#credit to the joke also goes to my coworkers lol
mlady-magnolia · 5 months
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Yes, this was a real drink someone ordered at my Starbucks except it was a Chai Creme Frappe
I don’t know why either
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JB Fic Exchange Recs - AU Oneshots
Well, I’ve gotten through about half of the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange fics at this point, which is both not nearly enough for my liking and also pretty impressive for me, lol. I wanted to get some recs out ahead of the reveal because the wealth of talent in this fandom should be celebrated and shouted from every rooftop...and here we are down to the wire.  Haha!  Obviously, there are SO many more awesome fics available, so take this as just a lovely sampling.  Thank you dear authors for sharing your talents with us all!
Bug Juice: Jaime and Brienne's Summer at Camp - THIS IS MY GIFT FIC!  READ IT NOW!  Okay, even if this wasn't my gift fic, I would absolutely love this fun romp of a fic.  My prompt was basically summer camp with JB flair and my author took that to such a level of creativity and snark, it was just beyond perfect!  This one is in Myrcella's POV...I didn't even know I needed this, but I really did!  She's watching the season finale of a reality tv show that's set at summer camp.  Everyone is riveted by Jaime and Brienne's will-they-won't-they, enemies-to-lovers subplot, Myrcella included, even though she does have a bit of insider knowledge naturally.  I love the way this is written like reality show segments, with Myrcella's brilliant reactions/commentary/texting of her uncle from her couch.  There are commercial breaks that will crack you up.  A very serious discussion about Capture the Flag is had.  The GoT show digs are fantastic.  Really, this is the fic you need to read if you like smiling for long periods of time and laughing potentially so hard you spew your drink.  Oh, and also if you enjoy a good ole reality show HEA.  Excerpt 1: “When Daenerys took over as Camp Director mid-session, I was worried,” Jaime says to the camera, running his good hand through his hair. “I have a complicated history with her father and she doesn’t trust me. The young Starks don’t exactly either, but Brienne has fought for me. She insisted that I am good at my job—good with the kids. She said that I am a good man.” Jaime’s eye twitches just a touch as he stares straight ahead, his face otherwise a mask of calculated neutrality. Myrcella picks up her phone, about to text her uncle to make fun of how sappy he is when the scene switches to Brienne. Excerpt 2: Brienne takes a long sip, eyeing Jaime skeptically over the rim as she lowers her cup. OMG, when are they going to make out? Just kiss him! Ugh, they better kiss or I’m going to lose my damned mind. “You keep it warm enough in here,” he complains with a sigh, brushing past Brienne, who slowly sets her cup down and turns to him. She wipes her wide palms on her shorts and watches his back as he struggles to shed his hooded sweatshirt. Excerpt 3:
“Nooooo!” Myrcella screams and falls off the couch. She lands on the ground with a thud. She scrambles to untangle herself from her blanket and clamour back up onto the couch to grab her phone. She sends Jaime a shouty text.
Score - Jaime, Brienne, and bar trivia!  Also, face-sitting goodness...what's not to love?!
Excerpt: “And because I was right and you were wrong, I demand you two go on a date.”
“Excuse me,” Brienne squeaked. Was Tyrion trying to humiliate her? How could he suggest something so absurd without a cruel intention?
To Jaime’s credit, he had the decency to look mildly embarrassed. He even blushed. “Stop it, Tyrion,” he said, annoyed.
“I’m serious,” his brother replied. “You two have been flirting all night. Do something about it or this trivia arrangement will not work out in the long run.” Privilege - Jaime coming up with ridiculous lawsuits so he can keep spending time with his lawyer, Brienne (and a couple not-so-ridiculous ones too).  This one is hilarious and clever and also very sweet.  Do yourself a favor and read it!
Excerpt: “Jaime. At this point, I have known you for eighteen months—”
As their drinks appeared, he tapped his mochaccino against her tea. “Cheers!”
“—we have never not been in court! Seven Hells, Jaime, last month you had me sue Stoneheart Press because you didn’t like the representation of Goldenhand the Just in their line of historical fiction novels.”
He took a sip of his coffee. Anyone else would look ridiculous drinking what was essentially a dessert in a three-piece suit. But not Jaime. Jaime just…looked good. “And you won all those cases, Tarth. You’re good. Occasionally graceless while dealing with opposing counsel, but good all the same.
I hope our paths will croissant again - the way to my heart is baked goods...no, really, my hubby's a good and generous baker.  So, any story where Jaime has baking skills is going to appeal to me.  That said, this one is sweet and funny and has some pining and dare I say it was delicious?  Go enjoy it!
Excerpt 1: “She didn’t hire me,” Jaime says. “She’s holding me hostage, actually.”
  She stares at him for a moment, and then realizes he’s joking, and he laughs uproariously at the look on her face. 
“I’m good at my job. Why’d she hire you? ” 
Excerpt 2:
When Jaime comes back to work, he teases her again, though lightly, and she assures herself that whatever she felt in his apartment that evening is something that he can’t possibly reciprocate and nothing is ever going to come of it, so they can just be coworkers and it will be fine. She scrubs the kitchen countertop very aggressively when he comes to help her with a batch of coconut cake and hopes he doesn’t see her blushing. Thankfully, he then spills coconut flakes all over the kitchen floor and she has to get the broom and by the time she comes back her heartbeat has slowed down properly. She tells herself she’s being very, very stupid. The stupidest, really. Absolutely top tier stupidity. 
On Paper - Addam is wingman extraordinaire, guiding is best friend through some unintentional sandwich wrapper flirting.  
He knew better than to bring a date to Tarth’s. It was a surefire way to ruin a good thing in case of nasty break up.
Bringing his best friend along should have been safer. Less risky.
It would have been if his best friend wasn’t Jaime Lannister, that’s for damn sure.
Meet Me Cute - J & B are bodyguards to Sansa and Margaery and are forced to be around each other following their charges’ meet cute and all that follows.  This is told through multiple POVs and is so fun!
“Margaery, can you tell Jaime to stop using ‘our’ when referring to me,” Brienne replied, opting not to engage with him directly.
Margaery sighed and turned towards her girlfriend’s bodyguard. “Jaime… why does Brienne hate your guts?”
“Not what I said.”
Jaime shrugged, “Don’t know.”
“Don’t know?” Brienne exclaimed, snapping her head up to glare at him. “You don’t know?”
“I don’t have a clue,” Sansa chimed in. “And Jaime has told me a lot about you.”
“You shush,” Jaime said. Sansa simply laughed.
vellichor - This mesmerizing story of a world-renowned violinist and a used-bookstore owner is told via before & after segments that reveal the development of the characters and of this beautiful relationship.
So he does not let himself falter as he surveys the audience, sketching out a half-bow before lifting the violin and settling it against his shoulder. His bow is still loose in his right hand, and it trembles when he goes to raise it, the scars protesting a motion he has done a million times.
Those watching will see his hesitation as part of the show, the spectacle—a prolonging of his grand return is what the articles will say tomorrow morning. They will not see the terror that jolts through his body, the fingers of his left hand pressing harder against the strings. They will not see his eyes wandering over to a box on the left side of the hall, the box where a few people he has carefully chosen sit, leaning forward along with the rest.
They will not see how he searches for a tall woman sitting among them, nor will they see the ache that takes hold of his heart when the spotlight blinds him and he is unable to push through the curtain of brilliance to see if she is there.
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originofjaehyun · 4 years
Interlude: No More Drama | Part 12 | Dreams Come True
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Interlude: No More Drama Masterlist
Word count: 7,105
Warnings: Smut
Part 12 | Dreams Come True
“My disappointing days, my insecure day, they will all become dazzling like myself right now.”
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A/N: Usually I would write my author note at the very end but today is going to be a bit special because we finally reach the end of the series! (Even the word count is different, lol!)
To be honest, I didn’t expect that I would come this far with this series. I guess I became more and more attached to the characters and the storyline as we progressed. I really did enjoy writing this series, like my fingers just couldn’t stop writing.
Also, not in a million years that I would dare to imagine any of you would read my story. Maybe it’s just me being insecure all the time? Who knows.
Nevertheless, I wish I could express how grateful I am. I know right now I can only say it via note like this, but I hope you guys able to feel how thankful I am for all of you. Really, I read every single notes, your reblogs, and it always made my day whenever I receive your feedback. (OK, stop –or else I wouldn’t be able to stop crying)
Thank you for loving Interlude: No More Drama. I hope you would enjoy this last chapter of the Interlude series, as much as you enjoyed the previous ones!
With love,
Dee (yup, my name everyone!)
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“You’re not eating your meal.”
Yuta pulls you back to earth, noticing how you’ve been playing with your omelet instead of shoving it to your mouth.
“You’ve been dozing out recently, it started to get into my nerves.”
Yuta is always direct, he never sugarcoats his words. Clearly your action annoys him.
“It’s Jaehyun, isn’t it?”
You dropped your fork, telling Yuta that he shot a bullseye.
“Alright,” He rose from his seat, taking his plate and yours. “Eating is definitely not on your mind, sit on the couch, let’s talk.”
He quickly cleared the table, leaving you with no option but to obey him.
You make your way to the TV area. You spent so much time at Nakamoto's residence, you could practically walk there with your eyes closed. But it would be wasteful to do so, as the view from his window is always mesmerizing. Today is no exception, with how blue the sky is.
Usually, the view from his window is always complimented with your waves of laughters, because Yuta always managed to make you smile. But not today, or the last few weeks prior to the party. The unsettling feelings after the commotion last month still lingers.
“Here,” Yuta passes you a glass of water, which you immediately drank without hesitation.
“So,” He sat next to you, turning his body so he could face you. “When are you going to tell me that you’re still in love with him?”
You choked because he definitely took you by a surprise. You continuously tried to clear your throat. Feeling slightly guilty, Yuta helped you by tapping your back.
“What? No– I mean, Jaehyun and I, we’re a thing in the past and now I have you…”
“[Y/N],” He caressed your back, still worried about how he caused you to choke, occasionally pressing his thumb to give you gentle massages. “Any sane person would know that the feelings between you and Jaehyun are anything but over.”
You stayed quiet, completely did not expect out of all people it would be Yuta who calls you out.
“Listen, [Y/N],” He holds your arm, “We’ve been together for what, four months? And yet that night at the launch party, or the arresting party,”
You giggled at his remark, causing him to let out his signature radiant smile.
The comforting smile.
“I never saw you looking at someone with so much love. And that lucky person is no other than your ex.”
“But Yuta, I-”
“I’m not saying what we had wasn’t real.” He interjects, “It’s partly my fault anyway. I kinda force you into this relationship. So I do expect to be your rebound of some sort.”
“You’re not a rebound!” You quickly disagree with him, “It’s just…”
“I know, I know.” He finished your sentence. “We kissed, we even slept together –and don’t tell me I’m not good at it because you’d be lying.”
You smacked him real good at his arm, for continuing his jokes when the conversation is clearly not meant for any jokes –though you still give him the credit by laughing at it. “And, you are a wonderful person, [Y/N]. You didn’t let me do it after I spent nearly two months with you, and that’s a long time for a Nakamoto.”
“Because I know you care about my feelings too, and you really did try to like me. We spent many dates together, giving each other gifts and we shared lovely memories together. But I know whatever you shared with Jaehyun is something that I could never have.”
Your smile turns sour, at how true his statement is.
“Yuta, I’m sorry.” You finally couldn’t hold back the tears. “I tried, I really did. You are the most amazing person, you’ve patiently waited for me and I promise you I really, really cherish the moment we’ve spent together, but…”
Yuta hugs you, causing you to weep louder, wetting his shoulder. “I just… can’t seem to forget about Jaehyun. I don’t know, we’ve spent an equal amount of time like what I did with him, and yet–”
“You don’t choose who you fall for, [Y/N].” He caresses your hair, shushing your sobs. “As cliche as it might sound, sure, you would initially choose the person. But our feelings are something that transcends our logic. You could never force love.”
Yuta releases you from his embrace, now looking directly at you to meet your now red eyes.
“It’s always been Jaehyun, isn’t it?”
You’re unable to hold the pain of having to tell the truth, lips quivering. But Yuta does not deserve any lies, so you nod involuntarily.
“I’m sorry, Yuta…”
“Don’t be. Why should you apologize for falling in love?”
It makes you feel like you’re the worst. Why can’t you just fall in love with Yuta? He’s the kindest man, and he clearly cares about you a lot. He is very mature, and he – at least, doesn't have a complicated background.
But your heart just doesn’t beat as fast as it is with him when you’re with Jaehyun.
“Now wash your face,” He said, tugging your hair to the back of your ear. “Your eyes are swollen. I’ll reheat your meal. My mom always told me to finish my meal so you’re not leaving until you eat everything.”
You laugh, “I never knew someone would care about their ex this much.”
“Ex?” He snickers, “We were never official, to begin with.”
You pushed him playfully before you ran along to the bathroom.
You’re glad it was Yuta. How he’s always mature with his decisions. How he’s able to turn the awkward atmosphere into something that is anything but it.
The distance between where the bathroom is and where Yuta was was not far, but enough for you not to hear him whisper.
“And I will never apologize for falling for you, too.”
“He did what?”
Doyoung expresses what you experienced last week perfectly.
“No wonder you invited me out tonight. Thought it was quite odd for you not to be with Yuta.”
“What do you expect? Hanging out with two broken-hearted people?”
“As far as your story goes, I thought Yuta is the only one with a broken heart, ouch!” He squirmed as you pinch his arm.
“It’s equally as painful for me, too, Doy. I tried to fall for Yuta, you know.”
“It just doesn’t work out?” He asks.
You shook your head, “It’s weird, even when I think about it. Yuta cares a lot about me. He’s funny, he’s kind, and he’s honest. Why can’t I just fall for him, Doyoung? He wasted his time on me, while here I am still stuck with a person who I didn’t even contact for months.”
“How am I supposed to know? Guess you’re just dumb.” He flinches when you were about to slap him, pleading for your forgiveness. “It is as Yuta said, you can never force love. Yuta can be the ten times better version of Jaehyun but that wouldn’t matter if you already set your heart to Jaehyun.”
You replied with a sigh. He’s right. If you couldn’t understand your own heart, how could he?
Just as you were about to lit your cigarette, you saw a familiar figure entering the bar, pausing you.
“Johnny!” You stand up, greeting the familiar figure. He squinted his eyes to see who called him, and smiled instantly when he discovered you.
“[Y/N]! It’s been a while!” He crosses his hand over your waist, giving a friendly peck on your cheek as his greeting. “Oh, he’s not the guy at the party. Is this a new guy?”
Your palm landed on his upper arm. You might start with a professional relationship with Johnny, but he quickly became your friend. Although you didn’t talk as much after the project ended, you often had your cigarette breaks with him back then and talked about non-work-related stuff, so it’s not a surprise that you guys are chummy to each other.
“I don’t move on that quickly, Johnny. This is my best friend, Kim Doyoung. Doyoung, this is Johnny. He’s my client back in NCT Corp..”
“Ah, yes I’ve heard.” Doyoung greets him, “Hi, I’m Kim Doyoung. Nice to meet you.”
“Johnny Seo. A pleasure to meet you, Doyoung.”
“You’re alone, Johnny?”
“Nah, I’m meeting Taeil and Sicheng. But they’re still on their way, so actually, mind if I stayed for a bit?” He says, which you and Doyoung replied with a unanimous nod. He then scanned your expression. “Looking for a specific person?”
You rolled your eyes, “Stop teasing me, Johnny. I’m not.”
He chuckles, “Sorry, sorry.” He pulls his cigarette pack out of his pocket, “How’s Yuta?”
You were trying to flick your lighter, but you stopped at the sudden mention of the name. 
“He’s at home, I think.”
“You think?” Johnny furrows his brows at the statement, but decides not to pry further. “Can I borrow your lighter?”
“Sure,” You move closer as you lit up your lighter, which he quickly accepted to fire up the end of his cigarette.
“Thank you,” He draws out the grey smoke, “Anyway, is the perfume you’re using right now on trend?”
“My perfume?” You’re smelling yourself, becoming insecure with your scent.
“I swear I’ve smelt it before. I couldn’t remember, so I thought it’s on-trend. Maybe a few of my coworkers wore it before.”
“That’s so random, Johnny.” You finally light up your cigs, “You could’ve picked a better pick-up line. Also, it’s been a hot minute since I sprayed my perfume, so the scent shouldn’t linger anymore.”
He burst in laughter, amused. “Aside from the fact that I’m actually into perfumes, I wouldn’t dare to pick you up, [Y/N].”
You know what he meant but decided to change the topic. The three of you talk, with the conversation mostly filled with Johnny and Doyoung exchanging business cards.
“Oh!” Johnny suddenly shouted, catching both you and Doyoung off guard.
“The hell, John!” You protested.
“Sorry, sorry,” He chuckled. “I just remember where I smell your scent, [Y/N].”
“Okay, creeps. What are you, a dog?” Your remark causes the whole table to burst in laughter. “But go on.”
He rolled his eyes, “Sometimes I could smell that scent on Jaehyun.”
You stared at him, confused. Not only you are surprised that he actually remembers the scent, but even more so at the mention of your previous lover name, “Jaehyun?”
“Yup,” He lights up another cig, “It is a very distinct feminine scent, and usually Jaehyun would smell a lot like–”
“A jazz club?”
“There you go.” Smokes escaped from his mouth, “Though not always, he would sometimes smell very sweet. Which is odd, I thought Jaehyun is not a fan of such floral scent –hey, don’t give me that look.”
“No, now I really wonder whether I’m talking to a human or a german shepherd.” Doyoung is in awe of how specific Johnny’s descriptions are.
“Told you I’m a perfumer.” He self-proclaimed, “Yeah, but in particular it’s only during the weekends. Funny, isn’t it? The only time I didn’t meet Jae, I got to meet you and you guys shared the same scent! No wonder it feels very familiar.”
Then your eyes widen,
“Sure, I’ve been meaning to use your brand new body gel. The only time I can share the same scent with you is during weekends anyway.”
“Why? Scared of smelling like a female?”
“No, I don’t want others to know what you smell like. It’s exclusively mine.”
You suddenly stand up, scaring both of the men.
“I have to go.”
“Go?!” Doyoung felt betrayed. “Go where, you crazy woman? You didn’t even took a sip of your G&T!”
“Give it to Johnny. I’ll transfer the money.”
“It’s not about paying me back, but why the sudden rush?”
“I usually won’t order G&T but I’ll take the offer. Though, you’re not answering his question – where are you going?”
“I’ll text you the details. I have to go now!”
Doyoung rolled your eyes, “Ugh, fine. Promise me you wouldn’t do anything reckless.”
You linked your pinky to Doy’s, before grabbing your purse and leave the two men behind.
“I wonder why I could tolerate this secretive behavior. How is she and Jaehyun any different?”
Johnny nods in agreement, raising his glass for a toast, “Can’t argue with that, buddy.”
You’re standing on the familiar pavement. It was as cold as the first time you were here.
You looked up and dialed a number. It didn’t take more than three seconds before the person from the other side of the line picked it up.
“[Y/N]? Why did you–”
You can hear that he is panting, then it struck to you that coming here unnoticed was probably a bad idea. 
“Did I bother you? I’m sorry I should’ve not called.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” He says, trying to catch his breath. “I just… Didn’t expect to receive a call from you.”
Then you immediately regretted that you left Doyoung to come here.
It’s not like you customized your shower gel.
What if it was someone’s else?
What if Jaehyun has already found someone new?
“Ah, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you this late. Please just forget–”
You were dozing off at the sidewalk, and a car nearby snaps you out of your daydream, honking at you. Of course, Jaehyun could listen both sound simultaneously – from the outside and from your call. 
“Wait, are you here?” He said, half doubtful.
“Oh, uhm, I thought I could make a visit because I have something to say. But you probably are busy and I came unnoticed. I’m sorry to have disturbed you, I shouldn’t–”
You can hear him on the other side rushing, and you didn’t have to wait long to see his figure standing on the balcony.
“[Y/N]?!” You can hear him loud and clear, even without pressing your ear to your phone. “What are you doing here late at night?! You could’ve just knock–”
“Now that I think about it, I should’ve told you in the first place that I was coming. Sorry, I’m not thinking it through. You’re probably not alone and I already disturbed your rest, I’ll get going.”
“I’m alone,” He stops you from going, “It’s damn cold outside, [Y/N]. I’ll pick you up,”
“Wait!” You stopped him from coming down, “Just... hear me out for a second.”
He returned to the previous position. Then you look at him, mustering all of your courage, “Jaehyun, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? For wh-”
“Just let me talk first,” You took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for leaving you back then. I should’ve stayed when you’re at your lowest. But my body just moves on its own. I think… fear took the best of me.”
“All of a sudden, you revealed everything in one night. It’s unfair, you know? Imagine how I would feel at the night of revelation. There’s not enough time for me to process, Jae. And what if you did cover everything perfectly? I wouldn’t know anything about you.”
You can hear him sighing, “[Y/N], I told you I never meant to do that. Would you believe me if I told you it was for your safety?”
“I know you are. But it still a part of you, Jaehyun. Not just any part, it’s practically a large piece of you. And for me to not know anything about you... is just devastating.” You continue, “Then, Yuta came into the picture. He was kind, mature, and he cares a lot about me.”
“Don’t tell me you’re engaged?” You can hear him panicking, “Because if you do, this is a very cruel way to tell your ex, you know?”
You softly chuckled at his remarks, “But he could never be you, Jaehyun.” You then felt a stream fall from your eyes, “I could list down Yuta’s – no, even the next guy’s great traits but they could never replace you.”
“I know this might came off as selfish after I pushed you away, but after me and Yuta were over, I’ve been thinking about why I can’t seem to forget you. What makes you different, Jaehyun?”
You can hear him startled, holding his breath.
“And meeting Johnny just now makes me realize,”
You wiped your tears, looking down as you muster every inch of your strength to continue, “That even though you hid things for me, or even when your father is a psycho, it doesn’t change the fact that nobody treats me like you did. The way your touches make me feel safe. The way you look at me that always makes me feel special. Also, the fact that you remember the details, though sometimes it’s borderline creepy.”
Both of you softly laugh, “But... I think the reason why I fell in love with you, not because of your gorgeous smile that is always accompanied with by dimple, or your wealth, but simply because you never give up on me. Even when I did.”
You thought you could continue without hassle, but your tears tell you otherwise. You are practically sobbing on Jaehyun’s ear.
“When I first left, you never stop texting me even though I put it on read. You even asked Johnny to spare you some time during our meeting that day just to talk to me. You even changed your Saturdays just to visit Interlude, just for you to see me. It… teaches me how you really value a person. How to treasure someone that deeply.”
“I was ready to live my life in ordinary. But you know, what is life without a bit of risk? You’re the one that I’ve been looking for, Jaehyun. The only person that sparks so many joy in my life, the one that is always full of surprises. That is you, and only you, Jaehyun. The one that I inexplicably was drawn to. It doesn’t make sense, I know, but neither does love.”
“Wait,” He finally replies. “Stay there.”
You were startled, you called his name but only receive elevator bell sound before the call was abruptly ended.
Soon after, you saw his figure, rustling to wear his jacket to see you.
“Hi,” You put your phone back in your pocket, now awkward because you didn’t expect him to come down.
“What was that about?” He demanded an answer.
“Well…” You’re unsure how to answer, “I just thought I would tell you everything right now.”
You slowly look at him in the eyes, and you saw how he furrows his brows together.
“I’m sorry. It’s been months and you are probably seeing someone. Please don’t think too much about it, I just want to let it out of my chest.”
You were about to leave before Jaehyun held your hand.
“You’re no longer Yuta’s?”
You shook your head, “I never said I dated Yuta. We… were seeing each other, but we never officially date. Just last week I told him I can’t continue because–”
Jaehyun rushes to hug you, and you can feel that he’s trembling.
“Is this real?” He chokes up.
You finally let your tears break free, “I’m sorry Jaehyun, it took me long enough for me to realize my own feelings. Ever since the beginning, it will always be you. I love you, and–”
“You love me?”
You nod, then snuggle to him, “I love you more than I ever thought I would be.”
His reaction was a tad too quiet. You looked at up only to see his eyes glistening, welled up from his own tears.
“Jaehyun, please don’t cry.”
He releases you only to wipe his tears with the end of his sleeve, “Sorry, I promise you I’m not a crybaby.” He sniffed, “This just... came completely unexpected. You’re the only one who could make me weep like this. This feels like a dream come true.”
“This is real, love,” You return to his hug once more, “This time, I promise I’ll stay.”
Both of you took your time to feel each other’s warmth, longing for each other.
“I know, I failed big time after I left you. It pains me if I remember the face that you’ve made that day. It will always haunt me, the ups and the down during our times together.”
You then took a glance at him, smiling at him.
“But you know, what’s the first year if I’m going to spend seventy more years with you?”
He sigh in relief, hugging you even tighter. When you locked your gaze to each other, both of  couldn’t help but to laugh at your swollen faces.
He then caressed your cheeks, yearning to touch you all over. 
“Your hands are cold.” You said as you snuggle yourself to Jaehyun’s touch.
“Let’s go up,” He offers, holding out his hand to you.
“Can I?”
The signature dimple that you miss so much finally made its appearance, “I need to refill my share of cuddles, anyway.”
His kisses feel warm. It feels like it’s been so long, yet feels so familiar whenever he planted soft kisses on the back of your ear.
“Ah, Jaehyun!”
You whimper at the way he kisses you, treating you like you are a delicate porcelain doll. 
“I miss you,” He whispers close to your ears, causing you to flinch.
He moves his tongue to your ears, nibbling every inch of you. He didn’t stop there, as he continues to tease you, flicking both of your nipples.
“Jaehyun, stop teasing me!”
“Not a chance, love.” He trails his lips to your jawline, “I’m gonna kiss every part of you. Do you know how much I endured after you left?”
Jaehyun’s lips finally meet yours, and you can feel how he forces his tongue, slithering inside and dancing with yours.
He moves one of his hands to your clit, rubbing them while his right hand still pinches your nipple. Jaehyun always makes you feel good, and this time is no expectation. He took his time, but accurately know your sweet spot it almost driving you insane.
“Look at you, baby love,” He breaks the kiss, now looking at you with his sharp eyes, “You told me to stop, but can you hear how wet you are?” As he continuously slides his fingers up and down at your clit, resounding your wetness.
He moves down, spreading your legs.
“Jaehyun, not– ah!”
You quickly grab his hair, surprised with the sudden gush of pleasure. Jaehyun is not joking when he says he’s going to kiss every part of you, as he slowly takes his time licking your folds. You can feel his tongue exploring your part, making you drown in ecstasy.
“Baby if you lick it that much, I’m gonna–!”
That is when he broke free, “Not yet, sweetheart.” He licks his upper lips, tasting you, “We haven’t reached the best part yet, so be good and wait for a bit, yeah?”
He then proceeds to rip open the condom, expertly pushing it down to his thick shaft. It was rock hard, and the tip was deep pink in color, coated with his precum.
He wants you, and he wants you bad.
“Now come here,” He lifted you, making you sit on his lap.
He continued to kiss you, and each time your lips met, the kisses became messier. You guys were panting, at the increasing rate of your libidos. You thought he was going to spread you open, but much to your disappointment he only teases you further with his cock, grinding them to meet your clit. You want him, and you know he wants you too, so why did he hasn’t fill you up?
“Jaehyun...!” You purred to his ears, moaning even louder.
“What’s the problem, [Y/N]?” He slides his hand to hold your hips, a smirk appears on his face “You love this thing,”
He then sloppily rubs his growing member, only to make yourself even wetter.
“Just fuck me, Jae!” You pleaded, “I want you, I want you inside me.”
You opened your eyes to met his gaze that is saturated with lust.
That is when you know Jaehyun is in his dominant mode.
“Why don’t you try and stick it in yourself, angel?”
Jaehyun knows you don’t usually ride on him, or take the full charge because it’s still embarrassing for you to top him. But today he wanted to be in full control, that includes commanding you. The way he did it with you during your first time.
“You such a jerk,” You complained, but at the same time, you use your hand to carefully position his cock to enter you.
“Now,” Jaehyun gave you a victorious smile, “I know you can’t wait for it, so you better hurry up, princess.”
You’re never fond of those nicknames, but the way Jaehyun said it to you just gushes the hormones in you. You slowly slid down your pussy to meet his cock, and the moment his tip enters you, you swore you almost cum instantly.
You stopped because you were drowning in pleasure, embracing Jaehyun tighter. You didn’t realize that you unintentionally placed Jaehyun’s head in between your breast, only taunting the beast in him further.
“I don’t know whether you’re playing innocent, or you purposely do this,” You can feel Jaehyun squeezing your ass, “But don’t go riling me up like that!”
Suddenly all of him enters you at once. You twitched at the sudden connection, moaning hard.
“Oh God, Jaehyun!” You rest your head to his right shoulder, arms crossing over his back for support, “If you stick it in all the way like that–!”
You cummed at the way he fills you up completely, without notice too. There’s no way to hide it because it’s positive that Jaehyun could feel how your walls twitch around him.
But you’re dealing with a very horny Jaehyun here. And your orgasm only provokes him even further.
“Cumming already, love?” He lets out a soft rumble, “We’re just started, yeah? I’m not playing nice today, so brace yourself.”
“W-wait, Jaehyun, I’m still very sensiti– ah!”
Obviously not in the mood to listen, it is as if he lost his control. He continuously thrust deep into you. Every time his cock slides in, you can feel his tip touches the deepest part of you.
“Jaehyun!” You stutter, “S-stop! I can’t–”
“Stop?” He continued to pound you, you can hear the sound of your skin slapping to each other, “But baby, fuck, you’re squeezing me,”
The moans become louder as Jaehyun picks up his pace. 
“You love my cock, do you? You practically suck them in.”
“Baby it feels so good!” Finally giving in to the pleasure, you begged Jaehyun. “Oh, God! Jaehyun you’re so hard, ah–!”
You dig your nail to his back, telling him that you are as turned on as him. Making him want to mess you up, hard.
“Jaehyun! W-wait!” You grab his hair, asking for mercy. “D-don’t!”
He kisses your breast, blooming a purple flower at one of them. You’re a wreck, not sure where to concentrate –the way he bites your nipple or the way he continuously pushes in and out. The way he slams into you while at the same time teasing your nipple causing you to feel that the knot inside is about to unravel.
“Jaehyun!” You shouted his name, “I’m cumming again!”
Jaehyun looked at you, satisfied, “Good, I’m almost there, too.”
Groans escaped from Jaehyun’s mouth, “Just so you know, I won’t be settled with just one round. I’m gonna fuck you till the sun comes out.”
He couldn’t care about his rhythm anymore. He thrusts faster, and when he swears and repeatedly call your name, you know he’s about to cum. He bit your shoulder and pushes inside of you a few more times before releasing what both of you have been building up. You couldn’t stop shuddering, while you can feel him stalling, taking his time to cum inside. Both of you took a short, frantic breath, desperate to fill your lungs with oxygen.
“That was so good,” You complimented him, still clinging to him.
“Hey, we just cummed, never thought you were this impatient, [Y/N].”
You look at him before both of you pinch his cheeks, filling the room with warm giggles.
“Why don’t you give up?”
He hummed, asking you to further elaborate your question.
“I mean, it’s been a while since the party... and yet you just easily let me enter your life again.”
He replied with a smile, “I’ve told you before and I’m going to tell you over and over again, you are my safe haven, love. I’ve spent my whole life trying to pretend to be someone that I’m not. But with you, I can just be myself. Also, we always had amazing sex, pretty good reason to not give up on you, right?”
You pinch his cheeks, to which he protested with multiple ouches. You look at each other again, before naturally pulling to each other hugs, not satisfied with only a short amount.
You can feel his heartbeat and his soft breaths right next to you as he tucks his face at the nook of your shoulder. You swore, you never felt this blissful.
You miss him, you miss him a lot. Your lips met his subconsciously, which he accepted gladly.
“Go clean up,” He separates his kiss, “Don’t frown, I’ll make love to you again. But right now all I want is to cuddle with you. I miss our cuddles.”
Though you pouted, you eventually agreed, marching yourself to the bathroom.
Just before the first droplet touches your skin, you took a glimpse at the stationary and instantly surprised. You ran back to the bedroom, only covering yourself with a towel inattentively. 
“You still have my shower gel?”
You’re not even surprised by the sight of him all naked as he was about to go to the kitchen to fetch some water. He wasn’t embarrassed, though (well it’s not like he have any reason to feel so when he maintains his shape very well), as he replies to your remark with his chuckles, pleasing your ears.
“I used them sparingly.”
“You like them that much? You even filled them with water, Jaehyun. You can just buy them at stores, you know?”
He shook his head, “But that one was yours. I only use them at the weekend anyway, like how I would use them if we were still together. I don’t know, it just feel like you’re still around when I can smell your scent.”
If it were other guys you would squirm at his cheesy remark. But it was from Jaehyun, a man that is so dear to you. Who always do this tiny things that managed to touch your heart, making you ran to him and give him a hug.
“No wonder you smell familiar,” You inhaled his scent, “You smell like me.”
He laughed, fixing your disheveled hair, “To be honest, I made this rule to myself that I would only move on from you once I emptied the whole bottle. I guess I cheated a bit, but fortunately you came just in time,” He kisses your forehead gently, “I guess the goddess of luck is on my side, huh?”
You couldn’t help but to slap his chest, annoyed on how effortlessly cute his action was.
“You have to bear with me smelling like you though tonight, I’d rather use a proper shower gel.”
“I don’t mind, it’s still you.”
He rolled his eyes up, thinking.
“Unless… Do you want to go to the store tomorrow? Let’s stock up your toiletries. Oh, your toothbrush is still here so you don’t need to buy those. Maybe we can go to your apartment afterward, so you can bring a few of your clothes back.”
You glared at him, “Did you just ask me to move in again?”
Jaehyun smiles, “Maybe? As long as you don’t give up like now.”
“I won’t,” You embraced him tighter, your laughter was filled with joy, “Why do you always ask me to move in with you after we fuck?”
“Because both of us are horny all the time?”
You gave him another slap, this time making him laugh harder that he even scrunches his nose.
“Stop staring!”
You are finally agitated at the way Jaehyun’s eyes are locked in your direction. At first it was bearable, but you’re sweating from organizing your wardrobe and you don’t exactly look at your finest.
“But I just can’t believe you’re back, love.” He walks to you and hugs you from behind.
“Jaehyun!” You protested, “I’m sweating! Please, I probably smell!”
“Doesn’t matter,” He drops his head at the crook of your neck, kissing you softly, “As long as you’re here. I can’t believe we’re finally going to live together for real this time. Don’t bother finding your suitcase, I hid it where you can’t find it.”
You slapped him playfully at the way he acted spoiled. Five months after your confession, the day where you move to his place is finally here. Jaehyun has been pushing you to start packing, claiming he sleeps better when you’re next to him. He even proposed to hire multiple movers so that you can move a week after that night. A new side of Jaehyun that you discover –you never know he was this clingy. 
“I miss you.” He said on the other end of the phone.
“Jaehyun, I stayed over last night. You're even going to pick me up tomorrow morning to accompany me to the bank.”
“But I want to sleep while hugging you.” He whines like a puppy, “Can’t you just stay here? Take some days off, I’ll cover the moving cost. Just stay with me?”
“I know you’re loaded, Jaehyun.” You laugh at how impatient he is, “But let’s just take this slowly, OK? I want to make it right this time, and if we can settle this with the most efficient –cost-wise, why bother rushing? I lived in this place for years, you know? It would be quite sentimental for me to suddenly leave it behind.”
You heard him sigh, “Why do I have to date a smart woman like you.”
“I thought that’s the reason why you fell for me?”
“Can’t argue with that.”
After you guys are back together, Jaehyun is showering you with so much love. Telling you corny things that borderline cringed you, calling you nicknames that you can only hear from dramas.
But you know it is because he can finally relax. There’s no need to hide things. There’s no more burden from his father. Jaehyun is finally free, able to show his true self for the first time. And you are grateful that you can witness it, and stand next to him this time.
For the past few weeks, your weekends’ agenda has always been you dealing with the move. Today was the day you return your key to the landlord, and from this day onwards you’re going to stay with a man that is dear to you.
“I won’t leave, Jaehyun.” You said, caressing the top of his head. “At least now I know you’re not dangerous anymore.”
You pushed him to meet his gaze, “Aren’t you?”
He scoffed, “Of course, love.”
You squint your eyes, and there’s a hint of doubt in the way you look at him, “Your father is one thing, but what about the secret agent stuff?”
“I wasn't a part of it to begin with.” He tucks your hair, “My deal with them is to let me be a part of my father’s mission, and that mission only. In exchange, their members can work at my company while being undercover.”
You knit your brows together, “Isn’t that nepotism?”
“Well, no, actually,” He laugh, dragging you to the kitchen so he could get some water, “Even though I will eventually accept them as my employees, they are required to have the skills needed for the position. It’s practically the same thing with personal connection. I guess you can say I’m like the shadow member? I’m not active on the field, but that’s the best deal that we could come up with.”
You hummed, taking the glass of water that he offered, “But I don’t want you to be involved in any danger, OK? Mark is finally able to visit you –or us, without him having to shit out of his pants. He really misses his brother, you know? So don’t be reckless. I don’t want to lose you anymore.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Don’t call me ma’am, I’m not that old, Jae.”
“Then what? Princess? Baby love?” 
“You only call me that when you’re on top of me or when I’m on top of you.”
“Sounds like a good idea. Don’t you sweat already? It would be a waste of water if you’re going to shower twice, should we shower together to conserve water?” He raised one of his brows, attempting on seducing you.
“Fucking sex addict!” You swatted his arm, causing him to laugh at your reaction.
“Oh come on babe, can’t we?”
“Jaehyun I swear ever since we’re back together all we did was fucking each other.”
“Your fault for tempting me. Told you I can’t have enough of you.”
“Not now, babe. Keep your libido intact, we still need to clear out these boxes, it gives me anxiety.”
You tied your hair to a top bun, ready to clear up the empty boxes that surround the kitchen island. Jaehyun rested his elbow to the countertop, eyes are glued to you.
And only to you.
“Marry me, [Y/N].”
Your first reaction was to drop the boxes, dropping your jaw. Jaehyun rushed to you and offers a helping hand.
“What the heck, Jaehyun?!”
He chuckles at your reaction.
“It’s not funny, Jae. Don’t joke around like that.”
“But I’m not, love.” He looks at your direction, giving you a deep meaningful stare.
“At least let me make myself proper. I’m wearing a God’s-know-how-old band t-shirt, no makeup, all sweaty, and I was just about to clean up. You even asked me to fuck you just now. Ever Google how to propose to your girlfriend, Jae?”
Soft giggles escape his mouth, “Believe me, I’ve planned a much more spectacular proposal.” He fixed his posture, reaching for your hand.
“But the moment I think how I’m going to spend my days with you at this house, doing even the most mediocre thing, I just can’t help to feel that I’m seriously in love with this woman. The woman unlike the rest of the people I’ve met before. Maybe it’s the way you laugh, and the way you look at me telling me that you’re in love. You’re so beautiful, sometimes I feel like I’m squeezing my luck just to be able to be with you.”
“You are the only one where I can be the truest version of me. And you accepted it. You are the only one that I could ever dream to live the rest of my life with. This person in front of me, who I care so much about, is the only one I could imagine to be the mother of my children.”
You are clearly unprepared for this. You can feel your face burning, eyes welled up.
“I-” He chokes up, trying to hold his own tears, “I thought after you left me, I would never be capable of loving someone again. It was painful, and I swear it felt like a truck just hit you without them hitting their break.”
“And yet, it’s always you. If there’s any word that could explain a greater feeling than ‘I love you’, I would use it. As if time stopped after I met you, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He then asks you to stand up, only for him to get down on his knees.
“It’s you, my love, because no one else makes sense. All of my better days were the one I spent with you.”
He then took a small red box out of his pants pocket, opening it to reveal a delicate platinum ring. The band is covered with diamonds and the brilliant-cut diamond center stone was the scene stealer.
“Because even in another life, no matter how difficult it is, I probably would just love you as recklessly. My heart never beat faster the way it beats when I’m with you.”
You tried to fight the tears that kept coming, but they refused to stop, making you busy wiping your eyes instead of looking him in the eyes.
“Stay with me, because I promise there would be no harm for you as long as I’m breathing. Be my wife, [Y/N].”
At that moment you know you don’t want to waste the rest of your life trying to find the answer. No man could love you the way Jaehyun did, because he is the one who will love you all the way.
At that moment, you found life. At that moment, you found him.
“Only if you’re sure to have me.” Your voice was crackling, trying to keep down your tears that’s been messing you up.
“I might be unsure about other things but never you, [Y/N].”
You gently nod as you accept his ring, and Jaehyun never felt any joy greater than this. He hugs you tightly, swinging you inside his embrace.
“Thank you, [Y/N], I promise I’ll treasure you.”
You can feel him trembling, and feel the wetness that does not belong to you on your shoulder. You look up only to find your now-fiancé eyes are red. This sight is no longer a stranger to you. Ever since you date him again, Jaehyun has been showing so many emotions with you.
You gave him a soft kiss on his lips. He reciprocated the kiss, biting you softly. It was the type of kiss that does not rush. It was the type of kiss that was gentle. The type of kiss that was filled with love.
“I love you so much, Jaehyun.”
“As I do too, love. I cannot wait to spend another seventy years, no, even longer with you.”
Of course, you know where he got his reference from, so you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Only if you promise you don’t hide anything from me anymore.”
Jaehyun joined you by adding his part of laughter.
“I promise.” He said, giving you another deep, long kiss.
“No more drama.”
144 notes · View notes
desiraypark · 4 years
Yay! May I request 33 from the not-summer prompt list with Clyde and Sherri? 🤩
33. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just…I can’t imagine you not here.” Prompt List Characters: Our Clyde x Sherri (back when they were boyfriend and girlfriend) Content: Fluff; Robbery TW; Robbery at gunpoint TW; I got misty-eyed, but I’m also a sap lol. Hope you like it!!! :)
Why couldn’t people just stick to robbin’ banks like the old days? Sherri got through one more hour of work after having a gun pointed in her face before her boss, Mr. Meekins, sent her home. He walked her past sympathetic coworkers’ and to her car. She didn’t drive home—she drove to Duck Tape instead. “Hi, Earl,” she said, walking up the steps. “Hey there, Sherri,” Earl responded. She stepped into the full bar. Clyde looked away from pouring a shot and grinned at her. He was just too cute with his dimples. Sherri sat beside Jimmy and Sylvia, and Clyde pushed two shot glasses of whiskey before them.
“Hey, Sherri!” Jimmy turned to her and said. 
Sherri forced a smile. “Hey, Jimmy. Hey, Sylvia.” “Hey, Sherri. You alright?” Sylvia asked—always in nurse mode. Sherri took a deep breath and rested her elbow on the bar top. Clyde looked at her with worried eyes. “Can I have a shot, baby?” Sherri asked him. “Of course.” Everyone was quiet. Clyde grabbed another shot glass and poured for his baby. Jimmy and Sylvia watched him pour—but they were all quiet. Waiting for Sherri to speak without actually asking her to. The three of them clinked their glasses together and threw ‘em all back. Then, Sherri spilled. “The store got robbed again today,” she confessed. “What?!” they sang. “By gunpoint.” “They’ve gotta do something about that,” Sylvia said.  “I’m tellin’ you,” Jimmy chimed in. “That’s what, two in five, six months?” He rubbed Sherri’s arm. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” Sherri said. “I guess.” She looked away from her empty glass and up at Clyde’s reddening face. He was looking down and shaking his head. Then, he looked Sherri dead in the eye. “Come on out with me,” Clyde demanded, walking to the end of the bar. “Jimmy watch the bar.” “You got it,” Jimmy responded. Sherri climbed off her seat as Clyde walked around the bar, took her hand, and led her outside, off to the corner of the bar’s front deck. He looked away from Sherri—and she knew that he always did that to give himself the calm to say what he needed to say.
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“Look, baby. I don’t want you thinkin’ I’m tryna run your life, but I want you to quit that job,” he said. Sherri just shook her head. “I can’t, Clyde. I need the money.” “You got two jobs, Babygirl.” “Yes, because I need two jobs.” He finally looked at her. “You don’t need two jobs.” “Clyde. I have—” “You got me,” he said. His eyes started to well. “You know I can give you anything you need, Babygirl. You know I’m good for it.” Sherri rubbed his cheek. “Clyde, I can’t take money from you. I’m payin’ student loans and credit debt and—” “I can’t take it no more, Babygirl,” he interrupted. A single tear fell onto Sherri’s hand. “This the third time your job done got robbed.” “Only the second, Clyde. Third if you include that crazy man who drove through Go-Mart,” Sherri joked. Clyde didn’t laugh, though.  “It don’t matter. I know some people don’t make it out of an armed robbery alive. Every time the sun goes down, I get all jittery and nervous, worryin’ about you…” Clyde looked away, making Sherri’s hand fall. Light from the parking lot brightened his tear-stained face. He wiped his eyes with the collar of his shirt. Sherri leaned against the rail and took Clyde’s free hand. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it,” he continued. “You’re so important to me—such a big part of my life, that I just…I can’t imagine you not here. I can’t lose nobody else…” This time, Sherri’s eyes started to well. She squeezed Clyde’s hand, pulled herself up and rested her head on his chest. “I didn’t know you felt that way about it, baby…” she said, the tears falling down her face. “I don’t know why you didn’t,” he responded, forcing a chuckle.  Sherri chuckled, too. Then, she nestled her cheek against his shirt’s fabric. Clyde pulled her away and looked down at her--right into her coffee-colored eyes. “I know you gon’ do what you want...” He wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“But yer my woman. I’m yer man. I know I’m actin’ old fashioned but I’d pay every single one of yer bills if it meant you not walkin’ in that place ever again. Will you at least think about it? Quittin’?”
Sherri sighed and shook her head--staring lovingly into her Honeybunch’s eyes. “I’ll think about it.”
12 notes · View notes
bewarecreepercomics · 7 years
Beware the Creeper #2
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I’m into this cover. Our hero, front and center, bright against the muted colors of the background. Hostile gazes from all angles any or all of which might belong to the newly introduced Proteus. Heck yeah.
Little bit of a color whoopsie on the boots, but that wasn’t uncommon on older comics. Funnily enough, my copy of the Steve Ditko Creeper Collection doesn’t fix this, though it does fix some other color mistakes.
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Our comic opens with a cute bit of meta: credits on the title card. Looks like the station is doing a little report on the Creeper. Jack seems pretty unconcerned by this, considering it could spell the end of yet another career, and his personal freedom.
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You just keep living your life carefree and easy there Jack. It’s not going to come back to bite you in thirty seconds, I promise. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
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I love the look on his face here. “Do I really sound like that?” Also, he’s doing the hand thing. Take a shot.
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Geez dude, I know he was talking shit, but that newscaster does not deserve what is about to happen to him. By the way, all of you are standing way to close to this frankly gigantic grenade. Thing is about as big as a real pineapple.
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I goddamn told you so. Also, that newscaster’s body must have been made of steel-he’s dead, sure, bit he’s still intact.
As you can imagine, this is a pretty bad turn for our Jack. Creeper is already wanted by the cops for the crimes of vigilantism, assault, and indecent exposure, now they’re just going to add murder to that rap sheet. And who would believe that this was a frame up? Certainly not Jacks boss, who is even more gung ho to get that guy than usual.
Even though that’s still not a part of his job. I can’t stress this enough.
The story on who the Creeper really is was dead wrong of course. Some simplistic but sensational tale of him being a shill for some illegal gambling mogul named ‘Legs’ Larson. What is it about gangsters being named after body parts?  
It’s the part of the body they like to break most, isn’t it? Just call me ‘Hearts’ Mackenzie then.
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Anyway, Jack has to rush off in search of evidence, because he’s somehow completely uninjured from the explosion mere hours ago, and he definitely doesn’t need to sleep or anything, ever. But before he can even make it out of the building, he is faced with yet another bombshell:
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Ambushed! Turns out it’s just a publicity stunt though. Vera’s non-feelings for our hero haven’t changed in the least. In revenge for this, Jack locks her in a broom closet and goes on his way.
True Love, everybody!
Once free of the dame, he heads straight to Larson’s place. You know, for the one not named ‘Legs’, Jack sure does a lot of legwork. Larson’s place is a huge mansion, with loads of people coming and going, and a whole group of bodyguards at the gate. How is it that the cops can’t get any evidence to put this guy away? He is not subtle.
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I mean, this is all set up right in the freaking living room, has no one thought to sneak up to the window with a camera or something? Jack smoked all the guards by himself, and the cops can’t? No one in this joint is paying attention!
Case in point:
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Yeah, he just wanders through the whole mansion, wearing the brightest colors on the spectrum and absolutely everybody failed their perception check.
He doesn’t even try to sneak up on Larson, just busts into his office, a-punching away. Then this guy(?) shows up.
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I’d like to point out that, up to this point, Larson had said nothing at all that could be counted as a betrayal, or even as a lead-up to a betrayal. This unfinished theater mask just really wanted to shoot somebody.
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Proteus is both a really good shot, and a really bad shot. Like, he hit that guy, even though Creeper was standing in front of him, with his back to the gun. But then, he missed Creeper, who was standing in front of that guy, with his back to the gun! 
To be fair though, Creeper flubs as well, allowing Proteus to escape.
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Well, Larson initially wasn’t going to betray his boss, but in lieu of recent events: Fuck that guy.
Welp, a man has died. Let’s treat that with the respect that only Silver Age dialogue can give us!
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I’m not kidding, this is the very next panel.
Continuing in true Creeper form, he busts out of there and breaks up the party, as conspicuously as possible, causing a panic at the party, and a rush into the streets. In order to blend in, Creeper switches himself back to Jack and leaves...
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...Still as conspicuous as possible. Seriously Jack, try harder.
Back at the office, Jack gets some bad news:
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Yup, his sweetheart is looking for him. Oh the romance.
Going through that file he was given (instead of, you know, turning it over to the cops, whose job this actually is) Jack finds dirt on most of the rackets in town, and plenty of people to ask about this Proteus fellow. Not bothering to rest again, Creeper scales a building, and gets spotted, because lemon yellow doesn’t blend with concrete, you guys.
But while Creeper is getting the cops called on his barely covered ass yet again, He ambushes a nameless fellow who does his level best not to become a stooly, but ultimately fails under the Creeper’s superior interrogation technique...
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GEEZ DUDE, maybe chill with that just a little bit? 
This is like the only person in these comics that the cops actually save, because Creeper tosses him back into the building when they show up, so that he can escape for himself. Which e does by turning back into Jack just before the police spot him, and playing dumb. Again.
Take another shot.
Jack finally gets back to his boss, who is more ornery than ever. Though he is always gung-ho where the Creeper is concerned Bill seems angrily unconcerned with the cliff notes version of the file Jack has left on his desk, and wants to know where the real files are, to avoid a libel case. Falling prey to the arrogance of the braggart, he goes ahead and tells Bill; the files are at his apartment.
It takes him a moment too long to realize that his boss was acting a bit out of sorts, and makes a dash for Bills apartment, where even now, there is a situation.
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New boss, same as the old boss, right? Both of them talk to damn much.
Well, Jack may have been slow of thought, but his legs are fast, so he arrives before Bill can shoot Bill.
Nevermind. Jack get’s his butt kicked. Who’s surprised? But during the fight we find out that Bad Bill has a face like clay; malleable, and difficult to harm. Jack does manage to cause Bad Bill enough trouble to force him to flee, but Jack is unable to follow. He instead stays behind, to free Less Bad Bill, and then goes on his to his own apartment.
While he does not find Bad Bill at his apartment, he does run across Vera, who he wastes no time insulting. But despite earlier reports of her wrath, Vera just brushes him off, citing a meeting with her mother, and carting a golfing bag along with her.
And then Jack goes and makes me very uncomfortable.
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You better have a good explanation for this, Jack.
Turns out he does. The man did used to be a reporter after all, and he knows a thing or two about his coworkers. Vera is an orphan, and she doesn’t enjoy any sports. 
Still uncomfortable.
This knocks the wig off Worse Vera, who is actually Bad Bill, who is actually Proteus, if this wasn’t clear yet. Also, that golfing bag is actually a flamethrower, which is a gimmick I absolutely must remember next time I play a tabletop RPG.
Jack dodges the flames, but the entire building itself fails its dexterity check, and goes right up.
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Jack decides to go full Creeper to escape from the flames. Because the wool of a voluminous sheepskin rug is naturally fire resistant. And the chase is on!
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Which brings us to the obligatory ass shot!
And eventually leads us to that great staple of comic books: The Rooftop Battle! It’s actually a rather fun sequence, with a bit of a tongue in cheek in-joke.
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But after a pitched Rooftop Battle, Proteus falls through the collapsing building, into the raging inferno below.
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He is so dead, you guys. That is a thing that kills people. And even though Proteus was also a thing that killed people, Creeper is surprisingly sympathetic.
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Cool story, hey remember that guy he murdered right in front of you? I sure do.
Also? Burning building. Better get off of there. 
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Hey, can anybody tell me if this actually works? This firemen’s net thing? You see it in all kinds of older media, but was it actually a thing?
Though his apartment, and the files are now gone, Jacks life hasn’t changed much. His boss still wants the Creeper’s head on a plate, Jack still climbs out windows to escape from Vera, and the bad guy still isn’t as dead as previously assumed.
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Dun Dun Dunnnn!
And so our comic ends, with the Creeper having made a grand enemy. This is the beginning of the overarching story of the mini-series continued in Beware the Creeper # 3, coming soon!
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It's cool cos we're like, adventurers: Cameron and Donna go about things differently than they normally would in "Adventure", or, a H&CF recap
The fifth episode of Halt and Catch Fire is named for a computer game that everyone (or, a good portion of the Cardiff staff) gets sucked into; in the end, the coders who cheated/re-coded (?) their way through the game are the only ones who get to keep their jobs. It is Peak Halt and Catch Fire Metaphor, in this case for an episode where our main characters are initiating or escalating a different sort of game, and finding out what kind of players they are. J*e toys with his father (and also Bos, who only has one scene in this ep?), unwilling and also not really able to see him, and vacillates between behaving as obnoxiously as his father does and trying to be a better, kinder type of executive. Gordon steps out of his hardware geek comfort zone and attempts to wine and dine his father-in-law and Japanese executives, and it works out in the end, but just barely, and because he begs for help. Ultimately, both seem to recognize their limits.
Donna gets very little screen time in this episode, and most of it is with Hunt, of all people (RosaDiazEyeroll DOT GIF). Her parents are all over this episode, though they interact more with Gordon, and the way Donna gets eclipsed feels significant. When we do see her she's making French toast for her father's birthday, or making peach pies for her parents' barbeque. Ever the perfect wife, she even buys her father a putter and tells him it's from Gordon. All of this elaborately sets up Gordon's arc, in which he decides his p.c. is worth asking his douche of a father-in-law for a round of golf so he can ask him to set up a meeting executives from a Japanese tech company.
By contrast, Donna's scenes with Hunt are one-on-one, with no major professional stakes. Echoing J*e's evil boss act, Hunt yells at Donna for not submitting the right report, and then after she explains that the report is under a supplemental report, he snaps at her for not putting the report he wanted on top. Let that sink in -- Hunt yelled at Donna because he's so entitled and incompetent that he couldn't shuffle through a stack of papers; again, how is he her boss? (LOL jk I know how, it starts with a 'p' and ends with 'atriarchy') -- but later he calls her at home to talk about it, just after Donna has hung up on a drunk Gordon who's panicking about offending the Japanese executives. (Which sounds mean, but anyone who's been paying attention can see where Donna would be tired of having to endlessly listen to and reassure Gordon.) Hunt compliments her work and her efforts, and then he apologizes for taking his frustration out on her. They have a weird conversation about 'peach pie' (…..), and because Donna is so starved for halfway decent conversation with a vaguely grown up, emotionally responsible person, she gets out and ~plays her electric piano~ that night. Which sounds funny and like a cheesy, too on the nose metaphor, but this is one of the first times we see Donna by herself, not doing some kind of domestic labor, and it's when she starts to lean into and enjoy the tension between her and Hunt.
It seems like Cameron is always doing what Donna wishes she could do (as in, what Donna wishes she could do professionally, not in terms of 'piano playing'…), and this episode is no different. Cameron spends most of "Adventure" assertively claiming credit for her work, arguing with coworkers, and figuring out how to get herself promoted. She comes back from a business trip (which she understandably worries was another of J*e's set ups, even without really knowing what happened in the previous episode) to an office full of new people and a short lecture on how corporate and tech culture don't accommodate anxious introverts who'd rather do all the coding on their own so that they don't have to try to communicate with other human beings. She goes directly from the lecture to The Kill Room where Gordon and his team are coming up with the most ridiculously cliche geek culture names for her code. "Excuse me? I wrote the BIOS. I name it. Lovelace." After she reminds them that Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer ever, they test the BIOS and it turns on. They pop champagne and congratulate themselves; Cameron skulks out without a word before they can offer her some, though she probably would've had to demand that from them, too, to get any.
In the following scenes Cameron struggles to adjust to having a new boss, fellow coders, and, as America's Next Top Model Host Tyra Banks might put it, not being the prettiest girl at school anymore. Meaning, Cameron isn't the only young misfit software writer at the office anymore, and it's both inconvenient and genuinely emotionally challenging for her. The writers and Mackenzie Davis quietly add considerable depth to an already compelling character here, addressing and unpacking a lot of gripes that unsympathetic viewers continue to have about Cameron. We see her interact successfully, if awkwardly with Lev and especially Yo-yo, who invites her to a group hang, and she hesitates; so yeah, she's anti-social, but she's also scared, and seems like she really isn't used to people not judging or looking down on her.
She interacts far less successfully with her new boss, and yeah, she doesn't respond well to authority -- but with how both the boss and J*e treat her ("no need to get your panties in a wad"; "If I've given you the impression that because of this thing we've got going on that you're entitled to special treatment…") , she frankly has good reason to not trust them. (And yeah, I'm gonna be That Bitch and point out that neither of them would have spoken to a male employee that way.) And yes, Cameron in an entitled young white woman (though lets be real, no one would be calling a white boy genius entitled), but she also is apparently qualified, it's just that she has to be unattractively forward about showing it. File under: Before You Write Cameron Howe Off As An Unlikeable Brat.
Of course all of this sets up Cameron's unexpected meeting with J*e Sr., which is surprisingly satisfying despite being miserable and uncomfortable. We see a retread of the pilot scene where J*e figured out that the way to get to her is to paternally and warmly praise her work; Cameron is characteristically ~sassy~ with J*e Sr. until he tells her, "When my guys came back to New York they couldn't stop talking about this prodigy named Cameron Howe!" She's skeptical, and then he says, "They said you're the modern Ada Lovelace." Boom. In the next scene they're having drinks. It's going fine and Cameron is adorably geeking out over how J*e Sr. worked with Grace Hopper until he figures out that Cameron's father was killed in action while serving as a helicopter crew chief in Vietnam. Anyone who's lost a parent who actually took care of them feels Cameron's reaction. She excuses herself, and J*e Sr. smiles unctuously. Because of course he’s been playing her.
Cameron figures it out though, and it results in her eventual triumph. Or well, she mostly figures it out -- she uses her very real grief to act all wounded and emotional and pump J*e Sr. for more information, before calling him out on trying to manipulate her into convincing J*e to see him. I'm pretty sure J*e Sr. was trying to poach her because it would hurt J*e, and that Cameron is still underestimating just how comfortable they are with turning people into pawns. She gets what she needs, though, and the following day she uses her rarely seen practical knowledge to dazzle J*e into giving her her boss' job; in effect, she figures out the (corporate bro) code, and rewrites it into her promotion. Cameron is slowly learning what someone like Donna already knows about corporate structures and dealing with male upper management. Now they just gotta figure out how to not sublimate their ambitions into pesky crushes on the upper management!
Stray bytes:
I love how all we see of Cameron's business trip is her spending Cardiff's money on hotel amenities. #incharacter I still have weird feelings about her not knowing what a concierge is, though
The opening montage is brutal though, did you see J*e trying to put on his shoe? Reminder that yes, he's an out of control abuser, but that J*e was the victim of p*lice violence/brutality. The beating he got in the previous episode was no joke.
J*e, who lied his way into a company, forced it do his bidding, and nearly destroyed it, calling Cameron 'entitled': L M A O
Today in "Oh my G-D Gordon STFU": "I'm not the one screwing Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!" You're not in a position to judge anyone's sanity OR sex life, GORDON, also just accept that Cameron is WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE AND WOULD NEVER DATE YOU
How do we feel about how the show portrays the Japanese executives? Total Orientalist-type nightmare, or am I being overly-critical?
The storyline with the Japanese and their apparently strict corporate etiquette is very Mad Men, which is fine with me, tbh
"Donna was right, you're all hat and no cattle!" Speaking of which, Gordon is officially Halt's Pete Campbell/white dude who has ridiculous sounding outbursts, right? ("Hell's bells, Trudy!" "Not great, Bob!" "It's a shameful, SHAMEFUL DAY!")
As much as Gordon annoys me, his in-laws are terrible to him. Like, Susan really believed the putter was from Gordon? Gary thought Gordon wanted to spend time with him?! W T F. RICH WH*TE PEOPLE ARE SO WEIRD.
Compare Cameron's 'I name the BIOS' with Donna's facetious, "Don't you mean Susan Fairchild?"
According to the internet, a helicopter crew chief's primary job is to maintain the helicopter itself. Cameron's dad was basically a helicopter mechanic, which makes so much sense, if anyone needs me I will be tearing up over the idea of Cameron coping with her grief by taking apart computers as a kid
"You're both disgusting." Cameron Howe, Computer Programmer, Game Designer, and Misandrist
Steve, on Cameron: "She's got a real attitude problem." #THATSMYGIRL
The scene near the end where J*e seems to quietly panic at the idea of Cameron meeting his father. This…is textbook childhood abuse stuff. Just saying.
I'm just gonna say it, ICYMI: petition to make 'playing her electric keyboard' a common euphemism for female masturbation
‘It’s cool cos we’re like, adventures’: Be Your Own Pet, also fronted by a bratty, skinny, Southern bleached blonde known for heckling her own openers actually wrote a song called “Adventurers” back in 2006. How weird is that?!
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bokuranosign · 7 years
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“I want Tegoshi to wear naughty underwear.” -KK
April Duet Scans, with the interview having a focus on gifts! Scan credits to Inala. ^_^
Did some quick translations, didn’t read over them so sorry for errors!
Translations under the cut!!
Something you’ve received from someone recently: I get socks from stylists often. They prepare socks for our outfits right? But compared to other clothing items, it’s troublesome sometimes to return socks that have already been worn once, so sometimes I just receive them to take back home. There’s a lot of almost brand new socks that have only been worn once at home lol. 
Something you’ve given to someone recently: I haven’t given it yet but my friend just had a baby so I’m going to give them a stroller!
The most memorable gift you’ve received: I’ve been given things from all kinds of people, and all of them are important so I can’t pick the number one!? But a memorable gift I got from a senpai is quite a while ago I got camouflage pants from Imai Tsubasa kun. I still love and use them now.
This is the return gift for White Day: If I were an office worker, I think telling my female coworker something like “As a return gift for Valentine’s Day, I’ll treat you to a meal” is good. A smart adult guy! lol
The no-fail gift from vacations: If I find something I want, like a super cute keychain, it’s not like to give to anyone, but I would buy a lot and if I meet friends within a week of coming back I would give it to them. If there’s extra I can use it myself then. I went to Tanzania for a show before and I bought a lot of Masai tribe stoles (scarves). 
If you were to give a present to members now?: For Tegoshi, a bowling lane lol. When he was into bowling, he would say at interviews “I have my own gloves and shoes”, and when I would say “You even have your own lane right!”, he would say “No way!”. I just remembered this kind of back and forth lol. For Koyama I might design clothes for Sorajiro. Because it’s cute like when Sorajiro’s wearing a down jacket on cold days. I would make a Johnny’s like outfit and Koyama would give it to Sorajiro lol. For Shige, clothes. Before designing clothes for “EMMA”, there was a request to style the coordinates from clothes that already exist, and there was a tshirt made of material that I thought would match Shige, so that one!
Something you’ve received from someone recently: 2 days before Valentine’s Day, I got pants from my mother. It was in a box for Valentine’s and she even prepared them from my friend(s).
Something you’ve given to someone recently: The other day I was doing Danshari (throwing away, getting rid of) for my clothes, and there was a knit sweater that I wouldn’t wear but was nice so I gave it to NEWS’ music producer.
The most memorable gift you’ve received: A letter I received from a certain person after last year’s “24 Hr TV”. The phrase that really hit me in the 10 page letter was “It’s becoming a show where Koyama kun’s personality is conveying the news”. I’ve decided to continue being a caster by “not trying to reach too far and by conveying things with my actual own words”, but when I read  the words “Koyama’s personality is conveying the news”, I became really happy thinking “Oh, my way of doing things was good”. The person who gave me the letter being Tokumitsu Kazuo san made it even more important. Right now I have that letter on my Kamidana. (TN: Tokumitsu Kazuo is a famous and veteran announcer. Kamidana is a Japanese religious alter/shelf thing seen in many homes)
This is the return gift for White Day: With the words “For White Day”, a NEWS CD. It works as a return gift, and they’ll listen to our songs, so it’s the two birds with one stone strategy lol. 
The no-fail gift from vacations: If I’m honest, I’m not very good with the “Omiyage policy” lol. (TN: Omiyage are the gifts you’re often societally obliged to get in Japan when you go on a trip somewhere) When I get a break from a certain job to go on a private vacation, I’ll get a big snack type gift that I can say “Please have it with everyone” with, but I almost never buy a gift for someone in particular.
If you were to give a present to members now?: For Shige, I want to give him an extension cord. The other day when I was on Shige’s transportation car the extension cord in there was a mess. It wasn’t like the stylish Shige. I want to find a cool switch-based one for him. For Massu, alcohol. I’m trying not to drink alcohol until around before my concerts, so there’s a lot of alcohol that I’ve received building up at home. I can’t give him my top tier, but I can give him a second line wine! lol. For Tegoshi, I recently gave him about two pairs of underwear but I’ll give him around 5 more for the tour. I want Tegoshi to wear naughty underwear. I’ll give him the type that’ll get him teased on “Itte-Q” where they’ll be like “You’re wearing some amazing ones~” lol.  
Something you’ve received from someone recently: I got cookies from Sapporo from my friend. I coincidentally met them on the day they got back, so they gave it to me like “Here, omiyage!”. I’m also the type who buys omiyage frequently when I go somewhere. I even give it to the person at the front desk of my apartment saying “Thank you everyday”.
Something you’ve given to someone recently: I found the phone case my friend had mumbled “I want this one” for on the net, so I bought it and gave it to them last time I hung out with them.
The most memorable gift you’ve received: The binding (part you put on shoes) for my snowboard I got as a birthday present from hyde from L’arc-en-Ciel. I also had plans to go snowboarding with him so it made me extra happy.
This is the return gift for White Day: I would go out for dinner. Not a material thing, but beautiful scenery and delicious food, delicious wine... I would give this kind of situation as a present!
The no-fail gift from vacations: No-fail? I would buy the typical ordinary gift from the area, like chocolates with the name of the place on them, no matter if they taste good or bad. Also for myself I try to buy myself a sticker to put on my suitcase and a shot glass to put in my showcase at home.
If you were to give a present to members now?: To Shige chan, I would give him shoes that don’t have the pivot on the heel. The sounds of his heels are soo loud when he walks around. He’s at the top of my “Heel sound ranking” of all the people I’ve met in my life lol. The other day when we were recording the extra video for our Album, when Shige chan was coming closer the sound like “Gan! Gan!” was a like is Gozilla attacking!? It’s not a thing, but if I could give feelings or thoughts, I would give Massu “Tegoshi’s positive thinking” lol. It’s super easy if you can think of everything as a plus like me~. If I could choose ignoring price, I want to give Koyama a oxygen capsule. He really looks after his health, but surprisingly he gets tired easily and gets sick easily too. He works hard as a caster every day so when he goes back home he could read a newspaper in the oxygen capsule and get “stamina recovery and information gathering’ done in one go to prepare for the next day!
Something you’ve received from someone recently: Tangerines. My friend in Wakayama sent me a box. They get bad a little at a time, so I’m trying hard to eat them, but it’s hard to finish by myself. I turned it into 100% juice with the slow juicer I got from Koyama, and added carrots to change the flavor, and when I finally thought “Just a little more...”, my friend from Shikoku contacted me saying “I’ll send you tangerines” lol.
Something you’ve given to someone recently: I still haven’t given it to them, but there’s something I’ve been thinking of giving. I got this delicious rice from a farmer I met on location for a show. Koyama often says, “I like rice!”, so I asked him if he wanted half, he replied “Oh, I also got ‘rice that goes with fish’ on location the other day so I’ll give some to you!” We promised to trade rice lol. 
The most memorable gift you’ve received: A portrait a illustrator friend of mine did and framed of me. Also a oil painting homage that my artist friend did of a Ukiyoe I like. Sharaku (famous ukiyoe artist) is doing the “Chankapaana” pose!
This is the return gift for White Day: For a casual return gift, things like aroma candles, preserved flowers, super expensive hand towels, a bit good quality pen; aren’t these kinds of things good?
The no-fail gift from vacations: It depends on the location, so there’s no such thing as no-fail one. But when I went to Cuba by myself I got Koyama a “I LOVE CUBA” tshirt on purpose as a joke lol. 
If you were to give a present to members now?: For Koyama, maybe a glass. When the four of us were in “Oshareism” he was saying he collects Edo Kiriko. From now on for every birthday maybe I’ll give him a small glass. For Tegoshi, I would find a movie he might like. Cause last year, when he was into a foreign zombie drama, he didn’t go out to play and quietly watched it at home lol. So to tie him down at home, I would send Tegoshi a box chock full of DVDs. For Massu, maybe the expensive Senkou-hanabi that was around 1000 yen for one that they were talking about on “Mirai Theater” would be good. It’s super beautiful and I think he would be moved. Massu’s also a summer baby.
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Eps 1 & 2
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance is better than the Goblin x Grim Reaper bromance
Whether the rival (Sadaoka Mitsukuni) is actually creepy and annoying
Whether the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable
The Rule(s):
Yes, yes, yes! The Yamapi God x Makoto bickerings are hilarious.
Yes. Total creep vibe and annoying.
Yes, it is quite believable.
Jubiemon J: Only two episodes have aired, yet I’m already totally invested in this drama! I’ve been seeking a light-hearted rom com for a while and luckily, this drama has fulfilled that wish of mine so far! In dramas, we always have that annoying 2nd lead girl trying to steal the 1st lead guy, but in this case we have a lead guy, Masaki Makoto, trying to marry his “fated” girl, Kogetsu Haruko, to have a child that will eventually save Earth! (Finally, it’s the guy doing the heavy lifting for once in dramas.) Yes, that premise sounds completely far-fetched and silly, but I think the first episode did a great job convincing us and Makoto that Yamapi God (I don’t think he’s named yet) is right: There is something called fate. Yamapi God goes through a list of meetings/encounters/events that have occurred that prove that Makoto and Haruko are destined to be together and that God has kept trying to pair them together. Now it’s up to Makoto to take action! It also helps that Makoto is really a pure-hearted, honest guy who truly believes in love! Then you have Haruko who has a complete outlook on love; she doesn’t believe in it anymore after getting into several bad relationships in the past. Throw in a guy rival, Sadaoka Mitsukuni, who beat Makoto at a baseball game even though that game was the only one that Mitsukuni had played all season. Then you have an interesting fate vs choice romance. The encounters/chances that Makoto and Haruko have are based on fate, whereas those that Mitsukuni and Haruko face are based on choice. The question is . . . will she pick a fated love or one of her choice? Or was there even a choice in the end?
Love triangle . . .
The final highlight for me, of course, is the bromance between Yamapi God x Makoto! We’ve seen the duo in Nobuta wa Produce and it’s great to see them again! They have awesome bromance chemistry.  The two of them do great for comedy too!
(A side note: This review will be our first Japanese drama review! I watch a lot of Japanese dramas too, but for the past year or so, I didn’t find any that really motivated me to review it. This one did! We’ll likely be reviewing movies or other Asian dramas in the future.)
Issue 1: Whether the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance is better than the Goblin x Grim Reaper bromance
Jubiemon J: Yes! I pick the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance over the one in Goblin. Sorry Goblin fans. I enjoy the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance far more. Why? I much prefer the playfulness that comes with this bromance and this type of bickering between the two. In Goblin, we had two grown-ass who have lived for thousands of years . . . playing really childish pranks. Sure you can say that that’s why it’s funny! The difference in expectation and reality . . . but those little moments can only last a bit until they’d get old. Somehow I didn’t laugh so much when the two quarrelled.
Look at the cute dance song they did for the ending credits! So adorbs!
  In this drama, on the other hand, I sincerely laugh whenever Yamapi God unexpectedly pops into Makoto’s house and starts chatting to Makoto who is dead ass tired from work. Yamapi God also has an awesome and far more interesting personality compared to Goblin. Yamapi God is super chill, dresses like a trendy guy in a bomber jacket, and likes to mess with Makoto’s head. Goblin, on the other hand, is . . . I honestly couldn’t get a good feel of his personality. At times, he was uptight, but then Grim Reaper embodied that super uptight, serious personality far better. Then Goblin would be like a 10-year-old for love and turn all moody. His character was just all over for me. (I was a fan of Grim Reaper.) Yamapi God’s personality contrasts Makoto super well. Makoto is way too serious, not in the Grim Reaper way where he’s dead pan, but the sort that would follow the rules from A to Z and never lie or cheat his way through life. Makoto also admitted to Haruko’s father that people say  that he can’t really get jokes because he takes things too literally. When you have an innocent, pure-hearted, hardworking guy with Yamapi God who is a prankster . . . the bromance is just fabulous! The evidence is below!
Look at these moments when Yamapi God pranks Makoto!
When you’re just chilling after a long day of work . . .
and then Yamapi God pops up under your sofa! Ha!
Freaking out b/c of his room’s appearance changing
Just Yamapi God decorating his place with some vintage stuff and Japanese traditional goods to set a “romantic” vibe
And the bickering scenes!
Yamapi God giving love advice
Yamapi God: What’d you think would win Haruko over?
Makoto: Love and passion.  (Side note: so pure hearted!)
Yamapi God: No. Money!
Then Yamapi God teases him after they chat some more: With your savings account, you can’t even buy socks!
Makoto: Huh?! Aren’t socks bought cheaply?
Yamapi God: You really think you are in a position to argue with me? Do you want me to tell you how much is in your savings account now?
Yamapi God: Haruko is sleeping with your rival right now!
Makoto: No way! Stop lying to me! It’s a lie!
 Makoto: Whose side are you on exactly?!
Next scene shows Mitsukuni sleeping . . . by the bar. Yamapi God doesn’t lie, just likes to mess with Makoto’s brain.
Yamapi God: It’s a joke, a joke, a classical joke!
  Just Yamapi God decorating Makoto’s place to have a romantice vibe. LOL!
Issue 2: Whether the rival (Sadaoka Mitsukuni) is actually creepy and annoying
Jubiemon J: Yes! I think Mitsukuni is the type that seems like the perfect guy–nice, handsome, charming, rich, intelligent, and responsible. However, I don’t think he is completely that. When he is interacting with Makoto, he was kind of a jerk in a passive aggressive way. He kept pretending that he knew who Makoto was but kept calling him the wrong name. Rude. Not just that, when Makoto said that he thought Mitsukuni played well during the baseball game, Mitsukuni said that it was just by luck and that it was the first time he had officially played. If he did that once, it wouldn’t be so bad, but Mitsukuni kept emphasizing how his teammates were all saying how he was so lucky. Obviously that actually made Makoto look really bad because Makoto had trained a lot to be the pitcher and then this batter who just swung once won against him. Awful.
Fake ass trying to be all friendly like “Hey, I remember you!!” Pfft. *rolls eyes*
Then there was the part where he was creeping on Haruko from the other building that he works in. Yuck. Don’t creep like that. Ugh. No!
  Issue 3: Whether the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable
Jubiemon J: I think the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable. I’m slightly biased too because I’ve always been a believer in fate for some things, like why you end up meeting some people and not others, why you sometimes keep meeting the same people coincidently, why a certain city ended up being your hometown rather than any other one, etc. Some things you really can’t choose. I think this drama does a good job portraying fate and choice in relationships. Of course, the fate part is exaggerated a bit more like the number of times Makoto and Haruko have passed by one another’s lives like how they actually met when they were five and played together at some beach, how she encouraged him when he lost his baseball game, how they ended up being office neighbours, and more. What makes these events/encounters believable are two things: (i) Makoto and Haruko’s reactions to them; and (ii) the natural feeling to these events.
Haruko complaining to her bff about Makoto
(i) Makoto and Haruko weren’t believers in fate
Jubiemon J: Makoto was totally unconvinced that Haruko was his soulmate until Yamapi God proved to him how they kept meeting each other. Haruko is also still not persuaded that she should date Makoto. I mean, if a guy kept saying that he’s your soulmate one day, that’d be kind of scary, right? I’m glad that she has been rejecting Makoto’s advances, meaning that Makoto has to try to make her fall for him slowly. I think that’s more realistic than her agreeing that he’s the one instantly. I also wouldn’t say that Makoto is a stalker. He still doesn’t have Haruko’s number yet and it’s not like he purposely stakes her out and follows her home etc. He’s still working hard at his job to try to get the bonus to eventually have a date with her.
Makoto’s emotional speech about why he thinks she’s the one . . . and then she goes . . . NO. (I admit . . . my heart broke a bit.)
(ii) These events come as a surprise
Jubiemon J: Although Yamapi God does give Makoto hints as to what he needs to anticipate, what he should do or what his rival has done, Yamapi God also doesn’t say the ending or reward Makoto out of the blue. Makoto still had to work his ass off to get the bonus. He was working way harder than all of his co-workers and they were even saying that he might have been going overboard.  Then the sad part was? He did get the money after making a sale, yet he had to treat his reward to his coworkers! Poor guy!
Cash prize!!
Going door to door to sell water fountains!!
Let’s all go BBQ with YOUR REWARD! TEAM EFFORT . . .  not.
No . . . bye money . . . :'(
The positive side was that through Makoto’s hard work, he somehow met Haruko’s father and sold him some water fountains. Plus, the Dad really liked Makoto! At least the Dad is on his side.
There was also one part where you’d think a childhood promise was sappy and unrealistic, yet it was fulfilled in a creative way. Makoto said that ever since the two shared that moment where they looked at a rainbow together, he would always try to race that rainbow to get to the end. If he did, then he could be with her. (I forget the exact wording, but it was something like that.) You’d think that would never happen, yet somehow . . . on her birthday, the two meet coincidentally and he came out of this convenience store with a rainbow as its logo. So . . . he did fulfill his promise.
Jubiemon J sidebar: Makoto was also seriously so adorable waving and jumping up and down with that umbrella! So cute.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 5! KYAH! (Is this the first five I’ve given? I think so. This is how much I’ve enjoyed the drama! Can’t wait for more.)
File no: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Eps-1-&-2 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Eps 1 & 2 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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Today, We Say Goodbye to David, the Internet’s Biggest Music Nerd
Today, June 29th, is David’s last day in the GMG office. Those of us lucky enough to have met him and call him our friend say the things we like most about him. The Hummus and Pita Corporation, among those lucky enough to know David very well, did not respond in time to comment, but we will update this post if and when we hear back, because we are sure they have very many nice things to say about their most loyal customer. 
Yessenia Funes, Earther staff writer
David! You're one of the first people I see when I come into the office. You're almost always there early—and you're always looking fly AF. I'm gonna miss you, dude. I'll miss hearing your random snort-chuckles (or at least that's what I think they are). I'll miss your wide selection of hot sauce (although Tapatio all zayyyy). I'll especially miss our Chipotle trips. I think you might be the only other person who understands my love for Chipotle. I'll loathe whoever ends up taking your seat and send them death stares until they get the hint and leave it alone. (I'm just kidding... I think.) GMG won't be the same without you, dude. Neither will the union. But you a boss-ass journalist (even though Jay-Z probably hates you now), and I know you'll be aight. This place doesn't deserve you.
Emily Lipstein, rat wrangler, Gizmodo/Earther/io9 social  
David and I have been sitting basically across from each other at GMG since I was hired on full time from my internship and he started at the company. It took, however, two weeks (at least!) for us to actually do more than just nodding when we would see each other, which is dumb considering that we both knew who the other was. David has been put through the ringer while here at GMG, in the most docile way I can say it. I'm infinitely sad to see him (and his Ed Sheeran icon in union slack) leave. Most sad of all is that the Hummus and Pita Co. on 17th and 6th will no longer have its most reliable customer. Luckily for me, I'll be able to see David whenever, now that I live within "walking distance" of Bed-Stuy and since Black & White isn't limited to only employees of Gizmodo Media Group. I hope I get custody of our desk plants.
Ashley Reese, Jezebel staff writer
Before I even knew David IRL, he was this dude on Twitter who seemed really fucking cool and kinda intimidating and I just wanted him to follow me back. Now that I know him, I know that he’s not intimidating at all (lol) but he’s still really fucking cool. And on top of that, he’s sweet and funny and incredibly smart. I’m really going to miss seeing him around the office and snarking with him on Slack, but I’m excited to see what he does next.
And thanks, David, for warning me about how cold our damn office is. A real lifesaver. 
Clio Chang, formerly Splinter staff writer
David is a fucking great person.
Claire Shaffer, Jezebel intern 
I’ve only known David for a few months, but even in that short span of time, I’ve gained the authority to say that he is a huge nerd. While the rest of us continue to make dumb Soundcloud jokes on Twitter, he has been wading through a quagmire of streaming data, shady dealings, and related bullshit happening within the music and tech industries. This makes him both a giant dweeb and a fearless reporter, shining a light on inequities that not nearly enough people are writing about. He’s also a nerd because we once spent a good chunk of a bar conversation on Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is a topic that he definitely brought up, not me. I’ll miss you, David, and I wish you the best of luck as Editor-in-Chief of your new sports/pop culture website, The Runger.
Katie McDonough, Jezebel senior editor
The first time I met David was during the organizing drive at MTV News (he was working there, I was helping out), and I liked him right away because he dressed cool and wanted to build a union at his job. The second time I met David was months later at the GMG offices, when I turned around at my desk to find that he was sitting behind me, at his own desk, facing in the opposite direction. It was a weird time at the company (still is) and things felt fractured with new teams coming together, but David was quick to start planning ways to connect people. He also became more and more active in our union, bringing that same drive toward connection to the work we did there, and leaving us infinitely stronger for it. I hate that David is leaving GMG because I know that I will love everything he does somewhere else and feel jealous we aren't publishing it. I will miss working with him and organizing alongside him and admiring his cool clothes every day. I will miss his passion for spreadsheets and small obsessions that become incredible pieces. I will miss David.
Frida Garza, some bitch
Since David and I started working together at GMG, we have been through a lot: helping him log in to his Univision account, to which he knows neither the username nor the password but which also threatens to self-implode if one does not log into it every 45 days; aiding him in his search for more union pins (he has a lot, check his backpack); acquiring copious amounts of hot sauce and plants for our desks, for distinct but not unrelated reasons. David has been my coworker in various capacities over the last year and a half; he somehow wrote more blogs for me when I was his editor than any other freelance writer I worked with, despite the fact we never paid him. (We did pay him, it just took so long that I was deeply embarrassed and hoped he would choose to never pitch us again so that I could stop apologizing. But he always pitched us again.) David was also one of the smartest, pitching insane but brilliant blogs that I was also insane enough to say yes to, and the whole thing was generally a fun enterprise (again, expect when I was frantically emailing finance to track down where his money went). I wish I could take credit for his ideas, but they’re all his, and any editor who has the opportunity to hear one of these should count themselves as stupidly lucky.
David, you are a true weirdo, which is why we are friends: Whether it’s your Supreme obsession, the way you know shit about the music industry absolutely no one else does or understands (including me sometimes), the fact your Slack avatar is clip-art of a turtle (I refuse to believe it’s the official turtle emoji), the way you hate most things (like eggs... what’s up with that?), the way you say EKSGETIT more than anyone I know (except Crystal Xia, and both of you drive me crazy with that), the list goes on. You are also a great reporter, an amazing friend, and will be so friggin’ successful, I know it. I’m so happy for you to write the great American non-fiction book on how the real Russian interference is in popular sports channels on YouTube. Catch you at MoMa PS1. 
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MORNING 1 "It doesn't really matter what you do choose because you didn't really get to choose what you get to choose"- anonymous Title card. Overhead shot and slowy zoom into Rachel who is laying on her back in bed. She is visibly stressed out as her eyes are wide open, she ever so slightly twitches, and her breathing is irregular. She is hugging a piece of paper with both of her hands across her chest. We hear auditory flashbacks while this is happening FLASHBACK1 Rachel honey, its okay. If your can't support yourself you can always move back in with me and your father. We'd love to have you around! Its no problem, well its a little ridiculous but you know, I have to offer you. FLASHBACK2 *Knock*Knock*Knock* AY! I know you're in their Rachel! Open up! 3 months late on rent! This is ridiculous, just just just crazy! You used to be my favourite tenant but now look at you! Like god! What the heck man. Ugh, I'll just slide this under the door. FLASHBACK 3 *Beep* Hi, uhm yeah this is Kitty from Fantastic Finacial Services. You are super late on your credit card bill.  It’s pretty ridiculous. Anyways, you better pay up soon.
FLASHBACK4 Hi Rachel, this Tanya. Can you come in tommorow to interview for that spot you applied for? An alarm clock rings and Rachel immediately shuts that thing off and hops out of bed immediately. Cut to the paper that she left behind on her bed now face up. *Eviction notice* Cut to a stack of bills on her counter, a bunch of mail in the garbage, email full of bills. In another room, Rachel grabs a bag of dog food, pours all the content into a dog bowl. Its obvious that shes at the bottom of the bag and not even that much came out. She sighs and almost breaks down. She takes a deep breath. RACHEL KitKat! Come here girl! The most absolutely cutest dog in the whole world runs out to Rachel. Rachel pets her then slowly gives Kitkat a hug and holds on dearly. RACHEL I know things are tough right now but we'll get out of it. I promise KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Oh yeah man, you're totally going to get this job, I mean, who wouldn't want to hire you. I'd hire you in a second! RACHEL Aww thanks KitKat, you always know what to say to make me feel better. Love ya KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE I know I know, I'm always here for ya loser. Bork bork RACHEL I'm going to get ready for today, you eat some food KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Aight aight RACHEL After I get this job, I'm going to buy you that super expensive dog food with the boujie dogs on the packaging KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Ahhhhh shit, yeyeyeyeyeye MORNING CHOICE 1 Quick montage of rachel getting ready, toothpaste on brush, shower on, towel grabbed from rack, sleeves pulled,all dressed up. Montage ends and we see her look at herself in a mirror. MONOLOGUE I don't have much choice in what I'm to wear. It’s pretty clear that it’s a formal workplace. But I think I could spice up my outfit with some stylish socks. MORNING CHOICE 1 A SUPER DUPER FUN SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and has a little hop in her step. MORNING CHOICE 1 B PATTERNED SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and checks out her socks and admires them. MORNING CHOICE 1 C PLAIN WHITE SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and fixes her posture, breathes in and walks out all composed like. MORNING 2 Rachel tries to put on her shoes. Her stomach growls. RACHEL Ugh, not now. STOMACH Growls again RACHEL What do you want STOMACH Short growl RACHEL No, we really don't have much okay STOMACH Sad long growl RACHEL Okay time to go work* gets cut off STOMACH LOUD GROWL RACHEL Goddammit okay! Fuck. Rachel heads to the kitchen and opens the cupboard. Inside is revealed to be one granola bar, a rice cake, and a fruit by the foot. MORNING CHOICE 2 A GRANOLA BAR Rachel eats the granola bar. Probably in a silly way. We'll decide when we shoot. MORNING CHOICE 2 B RICE CAKE Rachel eats it MORNING CHOICE 2 C FRUIT-BY-THE-FOOT Rachel eats it MORNING 3 STOMACH Growls* but sounds like a thank you RACHEL Don't mention it. She heads the door and steps out. RACHEL Bye kitkat! KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Get outta here already lol Rachel is now outside and needs to make a choice on how to get to work MONOLOGUE K so I can walk but I might be late. I can bike and get there on time. But what if I cant find somewhere to lock my bike and im late. Oh man. I can bus but I always miss it and that can cause me to be late. Oh man. Choices choices choices. MORNING CHOICE 3 A BUS Rachel waits at bus stop. Bus comes and she gets on. Cut to her getting off. She walks causally into the building. MORNING CHOICE 3 B WALK Rachel walks to the interview. Right before she walks into the building she checks the time. RACHEL Fasionably late, check me out world. WAITING ROOM 1 *Rock your body - saxtribution is playing through a small radio. There will be 2-3 people waiting there in chairs but for the most part the room will be empty and open. The receptionist will be there waiting absentmindly and a strange man with a very strange leg twitch sitting down. Rachel approaches the desk in little panicky hurry RACHEL Hey! I'm here for the 9 am interview PAM (NAME TAG) Yes,Hello, Mr will be right with you. please take a seat over there. Pam elegantly motions towards seating area. Rachel sits alone. The weirdo gets up and sits next to her. WEIRDO Psst WAITING ROOM C1 A TALK TO WEIRDO RACHEL Ugh hi WEIRDO Question RACHEL oh ok WEIRDO What lives when you feed it food but dies when you give it water? WAITING ROOM C1 A A FIRE RACHEL Fire! The answer is Fire! Fuego WEIRDO Oh yeah, that is a very traditional answer. But I also would have accepted: tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 A B I DON'T KNOW MAN WEIRDO Well basically, the correct answer is fire. But if you want to impress people, say tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 B IGNORE RACHEL kay, please stop talking to me WEIRDO Ugh fine, I was just trying to help but you know, whatever. INTERVIEW START PAM (NAME TAG) Excuse me miss, he is ready to see you now. Just head over there and take a take a right RACHEL Okay thanks! Wish me luck! She does not wish her luck. Rachel heads into a conference room. There is a table, a man in a suit is sitting there. He has a fancy name tag that says Brad Deebaag that is very visible. BRAD Take a seat miss, Brad looks at his clipboard BRAD Smithe? Rachel got that look on her face, like: is this guy foreal. Rachel sits down INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY FIRST NAME RACHEL Hello, Brad. Nice to meet you. BRAD Actually, if you can refer to me as mr dbag that would be great. INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY LAST NAME RACHEL Hello Mr. Dbag, nice to meet you *burst out laughing* oh my god I am so sorry BRAD Its actually pronounced DeeBog RACHEL Ohhhhh im sorry INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 BRAD Okay, so basically this job is a joke and this interview is just a formality. Honestly were just going to pick some one randomly from the shortlist. So just don't mess up okay, but if you really wow us you're pretty much a shoe-in. That said, this interview will be really short. RACHEL Okay
BRAD THis interview will consist of 3 questions.
RACHEL Oh hey thats pretty easy *gets cut off
BRAD Question 1: what do you care most about. 8.
Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipboard INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 CHOICEB MY DOG KITKAT
BRAD Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipbaord INTERVIEW QUESTION 2
BRAD QUestion 2! *Trying to set suspence with his voice* What, lives when you feed it food, but dies when you give it water? INTERVEIW QUESTION 2 CHOICEA FIRE
Brad makes a note in his clipboard
RACHEL Tamogachi BRAD Hmm very nice Brad makes a note in his clipboard
BRAD Ok, question number 3 PAM (NAME TAG) Mr. Deebag! We need you for just a moment. It is extremely urgent and important.
BRAD I'm so sorry about this, please, excuse me. 9.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel peaks at the clipboard, on it: a beautifully sketched heron with sunglasses drinking a soda.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE DO NOT LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel sits there and hums a catchy song. This scene goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time.
INTERVIEW QUESTION 3 REGARDLESS OF OPTION PICKED Brad speaks as he's about to sit down
BRAD Ok, question 3 for real this time He glances at his clipboard, and looks up
BRAD Did you by chance take a look at this clipboard while I was out of the room?
RACHEL No, I did not.
BRAD Are you sure?
Brad does the Larry David staredown to Rachel
BRAD hm, Ok
RACHEL Sigh of relief
BRAD Anyways, back to question 3. If you can be any animal, and I mean any animal. What animal would you be?
RACHEL I would be
Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc. 10.
RACHEL A heron
BRAD You looked at my board didn't you! This is ridiculous! Everytime! I can't trust a snoop, a nosy nelly, a peter peaks a lot. Get up on outta here!
RACHEL Aw shit
ENDING CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel homeless.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
BRAD Ah nice, well you're hired!
RACHEL Ayyyy niceeeeeee
BRAD Yeeee boiiii
RACHEL UH hu, uh huh uhuh uhuh *emporors new groove BRAD Yeyeyeyeyey They celebrate for a while and its cuts to ending Ending CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel is still celebrating albeit exhuastedly. Coworkers keep asking tasks of her ad she passes out on her keyboard.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
RACHEL A narwhal
BRAD Interesting. Well, you're hired. 11.
RACHEL Niceeee
Ending clip: 3 months later. Rachel has been promoted to CEO. Pam enters room and tells her so and so wants to form a stragegic alliance. Rachel answers: niceeee. Brad comes in and calls rachel boss and said the shareprice is up 10%. Rachel answers niceeeee. The waiting room wierdo thanks rachel for the job and says she is going to win a big award. Rachel answers niceeeee. End
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