crazycephalopoda · 3 years
If you like science-based games, you should try Ecosystem! In this game, you design an ecosystem and based on your set parameters creatures will evolve and adapt to their new surroundings! 
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crazycephalopod · 3 years
Back before I got a new gaming computer, I decided to try Subnautica! My background is in water quality and flow, but I did my best to discuss some biological and ecological concepts along the way!
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seriousacademic · 2 years
Work today was more taxing than usual, so instead of doing the write-up for class early, I gave myself a haircut inspired by @crazycephalopoda! And now I'm just leaning into the night off by eating a slice of strawberry cake and streaming Queer Eye or Our Flag Means Death 🙃
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cancerbiophd · 4 years
thanks for the tag @phdead! this was super relaxing to fill out. 
Favorite comfort food: a big bowl of pho! 
Favorite alcohol (or hot drink!): can’t go wrong with a classic gin and tonic
Favorite relaxing activity: taking a well-deserved nap
Favorite calming scent: lavender
Favorite relaxing (or uplifting) song: Home by Vexento (link to YouTube). It always brings me back to Saturday mornings in my childhood home, with the sun filling the kitchen, my dad cleaning the counters so there’s a faint smell of clorox in the air, and the only plans i have for the day is to play outside with my friends. 
Favorite white noise: I use the RelaxMelodies app and my favorite sound on there is “Rainy Day”--it’s a light thunderstorm that comes and goes, and in between the rain you can hear dogs barking and birds chirping. 
Favorite book to get lost in: I’d be lying if I didn’t say the Harry Potter books. Those are the OG books to lose oneself in. 
Favorite chill out tv show: Alaska The Last Frontier. I love the family and watching them get up to their homestead-ing hijinks, and the beauty of alaska never fails to relax me. 
Best advice you’ve ever had: “Just try”
i tag: @gliagirlphd, @fragileanimal, @skinny-little-nobody, @biopsychs, @queenofthebench, @doubledteabaglife, @adelicateculturecell, @crazycephalopoda, @orangeteastudying
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queenofthebench · 5 years
Get to know me
Thanks to @reallybigtrousers and @crazycephalopoda for the tag. Sorry I’m so late!
Rules: Answer 16 questions and tag 21 blogs.
Nickname: My name is too short so I don’t really have one. On here I go by “Q” though.
Starsign: Aquarius
Height: 5′3″
Last Film I Watched: Probably one of the Matrix movies?
Favorite Musician: José González probably :) But I have a lot!
Song Stuck in my Head: This really annoying song from the Toyota commercial on Hulu. Icky lame country but stupidly catchy.
Other blogs: nope!
Do I get asks: Not really (but I wish I did!).
What am I wearing: A crew-neck t-shirt from good ole Target, and some athletic shorts. 
Dream Job: Animator at Disney! Or something where I can tinker in a workshop. ORRRR having a little fruit stand on a beach somewhere.
Dream Trip: Somewhere that there are mountains and forest and I am all alone :)
Play any instruments?: I play the violin and a bit of cello, although I haven’t in a few years. I also used to play the recorder when I was younger in a Baroque quartet (it was actually super fun). I can dabble in guitar with chords, but I am not very good :B
Languages: English. I used to know Russian, but have forgotten most of it. I can read the sounds but have no idea what it means anymore.
Favorite food: Hmm I love a lot of food. I have a HUGE sweet tooth, but aside from that, I love sushi, anything with garlic on it, poutine (look it up if you don’t know what this gem is), pasta Alfredo (my special recipe), and a lotttt of other things. Basically anything. Except hamburger helper. I hate that.
Favorite song: Right now it’s Iron and Wine’s cover of “Time after time”. Our wedding song from last year :). But I also love anything by my José :D 
Random fact: My husband and I both talk and interact in our sleep a lotttt. We are very vivid dreamers and have a tendency to half wake up and not realize what we are “seeing” isn’t actually there. Aka jumping out of bed because the “ceiling is falling” or seeing a really big “spider” on the wall and putting on the lights, only to be confused. It’s hilarious xD
I won’t tag anyone directly because I’m super late to the party, but if you see this, I tag YOU! 
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reallybigtrousers · 5 years
Get To Know Me!
Thanks to @dearmirah for tagging me! :)
Rules: Answer 16 questions and tag 21 blogs.
Nickname: I don’t have an actual nickname but apparently my name is hard to remember and so on the phone at work I also answer to Karen, Kim, Kathy, and Katelyn.
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 5′2″
Last Film I Watched: My Dinner with Herve (very odd but I did enjoy it)
Favorite Musician: Gordon Downie.  <sniff>
Song Stuck in my Head: Miike Snow’s Genghis Khan - for the last ten days.  courtesy of @ghostwingss
Other blogs: @oakiestisland ...yeah that’s me...
Do I get asks: Occasionally.  And spam, recently
What am I wearing: My bathrobe.  I was just napping and dreaming that i was stuck in West Edmonton Mall and George Takei stole my work keys and then insisted on hugging me salaciously when I wanted to get them back.
Dream Job: Dog walker.  My clients would just love me and never complain, and I’d be outside and moving (see next answer).
Dream Trip: A very long multi-day walk.  Preferably with easily rented beds at convenient intervals.  Like in England/Ireland/Spain.
Play any instruments?: I played rhythm guitar in a band called Cabbage Patch Dolls From Hell. I recently learned to play the piano, always wanted to learn.  I had a lovely teacher who mostly instructs five year olds and she was very strict with me in a kindergarten kind of way.  
Languages: English.  French from living in Quebec as a teenager (so super slangy).  Spanish from my undergrad minor (academic and not totally helpful).  Enough Innuinaqtuin (local dialect of Inuktitut) to understand when I’m being talked about and navigate the local niceties.  Currently learning Russian - I’m at the level of a not-so-bright two year old - I can say: juice please, where’s mom, that’s a horse, I like rocks, etc.
Favorite food: Chocolate.  Absolute best would be chocolate mousse with stuff in it. Like the Baskin Robbins raspberry chocolate mousse ice cream, or the Rolo pots in England.
Favorite song: Cordelia by the Tragically Hip.
Random fact: I live in the Arctic.  It snowed a bit yesterday.
tagging if you would like to play, but I know everyone’s super busy....  @curlsincriminology @ianvs (if you’re still in the bath lol) @ghostwingss @suiteinphd @queenofthebench @psyykkinen-lintukoto @augustinianseptember @crochetingdoctorate @thesoundofrain @onceuponapakistanigirl @crazycephalopoda @ahistoriantobe @narrativerehearsal
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crazycephalopoda · 3 years
My dad recently passed away after a short month-long battle with cancer. His favorite videogame was Fallout New Vegas, so I have decided to start playing the game. Feel free to tag along and give tips and tricks!
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crazycephalopod · 3 years
I recently started a FNAF playthrough for the first time, ever. This game used to be so popular! I can’t believe I never played it. Feel free to give me tips and tricks to use. 
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crazycephalopoda · 4 years
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
2020 goals
Thank you @orangeteastudying for tagging me!
write 3 goals for 2020 (and why!)
tag 10 blogs!
my three goals for 2020:
🍊Finish my dissertation, defend my dissertation, and G R A D U A T E by May bc i need to lol
🍊 Find a post-doc, and start the post-doc by June or July, bc i also need to
🍊Ok here’s a personal one: Be better at giving my eyes a break every 20 min when working on  the computer or reading bc my eye-focusing-muscles are starting to rebel and spasm, which is Bad for my vision. I just downloaded the “Time Out” app to help me with this. 
I tag: @fragileanimal, @docresa, @audikatia, @astudyinphd, @nerdgirlnarrates, @immuno-studies, @markiveelle, @crazycephalopoda, @medblr-of-a-sleepyhead, @quantum-friend-theory
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