#credit: magnus chase rights on tumblr
onlyafoolformyships · 2 years
It is so tragic that someone so sexy has to go through so much
-Dean Winchester
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juliethebibliophile · 5 years
I Realize I saw The Lightning Thief Musical 3 Days Ago Now and I Still Haven’t Blogged About It?
So I’m gonna do that now. 
Okay, so I first heard about this musical 5 or 6 years ago on Tumblr when they first started workshopping it. Since then, they’ve been off Broadway twice(I live in New York), literally ON MY CAMPUS once, and every time my best friend and I have planned to see it but been too busy or forgotten to buy tickets. This year, while they were in Manhattan for their tour, we FINALLY went. That notion alone was enough to make me cry you guys, you have no idea how much it meant to me to finally see this show(that is another post entirely that I made on Facebook and might make here but I digress)
 Okay, so first thing I’ll say is from the moment this show began, forget that, from the moment I was on my way there, but especially when I got into the theatre, and again when the show started, I turned into a 14 year old again. I had not touched “The Lightning Thief”, or the first Percy Jackson series, since the 5th grade(I’m a junior in college now). I hadn’t even thought about the franchise as a whole since I read “The Blood of Olympus” when it came out in 2014(okay that’s a lie, I read the first Magnus Chase and Trials of Apollo but you get the picture). And yet, this show got me jumping up and down and crying about Percy instantly. And now I’ll go through the reasons why I think that is. 
So with me not having read the first book in ten years, I knew the movie was inaccurate, but I didn’t really know how or why because the plot of the movie was what stuck in my mind. When I reread the book in preparation for the musical, and saw the musical, I really understood where the movie went wrong, and in turn where this musical went so right. In general, the musical comes off like the characters and places in the books jumped right off of the pages. What really amazes me about this is that the actors are all obviously in their twenties, and yet you still feel like they’re the twelve year olds you know and love from that first book. I credit this to the incredible talent of the actors of course, but to some other things as well. 
The musical works with minimalism in terms of sets and effects, for obvious reasons, but this serves it so well. The minimalist way that everything is done matches the heart of the book. The things they do are things that kids playing pretend could do with props in their garage. And that’s what makes it so great: it has this childlike story hour feel that matches the childlike feel of the books, and also plays to the nostalgia factor that the books hold for the majority of the show’s audiences. 
The show is a comedy in a lot of ways, but it doesn’t feel like a parody because the books are comedic/not taking themselves seriously in that same way. The way the gods are portrayed in the musical(I won’t spoil anything but like...I nearly pissed myself at Poseidon) much better matches the feel of the books than the edgy, domineering figures in armor that the movies gave us. Every moment of laughter that the show provides has so much emotion behind it as well, and it harkens back to Percy’s sarcasm and ridiculous sounding chapter titles from the original series. 
The songs are amazing. Seriously, it’s been 3 days, and this soundtrack is still the only thing I can listen to. There are songs full of emotion and heart like “Good Kid” (which I’ve been crying over for years), “Strong” and “Tree on the Hill”, songs that are full of comedy and fun like “Another Terrible Day” and “Drive”, songs that’ll have you crying from triumph and pride like “Son of Poseidon” and “My Grand Plan”, and songs that are a perfect combination of everything like “Campfire Song” and “Bring on the Monsters”. In general, they all reminded me of the most joyful, innocent parts of myself, and reminded me what it’s like to love Percy Jackson.
The way the musical handles time restraints is spectacularly done as well. The song “drive” basically covers all the major events of the quest in about 5-10 minutes(save for Aunty Em’s and the trip to the Underworld which have their own scenes) and they technically don’t do everything that they do in the book, but the musical finds a way to pay homage to and acknowledge those events while also brushing past them in a comical way that the audience eats up. 
Speaking of time constraints, the musical also pays homage to beloved parts of the series that don’t occur in “The Lightning Thief”. Without changing or manipulating any plot points, they reference Bianca and Nico, the “dam” snack bar, Percabeth, and more. The subtle references are even more fun than if these elements had been placed in via changing plot(I’m looking at you creepy pool makeout scene in the movie) and the audience goes wild every time. 
That’s another measure of how spectacular the show is. The audience, which anyone with eyes can see is comprised of hoards of diehard Percy Jackson fans(fully grown adults in Camp Half-Blood T-shirts EVERYWHERE), goes absolutely batshirt nuts with excitement over this show. This makes it such a fun show to go to, because everything you wanna cheer for in an absolute nerdy, over-the-top way, everyone else is cheering for as well(Percabeth references, Percy being proclaimed the Son of Poseidon, etc.) It just brings you back to childhood joy and innocence for the two hours that you’re there.
The show immerses you in nostalgia in every way. The concession stand sells 90% blue food(an expert way for them to get all of my money too I willingly spent 17 bucks on snacks because they were blue). They reference inside jokes and fan favorites. In general, you can tell that everyone involved in the show has been a Percy Jackson fan at some point(or at least they did their research because seriously...”dam”). It’s funny, ridiculous and quirky, but so are the books, and the musical is also deep and emotional and beautiful in ways that I can’t even put into words. Just listen to Good Kid and Son of Poseidon. Seriously. They’re on Youtube and Spotify. You will cry. 
In conclusion, I have nothing negative to say about this show...like at all. If you’ve ever been a fan of Percy Jackson in any capacity, you’ve gotta see this show. I’ve been so ridiculously happy since I saw this show, and I forgot until I saw it what a significant part Percy Jackson played in my childhood and adolescence. It was an absolute delight from start to finish, and I will definitely be seeing it every time I have the opportunity. 
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An Eighth Bird, Born Out of the Storm - Chapter 8
(Kinda got behind on updating this on tumblr so these are going to get posted rapid-fire lol)
Based loosely on the Luume'irma headcanon from @interstellarvagabond
Lup and Taako get their decennial “visitor” just before the fateful trip on the Starblaster. Taako holes up in his room, meditating away the discomfort while Lup discovers a partner for the week. Unforeseen consequences arise. Bonds are created. An eighth bird rises.
Eighth Bird AU.
Lup and Barry create something new
Thank you to Calcu from the writer’s chat for Beta'ing!!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 below Chapter 9  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22
Name Change Request Form Birth name: Sildar J Hallwinter Date of Birth: Month 7, Day 1, Year 1350 A.T. Gender: Male Race: Human Desired name change: Barry J. Bluejeans Reason for changing name (optional): Bureaucratic bullshit. Please submit your birth certificate and at least two forms of I.D. Please allow at least five business days for name changes to be processed. Remember to change all non-government related instances of your name. We cannot do this for you.
“I doubt blowing things up is going to impress the Light,” Lup groaned, looking over the paper she had been brainstorming on. “God, Barry, I can’t think of anything. This plane is fucked …”
She sat down and scribbled on her paper again. Barry watched her eyebrows furrow. He looked across the room and saw a piano.
He played once when he was young, his mother sitting him on her lap as she guided him through the notes. He walked over to it and sat down. His hands hovered over the keys for a moment before he started to play.
He wasn’t even sure what he was playing, but notes slowly came out. Lup looked over, her ears perking up.
“Barry … You play?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, stopping. “Well, I did. When I was younger … I would sit on my mom’s lap and she would guide my hands to the right notes and … It was … It was nice.”
A nice memory.
Lup walked over to him and sat down next to him.
“Maybe that’s what you should present?” She asked. “A song?”
Barry blushed.
“Well, I don’t know about that. I haven’t played in years,” he started.
“Come on, Bare. It’s gotta be like riding a bike. In fact, the last time I played violin was when Taako and I were …”
She paused.
“Barry … What if we made something together? I mean, we already have but … They wouldn’t be ready,” she teased. “But … Maybe we create something else?”
Barry smiled at her.
“What were you thinking?” he asked, softly.
Magnus saw Lup come in to purchase a violin while he studied under the master carpenter. He smiled, excited to see what the older of the twins was going to present. Taako had made a big show of the thoughts he was going to take credit for and present, much to Magnus’ amusement.
Magnus looked down at his carving.
It was an amorphous blob right now. Nothing special. Nothing interesting.
He wasn't a creative type, normally. This wasn't in his wheelhouse at all. When he first joined the IPRE as security officer, he wasn't even sure why he had been chosen.
Taako and Lup were fantastic chefs and masters of their own schools of arcana.
Davenport was the strongest leader he had ever known. Merle, a talented healer who had been with the IPRE for a century before the mission training even began.
Lucretia and Barry were both human but they were humans with amazing abilities. They were smart. They were magic. Barry had dabbled in literally everything, from wizardry to being a rogue.
Magnus was … Magnus.
He sighed and continued to whittle. He thought back to one of his last days on his home world. Had it really been so long ago?
He had gone out with his mother’s dogs for a walk at a park. The largest dog, a mastiff, saw ducks in the water and wanted to splash after them, straining at the leash until it snapped. Magnus gave chase and splashed into the water after the dog who was playing, swimming, and chasing after the annoyed ducks. The dog would never hurt them, only wanting to play, but Magnus didn't need another ticket from the parks and recreation department.
He looked down and could almost feel the carving take shape.
Somewhere, within the cave that they thought held the light, a bond was formed.
The notes came easily to Lup when she looked at Barry.
She had played violin as a child, one of the many ways she and Taako paid their way on the road, but it had never felt this natural.
She had composed little songs here and there, but they were meant for Taako to dance for. They were meant to get them a hot meal and a bed.
This time was different.
Each note was how she felt about Barry. Each note was the love that had developed. Each note was the love they had created.
She used to close her eyes when she played.
Right now, she looked to Barry.
He looked to her and felt the chords come out just as naturally.
This love, it was different from anything he had felt before. He was no longer a child, sitting on his mother’s lap struggling with scales and arpeggios.
He was the lover and he was pouring his soul out to Lup.
He hoped she heard it.
He hoped she felt it.
Taako had been surprised the cave accepted his “works". As he saw Lup and Barry prepare, he could feel the nervousness radiating off of them.
If their work doesn't get accepted …
When they began to play, he realized something.
They never had to say anything to each other. He could hear it in their music. He could see it in how Lup looked to Barry, watching for her times to come in. Watching for when to change the tempo.
Working as a team.
As lovers.
He should have been afraid. He should have been afraid that now, the special closeness he had with Lup, the confidentiality they had, was going to forever be altered.
And in a way, it was.
But he was happy.
He was going to gain a brother. His sister was going to be happy.
He had gained family.
He could gain bonds.
They had rushed out as the song echoed through the world, hand in hand up to the conservatory. They needed to be alone.
They needed to talk.
Barry took Lup’s hands as they stood, breathless, in the empty practice hall.
“I … wow … Lup you are amazing.”
“You're brilliant,” she whispered back. “I … I never realized that we could …”
“Yeah …”
They stared into each other’s eyes, the realization as what they had done, what they had said, was dawning.
“Barry … the whole world knows,” Lup began, breaking the silence.
“But do you know?” Barry asked, gently placing his hand on her cheek.
She leaned into it and closed her eyes, her ears relaxing slightly.
“Do you?” she purred. “Do you know just how much I love you? How much I've loved you all this time?”
Barry tilted her chin up.
Their first kiss, forty-seven years ago, had been messy, frenzied, and frantic in a smoky tavern. They had kissed many times in that week, unsure where they would stand when it was over.
This was their first kiss where they knew.
They emerged from the conservatory a couple of hours later, as the gala just beginning. If the rest of the crew knew what Lup and Barry had been up to, they didn't let on, save for a relieved smile from Davenport as he saw their fingers loosely intertwined as they mingled.
They excused themselves from the party later that evening, the crew needing no explanation. They walked hand in hand to the ship, Barry suddenly nervous even though he knew he didn’t need to be.
They stopped at Barry’s room and Lup pressed her lips to his, reaching behind him to open his door.
He looked up at her, questioning look in his eyes.
The fiery grin she gave in return was enough of an answer and the pair darted into the room.
Magnus knew, of course, why Barry wasn’t as upset as he should have been when he heard the news about the Light of Creation in the morning. Barry was half of the reason why Magnus needed to do his midnight run in the first place. Why he couldn’t sleep at all that night.
Regardless, he watched the Starblaster take off and wondered how much searching the pair was actually going to do.
He’d been in that honeymoon phase before, granted it hadn’t been after forty-seven years of pining, but still …
He sat, carving another duck for his new friend, before a twinge of worry ran through him.
If they didn’t find the light, these creatures would die.
All of the music, the stories, the art - the memories - they would all die with them.
He knew that, even without the distraction, Lup and Barry would never find the Light of Creation. He didn’t need to be on the ship with them,to cross the ocean to know this.
He had to come up with another option.
He looked back down at the duck.
He had not been able to save so many on their quest. He had failed on so many planets. Sure, he had generally been able to keep his crew safe, but all of these people who had no idea what was coming to them, who had no idea the horror that would happen to them within a year of their landing - He had failed so many of them when the Light couldn’t be found.
This world would be different.
He was going to save these creatures.
He returned to the cave with his newest duck.
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