#yes this user has a love/hate relationship with dean Winchester
onlyafoolformyships · 2 years
It is so tragic that someone so sexy has to go through so much
-Dean Winchester
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louisdotmp3 · 4 years
well folks, this fic rec has everything - it’s sorted into: trueform cas, human cas, trans dean, dean character studies, endverse, weednatural, and the extremely exclusive list of au’s that i actually like.  (there’s a lot of human cas in here.)  i tried to make this consist mostly of stuff that at least i haven’t seen rec’d often, so hopefully u’ll find something new!  but ofc there’s some classics in here.
some descriptions i’ve kept from the ao3 description (those are in quotes) and for other’s i’ve written my own (not in quotes).
trueform cas
the reach of human sense by perilously (E, 4.5k)
cas is feeling weird about dean never having seen his true form and then they work it out so can and dean enacts praise kink on cas
Then I am, yes, the Bible that teaches you of freedom by orphan (E, 17k)
“Well. The Apocalypse was one thing. Thousand-foot-tall multi-limbed horror-angels smashing up the planet was something totally different...” or, cas is in an earthly approximation of his true form and they’re well and truly into the apocalypse, but also there’s some trueform grace sex
Yield by Gemmiel (E, 2.5k) (and it’s first part Merge)
dean and cas explore angel sex and merging cas’ grace and dean’s soul
human cas
Stories Are Made of Mistakes by wildhoneypie (T, 4.9k)
“In which Cas is human and doesn't understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is...Dean and doesn't understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he's a walking miracle, and when not to quip.”
Snippets by saltyfeathers (Not Rated, 6.4k)
season 8, cas is human, cas is depressed.
More Than Ever by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
cas decides to become human and dean is an unbearable asshole about it because he’s a man with abandonment and self-worth issues and never learned how to process an emotion.  (it has a happy ending.)  and also the rest of the works in the series are very worth it - but especially these:
Learning to Live by Sass_Master (E, 15k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean’s internalized homophobia (and cas’ lack of it)
A Given Thing by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean and cas navigating their way through d/s dynamics with purpose for the first time
Après by imogenbyknight (E, 24k)
set after the end of s8, cas falls to earth in france, and dean comes to paris to get him.  (cas gets to wear a sweater.)
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo (E, 22k)
“This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.”
trans dean
No one ever wants to say by marshmallowfluff (M, 58k, incomplete)
canon reimagining with trans dean up until 2.01 written by a trans author.  first chapter is john’s pov, second chapter is sam’s pov.  i cannot recommend this one enough !!  when i imagine what sam and dean’s childhood was like, this is the first fic that comes to mind.
on vessels by flightsofangels (Not Rated, 1.9k)
head in my hands this fic has everything - trans dean, cas loving dean like worship, like dean is god, cas wanting to possess dean as the only way he can process his feelings,,,
dean character studies
Formal and Shining and Complete by pollutedstar (T, 3.2k)
dean and his intelligence, and how he and his intelligence is perceived and treated by other people
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger by pollutedstar (T, 3.6k)
dean and his complicated relationship with food
we’ll find a new home by sleepyvan (G, 7.8k)
“After Cas comes home, Dean starts cooking like crazy. He thinks he might be compensating for something.”
Epilogue by Jayne L (E, 27k)
endverse cas gets sent back in time to 2009
to think that we could stay the same by cipherwriter (T, 6.5k)
“cas has all he needs; himself, his creation, and enough power to continue this cycle for a long time. he's fine. dean wants to take care of him anyway.“ or, the bedlund cockroach fic
you and me in the war of the end times by stickthelanding (E, 4.8k)
dean and cas and weed over the years (yes cas does start growing weed in the bunker)
untitled by tumblr user perlukafarinn (nsfw, 433)
AU where dean and cas are both hunters who occasionally work together and also hook up
ex-angel of grass and group sex by @goodbi-bitch (M, 3.3k)
thee endverse shotgunning fic
Departure Strategy by  choranaptyxic and emmbrancsxx0 (E, 39k)
“Castiel works for the Departure Network, a semi-legal organization dealing in assisted suicides for the terminally ill. When he’s put on Mary Winchester’s case, he meets Dean and Sam. Dean hates Mary’s decision to follow through with the plan and, by extension, hates Castiel. But, as the two get to know each other, something begins to grow between them, and Castiel finds himself breaking the first rule of his job: Don’t get attached.“
Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost
i probably wouldn’t have read this if everyone hadn’t gone through a phase of being obsessed with it but it is actually that good.  i mean it’s both dean getting therapized via phone sex and also a uni au, what’s not to like?
if u have any recs that might fit in these categories......send them over pls & thank u
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The Day Cassie Broke His Heart
Characters: Reader, Dean, Cassie
Word Count: 1,458
Warnings: Dean heartbroken (yes, that deserves a warning), hating on Cassie, taking care of Dean, angst and fluff mixed.
Author’s Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 25 years old.
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Series Rewrite Masterlist // Backstories Masterlist
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You were sitting on the couch, reading a book peacefully while John was asleep. Dean was at Cassie’s house. When he first met her, you didn’t like her solely for the purpose that Dean liked her. But for the few weeks you were in this small town, he was really happy with her.
Dean’s happiness was your main priority, no matter who he was with. If he couldn’t be with you, then Cassie was a better fit. You worked with Dean, being in a relationship with him would eventually be a downfall for either of you.
Dean was a ladies man so you were surprised that he stuck around for this one girl. However, you believe that there is one soulmate for every person in this world. While you believe Dean is yours, Cassie may be his.
You and Dean were best friends. He knew more about you than anyone else and you could say the same. Dean was such a big hearted person and you loved him with all your heart. Of course, you’ve stayed silent through all of this because you didn’t want to lose him.
It’s been lonely after Sam left for college. You missed having the other brother around because he was your other best friend. You kept in touch with Sam almost every day. You knew he was having a good time at Stanford and he even met a nice woman named Jessica.
Yeah, you’re sad he wasn’t with you but you were happy because he got out of this life. It was hard to do that. So, you’ve spent time being by yourself ever since Dean met Cassie. Speaking of which, you were almost done finishing your book when the door to the motel room slammed open and shut.
Dean came in, tears running down his face and you forgot about your book. You jumped up and ran to Dean, closing John’s bedroom so that he wasn’t woken up. John has been working extra hard and needed the sleep.
“Dean, what’s wrong?” Dean refused to look at you, angrily stripping off his shirt.
“Nothing. Leave me alone.” He said, his voice faltering.  
“Like hell I will. Dean, what happened? I thought you were with Cassie.” Your heart broke at the state he was in. You hated seeing him like this.
“Fuck Cassie. I never want to see her again.” Dean spat out.
“What the hell did she do to you?” Your blood boiled at the fact that Cassie hurt him.
“Nothing, we’re done. She doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.” Dean bunched his shirt in his hands, his muscles flexing at his anger.
“Dean, please, tell me what happened.” You put a hand to his arm and his walls crumbled at your touch.
“She broke up with me because she thought I was lying.” He looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“What did you tell her?” You asked.
“About what we do. I thought she was the one.” His voice cracked a bit. You clenched your jaw. How dare she hurt the man you loved.
“Listen to me, Dean, you don’t deserve her. You deserve the whole world and I want you to find someone who can give you that. Cassie is a college student who doesn’t know the difference between what she has and the next. Okay? I know this was hard for you. I know how you felt about her.” You said, pulling him into a hug. He started crying in your shoulder.
Dean only let his façade crumble when he was with you. When he was with John or even Sam, he wouldn’t let this side be shown. You were the only person who got to see this side. That should be a sign to you but you ignored it because all you ever thought about was protecting him.
“I thought she was the one.” Dean said, pulling you in tighter.
“Dean, if she was the one, she wouldn’t have acted like this. Lay down and let me get you some water, okay?” You said, pulling away from him and wiping his tears.
“Will you lay with me?” He said, sniffling.
“Of course I will. Just let me get you some water.” He nodded and laid in the bed, curling into the pillows. You looked around and saw Dean’s keys to the Impala his father gave him when he turned 18. You carefully picked them up and slipped out the door. Dean thought you were going to the vending machine but you needed to do something else.
Your blood was boiling as you got in the car. Cassie was not going to get away with this. You pulled out of the parking lot and to Cassie’s college. She was living in a dorm by herself, you knew that much. That is why Dean was with her all the time. She didn’t have parents or a roommate to watch out for.
You parked and got out, not knowing what you would do when you saw her. You just knew that she shouldn’t get away with this. You stormed to the dorm room, knocking furiously on the door. It was in the middle of the night and you knew she would be asleep.
You were right. She opened the door, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Y/N?” She asked confused. You pushed past her and walked into her dorm angrily. “Come on in.” She sighed.
“Want to hear something interesting?” You asked, finally facing her. She turned on the light and yawned, looking at you.
“What?” She sighed, not interested in this conversation.
“I was sitting in my motel room, reading peacefully when I heard the door slam open. It was Dean,” You nodded, only getting started.
“Y/N, let me explain,” She picked up a book but you didn’t care about the damn book. You walked closer to her and slapped the book out of her hands. It clattered to the floor with a loud bang and Cassie jumped in fright.
“No, let me explain. I don’t know what your problem is or what business you had with Dean but if I ever see you near him again, well, we’re going to have some problems.” You were seething.
“Are you threatening me?” She asked.
“Yeah I am. I don’t know what you told Dean but don’t you ever call him again. Don’t you ever mention his name because he deserves a hell of a lot better than your pathetic ass. You’re a bitch and always will be one for what you did to him. It’s taking all my strength to keep myself from punching you flat on your ass. So, do us a favor and stay the hell out of our lives.” You glared at her. If only looks could kill.
You stepped back from her and headed back to the door but stopped when she spoke again.
“Maybe if he didn’t lie to me, this would be different.” You scoffed and turned back around, your coil snapping. Dean was a lot of things but a liar wasn’t one of them. You walked back over to her and backhanded her in the face, sending her to the floor.
She gasped, holding her throbbing cheek and got tears, looking up at you.
“Dean isn’t a liar and you know that. You’re a coward and a user. Go whore around with someone else. Stay away because next time, I won’t be so nice.” You glared at her and left her dorm, going back to the Impala. All the way back, you were still angry but now that you had the little chat, you were feeling a little better.
You got back to the motel room but our heart broke at the sight. Dean was already sleeping but he was facing towards you. His face was tear stained and you sighed. You placed the keys where you found them and got next to Dean in bed.
“Dean, I know you can’t hear me and that is why I am saying this to you now. You don’t deserve Cassie. You deserve me. I deserve you. I love you so much and I hate seeing you in pain. No matter who you end up with, I will always be here for you. I will never leave you. You’re too important to me.” You ran your hands through his hair lightly and he sighed, inching closer to you.
You lifted his head and placed it on your chest, scooting closer to him. You held him as he slept. Your mind was all over the place, you didn’t know if you could sleep. But that was okay because Dean was in your arms.
Dean always took care of you.
Now it was your turn.
Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging
Forever tags:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja@spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @supercalifragilistic26
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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