startupsupreme · 4 years
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Create your own life... "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ Lolly Daskal #create #createyourlife #createyourreality #createyourself #createyou #createdonthate #createdtocreate #createexplore #createandcapture #createeveryday #createyourworth #lollydaskal (at Startup Supreme) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGH7RWHclE/?igshid=10mmynv5t036u
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flamehedcfh · 5 years
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I told myself, 2019 was going to be the year I do everything and go everywhere. I'm sure there are more things I missed happening and will come up for the second half. Training 5 days a week, along with a 50+ hours/week job. Then working on the new warehouse/office on weekends. Always forward. Always on the move. That's how I like to be. Your idle hands can go fuck yourself. #createyourworth #workdontwhine #liftconquerrepeat https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzwVY2DYuS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3yhv05rje2ag
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There is no right and wrong in this world, only what one can tolerate and stand, choosing a side is a futile plan, do and an open mind you have burned. Life is a singularity under the concept of man, division is a construct in driving us mad, good against evil is romantic within ink, but in true it hinders our ability to think. Steal your mind and open it to reality, an existence of inclusion is its actuality, take what you’ve learned and create an incision, be the child that the universe always envisioned.
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sellbig-blog · 7 years
The world of business is full of written and unwritten rules. We are constantly told what we should and shouldn't do yet, some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs ignored accepted business conventions and made it to the top. If you want to break the mold and find business success on your own terms, then go ahead and break these 7 rules. 
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Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it.
Tony Robbins
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createyourlifellc · 9 years
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If you could create anything in your life, what would it be?
If you had a blank canvas and were told to fill in the areas of your life any way you wanted them to look, what would you draw?
If you totally trusted yourself and God (Universe, Source, Flow, whatever you call the Infinite) to provide for your needs, what would you be doing differently? How would you spend your time?
The truth is, my friend, you really can create your life just the way you want it! We've been conditioned to believe that we have to struggle. We have to do what we can to pay our bills, to make ends meet, to provide for our families. Whatever your story may be. But what if you had a different belief? A different story? What if you were like the squirrel who knows that nature will provide for you. What if the more you tuned into yourself, trusted your heart and trusted in God then the more the world opened up to you. What if it is your conditioning that is limiting you and not "reality" at all?
What if you spent time getting quiet, tuning into your heart? What if you carved out time in your life for what it is you say you want. What if you spent time listening to the desires of your spirit and led your life from a place of trust, listening, being guided by love, not fear.
What if you woke up from the dream? What if you had enough distance from your circumstance, thoughts & feelings to see the bigger picture that you are creating it all. All of the time. You created your life the way it is now. You probably created some of it consciously but I bet a lot was created unconsciously as well.
You see, the way we create our lives is through the thoughts we think every day, through the beliefs we carry, through our filters (which are the stories we've been told that we internalized & believed to be true). We created through our language, through the things we go around telling people to be true. And we create what we give our attention to. Period.
What you give your attention to grows. How powerful is that?? Simple but extremely powerful! So if you know this - WOW - this is huge because what this means its that if you want to create a new circumstance in your life, you do that by focusing on it - not by focusing on the lack of it. So, if you want more money, you see yourself having more money. You see money rolling into your account. You stop saying you can't afford it, whether that is true at the time or not. Instead you ask how you can get the money? Feel the difference?
You see, you have waaaaaay more power in your life than you were once told you have. YOU hold the keys. This is YOUR car. If you want to create a new life for yourself, you simply start steering your car (your attention) in a new direction. Stay focused on where you are going and you will arrive. Period. The first step in creating a new life is believing you can!
I am living proof of this. I have completely recreated my life multiple times. And I know what it's like to have that heart burning desire to bring your talents into the world and to be scared shitless to come through! I was in hiding for years!
I know what it feels like to KNOW that you have so much to offer but can't figure out what or how to apply it. And more importantly how to make money doing it! It was freaking painful at times. I went through phases of depression, excitement, fear, and more fear. I finally created (semi unconsciously) a financial situation to force me out!
I am a single mom and I got down to $11 to my name. Granted, I have a computer degree and could go back into making lots of money again if I wanted to but dammit, it was time and I knew it. I reached my shit or get off the pot moment! I got pushed into a corner and had to make a choice - go back to my IT career or dig deeper and make my dream real.
I knew in this moment that I HAD to go for it with all of my heart! I also knew that I needed all of my attention to make this work (no part-time gig). I needed something to happen and quickly. So, I dug deeper and hired a coach. Before that, I always tried to do it on my own. Hell, I have a business degree, was a project manager for a software company, have owned other businesses, have numerous trainings & certifications. SURELY I could figure it out on my own.
But you know what, hiring a coach was truly the best decision that I ever made for myself. Within the matter of weeks, I was in a totally different place. It really took someone who knew the ropes to help guide me in - to help me break through my fear - to know the right things to spend my time on that would turn to cash - to inspire me to share my message - to break through my barriers.
And now I get to teach what I've learned with other women who are ready to break through! I love coaching women who are on the same growth path. I always feel like the best coaching happens when you are in sync with each other.
When I talk to women and they are telling my same story a year ago or even two weeks ago, I just smile because I know we connected for a reason and that it is my turn to help guide someone in. I know I am truly grateful for my mentors who have gone before me. I see myself as a spiritual doula, helping women birth themselves.
I've recorded a mini version of my Create Your Life Workshop that I do locally. Get instant access to it here.
Check out my website and videos. If you vibe with my message, I would love to talk to you to see if we are a fit. Click here to schedule a call with me.
Happy Creating!
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