#creelarke in places
henrysglock · 1 year
Listen to me. Listen. If you give me the chance to talk about a Henry figure skater au I will NEVER shut up about it. He's so incredibly elite skater coded you don't even know. Brenner is so incredibly "coach who's after glory and doesn't care that he's pushing kids to their breaking points" coded.
I'm going to talk about it under the cut because I have SO much to say
Henry's signature jumping pass is a delayed double axel. What he misses in points on it, he makes up with artistry points and upgrading other jumps to quads. He's one of the few mens skaters who can do a proper Bielmann. His technique is strong, but his artistry is stronger. His nimbleness on the ice and the way he seems suspended in midair on his delayed 2A are what gets him nicknamed "the spider". He's generally quiet and unhappy, which everyone mistakes for him being heartless and aloof. He's not, it's just that Brenner doesn't know when to stop pushing, which is why Henry is never smiling in his press releases. He got two consecutive grand prix finals gold medals before The Scandal where he supposedly attacked a fellow skater before having The most disastrous injury the skating world has ever seen. He's rumored to have killed himself after the whole debacle. (He's not dead. He bums around Hawkins Community Ice Arena at the early freestyle sessions that No One ever attends...except Eleanor Hopper, when Jim can get his ass out of bed to take her) Virginia originally wanted him to "be a man" and do hockey while Alice did FS, but he's not um. built for that, exactly. So she stuck him with Brenner hoping Brenner could make something useful out of him.
When they were younger: Scott (who's part of AV club in addition to working on the school paper) was Not a team sports guy and would rather find more interesting things than football, and who better to talk about than the kid who's going to junior nationals?? They fall out of touch when they've graduated and Henry's time is completely monopolized by Brenner, who wants to craft him into the perfect super-weapon of a skater (spoiler: all he actually does is give him a mental breakdown, a physical breakdown, and get him banned from competition by framing him once he's showing signs of becoming obsolete)
Henry's disaster injury that I mentioned earlier comes about from years of simply being pushed consistently past his limit mentally and physically. He's exhausted. Everyone's body has a breaking point, and he happens to hit that point in the middle of an uncharacteristically sloppy routine on a botched 4Lz. He cracks his skull on the ice, and he's "lucky" he didn't die. It may not have killed him, but it did make his memory of the events leading up to the injury spotty at best, which makes it that much easier for Brenner to pin everything on him being a bad seed with whom he did his best.
After being all but excommunicated from the FS community, Henry drops off the face of the Earth. No one but Scott, Victor, and Alice know what he's up to (which is: dating Scott and having a much needed mental health break).
Henry flies under the radar that way until he meets El, who happens to have been training under Brenner for several years. Henry totally poaches her from Brenner, even though he himself has zero coaching experience. It's alright, because he and El are on the same wavelength when it comes to their approaches to complex skills. The only pictures of him smiling at press releases are after he takes El on as a student.
El absolutely smacks Angela in the face with her skate. Jonathan, high, tells her it could have been so much worse, at least she had her rubber blade guard on. Henry poaching El from Brenner is what reintroduces him to the skating community, but his defense of El in her mini-scandal reopens the overdue investigation into his own scandal. Deeper digging reveals the depth of Brenner's involvement, as well as evidence of decades of concealed abuse within the relationship.
Henry and Alice did pairs as children, and they were actually a pretty good team. Alice fell out of the sport after a bad fall, which Virginia blames Henry for (and Henry silently blames himself for). The blame and guilt in that regard only makes it easier for Brenner to be a piece of shit and get away with it.
Lonnie wanted Will to do hockey. Will isn't the hockey type, but he does enjoy bumming around with El and the Party at public skate. Mike is literally Bambi on ice, but it's endearing.
Jim 100% thought Henry was creeping on El at the early freestyle sessions until he figured out that oh. Henry's with Scott, and Brenner's the sicko. He and Henry started out on the wrong foot and never really recovered from it. They're like two feral cats forced to share territory.
This is 100% me self-indulging with Henry and El's mentor-student potential. He's her rink Dad, okay?
HCIA is nicknamed the "Rainbow Rink" a) because of the rainbow tiling on the lobby floor, and later b) because it's associated with Henry, who's rumored (later confirmed) to be gay.
Scott is also Bambi on ice. It's okay, it's just another reason for him to hold Henry's hand <3
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reikunrei · 1 year
if you dont love me at my swimming anime rambles then you dont deserve me at my creelarke porn
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aemiron-main · 1 year
creelarke and the tunnel scene
So, I’m working on more analysis posts about these two, but this parallel caught my eye today:
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They put Scott and Henry in the same place on screen right during their respective lab tunnel scenes- scott and henry are both on screen left when looking at the scene from outside the tunnel, and both are on the same part of screen right when looking at the scene from inside the tunnel.
Scott was also the one who found the piece of hospital gown near the tunnel:
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They could’ve chosen any character for this scene- but they chose Scott. Scott, who canonically went to school at the same time as Henry, who happens to have a convenient knowledge of parallel dimensions.
And speaking of the lab- why the hell are there multiple lab-associated extras who look eerily similar to Scott?
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There’s also just. Something gnawing at me about the way that Scott stares towards the lab in this shot:
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I know part of it is likely due to him possibly having suspicions of Will being in the lab/going through the tunnel, but it’s interesting that they chose to focus on Scott for this shot rather than Hopper in that regard. Almost like it’s about more than Will. Almost like he’s remembering something- or someone.
And also, going back to the fact that Scott and Henry would’ve gone to school together, take a look at this conversation between Scott and Hopper during the search party scene:
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They’re talking about shared classes/teachers, (even though hopper and scott didn't go to school in the same years, they seem to have went to the same school And henry and scott Did go to school in the same yars) and also talking about a dead child (Sara)- Henry and Scott would’ve had shared classes, hell, Henry likely had Ms Ratliff specifically, AND, Henry was pronounced dead on site to the public after the Creel murders, even though Victor was somehow made aware of Henry’s coma and that Henry “died,” a week later, when you look at the newspaper articles, it’s said that Henry’s body was found at the Creel house with his eyes gouged out and that Victor was immediately charged with three murders. The public believed that Henry was killed the night of the Creel murders, but what about Scott? What did Scott believe? If him and Henry were friends, did he ever try and visit Victor in prison? Did he think Victor killed Henry? Did he somehow hear about the coma thing the same way that Victor did?
And speaking of bad teachers, not only do we have confirmation that Scott had a bad teacher, but we have the same for Henry, with a teacher calling him "broken".
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And also, during that scene, Hopper has his “mummies never die,” line- just like how Henry isn’t dead and likely CAN’T die because of his regenerative healing.
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And also “I never needed to look elsewhere.”
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“I just didn’t look hard enough.”
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Like. The fact that Max frames it as if she disappeared, even though she WAS still physically there, just emotionally distant from Lucas- it’s giving me “Henry disappearing” vibes with the Creel murders, especially considering the Will-Henry parallels and how Mike notices that Will didn’t show up to school on the day that he vanished. I wonder if Scott noticed something similar with Henry.
I wonder if part of why Scott’s helping search for Will is because he had suspicions that Henry wasn’t dead, but never followed through on those suspicions enough/didn’t look hard enough for Henry. Much like how Hopper felt like he didn’t need to look elsewhere. Maybe Scott was so focused on the Creel houses and the weirdness going on there and investigating THAT (after all, it looks like quite a few objects have been moved around in the Creel house since we last saw its interior in 1959) that he didn't even think about the lab/didn't think to look elsewhere.
And then we also have this scene of Scott finding out that Sara was actually dead- the opposite of Henry. Scott was led to believe that Sara was alive but then found out that she was dead, whereas Scott would’ve been led to believe that Henry was dead, but may have somehow figured out that he’s alive/may figure it out in S5.
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That last shot where it focuses on Scott is especially interesting to me, because why focus on Scott? Scott and Hopper aren't particularly close, it's not a particularly huge revelation that someone (Hopper) might lie to someone he doesn't know very well (scott, they don't know eachother well, scott introduces himself initially and says he doesn't think they've met before) about his traumatic past/loss of his daughter, so why focus on Scott and his reaction? Why not focus on Hopper and the grief he's feeling in that moment? I think it might be because there's subtext here regarding Sara's death vs Henry's death and Scott having known Henry- and Scott may have been in denial of Henry's death initially because he noticed that things were odd about the Creel murders (the newspapers all have conflicting details, for example), but didn't look hard to resolve it/find Henry, much like how Hopper is in denial of Sara's death, and is now motivated to search for Will (we see Sara mentioned by Joyce in the context of trying to get Hopper to search more for Wiil).
Either way, I just think it’s interesting that we get a scene of Scott and Hopper talking about shared classes and dead children (especially lies about dead children) before a scene of Scott and Henry paralleling eachother. Especially considering the parallels between Will and Henry but also Sara and Henry and Sara's cancer and how Henry's regenerative healing seems to work like cancer. Much to think about. Creelarke real, I can feel it in my bones.
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creelarke · 1 year
Creelarke where, instead of the massacre, Henry escaped the Lab with Eleven that day.
he and Eleven needed to find some place to hide, a shelter. and Henry knew it’s been more than a decade since he and Scott were separated. maybe Scott already moved out of Hawkins, and even if Scott still lived here, they were both adults now; Henry didn’t know if Scott would still recognize or even remember him. but he didn’t know any other place to go.
so he and Eleven went to Scott’s house (obviously, Eleven didn’t know Scott, she was just following Henry.)
“is this your friend’s house?” Eleven asked, because Henry had been standing in front of Scott’s house — too afraid to knock — for several minutes now.
the house still looked the same, same color and everything. it was almost too overwhelming for Henry, being here again (the place where he and Scott shared so many memories together) when he thought he would rot at that place, the Lab.
is this your friend’s house? Eleven’s question was simple, and yet Henry never seemed to find his voice.
but in the end he gathered up his courage, saying “I hope so,” before eventually — eventually — Henry knocked.
what if it’s someone else opening the door? what if it’s Scott’s wife opening the door?
Henry didn’t know why the latter scared him more than any other possibilities his mind came up with. he didn’t know if Scott was married, if he was in a relationship with anyone. and he didn’t know why the thoughts of Scott being in love with someone else felt like a knife to the heart. it wasn’t like he and Scott were ever a thing. they were just children.
but Henry’s heart was beating faster and faster as seconds went by (he was sure Eleven could hear it).
it’s only been less than half a minute, but it felt to Henry like forever, before the door opened.
Scott had changed so much. Henry could barely recognize him. but those eyes, they were the same. Henry recognized Scott’s eyes anywhere.
Scott looked… shocked, to see a grown man and a child standing on his front porch. but Scott’s eyes were glued to Henry.
and Henry had no idea if Scott knew who he was, if Scott recognized or remembered him.
but after a moment of silence, Scott’s mouth started moving, the name Henry thought he’d never hear from Scott’s mouth again. —
“Henry? is that you?”
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finalboybyers · 8 months
Like sorry but these people would be cheering if it was clarke in patty's place but since it's patty aka a female character, patty is getting insane hate and people denying about her role in the story... despite the fact that the writers have confirmed she will have a romance with henry and will be a pivotal character. all the misogyny and biphobia is honestly disturbing atp.
ikr? this is just disgusting and embarrassing. but i’m not surprised even in the slightest that creelarke shippers are extremely active in the patty tag just to spread hate towards her character, they’re sooo bitter over the fact that kate trefry ships hentty lmfao.
“henry and patty are stobin coded!!!” “henry won’t return patty’s feelings!!!!!” okay we get it, you’re a misogynist and biphobe ^^ now get the f*ck outta the patty newby tag.
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cringengl · 1 year
What are some of ur other favorite ST ships canon or not? 💕
Hi!!! I'm assuming by 'other' you mean apart from byler lol :))
LUMAX‼️‼️ they are probably my 2nd fave st ship after byler tbh.
Jancy. I think that they're going going break up early s5 and be broken up the entire timeskip before getting back together post timeskip, which I think they both need but they also both love eachother so I can't wait to see that!!!
Rockie/Rovickie. I feel like I'm going to grow to love this one because it hasn't had much screentime yet but the vibes are cute already.
Creelarke lmao they were 100% friends when they were younger and honestly they would have been really sweet, I hope we get to see some of them in the play.
Elmax I also love, the vibes are fantastic, but I equally love their friendship lol.
Elumax is a great dynamic and I can never decide whether or not El and Lucas are dating or not.
Jargyle!!!!!!! I actually love Jargyle and I'm so glad that Jonathan actually got his first friend that wasn't his younger brother or gf lol and I'm also glad he got to relax for once in his life, Argyle was my favourite addition to s4. Them being stoner bfs would have such great vibes.
Ronance I love them so much and their scenes in s4 together were so great, their dynamic was everything and I hope to see them more in s5 and I think we will. With the whole ronance, jancy, stncy and single Nancy debate, I think that anything but stncy would be great and it depends more on how the Duffers pull it off.
Stonathan and Henderhop have great "in another life" energy.
And Byclair holds a special place in my heart.
Thanks for the ask!!! <333
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
So I always watch stranger things with my parents when the seasons come out right it’s something I can’t really get out of, I can’t watch it alone or they’d feel betrayed lol don’t ask I have a weird family. anyway when we first watched s4 I noticed nobody felt any sympathy whatsoever for young henry (or lab henry for that matter) because of seeing him killing animals and obviously everything with his family and with el but nobody ever questioned why he might’ve done any of that… as if some people are just born evil and you simply accept that and go along with it. all this to say henry has held a special place in my heart since he appeared on screen and even more now I love him thank you to all the people who post all the theories and analyses and digging shit up about him and creelarke you’re doing us a service fr 🙏 🙏 🙏
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henrysglock · 6 months
believing both Hentty and Byler are canon isn’t making us lesser than you. because sometimes you act this way. everyone that saw TFS says Hentty is romantic. except you biased gay Henry truthers. its Byler coded and paralleled to Byler too. your two most coherent proofs? easy to debunk. Henry acting weird when having to kiss Patty and trying to avoid it and freezing in place doesnt mean he is gay, he is just very awkward and understandably shy about kissing a girl especially if its a girl he has a crush on. Henry only saying I love you when told to by Patty is again just him being awkward and a teenager not knowledgeable about romance. Henry didnt get affection from parents which just contributes to him struggling to express his feelings no matter how much he loves Patty, saying it still will be a challenge. do you think they wrote in a Hentty romance and showed us them fall in love just for it to turn out Henry was gay all along in the end? that’d be incredibly forced and bad writing because the Henry queercoding is barely there. what would have been the point of Hentty as a couple at all? just admit you were in the wrong. your arguments against Hentty are weak. Creelarke is a crackship that never was and never will be canon. they didnt interact once. but you latched onto this. Hentty has major Byler vibes there is practically no Mileven in sight.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Scott Clarke, Creelarke, The Thing, The Defibrillator, Sensory Tanks and Nina: Why The Hell Is Scott Connected To Everything All The Time?
Something that always gets me is the fact that the scene from The Thing that Scott was watching in S1 is specifically the defibrillator scene:
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Which becomes much more interesting when we consider El being revived with with the defibrillator during NINA and how that parallels The Thing:
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And Scott going on to talk about sensory tanks (which is what the NINA tank is), right after watching The Thing’s defibrillator scene:
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Dustin’s wording here is also interesting- how to build ONE:
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And speaking of One, we know that Henry also has a white NINA style sensory tank suit in his costuming wardrobe.
It’s also very interesting to me that Scott immediately starts explaining/debunking the scene- explaining how they faked it:
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Which is interesting because of all of the weirdness surrounding NINA with the moving/changing bodies and Henry’s changing bloodstains and the multiple Henries pre-massacre and the fact that the Truman Show is on the S4 board- the Truman Show, where everything is faked.
And the fact that Scott is watching a VHS tape of The Thing, and then explaining that what’s on that tape is fake and that there’s SO much weirdness with the tapes during NINA, including one of the tapes showing a different date for the exact same scene when Brenner plays it compared to when we saw the camera recording it, and also showing a different camera number (114 vs 126) despite both shots seemingly being the exact same camera from the exact same angle/location:
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And to really drive home the connection to NINA, Scott has his “ten o clock” line which parallels Henry during NINA:
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And Scott also talks about a “wrong number,” when the phone rings, and not only was the Cali gang struggling to figure out how to call the NINA number, but a.) the number Will initially read out loud to Mike in the phonebooth before they edited it post-production is different from what was on the paper and b.) the number that suzie types on the computer is different from the one written but seemingly the same as the one Will said verbally (thanks to @i-love-sweet-william for pointing out and recording the number Will said verbally before it got changed):
And there’s also the “wrong number,” in the sense of all of the weirdness with the multiple Henries/Edward/001s/rhe lab kids being numbers and literally the “wrong number”/“wrong one”/“the wrong kid”/“which one” (something I touched on in this post).
And then we also have Dustin saying to Scott that they’re building the tank for “fun,” versus Henry telling El during NINA that she’s going to “miss out on all the fun”:
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Long story short: Scott is not only constantly connected to the UD via his knowledge of parallel dimensions and the S1 vecnagorgon fight happening in his classroom, but he’s also constantly connected to NINA.
Which, speaking of the Vecnagorgon fight, the fact that the s1 Vecnagorgon parallels Henry/Edward/001 during NINA *and* the fact that the Vecnagorgon fight happens in Scott’s classroom *and* the fact that Scott has so many connections to NINA is interesting as hell. Again, Scott is not just tied to Henry/001/Edward, but specifically tied to NINA too:
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We also see the Vecnagorgon standing in the same place as Scott repeatedly- the Vecnagorgon comes out of that paw print mural, right where Scott was standing earlier, and is not only in his classroom later, but specifically standing RIGHT where Scott always stands beneath the clock:
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Why is Scott so connected to not just Henry, but also to NINA? And why is he paralleled to the Vecnagorgon so often?
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Will Scott Be in TFS?
So! What’s the likelihood of our beloved Scott Clarke showing up as a kid in TFS? I think it’s pretty solid. We have the fuckton of Creelarke analysis demonstrating that Scott and Henry very very very likely knew eachother at some point, including things like the black cat imagery with Scott, which is specifically connected to TFS.
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Now, I’ve seen some people bring up the issue of Hopper not remembering Scott/saying that he doesn’t think they’ve met before & so if Scott was in TFS, how could they have never met?
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Well, a few things about this:
1.) Hopper also forgot who Scott was in S3. Even setting timeline and memory fuckery aside, clearly Hopper’s memory isn’t the best, especially when it comes to Scott
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2.) Hopper seems to forget Scott’s name by the end of the initial S1 convo, just calling him “teach” and Hopper sounds disoriented/distracted.
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3.) Interestingly enough, when Scott introduces himself, Jim does not do the same. He doesn’t say his own name. Now, there’s absolutely a chance that Scott just knows who Hopper is from him being police chief, but it’s definitely an interesting choice, because if Scott didn’t know who Hopper was, and Hopper didn’t introduce himself, then even if Scott remembers meeting Hopper during the events of TFS, he may not have put the clues together that this is Hopper, especially since teenage Hopper seems very anti-authority/generally not the kind of guy you’d expect to become a cop.
4.) Hopper is almost 18 at the time of TFS & Scott definitely seems younger than him, especially since they clearly didn’t go to school in the same class, or else Hopper likely would have remembered him. I don’t think it’s unlikely for Scott to just be some random kid to Hopper during TFS (especially since Hopper’s never even mentioned Henry, who would be a memorable kid considering the Creel murders), and for Hopper not to remember him years down the line. We also know that Hop got sent to Vietnam when he turned 18, and then moved to the city, so he didn’t stick around Hawkins to get to know Scott better as Scott got older. I have more to say about this in the Bob section!
Now, moving onto the next section: Bob Newby. I’m setting everything from the comics aside for this analysis since those get retconned all the time & instead focusing on the concrete stuff we have in the show. So, what do we know?
Well, we know that Scott learned everything he knows about AV from Bob:
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Keeping in mind that the play is canon, it would seemingly be a retcon of the canon not to include Scott. Scott was there, learning AV from Bob when Bob founded the AV club/when Bob was in highschool. Which means that Scott SHOULD be present during the events of TFS, since that’s when TFS takes place.
We also know that Bob seems to be in Jopper’s general age range/mentions being in highschool with Joyce. And on a final note, going back to Hopper not knowing that Scott existed/not remembering him- Joyce didn’t know that Bob existed either/didn’t know who Bob was. And her and Bob went to school together. So I don’t think it’s a stretch for Jim to not remember some random child.
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So, yeah! I think we’ve got a pretty firm chance of Scott being in TFS, especially since he knows such a weird amount about the supernatural stuff and sensory tanks- almost like he’s had to use that knowledge before…. During the events of TFS perhaps……
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henrysglock · 1 year
Not to Byler your Creelarke too much but I was thinking about a possible scenario for season 5 between Byler and Mr. Clarke. Post Byler getting together.
Maybe they have a Super Important Science Question they need answered Right Now so they head over to his place because the phones aren’t safe. And they ask their question, and get their answer, but Mike gets this idea. Mr. Clarke seems to be the right age, maybe they knew each other?
So he asks, “this is a weird question… but do you know anything about… Henry Creel?”
And Scott gives them a bit of a wishy washy answer, lots of “he was quiet and nobody really knew him…” but seems to be holding something back. And Mike gets more frustrated that he won’t be straight (ha) with them, but Will puts his arm out and quiets him, before saying, “you can trust us… we’re.. family”
And Mikes fully confused by this, doesn’t understand what he’s saying, but Will reaches over and holds his hand in his and they share a soft look before Scott sighs, and explains that he did know Henry well.
You can ALWAYS byler my creelarke because I'm a hardcore shipper of both!!
And god, yeah. This is actually the kind of scenario that's on my st5 bingo board, because Scott always has the answers. The Party knows this, so when it comes to surviving the apocalypse...who better to ask than Mr. Clarke?
Mike remembering how Bob went to school in Hawkins, and how Bob taught Scott everything he knows about AV...it wouldn't take much for him to put it together that all three of them went to school together.
Will "If there's anything you know...you can tell us. Please tell us. Anything helps." Byers vs Scott "Well, it's a bit of an odd story, bear with me..." Clarke spilling the beans on Henry and what 1957-1959 was like for them, especially re: the Creel family and Henry's pre-lab run-ins with Brenner.
Scott "He was my best friend. I haven't met anyone quite like him since, and I doubt I ever will, although...I have to say, Will...You two're remarkably similar. You remind me of him quite a bit. I think you would have liked him." Clarke vs Will "[awkward silence]" Byers
Will "Why does it feel like we have entirely the wrong guy/this reeks of Brenner" Byers going to El, who was explicitly told she doesn't have the full truth, and the two of them puzzling together the actual truth/the full truth being the key to saving Hawkins.
Willel being the solution, but only because they heard a firsthand account of Henry from Scott, the only person left both alive and accessible who truly knew/loved Henry. So many different forms of love being the key to saving Hawkins would make me so happy, actually.
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creelarke · 1 year
random Creelarke headcanons♡
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obviously Scott was the first to approach Henry and introduce himself to him during Henry’s first day at his new school.
and obviously, Henry tried to push Scott away at first.
but Scott was persistent. he didn’t give up on Henry the way the rest of Henry’s classmates did once Henry refused to engage in a conversation or to even smile at them.
the rest of Henry’s classmates called him a weirdo and a freak. but not Scott. Scott was stubborn and Scott didn’t give up.
it took weeks, or even months, for Henry to start to slowly warm up to Scott.
needless to say, Henry had a lot of issues — trust issues being one of them — but once Henry trusted someone, he trusted wholeheartedly.
the thing is, Henry never trusted anybody before, not even his own parents or his own sister. until Scott came into his life.
once Scott earned Henry’s trust, Henry would always just follow him around.
Henry didn’t talk much. it was mostly Scott who talked and Henry who listened. but Henry did talk when they were alone. he would tell Scott about how he felt, how his own parents, mostly his mom, made him feel.
and if Henry was upset about anything, he would open up to Scott (when they were alone, of course). and Scott would comfort Henry.
it was Scott who introduced Henry to junk food. Henry never had them before, but he knew what they were. he just… wasn’t allowed to try them, even if he wanted to. (of course, any kid wanted junk food).
“mother said these were bad, she would be upset if I ate them,” Henry said, voice small, looking at a juicy hamburger in front of him.
“she doesn’t have to know. I won’t tell,” Scott said, giving him a reassuring smile.
“promise?” Henry asked.
Henry would always sneak out of his house and to Scott’s, whenever his mom scolded him for something or whenever he felt nervous or upset or unsafe at his own house. because he always felt safe being with Scott and at Scott’s place. —> a challenge for @bebx to write a fic about this.
Scott’s parents loved and adored Henry like he weretheir own.
and Henry respected Scott’s parents. he silently admired them and wished his parents were like them.
when Henry was “dead” it affected Scott a lot.
Scott wouldn’t eat, and he turned suddenly very uncharacteristically quiet. he rarely left his room and it even affected his grades.
it took lots of therapy for Scott to be himself again.
but a part of Scott was never the same. Scott may smile again after months went by, but deep down Scott always mourned Henry. (even if a part of Scott refused to believe Henry is dead.)
Scott chose not to leave Hawkins after he graduated. just in case Henry came back. (this is a pretty popular headcanon and honestly? so true. it may or may not have made me tear up a bit🥹)
Scott started having these recurring dreams about this humanoid creature with dark vines covering his body, in a creepy place that seemed to be a reflection of Hawkins.
but yet Scott wasn’t scared or intimidated by ‘the creature’. there’s something about him that is so familiar; the look in his eyes and the way he looked at Scott.
it made Scott feel like he knows him.
it first started as recurring dreams, before Scott started feeling his presence during daytime when he was fully awake.
strange enough, whenever Scott felt his presence, instead of being terrified, Scott felt oddly calm, warm and safe. like he was being hugged by something unseen. Scott had no idea what — or who — this was. but the feeling of his presence around Scott made him unconsciously smile softly to himself every time.
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finalboybyers · 8 months
creelarke shippers desperately trying to find anything that “proves” that henry and patty can’t be romantic is so funny considering they also believed creelarke would become canon and take central place in the first shadow play.
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reikunrei · 1 year
creelarke where Scott helps Henry get readjusted to living a normal life and helping him through his trauma
Henry being averse to taking baths, opting to only ever take showers, and fast ones at that, until Scott sets up a nice bubble bath with hot steamy water and candles that smell nice to help him relax into it. of course, he takes the bath with him or sits just beside the tub and holds his hand
similarly, Henry being nervous about swimming, and not just because he doesn’t know how. until Scott takes him on a casual trip to a lake and wades into the water with him. each time they visit, they go another few inches deeper until Henry’s okay no longer feeling the silty bottom under his feet
Henry getting anxious about doctor visits but Scott gladly goes with him to all of them until he’s comfortable enough to go alone. still, he happily tags along whenever he needs the support
Henry being nervous about crowded places, so they always go out when it’s less busy. Scott always takes him away to a secluded spot if things get overwhelming
Henry being uncertain around groups of kids, and Scott helping him feel safe again by having him visit his classes every once in a while. soon enough, Henry is all smiles helping the middle schoolers with their assignments and gushing about anything they did when they return home
Scott always indulging in Henry’s interests and never questioning them. he eagerly praises him for tasks well done, and gushes about things like his spider collections or his artwork to any and everyone who will listen
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henrysglock · 11 months
If Creelarke ends up being canon, how do you think it’ll be written in the show?
oughhhhh this is speculation territory, but I'm fairly sure that if creelarke were to be made canon, it would start up to some degree in TFS. We'd have that basis of "okay, they knew each other/were buddy buddy in some way/were Fruity BoyBesties" going into ST5 (much like how Max and El meeting in ST2 narratively cornered them into further interaction in ST3).
But specifically for ST5 filmed canon...Personally, I think it's going to kick off with them looking into how to defeat Vecna.
Clearly, shooting/burning/yeeting him doesn't work...none of their previous tactics stand a chance. So obviously, some deeper digging into a) physics (specifically quantum physics), and b) Henry's past is going to be necessary.
Who do we know that knows entirely too much about relativity and quantum physics? Scott Clarke. The man was whipping out theories about the multiverse as early as ST1. The Party's absolutely going to go to him as a resource, and it's extra suspicious that they didn't go to him for help in ST4 (but y'know...can't reveal the triple reveal so early!)
Scott's not ignorant, he's a scientist. He ought to have Questions about all this, first of which likely being something along the lines of "what's the root of all this/where did it start?" If you're going to fix a problem, you have to identify the source. They say as much in ST3 with Billy's possession. You have to find the source.
Logically, the next step would be explaining how Brenner kidnapped Henry, this little psycho killer kid who grew up into a psycho killer man and turned into a psycho killer monster...which should throw Scott for a loop, because as far as we've seen from Henry's childhood, he didn't seem terribly scary.
This would, per TFS, cut to Scott "????" Clarke going "uh. that makes no sense. I knew Henry before he died. He wasn't like that at all. He was my...friend. But, suspending my disbelief that Henry's even alive...I think the best place to start looking for solutions would be to go back to Hawkins Lab." which should logically lead to Scott getting to see the UD/Vale of Shadows he theorized about in ST1 (We validate scientists in this house. He needs to see that he was right. We riot if Scott doesn't get to see the UD. Even fucking Eddie Munson got to see the UD. Scott should be at the top of the list for ST5).
Thus, we return to HNL in a nice mirror to Hopper's exploration of the lab in ST1 (symmetry <3). I'm thinking a crew for a crawl like this might involve a fairly large number of people. I mean, HNL is HUGE, and Hawkins is probably going to be crawling with creatures.
I'd like to see everyone in the gang have a nice HNL catch-up moment where they all at least get to see the inside/see where it all began.
I think El is going to want to relive more of her past and see more tapes, if not for clues then for her own sake as a person. I also think she has a lot she could learn from young Henry re: abilities. We've already seen her picking up moves and tendencies from him in both ST1 and ST4, so...she might be able to level the playing field if she looks through his early tapes. I think Will needs to be highly involved, and I think there are going to be some secrets he discovers about his own ties to the lab that may come as a shock or confirm some fanon beliefs. I think he deserves to see where it all began and be involved in unraveling the whole thing. Mike should be there. Point blank. He deserves to see where it all began too, where Will went and where El came from, to know what threw Hawkins into such turmoil. I also think he'd be good support for Willel, though that shouldn't be his sole purpose.
And if those three are for sure going, then Joyce and Hopper are definitely going too. I feel like it might mirror the exploration of the Creel house, where a big group went and then split up.
(And now, for the takes that get me mocked and shat on by byler tumblr...)
This is where we find out about the timelines (existence, not necessarily a full mechanics exposé), where we find out the truth about Henry/Edward and the massacre, and where we find out for sure that there's a leftover Henry.
Henry-El reunion. Chicken soup for the soul after the devastation of ST4. But also...Creelarke reunion. Chicken soup for the soul after TFS+ST4.
I can't say shit about how the rest of the season goes, since I don't have enough info...(and even here I have to keep the hows and whens of it pretty vague bc there's definitely going to be twists I can't anticipate due to lack of info).
That's as far as I want to go because if I go further then I get into Real Crazy Speculation and I'm not looking to get talked about today <3 if you really want to know more about my thoughts on stuff after this point, let me know and I'll def talk more, but without that...idk if i want to put it in the tumblrsphere without it being asked for. Stays in the discord server until someone asks for it hahaha
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henrysglock · 1 year
In my feelings today about how Scott and Henry would have been 12 the last time they saw each other. Creelarke vs “You look completely and entirely different now, but I’d recognize the way you say my name anywhere”.
Scott, who’s in the basement of HNL with some of the other members of the party, intent on seeing the space-time tears he theorized about, intent on finding out what really happened to his best friend. Scott seeing adult Henry, who had been so teeny before, barely over 5’ tall and skinny as a bean pole, all big blue eyes and nervous hands. Henry, who’s now 6’ tall (taller than himself, Scott notes) with a distinct sort of fear in his stance, like a rabbit ready to bolt. He’s got the same eyes, though. Clear and piercing, if now a touch unfocused by confusion.
Henry, his memory shot from nearly 3 decades of MKUltra, who has the nagging feeling he’s met this guy before. Maybe he’s another orderly or a lab tech? Someone here to fetch him for Brenner, he’s sure. But then El pokes her head in the room and Scott speaks and it’s just “oh. Oh.”, and for the first time in 30 years a memory slots into place where it ought to be, instead of the jumbled mess he’s accustomed to.
Peace and love.
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