#creature fishy Vash
s0ljpeg · 5 months
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Creature Vash save me,,,,, save me creature Vash,,,,,
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Mermaid vash with s/o human reader
I feel like Vash would court the reader by giving them random "lost" stuff that he found from people that dropped things in the ocean, like bottles, broken camera, jewelry, a random knive. Anything shiny and cool looking ends up in the reader's hands from Vash. He'd be very happy if the reader accepts the gifts but if the reader gives him something? Any thoughts gone, Vash is malfunctioning.
Just thought this would be a cute idea
Authors Note: Guys please I'm a creature lover at heart don't get me started on these prompts- (joking please get me started on these prompts mer!Vash makes me happy)
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Mer!Vash x Reader HC's
•Vash is extremely interested in humans. Think...Ariel lmao. Although humans are known for trying to poach merfolk (their scales and fins are extremely valuable) he can't help but love them!
•He does his best to stay hidden as he follows along boats from afar to watch the crew work during the day or play cards and drink at night. He sits on far away rocks on beaches to watch the humans splash in the water and sunbathe on the beach. Basically if he can watch humans somewhere he'll be there
•Which is why when you became the newest light house keeper for the port, you were the perfect human for Vash to watch
•It was perfect, the light house was far enough from the actual port that he could lay on the rocks with out being seen, he'd watch you through the light house windows, he'd watch when you'd leave to dip your feet in the water or sit on the rocks to watch the horizon. It became Vash's new favorite pass time so it was only a matter of time before you noticed your fishy companion
•When you first see him his lower body is in the water, only his head sits out watching you, you blink and begin approaching him thinking it's someone who's swam too close to the rocks
"Hey! This might not be the best place to swim there's lots of rocks and the actual swimmers beach is-" you pause caught off guard when, a couple steps in, you see a long red and orange tail gleaming in the water. You lose your balance and fall in the shallow water screaming-
"ahhh!" "ahhh!" the merman mimics back in your voice, which only concerns you more and...leads you to scream again, "ahhh!!!" "ahhh!!!"
•This whole mimicking thing seems to go back and forth for about two more screams before you settle. You catch your breath as you stare at the merman who just watches you curiously not making a move to leave
•You had heard of merfolk, everyone had but it was rare to see them unless you were a poacher and even then merfolk were famous for sinking the ships that were after them. You had met a cocky sailor once who had tried to boast by showing off a few mermaid scales he has sliced off some mermaid he was tracking but it had only disgusted you thinking about how terrified the poor girl must've been
•Although as you carfully look over the merman in front of you it doesn't look like this one has had any better luck, winding scars paint his chest and it seems he's missing an arm...you wearily glance up to the blue eyes watching you, you're pretty sure merfolks were supposed to have silted iris but this merman's pupils are blown wide with curiosity
"...so...can you copy anything I say?" you ask, "...so...can you copy anything I say?" He repeats in your voice, which...is admittedly a bit creepy but he makes a pleased trill noise after he shows off
"Right...so you uh, have a name?" you ask, the merman nods eagerly then pauses looking a little sad before smiling and saying "Vash!" in a woman's voice you've never heard before
•You come to realize that Vash can mimic pretty much any sound as long as he's heard it before. You assume it's some sort of hunting tactic which scared you a bit until you realized he mostly used it to mimic the noises of other sea animals to bring them closer, so it seemed humans were not on the merfolk menu
•Vash comes around pretty much everyday, trying to communicate through half phrases he had heard and various chirps and trills you often had to decode the message of. Luckily he was very expressive so it helped with the context
•You find Vash loves human things, you even started bringing him foods after he snatched a bag of donuts from your hand one morning. So you eat most your meals out by the rocks now, not that you mind. The life of a light house keeper was a lonely one, so you were glad for the company as unconventional as it may be
•The two of you actually become close, or...as close as a human and merman can get you guess? Only issue for you is you don't seem to realize how close you actually are
•Vash has decided. You'd be the perfect mate. You're a good swimmer (for a human), you provide food (donuts), and it only confirms it in his head when one day he makes and happy chirp noise and you jokingly try to mimic it back the same way he does, not realizing it's a show of affection in the merfolk world
•So Vash takes it upon himself to begin courting you. You know how I said think Ariel when you think about Vash? Yeah he has a little cave in the ocean that he just collects trinkets in. Pennies, jewelry, screws, knives, if it shimmers he's picked it up and stashed it away. Which is why he's sure he'll be very good at scavenging to show you how good of a mate he would make!
•It starts off slow, when you're sitting on the rocks with Vash and he hands you a small shiny quarter. You glance up at him as he watches you eagerly waiting for a response. You smile and run your hand through his wet hair
"For me?" you hum, he makes an affirmative trill, tail slapping against the rock excitedly
"Well thank you, it's very nice Vash"
•Then the next day he brings you a necklace he found which you please him by wearing, something that just confirms his courting is working. Then he brings you and old camera, then a bottle, then a whole sword which you go wide eyed at when your smiling blonde companion pulls it out of the water
•You aren't 100% sure why Vash feels the need to bring you things but you enjoy the collection of shells, sand dollars, and shiny objects he leaves you. Although you feel a little bad that, besides the snacks you offer him, you haven't ever given him a gift
•So you go to the market the next day trying to find something. You didn't really know if Vash had a home to keep anything big in...where did merfolk live anyways? You'd have to ask Vash next time you saw him- and you're getting distracted.
•You sigh almost giving up when a stall that glimmers in the sun catches your eye. Perfect! Vash loved shiny things! You run over to the stall to see what they have when your gaze lands on a gold ear ring. The whole "one ear ring" look was becoming popular among sailors but...Vash liked mimicking humans, maybe he'd like this?
•You quickly buy it (in part thanks to all the spare change Vash leaves in your hands every morning) and head back out to the light house
•When you get there Vash has already pushed himself up on the rocks waiting for you. He makes a pleased trill noise and greets you with a "Good morning!" in your own voice. You chuckle and carfully climb your way over to his spot and sit down
"Good morning to you too! Hold out your hand!" You urge as you dig in your bag for your gift, Vash gives a curious look and tilts his head letting out a questioning "vrr?"
"please? c'mon it's good surprise promise" you say, he nods not one to deny you and holds out his hand. You press the gold ear ring into his palm and smile at him.
"so? do you like it? ...Vash? uh...Vash?" You try to wave your hand in front of his face but his eyes are locked on the trinket, as if completely shocked. His face is...also going a very bright shade of red the longer he looks at it- did you break him?
"Vash if you don't like it-" before you can finish that thought he quickly makes a panicked chirp when you go to grab it out of his hand and dives into the water leaving you wondering what just happened
•Vash meanwhile is running his fingers over the metal of the ear ring over and over again. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected a courting gift from you! This was so embarrassing! To accept courting advances was one thing but to be so bold as to court back? He never expected you to be so forward! Well...that just confirmed you wanted to be his mate...and that he'd have to up his courting tactics to really impress you
•After about a half hour of sitting bewildered at the mermans reaction you finally spot him as he peaks his head out of the water and- oh! he's wearing the gold ear ring, the hoop hanging from his right ear
"Vash! I almost thought you left for the day" you sigh padding into the water after him, he shakes his head and makes a cooing noise before repeating "Hold out your hand!" just as you had earlier
"hmm? oh you didn't have to get me something too but okay" You relent holding out your hand, expecting more change or something shiny-
"ahhhh!" you scream as a a live fish about as big as your arm is dropped into your hands. You fumble and drop it, the fish flops around before darting away as soon as it hits the water. Vash frowns, this...was going to be harder than he thought.
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greetingfromthedead · 2 months
4. Magic
Series: Mermaid!AU Depth of Despair
Pairing: Vash x GN!Reader
Word count: 2.2k
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You sit under the protruding ridge of the cliff by a tide pool. Vash wrapped a heavy cloak around you before carrying you here. The waves keep crashing into the rocky shore, occasionally sending up sprays of saltwater that mist your face. You finally feel a resemblance of peace after days of turmoil, and you've found it under the strangest of circumstances. Vash's voice puts you at ease as he talks about his flower garden and where and how the plants like to grow. Some like sunlight, others prefer shade. Some need loads of water, others very little. He paints a picture of his house in your mind. It's quite small and cozy, with a porch swing that creaks gently in the breeze. Vash hasn't gotten around to oiling it. He has a small boat tied up at the little dock in the river. A path weaves around the forest's trees and leads from the porch to the riverbank. Behind the house is where he grows his flowers. He dug a creek from the river to get water closer to his crops, but sighs heavily when thinking about how often he has to walk with the heavy buckets back and forth in the summer when the water level in the river is too low for the creek.
Your wet hair and the seaweed in it drip water on the thick fabric on your shoulders, but you don't mind the dampness or the cold radiating from it. Part of you does miss Vash's warm touch, but it's an afterthought. Your blood always runs cold, and you're used to it as you've never truly known anything else, just the occasional stroke of sunlight on your skin. He braids the blades of reed into a long cord, and you watch his nimble fingers moving with absolute grace and purpose. You wonder again how it is that he has his left hand. To your knowledge, humans can't regrow limbs, and you have no doubt in your mind that this is the man you saved from that large ship.
"I've been thinking a lot about the tales of mermaids. I'm not sure if I believe in them all, but there must be some truth to the stories, as you do sit next to me. And one thing is undeniable: they are described as the most beautiful creatures you could lay your eyes on." He shifts to look at you with a smile. "And when I see your face, I believe it."
That's because what you see is glamour. You reply to him in your head. It's just magic to lure in people like you. It's not real. Just a veil.
"Are all mermaids this beautiful?" Vash asks with fascination.
To you, they are, as long as you see them out of water. You simply nod as a reply, not quite sure how to relay any of the details to him without using your voice.
"Oh wow. A whole race of such mesmerizing creatures. This is incredible." He seems to be glowing with excitement. He appears to focus on your different features, and you're not sure what he expects to find. Perhaps something fishy?
You are a fool to be this enamored by my kin. It will bring you nothing but trouble, I can promise you that. Everything about me is designed so I can sink my teeth into you.
"And is it true that your singing voices are irresistible? Like in the stories where ships are navigated into hazardous waters because the sailors are captivated by the song of sirens." His comment surprises you. The first instinct is to take his words as an attack, but you see no malice in his expression.
You're close. I don't have to sing; my every word is turned into entangling melodies like you've never heard before. It is all magic. It will ensnare your mind and draw you closer, even if you know better than to do that. You talk to yourself in your head as if he could hear you. In the end, you can only give him another nod as an answer, but he seems satisfied with that.
"Does it have something to do with why you don't talk? I assumed you couldn't talk, but is there more to it?" His voice is gentle as he speaks, and his eyes are filled with curiosity.
You give him another nod, even though it is not quite the full truth, but it is close enough.
"Is there something I could do so you could speak to me?"
Yes. But I cannot tell a human like you. And under the water, you wouldn't want to talk to me. You simply shake your head at him. This seems to put a damper on his mood, and he looks down again at the braid he made. His fingers trace along it before he continues to weave it together into a sturdier cord.
"You are truly captivating. I am glad you came back." He speaks softly with a smile dancing on the corner of his lip. "It's a shame you can only reply with a nod or a shake of your head. Maybe I'll figure something else out. Can you write?"
Not in a language you could understand. You think and give him a shake of your head.
"Alright." He turns his focus back on the twine in his hand. "I hope you aren't putting yourself in danger by coming here. I did hope you would return, but I am sorry if you felt like you needed to. That's not what I meant."
As he speaks, the wind turns in the narrow bay area, and suddenly you are downwind and catch a whiff of something sweet and delicious. Vash keeps speaking, but you can't focus on it. You draw in more air again with a deep breath, trying to catch more of the scent. The wind turns and whirls, making it hard, so you lean more towards Vash's large figure in hopes of hiding from the breeze. You find the aroma again and lean into it, letting your nose guide you. The further you get, the stronger it becomes. You feel your mouth water; the delicious smell is clouding your judgment as you still search for the source.
Vash is taken by surprise as you suddenly seem to come on to him. You sniff the air around him. Every millimeter you come closer, he leans away, confused and concerned for the unexpected shift in your demeanor. He stays silent, eyes wide open, as it looks like you can't even see him. He's about to stutter something out when you lean your face to his neck, your one hand holding on to his shoulder. He lets out a shocked "Eeeep!" and feels his face heating up before he can't lean back any more and instead falls over into the sand. As you lose your support, you too go down with him.
The scent gets even stronger, and you're sure it comes off him. It feels like something primal takes over as you move along his body, taking his right hand to sniff before grabbing the left one and realizing the smell is strongest there, slowly getting weaker as you move towards the shoulder.
"Hey now… What's going on?" Vash finally says this as he keeps his gaze on you. A slight shake in his concerned voice is what snaps you out of your daze. You look up at him while still lying halfway on top of him. For a moment, all you can see are his bright blue eyes. You quickly push away and sit upright again, even leaning away from him. You cover your mouth with a hand and look down at the sand, happy that the whirlwind clears up the scent.
"It's okay!" he chuckles as he watches your reaction and pushes himself up on one elbow. "There is no need to get embarrassed. It's fine."
But the horrified expression on your face doesn't stem from embarrassment. You feel the elongated fangs and sharpened teeth push against your tongue, your mouth filled with saliva as Vash's scent drew you in with a primal force. You smelled magic. Every living being carries magic; everything is capable of storing magic under the right conditions, but this is different. You can't smell it on your own kind, and you've never been so close to another human before. Do all people smell just like that? Fish and marine mammals don't come close to this. Why is this the first time you smell it? Did you always sit upwind? Were your senses dulled by fear? He was bleeding into the water when you first saw him, why did you not sense it then?
"Hey… Are you alright?" He asks, and he sits up even more to put a hand on your shoulder. It's the left one. Why does it smell so strongly compared to his other hand? Is it because he has regrown that limb? Curiosity and hunger mix within you. It's almost like you can taste it. It coats your mouth like oil, stubbornly sticking to you even as you swallow. If that is what humans smell like, with such strong magic coursing through them, you can understand why your kind evolved to hunt them.
You feel his gaze on you as you wait for your racing heart to slow down again. The taste slowly dissipates, and your head clears. Swallowing again helps your fangs to retract and your sharp teeth to turn into what they usually are while out of the water. You feel almost lightheaded as you still sense Vash next to you, his hand touching your shoulder.
"Are you feeling alright?" he asks again, and you finally turn towards him. You glance over the confused expression on his face and pick up the gloved hand holding on to you. He doesn't resist you as you turn it between your own hands. It feels strange and rigid—nothing like your own hands. Taking his other hand in yours confirms your suspicion that something feels very different. There is no soft flesh under that glove. You return your attention to it, your fingers running along the leather and the numerous belts and buckles. You gently press your fingers into it, and only about halfway to his shoulders do you feel the softness of meat. It is where you remember his left arm ending.
Just in case you double check again. You take his other arm and feel the warmth radiating from his skin. It isn't hidden under leather, only the white sleeve of his shirt. You see his scarred hand and calloused palm. You hold both his hands for a moment, comparing the difference in feel and temperature. You turn them palm side up and palm side down. As you let go, you compare them to your own hands, and the fingers of both his hands move, mimicking yours.
"Did you figure it out?" he asks with a soft smile, but there is a hint of sadness in it. Now it's his hands taking yours and keeping them palm side up. Vash's fingers run gently over the back of your hands, and he isn't restraining you in any way. With a gentle touch, it is hard to realize there is something wrong with his left hand. "I lost my left arm a few years ago in a shipwreck. It was a horrible storm; it smashed our ship to pieces. It tried to rip us all apart. I don't remember much, just that before I blacked out, some of my closest friends had already lost their lives. Somehow, I woke up on this shore again. To this day, I have no idea how it is possible. I haven't heard of anyone else surviving; I think I might have been the only lucky one. The ship is lost too, together with my left arm. Probably somewhere deep on the ocean floor."
Part of you wishes you could tell him the truth, but a different one knows that it's better he doesn't know what really happened. But is it better for him or for you?
"A skilled friend of mine created this prosthesis for me." He turns the glove covered arm around, his fingers stroking the underside of your wrist. He could have stopped here, and you would have no reason to question him. You barely know what a prosthesis is, so you took it all as being normal. "I have a little secret of my own. I can use magic. We made this arm so that I can use magic to move it like a regular hand. Imaginary muscles and tendons make it so I can trick almost anyone. You're the first one I couldn't fool."
So this is why it smelled so strongly of magic; it's completely imbued by it. I never knew humans could use their magic. You keep looking at his hands, as you can't even tell the difference between them when it comes to movement. They are both graceful and nimble. There is no stutter in the fluency of the fingers. They mesmerize you as they dance across your skin, and out of seemingly nowhere, he pulls out the green cord he made earlier. He ties it around your left wrist, and there is a pink little seashell hanging from it.
"Here. I know the seashell is fragile, but it had the perfect hole in it already; I couldn't resist." Vash smiles at you brightly, with not a single hint towards the anxiousness or awkwardness of before.
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