#cranial impalement
thethroneislost · 5 months
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Disgorge - Cranial Impalement - 1999 California, US
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blastbeatdbeat · 8 months
Disgorge - Cranial Impalement
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tllgrrl · 1 year
Heart Beat: A SarahBucky Vampire AU - Chapter 2 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt 2 - by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
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Relationship: Cardiologist!Vampire* Sarah Wilson/Vampire!James “Bucky” Barnes
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Summary: By the time she walked into the trauma unit of the ER, the man’s blood pressure was so low it was almost as though he didn’t have a pulse.
There was, indeed, a lot of bruising, but…
(You. I‘ve seen you around…somewhere…)
* * * * * * * * * *
One of the ER’s trauma nurses met Sarah at the elevator, and on the walk to the scrub room filled her in.
”EMT report says possibly 4 floors. And it seems a dumpster in the service alley kind of broke his fall.”
”A dumpster? Jesus. He wasn’t impaled on something, was—?”
”No. Miscellaneous garbage.
Statement from a witness says he tried to climb out but he lost his footing, landed head first on the concrete, stood up, took a few steps, then collapsed.
So far, we’re seeing 2 fractured ribs. Left lung contusion. Ruptured spleen. Blunt force trauma to the heart. That could be the reason there are some issues with his BP.
Might also be due to internal bleeding. We’ve done some preliminary CTs and still doing the a more thorough assessment.
“Has he said anything, or tried to?”
“No. He seems semiconscious, but a fall from that height, there’s possible cranial laceration.
Let’s see… a fractured left tibia and left wrist. In addition to injuries from the fall, contusions on his body, along with the cuts and bruises on his face and hands, it looks like he was possibly in some kind of a fight leading up to the whole landing-in-a-dumpster-4-floors-below thing.”
“I swear to…who the hell is brawling up on a roof?”
”Apparently, this guy and somebody who was able to get away.”
By the time she walked into the trauma unit of the ER, the man’s blood pressure was so low it was almost as though he didn’t have a pulse.
He was banged up, and there was, indeed, a lot of bruising, but…
(You. I‘ve seen you around…somewhere…)
Keep reading on The AO3.
Chapter 1 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt. 1
Chapter 3 - The Beautiful One is Here
* * * * * * * * * *
*Not yet….
* * * * * * * * * *
Thanks for indulging me and coming along for this ride.
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theparanoid · 10 months
Disgorge - Cranial Impalement
(1999, full album)
[Brutal Death Metal, Slam Death Metal]
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Disgorge - Cranial Impalement (1999)
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, dead bodies, cancer, nightmares 
Author’s Note: This one is particularly depressing but it’s my favorite of the season so far. I think it’s really letting some dynamics fall into place and I really hope y’all like it!
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary : When a body is discovered in a meadow, the cranial cavity appears to have been turned into a beehive; Beverly secretly consults with Will on the mural killer case.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​  @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​
(not my gif) 
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You stood in Hannibal’s kitchen. The front door opened but you didn’t look up. You were eating some leftovers, nothing too big because you could still barely keep food down knowing what you did. It had only been a couple of days but you were still scared to go back home. You had been living at Hannibal’s despite your best wishes.
“How are the dogs?” you asked as Hannibal walked in.
“Fed well. Missing their parents.” You nodded.
“I think I’ll go back tonight,” you admitted. You looked up and ate the last piece of the leftovers off your fork. 
“You’re dressed,” he observed. 
“I’m going to see Will.” Hannibal gave you a look but you ignored it, putting the plate and fork into the dishwasher. You walked around the counter and grabbed your keys.
“I don’t think that’s the best idea. He heard about the judge, clearly,” Hannibal argued.
“I haven’t been to see him in a few days. I miss him,” you said simply. You were trying to stay in a neutral voice so as to not alarm Hannibal. You wanted desperately to see Will and you were going to do all you could to get there even if it meant fighting the only person who has been keeping you grounded the past few days. 
“Come over for dinner then.” You gave him a narrow look.
“I shouldn't.” 
“You’re just going to eat microwave noodles. I insist.” You walked to the door. 
“I’ll think about it.”
“And Y/N?” You turned around, holding the door open.
“Don’t tell him.” 
You didn’t show him your face as you shut the door behind you. 
Chilton stopped you before you came up the stairs. You gave him a look but he gave you an even more alarming one. Your heart lurched. Did he know? He couldn’t know. But did he?
“Yeah?” you said, voice barely audible. 
“Will is doing therapy with me,” he started. Your worry for yourself was quickly diminished by the worry you often had for Will. 
“He’s what?” 
“I’m only telling you because he’s probably going to tell you. And so you know that I’m doing what I think is right and Will signed waivers.” You scoffed. 
“May I see my boyfriend now?” 
Chilton let you pass and you walked down the hallway. The worry seeped right back into your heart. The worry that your hands had murdered somebody. That the past few nights you had woken up screaming and had to sleep next to Hannibal so that you could get a good night's sleep. 
You walked up to the cell and Will stood up immediately. 
“You’ve been gone a couple days.” You nodded and swallowed hard.
“And you are letting Chilton run tests now are you?” Your voice easily slipped into ‘protect Will’ mode. Perhaps it was the only mode you knew at this point. He gestured for you to sit on the white line and you did so. He sat on the ground just behind the bars. 
“I remembered more things,” he said. “Hannibal was causing me to have seizures. I got Beverly to look for details in the murders. I’m now mostly convinced that Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper.” 
You took a deep breath. 
“That all?” you asked, laughing darkly. You felt a stab of guilt. “Hannibal was inducing seizures on you while I was in the next room?” 
“Don’t think about it like that,” he muttered. “It was what you thought was best.” You shook your head.
“So what do you want me to do about this whole thing?” 
Your voice was piercing and Will was surprised. That was the first time that he really noticed you in a while. Of course he noticed you, he had talked to you but he felt like at that moment he hadn’t considered how hard this had to be on you. The jail thing, the finding out your boyfriend could be a murderer thing. 
And for that one moment Will knew you well again. And he saw right through you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. You shook your head but you really desperately wanted to run over to him and hug him and fall asleep beside him. Your heart was aching. 
“Nothing,” you said but you both knew it wasn’t convincing even to people who didn’t know you as well as Will did. You shook your head. “I can’t tell you,” you whispered. Tears pricked at your eyes and you regretted coming. 
“Yes you can.” 
You pointed above your head.
“Chilton would know.”
He looked up at the hidden audio recorders and Will had never hated jail more than in that moment. 
“I’m sorry.” You shrugged.
“I’ll be okay.”
You both knew that was a lie.
You stared down at the body of the judge. His eyes were open but his body was dead. It was dead dead. You were trying to scream but nothing was coming out. You backed up, staring at the blackness around the body that became more disfigured as you stared at it. 
When you looked above it you gasped and scattered back into the darkness. Hannibal turned around and moved aside, revealing Will hanging on antlers, impaled by them. You let out a loud sob and moved forward to grab him, help him down but his body was already limp. Your attempts to scream only got more desperate. 
You woke up with a start. Tears were streaming down your face and you were finally able to let out a long scream that woke up all of the dogs. You looked around, feeling the bed for someone you knew wasn’t there. You were alone in the house. 
The noodles you had eaten for dinner sat on Will’s side of the bed, half eaten. Your shirt was sweaty, sticking to your body desperately. You kept crying. You cried for the fact that you missed Will, that you were in this bed alone. For a minute you let yourself wallow in the sadness that had engulfed your life. 
The dogs came to you but they really just wanted to eat your noodles. You got up and, still crying, got into the car.
You knocked on Hannibal’s door at 2 in the morning. He answered quickly. 
Your eyes were still puffy and you looked exhausted. Hannibal wrapped the robe around him tighter when he saw you, clearly worried.
“Nightmare?” he questioned. You nodded and just like that the tears came again. It didn’t matter that this man had mutilated a body you killed. It didn’t matter that Will was so sure that Hannibal was the man framing him. It didn’t matter that you were pretty sure Hannibal was the man framing Will for murder. It didn’t even matter that by default he would have killed so many people in the past. 
You hugged him and he hugged you and you felt safe to cry. 
“Come, there’s still plenty of hours in the night to sleep,” he whispered. You nodded and followed him into his bedroom where you both laid down. Hannibal Lecter held you in his arms as you cried yourself to sleep for another night.
You walked into the morgue. Bags under your eyes were deep and it was hard to ignore them with the makeup but you were hoping that no one would notice. Beverly stood in the morgue where you figured she would be and you walked up to her swiftly. 
She looked up, taking off her goggles and surprised to see you.
“Can I help you?” she asked. You shrugged. 
“Not sure.” 
“Let me give it a go. I’m surprised Jack let you in by the way.”
“He didn’t but my connection to Hannibal let me through security,” you admitted. She nodded and crossed her arms.
“Will told you to look for some things in the body in the color palette. Did you find anything?” She nodded.
“Actually, yes I did. But I’m not sure I should tell you, you’re not exactly authorized.” 
“Neither is Will.” She nodded, shrugging.
“You do have a point there. The stitches holding the killer to his masterpiece were hiding stitches. The killer took his kidney.” You raised an eyebrow and nodded. 
“Like the Ripper.” 
“You’re sounding like your boyfriend there Y/N.” You nodded slowly.
“I guess we’re always otherwise aligned.” 
You walked into the hospital. The air was stale and you felt gross but you had to see someone you trusted and you at least trusted Hannibal to be Hannibal. You saw Jack Crawford step outside of Bellas hospital room and you walked up to him. 
At the sight of you he closed his eyes.
“I can’t handle you right now,” he muttered. You shook your head.
“I’m not here to fight you,” you promised. You looked in the hotel room where his wife lay dying. Hannibal was talking to her quietly. “In fact, I’m sorry,” you muttered weakly. He nodded.
“Only for today Crawford.” 
He nodded and you nodded back at him and you both felt for each other. Two people who’s other half was meeting a demise that didn’t look good. Granted, Jack clearly had it worse. At least Will would live in prison. 
Hannibal walked outside and you grabbed his arm. Jack went inside the room.
“Are you alright?” Hannibal asked.
“No,” you admitted.
“You’re sounding more and more like Will every day.” You hit his arm and both of you glanced in the room where Jack sat by Bella’s bed.
“Makes you appreciate what you have doesn’t it?” you whispered. “That and the dreams.”
“Where did you go today?” Hannibal asked.
“I went to see Bev. Will told me some stuff I wanted to get backed up.” He nodded. 
“Chilton is no longer letting me treat Will. But you knew that already,” he said quietly. 
“I didn’t know exactly that. Maybe it’s for the best. Especially if he still thinks that you killed all those people,” you muttered.
“Do you think I killed all those people?” You shrugged.
“I don’t know what I think anymore.” 
Will was having a hard time knowing there was something you couldn’t tell him but still talking to you. It was clearly weighing on you as much as it was weighing on him. 
“Hannibal ate the liver,” he whispered. You didn’t even have the heart to raise an eyebrow. All you could do was think about how tired you were.
“Do you remember that day that Hannibal came to the house with the breakfast food?” he questioned. You shrugged and nodded a little bit. You picked at the white paint you were sitting on top of.
“Yeah sure. Wasn’t that the day you-”
“What about it?” Will took a deep breath.
“The breakfast he gave us…” he started and then it dawned on you. Your face showed some actual reaction this time. 
“Oh my God.” He nodded. Your mind flashed with every dinner you had at Hannibal’s. Every time he had brought you lunch from his place. “Oh my God,” you said again and felt your stomach convulse. 
Not only were you a murderer but you were also a cannibal? 
You put your head in your hands and felt the sleep deprived tears rise up. 
“Come here,” Will whispered. You looked up and gestured to the white line. “When has that ever stopped you?” he asked. You nodded and wiped your eyes and scooted over to the bars. You put your hands on the bars and pressed your head against it. 
He pressed his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes.
“I killed the judge,” you whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. He pulled back and looked at you, surprised. But as Will looked at you he didn’t see a murderer all he could see was his girlfriend. His girlfriend looked more broken than he had ever seen her. 
He moved forward again.
“Did you put him up like that?” Will asked. You shook your head.
And it went without saying that Hannibal had. Will grabbed your hand tightly and he had never been so happy to touch your skin. 
And you cried. 
You just cried.
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Those slams my fucking God
This is what that early Brutal Death Metal is all about, just fucking crooked riffs and disgusting passages of bloodsoaked death
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sasorikigai · 3 years
Serendipity (noun) Finding something good without looking for it. (( for muse and verse of your choice! ))
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Unusual words with beautiful meanings: || @yetremains || accepting
Serendipity (noun) Finding something good without looking for it.
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❄️ || Kuai Liang loves like a black hole. First, slowly drawing in with interest in the other side; promising that the other will be born again. Time seems to slow down as the more they would spend together. Even when he is not tangibly around, each second would last forever. The grapevine of his tender frost will never remain transient, lest they scatter themselves like specks of light in the middle of the snowstorm. The timbre of this tune sounds like his bitter laugh, as he weaves these melodies and memories together with the strings of his heart, this ghost passing through him. This déjà vu flashes behind his eyes and the back of his mind asks him; hadn’t he lived a past life centuries ago? With the same curse of the ravaging winter embedded deep in his heart and cranial expanse, as all he could see is gelid melodies resonating with the scintillating orb of arcing white smoke? 
A cryomancer like him could live in the blur of a hundred hearts frozen, could be taught to tame the deathly burn of winter’s wrath, which is loneliness testing the marrow and awaking what’s within: scatter-song, blind and coming on like peeled-off skin of the dead, entombed beneath the merciless despair that speaks of the series of heartaches and homesickness. Kuai Liang had found a heart that will love him at his worst and arms that will hold him even at his weakest. For Hanzo Hasashi’s radiant solar flames become the highest sky - and between the atoms of air, it becomes the most beautiful and inaudible memory that meets in the shared horizon; in their reciprocated understanding and cognizance of their intertwined, fated traumas that thread their destinies together. 
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside him; in the winter artifice of Sub-Zero’s steeled confines of emptiness, the once gnawing destruction of Scorpion’s hellfire still scorches ablaze, deeply lacerating him, spilling precious sanguine as splattering red will taint the once unadulterated expanse of pristine white. Kuai Liang still could feel its somatic sensation; like a battering sandstorm on the desert, or like locusts in a swarm, the merciless waves of infernal flames swooped to engulf and devour him, as his dwelling jagged icicles impaled even through cravices between the cobblestones of the Shirai Ryu Ground, locked in the pitted kombat to one another’s death. 
Now, in the stroke of their merged world’s swim in the fountains with the koi and lotus flowers, in the sweat that drips from foreheads, and the worlds of eloquent sweet nothings. The bone-seeped ache from numerous battles’ exhaustion replaced with passion and rapturous delight. Fire and Ice, they complete one another like the missing puzzle piece to another, and how Kuai Liang breathes into his beloved’s mouth. How he reaches - then bend. Their force; to break, blow, burn, and make him new. How Hanzo Hasashi wraps his name tight around his ribs and keeps him warm. He was born to quell and mitigate, instead of burning hotter than hellfire. And Sub-Zero’s hands crest the waves of Scorpion’s hips. 
And in the dark, he leeks more darkness. Inside - he is a fathomless well. Even the well of his own despair and depression mitigates with the gravitational ruggedness and passion of Hanzo’s flames. No longer, the Shirai Ryu’s cradled passion, dedication, and love is forbidden mouthfuls Lin Kuei could never stomach nor swallow. For Kuai Liang had grown to be addicted to human tenderness, and the concept of eternal love, as infinity will pour over the crevasse of their blemished, chiseled expense of their synchronized motions, as the rawness of his winter cradles the emanating heat, until the continuance, the lasting gleam of their contrasting silhouettes merge into the tenebrous shadows beneath the great forests above. ❄️ || 
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kat-hawke · 4 years
 (Follow [Legacy], runs in conjunction with [Like So Many Grains of Sand] & [Defibrillation])
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Suspended in the nothingness, a cold burn raged from within, feeling as if she was being torn apart from the inside out. The screams of agony were drowned out by the white noise that rang in the ears, the note climbing higher and higher as the intensity of the pain grew. Building up, it felt as if it would finally end, the pressure of the vacuum in her core threatening to burst until it all suddenly vanished, and the palms of her hands were planted against the floor of a carriage.
Gasping for air Kat fell back into the cushioned seat and against the wall, a hand resting on her throat as she hastily glanced around. For once, she was alone in the speeding vehicle, no slamming of a cane or cryptic words from the mouth of a ghost. Instead, a pocket watch had been left on the seat where Charles had always appeared, and once her thoughts cleared enough to move, Kat didn’t hesitate to snatch up the timepiece.
Less than a minute remained until time ran out, thirty seconds. As the second hand ticked backward, she looked towards the still shifting, the non-euclidean world beyond the carriage window. A shaky exhale and the feeling of a burden lifted. She could finally escape this purgatory, move on to whatever afterlife awaited. For a moment, her mind lingered on those she’d leave behind and how she failed them, but eyes peeled back to the face of the watch.
The second hand neared the end, ticking from the last five seconds. Three, two, one...
The hand froze in place, the timepiece stopped.
“No...” Kat breathed out.
Muscles in her face twitched as her anger began to boil, the grip on the watch tightening as she shook it and tapped it against the palm. “No!” She shouted, vigorously shaking the timepiece now as she felt cheated.
“No! It’s not fair!” Her voice cracked, and the watch was slammed into the floorboards, shattering into several pieces. The sole of her boot crushed what remained as rage clouded her vision, the tears of anger and sorrow welling along the bottom eyelid.
Elbows propped on the knees as she threw her head forward, fingers collecting in the mess of raven hair as she sobbed in anger. Contemplating if this was, in fact, her afterlife and not a purgatory, sentenced to relive her mistakes, betrayals, and second guess for an eternity. It wasn’t until the carriage came to its abrupt halt that her attention returned to her surroundings.
The world outside was breaking apart, into specs of white dust, floating upward into the beyond as if caught in a breeze. Curious, Kat stepped out of the carriage, watching the sight across the inverted city in awe, before she realized it was getting closer at an alarming rate.
Boots dug into the cobblestones as she began to flee, but the effort was in vain. Within seconds the street and buildings around her began to peel away in flakes. Panicking, she reached out for something, anything, but instead found her hand and arm disintegrating in the same manner. In the blink of an eye, the entire limb was gone, and soon after, the rest of her body followed, her scream of fear echoing out into the empty white space.
“We had a deal.” A voice similar to her own, and familiar, called out from the unknown. “And it’s time you’ve held up your end.”
“That’s rich, seeing as how you’ve failed to hold up yours,” Kat responded in what felt telepathic. Without a physical form, she couldn’t tell if she was looking around the blank space or if it moved around her.
The mirrored voice began to laugh menacingly as it took form. The floating black shadow slipping into view, it’s dark violet eyes set on Kat as a sharp finger wagged in the air. “My end was to prevent you from dying, which you didn’t make easy over the years.”
“Looks like you’ve failed. Deals off.”
“Ah, hardly.” The shadow waved off. “Technically, you mortals are so fragile from the inside out. Alive, but only just.” Two of its sharp fingers pinched the air, leaving only a hair of space between them as it’s legless body floated closer. “The deal was alive, never said anything about conscious.”
“And you allowed the corruption of an Old God to seed and run rampant? As far as I’m concerned, we’re done.”
“That was your own doing!” The shadow spat out as it quickly closed the distance, it’s faceless form inches from Kat. “I warned you not to play in that part of the void, yet you poked and prodded, opened the door, and let the Old one into your mind. Don’t blame me for that, I may be timeless, but I’m not that strong. Or at least I would be had you upheld your end of the bargain. You never did tell the Void Priest why you kept her around.”
“You know how much I fucking hate sand... “Another familiar voice called out from nowhere, both Kat and the shadowy being glancing upward to try and place it.
“Riley?” Kat questioned under her breath. “No. No, that can’t be right. She’s been gone for months...”
“Another lost cause.” The shadow chimed in. “I’m tired of being cheated out of what is owed and subjected to the menagerie of weak-willed mortals you coil around your fingers.”
The empty space shifted in the blink of an eye and turned into a harrowingly familiar sight. The Freehold Arena. In the change, Kat found herself in a physical form once more, in the thin leather outfit she had been forced to wear at the time. Looking downward, she discovered her folding sword in one hand.
“There won’t be an Admiral to save you from the ring this time. Pity, that.” The being taunted as the rolling cloud of its form shifted, donning a mirror image of the Director, the body and attire pitch black and eyes remaining the deep violet hue. Its own weapon lifted, pointing at Kat from across the ring as it slowly circled.
“You...” Kat spoke slowly as she began piecing things together. “You think you can take my form, my body, and ascend yourself on your own.”
The dark mirrored image shrugged one shoulder as the circling came to an end. “I believe it was you who said so yourself; trust others takes too much time, easier and more efficient to do it yourself. If you’re not going to respect our deal...” Turning Kat’s own words against her, the shadow rushed across the arena.
In the split second of judgment, Kat braced herself and the swords locked together, the sound of steel on steel piercing the air as she stared down the image of herself over the blades. Both exerted force, near equally matched as either refused to falter.
The sky above twisted and shifted without warning, the clouded sky vanishing and an inverted woodland replacing the once blue sky. The forest was akin to the conscious space of Alyssa’s blade. Both Kat and the shadow were distracted by the sudden change, looking upward in the moment of confusion.
Her adversary took advantage, kicking her leg out from beneath her and bringing the sword around. Leaning back, Kat narrowly dodged the attack, the razor edge of the blade making the briefest of contact with her cheek, drawing a small amount of blood.
Rolling backward, Kat sprung to her feet and parried a second attack, taking the window of opportunity to counter, slicing the jet black arm by a hair. Pushing back the shadowy being unleashed a relentless onslaught of hasty attacks. With only the one weapon, Kat was forced to time her defenses, the steel colliding in a few block blows as she maneuvered backward, pivoting on a leg to dodge the other attacks.
Their dance of blades seemed endless; one after another, they pressed each other. Scrapes and nicks of the blades across their bodies and taunts and sharp words were slung between blows. The ground within the arena began to crack with small fissures, glowing both dark and bright from beneath the earth.
Another spark-throwing parry overhead and everything froze, neither could move, or look around. The silence was overwhelming before the ground trembled uncontrollably, and the whisper of Riley’s voice sounded again.
“Kat, I don’t have a lot of time, so I need you to hear me in there, alright? You have to survive this. You have to come back. I don’t want to drink alone for the rest of my miserable life, so I’m going to need you to survive like you always fucking do. I lo— Lady, get off me!”
Time resumed, and the inverted woodland above blinked out of existence. Kat’s arm continued in the follow-through, circling around before forcefully kicking the shadowy being away to create some distance.
“Riley?!” Kat called out, glancing around in confusion.
“Nobody here, but you and I.” The dark mirror image answered, rushing Kat again.
Stepping to the side, she avoided the attempt at impalement, raising her own weapon to slash upward from the bottom. Her attack failing as the earth shook and fissures grew again and sent them both staggering to the side, hands scratching at the ground as she fought to stay standing.
“She’s crashing again!” Another unknown voice shouted from nowhere.
As the tremor ended, it was Kat that rushed her mirror image this time, forgoing an attempt at impaling and using her momentum to slash horizontally. Another failed attack as the being parried, staggering Kat and brining its sword overhead.
With her free hand, Kat caught the incoming blow by the being’s wrist, following through by pulling the arm down and across, elbow to elbow she pushing up from the ground and rolled over the being’s back. Tucking the sword against her chest in the movement, Kat utilized the momentum to land a mighty swing, her arm extending as the roll concluded and the blade making contact with the mirror image’s midsection.
As the sword pierced the body and cleaved it into two, the shadowy creature dissipated into the original cloudy form again, screeching in pain.
“Cranial swelling will never go down at this rate.” The unknown voice spoke, from nowhere, over the pained wails of the creature.
The Freehold arena began to crumble and break as chunks of the earth floated toward the sky or collapsed into the unknown depths below, the dark and light glow flashing erratically from each fissure.
“You can’t kill me!” The creature of shadows cried out as it retreated and vanished from view. “I will get what is owed.”
Ignoring the vocal threat, Kat dropped her weapon and moved out of the way of flying chunks of earth. Panicked again, she searched for an exit but found nothing. The ground beneath her boot gave out mid-step as another fissure opened up, nearly swallowing her whole. Fingers clawed into the dirt as she scrambled to pull herself free until loose earth slammed into the side of her skull, and her frantic hold on the ground was broken.
“I’m sorry...” Riley’s voice echoed quietly amidst the chaos as Kat tumbled into the unknown depths. 
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[ @alyssa-ward​, @blue-eyedraven​ ] [ Alluding/brief mentions: @saelkath-alzarah​, @preyontheweak​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] [pt.VIII] )
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interminal · 4 years
M!A: No more repression!!! 1 week!!! (You don’t have to do this ofc)
[ For the most fleeting of moments before the magic actually hits him, he looks contrary, like he’s about to argue the very notion that he would need an anti-repression spell, because he’s doubtlessly completely mentally healthy, at least according to himself. ]
[ But when it goes - and it does - it’s replaced by a blankness indicative of complete and utter shock, like instead of being struck with magic he’s been impaled, and his mind’s adjusting to the sudden presence of steel where there should be flesh. When Jean falls, it’s accompanied by a desperation to stay on his feet and to stay convinced that there’s nothing wrong with him, but that desperation falls through like so much rotten wood. The sob that tears its way out of him is ugly, and painful, and feels too big to be passing through his throat, like instead of just thoughts and memories something larger has been freed and is trying to escape him. ]
[ But it’s just thoughts, and it’s just memories, and it feels like he’s been hit by a truck, like someone’s filled his cranial cavity with molten lead and it’s seeping out everywhere that molten lead can seep. But those hot tracks are just tears. The stinging in his throat is just a strange, terrified need to throw up. The feeling in his head is just the end of the world. ]
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C...can you go? I need some --
[ He doesn’t even finish his sentence before the acute stress (and the almost-week without much sleep at all) knocks him out cold, and he falls down onto his shoulder, hair falling over the side of his face. ]
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#Disgorge #Cranial Impalement #Atonement #anniversary
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masterstroketv · 3 years
Preview Part 31 ⚔️ Talion the TRUE God of War #SHORTS Full Video: https://youtu.be/M3IO5Wmkels Description tags: Streamer, Creator, YouTube, Twitch, Letsplay #SHADOWofWAR #MASTERSTROKEtv #GodofWar #masterstroke tv CHAPTERS: 00:00 - MASTERSTROKEtv Intro 00:14 - Lets get it on! Shadow of War 00:24 - The Citadel Siege Begins! Conquer 49817143 00:47 - Bolg Black-Thorn: Fiery Dark Assassin LEGENDARY Level 80 04:04 - Uruk Captain Bolg Black brought to his knees and delimbed! 05:05 - Snafú the Accursed: Cursed Mystic Berserker EPIC Level 80 07:43 - Uruk Captain Snafú the Accursed end of life by stealth 09:31 - Flak Pain-Bringer: Fiery Terror Berserker LEGENDARY Level 80 10:20 - Uruk Captain Flak Pain-Bringer expired from chest cavity penetration 11:19 - Quentin Tarantino inspired graug rampage - MUST SEE! 12:17 - Ur-Gram White-Eye: Poisonous Mystic Tank EPIC Level 80 13:47 - Olog Captian Ur-Gram White-Eye: termination of life due to rapid and continuous cranial piercings aka Head Shot 15:04 - Borgu the Filthy: Outlaw Berserker EPIC Level 80 17:19 - Uruk Captain Borgu the Filthy: relieved of life due to impaling and separation of limbs. 18:30 - Gúnd the Ruined: Fiery Terror Berserker LEGENDARY Level 80 20:03 - Uruk Captain Gúnd the Ruined: separation of torso lost to cleaving 21:32 - Overlord Throne Room 21:50 - Overlord Borgu Blood-Mad: Poisonous Mystic Beastmaster LEGENDARY Level 80 24:21 - Uruk Overlord Borgu Blood-Mad: deceased due to limb removal and torso lancing Shadow of War continues the previous game's narrative, which is based on J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium and set in between the events of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings film trilogies, from which the game takes inspiration. The player continues the story of the ranger Talion and the spirit of the elf lord Celebrimbor, who shares Talion's body, as they forge a new Ring of Power to amass an army to fight against Sauron. The game builds upon the "Nemesis System" introduced in Shadow of Mordor, allowing Talion to gain followers from several races of Middle-earth, including Uruks and Ologs, and plan out complex strategies using these to complete missions. (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdSV4MjZTt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eloquent-music · 4 years
Send a ‘💬’ to catch a glimpse of a memory my muse has.
[ Memory Log 2189338 -- Engaging.. ] 
An all too familiar system that the Justice Division had traveled to over the millions of years. A planet near a stellar empire where it seemed that some criminals liked to hide in at least within this particular system. Tarn’s outlier abilities that were linked with the Tyranny’s systems had honed in on a particular spark signature from a specific planet. This was Spensifax B. 
As per Tarn’s order, a plan was laid out before they even left their starship. Laid out to perfection. It had deviations for certain situations that could possibly occur. 
Tarn nestled himself between some boulders with the barrel of Vos’ rifle poking out between a tiny opening. Without having to use a specific scope, Vos had a small HUD that hooked up to his scope so one could swivel his rifle mode and quick shot without having to look down the barrel. As soon as their target was in their line of sight-- Ping. One shot. Down. “Beautiful shot Vos.”  Dark digits pressed to the side of his helm, initiating Helex and Tesarus to engage and escort the mech back to the vessel. But to have a little fun of course. It was only a shot to the leg to disable the mech at least some. 
Vos was thrown over Tarn’s treaded shoulder; trigger digit resting on his trigger guard while the rest of his servo gripped the stock. 
. . . 
The mech was screaming as he was drug up a specific ramp into the Tyranny. The specific location that all of those who were dragged back to Messatine went through. Their victim had been been limbed--at least by his legs. Tarn blew a kiss to the mech as Helex drug him up the ramp and down the hallway for transpo. Because well, it wouldn’t take too long to take him back to Messatine--where the real fun would begin. 
But Tarn had a better idea. While Kaon and Vos were controlling the vessel, Tarn ordered Helex to bring the mech down to the ramp for a welcomed arrival to their homestead. The planet were they called home but the same planet that was their killing grounds. 
Dark claws slowly peeled off the mech’s wings, followed by his turbines. Screams echoed through the darkened corridors as Tarn and Helex soaked in the mech’s music. A swift pede knocked the mech down to his front; plating groaned underneath Tarn’s weight. “Welcome to hell,” Tarn stated as he kicked the mech out into the freezing temperatures of Messatine. Fully knowing that the mech would hit some well placed sharpened terrain, including ice shards that would tend to grow well over twenty-feet tall. 
Once they’d landed, the crew found the mech impaled by a large ice shard. Still alive but very much impaled. His vents stuttered as energon splattered out of his frame with each little movement he made. 
“Get him off.”
Tesarus pulled the mech off of the shard, which in turn of course hurt the mech more. So much more the mech’s lights were flickering in and out. 
“Kaon, will you be so kind as to give him a little jolt to wake his systems?” 
Bolts of electricity hit the mech, fully jolting his systems yet also frying them in the process.
“Hhhrrkk--!” The sound of gurgled energon left the mech as the energon that pooled out of him began to freeze as it hit the powdered snow and ice below. 
Each member had their way with their victim, leaving Helex and with Tarn to be the last as always. 
“I’ll give him a glimpse of warmth before his icy demise.” The exhausted and battered mech was drug into Helex’s chamber where he’d receive a glimpse of molten heat before being tossed out to Tarn--that is if his frame could hold on. 
To their surprise he did. 
Molten plating began to melt the ice below Tarn as he ordered his team to stand back as he shifted his own and the traitor’s weight on the ice that started to crack below them. “Just know that this could have been avoided,” coldly stating to the mech. 
One servo grasped the mech’s neck to keep him in place. His free servo tenderly snaked down the front side of his victim while he sang to him while using his Voice. The mech lax in his grip and against his frame as his Outlier abilities relaxed him as he slowly finished him off. One swift movement he plucked out his t-cog and tossed it into a pile of snow a few meters away. Next his sharp claws began to slice through his metal cranial plating so he could extract his brain module. ♬ ♫ “We cannot forget about Helex. Now can we? Such a generous donation.” ♬ ♫ The mech was practically gone in his grasp as he opened up his cranial chamber. ♬ ♫ “Sweet dreams,” ♬ ♫ stating as he placed a gentle kiss to the side of the mechs helm as he tore his brain module from its place. 
The mech dropped to the cracked ice below them; his heated frame melting the ice faster now. Tarn walked off to safe ground before the mech was swallowed up by the usually frozen lake.
Tarn handed the fresh brain module to Helex as he trekked back to the Tyranny. “Onto the next.”
[Memory Disengaging...]
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caelindadewfall · 7 years
SWC Day 2
Day 2: Write about something presently in your character’s life that is “worth it”.
There was a familiar burning sensation in her legs. It was in her arms too. It was incredibly uncomfortable, and how she wished it would go away. She could easily make it so, of course, but that would surely lead to a quick death on her part. She could see the gleam of the metallic spikes in the pit beneath her, and it certainly did not make her more enticed to get any nearer to their pointy ends. 
The stress was primarily on her legs as they held her aloft in a full split just a few feet above the pit of imminent danger. She could only just keep her toes touching to the opposing walls. With each passing moment, she came closer to losing her already strained footing. It would not be a pleasant occurrence either; her head was the closest to the spikes and that meant a rather nasty case of cranial impalement. She tried so hard to avoid that particular method of impalement. 
Her arms were otherwise busy reaching with all of their might towards a rather precarious prize. Dangling ever so tantalizingly just out of reach of her hands was the treasure she had heard so much about from the villagers nearby; a jade pendant. It was a curious little thing, and certainly not worth much in terms of gold, but that wasn’t her motivation. No, she wanted it for another reason. A reason so compelling that she was willing to walk upside down while performing the splits down a long hallway of death for it. She wanted it for her. 
She was worth the trouble. She was worth the danger. And, while she would certainly hate to hear it, she was worth even the threat of death by a spike through the old brain case. 
With Winter’s Veil just around the corner, she knew this would be the perfect gift. Sure, there were easier things she could have done. A new book, a fancy meal, but none of them fit like this one did. The only trade off was that she could never tell Thinariel the truth about where she actually got this little treasure. The stress alone might make her burn down a building. It would have to be a secret she took to her grave, and perhaps even beyond. She didn’t regret her choice though.
She was worth it after all.
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mechagalaxy · 5 years
John T Mainer 28840: Social Distancing
Social Distancing
Gorax Plague had struck Mecha Galaxy. It got into the pilots through contaminated Hate and Stim packs. It got into the mecha via the pilot hard point cranial jacks. It got into the gate systems through pilots interfacing with the gates to respond to ready reaction force alerts, and it got into the cleaning bots because Robert C Goat can't see a socket he won't jam it into. Renamed his whole Clan Gorax Plague until Warlock, Magnificent 7 and the Arcane Dragons put a bounty on him, then he changed it to Objectionable Idiots, which was a fair descriptor, but left us with infected cleaning bots in all the depots.
Word came down from the Craftsmen to practice Social Distancing. This is hard to grasp for many of my pilots. To be honest, our Bunny pilots are technically savvy, and social as anything, but their problem solving skills tend to be limited to the kill/loot/fornicate/burn decision tree. Its a good tree, a worthy and time tested tree, but not the best tool for teaching Social Distancing to stop the spread of the Gorax Plague. That's ok. I picked up a degree in this sort of thing before Drake got the University shut down for illegal cloning; not a legal action. He bought enough politicians he could have stalled that forever. He made an unauthorized clone of his girlfriend Tory for...well lets not get into why. She objected, with Okha armed Infernos and Hellbat equipped Cindrons until there wasn't enough left of campus to detect as trace elements. I also speak fluent kill/loot/burn/fornicate. It is my native tongue.
How do you explain Social Distancing to mecha jocks?
With my Redeemer its easy. Normally I like to shield smash a bastard, then socket my Quad Rifle in his cockpit and blow his CPU all over his wingmate. This would be considered close contact and risking the spread of Gorax to myself, and my technicians wiping bits of pilot goo and mecha bio-electric molycircuitry out of my various exhaust ports, shield emitters and recoil buffers. The correct response it to initiate fire at my effective range of 2km, and complete the engagement outside the 300m exclusion zone (twice the spray distance of gooey bits when you overkill). How to translate for the rest of my pilots?
Lewis Reed, hmmm. He likes to rip mecha apart with his Revenent claws. This is going to be an issue. I am just going to have to take them away. Sorry Lewis, but your need to rend things limb from limb is a health hazard. His second love is sparkly, so we will teach him social distancing by making him fight Red Ants.
See Lewis? You have no claws, and Red Ants don't really come apart that easy anyway, they just flop around a lot. Isn't it prettier to blast them with a Graviton Warp Beam and watch their armour initiate a gate reaction and watch half its mass convert to tachyons and accellerate past light, while the core extends into singularity and collapses the engine and cockpit into a cosmic string of infinite length and no mass? Sparkly, squishy, and BOOM. All at a nice safe distance.
Holy Damn, oh this one is easy. Cameron mecha, known weakness during the Gorax plague is the spikes grown over the shoulder pauldrons look impressive, but block the ammo ports for reloading the arm chain guns. Holy Damn, I know you love to gut punch a bastard, and cut him in half slowly with extended chain gun bursts, but if he splashes on you even a little, we won't be able to reload your guns. If you go close quarters battle, you will have to spend the rest of the war firing short bursts, or, gods forbid, SINGLE SHOTS. No more full auto mayhem. Either engage at range, or you will have to RATION your fire. I hated to do it. It is sad to see a grown cyborg cry, but sometimes you must be cruel to be kind.
Christine had to be taken OUT of her 40 tonners, as there is no way she is not going to play with her food with Keradon and Novum claws, and she can't resist doing the Nephillax Tea Bag dance on her kills, so pretty much saddling her with her Cyberdon that can't dance to save its or her life and really really loves to burn things more than anything is honestly the best way to keep everyone safe.
Todd Rainey and his Penner were a problem. He is right, the Penner is somewhat based on Gorax tech, and looks pretty bad-ass when it changes. You can even reload it to your hearts content as the spikes occur no where near the reloading or ejection ports, Gorax did design the damned virus after all.
I thought about putting an anti-virus lockout on the porn storage in our Clan AI, but that would get my entire clan trying to kill me, with nothing better to do. No that wouldn't work. Fear is not a motivator for Todd, so scaring him is out. How do you get him to stop loot after kill? If he loots, he gets the plague. Social distancing berserkers is pain in the arse. OH THAT IS IT!. I offered Todd the option of replacing his existing ammo at no additional cost with ALL TORY ammo. If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived. I don't know and I don't want to know what Todd did for Tory to get her to design it, but it is regular guass ammunition as far as ballistics is concerned, but once it hits armour, it crosses the activation threshold of the depleted uranium inside and activates the iridium sheath. Your targets armour burns and the irridium infuses the flames. Your target is transformed into a roaring pillar of rainbow flames. He laughs so hard he cries when they go up that way. You can't stop the kill/loot/burn/fornicate cycle, but you can short circuit it by making the kill/burn and cutting out the /loot/ portion without them noticing its missing .
Daniel Halbany, what can you do? He loves his Proton Blade. The sight of him burying a shining cyan axe deep into a Kami then putting his Boreas boot to its chest to kick it off his blade is pretty hard core awesome. Its also a HUGE infection risk. No two ways about it. For all the Boreas pilots an imediate challenge is issued. Free Beer for a year to the winner, free beer for a month for all top ten finalists in MECHA AXE THROWING. That is how you teach social distancing to Boreas Pilots. Sure I know the whole "hit them with it if they get too close" was a backup feature, but if you give a mecha killing battle axe or sword to a mecha pilot he or she is going to get stuck in every chance they get. Ours is not a sane profession, and honestly, mine not the most stable of clans on a good day. So free beer for axe throwing means my kill bunnies will be chucking axes with wild abandon, and at 95 tons with fully developed cockpit and chassis boosts, they are doing so at serious range. Social distancing done....strangely.
Don Lindley.....oh Don. What can I do with you. I mean he loves to ram his Aspis horns right into the enemies junk, then blow it out their butthole with Tri-slagger fire and toss the top half of the corpse to the second rank to play with so they don't get bored. It is a beautiful tactic, and its not wrong, but right now its a huge infection risk. How can you teach social distancing to a pilot whose idea of hello is impaling then igniting? No help for it. Going to have to take his horns away. When he pilots as Aspis he is like a bull in rut, charge everything, think when its time to pick through the shiny bits for loot, which also I can't let him do. When he pilots a Warg he is a stone cold killer, and a cold killer. I mean he leaves the dead frozen so solid they won't thaw for plenty of time for our field decontamination teams to work them over before looting. OK, so Don has to run his 55 tonners. Social Distancing is as much pilot and mecha psychology as anything else.
We here in Mecha Galaxy largely care for one another. I mean, we want to shoot the every loving niode out of you, but we don't want you actually sick or hurt. I mean we are mercenary scum but not actual A-holes about it.
All the Clan Leaders out there, keep working hard to make sure your people are taking care of themselves. Nick and the Craftsmen are making sure the Gorax plague that got into the Crafsman gate circuitry gets fixed so we can go to war. It falls to us as clan mates to make sure our own people look after themselves. Keep health, keep killing, kill responsibly, but kill often. Have a good plague, and see you all on the field
John T Mainer 28840
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Here is an excerpt from my short story collection Survival Songs: 
I am walking through an endless plain of infinite color. Everything is surreal here, the colors of the grass, the sky brighter, more saturated than is physically possible. The mundane here is spectacular; the stars outshined by the earth. I have just arrived and yet it feels I have been walking for hundreds of years. I feel I do not belong here, that I am a visitor. But I cannot remember where I came from, what my previous life was. The ground slowly disappears beneath me, blending into the starry sky. But I do not panic. I embrace this unexpected change. Soon I begin to blend into the sky as well. I lose my form, my distinctiveness. I am no longer a visitor in this environment but now am part of it. My perspective has grown infinite. I can see throughout all of space. All the beauty within the universe is now within me. It is a feeling which I cannot describe but do not feel the need to, for it is…
…gone. This is the first word that comes to me as I awaken from the induced sleep. Several pairs of eyes staring down at me from underneath a blinding light. I cannot communicate with them yet, my mind has not returned to me. I cannot clearly hear what they are saying. From what I can make out they seem pleased with themselves. Now I remember where and why I am here. The memory comes back gradually, and painfully. It starts within my mind but slowly cascades through the rest of my body. I feel like breaking out from off this slab and lashing out at them all, tearing them apart. But I still cannot move. It is for the best. I should not be angry at them. They saved me from death. I owe them a debt of gratitude. I must contemplate whether I am glad to be alive.
           We were one of the first squadrons to engage the insects on Thand. We had received intel on them but they were still mostly figures of the imagination. We did not know what they were but many of us were happy they were here. They’ll never know how listless we soldiers can get when there is nothing to fight. The armed forces of the nation are made to feel useless outside of combat. We are generally trained only for combat; we know little else. There has been no real combat against any enemy since the Founding, other than boredom, complacency, insanity. The insects have finally given us a reason to exist again.
           The Thand landscape is similar to the homeworld only with an extra thick layer of dust and heat. Endless san, hardly any natural vegetation. This planet may be useless for settlement unless you burrow a mile underground. I’ll let the Council and the religious zealots deal with that problem, though. If they want to start a new frontier here, they can hop on a starcruiser and come down here and do it themselves. Seneca is enough living space for me. Even with visors it was hard to make out anything within several feet of us. We couldn’t sense any other life within the vicinity. Scans from Orbital Command above did not reveal where the enemy stood. We pursued this fruitless endeavor for another few hours; all we had accomplished was being familiar with the landscape. The plains we traversed slowly turned to dunes of sand, much harder to walk through aimlessly. One of my men finally broke the monotony, finding what looked like a head amongst the dunes. The head contained thousands of compound eyes and a mouth crowned by pincers rather than teeth. We had finally found the insects. There were thousands of them scattered across the dunes, each about seven feet long, with pairs of wings twice that length, coated in a black metallic substance we could not determine was armor or natural. They were all completely motionless. No vital signs registered on scans so we assumed they were all dead. We were mostly right. Seeing as how we did not need to engage them in combat we decided to take a few corpses for autopsy on the ship. One of the insects was still alive. I know this because it lunged at me from behind attempting to impale me. It was aiming for my chest but I was able to dodge its stinger…for the most part. I ducked out of the way but the bastard still managed to graze my right arm. It was quickly shot down by my men, its death now confirmed. I would have done it myself. However, I realized I could not lift my arm to shoot my own energy rifle. In fact I soon could barely move any of my limbs. I could not talk but thankfully the others could sense my thoughts, my newfound panic. There was no time to debate our next course of action for me; I needed to get out of here. I needed to get back to the ship.
           I remember most of it now. I’ve been under induced sleep for about six months. I have just begun to regain my senses. I’ve begun to understand my new reality. The Chief Medical Officer explained what had to be done to me. I had been injected with a highly potent neurotoxin. This toxin entered my body through my arm; it would spread out across my entire body within a half-hour without immediate medical attention. All they could do was slow the progress of the toxin down; they could not find a way to extricate it from my bloodstream. Therefore the only reason I am still alive now is because I no longer have my body. I could not feel anything when I first awoke because they did not activate the electroneural function within the cybernetic frame yet. My entire “body”, from the neck down, is a titanium shell. They managed to preserve my head as the poison did not reach my cranial area yet. It is the only reason this procedure was possible. The new cybernetic frame will take some getting used to. It will be like learning to walk again as infants do. It is a medical breakthrough, the first successful procedure of its kind. The doctors are very pleased with themselves. Perhaps they could have asked me if I wanted to go through with it in the first place. But of course I could not tell them no; I was not even conscious. I should have stayed there in the sand dunes, with those insect corpses. I should have grown to be part of the landscape, a warning to any who considered traversing that world. Now I am back amongst the living, a miracle of medical progress. An unnatural being.
           The cybernetic body was created to match my own as closely as possible. It is approximately six feet in height, as I was. It is fitted with synthetic skin to fool others into thinking I am still a normal human being. It was forged in the general shape of a human skeleton, the hydraulic cogs and gears seamlessly integrated into the framework where the muscular joints would be located. I am now physically stronger than any real human, more durable. They tell me I could take several direct shots from a plasma rifle without vital damage, even withstand a single plasma explosive. I have become the ultimate soldier. I am still unsure months later if this is a cursed existence or a blessing in disguise. I never felt comfortable amongst civilian society before; I am even less so now. I have no use for the arts, or for religion. My existence is ungodly. Such an existence should not be possible. I have little in common with humanity now. And yet, did I ever fit in amongst human beings before? How could I be like them when I enjoyed violence and conflict so much? Violence is not natural for human beings to enjoy. Violence is when I am most secure, most at home. There was no other option for me but to be a soldier. This whole society is geared toward pacifism; the military is their release. It is where all the impulses for destruction and murder are concentrated. The council knows they need violence to achieve their goals, as do the priests. They try to cloak their violent intentions under “divine progress” or security of the homeworld but I am more honest about the reality. No amount of sermons or meditation will change the fact that this homeworld was founded upon violence. Violence of the elements, violence against the hostile native species. Now I have become the ultimate harbinger of violence. I could kill more easily than ever before. No human being could prevail in combat at my level. This is because I am no longer human. I am a machine with human spirit, and drive. Although my human motives are not typical of others. No one else is suited for this except a soldier. What would an artist or a politician do to utilize this newfound superiority? I only wanted to fight as a human; all I can do is fight now as a machine.
           I have conflicting feelings towards the insects. They tried to end my life. They did so in a cowardly manner. I never saw it coming and I almost lost my life to their sneak attack. They are a cowardly race. They deserve to be eradicated. I hate them. Yet perhaps it is my fault. All our faults for underestimating the enemy. We should have been able to sense their vital signs. We should have seen it coming. I should have seen it coming. I wonder if I were in their place, would I have done the same. Would I have not lashed out at the first combatant I saw in order to survive? I understand them. We have learned more about the insects, their nature, their order, their strengths and their weaknesses. They have no civilization, no government, no bureaucracy. They are bred for one purpose: to kill. The insects are all soldiers; they are given commands and they execute them. It is their only purpose in life. Their race is simple in this manner, devoid of complicated philosophical questions about the meaning of life or their place in the universe. I envy them. The insects are a threat to the homeworld. Their presence on Thand was not natural. They were a visiting force, as we were. They have the same colonial ambitions as we do. We will clash in a true war eventually. It is inevitable. The council does not know it yet. The public does not know it yet. But I see that with clarity. There is only one way to deal with our mutual interests. It is not through peace, or diplomacy. We do not communicate with each other and we do not care to. But I understand the nature of war. Our issues will only be resolved with violence. Violence will be the key to our survival. To my survival. It must be. I want to be out there now; instead I am alone in my chambers. Amongst humans I am always alone. Except with my men in combat. There I have purpose. There I am one with a force greater than myself.  My perspective becomes infinite. Everything is seen with perfect clarity. I can see that violence is natural for humans, as with the insects. With all matter within the universe. This existence was created in a violent display of power, with trillions of atoms smashing into one another. Violence is the explanation for everything in existence. We must engage the insects. We must engage in a violent struggle. I need them.
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