intensity of his feelings for you doesn’t seem to fade the more time he spends with you. In fact, he seems to only crave you more the more he gets to know you. The first time he kissed you, for example, he didn’t know how it felt for you to smile against his lips, or how you’d run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Now, he feels goosebumps form just at the thought.
It seems like the more you give, the more he wants to have. Once, such hunger would have terrified him. Now, he embraces it. The gnawing ball of need has become a warmth that fills his chest, a hollowness that is easily filled. He wants to know every secret you hold, every thought on your mind.
The greatest surprise to him, though, is being shown that same desire in return. You seem to hunger for him in the same way he does for you. You smile at the sound of his voice, your skin burns under his touch, you kiss him with a passion that leaves him breathless. You welcome each discovery and change in his life as he grows into the person he wants to be.
It is the return of your feelings that truly cements the idea in his mind that this hunger is something he wouldn’t want to live without. It’s proof that he’s alive and free at last.
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fr7204 · 1 month
To keep up with the current trauma I am going through with ray's route (lack of sleep, impatience, being verbally abused by saeran on a daily basis, starving), I decided to draw a journal or behind the scenes in order to regain some control over the gameplay.
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elvendara · 2 years
Halloween cute or scary
October 31st 2022
Saeran sighed as he walked into Yoosung’s apartment. He’d decorated for Halloween at the beginning of the month, adding to it almost daily. It would have been fine except that Yoosung’s idea of decorating was adding the cutest things he could find. Adorable cats, cute witches, smiling pumpkins, and bats with big round eyes. Decorations at Saeyoung’s were a lot scarier and spooky, spiders everywhere, ghosts, ghouls, green witches with the biggest warts, and skeletons that might pop out at you when you least expected it. The contrast was sometimes jarring going from one to the other.
“You’re here!” Yoosung hugged his boyfriend and pulled him in, giving him a short peck on the lips, then he was off to the small kitchenette where there seemed a lot of activity was happening.
“Yeah…uh…how many people are coming over tonight?” Saeran asked. He ran a hand through his reddish hair nervously. He’d thought they would be spending the night alone just watching Halloween movies. Cute ones of course.
“Just you and me. I know, I went overboard. But you can take some back to Saeyoung and MC.” Yoosung laughed, his amethyst eyes full of anticipation. “Can you put this tray on the coffee table?" he asked and pushed a tray full of finger foods like pigs in a blanket, pinwheels, zombie and witch fingers, and a couple of dips. Yoosung picked up another tray full of fruit and a coconut fruit dip.
They set them down and Saeran noted that there was already another full tray of triangle sandwiches, cheese, egg salad, and tuna. There was also a bucket on the floor that had soft drinks and some beers. He knew the beers were for him, Yoosung tried not to drink alcohol since he was such a lightweight.
“Ok, I think I’ve got everything.” The blond set down another tray with Halloween cookies and pastries shaped like pumpkins. “Oh, let me turn the lights down. You can start the movie it’s already queued up. And just to let you know. We’ll probably get some trick-or-treaters. That’s why I got some candy.”
Saeran hadn’t even noticed the cauldron next to the door full of candy.
“Trick-or-Treaters? You sure? In this building?” Saeran raised an eyebrow, mint green eyes unbelieving.
“There are a few kids that live here. And sometimes kids from other places come by too.” Yoosung shrugged as he took a seat.
“What’s wrong?” Yoosung asked.
“It’s just…I thought it would just be the two of us, you know, kind of romantic and all.” Saeran said with a frown.
“Don’t worry, we have all night to be together. After a couple of hours, I’m all yours.” He said and gave him a long and soft kiss. Saeran sighed and relaxed. “This will be a great Halloween for us. And maybe next year I can talk you into dressing up with me.” He grinned.
“Maybe, Saeyoung’s already talking about having a Halloween party next year. Another holiday we were never able to celebrate that he wants to change.” The thought actually excited him. There was so much that they had missed growing up, and even into their teenage and young adult years. He knew he was still too raw to make that kind of commitment though and a nice quiet evening with his new boyfriend was much preferable.
Yoosung was already snuggled under his arm and the warmth that came from him was soothing.
“Sounds fun. We have a whole year to think about a couple’s costume.” He said.
Saeran grinned and settled into the sofa, the hand on his thigh sending a thrill through him. Maybe tonight they’d be able to have a nice long make out session. He knew Yoosung wasn’t ready for more, but that was OK. Slow was definitely better for him as well.
No sooner had the thought popped into his mind than the doorbell rang and Yoosung sprang off the sofa. With a sigh Saeran let him go. But as the younger man had said, they had all night and in fact, they had the rest of their lives.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
it’s 2am and i need my daily dose of angst
what are the most angstiest hcs you have for the choi twins? like genuinely heartbreaking ones
TW; Eating Problems, Emetophobia, Body Insecurity, Survivor's Guilt, Life Attempt / The Explosion, and the expected past-abuse warning for the Choi twins.
Ray physically recoils and sobs whenever his red roots start to come back in. A part of him is happy to see it because he thinks he may be able to have his original hair back someday, someday when all of the things his Savior told him are in the past and it's revealed that all of it had been a misunderstanding. He wants to believe that he'll be happy with Saeyoung again.
It's an overwhelming moment, but it's over just as soon as his fingers touch the vibrant red.
It burns.
It burns like he's been sent to Hell, and he screams. "Not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair!" Images of lies burn through his mind as the worst of the worst begins to settle in. Every vicious lie Rika told him tangled in with the images he's seen of his brother in the RFA, laughing, having fun, and living a life without him that he promised he'd never lead on his own.
Ray was abandoned, forgotten, and left behind.
This red is wrong.
This face is wrong.
These eyes are wrong.
This body is wrong, wrong, wrong—
The bleach burns his scalp before he has time to process what he's doing. He doesn't care how he removes the color, just that the color is removed as soon as possible, and that's why there's traces of pink in his hair... it's not intentional. It's what he misses every time he tries to stripe the color from his head. He always misses a few spots, and it's a damn wonder his hair doesn't look more patchy, but frying the color out of his scalp makes the bad feeling go away.
Until it comes back, of course.
Suit Saeran makes the sweetest of desserts. He makes them so he can stare at them just like he did in his childhood memories. The cake you saw in the dead of night when he mocked you? That cake is what his Mother used to make a mockery of him when he was hungry and all he had to eat was old slices of white bread. He hates white bread... he hates it so much because it tastes like the driest crumbs he had to eat to survive alongside Saeyoung.
You want to know the worst thing about salivating at a treat you're not allowed to have? You want it. You still want it even though you've been told you'll never be able to have what you want. You want it so bad that you'll run over every scenario in your mind to find a way to eat the smallest dollop and not get in trouble for it.
If you've spent a long time staring at something, you've imagined every scenario in the book to get into your clutches... and do you want to know the worst thing about those treats Saeran made to "taunt" you? He didn't eat them, either. He didn't eat the sweetest strawberry cake... he couldn't. Because, he remembers what it felt like to have food after denied for a few days after being brought to Mint Eye.
...And when he stopped screaming, they brought him food... and in that variety of food was a meal that anyone who was starving out of their mind could only dream of. You know what happened the exact second he took a bite of the sweetest thing on the place? It... tasted wrong. Every time he makes this particular treat, it tastes like poison. So, not only was he tormenting you, he was tormenting himself, that cake ended up on the floor because it tasted WRONG.
VAE Ray spent a few days in the rubble. It's a wonder he was able to survive in the first place. Jihyun had an operation to save his life from the elixir AND the stab wound. He was in the hospital for at least two to three days, and the only person who could've found him happens to be the same person who brings him out of the country to heal and recuperate for two and half years.
Can you imagine what it felt like to be in the rubble of a building you intentionally destroyed? To lay there for hours as the ash, soot, and God knows what else floated in the air all around you? To know that you can't do anything right, that you can't DIE RIGHT, and all of the people who promised they'd never leave you—left you?
To be unable to scream out for help because your lungs feel charred, to be unable to move because your entire body has been scorched from one side to the other? What was the meaning of your life? All you can do is lay there in the rubble, sobbing, because you can't get up, and every time you fade in and out of consciousness, you think it might be for the last time and maybe you'll be at peace next time and not wake up.
Or, maybe you are dead and this is just the hell you deserve to be in because you were never good enough for heaven, that's what you feel the longer you stay there... and you know the worst part? When Ray is found by Jihyun, it's not relief he feels, it's anger and fear, because he thinks Jihyun was sent there to mock him, bringing him false hope to believe he wasn't abandoned, but also fear, because part of him really didn't want to die but he saw no other option.
And underneath all of that?
Relief that feels like delusion because someone came back for him but it feels like it's too late to save his life.
SE Saeran doesn't sleep well at night. He lashes out, he kicks, and he screams. He has night terrors about Mint Eye. He has nightmares all about that place no matter how far away he is from that building and what it did to him. He has episodes where he wakes up and thinks he is back in his office, trembling, shaking, and his body pushes him to look for his desk to start working as soon as possible because he isn't in the mood to be punished again.
Nothing can stop these episodes, and while he is getting therapy and doing better during the daytime, nothing stops his nightmares, and it does keep him from sleeping with his possible partner. He has to stay in his own bed, possibly even his own room, while you video call each other from other sides of the house, and as painful as that is, it helps him feel safer than he would if he were to hurt you during one of the episodes.
God, you want to know the worst ones?
It's when he wakes up, screaming, and he has no choice but to sprint into the bathroom his brother built into his room to help him feel way more in control over his environment. He's sick, and once he's able to pull himself away from the toilet, he spends the next half-hour trying to burn his hands to remove the sticky feeling of V's blood from both of his hands.
He's trying to remove the feeling of Saeyoung's blood away from his hands, too. He has flashbacks about that day all the time, thinking his brother is dead and V is dead and it's all his fault and he needs to get rid of the blood because it feels wrong, and he's wrong, and he's just a PAWN WHO NEVER MATTERED BECAUSE—
Saeyoung can't stop looking over his shoulders no matter where he is. He can't stop looking. It doesn't matte where he is. He has to have a full view of the room he's in, and that means he spends his time on his phone looking for camera feeds and other means to control what he can in his environment. It's nice when he's in his bunker because he has a defense system and cameras all over the place. He's ready for war if it comes to that.
But, it's a horrible way to live your life, isn't it?
To be afraid and know that this paranoia you experience isn't just some fear you have that has nothing to warrant. His paranoia has a reason to exist and it doesn't matter when the party's over and his Father is out of the picture. He pissed off a lot of people during his years in the agency, and until all of those people are out of the way, he can't stop being afraid of losing his life, or being the reason why his loved ones lose their.
He has nightmares, too.
He wakes up in the dead of night, searching for the modified tablet on his bedside table, and he can't breathe until he checks the feed to make sure that nobody's come in or out of the house. Saeran doesn't mess with the system. In fact, SE Saeran doesn't want to touch any technology anymore, so Saeyoung never has to worry about his baby brother sneaking out or tampering with the system to leave.
But, still, he has to CHECK EVERYTHING.
God forbid his MC left the room to get water and didn't leave him something to show they would be right now before he could check his system. I think you have to help him implement a system for his fears. He knows it can be overwhelming, he knows that most of his requests or fears come across as controlling, and God knows he is trying his best to be better about this, but... for his peace of mind, it's nice to know you left a plush or an object on your bed to say, "I'm just in the other room. Don't worry."
...He can't stop thinking about the damn near week he spent in that humid, agent-infested warehouse. His paranoia got that much worse after that experience. That's the nightmare he wakes up from most of the time if it's not about his childhood. That's what sets him off to be paranoid for the rest of the night. The fear of being cornered with not a single weapon to protect himself.
God forbid it happen to you or Saeran, too.
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