#creating content that caters to no one else but yourself >>>
highlordofkrypton · 2 months
aside from my occasional complaints on here, I think I do a pretty decent job at creating a fun, positive and "safe" environment for the fandom. (those who know, know.) if you disagree, scroll along.
here's some ACOTAR fandom tips on creating a positive experience:
lead with positivity instead of replying to questions with shade and complain the responses are dramatic
allow other fandom members to behave like the adults they (supposedly) are and let them cater their own experiences -- it is no one's responsibility to protect you but yourself (and if you need help, please find it without taking it out on others)
dictating how anyone participates is not how you create a 'positive' environment, it's exclusionary no matter how you reason with it -- idc if you think any fictional character is x
honestly, just call it what it is, its not an appreciation week, it's a wide net request page for content you want and nothing else
I genuinely hope that everyone who rides on a moral high horse about fictional characters finds healing for their trauma, empathy for others as human beings and most importantly, never fall off said horse. If they do, I hope you are never met with the same hate and disdain you spread, especially under the veil of protecting others.
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obeymekarasu · 5 months
That means your “canon facts” aren’t validated. You could be saying anything. That shows that you are an illegitimate account spewing whatever.
You get offended that this is asked, and go on a whole tyrant about not adding information of the exact location. Just because you don’t want another to steal your content. That is a load of bs.
You likely don’t even know where you got the content and rely on others to do the work for you. That’s why you can’t state your resources, because you don’t know where it’s located.
I do hope others make accounts that add the exact information with resources, but I know you’ll just copy them. Judging that’s something you do already, you aren’t the only account that posts canon facts. You are one that that can’t even validate your information. It’s all trust me bro. Well, I will not trust you.
I suggest you check your information to make sure it’s correct, and to those that use this account for information. Be wary of this account, because it can be filled with false information.
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- I’ll reiterate this again, IF YOU WANT A SOURCE THEN ASK cuz I do have them. Asking me for sources shows me you’re interested and I’m happy to help. But demanding I put in the time to add sources to 600+ bot posts because you’re too lazy to ask me yourself, is entitled and I won’t be indulging that, sorry
FYI the Karasu Proofs tag is a collection of when people have asked me for sources and I’m always happy to provide them, because they took time out of their day to ask!
Also the word you’re looking for is “tirade” not tyrant
More under the cut
- yes, I don’t want to post all sources at once because I don’t like people to steal my time and work to possibly create another lore bot account (unless they want to put in the time and research themselves, then good on them). You can do the research yourself if you’re so inclined. Or, as stated in my pinned, you can *ask* and I can give sources!
- without fail I have sent sources to people who have asked and I will even take facts down if I’ve misplaced the screenshot.
- I do receive content from other friends but I’d say about 95% of what I have is my own research so I’m very possessive over my energy and time.
- “trust me bro” you can literally ask me for sources, as I’ve stated multiple times, otherwise you’re just lazy. I don’t owe it to you or anyone else to spoonfeed you sources when you’re going to approach in bad faith like this and not just straight up asking me what you are looking for.
- I’m sorry you expect people to cater to you without looking out for themselves, the world doesn’t work that way 🫡
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void-chara · 1 year
haha wow i hate how 90% of the celeste tag is just crossovers with other media. anyway here i am to contribute to the problem!
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listen at least its a different crossover than usual. adding variety to the suffering. itzsubz celeste au because im mentally ill about him and also i love this game. yippee!!
as usual with my art posts, ramblings and explanations are below the cut
so first hi if ur here from the celeste tag Sorry! quick explanation of What This Is: Itzsubz_ is a youtuber and twitch streamer i enjoy a lot, and recently(a few months ago) he played celeste, which reactivated my celeste fixation after months of dormancy. and that lead to me doubling my goldenberry count lmao(before that i had golden for 1a 2a 1c 2c and 3c. currently i have goldens from 1a 2a and 1c-8c. currently working on 3ag and have been for a few months). so anyway yeah im Really Normal sooo i made a crossover au ! his youtube videos are cool but i cannot in good conscious recommend his streams. hes kind of awful. obsessed with him tho
also the color scheme makes it look like i put him in the badeline role but actually he takes the place of madeline. for Part Of Him/badeline-equivalent im gonna differentiate by givin more of the inhuman characteristics of his online persona and stuff.
now. if ur here for the guy, not the game, you may be asking yourself a very important question right now: why tf does he have tits. and the answer is this: you can take the transgender(character trait) out of celeste but you cannot take the transgender(allegory) out of celeste. so tbh why bother taking the transgender(character trait) out of celeste. sooo i made him bigender in the au. shes like if a girl was just some guy. yippee!! i do a little projection
the guy herself i drew the way i usually draw but with the background i got a bit more experimental and tried some new stuff! i really like how it turned out, especially the mountain and snow
the reason the canvas is so long is because i made this to be my new phone wallpaper since i wanted a new one. also heres some other versions! first is without filters, and the other two are alternate filters.
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i loooove creating content which caters specifically to me and absolutely no one else in the world lmao. hope someone enjoys it anywya tho ! also i have plans for less niche art to be posted eventually. currently workin on an ivory drawing, and then after that i have a few plans for more celeste stuff(not crossover this time! ..and also a few more crossover.)
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creatureheart · 1 year
Welcome to a simple blog for me to explore things about myself and my nonhuman identity, and to simply reblog relevant posts and things that I like.
You can call me Pandora. New nicknames are welcome. They/It Hyena, Horse
[[ Carrd ]] Other Sites — content will be similar [[ CoHost | TikTok | Bluesky | Pillowfort | Dreamwidth ]] [[ Main Blog available on request. ]] [[ Tags ]] — my tags for ease of access and mobile users.
Replies, comments and asks/submissions are always welcome.
BYF below — please read because the only one to blame if you see something you don't like is yourself. If you don't like/agree, just block and move on
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I am an Adult - Dec '93 If you are not ok with this, and I follow you, please soft block, or block me to keep yourself comfortable.
I am Queer/Asexual and Indigenous(Australian).
Most of this blog will be SFW, but there still might be possible adult content on this blog, which will be tagged. Keep this in mind if you are a minor or do not wish to see such!
I try to tag everything that I reblog with general, wide tags when they are useful. Use the content filter options and/or xkit to stop from seeing what you don't want to see. I do not tolerate hateful comments towards anything "creepy crawlie"(bug, insect, snake, rats, etc) and will block on sight. I understand phobias and squicks, but they are animals that are just as worthy or respect as anything else is. This goes DOUBLE for anyone that makes comments on people's pets.
I'm not here for drama and discourse, don't drag me into it or tell me about it.
I support systems of all origins, including endogenic. I also support physically identifying nonhumans and alterhumans, whatever their reason for identifying this way is.
I use the word Queer. If you do not believe in reclaiming slurs or you tag things as "q slur" just block me. I am also kink positive, pro-sex education, pro-sex worker, etc. TERFS, SWERFS, Radfems, Gender-Criticals, Truscum/Transmed, Anti-Mogai, Exclusionists, Aphobes(Ace+Aro-phobic), LGBwithouttheTQ, etc are not welcome.
I am of the old internet mindset of "if you don't like it, don't look" and "don't go looking for things you know you don't like/you know will upset you." I don't really have a set DNI (though some of the things I will never tolerate are mentioned in here) — I block, unfollow and filter liberally, because it is not on other people to cater my online space for me. If I see something I don't like, I remove it from my sight and move on. I take ZERO responsibility for other's online experience as this is my blog. If you see anything you don't like that I post or reblog, just unfollow and/or block. People just looking for an argument or who are rude will be blocked and possibly reported. Comments will be deleted. Neil Gaiman's Essay: Why defend freedom of icky speech? Video: "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People"
I'm old and tired, and kids these days would probably label me a "proshipper" as I believe there is way more nuance to this entire thing than simply the black and white mindset that the internet & fandom communities have shifted to over time. I do not condone any taboo or problematic content IRL. But it is not my place, or my right to tell others what they can and cannot do in fiction/fantasy. It's unrealistic to believe that anything created that holds taboo or problematic content means the one who created it condones it IRL. This falls along the same kind of mindset mostly conservative parents spat that "violent video games make people violent", which we all know is not true. Censoring problematic content will not stop people from creating it. They will just create it where you cannot see it, which in turn could make it harder to find, and harder to stop when actual harm is dealt. Can fictional/fantasy content affect reality? Sure! I will never say otherwise. But to believe that it always does is, again, unrealistic, and assuming that most people cannot differentiate between the two. Fiction and fantasy were created for people to be able to entertain ourselves, and to explore topics that we never would, or were impossible, in the real world in the safety of our minds and spaces we created. The actions of those who use fictional content as a reason to do taboo and problematic things in real life is entirely on them, and they need to seek professional help for their paraphilias, or harmful actions. If something... - happens between two(or more) consenting ADULTS - makes someone happy - does not harm themselves or anyone/anything IRL ...then what other people do is none of my business.
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Dividers by benkeibear
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shadeslayer · 8 months
prev, the porn poll, is so. interesting. like theres a lot wrapped up in porn esp paying for porn (sex shaming, body shaming, whorephobia, whorephobic misconceptions abt The Porn Industry, christian purity culture and the idea that you need to have One Person and Marry them and they must be Everything to you and cater to Every emotional need u have or else youre not in love enough or ur doing it wrong) and i think ppls takes on it do speak a lot to of theyve ever actually engaged with sex work beyond the pop culture idea of "pornstar bimbo/sex trafficking" (rather than the reality of buying porn which, in my exp, often is individual creators or websites that are vehicles for individual creators, and the reality that a lot of free porn is stolen and often is harder to trace the origins of it and if its ethical or not bc it gets ripped stolen re-uploaded so often, and even if it was ethically created it may not be ethically shared bc it may be paid content thats been reuploaded nonconsensually) and if they have a constructive relationship to sex, jealousy, and sexuality within a relationship
and i do think people who are poly and/or who engage in the kink scene understand it better - esp w kink scene ppl bc u understand more explicitly that sex work is work, that there is a financial business transaction to be had wrt sex whether its buying content or its buying toys or tickets to a workshop, and theres an understanding that there are things your partner plain cant do and the line of fantasy to reality. ive bought porn vids of kinks i dont really have any interest in doing - i just liked the scenario or the performer(s) for fantasy fuel. just because you get off to something doesnt mean you want it irl, or that it would be Possible irl bc of fantastical kinks like micro/macro or bc of the inherent contradictions to Existence. my partner is one person, they cant be both thin and fat, both flat chested and big breasted, both tall and short, both hairy and shaved, etc. & expecting one person to meet all your needs in every sense is a good way to get yourself in a super uncomfortable unhealthy relationship where you begin to resent each other
and also i think its really cool and intimate to share porn recs with your partner. and also i find porn is a lot more queer and diverse and kinky when you buy from creators rather than scroll past 50 videos on pornhub that are all basically the same video of two white skinny cis ppl fucking doggystyle
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
The Louvre Is Thrilled to Announce It Is Rebranding to “UVR” - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
If there’s one thing we’ve concluded from the millions of visitors who pass through our doors every year, it’s that art is passé. Art is stale in an age of content—unlimited content you can hardwire to your cerebellum with maximum connectivity, allowing you to upload videos with your smart shoe, get a crappier version of the cable television you cut the cord on years ago, and watch reality shows transpire in real-time in reality with no scripts, no actors, no directors, no cameras, no crews, no catering, and no pesky union wages that make it impossible to hoard all the profit for yourself for work someone else did.
You see, in the future of tomorrow’s today, we’re visioneering. You can do banking with a flicker of your eye, communicate with your dead loved ones with incoherent AI that regurgitates gibberish that sounds nothing like them, and record audio with your mind before it’s swiftly forgotten unless you order our memory-enhancement supplements—be sure to sign up for a subscription, fam, for the best deal and assurance you’ll never run out, lest all your cherished memories be erased. Memories are content, and content is here for its coronation, baby. After all, we once hosted French kings, so we’re an authority in telling you there’s a new king in town, and that king is content, beautiful, sweet, sweet content—oh, content, my love, how I long for thee, how my aching loins quiver for thy sweet embrace.
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claudemblems · 2 years
Things You Do That Warm Their Hearts | AOT Headcanons
Characters: Levi, Armin, Eren, and Jean
Notes: I want to hug and squish all of them and pat them on the head and tuck them in and give them a kiss
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Levi - When You Bring Him Tea
Levi is a man of action rather than words. Through kind gestures, he showcases his love and care. But he doesn't know how much you appreciate the little things he does he does for you until you return the favor.
It's subtle at first.
You brew yourself a pot of tea, but you make enough so that he can drink some as well.
He's hard at work in his office, eyes glued to the endless stack of papers in front of him, when he's interrupted by you gently placing a cup in front of him. Just by the scent, he can tell that you've made his favorite.
The sun has set and most of the cadets have retired to their beds, but you still approach Levi with some calming herbal tea, sweetlt kissing him goodnight before you head off to sleep.
Now you ready a warm cup of tea for him whenever he crosses your mind. At times, Levi almost swears that you can read his thoughts. He'll only have to wonder for a moment if he should refill his empty cup when you walk into the room, offering him a freshly-made tea catered exactly to his liking.
You always wear a warm smile as you present the hot tea to him. Perhaps your happiness is simply infectious, but he finds himself smiling at you in return. He notes the fluttering of his heart when it's just him alone with his thoughts, and he considers the possibility that maybe he's just falling in love even more.
The thought brings a smile to his lips as he quietly sips his tea. It's then that Levi decides that he should bring you tea more often. He's curious to know what kind of expression you'll give him when he repays your kindness in full.
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Armin - When You Read His Favorite Books
When you'd first expressed interest in the books he read, Armin couldn't contain his excitement. The thought of you wanting to participate in his hobbies, no matter how insignificant they might be, makes his heart swell.
Once he's finished a book, he hands it off to you, a slip of paper tucked securely inside the pages. And at the end of every week, you return his belonging along with your "review" of the contents.
He settles down for bed, eager to read what you've written for him. Your notes are filled with exclamations and drawings, as if words were not enough to express your every thought. Armin can't help but smile fondly, his thumb gently brushing over the inked letters.
He stores all of your notes in a small tin container inside his dresser, safe from the outside world. They're his precious kept secrets, only allowed to be seen by himself and you.
Because they're not just thoughts about a novel, but also love letters, messages too precious to be viewed by someone else.
Some of them have faint impressions of your lipstick you'd pressed against the parchment. Others have lines taken from the book reimagined as a poem created especially for him.
Icy glaciers found only in the Arctic...eyes so brilliant and blue...only then can one truly understand the beauty of nature...this is the world's most scenic view.
No, the prettiest sight in the world, Armin thinks, his racing heart shot through with cupid's arrow, must be you.
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Eren - When You Ask If He's Okay
The burden of liberating the whole of humanity has been placed on his shoulders, and it can be too much to bear, especially for someone so young. Eren wonders sometimes if the Scouts forget that he's practically still a child. All they seem to see when they look at him is a weapon of war.
But when the ground beneath him begins to crumble, you give him a firm foundation to lean on.
You are always there to ask how he's faring, offering him your shoulder or a listening ear. You remind him that he's merely human and that it's not his responsibility to solve the world's problems, especially not on his own.
That's what you're here for: to endure life, side by side, until the very end.
A gentle squeeze from your hand calms his troubled mind, and it's then that he vows that one day he will be the one taking care of you. The love and concern that you give him now will be returned to you tenfold.
With you beside him, he has nothing to fear.
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Jean - When You Know He Needs Comfort
Was it really true that some couples can read each other's minds after so much time spent together? Jean had never considered this to be true in the slightest - all until he met you.
Not a single word has to pass through his lips for you to understand when he needs you. Wordlessly, you intertwine your fingers with his, offering him a warm smile that prompts him to open his heart. The relief that washes over him after getting everything out feels like a drop of water in the desert, refreshing and soothing to his soul.
When the world has beaten him down and left him bruised, your arms are always waiting for him to run into. Your presence alone is a safe haven to him, a place that he dares to call home.
You are his comfort, his warmth, his starlight gleaming in the expansive night sky. You are his beacon of hope in the midst of the chaos. You are his assurance when all hope seems lost. You are everything he could ever wish for.
As long as your light is there to guide him, he will always find his way back to you.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 15th; 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖘.
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summary: iris's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia
w.c: 635
warnings/content: mentions of AHS; brief mention of coulrophobia; fluff.
series masterlist
whoever wants to be tagged for this fic, fill this out or dm me.
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]
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October 15th.
Hi, Spencer.
There is no such thing as “recent research” that says that coffee can replace meals throughout the day. I did my research, and this is total bullshit. If you are not eating healthy at least once a day I'm going to find you and I'm going to shove broccoli down your throat. (that's a threat)
Just FYI: just because you have 5 PhD's and people call you “Doctor Reid” doesn't mean you can say your opinion means you are a medical doctor. It is not a second opinion, therefore, coffee is not a whole meal, Spencer!
(I hate broccoli. It tastes so bad.)
Oh, and yes. I am one of those 14%. I can't stand them. I can't see or hear anywhere close to me. It's unsettling. They are unsettling and the costumes should not be allowed anymore. Have you ever watched American Horror Story? It explains everything — and stop calling it irrelevant facts! They're relevant to me, Doc!
Did everything end up alright in the end, though? Did your team get to solve it in time? (Please tell me there isn't a crazy clown running around Virginia...)
Oh, Spencer. Henry sounds lovely. I hope you are not teaching how to steal his mom's forbidden books, though. What do you mean “your magic tricks”? Is the Doctor Reid a great magician too? Is there anything you can't do?
I classify “troublemaker” as a cheeky kid who defies his mom's rules. Since we're on this topic... I used to steal cupcakes before their deliveries. My mom had a catering service. Every time the food was ready I'd go to the cupcake section — her recipe is the best thing, I wish I knew how to cook — grab five and then I'd hide somewhere to eat them.
She caught me once.
Switching the subject, it's understandable that you can't be impartial all the time during cases. You're human, you feel. This is normal. Don't beat yourself up for it, please. It's your job and you love it but with what you face every day, you can't expect to be happy all the time. Even I can't be, at my field which is nowhere near yours. You are allowed to feel sad, angry, anything, really. Please, know that, okay? And you can talk to me. Write. Send birds, whatever. I think over two months of exchanging letters we could consider ourselves friends, somewhat, right?
Okay, so the strangest thing just happened. I was just grading my student's midterms in my lab, then one of them walks in. We initiated a conversation, totally fine, he's a great kid. When he was about to leave he told me to not come to University on the 27th of this month (for some reason?) and he left. I didn't even think much of it until now. I don't know why but it unsettled me a bit? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I'm sharing this here because it's late and I have no one else to talk to.
I'm exhausted, I need to get home!
About the book, I think Radcliffe makes me visualize exactly what is happening through her writing, that's what grabbed my attention. I've created so many theories and now I think all of them are wrong but I'm only halfway through the book. What spell did you put me under, Spencer? I don't like horror!
Anyway, remember to hydrate yourself and get a good night's sleep. I hope you have a great week, Spencer <3
(I'm glad you know what the symbol means now, thank your friend on my behalf!)
Ps: I read The Tell-Tale Heart and I had to sleep with one eye open tonight. Thanks, Spencer. I have to say I prefer Annabel Lee.
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @chayceschultz
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I'm the anon asking if I'm tripping about Tae
The way you expressed yourself made me giggle
For the past 2-3 years..my personality has been being Army
The type of Army who was so butthurt at anyone criticising the guys
The type of Army who just went along with the hive mentality of Bangtan are perfect...not even human...so how dare you....then after dreamers...twitter became too toxic to the point I realized its affecting my mental health and I was like hold up...why is my whole life just about Bangtan when they can literally never do anything of "significance" for you...of course they offer me entertainment,comfort, support,positive emotions etc but like this experience was some type of...you are wasting your youth days by always being chronically online and not doing anything else....it was like a spell was lifted...I was like okay...so if I voice out my opinion on some of the things this fandom does...all they can do is just call me an anti and tell people to.block me...it's like being Army is being hired to always be working 24/7 ....ooooh...you can't claim you're Army if you don't love all 7 of them...it's like when strangers from the Internet tell you you aren't a real Army because you don't subscribe to our bullshit is suddenly the biggest mistake of your life and you cease to exist...the thing that makes me mad at Bangtan is that they are aware how this fandom has been catapulting to so much immaturity that makes them unapproachable if we are honest but they still cater to them and put up a front...
Reading your blogs made me start questioning things and the appeal of treating them like gods just started dissipating....Army loves to make it seem like Bangtan are the top of the top but if you look at it...esp these days(not at all including the solo work so far...I love JITB from start to finish and some songs on Indigo)...is they give us generic content and they know the fans themselves will bully other people to gobble it up...I'd really love to hear them being so deep about their creative processes...after all this enlightenment...the only person whom I can't seem to rid the divine aura is Jimin but he also has a negative side to him...but I think with him..I've come to experience what true unconditional love is...same as JK but JK I've learnt to humanize him in my mind
As for the other members...I love them...they are all so multidimensional....My soul just doesn't like Tae for so many reasons....and when you're from a mindset like mine...I used to feel really guilty for not liking him and I always exaggerated my affection for him on the timeline to somehow mask my dislike...but its been a journey learning how to detach from this toxic mindset and treat them like the human beings that they are....thank you for creating this space where you are so open minded and allow discourse with people who can see through the bs....
I just wonder when they will take responsibility of how their fandom is getting out of hand in a very high rate...Army's are one of the most vile people on twitter and I understand with some things it's needed but damn😭
Chapter two just made me realized I might be a solo stan and not as ot7 as I thought....but thank you for responding to me....I kinda needed that pov to stop making myself feel guilty....but then again...there is no one human being who is perfect....there might be so many grammatical mistakes..I'm sorry 😭💛
I will asssume you're probably aware how this sounds, right? You got out of a cult. Replace army and bts with whatever cult is out there and it would apply.
I know my post hit a nerve. And some others in the past. And I can see that in all the asks in my inbox. Which surprises me, although it shouldn't. Because I'm not the type of person that needs to hear it from others first in order to say something. Maybe it has to do with age, personality, the fact that this is the internet and I really don't give a shit because it's only a small fraction of my life? But others do, which is ultimately, a bit unfortunate. Because it shouldn't be like that. But the fandom at large is so close-minded that those who don't subscribe to the cult mentality or who figure out along the way how absurd it is, are pushed aside and worse. You cannot be part of it if you don't think the same way. It's authoritive and totalitarian and jesus christ, do we need that in a music fandom when the world is as fucked up as it is? Is it worth it? Is it worth it to be misogynistic, to become an informant snitching and gathering information so the small-time leaders of report accounts can do their cancel spread sheet? Is it worth it to doxx people for whatever the fuck reason? Why on earth would anyone want to be a part of that? And then you have the ignorant on purpose army who took to heart "see nothing, hear nothing" and made it their slogan. They don't like "speak nothing" cause they suddenly get a voice when it's time to all say in a choir "all shippers are the same". Spineless people.
Spineless people who the PR job for BTS for free and they love their free labor while they don't stop for one second before buying in massses every little thing the company puts out. A late stage capitalist nightmare.
And about that creative process as a group? Well it's certainly impossible to talk about something in the last few years when they only released subpar music. What would be so deep about Butter when RM managed to say it has fruit vibes? They can complain about feeling burned out and how it wasn't a fruitful period. But they did it and they got a lot of money from those songs. Time to treat them as adults and not just as "our boys".
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rainagaintomorrow · 2 years
Guess who's back ✌🏾✌🏾
This one is actually for all fandoms but I will talk specifically about how people in this fandom are trying to police the fandom space and Erik and y'all. ACAB. Don't act like one. Your entitled white privilege is showing and it's not a good look, boo, it's actually embarrassing.
The point of fandom is the freedom. That you can create or not and just exist and play in the sandbox! You can play with everyone, or just your friends, or by yourself. It's literally an open space for everyone. So by policing the fandom space because it doesn't fit you (your opinions and your specific interests) not only are you showing us all that you're immature, but you're entitled and you're honestly ruining the place for everyone. Yeah. You're ruining the sandbox like you peed in it or scooped all the sand out but your own.
It's fine you don't like dark content. You can find it morally reprehensible because you have no ability to mentalize or understand coping, that's fine. Block, blacklist tags, and move on. It's okay if you don't like a specific opinion in the fandom. Block, blacklist tags, and move on. If you don't like certain kinks or tags, that's fine. Block. Blacklist tags. Move. On.
Why does everyone else need to do what you want? Why are you the authority like boo who even are you? I literally am an adult I can do whatever I want that does not hurt anyone, and in an effort not to hurt anyone I will use my tags and make it clear what I'm doing. So if x tag is not for you, you can read the label and move on. If you're lactose intolerant and you see something contains dairy, do you still buy it and eat it? Do you then complain that there should be no dairy products because you can't have any? Or if you don't like olives but get food with olives and complain it had olives. Like that's how y'all sound. The whole point of dd:dne and dark content is it's labeled and if you open it and don't like it THAT is on you.
Your personal dislike of something and/or you being triggered by something means that it is your responsibility to manage your exposure to it. Whether you need to keep scrolling or you need to blacklist tags or you need to block someone, that is your responsibility. You are responsible for your actions and managing your emotion, physical, and psychological responses to thinks. If something cause such a strong reaction in you, it is your responsibility to take precautions to avoid exposure. Not mine. Take responsibility for yourself and stop trying to control everyone else. Your entitlement is not a valid currency here and I have not, am not, and will not be willing to accept it.
Stop. Read it again.
Your personal dislike of something and/or you being triggered by something means that it is your responsibility to manage your exposure to it. Whether you need to keep scrolling or you need to blacklist tags or you need to block someone, that is your responsibility. You are responsible for your actions and managing your emotion, physical, and psychological responses to thinks.
If something cause such a strong reaction in you, it is your responsibility to take precautions to avoid exposure. Not mine. Take responsibility for yourself and stop trying to control everyone else. Your entitlement is not a valid currency here and I have not, am not, and will not be willing to accept it.
This argument feels similar to me to the argument that somehow, fandom is for children/teenagers and people who are 20+ being in fandom is cringe or weird (because they're adults shouldn't they have adult interests and why are they around kids?) I think it's a similar argument because you're saying "this space should be catered to me, and if you aren't like me then this space isn't what I want and I will try to force you to leave" and like. Y'all. Either make your own media made just for you, make your own little fandom website for you and people you choose, or grow up and realize that you aren't The Most Important Person here. You aren't. People don't care, and if they do they're probably pissed off. I understand it must be terrible feeling like you are entitled to anything and everything including all of the attention but that's just no true. No one owes you anything. Ever.
The entitlement and the implication of whiteness and coercion that comes along with it is not surprising. But I'm also not willing to tolerate policing the fandom space when you can have the hardware and software available at your fingertips to blacklist tags, block people, and read. Just fucking READ. Have it read to you if you must! It's like going to a party and complaining to everyone that you don't like the DJ all night when you could just leave and go somewhere else to find music you like. This space wasn't built by you for you, so go find something that vibes with you or make your own and leave everyone else the fuck alone.
Honestly I think when people act like this and decide they get to determine what is and isn't acceptable in a free space we should just be like "what are you, like, 12? Go do your homework. Go on, get." because act like a child get treated like one. When people act childish and get main character syndrome because they don't feel special anywhere else in their life so they try to dominate and coerce other people into doing their bidding, you're acting like a child, and worse, like an white man.
Honestly. Just a white person. Because white people across class, ability, gender expression, sexuality, queerness etc. tend to become very regressed and childish when it comes to entitlement and will often beat other intersections of marginalization down to get their rights and leave the rest for dead. This is just history.
I get you don't feel special but think you should be. Seek help, that's literally not my fucking problem. This space was not made for you and if you want one, go make your own media or a website just for you and your lil friends.
Read the tags, use blacklisting, block people, and most of all MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.
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I apologize for the upcoming rant, but I don't have anyone else to say this to.
I have an online friend who's dear to me. As a content creator, I love to promote their works in secret, even sending harmless rumors to get fans riled up, because their reaction is so endearing! I too used to create things but mental health tends to be an obstacle, but I will never stop supporting my friends.
However, recently I realized how said friend seems to ignore boundaries, and ignore me if my opinion isn't even slightly interesting to them. I unconsciously became a form of entertainment, only ever thinking of catering to their interests or else I will be disregarded. It reached to a point where I questioned my own identity. I actually (and painfully) confronted them about it, and as expected, it was difficult on both of us but we decided to move on.
My issue is that, I don't know if they truly understood the problem, because it's practically the same thing all over again now, except we rarely talk anymore. I know people express care in very different manners but being ridiculed in front of others for fun, or ridiculed for talking passionately about a subject you like as a joke sits wrong with me. They did this to other people, and i sort of fixed the situation after thry realized they were wrong. I sometimes feel like they only ever speal to me if i benefit them in a certain way. Their previous relationships say they put themselves on a high pedestal, and i feel thats so mean, but i cant help but understand the feeling. I compared them to a recent friendship I made, and the amount of compliments I receive, even if silly, exceed my other friend's, whom I've known for years.
They tend to blame themselves a lot, and so I'm worried about talking about this again and making them panic like last time, or whenever their other friendships end. I also worry that I'm the one who's overreacting (im autistic and i sometimes over analyze things), and that maybe I should just ignore things as I usually did and go do something productive for once. Be the bigger person, as they say.
Otherwise, thank you very much for listening to this mindless rant. I love your blog, take care <3
You don't owe anyone endless patience. Especially not people who aren't facing their issues and actively working on them. Blaming yourself and panicking to the point of changing the subject is not a constructive way to respond to valid criticism. Especially not if that's all which ever comes from it. In that case it is more likely to be manipulation - even if subconscious - than actual reflection and remorse. So if this "friend" is repeatedly treating you like shit and you aren't even able to start a constructive conversation about their behavior and how it's been affecting you, then it's probably time to take a step back.
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Remember folks, you are responsible for the fandom content you wish to see, whether that be by creating the content yourself, politely asking your fave artists/writers if they do prompts, or just by searching more than one site. Sure it sucks when you’re into a rarepair or whatever, but it is no one else’s responsibility to cater to your tastes. Instead of complaining that no one likes your fave ship/character/kink/etc, start talking about it. Generate the interest. Show why it is so appealing. If no interest comes, that’s bad luck, but no one is stopping you from posting about it. (Well, some people might try, but those people are colloquially known as arseholes).
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shikha06blogpost · 4 months
Strategies for Maximizing Your Instagram Ads Performance
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Strategies for Maximizing Your Instagram Ads Performance
In today’s world, people aren’t just using social media. They are all over it. Instagram is by far one of the most popular apps out right now. The competition between businesses trying to get their ads in front of customers is brutal. So, having a good strategy can be crucial to success with your campaigns. If that has your curiosity going, great. 
This article will show you why it’s so essential and know the strategies for doing better on Instagram with them.
Impact of Instagram Ads Campaigns
From a business perspective, Instagram is multifaceted. It’s visual, it’s immersive, it has paid ads, and the list goes on. But combined, you get an experience that subconsciously pulls in customers. Take, for example, their interactive platform, where you can swipe up or click to follow and learn more. Compared to other social media platforms, this one feels alive and personal, making people feel connected to you.
Benefits of Choosing Instagram Ads
Businesses that advertise on Instagram gain access to an entire world of benefits. Since they changed their name to Meta, the app has become a robust platform with limitless potential. The reach and visibility that comes with it surpasses anywhere else. And this offers incomparable exposure to the targeted audience for your ads. On top of that, Instagram’s precise targeting capabilities allow companies to connect with potential customers based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Lastly, using these ads also gives you access to detailed analytics that can be used to improve future ad campaigns.
9 Strategies for Maximizing Instagram Ads Performance
Maximizing how well your Instagram Ads perform
To ensure you’re tailoring your ads to the explore space, it’s essential to go through them with a fine-tooth comb. That way, businesses can broaden their reach, amplify brand visibility, and capture potential customers with different interests. The Explore page gives businesses an open field to intersect users who are more likely open to exploring new content; this creates fertile ground for discovery and engagement.
Be wise in how you bid strategies.
Bids must be smartly managed. This will ensure they’re shown strategically to people interested in buying what’s being sold. These businesses maximize the return on investment and don’t waste it on irrelevant views. Employing dynamic bidding strategies allows them adaptability regarding market conditions and user behaviors, ensuring ads aren’t outdated or irrelevant.
Adopt Image Carousel
Image carousels allow businesses to show multiple products or features of a singular product within one ad. This is visually appealing, and users are highly engaged with these visualizations as they offer a fun browsing experience. It also helps businesses tell a whole story about their brand, effectively conveying their value proposition without shoving everything into one picture.
Try Motion-based Visuals 
The human eye loves something that moves! And motion-based visuals can quickly seize the audience’s attention if done correctly. Actions like captivating videos or dynamic GIFs can cause maximum engagement and high conversion rates due to their ability to evoke emotion from viewers. So, companies must use motion-based visuals wisely; using them badly could turn the viewers off even if they were initially interested.
Lose Yourself In Ad Placements
To get the best ad performance, it’s essential to experiment with placements. The more you dive into placements, the more strategies you’ll discover that cater specifically to your target audience. Trying different things helps you find the perfect avenue for your ads to give you maximum visibility from users who’ll buy what you’re selling. With an innovative and adaptable spirit in ad placement, it becomes easier to refine your strategies over time so everything aligns perfectly with how users scroll through their feeds.
Invest in Reels and Stories
Stories and Reels aren’t going anywhere soon; they’re here to stay. And with this new wave of using these formats comes an excellent opportunity for businesses willing to put in the effort. Creating captivating narratives within Reels and Stories is essential for making customers feel connected to your brand even after swiping off their screens. The format is fast-paced and visually stimulating, so tapping into this potential could open new doors to engagement boosts for your brand.
Use Trending Audios For Your Visuals
When visuals are paired with trending audio, they gain a sense of relation ability and allure that boosts their overall performance. Using trending audio allows brands to create contemporary content, making it more appealing and exciting for users who come across them on their explore page or while strolling through friends’ stories. It’s all about creating content that immerses users into an experience with the brand that ultimately makes them want more.
Retargeting your Audience – Bring Them Back
Retargeting previously interested users will give them another shot at becoming long-term customers instead of just a one-time buyer. Building relationships with customers is something every business should strive for because once you have them hooked on what you’re selling, it’s hard for a competitor to take them away from you again. Seeing a brand more than once is sometimes all it takes to make users remember that they were genuinely interested in it at some point. It’s also a great way to get people to convert to your ads since they already know who you are and what you do.
Partner with Influencers
We all know partnering with influencers is a super effective way to reach more people. They give your business credibility, and references from others are often better received than ones you make yourself. You can use the influencer’s ability to speak with people effectively to reach a new audience that will care about what you have to say. And in return, you’ll give them money.
It’s like two good-smelling flowers standing next to each other — they’re already lovely alone but smell even better together.
Final Words
In summary, you need to be strategic and creative to get more out of Instagram ads. With these ad campaign optimization strategies, businesses can maximize their Instagram performance and use the platform as an asset for social media marketing efforts. Working with a social media marketing agency can guarantee top-notch Instagram ad performance and overall social media management strategy if further assistance is needed.
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dangal-play · 4 months
Drive Yourself Into The World Of Hindi TV Serial Websites For A Unique Experience.
Welcome to the exciting and engaging world of Hindi TV Serial Website (TV show, Programmes,  melo dramas), where storytelling meets and enjoyment has no bounds. Set out on an adventure through the distinctive experience that Dangal Play has to offer. The leading platform transforms how we consume television content in the digital age. Prepare to be engrossed in a world of riveting sagas, gripping tragedies, and compelling storytelling that will leave you wanting more. Let's explore the wonders of Dangal Play and see why it's a must-go-to-place for all those who enjoy amusement.
Dangal Play is a premier Hindi TV Serial Website that provides a one-of-a-kind and immersive experience to fans looking for high-quality entertainment. With its diversified original content, compelling narratives, and revolutionary technology, Dangal Play has established itself as a destination for people seeking captivating entertainment and unique experiences.
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A Glimpse Into Dangal Play's Library:
Dangal Play offers Hindi TV Serial Website with a vast collection of Hindi TV serials spanning various genres, including family dramas, historical sagas, crime thrillers, and supernatural mysteries. Every production is carefully created with attention to detail, resulting in captivating narratives, richly realized characters, and compelling performances.
The Allure Of Original Content:
Dangal Play, a Hindi TV Serial Website, stands out for its focus on unique content. The platform invests in producing one-of-a-kind and inventive shows exclusive to Dangal Play, providing viewers with a new and wide choice of entertainment alternatives that cannot be found anywhere else.
Immersive Viewing Experience:
Dangal Play offers a more engaging viewing experience than streaming media; it utilizes smooth streaming, high-definition video quality, and simple user interfaces. Viewers may enjoy their favorite episodes with greater clarity and convenience, whether on a Smart TV, laptop, tablet, computer, or smartphone.
Embracing Diversity And Inclusivity:
Dangal Play, a top Hindi TV Serial Website, values inclusivity and diversity in its content. Dangal Play recognizes the cast of characters and highlights representation on screen while presenting stories from various cultures, locations, and backgrounds.
The Impact Of Technological Advancements:
Technological improvements significantly impact Dangal Play's experience as a Hindi TV Serial Website. Dangal Play uses technology to improve accessibility and user experience, from AI-powered recommendation engines to seamless streaming across various devices.
Catering To Varied Audience Preferences:
Dangal Play offers a wide variety of genres and content to suit the tastes of a wide range of viewers. Every viewer's taste in drama, humor, romance, action, or suspense is catered to on Dangal Play, which makes it a flexible and welcoming platform.
The Power Of Unique Experiences On Dangal Play:
At Dangal Play, we recognize the value of providing distinctive entertainment experiences. Here is why they are essential:
Captivating Audiences: Unique experiences capture and engage audiences, leaving an unforgettable impact.
Promoting Emotional Connections: Their ability to build deep emotional connections between viewers and content increases the significance of the interaction.
Driving Innovation: Diverse encounters inspire originality and creativity, expanding the limits of stories.
Standing Out: In a competitive market, originality allows Dangal Play to stand out and develop a loyal fan base.
Enhanced Engagement: Transparency and interest are increased through unique experiences, which keep viewers captivated and involved.
Memorable Moments: They produce priceless moments that viewers appreciate and enjoy together, building a solid fan community.
Dangal Play continues to produce engaging content that connects with audiences and raises the bar for entertainment by embracing the possibility of exceptional experiences.
Dangal Play stands out among Hindi TV Serial Website for its creativity and excellence. It stands out as an innovator in the entertainment Industry thanks to its dedication to creating original content, offering viewers an immersive experience, utilizing innovative technology, and conveying different stories. Dangal Play continues to lead the way in providing audiences with distinctive and captivating experiences by producing memorable moments and appealing content that appeals to viewers.
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jaydhobi · 5 months
5 Game-Changing Strategies to Develop a Blockbuster OTT App in 2024
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The future of entertainment is streaming, and the OTT (Over-the-Top) market is booming. Did you know that [insert statistic about the global OTT market size or subscriber growth]? Traditional cable subscriptions are on the decline – cord-cutters have taken over and they want their OTT platforms.
So-called “blockbuster” OTT Apps are designed to cater to these new viewing habits. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max — these are not just apps for watching movies and TV shows. They’re engineered with beautiful design, personalized recommendations, and unique features that make users come back for more.
But how do you develop an app that stands out in such a crowded market? This blog post will take a deep dive into five strategies that can help you create the next big thing in streaming.
Understanding Your Audience: Building the Right Content Strategy (Technical Deep Dive)
In this section we’ll discuss some technical aspects of building an OTT app based on content strategy development best practices. But first…
Know Your Audience
Your target demographic should be at the forefront of your mind when considering what type(s) of content to acquire. Ask yourself questions like:
How old are they?
Where do they live?
How much money do they make?
What are they interested in?
Having a strong understanding of who your customers are will inform all other decisions related to this process.
Device Usage
Different people have different preferences when it comes to how they consume media; one person may prefer watching videos on their smartphone while another prefers using a tablet or smart television set. Knowing which devices most closely align with those used by members within your target demographic can help ensure usability across platforms — even if only certain ones are supported initially due resource constraints / limited time availability etc..
Content is King: Building a Captivating Library
Now that you know who you're making your app for let's consider what needs be done make sure it keeps their attention.
Licensing vs. Original Content Creation
There are two primary ways that OTT apps can obtain content for their libraries: licensing and original creation (i.e., producing shows from scratch). Here's a breakdown of each option:
This is when an app pays another company or entity for the rights to use its movies / TV series on its own platform. Doing this allows you to offer popular titles while saving the time and money typically required to produce comparable quality content in-house. Original Content Creation
If you’re looking to shake up more than just the selection process, consider creating and producing some of your very own programs! Doing so will give viewers something they literally won't find anywhere else; however, keep in mind these endeavors usually require larger investment funds stages given production costs associated with such undertakings can often skyrocket should any unforeseen issues arise during the filming process alone let alone all other post- shoot activities necessary before final cuts ready distribution both domestic international markets wide scale viewership can achieved which means there needs to be strong demand met supply order maximize potential profits generated by utilizing this particular method over others available at the time being… Catering to Niche Audiences
The first impression is the most important. For all devices, whether they are smart TVs or smartphones, the user interface of your application should be visually attractive and intuitive. Simple navigation, clear menus and high-quality visuals establish a positive experience at the very beginning.
Seamless User Journey:
Keeping viewers engaged is largely dependent on how smooth their user journey is. Below are some must-have features:
Effortless Navigation and Search: Users should quickly find the desired content. Use search functionalities that are easy to understand as well as well-structured categories for seamless browsing.
Personalized Recommendations: Make content recommendations based on data and user behavior that appeal to individual preferences; this will keep them interested in addition to helping them discover new favorites.
Offline Viewing Capabilities: Enable users to download content for viewing offline which can come in handy when there is limited internet connectivity or simply for convenience purposes.
Multiple Payment Gateways: Smooth Checkout Process
Offer various secure payment options so as not to lose potential customers at the checkout stage. Integrate popular payment gateways while considering different user preferences.
App Performance Optimization (APO): The Unsung Hero
A fast responsive app matters more than you think. Ensure your app loads fast, streams content without buffering, and lags behind issues because such experiences are likely to annoy users who may then switch platforms out of frustration.
By focusing on these design & functionality elements, you can create an OTT app that delivers a winning user experience while keeping viewers engaged – next we explore strategies to monetize your app and turn those captivated viewers into loyal subscribers.
Monetization Strategies: Keeping the Spotlight on Revenue
Now that you have captured their attention through great content delivered seamlessly through an intuitive interface; it’s time to convert them into paying customers. Here we take a look at different ways one can make money from their Over-the-top platform:
Subscription-Based Model (SVOD): Recurring Income Stream
In this model, users pay a subscription fee either monthly, quarterly or annually in exchange for unlimited access to all available content on your platform. Consider having different plans for different needs such as basic plan with SD streaming only while premium offers HD, exclusive shows and multi-device access.
Transactional Model (TVOD): Pay-Per-View
You can also enable users to buy/rent individual movies, episodes or seasons of TV series through a pay-per-view system. This works well alongside subscriptions by providing an extra revenue stream from premium content.
Advertising-Based Model (AVOD): Free Service Supported by Ads
Here users get free access to your entire library but must watch ads that are relevant to them before each video starts playing. This is a good way to attract more people especially those who may not be willing to commit themselves into paying monthly fees for subscriptions; however ensure the adverts are targeted and non-intrusive so as not interrupt their experience.
Seamless In-App Purchases: A Frictionless Experience
Regardless of the monetization model you choose, it’s important that secure in-app purchase systems are integrated within the application itself – this will allow users subscribe, rent or make one-time payments without leaving the app thus ensuring convenience while using it.
To ensure your over-the-top (OTT) application’s long-term success, it must be monetized. The trick is providing users with choice while making sure their experience remains the top priority during payment process.
How to Make a Blockbuster OTT App
In this part of my blog post, I will discuss how you can make an app that stands out from others in crowded marketplaces and turns viewers into loyal subscribers.
Marketing and User Acquisition: Strategies to Get Noticed
Creating an amazing OTT app is just half the battle; marketing is what really makes it successful. You must have a strong marketing strategy which will help you get noticed among other apps in crowded marketplaces as well as convert viewers into loyal subscribers. Here are some tips on how to achieve this:
App Store Optimization (ASO): Be the Star of the Search
Discoverability matters most when it comes to applications these days. With App Store Optimization, you need to add relevant keywords in your description coupled with catchy visuals so as to increase visibility during search results thus making easy for potential customers find what they are looking for.
Social Media Savvy: Engaging Your Target Audience
Social media platforms provide great opportunities for reaching out to target audience hence should not be ignored whatsoever. Create compelling content that promotes your app using Facebook, Instagram or Twitter among others. Running ads on these sites can also help generate buzz about upcoming shows or movies while at same time partnering with influencers gives them access they never had before – creating more excitement around such releases through exclusive trailers, behind-the-scenes looks etc.
Content Marketing: Building Buzz and Brand Awareness
Content marketing has always proved effective especially if done right thus can’t be underestimated either way possible! Develop an adequate strategy which talks more about various aspects related to OTT apps like release dates but also includes interviews conducted with actors plus crew members involved thereby sharing some bits exclusively via social channels too. The idea behind all this is getting people eager enough such that they cannot afford not downloading your application.
Data-Driven Decisions: Optimizing Your Marketing Efforts
It is crucial to keep in mind that marketing never stops. You have to know what works best for you by using data collected from analytics tools showing how users behave towards certain campaigns or messages sent out during different periods etc. This way, one can easily adjust their strategy basing on real-time information received thus ensuring maximum reach among desired audience segments.
Implementing these strategies will help ensure that all of your efforts aren’t put into waste as far as OTT app development goes – instead, it could become a major success within no time.
The Final Act: Partnering for Success
Well done! In 2024 you’ve got everything required when it comes down crafting blockbusters OTT apps; but still there might be some technicalities which need professional intervention.
At WebClues Infotech, we offer comprehensive services related to OTT App Development. Our team comprises highly talented developers who possess vast skills in this field hence capable of turning any idea into reality. We can guide you through every step involved during the process right from designing an easy-to-use interface up to integration secure payment gateways where necessary while ensuring optimum performance levels are achieved across various devices used by customers.
Want to make your dream OTT app a reality? Don’t waste your time! Hire App Developer from our team of experts now. We will be with you at every stage, leading you through development and making sure that your OTT application becomes a major success in the streaming industry.
Let us bring your vision onto the silver screen – reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation!
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wilquavious · 5 months
Entitlement Divestment
What about that scholarship money? That you accepted so grateful, It probably came from war investments Which you now claim are hateful, And next year's scholarship From a different endowment fund, Was invested in Israeli pharmaceuticals Oops, now they will be shunned.
Say, let me see what you are wearing Your clothes, jewelry and shoes, Was any of it created with slave labor If so, it's time to pay your dues, Divest yourself from those purchases The gold obtained by hand by oppressed miners, As you stand on the quad screaming slogans Having food catered to you from nearby diners.
By any standard We are all complicit (including you), A butterfly is crushed in Bermuda And Fifi the Pomeranian craps on my shoe, To completely divest yourself and your University From the military industrial complex, You need to spend your life in a cave While giving up sex.
The majority of mass protests Prompt dialogue But not necessarily change, Usually some folks die Such that the chessboard pieces rearrange, And there isn't always somebody that you can sue Because Free speech protesting is your Right, But do wear a helmet just in case a brick Is thrown your way in the dark of night.
I protested the Vietnam war On a college campus in the Miami Valley, We occupied the lawn of the administration building Sang our slogans, smoked weed and bragged about our rally, And then came the shootings at Ohio State After which we pondered the divestment of someone else's existence, A lot of scared kids quit the game at that moment And shipped home without resistance.
So, Mr. College student you are welcome to exercise your freedom of speech And protest to your heart's content, But please don't create any property damage Or we may consider your education money poorly spent, Such that we might ask you to leave So we can find a more appreciative pupil, One with high principles And at least one moral scruple.
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