#creatine results
sac-bestsupplements · 3 months
Creatine Side Effects: Is it Safe? The Toxic Effects of Creatine Monohydrate, Powder, HCL and Capsules
Discover our top 10 best creatine supplements ranking: https://super-achiever.com/best-creatine-supplements
Read more on our website: https://super-achiever.com/creatine-side-effects
#creatine #creatinesideeffects #creatinemonohydrate
Hey there, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Today, we're unraveling the mystery behind the side effects of creatine, a staple in gym bags worldwide. Sure, it's known for muscle gains, but there's more to this story. 🏋️‍♂️🤔 If you're curious about the lesser-known effects of creatine and how to balance its benefits with potential risks, you're in the right place! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more insightful content. Let's get into it! 💪 Common Side Effects: Bloating: A familiar side effect due to creatine pulling water into muscles. Usually temporary as the body adjusts. 💧🤰 Water Retention: Increases weight slightly, but it's water, not fat. Normal response to creatine. ⚖️💦 Digestive Issues: Ranging from discomfort to cramps and diarrhea, especially at high doses. A sign to reassess your dosage. 🚽🤢 Dosage and Type Matter: Stick to 3-5 grams per day post-loading phase to minimize side effects. The form of creatine you choose (monohydrate, hydrochloride, etc.) can affect your body differently.
🔍💊 Lesser-Known Side Effects: Sleep Disruptions: Creatine might affect your sleep cycle due to increased energy levels. 🌙😴 Mood Changes: Some experience anxiety or irritability. Always monitor mental health changes. 😠🧠 Kidney Function Concerns: Safe for most, but those with kidney issues should be cautious. 🚨👩‍⚕️ Dehydration Risks: Increased muscle water retention might lead to dehydration. Stay hydrated! 🥤💧 Muscle Cramping: Possible due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Drink water and eat balanced meals. 🍽️💪 The Balancing Act of Creatine: Dosing is Key: Start low, increase gradually, and find what works for you. Individual factors matter. 📊🧲 Timing Matters: Taking creatine near workouts may enhance benefits. Consistent daily intake is crucial. 🕒🏋️‍♀️ A Balanced Diet: Creatine works best with a healthy diet. Eat a mix of proteins, carbs, fats, and vitamins. 🥗🍲 Supplementation Duration: Consider cycling creatine use – periods of taking it followed by breaks. 🔄⏳ Professional Consultation: Essential for those with health conditions or experiencing severe side effects. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ When to Seek Professional Advice: Existing Health Conditions: Particularly kidney, liver, or heart issues. Unusual or Severe Side Effects: Persistent digestive issues, cramping, or changes in urination. 🚨👩‍⚕️ There you have it!
Understanding the side effects of creatine is crucial for harnessing its power safely and effectively. 🌟💊💪 If you've used creatine, we'd love to hear your experiences. Drop a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe for more empowering content. Catch you in the next video! 📹👋
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nubs-mbee · 9 months
Medical oversharing on the internet! My new doctor said it could be limited scleroderma, or it could just be UCTD because it seemed like my symptoms weren’t getting worse but staying consistent. Either way I got meds to help with the fatigue and folic acid to help with the hair loss!
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total-karma · 2 months
okay, so we know that julia is the type of person who can stomach literally anything disgusting because of s1e8. she also ran a wellness blog/page/instagram account where she definitely at some point drank some bullshit immune-system-boosting gut-health green smoothies and downed handfuls of 'healthy hair-growth vitamin gummies!' on camera for a cheque. but we know that she's also an incredibly performative fraud, so as soon as the cameras were off she definitely immediately downed a redbull and like, three cans of diet coke. prior to her wellness-influencer phase, i believe she probably did the whole unfailing-2016-go-viral-quick scheme of doing all kinds of gross food 'challenges' for a few minutes of brief youtube fame, including but not limited to the warheads super-sour challenge, the tide-pod challenge, and the cinnamon challenge. i think she's definitely also been through a gym-rat phase where her diet consisted entirely of unseasoned chicken, protein powder and creatine. and nothing will convince me that there's a single universe out there where julia doesn't have a vape constantly in her hand. she relies on that mint-leaf-honeydew-berry-kiwi vapour to live.
which leads me to believe she has consumed more weird/gross things on this planet than anybody else, has grown a near radioactive microbiome in her gut as a result of this, and become immune to practically anything including but not limited to dangerous toxins, poisons, chemicals and literal plastic. if owen is a human garbage disposal, julia is a human garbage INCINERATOR.
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growingstories · 10 months
Taste of his own medicine
Once upon a time in the bustling city of San Francisco, there lived a handsome and privileged young doctor named Dr Jeremy Dinah. With his muscular body and chiseled features, he had always been the "golden boy" of his wealthy family. However, his upbringing had made him quite the spoiled brat, carrying a sense of entitlement that extended even into his professional life.
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After completing medical school, Dr. Dinah decided to join a prestigious private hospital. Unbeknownst to his colleagues and patients, he was a health freak. His locker filled was with protein powders, creatine, and an array of supplements. He meticulously prepped his meals and never ate in the hospital restaurant, deeming the food unworthy of his refined taste.
Dr. Dinah had a particular disdain for overweight individuals, and he never let an opportunity pass to remind fat patients and even his colleagues about their weight issues. His harsh and condescending remarks would leave lasting wounds on the self-esteem of those on the receiving end.
Two nurses, Lucy and Sarah, had borne the brunt of his fat-shaming remarks one too many times. Determined to put an end to his toxic behavior, they devised a plan. They decided to start throwing away his prepped meals so that he had no choice but to eat at the hospital restaurant.
At first, Dr. Dinah complained about the quality of the food, but people around him stayed silent, pretending not to notice. Too busy with his professional commitments, he couldn't find the time to investigate further. He begrudgingly started consuming the hospital food, which was far from his meticulously crafted meals.
Weeks passed, and Dr. Dinah’s strict diet began to fall apart. Craving a change, he gradually started adding French fries to his meals, relaxing his formerly stringent eating habits. As a result, his weight began to climb up. He started complaining about his love handles, puzzled as to how they had appeared despite his efforts in the gym.
Dr. Dinah’s gym routine became more frequent, desperately attempting to work off the stubborn fat. However, his colleagues, restricted by their professional uniforms, couldn't discern any significant change in his appearance.
Lucy and Sarah saw the opportunity to strike again. They swapped Dr. Dinah's protein powder with a mass gainer that went unnoticed by his unrefined taste buds. As the weeks went by, a visible bulge started forming in Dr. Dinah's belly, which protruded even through his uniform.
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Confronted by his growing belly, Dr. Dinah realized that his sit-ups were becoming increasingly challenging. It dawned on him that something was amiss. However, the once arrogant and rude doctor had evolved into a friendlier and more approachable person after the change in his eating habits. The plan had worked, as he was no longer "hangry" all the time, making it much more pleasant to work with him.
The last phase of the plan involved changing Dr. Dinah's schedule. With the help of a woman from HR, who had also experienced fat-shaming incidents with him, they made his days longer and more filled with on-call duties. This meant less time for him to spend at the gym on his free days. Initially, he despised the change, but the newfound leisure time allowed him to reconnect with friends and family, whom he had neglected in favor of his fitness obsession.
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People began to notice Dr. Dinah's expanding belly, and playfully poked at it whenever they saw him. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind it anymore. Rather, he relished in the attention, finding joy in the fact that he was now seen more positively by those around him.
Completely giving up on his meticulously prepped meals, Dr. Dinah grew fond of the hospital restaurant. He even developed a friendly relationship with the staff. Furthermore, the girls informed the restaurant's boss of their plan, who then started providing Dr. Dinah with bigger personalized portions during night shifts. The once health-conscious doctor unknowingly indulged in the abundance of food, growing bigger and bigger.
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Unexpectedly, his increased size brought about positive changes in his life. His weight had plateaued, and he now had more time for dating. Dr. Dinah's newfound openness and humor made him more attractive to others.
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In the end, Dr. Dinah realized the error of his ways. He had learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of fat-shaming and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. And so, Dr. Jeremy Dinah embraced his new shape with newfound confidence and humility. He became a more compassionate and understanding doctor, forever changed by the lessons he had learned through his own self-inflicted transformation.
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purplemajesty2 · 1 month
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Dinner stuffing results, and just started creatine back up 😈
Now to go to the gym looking like THIS 🥴
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just-bendy · 8 months
i want to ask a question that i hope will bring emotionally positive results that may (i hope) help with the arc a bit.
what are the best things henry has ever done? be free spill your emotions out if you want.
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Well, I'm not about ta get all cheesy and say "it was creatin' us," but I will say that it was givin' us a place ta stay in when we escaped from the studio many years ago. We all still live together.
But maybe I should think of gettin' my own place. The thought has been on my mind fer a while. No offence ta Henry of course.
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
:D homies!!! the anon from this post had quite a big brain idea on creatin' a challenge for everyone! i am currently workin' on a lil' sum sum...
hOweVEr this particular challenge prolly won't be like other challenges with an actual time of endin' because I don't believe in time when it comes to manifestation (and neither should yOu), it's man-made, and everyone is different so they all have different journeys and it'll take varying times to do stuff dependin' everyone's differing beliefs
sOOOoO I would consider it more as.... a 'challenge' to force yerself to stay consistent for a week while maintainin' a healthy mental diet, and then take a step back to reflect on what's changed in that week of the challenge and seein' if ya want to continue applyin' the 'challenge' or not. I'm debating on whether or not I wanna do it for a month with weekly check ins or not
I just started writin' and plannin' it out sO, I'm not sure when I'll post it cause I'll be havin' a couple busy weeks outside of Tumblr 🤔 but I want it to be clear, concise, understandable, and provide guaranteed results for everyone sO I have to really take some time to think about it, bUt I at least wanna let y'all know I'm workin' on it!!! be on the looky-lOoOoo for it
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 3 months
Sidian/Onyx x Gymbro GN! Reader | HCs w/ drabble
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Not many headcannons accompained by a drabble with no plot whatsoever, just a written piece because Onyx/Sidian needs more love and I can't believe that I'm like, one of the only people who simp for him
He doesn't care if you just started to gym a few weeks ago or years ago and gained muscle, he's just happy that you two have an activity you can do together.
It helps him weave you in more into his already somewhat busy schedule when he isn't making Sango stays out of trouble.
Definately has a home gym and is more than happy to let you use it,
He will take offence to you asking if he wants creatine or something,
That man ranks creatine close to steriods and doesn't believe in them.
Can and will spot you if you need, he doesn't mind it at all.
If Sango finds out about your relationship, be prepared for some light teasing from her if she ever finds out.
A low grunt was followed by weights hitting the ground, clearly a bit too heavy for the man lifting them. He wasn't weak or fragile by anymeans, instead, he was muscular and well built, possibly an ex body builder if you had to guess, despite the amount of times he said that he did it for fun and to test his own limits. The usual stoic and serious expression often associated with the man was replaced with one of fatuige before he stretched his arms, signifying the end of his workout.
You on the other hand, whilst not being weak yourself, could never compare to the possible body-builder infront of you.
"You should take a shower, you reek of sweat," You teased the other man who only nodded slightly, wiping away the sweat with a gray towel before walking away to take the much needed shower.
Despite the concerningly little amount of emotions he shows, you can tell that he was satisfied with the workout, and even impressed that you managed to keep up with him, doing some of his workouts, albeit with much lighter weights. He was always happy to have you join his workouts, you always did at the start of your relationship but only stopped as you felt too sore to do anything else, resulting in you going back to your own workouts which worked for you.
The muffled sound of running water hit your ears as you pushed yourself off the wall, grabbing your trusty shaker bottle which still had some protien water in it, before walking over to the kitchen to grab yourself a simple snack, anything would do fine as you weren't that hungry anyways.
It wasn't long before he returned with a simple red towel draped over his shoulders. His usual gym attire of simple light clothes was changed to a greyish-blue t-shirt and some black shorts, clearly the first thing that he managed to grab from the closet, but he didn't seem to care enough.
You couldn't help but wonder how tall he was as he opened the frige door. He never told you himself, but it was clear that he was taller than average- by a lot- as had to bend down slightly to fully see contents of the fridge, as if his horrible posture didn't make him short enough.
"Have you taken creatine,?" You ask him, opening the shaker bottle in your hands to fill the rest of it with water.
"I don't take substances. This is all natural," The man replied with a sigh, leaning against the fridge before grabbing a protien bar and closing the doors, careful not to slam them.
You sometimes forget how much he hates the idea of using creatine, he puts it on the same level as steroids or drugs to enhance your gains. It even took him a long time to get used to you taking creatine before your workouts, but it doesn't make you love him less. Even if he gave you weird looks.
-- I didn't know what else to add, but I did this extra bit, but please be warned that it might be bad--
"I might not be here tomorrow, or for the rest of the week."
You forgot about that.
You often forget how his job makes him go to diffrent places. It's a miracle that the two of you managed to move in together in the first place concidering how much he travels.
With that being said, you've always wondered what his job was, but he refused to tell you. Sometimes you've seen intresting people coming upto your door to ask if he was here. One of which included a girl who had bubblegum pink hair and seemed to be younger than him. He always told you that she was an annoying colleuge he had to deal with, he never really told you anything more than that.
The hurt in your voice must've been evadint enough for him to notice as you heard him sigh before placing a hand on your shoulder in a poor attempt to comfort you, the both of you know that he can't comfort you and you genuinely don't know if the knoweldge makes it better or worse.
"I'll try and be quick, alright?"
His usual tone was replaced with one that was more gentle, at least that's what he tried to make it seem. He was never one who was great at expressing himself.
Yeah, it has no real ending or plot as I started this in Litrature to procrastinate on my assingment when my friend wasn't at school...
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jewwyfeesh · 7 months
3rd anni enstars IF story -- story 1
Writer: @ inlandeempire
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Characters: Kiryuu Kuro, Kagehira Mika, Hakaze Kaoru, Oogami Koga
Theme: "If they're to pick out flowers for someone…"
Disclaimer: this was performed as part of the enstars IF section during the CN 3rd Anniversary stream (37:16 - 40:57). the stories are submitted by fans and two were picked out to be performed live.
translated from CN subs with reference to the script that they posted on screen.
this is story 1 of 2.
Kuro: Is Kagehira workin’ here? It’s pretty hard work.
Mika: ‘Tis not for monetary reasons, but rather ‘cause I’m stuck tryna think up some ideas for a performance… Notta mention, the store owner’s taken care of me before… So I’d thought that maybe takin’ care’of the store might change my mood ‘round.
Koga: Mm, this method’s pretty effective. When I hit a mental block, I’d bring Leon out for a run. A change of scenery really does call forth new ideas.
Mika: Kiryuu-senpai, are’ya here to buy flowers?
Kuro: Mhm, my lil sister’s birthday’s comin’ up soon, and I don’t really know what a girl of her age would like as a gift… Even if I were’ta sew her some clothes, I’m likely to be shunned. Maybe a cute flower bouquet would be to her likin’? Or… would it be more fashionable to pick a potted plant instead?
Kaoru: Yaho~
Mika: Today’s customers are all familiar faces I see.
Kaoru: Sorry, I accidentally overheard your conversation, and couldn’t resist butting in.
Kuro: Hakaze, do ya have any recommendations?
Kaoru: What about making accessories out of preserved flowers? It seems to be the in-thing these days.
Mika: Mm, this particular store’s able ta help preserve the flowers chosen by the customers!
Kaoru: Not to mention, Kiryu-kun would definitely want to gift his sister something that he made with his own two hands, no? Preserving your carefully selected flower, before turning it into an accessory… it’s way more meaningful than any regular flower bouquet out there~ ♪
Kuro: That ain’t a bad idea… I’ll think it over…
Koga: Aa—ACHOO…!
Kaoru: Koga-kun’s wearing a mask in a flower shop and he’s still unable to avoid sneezing altogether… Poor thing…
Mika: Uwaaaah… I forgor that there’s another customer! Oogami-kun, are ya here to buy some flowers too? Yer can tell me what’cha want!
Koga: Mm, I’d like’ta reserve one of those flower baskets[1] congratulatin’ a successful performance, and have it delivered to the nearby Livehouse next week. Is that possible?
Mika: Lemme write that down… Is the flower delivery address the same Livehouse that Hakaze-senpai used’ta manage?
Kaoru: Well, someone else has replaced me in the managerial position~ Even so, I do go back once in a while to check on things. The performance next week… Say, is that the band that Koga-kun’s been looking after?
Koga: Mhm. ‘Cause its meant for a Rock’n’Roll band, I needa pick a super duper cool flower basket!!
Kuro: Hakaze’s still plenty familiar with his own business.
Mika: Yer can have a look at this catalog for the various flower basket arrangements! Though yer need to book them in advance… same goes for Kiryuu-senpai’s preserved flowers.
Kuro: In that case, I’ll go pick out the flowers I’d like to use from the shelves.
Koga: A-a-a… ACHOO! Lend me that catalog, ‘m goin’ out to have a look! Hakaze-senpai, since yer free, help me decide which one’s more suitable!
Kaoru: Ehh? Kiddo, you’re asking for my help so naturally?
Koga: It’s gonna be placed at the door of the Livehouse, so it’s not like it ain’t got nothin’ to do with you.
Kaoru: Ah. Yeah, that’s true. Let’s look through the catalog together, then~
Mika: Hehe, I, too, have found inspiration for ma’ design. The decor for the next stage will have flowers as its main theme… fresh flowers, potted plants, dried flowers, preserved flowers… Creatin’ different results through a variety of combinations…
Translator's notes:
[1] he's talking about those flower baskets that you prop up on huge stands?? that are like "from X to Y, congratulating you on a successful shop opening" or whatever www
Story 2 →
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play-now-my-lord · 1 year
fucked look dude. You look like if Andrew WK lost the ability to party as a result of a childhood viral infection and lived his whole life haunted by the ghost of his cooler potential self. You look like Gerard Way started hitting the creatine to get over some shit he has no business getting over. You look like the drummer for a band that routinely opens for Dragonforce. You look like Danzig stopped giving a shit about himself. You look like if an Afghan Hound got its wish to be a human boy but then got depressed about life as a human being
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sac-bestsupplements · 3 months
What Does Creatine Do & How Does It Work? Unraveling the Dark Science of Muscle Enhancement
Discover our top 10 best creatine supplements ranking: https://super-achiever.com/best-creatine-supplements
Read more on our website: https://super-achiever.com/what-does-creatine-do
#creatine #creatinebenefits #creatinemonohydrate
👋 Welcome to another episode of the Super Achievers Club! Today, we're diving deep into the world of fitness and health, unraveling the mysteries of creatine. Is it a magic ingredient for your workouts? Let’s find out! Video contents: 🧬 The Science of Creatine - What is Creatine? - Not a steroid, not just a supplement. - Naturally occurring in the body, especially in muscle cells. - Turbo boosts energy production during high-intensity exercises. - Aids in ATP regeneration for more workout power. 💪 What Does Creatine Actually Do? - Beyond Muscle Building - Enhances cognitive function in high mental performance scenarios. - Supports bone health, potentially reducing osteoporosis risk. - Improves cardiovascular system health. 🧠 Cognitive and Neurological Benefits - Brain Power and Beyond - Boosts cognitive agility, focus, and concentration. - Shows promise in slowing neurological disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. 🚫
Busting Creatine Myths - The Dehydration and Cramps Myth - Creatine does NOT cause dehydration or muscle cramps. - Helps maintain hydration in muscles. - No significant link between creatine and muscle cramping. 🔐 Safety and Responsible Use of Creatine - Guidelines for Optimal Use - One of the most thoroughly studied supplements. - Safe when used responsibly. - Recommended dosages and healthcare consultations are key. 🚧 Potential Side Effects of Creatine - A Closer Look at Risks - Kidney Function: Caution for those with pre-existing kidney conditions. - Electrolyte Imbalance: Importance of a balanced diet and hydration. - Increased DHT Levels: A consideration for those with a family history of male pattern baldness. - Compartment Syndrome: Rare but important to be aware of the symptoms.
🎬 Wrapping Up Today’s Episode That’s all for today’s deep dive into creatine! Don’t forget to subscribe to the Super Achievers Club for more insightful content. Got any creatine experiences? Drop a comment and let us know! 🔔 Subscribe for more from the Super Achievers Club! See you in the next video!
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health123 · 2 months
Unlock Peak Performance with MuscleBlaze Creatine Monohydrate Creatine: Experience Enhanced Stamina, Strength, and Focus for Optimal Workout Results and Muscle Growth
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Discover the ultimate way to increase your workouts with Monohydrate Creatine! Reach new heights in your strength, vitality, and stamina with our special combination that was created in-house and is driven by MB CreAbsorb. CreAMP promises less degradation of creatine monohydrate than traditional creatine supplements, which means your body will benefit from it for longer. Realize your maximum potential as CreAMP increases muscle mass, giving you the fuller, more sculpted look that bodybuilders and weightlifters love. Our formula enhances mental clarity and attention for optimal sports performance, in addition to enhancing physical capability. Instead of settling for generic supplements, choose Monohydrate Creatine and enjoy its amazing benefits. Increase the intensity of your workouts, boost your performance, and become one of the people who demand the greatest supplements for fitness.
For more information and discounts check out it : Amazon.in
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inspiringgrowth · 2 months
Creatine. . . Hmmm.
The creatine I've been taking for 4 months now helped quite a bit with stamina when lifting. And so my strength increased along with the intense workouts I have doing. That's good.
Unfortunately, I think it or something that ended up in the product that is not on the label, is causing an itchy rash on my entire upper body. I went off the creatine for 8 days and I noticed the rash began to disappear. When I went back on it a couple of days ago, the rash started flaring up again.
I will stay off it for a while I look for a product that is purer to see if the rash was the result of the creatine or some toxin that ended up in the product.
Hey, if you know of a creatine product that you are absolutely sure is pure, drop me a comment with the name of it. I'd appreciate your input.
Well, on the positive side, this gives me a chance to see how my progress can proceed without it.
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Machina - Dues ex... 3
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Makoto, Shu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Y’see, although the blue sky is nothin’ but clouds floatin’ on by, if ya look closely, you can tell it’s “artificial”! ♪ But y’know, the person who made it didn’t mean to create a fake, they were hopin’ to create the real thing."
Season: Winter
Location: Sky Garden (SSVRS)
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At a plaza that imitates the ES Sky Garden in the Test World…
Mika: Nnah, nnaaaah~…
I have no idea what’s goin’ on at all… There’s still time left on my pieces up for auction, and an unbelievable amount of money’s changin’ hands!
Everythin’ a huge mess thanks to that~. A buncha my fans all stormed my store and now it’s all just “chaos”.
If Mako-kun hadn’t gotten me outta there as quickly as he could’ve, it would’a been a crisis fer sure…
Makoto: Yeah, seriously… I didn’t expect that someone would try to become your friend and then try to get you to give them your digital art, Kagehira-kun.
But given your art’s so expensive now, I guess it makes sense that people would come up with strange ideas like that. You have to be well off enough to afford a luxury car.
Mika: Uu, say no more, Mako-kun!
I also thought it’d be nice if my work could have some value, but somethin’ like this seriously hasn’t happened before! I feel my hearts gonna jump outta my chest every time it’s brought up…
I’ve already got no clue why my works bein’ valued higher than Oshi-san’s, I’m not even sure if I should be valued more than those whose works are featured in art textbooks!
Makoto: Ahaha. Yeah, it really is nicer to climb stairs step by step.
The situation’s a little different, but it’s like when Trickstar won first place in SS.
I kept pinching my cheek as I laid in bed because I couldn’t believe that everything that happened that day wasn’t a dream.
Mika: Yeah yeah, you get it!
I should be happy over it, but it doesn’t feel real, like it’s just a dream!
Makoto: I bet you’ll be too restless to be able to make anything new for now, so it might be a good idea to stop playing Test World for a bit.
Mika: Hm… I dunno about leavin’ the Test World…
Makoto: Ahaha, you like the Test World that much, huh?
But, I really don’t recommend it. You’re kind of a celebrity here in the Test World now, Kagehira-kun.
So much to the point that it might even hinder you from just walking outside to have some fun .
It’s gonna be tough to have as much fun playing as you did before.
Mika: Yeah, I know that, though.
…Ah, I don’t mean to brush off what you said, Mako-kun. It’s just, I guess you could say I got unfinished business in the world?
I wanted Oshi-san to properly recognize my digital art.
My work so far’s only been simple-mindedly created usin’ the new technology. But, that’s exactly what Oshi-san so angry.
I wanted to create somethin’ proper in hopes of convincin’ Oshi-san.
Makoto: Hmm. Well, judging from the auction results and response, it doesn’t seem like your art’s bad.
Maybe he just was in a bad mood at the time. I dunno if it’s jet lag or what, but there are days where Izumi-san’s unusually crabby too.
Mika: Y’think it could be that? I hope so, but Oshi-san seemed to be real angry. Like what I made was half-baked, or somethin’.
Y’see, although the blue sky is nothin’ but clouds floatin’ on by, if ya look closely, you can tell it’s “artificial”! ♪
But y’know, the person who made it didn’t mean to create a fake, they were hopin’ to create the real thing.
I bet they were creatin’ it, really aimin’ to make a world that could replace the real one. It’s like that.
This here ain’t the real world, but I do think it’s an interestin’ one. Everyone here’s tryin’ to get closer to the real world. It’s a real nice atmosphere.
So I thought to make a work that embodies that interestin’ context that could convey that to even Oshi-san.
Makoto: …I see now. From the perspective of the real world, this world may look fake, but I also feel the world of SSVRS can be just as real as the real one.
I guess you could call it harmonious? It’s so peaceful here that you can forget about reality.
Oh, right. Kagehira-kun, if you’d like, would you like me to buy you a new atelier?
Mika: Ehh, can I really ask that of you!?
The VL$ is worth so much now~! Wouldn’t it be a waste if you blew it on a gift?
Makoto: No need to hold back. Winter break will be ending soon. I was thinking about retiring from my part-time position as a test player anyways.
It’d be nice to cash in my extra VL$ given the fact Trickstar’s struggling financially, but… If I cover too much of the sum, the others will feel bad.
Game money is for using in games. So I can use it without hesitation! ♪
Mika: Thank ya kindly, Mako-kun. ♪ If ya do that, then I can start on my next work—
Shu: There will be no need for that, Kagehira.
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Mika: …!? Is that Oshi-san’s voice…? Where’s it coming from?
Shu: Look up at the sky. I am here, Kagehira!
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Mika: Huh…? O-Oshi-san’s on top of a flying machine!? What’s going on!?
Shu: Kagehira. I’ve come to bring you back to reality, upon this mechanical god.[1]
Mika: But why… What did I do wrong, Oshi-san?
Shu: Before I answer that question, I have something to ask you.
Why did you make such a thing, Kagehira?[2]
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I’ve explained what dues ex machina meant, but the word originates from Greek and Roman theater; the god that would then resolve the conflict would be held up in the air by a crane, a machine. That is why the words literally mean “god from the machine”. In the same sense, Shu is here to resolve the conflict, in the air by a machine.
The scene from the start of the prologue now takes place. Feel free to re-read!
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versacemom · 2 years
This is a personal question — we aren’t mutuals so I can’t do you. We have similar ‘before’ body types, I’m still at the before phase. I want to grow to where you are now. So I can be realistic about it, would you be transparent about whether you managed naturally or with some enhancers? With love, an African admirer x
I do not use steroids. It took me a few years and a routine with a lot of eating. What I did won’t work for everyone but it’s pretty typical to bulk to gain muscle. This involves eating excess in calories and doing a routine that is low reps with high weight. I’ve never cut before because I enjoy eating, mostly, whatever I want. So if you want a strong, soft beefy body I would say start eating more, creating a routine that’s focused on strength and making sure to SLEEP. It’s also important that this goal is realistic. I would say start small and have you goals be something like “I want to do x by x.” And know that you can do if if you commit. For me it was I want to squat 225 by the end of the year, my first year.
Lastly supplements. I do take creatine for recovery and a pre workout with lots of caffeine. That’s it aside from usual protein shakes. A lot of people do juice to gain massive results which whatever you do you but ultimately I work out for myself to decompress and have a hobby that makes me feel good about myself. It’s been a really long and sometimes rough journey of body acceptance and I hope you can find that for yourself too, whatever it is.
With love, Italianx meatball ❤️
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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How fast does creatine build muscle?
Your muscles will hold onto this water, resulting in bloating or puffiness around your arms, legs, or stomach. Your muscles may even appear bigger, even if you've just begun your training. In the first week of taking oral creatine, some people gain about 2 to 4.5 pounds , mainly due to water retention.
Creatine is the world's most effective supplement for adding muscle mass. Taking it for as few as 5–7 days has been shown to significantly increase lean body weight and muscle size. This initial rise is caused by increases in the water content of your muscles.
Creatine is thought to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help the muscles recover more quickly during exercise. This muscular boost may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high-intensity activities such as weight lifting or sprinting.
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