devieuls · 1 year
The way of love pt.IX
Neteyam Sully x Tayrangi Fem Reader (Na'vi)
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Warning of the Serie: MDNI. Dom Neteyam x Fem Reader; SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF; Dirty Talk; Fangs; Bites; Blood; Spit; Power Play; Jealousy and Possessiveness; Foreplay; violence; Swearing; Teasing; Unprotected Sex; Enemies (because of you, Neteyam treats you well). Aged characters: Neteyam 19 y.o / You 18 y.o. SERIE
Synopsis: After a great loss happened in your family, you are forced to take a role that before did not belong to you, following a path that you will feel like your only in time. Just when you thought you were finally overcoming the loss, your clan shows up with those you blame for the great offense received. You are the daughter of the first Olo'eykte of all clans and are about to take your mother’s place to lead the Tayrangi clan, but first you must follow Neteyam (the eldest son of the man you detest with all your heart) To train him, despite your contempt for the Sullys and everything about them, you inevitably bond with the boy, unknowingly falling in love with him.
Lenght : 4.2k
Notes: I cried so much in the scenes of Ney'nari, because they reminded me of a friend I was close to many years ago and who unfortunately passed away. I cried loving the scene, I hope it can touch your heart a little bit. I recommend listening to these songs while reading: OCEAN EYES; HOSTAGE; IDONTWANNABEYOUANYMORE BY: BILLIE EILISH
NA'VI WORDS: 'ITE: Daughter; TSMUKE: Sister; OARE: Moon; SA'NU: Mother; YAWNETU: Darling; NGATSYIP: Little you; SEMPUL: Father
Character Cast: NEY'NARI: Your dead sister; IKEYNI: Your Mother; TSENTEY: Your Father; YÌMKXA: Your Ikran; ULEYTE: Your bestie; TUL'PEY: Your future Mate
PART: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10
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You spent a few hours in that place, letting nature embrace and welcome you, remembering that you could ask for advice and receive comfort from your sister by making Tsaheylu with one of the voices trees that was placed just a short distance from there. You needed guidance and someone who understood your emotions, so who better than your sister to help you figure out the way to go?
The cold air now hit your face as your eyes pointed towards the tree of voices, not feeling able to get up to reach it. You felt dead lying on that grass, letting a few tears go while you seemed lifeless, almost extinct. It took a few minutes before you could get off the ground, your steps were heavy as you squeezed your hand at chest height as if to keep the small fragments that now composed it connected, creating cracks and letting you bleed. Now the tears became faithful companions, a way of vent for the pain that you could not hold back. When you reached the tree you sat on its roots and weakly connected your tail to one of the bright vines of the tree, slightly afraid of not being able to connect with your sister. This was the first time you’ve been looking for her voice and her memory like this, because you knew it would be destructive to hear and see Ney'nari and then go back to reality and remind yourself that you no longer had her guidance, therefore you preferred to look for it in the wind or in the waves and you felt good so.
Within seconds you found yourself in a cherished memory, and you realized that you had found your sister. You remembered that day well because it was the day you killed the Palulukan whose tooth became the pendant of your necklace. You felt the breath die in your throat when you noticed a beautiful Na'vi from behind, with long braided hair, some jewels and feathers embellished her braids, while the band on her arm was indistinguishable, because you had made her, even though it was woven mediocrely she had never taken away that cherished memory of her little sister. When the girl turned a sweet smile greeted you and her kind eyes looked at you as if to invite you to approach her, while warm tears bathed your face, giving you the strength to run towards her and embrace her. Her arms were warm and comforting, and her scent was stored back in your memory. You collapsed in her arms, taking her to sit with you, as she held you to her immediately realizing that you were not well, her hands caressed your braids as she whispered "Take your time, ma Yawntutsyìp, take your time…." not knowing that her words only made you cry more. You missed her so much, her warm and comforting embrace that welcomed you whenever you needed it, the way her voice calmed you even in the worst of times.
She made you lay your head on her legs, just like when you were a child, beginning to caress your braids and your face, smiling lovingly as she wiped your tears. "M-Ma 'Nary…" you managed to whine and whisper without a voice while your hand caressed her face, trying to convince you that this was real and she was really there with you. "You became so beautiful, ma Yawntutsyìp" Her voice was sweet and melodious as she spoke to you, you had forgotten her voice and hearing her again led you to take long breaths and hold back tears, and then smile at her. "It’s been so long, ma 'Nari, so much… I’m sorry" she nodded at your words, smiling and holding you to her as much as possible. "Not much for me, I always listen to you, when you talk to me and look for me, because I am always here" She put her hand on your heart, looking at you with a sweet sadness. " And I feel that my house is being destroyed, what happens to your heart, ma Tsmuke?" Your eyes looked at her with desolation before opening your mouth.
She remained silent as you spoke to her about everything that had happened to you since her death, seeking comfort in her sweet eyes full of love and affection for you. She nodded at your words, waiting for you to finish talking and then pass her hand over your forehead. "Ma y/n, the ways of the Great Mother are many, and none cruel. Within you, you know what you really want, but your mind prevents you from understanding. I prayed very much to the Great Mother for you, to send you a good person because I know that Tul'pey cannot offer you all his heart, I'm sorry… You've become so beautiful and great, but your mind is still small like when you were still a child. You are hurt and your spirit is protected by your hard thinking. Neteyam Sully, he is where your happiness lives, I've seen it" You have remained silent, listening to her as she spoke. "Your eyes speak and I read his name in them. If you are suffering this way, let him go, and continue on the path that others have chosen for you. But this isn’t you, I still remember how much you hated following the rules." "I don’t think I’ll be happy with him, ma Ney'nari… He knew about Tul'pey, he knew that I was paired and that he would be my future partner but he wasn’t sincere. He took my heart and destroyed it-"Ney'nari stopped you before I finished talking. "But you asked? Did you ask him if he had a partner?" She looked at you as if she already knew the answer to her own question.
"I… I thought he haven't, because… well, I understood that… I-" You began to stutter, searching your mind for the moment when you asked Neteyam if he was paired. "I’ll answer you, no, you didn’t. As I told you, your mind leads you wrong, you are wise ma'Tsmuke, but very stubborn. " "He has a woman… She said she was his mate, ma tsmuke. His M-a-t-e!" even the mere memory of what was said caused you pain. "You too have a partner, whom you do not want. As he does not want her. You two have found each other, this is even greater than what our mother said or his tsahìk. You chose eachother" she whispered, caressing your cheek to comfort you. "She’s not his mate, not yet" You looked at her incredulously, is it possible that she was right? That Ninat’s daughter had said those words just to mark her territory? "When Eywa sent you the young Sully, I was blessing that boy for you, desperately trying to change your mind about him and his family." She gently hit your forehead, making you grumble. "You know how hard that was? Trying to influence the events of the living for a greater purpose is very difficult. The lost necklace was easier than sending you signals to change your mind." You looked at her wide-eyed even more incredulous "Then it was really you…" you whispered without a voice. "Of course it was me, I had to pray to the Great Mother for many eclipses to get her consent. And you kept being so stubborn, that hard work," she sighed dramatically, making you laugh slightly, vaguely reminding you that it was something Neteyam often did. "I could feel it, I knew it was you watching over me," you said with a small smile, as you squeezed his hand and carried it on your cheek. "I never stopped doing it, but Oare. Once sisters, sisters forever. Not even death can cut this bond" You looked at her nodding as you felt some tears come out of your eyes again, thanking her in silence.
"Oel ngati kameie, ma y/n" this time it was her eyes that got shiny. She never had a chance to tell you, because you were too young and you wouldn’t fully understand the meaning of this sentence. "I’ve always seen you, so I know that your heart and your mind want Neteyam Sully. Listen to your heart, he’s your destiny. Fight my big, fearless, little warrior" You nodded in tears, squeezing her hand against your cheek. "Oel Ngati kameie, ma Ney'nari" you answered with a broken voice. You wanted to stay in that enchanted place forever, listen to her voice and cuddle up in her arms whenever you needed, feel protected and at home when she was near you. You knew it wasn’t gonna happen, but you didn’t feel ready to go back to reality without her, not again. "It’s time to go…" she whispered once your breasts met because of the hug you needed so much. "Just a little bit more… please, leave me here a little more, I’m so afraid…" your broken voice as you squeezed your sister’s body, letting her do the same while caressing your head as a mother would have done with her daughter. "You can’t, it’s already late out there, ma y/n. I’ll be with you there too, don’t be afraid" You could hear from her tone that she also wanted to stay a little longer with you. "It’s not true, I won’t see you anymore! I won’t feel your warmth and your voice… You’ll disappear again, I won’t, I beg you… please" Ney'nari took your face with her hands and looked you in the eye, wiping with her thumbs every tear that came down your face . "No, don’t say that. I will never leave you. Never, ma tsmuke. I’m always with you, just listen. I am in the air you breathe, in the breeze that caresses you, in the waves that embrace you and in the stars that you look at. You carry me in your heart, listen to me. I will be your sister in all the lives that Eywa will give me, I promise." She tried to convince you to nod with her. Your fingers still held her shoulders as if she were a life preserver in the middle of the ocean and you were drowning. "Now go, and make your own way, follow your future. You have a strong heart, ma y/n, go get him."
Before you could answer her, you found yourself embracing the air, disconnecting the Tsaheylu that had been created between your tail and the bioluminescent liana. Lean your forehead on the bark of the tree, trying to feel the warmth of your sister’s arms for a while longer, wrapping your own body with your arms. Some tears streaked your face before feeling a gentle breeze caressing your back, making you smile in silence, realizing that this was Ney'nari. You opened your mouth, taking a deep breath, letting the cool sea breeze below open your lungs. You noticed that the sky was coloring slightly, and other gusts of wind hit you making you understand to get up and go to find Neteyam, to allow him to explain himself. When you arrived at the village you rushed to his hut, entering without even knocking or asking permission, immediately noticing the emptiness that was in his house. There was nothing left of him, no clothes or weapons, nothing, the bare walls and the tables well arranged. As you approached one of the tables you could see the presence of your necklace, the one with the palulukan tooth that you had lost, noting that the threads had been worked again with other green threads, making the closure knot more difficult so you don’t lose it anymore.
With the jewel in your hands you ran home and there you found your father looking at you worried, after all you had been gone for hours and your Ikran was still near the village. "Where were you? We-" You stopped him impatiently, looking for something vaguely reminiscent of one of the Sullys. "Where's Neteyam?" your tone of voice was impatient and almost exasperated, which confused your father. "I thought you knew, he left with his parents about an hour ago. He said that you had given him permission to leave because he was ready, and-" Tsentey froze, noticing your sad look and your still-shiny eyes. "Too late… it’s too late…" you managed to whisper, holding your sister’s necklace in your hands. "Ma 'ite, too late for what?" The man approached you, laying a hand on your cheek and looking at you worried. At that moment a lantern lit in him, making him understand why you had said those words. "Ma y/n, too late to find him?" he asked you to see you nod. Tears turned your face, looking again for affection and warmth in Tsentey’s arms. "Dad, I was late. Again. I didn’t get there in time," you said in the sobs as he stroked your back, clutching at you.
Your father had always been the loving parent, who understood you and left you free to be yourself, increasing your warrior spirit. He wanted to see you happy, and he always tried to soften the pill in everything, while Ikeyni was the toughest parent, who, yes, loved you but was tougher. They were two kinds of love that made you feel closer to your father than your mother, so you were looking for the maternal figure in Ney'nari. "Ma 'ite, Neteyam wasn’t just a student to you, was he?" Tsentey’s gentle voice echoed in the empty hut, which despite being warm made you feel cold. "I no. I don’t…" Your father’s eyes met yours, and you couldn’t lie. "He wasn’t just a student…" you sighed as a comforting smile from your father destabilized you. You were expecting a lecture that you two were heirs to two different clans, that you were both paired with other people and things like that. But he understood you, you could tell by his look. "I knew it. When you looked at him, you had the same eyes as your mother when I met her years ago." He reassured you, clutching you at his chest. "Don’t you want to scold me?" you said sobbing, you were sure you’d shed all the tears of your life in one day. "How could I? The heart is not commanded, ma Ngasyìp" Your father looked into your eyes, wiping your tears gently. "But it’s too late now… He’s gone, and it is all my fault" you whispered with shame, knowing that you had not even given Neteyam a chance to apologize and explain himself; for when he did you were deliberately deaf, so caught up in your emotions that you forgot his. "If it is fate, you will find yourself again," he said before laying his chin over your head, clutching at him. That’s when Ikeyni walked in and you two looked the other way, like you hadn’t just told your father that you’d been unfaithful in Tulpey for a guy you shouldn’t even have seen romantically.
The days without Neteyam were long and exhausting, your spirit had returned to what it was before you met him. You spent your time squeezing your fingers around the necklace that he had fixed, never taking it off, thus keeping the boy closest to you. Sometimes, when the night came, you would still look out the window hoping to find him and hear his voice and sweet words once again, being disappointed when you remembered that he was gone and would not return. To make his memory even more exhausting, it was that his hut was so close to yours that, inevitably, when you needed to feel him close to you, you went back to his house. You breathed the air that every day lost more and more his scent, taking with it the memories enclosed in those walls of leather and wood. Your routine had become monotonous: Tsakarem lessons to become Tsahìk; training with your father to be a strong Olo'eykte; the exasperating encounters with the family of Tul'pey that inevitably led you two to quarrel; some sacred rites and meetings with the elders of the village. You could say that your day took a moment of relief only when Uleyte came to see you and tried to cheer you up, understanding what was happening to you and feeling bad to see you suffer in silence, without making a noise.
Days became weeks and weeks became months. Now it was two months since your skin had forgotten Neteyam’s touch, since your lips had last met his and you wondered if he felt like you. You wanted to know if he missed you, if you were in his mind as much as he was in yours, or if you were just a distant and painful memory for him. Slowly you began to feel 'better', the wounds he had lefton you were healing on your own, patching those deep cuts with a few bandages, but not suturing anything. You had accepted the path that your mother and elders had marked for you, you were going to become Tsakik and Olo'eykte of the clan without protesting. Tul'pey tried in those months to fill a place that was impossible to cover, but without ever stopping fighting with you, trying to figure out what your problem was, your relationship had become something toxic. The thought that in a week you should mated him frightened you, you would not have lived the happy life you hoped to have, and it was at that moment that words struck your mind: 'make your own way, follow your future'. Your way, your future. These words sounded so familiar when placed close to Neteyam’s name, but it was an illusion to believe that there could still be a "you two" after that night he left.
It was ironic how life brought Neteyam back on your path just a week before your official mating with Tul'pey, but it wasn’t happy news. The Omatikaya clan had invited the Tayrangi clan, especially the Olo'eykte Ikeyni and her family, to the celebration of the union of Neteyam and Reyin'al. The news tore your soul, making those bandages useless now, making you bleed again. Your father and Uleyte understood when you expressed your desire not to participate, using as an excuse the commitments and preparations of your 'wedding' event, but Ikeyni would not hear any objection from you, she had already decided to bring you too as a form of respect. "Please, sa'nu… I don’t have time for this, Neteyam and the Sullys will understand" you whispered, hiding the pain behind your words, but your father understood right away, trying to change his partner’s mind. "You were his teacher. You are obliged to go and bless his union, it is tradition. You would bring shame to your name if you did not participate. has already been decided, we will leave tomorrow morning" She answered you, forbidding you to counter her decision, while you were looking for your father’s support with your eyes. "Ma' Yawnetu, maybe we should leave her here, after all she is also going to mate with her partner, you should understand her…" Your father shut up when Ikeyni’s look landed on him, making him look down. Unfortunately, you knew your mother was in charge of the relationship, but you appreciated Tsentey’s attempt to take your side. "I said it was decided. The mating will be the day after tomorrow, and Neytiri is like a sister, I will not offend her and her family for this." She took leave, leaving you and your father to look at each other with a sorry face.
You sighed in frustration all day, until Uleyte invited you to take a walk on the beach to empty your mind. "How are you feeling? I know this is hard for you" began your friend, as she wrapped her arms around your arm, walking on the seashore with you. "I feel…" you sighed stopping and then looking at the sea waves that were on your right. "I won’t lie, I feel bad. I haven’t seen him in months, and I missed him… I know I shouldn’t feel like this, that I shouldn’t have believed his promises, but I can’t forget his eyes. He was so sincere…" your tone was full of nostalgia and melancholy, remembering those moments where he spoke and you believed him, losing yourself in his golden sunset that gave you so much confidence. "But they were lies… The day after tomorrow he will belong to another woman" a bitter smile was born on your face. "You too will belong to another man, but the Great Mother watches over you, she will deceive the way if this is fate" your friend reassured you, receiving a faint smile from you. "Keep telling me about this fate, it seems that you’ve all agreed… I can’t blame him, in the end I told him to leave and be with her, I would be selfish to think that the fault was just his" you stopped sighing heavily while the girl next to you comforted you caressing your arm. "Do you want me to come with you? I swear, I pack my things, and at the cost of mounting on your Ikran I will come with you" She said in a solemn voice, making you laugh because you knew how afraid she was of height and flying, so much so that she always avoided following you when you went hunting, just for your banshee. "No, you don’t have to. You’ll die of fear after the first meter of height. But thank you"
Uleyte smiled at you, trying to convince you that she would take the risk if you needed her support. You two spent the day talking and laughing, feeling that you needed a moment like this before you had to face the ceremony of union between the boy who possessed your heart and that unknown Na'vi. Your friend tried to free your mind with nonsense thing that you did as children, took you to collect shells and pearls of the sea, making some low quality jewelry with the salty sea vines, or playing with the sand while it made you vent. When you said goodbye, she recommended that you come and greet her before your departure, leaving almost all the jewels made that afternoon together, and then wish you goodnight.
The night before you left, it was deadly for you, you had packed some clothes and jewelry that you would need for the days you would be in the Omatikaya clan, your hands trembled as you wrapped the various tops and loincloths in the leather blanket that would be your luggage. You could not help but look at your 'suitcase' and think that you would prefer not to leave, to turn away from your thoughts was your father who entered the part of the most private hut and of which you had appropriated. In his hands were traditional ceremonial clothes and you looked up at the ceiling, knowing that that would be your clothing for one of the worst days of your life. "Ma Ngatsyìp, I came to-" you opened your mouth before you even let him finish talking. " Yeah, put it on the table, I’ll pack it later." "It’s not just the dress, I wanted to know if you needed anything." Your father’s placed the clothes on the table and then looked at you tenderly. "Other than permission to stay home? Nothing." You made yourself too late that your tone was far too sour to address your father, who after all was only trying to comfort you. " I… I’m sorry, I’m just tense, Ma Sempul" You sat exhausted on your flat, then made space for your father. "Don’t apologize, ma 'ite, I understand the burden in your heart," he said as he sat next to you, before gently smiling at you.
You spent hours talking to your father, finding comfort and confidence even in his words, beginning to feel more confident in your encounter with Neteyam. You convinced yourself that if you saw Neteyam happy with someone else, maybe you could get over him and live your life in peace. Before you fell asleep you went over the plan in your mind: see Neteyam as little as possible, pretend to be happy and not think about him anymore, be a mature woman and wish him the best for his life as a couple with Reyin'al. It was easy, it would have been easy, if he had looked at you without that look in love you would have made it; after all two months had passed, surely the crush that he had for you had passed and had finally convinced himself that mating with a woman of his clan was the best choice to make.
Then why did your heart beat so fast at the thought of his eyes in love and enchanted as he looked at yours?
Notes II:
There are only two chapters left at the end, I want to cry so much because I have grown fond of this series, although I know I could have written this series much better. Despite this, it is the first time in months that I did not write and I started with a series, be patient with me.
Tell me what you think about this chapter, I am curious to know your opinions
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coldresolve · 2 years
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Psychological thriller/suspense. Read on AO3 // Read on Wattpad
Conrad DeWitt is on his way home from a night shift when he is kidnapped by two strangers and forced into a van headed god-knows-where. Initially hoping he can spare himself from unwanted trouble by keeping his head down, Conrad complies - but the violence only escalates, and soon, he finds himself struggling to maintain a sense of humanity. His captors are in it for the money, and they seem to have no intentions of sparing him from pain to get it.
Masterlist: Moneymakers
pt.i // Introduction to the Show pt.ii // Mercy pt.iii // Red pt.iv // the_attic_271020XX pt.v // Coming Back Down pt.vi // The Fifth Criterion pt.vii // Zopiclone pt.viii // Bitter Mechanics pt.ix // the_attic_291020XX
pt.x // Threads pt.xi // Lazarus pt.xii // Like an Animal pt.xiii // the_attic_011120XX pt.xiv // Sprouts pt.xv // Antipathy pt.xvi // Division pt.xvii // American Boys pt.xviii // Cheap Shots pt.xix // the_attic_041120X
pt.xx // The Thing About Hope pt.xxi // Shivers pt.xxii // Fallout pt.xxiii // Change of Plans pt.xxiv // Visitors pt.xxv // By All Other Names pt.xxvi // Ratio pt.xxvii // Aftermath of Ratio pt.xxviii // Waking pt.xxix // Returning
pt.xxx // the_attic_101120XX pt.xxxi // Prelude to Escape pt.xxxii // Prey Drive pt.xxxiii // A Warning pt.xxxiv // Nervous pt.xxxv // Aftermath of Nervous pt.xxxvi // Suggestions pt.xxxvii // Numb pt.xxxviii // All Saints Are Sinners pt.xxxix // The Midnight Talk
pt.xl // Sway pt.xli // The Dealer pt.xlii // Synthesis pt.xliii // the_attic_181120XX pt.xliv // Interlude pt.xlv // Speaking Your Language pt.xlvi // The Silence pt.xlvii // The Confession pt.xlviii // Blood pt.xlix // Pinned
pt.l // The Fire and the Body pt.li // Risk pt.lii // Aftermath of Blood pt.liii // Understanding pt.liv // (coming soon) (real) (not clickbait)
Extras: // Character portraits // Moodboard // Playlist // The Lost Media // A Desperate Thing
Fanmade stuff: // Fanart tag // Fanfic: Rock Bottom by @suspicious-whumping-egg
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kat-hawke · 4 years
To Hunt a Shadow
(Following [Preparations - II])
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By the light of a single lamp upon the table at the center of the cabin's main room, Kat geared up in silence. The ticking of the distant wall clock echoing off the empty hearth, the sound interrupted by the occasional sinch of a strap or jingle of a buckle as they were fastened. Piece by piece, she armored herself, leather upon leather until the second skin was completed. Weapons found their sheaths, volatile bottles were stowed in the protective pouch, and the soul-bound dagger was secured firmly at her thigh.
A stride of determination quickly carried Kat out into the night, her gaze casting skyward towards the full moon looming over the mountains. The hair along the back of her neck stood on end as the sight of the pale moon churned the anger and primal nature in her core, the upper lip unconsciously lifting into a snarl. The repressed beast within rattled its cage.
In the blink of an eye, the leather armor expanded at the crafted seams to accommodate the sudden expanse of the muscle and bone as Kat's form shifted. Eyes blood red replaced the amber color, and blue-grey fur sprouted from the skin as anthropomorphic legs sprinted through the forest. Trees passed by like a picket fence as the damp woodland's sents were inhaled, low hanging branches were swatted and snapped off with the clawed hands as the mountain pathway drew closer by the second.
The sound of crushing leaves was traded for gravel as the upward hike began. Claws bit into stone as impromptu shortcuts were created, lupin muscle launching the afflicted woman up ledges and across gaps without fear of falling into the canopy of branches below. The fervorous climb was halting once she stood before the weathered cave entrance, where the scent of death and foul blood still lingered.
Loose pebbles ground beneath the heel of Kat's boot as she entered the dark abode, the leathers shrunk with her form, and a gloved hand raked back the raven strands, tying the defiant tresses back. The carved out basins along the cavern walls ignited one after the other as she moved deeper, approaching the two effigies positioned opposite one another in the final chamber.
The stone of the chiseled figure to the left had been cleaved in half, split down the center as the wards placed on the ground were snuffed out. Its twin to the right was still whole and sound, radiating a trickle of energy into the air.
"Finally come to pay your dues?" Erzis taunted as slipped out from behind the broken statue. "Or have you come to renegotiate our bargain?" The lesser void lord taking on the form of a dark silhouette mirror of Kat, the eyes empty with the void.
Kat's hand tensed into a fist as she stared the creature down, fingertips gently brushing the rose pommel of Alyssa's dagger.
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[ @alyssa-ward​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] [Chapter IV] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] [pt.VIII] )
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
The Empress pt.IX
Warnings: Alcohol, swearing, mentions of death.
(So, sorry this is so short)
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   After talking with Phil you both decided it would be best to return to the party. Although you weren't looking forward to seeing the lingering looks and stares, you were looking forward to dancing with Techno. Now that you've had a moment to ease your senses, you were able to push away the others and focus on your lover.
   When Techno saw you walk in with Phil, his lips turned into a smile. He offered his arm back to you, of course you took it without hesitation. Phil was happy to see you two having fun together, a lot of the things techno did with you, was what Phil did with his wife. So seeing you two was almost a blast from the past.
   "Feeling better?" He asked softly. His arm rested on your forearm. Wanting to clarify that you were ok. You gave him a nod and smiled.
   "Much better." He gave a reassuring nod and turned to the crowd again. You noticed the lingering eyes had fallen back to you. As much as you wanted to say the two of you looked like a casual couple. Techno was dressed beautifully in his traditional military uniform, truly looking regal and official. Like Sarah, she was also in her traditional uniform as well. Although looking around, most of the attendees were in uniform. This is what Sarah must have meant when she said that most of her friends were within her ranks. Even as Sarah's Maid of Honor, you were dressed very nicely. Purples and reds adorned the dress. Techno's favorite colors. You didn't know it, but Techno had specifically requested that you were dressed as regal as possible. Since this was the first time the public, and court would see you, he wanted to make a lasting impression with you. He knew you weren't the most ladylike, but for what your manners lacked, your personality made up for. You were kind and always willing to correct yourself. He only hoped that the court would see this as well.
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   After a while Techno and you had found a comfortable seat to eat a little late dinner. Of course the meal last long as the time came for the brides to have their dance with the fathers. On Sarah's behalf this meant a dance with Techno. You had no problem offering him up to her of course. You knew she had no intention of stealing Techno or anything of the sorts. when they made their way to the ball room floor, the two contrasted greatly. Technoblade was dressed in darks well Seraphina was in whites, It was beautiful to say the least, but then again most things within this palace was.
   Well Techno and Sarah danced, you felt little hands tug at the hem of your dress. Tommy. You looked down at the little boy. Like his brother's he was dressed just as nice. You couldn't help smiling wide, taking him into your arms. When you rested him on your knee he quickly became interested with the items on the table. Of course you didn't mind though. You even offered him the roll from your plate, knowing they were his favorite. When you looked up, you saw Philza give you a gentle nod, and a smile. Acknowledging Tommy was with you.
   Well you watched your lover dance with the bride, a middle-aged man had approached you and Tommy. He was dressed well, but not in uniform. He looked loosely bemused as he offered you a drink. You gave a shy smile but politely declined. "You don't drink?" He inquired. His eyebrow lifting in question. He didn't look kind, but he also didn't look mean.
   "Not particularly, I'm sorry" you said softly. Pulling Tommy closer to you subconsciously. You were unsure of the man as he took Technoblade's chair ever so casually.
   "Oh your alright, give it time. You'll take up drinking" he said too casually, leaning into the chair. You blinked a bit, taken back by his words.
   "I... I beg your pardon?" You asked, wanting to clarify what you herd. He looked at you and raised a semi bushy brow.
   "You'll take up drinking. As long as your with that man there" He pointed to Techno "I bet you'll become an alcoholic even." His eyebrow quirked as a devious smirk formed. His eyes were lingering Technoblade, who unbeknownst to you, had a not so happy look when seeing you and the man. "Or I bet you'll mysteriously go missing, or die" your eyes glanced about, now looking for a familiar face. The longer this man was with you, the more uncomfortable you grew with his presence.
"I.. I’m doubtful that will happen.. Technoblade is a kind man to me..." you said carefully, your eyes flickering to the man well you held Tommy close. Protective of him from the rather rude man In front of you.
   The mans eyes lingered to Tommy and back to you. "We'll see..." he dropped that conversation for a new one. "Where are my manners, my name is Leon Schmidt." He held his hand out for you. Adjusting Tommy you offered your hand and shook his. To your surprise your hand was stronger than his. His hands were not worn and worked with trade, but instead soft, and made for pens and books. With this small note you felt a slight surge of confidence.
   "Nice to meet you... I'm (y/n)-" he cut you off quickly.
   You felt a warm hand rest on your shoulder. The hardened tone of the person ran through. Technoblade. "Schmidt." You could see Leon's Adams apple bob slightly as techno addressed him. "I see you have met (y/n)" Techno's tone wasn't kind, rather harsh to be frank.
   "Oh I know who you are. Your very popular among us court members." He said taking his hand back, almost looking as if he wiped it. He took his drink in his hand and took the one he brought you. "As a sign of friendship and with the hopes the Emperor takes care of you. Lets drink to your health." He offered the drink again. You took it but you were hesitant. You didn't want to drink, but what would happen if you declined? He held his glass out for a toast. You glanced your glass to his and slowly toasted. You looked down to the glass and thought back. You didn't want to disappoint Techno, and have the court pressure him about you. The liquid was rolling with pearlescent Yellow's, orange's and red's. With a glance to Techno you carefully took a sip. Setting it aside after. Having no desire to drink more. You felt the liquid drop down your throat, a slow buildup of warmth filling your body.
   "That I have... How long until this one ends up bored, or dead, Blood God?" You glanced up to Techno and saw his Jaw lock.
"For your information, Leon... I intend to marry (y/n)..." his hand held firm but kind on your shoulder. Acting almost like a protector of Tommy and you. Your face went red, your heart beating much faster. He Intended to marry you? Well Tommy played with the beads of your dress, your mind raced at the idea of you and him being a official couple. Would you have a wedding like this? Would he actually want that?
   "Marriage? With her?" The man chocked out a loud laugh. This left Techno seething. However, Techno's attention was drawn from Leon's boisterous laugh to you instead. You weren't acting normal. With your hand subconsciously your throat you loosely rubbed. Your breathing began to turn ragged and strained slowly. With a slight blue tinge to your lips Technoblade knew something was horribly wrong.
   "What did you put in her drink." At his his tone was nothing but sharp and demanding. Harshly taking your glass to smell it. With nothing sticking out to the hybrids senses, he set the glass down.
   Well Leon's laughs died down, he no longer found amusement at Techno's cruel tone. Techno took Tommy off your lap, taking your hand in his. The clammy feeling of your hands and your rapid heart rate was enough to tell him the problem.
   Your body was going into shock.
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   When you came around the sun was already up. You were in your own bed well Tommy was curled up beside you, peacefully asleep with his teddy bear in arms. You let your head roll as your eyes scanned the room, falling to Technoblade in the end. His back was to you well he faced out the window, you could tell he was deep in thought. He was no longer in his formal attire. Instead he was in casual wear, his hair was in a messy bun, showing whatever he was doing demanded his full attention.
"Te..chno?.." your voice was ragged but he clearly herd it, turning to face you his eyes softened fast.
   "(y/n)..." he quickly walked over and sat beside you on the bed. His hand moved your hair back before he placed a soft kiss to your forehead, happy to see you awake once more. "How do you feel?" His eyes were worried, but gentle.
   "I... think ok?" You asked uncertain. Your body felt tired, but also well rested. You were looking up at him, your eyes dancing between his for how he felt.
   "Do you remember what happened?" His tone was soft and gentle. Rather if that was because of Tommy asleep by you, or because you had gave him a scare, you wouldn't know.
   "I remember... a man, Tommy, and you... then my throat felt weird..." he nodded slowly and cupped your cheek gently.
   "You had a Reaction to your drink... Did you know you are allergic to Blaze powder?..." you nodded slowly. When you lived within your village, your mother found out about the allergy when she gave you a strength potion. Well she intended it to be helpful, instead it was harmful. He tossed a few thoughts around within his head before nodding. "That drink you had with Leon yesterday had Blaze Powder... Your body went into shock love..."
   You thought back about last night and realized. the pearlescent. Then it hit you. The wedding. Your heart sank slowly, you still had wanted a dance with Techno before the night ended. "Wha... I... I'm sorry..." You said slowly, trying to sit up. He shook his head and rested his forehead on yours, easing you back down.
   "You have nothing to be sorry for... Were just reassured your ok..." you nodded, with a little lingering silence you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. He didn't hesitate to wrap his own arms around you. Keeping you close to his body.
   "We didn't even get to dance together..." your voice was soft and saddened, almost like a child that was scolded. You slowly buried your head into his neck for comfort
   "Is that what you wanted?..." you nodded slowly. Taking in his lingering cologne from the night before. He slowly pulled away and moved you. Scooping you up into his arm like you were a bride. You were unsure at first, but wrapped your arms around his neck. Your head resting on his chest. With a slow rocking motion he started to sway with you in his arms. Although you couldn't have a dance with him at the wedding, you actually preferred this. You felt safe and at ease within his arms. "You know I love you..." his voice was soft. Loving. He meant what he was saying.
   "I love you too Techno... With all of my heart..." as if those few words meant the world, techno shed a silent tear. You gave him a serious scare last night. He was glad you couldn't remember past your throat hurting either. He knew the things he said to Leon would have stuck with you a bit. Resting his head on yours, he swore from this day on, he would never let something like that happen again.
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   It didn't take long for Sarah and Leon to come back around to the forge. Sarah came first of course. Techno had advised you keep easy on yourself for the day, so that's what you planned. Well you were at your work bench tending to the jewels of Phil's sword, she had wondered in. Mostly she was just worried about your health and whether you were ok. Curiously she inquired if your throat was doing better, and what had caused the reaction. The last she saw of you was when you were in techno's arms, being carried out well you struggled to breathe. Of course you reassured her that you were now fine and just taking the day easy. with a hesitant nod she parted from the forge, seeking her men out for a final training before the Honeymoon.
   When Leon came in that was a different story, unlike the night before he was quiet. His sharp features were now accompanied by a bruise on his cheek. You couldn't recall if he had that yesterday, so you quietly pushed the thought aside. With him in the room it was awkward, although he did try and strike a conversation.
   “Is your throat doing better?” You hummed, nodding. keeping to yourself to your bench, not wanting to be any closer to him then you had to be. You chewed your lip. your eyes glancing to his cheek. His eyes much have picked up on it because he had another remark to fallow. “You best watch yourself around that Blood God, girl.” You furrowed your brow at his words. You herd him mention that name last night when he was talking about Techno, but you paid it no mind.
   “Blood God?” you asked quietly, almost uncertain.
   “Yeah your Lover boy or whatever.” He said scornfully. Technoblade a ‘Blood God’? Whatever he was talking about didn't make sense. Leon must have knew because he have a rouged chuckle. “Ask him about that name. Ask him why his sword hangs heavy with Blood. Just wait. You think he’s all sunshine and shit now- But you wait girl, you wait until you piss him off, and he’s two steps away from snapping your neck-” his little rant didn't last long as he was cut off. Technoblade who towered at the door, stood tall and proud as his face was locked into disgust. His voice dripping with venom for the man.
   “I hope your not talking about me, Schmidt.” 
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@justthatfangirloverthere @itscaity-c @goldensunshineshit @snobunns @olyink @lolitsellieletsgobro @jackalopedoodles @angelic-scent @coolleviauchihadreamerlove @artsimatsu @justabalroginthenet @seme1e @fangirl570 @sweeetteaa @awlawdtheycoming @idkwhatusernametohave @sugarandspicebutnonice @bambibunz @lynn-draws-blog @buzzybeebee @feathersthewinged @prefesro @astroninaaa @ravennightingaleandavatempus @lifestylesleep @straydog265 @happygalaxymilkshake @vixenfoxpup @truthdaze @alovestruck-fool @luluwinchester @thegeekisheere @ivurie-xo @chxrrymilkshake
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talatomaz · 5 years
legends of yesterday | team flash x fem!reader | part viii
a/n: i had the biggest writer’s block with this episode which is why it’s not as detailed as the others. this takes place around season 2 episode 8 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: mentions of blood
word count: 1.6k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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(Read Healed Scars before reading the rest of this story since it actually fits in so well with the end of part 7)
You jumped out of the SUV alongside Caitlin and Laurel and grabbed your bags from the trunk.
“Remind me what was wrong with S.T.A.R Labs again?” You asked, slamming the trunk door closed.
“Well, I mean, absolutely nothing, if you forget about the revolving door you guys installed so the bad guys could come and go as they please.”
Oliver said, mocking your lack of security which you were about to protest against but Caitlin beat you to it.
“Remind me again what happened to your old lair? Or the one before that?” Caitlin said sarcastically, making you and Laurel smirk.
“Well, lair number one was compromised by the police, and I will stop helping.” Felicity added when she saw all of you looking at her.
You all walked into the old farmhouse when Barry and Cisco entered with the equipment and the latter began complaining about the lack of data and service.
After discussing what Oliver so aptly named Savage’s ‘magic stick thing’, you all decided to divide and conquer.
Felicity, Cisco and Caitlin were going to work on a gauntlet that would allow you to touch the staff.
Diggle said he’d check if ARGUS had any information on Savage whilst you, Laurel and Thea checked police records to try and get a location on Savage.
“Is this even gonna work?”
Thea asked as the three of you walked into the relatively empty police station.
“Yeah, of course. I’m a detective and Laurel’s an ADA, so us working together on a case is plausible.”
“No, I meant all of our plans. Savage is some supposed time-travelling dude who’s been around for thousands of years and he now has even more magic. How are we gonna beat him?”
Thea worried but Laurel reassured her.
“We will, Speedy. We’re all working together on this so he doesn’t stand a chance.”
You all approached the desk, “Hi, I’m Detective Davis, this is ADA Lance and Miss Queen, we were wondering if we could have a look at some files.”
“Can I take your badge number, please, Detective Davis?”
“Of course.”
You rattled off your badge number and once she confirmed your identity, she allowed the three of you access to their file room.
Every file from the 1990s had since been digitalised so it meant that you, Laurel and Thea had to do some grunt work and search through a whole lot of paper files and it was a few hours into that that you found your first solid lead.
“Guys, I think I found something,”
Thea shouted from the other side of the room so you and Laurel joined her.
“It says that there was some sort of conspiracy group who were really interested in a guy who matches Savage’s description.” Thea explained as she showed you the file.
You leaned over her shoulder and read the rest, “Wait, it says here that there’s another file. Give me a minute.”
You said, climbing the ladder and using your powers to rummage through the dusty boxes.
“Got it,” you said, jumping down from the top rung of the ladder.
You blew the dust off the folder, “Shit, this talks about the Pentagon.”
“We gotta call John.”
Laurel said, putting the file in her bag whilst you and Thea put the boxes of files away.
After leaving the station, the three of you got back in the car and were on your way to meet John and Lyla outside of ARGUS HQ and you were a bit nervous to be honest.
“You good, y/n?” Laurel asked, as she drove.
“Yeah, just haven’t been this close to ARGUS since…”
You trailed off but both Thea and Laurel understood.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can always stay in the car while we talk to Dig-”
Thea suggested but you shook your head.
“I’ll be fine. It just brings up some sore memories but I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking though, Thea.”
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.”
Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“What do you guys have?”
Felicity asked when you, Laurel, John and Thea walked into the farmhouse. Laurel handed the tape to Felicity.
“Beta Max. Aww, what, did you guys get this off of eBay?” She said sarcastically.
“Lyla hooked us up.”
You had finally met Lyla and after an in-depth conversation with the former, your thoughts about ARGUS were confirmed.
There definitely were people who wouldn’t agree with what ARGUS would become like in the future.
Lyla being one of them.
“The tape came from a conspiracy theory group that's interested in Savage.” Laurel explained.
“Pentagon had a file on Savage back in '86, but it's all been heavily redacted.” You continued as Felicity managed to get the tape playing.
You all watched as a Dr. Boardman theorised that Savage was an immortal who, if not stopped, could destroy the world.
He then went on to propose that the only thing that might stop him is an object, any object which was present at the ‘calamity’ that gave Savage his immortality.
When Oliver and Barry arrived a little while later, you filled them in on the tape and what you had found and Oliver began to devise a plan.
“We're going to put Kendra and Carter up against Savage; you guys attack with the element of surprise. Y/n and I will lay down the cover fire. Barry, you speed in, and-”
“Snatch the staff, I got it.” Barry finished as Oliver nodded in agreement.
“Where do you need us?” Diggle asked but Oliver shook his head,
“This is me, Barry, y/n, Kendra and Carter.”
Thea tried to protest but Oliver remained adamant and told you all to suit up.
“It’s wonderful to see you again, my love.”
The five of you were now standing face-to-face with Vandal Savage in some abandoned warehouse.
“I will never be your love.” Kendra spat out.
“I know. This always makes this easier.” Savage replied as he took a knife out of his holster.
He walked threateningly closer towards Kendra, “Chay-Ara. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
He raised the knife to stab her but before he could, Oliver grabbed his arm and stopped him, causing a full blown-out fight between all of you and Savage.
You used powers to try and draw the Staff of Horus to you but Savage used it to blast you and Barry to the ground.
Oliver was able to disarm Savage but Kendra was unable to “grow her wings” as it were.
And whilst you were able to quickly recover, Barry still seemed affected by the blast.
You saw Savage get the upper hand on Oliver so you used your powers to pull Oliver towards you and away from Savage’s assault but Savage then threw two knives into Carter, shocking you all.
Then he threw one towards you that got lodged in your arm and you winced in pain, blood coating your hands.
Before you fell unconscious from the loss of blood, you saw Savage murder Kendra and Barry fail to try and use the Staff of Horus to attack Savage.
You blacked out as the energy from the Staff created an explosion.
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.” Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“Thanks, Laurel.”
You paused and furrowed your brows.
Woah, major deja vu.
“Y/n? What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just had the biggest feeling of deja vu.” You shook your head, almost trying to physically get rid of your thoughts.
After meeting with Lyla, you all went back to the farmhouse and played the tape and when Barry and Oliver returned, you explained the situation to them.
You paused again when you finished explaining the tape to them, “What is with this deja vu?”
You murmured to yourself but when you looked up, you caught a knowing glance between Oliver and Barry.
Your eyes widened with realisation.
Oh, Barry, you didn’t.
“Barry, can I speak with you for a moment?”
You both went into the other room where you confronted him and he confessed to travelling back in time.
“He killed Kendra and Carter. You were unconscious from blood loss and then you and Oliver both died in the explosion. I couldn’t just let that happen.”
Barry whispered harshly, trying to make sure no one else could hear the two of you.
“Fine. So what do we do differently?” You conceded.
You were all suited up and ready to fight Vandal Savage at the abandoned warehouse where you had previously died.
At the moment, it was just you, Barry, Oliver, Kendra and Carter but after the latter grew their wings, the rest of Team Arrow joined you in fighting Savage.
You, Laurel and Kendra kept Savage’s attention on you three whilst Barry and Oliver worked the Staff and were able to effectively turn Savage into a pile of dust.
After defeating Savage, you all breathed a sigh of relief and Kendra revealed that she and Carter were going to move on with their lives, away from Central City.
She expressed her thanks to you all and said goodbye before leaving to do the same with Cisco.
When you and the rest of Team Flash said your goodbyes to Team Arrow and returned to S.T.A.R Labs, you pulled Barry to the side.
“Do we tell them?”
He shook his head,
“No, let’s just keep this between us.”
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ceruleanroses · 7 years
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She understands now, how the darkness consumes you. How it’s easy to turn to it when you have something to fight for, to bleed for. It’s easy to become the monster when your trying to protect a dream that no one else can see. Maybe they’re blinded by the daylight.
The pretty ghosts that live in the walls pt.IX
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mma-gifs · 8 years
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A Compilation of MMA ‘shops & Memes from the Web Pt.IX (GIF Edition)
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sofie · 7 years
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itsbeenagessince · 7 years
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Chasing Sunset 🌆 pt.ix #sunset #memories
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emmmsnchz · 7 years
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『Claudia』 ••• pt.IX
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kat-hawke · 4 years
 (Follow [Legacy], runs in conjunction with [Like So Many Grains of Sand] & [Defibrillation])
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Suspended in the nothingness, a cold burn raged from within, feeling as if she was being torn apart from the inside out. The screams of agony were drowned out by the white noise that rang in the ears, the note climbing higher and higher as the intensity of the pain grew. Building up, it felt as if it would finally end, the pressure of the vacuum in her core threatening to burst until it all suddenly vanished, and the palms of her hands were planted against the floor of a carriage.
Gasping for air Kat fell back into the cushioned seat and against the wall, a hand resting on her throat as she hastily glanced around. For once, she was alone in the speeding vehicle, no slamming of a cane or cryptic words from the mouth of a ghost. Instead, a pocket watch had been left on the seat where Charles had always appeared, and once her thoughts cleared enough to move, Kat didn’t hesitate to snatch up the timepiece.
Less than a minute remained until time ran out, thirty seconds. As the second hand ticked backward, she looked towards the still shifting, the non-euclidean world beyond the carriage window. A shaky exhale and the feeling of a burden lifted. She could finally escape this purgatory, move on to whatever afterlife awaited. For a moment, her mind lingered on those she’d leave behind and how she failed them, but eyes peeled back to the face of the watch.
The second hand neared the end, ticking from the last five seconds. Three, two, one...
The hand froze in place, the timepiece stopped.
“No...” Kat breathed out.
Muscles in her face twitched as her anger began to boil, the grip on the watch tightening as she shook it and tapped it against the palm. “No!” She shouted, vigorously shaking the timepiece now as she felt cheated.
“No! It’s not fair!” Her voice cracked, and the watch was slammed into the floorboards, shattering into several pieces. The sole of her boot crushed what remained as rage clouded her vision, the tears of anger and sorrow welling along the bottom eyelid.
Elbows propped on the knees as she threw her head forward, fingers collecting in the mess of raven hair as she sobbed in anger. Contemplating if this was, in fact, her afterlife and not a purgatory, sentenced to relive her mistakes, betrayals, and second guess for an eternity. It wasn’t until the carriage came to its abrupt halt that her attention returned to her surroundings.
The world outside was breaking apart, into specs of white dust, floating upward into the beyond as if caught in a breeze. Curious, Kat stepped out of the carriage, watching the sight across the inverted city in awe, before she realized it was getting closer at an alarming rate.
Boots dug into the cobblestones as she began to flee, but the effort was in vain. Within seconds the street and buildings around her began to peel away in flakes. Panicking, she reached out for something, anything, but instead found her hand and arm disintegrating in the same manner. In the blink of an eye, the entire limb was gone, and soon after, the rest of her body followed, her scream of fear echoing out into the empty white space.
“We had a deal.” A voice similar to her own, and familiar, called out from the unknown. “And it’s time you’ve held up your end.”
“That’s rich, seeing as how you’ve failed to hold up yours,” Kat responded in what felt telepathic. Without a physical form, she couldn’t tell if she was looking around the blank space or if it moved around her.
The mirrored voice began to laugh menacingly as it took form. The floating black shadow slipping into view, it’s dark violet eyes set on Kat as a sharp finger wagged in the air. “My end was to prevent you from dying, which you didn’t make easy over the years.”
“Looks like you’ve failed. Deals off.”
“Ah, hardly.” The shadow waved off. “Technically, you mortals are so fragile from the inside out. Alive, but only just.” Two of its sharp fingers pinched the air, leaving only a hair of space between them as it’s legless body floated closer. “The deal was alive, never said anything about conscious.”
“And you allowed the corruption of an Old God to seed and run rampant? As far as I’m concerned, we’re done.”
“That was your own doing!” The shadow spat out as it quickly closed the distance, it’s faceless form inches from Kat. “I warned you not to play in that part of the void, yet you poked and prodded, opened the door, and let the Old one into your mind. Don’t blame me for that, I may be timeless, but I’m not that strong. Or at least I would be had you upheld your end of the bargain. You never did tell the Void Priest why you kept her around.”
“You know how much I fucking hate sand... “Another familiar voice called out from nowhere, both Kat and the shadowy being glancing upward to try and place it.
“Riley?” Kat questioned under her breath. “No. No, that can’t be right. She’s been gone for months...”
“Another lost cause.” The shadow chimed in. “I’m tired of being cheated out of what is owed and subjected to the menagerie of weak-willed mortals you coil around your fingers.”
The empty space shifted in the blink of an eye and turned into a harrowingly familiar sight. The Freehold Arena. In the change, Kat found herself in a physical form once more, in the thin leather outfit she had been forced to wear at the time. Looking downward, she discovered her folding sword in one hand.
“There won’t be an Admiral to save you from the ring this time. Pity, that.” The being taunted as the rolling cloud of its form shifted, donning a mirror image of the Director, the body and attire pitch black and eyes remaining the deep violet hue. Its own weapon lifted, pointing at Kat from across the ring as it slowly circled.
“You...” Kat spoke slowly as she began piecing things together. “You think you can take my form, my body, and ascend yourself on your own.”
The dark mirrored image shrugged one shoulder as the circling came to an end. “I believe it was you who said so yourself; trust others takes too much time, easier and more efficient to do it yourself. If you’re not going to respect our deal...” Turning Kat’s own words against her, the shadow rushed across the arena.
In the split second of judgment, Kat braced herself and the swords locked together, the sound of steel on steel piercing the air as she stared down the image of herself over the blades. Both exerted force, near equally matched as either refused to falter.
The sky above twisted and shifted without warning, the clouded sky vanishing and an inverted woodland replacing the once blue sky. The forest was akin to the conscious space of Alyssa’s blade. Both Kat and the shadow were distracted by the sudden change, looking upward in the moment of confusion.
Her adversary took advantage, kicking her leg out from beneath her and bringing the sword around. Leaning back, Kat narrowly dodged the attack, the razor edge of the blade making the briefest of contact with her cheek, drawing a small amount of blood.
Rolling backward, Kat sprung to her feet and parried a second attack, taking the window of opportunity to counter, slicing the jet black arm by a hair. Pushing back the shadowy being unleashed a relentless onslaught of hasty attacks. With only the one weapon, Kat was forced to time her defenses, the steel colliding in a few block blows as she maneuvered backward, pivoting on a leg to dodge the other attacks.
Their dance of blades seemed endless; one after another, they pressed each other. Scrapes and nicks of the blades across their bodies and taunts and sharp words were slung between blows. The ground within the arena began to crack with small fissures, glowing both dark and bright from beneath the earth.
Another spark-throwing parry overhead and everything froze, neither could move, or look around. The silence was overwhelming before the ground trembled uncontrollably, and the whisper of Riley’s voice sounded again.
“Kat, I don’t have a lot of time, so I need you to hear me in there, alright? You have to survive this. You have to come back. I don’t want to drink alone for the rest of my miserable life, so I’m going to need you to survive like you always fucking do. I lo— Lady, get off me!”
Time resumed, and the inverted woodland above blinked out of existence. Kat’s arm continued in the follow-through, circling around before forcefully kicking the shadowy being away to create some distance.
“Riley?!” Kat called out, glancing around in confusion.
“Nobody here, but you and I.” The dark mirror image answered, rushing Kat again.
Stepping to the side, she avoided the attempt at impalement, raising her own weapon to slash upward from the bottom. Her attack failing as the earth shook and fissures grew again and sent them both staggering to the side, hands scratching at the ground as she fought to stay standing.
“She’s crashing again!” Another unknown voice shouted from nowhere.
As the tremor ended, it was Kat that rushed her mirror image this time, forgoing an attempt at impaling and using her momentum to slash horizontally. Another failed attack as the being parried, staggering Kat and brining its sword overhead.
With her free hand, Kat caught the incoming blow by the being’s wrist, following through by pulling the arm down and across, elbow to elbow she pushing up from the ground and rolled over the being’s back. Tucking the sword against her chest in the movement, Kat utilized the momentum to land a mighty swing, her arm extending as the roll concluded and the blade making contact with the mirror image’s midsection.
As the sword pierced the body and cleaved it into two, the shadowy creature dissipated into the original cloudy form again, screeching in pain.
“Cranial swelling will never go down at this rate.” The unknown voice spoke, from nowhere, over the pained wails of the creature.
The Freehold arena began to crumble and break as chunks of the earth floated toward the sky or collapsed into the unknown depths below, the dark and light glow flashing erratically from each fissure.
“You can’t kill me!” The creature of shadows cried out as it retreated and vanished from view. “I will get what is owed.”
Ignoring the vocal threat, Kat dropped her weapon and moved out of the way of flying chunks of earth. Panicked again, she searched for an exit but found nothing. The ground beneath her boot gave out mid-step as another fissure opened up, nearly swallowing her whole. Fingers clawed into the dirt as she scrambled to pull herself free until loose earth slammed into the side of her skull, and her frantic hold on the ground was broken.
“I’m sorry...” Riley’s voice echoed quietly amidst the chaos as Kat tumbled into the unknown depths. 
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[ @alyssa-ward​, @blue-eyedraven​ ] [ Alluding/brief mentions: @saelkath-alzarah​, @preyontheweak​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] [pt.VIII] )
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
🪐~Saturn’s Masterlist~🪐
Hello lovelys!! Here's my masterlist! I figured it would be much easier to post the updates here, and make it a little easier to maneuver my page! 
thank you for stopping by! -Saturn
My requests for fic's are Closed anon's and others are welcome to send in casual convos as well!!
Wanna be a part of a little solar system? Join our discord!
|| Rules || Drabble Masterlist || spooky Season ||NSFW Tag(s): SatrunsDarkSide SaturnsSpicyAnons ||
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Anons~ (aka my cult)
Priestess-Sugar-Anon || 👁👅👁 || Edgy-Anon || Ghost-Anon || Grey-Anon || storm-cloud-Anon || 😻🍓 || :] || Nervous-Anon || 🐑💙 || 🦋🧋 || Ecao-Anon || Hemlock-Anon || 🎶Musical-Anon🎶 || Ghostinnit-Anon || Goth-Anon || Mellodiy-Anon || Ace-Anon || Worm-Anon || 🤏🍄 ||Icky-Anon || C!Ranboo-Anon ||
🧍🫐🌸🔥💛🦇💐👺🌚🐮☁️🦖✨🐠💫🪐🐼🍀🥨🍒🐤🥀👀👑🦄🌺🌙😈♦️🍓🍄🐝🐈‍⬛🌕🏳️‍🌈👹🗡🎀🤠🍃🧭☃️🐗🐉🧜‍♀️🔪🦃🃏🤙🏻📚🎂🍬🧷🥐🪱🩸🎠🖼🐷♛ 🌴🦋🥳🐍📦 🌹🐙👓🕸💃🧿🧦💙🫀😺🐰🌈🍫🎟️🔮🪲🌌🐸💕🥔🌟🐌
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The Empress (Finished)
pt,I pt.II pt.III pt.IV pt.V pt.VI pt.VII pt.VIII pt.IX pt.X pt.XI pt.XII pt.XIII pt.XIV pt.XV pt.XVI pt.XVII pt.XVIII pt.XIV pt.XV
Side Part Orion Headcannons drabble of TE Epolouge
Glory and Gore (in Progress)
Pt.I Pt.II
《Coming soon》 Trailer
The War, The Titian, The Judge, The Creator, The Underworld, The Defender, The Flame, The End
The Blade and The Crow
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You comforting techno from his voices
Reader Hostage
My Darling
The voices thoughts on you *nsfw warning*
Throne *nsfw warning*
Cape and Crown
Athena || Athena pt.2 || Athena pt.3 (coming soon)
Daily Voices *nsfw warning*
Tragic Heros
My Goddess *nsfw warning*
Mirror *nsfw warning*
Neck kisses
A Forced dance
The Blood Goddess *nsfw warning*
Rumor Has It
Christmas headcannons
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Sam-nook headcannons
Awsamdude and Sam-nook headcannons
Rumor Has It
Taking my Hat Darlin'?
Christmas Headcannons
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Christmas headcannons
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Protective Headcannons
Tommy~ (Platonic)
Ranboo~ (Platonic)
The Book
Christmas Headcannons
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Zieran and Kazmir~
Meeting Zieran
Kazmir headcannons
753 notes · View notes
fireinyourmouth · 9 years
that week, those texts I can still feel tides inside of me like an upwelling spring. the same spring that I felt during our first kiss. but with a fearful decibel this time.. until enough time elapsed and elation took fear’s place. I could finally look him in the eyes for an extended amount of time. before, then, I wasn’t capable. it felt like looking at two lazors in the back of my corneas.
0 notes
talatomaz · 5 years
fresh start | team flash x fem!reader | part vi
a/n: this takes place between season 2 episode 5 and episode 6 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: none
word count: 2.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Are you sure?”
You waved your hand and the guns, that the robbers were currently about to use to shoot at you, flew towards you. With the men disarmed, Barry ran around them and cuffed them.
“Yeah, I’ve doing a lot of thinking and I think it’s the right decision for me.”
After handing the cuffed robbers to Joe and Patty, Barry ran you both back to S.T.A.R Labs.
“Yes, Barry, really.”
“But I’m gonna miss you,” Cisco said, pouting.
“Cisco, I’m not leaving you. I’m still working at S.T.A.R Labs, but I’m just also going to be a detective too.”
“Does my Dad know?” Iris asked, as Barry took off his mask whilst you did the same.
“Yeah, I spoke to him the other day and then when I spoke to Captain Singh, he vouched for me. Which he didn’t have to do because Singh decided to instantly rehire me but I thanked him anyway.”
“But I’m going to miss you.” Cisco repeated, making you all laugh.
After an in-depth discussion with the team about ARGUS, you came to the realisation that since some ARGUS agents were still morally ethical, you wanted to exemplify the work that they do by going back to being a detective. Except this time, you were going to become a field cop rather than someone who dealt with reports and information.
Though you initially had some reserves about going out in the field, the most notable being you changing the future in some way or someone recognising you, you realised that the future was going to change no matter what and you couldn’t stop that. But what you could do is help Barry and the others change it for the better.
And what better way to do that than by being a cop on Joe’s meta-human task force and a meta-human protecting the city?
“Cisco’s right, though, y/n. It’s going to be weird not having you here all the time.”
“Don’t worry, Cait. I’ll still be here more often than you think. I’ll just be wearing a badge most of the time. And I’m not going to let it interfere with the work that we do here. I mean, Barry disappears half of the time and it’s all good.”
“True, I can always just run us both back here and we both get dressed super quick anyways, so it’s not a hassle.”
“So, when do you start, y/n?”
You all turned to the entrance of the cortex where Joe stood.
“Hey, sweetie.” Joe kissed Iris’s forehead.
“Today?” Barry asked.
“Yeah, Singh can’t wait to have you back and quite frankly, neither can I. I’ve been saying for months that you’ve needed to come back.”
“Thanks, Joe.”
“So, you ready to go? Obviously after you take off all that,” Joe gestured to your Meson outfit.
You went into the med bay and not even five minutes later, you came out dressed in a black pantsuit, your wavy hair flowing just past your shoulders.
“Damn, y/n, looking good.” Iris commented as you smirked.
“Thanks, Iris.”
“That was quick, even by my standards.” Barry said.
“Guess you got competition then, Flash.” You said jokingly.
“You ready to go, y/n?” Joe asked.
“I think you mean Detective Davis, Joe.” Caitlin corrected.
You laughed, “I’ll see you guys later. Call if you need me.”
“Glad to have you back, Detective Davis.”
“Come on, Patty. We’ve gotten close these past few months, you can call me y/n.” You said, shaking her hand.
“Then, I’m glad to have you back, y/n.” She responded and you smiled.
“So, have the robbers from this morning been processed?” She looked at you confused. “Oh, Joe told me about them earlier.”
She nodded, convinced, “Yeah, they’ve just been transferred to Iron Heights.”
“Okay, so-“
You were interrupted by a breaking news alert on the TV screen and everyone turned their attention to the screen.
“It appears that a meta has broken into an abandoned industrial factory and has stolen some equipment…”
You turned from the TV to Patty and Joe.
“Let’s go,” Joe said, you and Patty followed him out of the police department.
“So I’ve just spoken to a couple of witnesses who all said that they saw a man, mid 20s, leaving the scene, driving a red pick-up, but they have no idea what he stole.” Patty said, walking up to you and Joe.
“Yeah, I mean, this factory only stores drills and other tools that you could easily get off any construction site.” You replied, confused.
“I spoke to a guy who used to work here and he told me that the place was officially shut down for unsafe conditions.”
“Unofficially?” You and Patty asked.
“Some guy was trying to manufacture some type of drill that was so high tech, that it could cut through almost anything. That could be quite valuable.”
“Did he say what type?”
“Uh,” Joe looked at his notes, “a 15. amp hammer drill.”
“Damn, that shit can cut through almost anything. And there’s also something that might indicate what the meta’s powers are.”
You showed Patty and Joe to the security system.
“Initially, it was thought that the meta hacked into the system to unlock all the doors, which, at first glance, makes sense. I’m running a check to see if the system was hacked.”
“But you don’t think it was?” Patty asked.
“No, I don’t. I know code, and there’s no record of a line of code anywhere. I’d have to check to be sure, but I think the electrics were manipulated.”
“Meaning what? A meta who can control electricity?”
“Not necessarily, Joe. Everything else was in intact. I think the meta can manipulate controls or at least override them. Basically he can turn things on and off. And lucky for us, his powers seem to be channelled through his hands.”
“You got a print?”
“Yeah, when I get back, I’m going to run it through AFIS and see if we have any hits.”
“Damn, y/n, I forgot how good you were.” Joe stated.
After collecting some more evidence, the three of you went back to the station and you handed some of the samples to Barry for him to analyse.
Then you went to your computer and ran the print through the data systems and whilst you waited, you were talking to Patty about her and Barry.
“So, is it going well between you two then?” You asked, leaning against your desk.
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, one of our first dates was quite memorable.”
“Oh, because he couldn’t see?”
She furrowed her brows.
“Oh, Barry told me when I was at S.T.A.R Labs last week.”
“What do you even do at S.T.A.R Labs? Barry is almost always there.”
“I help Cisco and Caitlin with a lot of tech that they have and we’re all good friends which is probably why Barry’s there a lot.”
She nodded, “So are you seeing anyone?”
You shook your head, “No, I’ve had a few flings here and there but I’m not with anyone right now. Besides-”
You stopped talking when your screen bleeped.
“Looks like we got a match.” You sat in your chair and showed Patty your screen. “Guy’s name is Oscar Cartwright.”
“Yeah, he was arrested for breaking and entering, robbery, and looks like he has a background in construction. Must be how he knew which tools to steal.” Patty suggested.
You printed off the file so you could show it to Joe, “Come on, let’s go.”
After you briefed Joe, he told you and Patty to check out his most recent address but when you got there, it was empty.
It looked as if it hadn’t been used in a while; the only indication that someone was staying there was the unmade bed and discarded clothes around the room. Then you both realised there was a basement and when you went down here, you found blueprints to a building.
As you were about to gain more intel by checking it out further, the laptop, containing the blueprints, began to overheat and exploded in front of the two of you.
“He must have known we were coming and used his powers to destroy any traces he left behind.” Patty said, coming back into the basement after calling CSU.
“Yeah, do you want to stay here whilst I try and figure out what was on the laptop?”
“Yeah, sure, just call if you find something.”
As you walked back up the stairs, you passed Joe,
“Hey, Joe. I’m gonna take this to S.T.A.R Labs to see if Cisco and I can recover what was on here since it looked important.”
“Okay, hopefully it can lead us to this Cartwright guy.”
“Getting anywhere?” Caitlin and Iris walked into the cortex and looked at you and Cisco.
“I think so. We’ll most likely be able to recover the data within the next hour.” You responded, as you continued typing.
“Hopefully.” Cisco interrupted. “This meta basically fried the mainframe and we had to reconstruct the circuitry which took ages.”
“We’re glad to have you back though, y/n.” Caitlin said, and you turned around and laughed.
“Cait, I’ve only been gone a day.”
“It feels like longer though.” She said.
“Well, I’ve missed you guys too.”
“So this meta, what exactly are his powers?” Iris asked.
“As best I can tell, he’s able to take control of systems by overcharging the system and-”
“OverCharge.” Cisco interrupted.
“What?” You, Caitlin and Iris looked at Cisco.
He turned around to face the three of you, “OverCharge.” He repeated, “That’s his name.”
You started laughing at the coincidence and it was Cisco’s turn to be confused. “OverCharge. OC. The meta’s name is Oscar Cartwright. I swear these names write themselves.”
You guys had a little mini catchup and after around an hour, you and Cisco were able to recover some of the data and in perfect timing, Barry walked in.
“I’m just pulling up the blueprints now,” You continued typing and looked through the files, trying to find the right one.
Then you were interrupted by an alert on S.T.A.R Labs police scanner.
“Guys, there’s a runaway train.” Caitlin said so you and Cisco hacked into the subway’s mainframe.
“Shit, this isn’t an accident. I’m giving the command for the train to slow down, but nothing is responding.” You explained.
“It looks like there’s some sort of glitch somewhere that’s not allowing it to respond to commands.”
“Could it be the same meta?” Iris asked.
“Potentially, but Barry, we can’t stop the train from here so you gotta go.” Cisco said, so Barry suited up and ran off.
“I don’t know what OverCharge’s endgame is here. He steals a high tech drill, has blueprints and is now controlling a train? I don’t understand.”
“I think I do. I just managed to access some of the damaged data and he has blueprints to Central City Airport.” Cisco said, displaying the blueprints on the large screen so you could all get a better look.
“Dammit,” you pulled out your phone, called Joe and explained the situation.
“Joe, take Patty. Barry’s going to try and stop the train but I think it’s a distraction. Oscar’s breaking into Central City Airport. If I can, I’ll meet you there. Bye.”
You disconnected the call.
“What would he be stealing though?”
“I think I can answer that.”
Harry Wells walked into the cortex and on another screen, pulled up images of diamonds.
“This was being stored in their private security room.”
“Diamonds?” Cisco asked.
“Very valuable diamonds. Even back on my Earth, they were worth quite a lot. Like $57 million worth.”
You quickly messaged Joe the update so he knew where to look for OverCharge and then you diverted your attention back to the runaway train.
“Holy Shit. Barry, you cannot stop that train!”
“What? Why? I’m just in front of it.”
“Barry, y/n’s right. That train is 23 miles from approaching an unsustainable curve radius.”
“I don’t like the sound of that.” Barry said over the comms.
“We’ve got a major cant issue.”
“There’s no ‘can’t’ when it comes to the Flash.” Iris said.
“No, West, ‘cant’ is the name of the height difference between the outside and inside rails on a track curve.” Harry explained.
“The tilt creates a down-thrust to counter sideways force.” Cisco continued.
“And at the current speed of the train, the ‘cant’ can’t work.” You said.
“The train will derail.” Caitlin finished.
“So what do I do?”
Barry shouted over the comms and you quickly ran into the med bay and got changed into your suit whilst Harry explained what the Flash should do.
“You have approximately 7 minutes before that train reaches the curve. You need to phase onto the train and gain access of the controls.”
“Scratch that.”
You ran out of the med bay and back to the centre of the cortex, now dressed in your Meson suit.
“Barry, run back to S.T.A.R Labs now!” You said as you grabbed your mask.
“We don’t have time. Just do it!”
In, well, a flash, Barry was beside you. You picked up your laptop and grabbed his arm.
“Take me to the train now.”
He picked you up and ran you to the station where you could hear the incoming train.
“You have to phase us both on there, Barry. I’ll be able to connect my laptop to the controls and gain access and manually slow the train down before we reach the curve.”
“But, y/n-”
“Trust me, I got this.”
You heard the sounds of the train getting closer and with your arm wrapped around Barry’s, he phased you both onto the train. It was a weird feeling. It was like pins and needles all over your entire body.
The moment you both were on the train, the Flash began to calm people down and you ran to the front of the carriage and used your powers to open the locked door.
As expected, the control system was fried, so you plugged your laptop into the train’s software and after 2 minutes, you were able to regain control of the train and managed to slow the train down.
But, to your surprise, it ended up gaining even more speed due to the sudden change.
You ran out of the control room and hacked into the P.A system, “Guys, I want you all to remain calm. The Flash is going to get you all off of here so could you all try and activate your emergency doors by pulling the cable just above the door.”
Barry came up beside you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to stop this train but just in case, I need you to get everyone off of here.”
“Meson, it’s not safe.”
“I know and that’s why I need you to do this, Flash.”
Then you shouted to the rest of the people in your carriage, “Guys, can you all move onto the next carriage, please?”
They all obeyed and you told Barry to follow them.
“The moment I disconnect this carriage, the rest of the train will come to a stop, allowing everyone to get to safety.”
“Meson, what about you?”
“I’ll have 3 minutes to stop this carriage.”
“What happens if you don’t?” He asked.
“I will. I promise. Go do your job, Flash.”
You quickly disconnected the carriages and ran back to the control room and began typing.
“Y/n, you’re 7 miles from the curve and you’re approaching fast.” Cisco shouted over the comms.
“You gotta hurry, y/n. You only have a few minutes.” Caitlin said, worry clearly in her voice.
“A few minutes is all I need.”
You continued hacking into the system and was able to override all the systems, except the one that led to the train gaining even more speed and you knew there was only one more option.
“Y/n, you have 30 seconds!” Iris shouted over comms.
You shut your laptop and as you heard the screech of the train tracks, you ran to the centre of the carriage.
“15 seconds!” Cisco warned.
With all your energy, you used your powers to channel through the tracks so you could slow it down. The train came to a halt, just mere metres from the curve radius. You exhaled a deep breath in relief.
“Y/N!” Everyone shouted over comms.
“MESON, YOU GOOD?!” Barry yelled.
“I’m good, guys. The train’s stopped.” You heard everyone let out a relieved sigh.
After stopping the train and helping everyone off the other carriages, Barry ran you back to S.T.A.R Labs where you both got changed and then met Patty and Joe at Central City Airport, just in time to catch Cartwright red-handed. Now OverCharge was sitting in the meta-human wing in Iron Heights amongst the other meta-human criminals.
The following morning, before going to CCPD, you went to S.T.A.R Labs to meet Caitlin, Cisco and everyone else.
“You were amazing yesterday, y/n.” Caitlin said when you walked into the cortex.
“She’s right. You killed it.” Cisco stated.
“And it looks like the rest of Central City feels the same way.” Barry walked in with Joe and Iris and switched on the news.
“Ever since the heroic save by Meson yesterday, there has been an outcry of support for her.”
The news cut to a few interviews from people who were on the train.
“She was amazing. She was so calm and was willing to sacrifice herself for all of us.”
“I think Meson is inspiring. I’m so glad we finally have a female superhero.”
“I love her. She’s definitely my role model.”
The screen then cut back to the news reporter.
“There you have it. Move over, Flash, looks like Central City has a new superhero.”
<- Previous Part Next Part ->
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kat-hawke · 5 years
A Heavy Price
(Following [Uovssh thyzz...]/[To Have Waited So Long…] & [Fire and Ash])
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The journey home had been lengthy and painful, battered and bruised both physically and metaphorically. The battle with Soriya had been taxing all around, regret still plaguing the recesses of her mind over what she had said and done. Perhaps it would have been easier had she just accepted the fact the monk caught her in the act, but there was no way to change what had been done.
Silence and loneliness with her own thoughts made the hours feel like an eternity, the few times she attempted to reach out the Alyssa were met with nothing but emptiness. The glow on the dagger vanished completely, something which had never happened before, and it shook the Director to her very core.
Limping across the main room of the cabin Kat made her way to the bottle and poured glass she had left on the table to light the hearth. Dog, the arcanist’s companion who she had collected from the ruins of Alyssa’s cottage, lazily slumped down beside the growing flame. His presence did little more than serve as a constant reminder of her own actions, and that the possibility of his owner showing up only aggravated her.
The destroyed leather armor was tossed in a heap on the floor, still singed and smelling of sweat, blood, and burned leather. The sheath for the dagger carefully laid across the end of the table, the snap carefully pulled back and the blade extracted to sit upon the wooden surface where Kat stood. Staring down at the lifeless floral engravings she felt the sting of tears beginning to well under the eyes. There was an urge to reach for the drink, but she refrained.
Fingertips instead brushed over the weapon, hot to the touch but the illumination was nowhere to be found. Debating for a moment as she chewed the lower lip, wondering if this was the warlock’s way of administering the angry silent treatment.
Fingers flattened against the guard of the blade, the left hand already burnt and numb, unbothered by the heat of the dagger. Tentatively she reached out, hoping for a response of some kind.
A response never came.
Lips curled inward over the lips as a deep breath was taken, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong. For the dagger to lose it’s glow like that, there was the growing and dreaded feeling that the woman within perished. A lump catching in the Director’s throat at the thought. It was always easier to tell herself, even say, when people were expendable, just another stepping stone in her path. That never made true with those who had entangled themselves in her life.
Against better judgement she slid into a chair, positioning the dagger between her hand on the table. Entering the spiritual space within was the equivalent to barging through a door, but the need for confirmation and a silent plea for the sense of dread to be misplaced was too great. Steadying the breath as well as she could with the injuries, Kat’s focus turned inward with closed eyes. Slowly the bridge between the planes constructed, pulling from latent energies and shifting the consciousness.
Deafening silence washed over her form like a heavy blanket as the threshold was crossed. The sounds flicking flames quickly bellowed and the heat of flames rushed in at an alarming rate. Throwing open her eyes the horrific sight she was greeted with caused the heart to drop as if it was an anchor in water.
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The endless forest of fel plagued trees was ablaze in a raging inferno. Dread set it as she searched the scorching soulscape in a panic, hopeless looking for any sign of the warlock, for any sign of life. Nothing but destruction and crumbling trees was to be found.
“ALYSSA!” Kat’s voice cracked as she shouted the name, waiting for an answer that never came.
Shielding her face with an arm she moved a few steps through the flames, the heat and pain from the destruction almost too much to bear. Repeatedly Kat shouted and screamed out for Alyssa, her voice growing hoarse and broken each time she was met with silence.
Ejecting herself from the spiritual plane the tears began to fall, running across the cheeks unchecked. Fingers raked through raven tresses, collecting in tight holds at either side of the skull as she began to hyperventilate with colliding emotions. Internally questioning why they both couldn’t have perished, riddle with grief which was soon replaced with anger that the woman couldn’t have been stronger.
‘En'othk uulg'shuul.’
The chair flew out from beneath the legs as she quickly stood. Vision blurred by the tears as angered sobs began to escape. Fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle, the overwhelming urge to search for answers at the bottle of the vessel instantly shooting up. 
Instead the bottle soared overhead, thrown from where she stood towards the hearth, landing in the fire with a pop, the resulting fireball vanishing up the chimney. Dog sat up with the bang, investigating the fireplace with a few heavy sniffs before shuffling across the rug to settle on the other side.
Knees buckled, hands narrowly breaking the fall as they caught the tables edge. Emotions won out as amber eyes slammed shut and her feature contorted with pained sorrow. Alyssa had been right, it was a self fulfilling prophecy; in believing she’d always hurt those close to her, she would always do so.
“I can’t finish this alone.” The pained whisper muffled in trembling lips.
Fists clenched and pressed against the closed eyes as tears continued to pour. The lower back rest against the table before the slow descent to the hardwood floor. Sitting on the knees at first but the torrent of emotions lead to her falling on the side, stretching out across the floorboards as sob after sob pushed from the lungs.
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[ @alyssa-ward​ ] [ Brief/Vague mentions: @simplysoriya​, @the-real-arcanist-val​ ]
(Chapter I: Dark Secrets) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] [pt.VIII] )
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kat-hawke · 5 years
Eth'razzqi worg zz oou
(Following [Uhnish uull, ak aqev gaz])
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Hours pasted as blades collided, spells flew, and blood poured. Inch by inch the forces of Azeroth seemed to push, their self-entitled champions wielding azerite to obliterate the dark structures and banners, to seal up the portals and gaping maws the Empire’s forces relied upon for reinforcements. The N'raqi and aqir bolstered the devotee’s defenses but they too waned after a time.
The dam above had been taken by Azeroth’s armies, the fields they fought upon would soon follow. With the High Executioner’s defeat, the doorway to Ny’alotha was unguarded, allowing a company of Azeroth’s soldiers to enter the Waking City. Many of the now mindless servants stood their ground, holding the lines at the river choke point to deny access to the southern cities where N’zoth’s armies committed unspeakable atrocities.
The sounds of slicing flesh were followed by a heavy thud as the lifeless body of an elven defender fell to the ground beneath Kat’s feet. Darkened eyes cast towards the fray several yards ahead, the remaining twisted assassins and agents gathering at her flanks as orders moved across their hivemind. Step by step they moved back towards the twisted red and void tear that opened at the base of the stairs. Losing the fields was inevitable now, Neferset and Tol’vir would need to hold, the ancient cities offering walls to turn the assaults into sieges.
Carried through the tear to the exit in the upper level of Neferset Kat motioned to either side for her charges to move and prepare. Azeroth was fighting with such vigor, so desperate to deny the truth, to delay the coming age, it would only be a matter of hours before the cities fell under siege. Even now small groups had splintered from the main forces, squads of agents and operative, Horde and Alliance alike, sneaking behind the walls to sabotage their forces.
With a curl of her fingers, Kat lifted her hand, summoning horrific eyes to scour the immediate area. The process was slow but she had the patience, perching upon the sandstone structures as hidden foes were forced from hiding one by one. For now, she watched as those under her command slaughtered the invaders. N’raqi collecting the fresh corpses, dragging them to the cliffsides for disposal where the limbless serpents from above collected to feast.
In the moments of silence, she listened to the hivemind of commanding bodies, forces were pulled into the Waking City as their foes pressed deeper into the madness. Fighting with their eyes still closed, she grinned as word came across that a few of Azeroth’s squads had opened their eyes and accepted the coming age.
Shrikes from above drew the attention of Neferset forces, the worm riders springing into action as Wildhammer and Dragonmaw riders started their bombing runs. Even at the sight, there was no sense of panic or scurrying civilians, only unity, and understanding; a blissful sense of empowerment. With most of the initial scouts and saboteurs either dead or retreated Kat knew it wouldn’t be long before the platoons arrived.
Standing from the crouched position where she perched the twisted agents and operatives were recalled to her position. Her knowledge from her past life offered insight into some of the Alliance tactics, the bombings were merely a distraction, another squad of SI:7 forces and likey Horde Shadowblades, would be attempting to flank the side entrance as the main force attacked the front walls.
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(Chapter I: Dark Secrets) (Chapter II: Descent) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] [pt.VIII] )
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