#cri-kee the cricket
neunhofferart · 5 months
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Another card I illustrated for Disney Lorcana was revealed today! Cri-Kee the Lucky Cricket from Mulan. It's my first rare card!
Artwork property of Disney Lorcana TCG
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Flapjack v Cri-Kee
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Animal: Cardinal ?
Person: Hunter
TV Show: the Owl House (2020-2023)
Animal: Cricket
Person: Mulan
Movie: Mulan (1998)
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lulu2992 · 1 year
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Inktober 2023, Day 10: Fortune.
Small-sized “lucky bug”, but big-hearted friend.
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seyaryminamoto · 2 days
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My latest completed commission may have been a bit ambitious... because I went wild with it. But I certainly relished in doing so :') Combining my favorite ship with my favorite-ever Disney movie is, uh... a dangerous concoction :'D
The commissioner specifically requested for Azula as Mulan, Sokka as Shang, and Xin Long (my OC dragon from Gladiator) as Mushu. The rest of the cast was up to me to choose, and I pretty much went wild rewatching this movie and picking out some of my favorite moments to recreate them in my style, with these characters. I came up with a lot of correlating characters between both ATLA and 1998's Mulan, but I couldn't hope to draw EVERYTHING, unfortunately. Still, if you want my reasoning for the cast correlation... check out the Read More! Beyond that, feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to commission me, or if you want to join my Patreon!
The Herbalist as Mulan's grandmother might feel arbitrary but she honestly felt like the ATLA elderly lady with the most similar personality to Grandma Fa. Fickle, with a unique connection with a seemingly perfectly ordinary animal, old and sassy? Figured it fit! So for once, the Herbalist is Azula's grandma! xD strange notion, I know, Azulon/Herbalist is not a ship I ever thought I'd accidentally put out in the world but there have been wilder ships than that in this fandom...
Momo became Cri-Kee, I wasn't 100% sold on it but when I considered that Avatar features soooo many hybrid animals... I figured he could be a hybrid cricket-lemur. Weird, I know, but eh? Better than nothing xD
Aang as Chien-Po was a no-brainer. He's the only character I settled on instantly, never even considered anyone else for the role. Their personalities line up really well, and Chien-Po's tendency to be OP and resolve things that are outside of other people's reach sounded like he was prime Avatar material! So, while their dietary preferences are an obvious difference between them, I decided to go for it nonetheless considering all their other similarities!
Kino (another Gladiator OC) is Ling, and he actually did give me a ton of trouble to choose. I considered many characters for the role right up until I realized that Kino's personality actually lines up fairly well with Ling's, down to being a class clown type (who ABSOLUTELY would have cut gym class!) and breaking out in song about the hypothetical woman he'd like to fight for? Yeeeeah that's right up his alley xD but there's another reason why I picked Kino...
... And that is my likely unexpected choice for Yao:
(For the uninitiated, Aang, Zuko and Kino are best friends in Gladiator, very often together, and they make a really good team, so that's the extra reason why Kino became the obvious choice for Ling aside from having really similar personalities, definitely closer personalities than, say, Jet, for instance.)
People have likened Zuko to Shang a LOT since ATLA aired. This is the main reason why I'm even making this huge note! I suspect it's primarily because of the aesthetic, let's be real here, and because he becomes Aang's teacher, but people have exaggerated Zuko's alleged similarities with Shang, or taken them out of proportion, in many ways. I actually remember an AMV ages ago with "Be a Man" and it was Zuko "training the Gaang"?? It... didn't feel right to me. Obviously, someone might rebuff with "well, how does Sokka make MORE sense than that, though?" And believe it or not, I have arguments for that... (when do I not...?)
Not only is this what the commissioner specifically requested (and it obviously lines up with the ship we love!), but let's examine the actual reasons why Sokka as Shang adds up:
Sokka actually had to train a bunch of toddlers who weren't paying any attention to him. You know. Kind of how Shang had to train the unruly soldiers who weren't getting anything right. Sokka has a positive relationship with his dad (Zuko, ofc, does not). Shang also has a positive relationship with his dad! And not only this, but there's a military component to both relationships, specifically with Shang wanting to follow on his father's footsteps and aid him in the war... so much like someone else I know, who jumped at every opportunity to rejoin his father in the war, even wishing to join him as a child until Hakoda tasked him with protecting their Tribe instead (kinda like Shang is tasked with training soldiers rather than joining a battlefield).
And the final cherry-on-top that I'd loooove to hear Zuko fans try to argue against... is sexism :') didn't Sokka get characterized as a sexist guy for four episodes, which made people decide that this was his main character trait even if it went away that quickly? Um, yes, that happened. Shang literally sings the memorable song that's a crazy ode to masculinity, including the rather sexist line of "did they send me daughters when I asked for sons". Shang outright abandons Mulan once they discover that she was a woman all along (while, admittedly, choosing to abandon her rather than KILL HER, which as we saw from Chi-Fu, he was NOT supposed to spare her!)...
So, is this REALLY what Zuko fans, who willfully believe their boy is a feminist king (... why? beats me...) are trying to compare their unproblematic blorbo to? :'D Me? I have no problem linking Sokka with Shang due to Sokka's beginnings and due to the fact that both Shang and Sokka have similar growth when it comes to accepting femininity is as valid as masculinity, and as they both learn to respect women as fighters and potential heroes! (I simply do not believe Sokka's ENTIRE tenure in ATLA was about that, though, and that's what I continue to clash with the fandom over...) So... all this is why I've reasoned that Sokka is a VERY solid choice for Shang, in fact, better than Zuko could hope to be.
... but this isn't all.
Maybe some might accept my arguments for Sokka-Shang. And then, they might ask:
... And the truth is it took me long to see it, myself, but HOLY SHIT, DOES IT FIT!
What is the primary thing we remember about Yao in Mulan? This guy is constantly itching for a fight, to prove himself, surely riddled with insecurities that he exteriorizes through overcompensation of masculinity. He's funny as fuck, but he's taking himself 100% seriously as a manly man all the time, and he's always ready for violence. But there's one more thing...
He treats Mulan as his RIVAL.
And more often than not? SHE SCREWS HIM OVER. Intentionally or not.
What does that sound like? Why, yes, it sounds a LOT like Azula and Zuko's sibling relationship!
The fact that Yao is a temperamental dude who lashes out easily at things (oh, something he has in common with Zuko!), that he specifically resents Mulan (in this case, Azula, just as Zuko does!) and is either constantly looking to defeat her and prove his superiority over her (... wait, just as Zuko with Azula??), that he has a black eye perpetually across the movie, and it's his LEFT EYE (just as Zuko's scar is on his left eye! :'D), that he's friends with a pacifist he has basically nothing in common with, personality-wise (just like Zuko and Aang!), and that he pretty much has a REDEMPTION ARC in which he goes from a bitter, asshole rival to Mulan to treating her as a friend and ally, to the point where he was disappointed to leave her behind and THEN joined her at once when she says she has a plan? :') I have always been critical of Zuko's redemption arc, goes without saying. But if ANY of these characters redeemed himself in any significant way, it certainly seems to be Yao to me, and with people gushing NON-STOP about Zuko's redemption? Why, he ought to be the character who goes from bitter rival to loyal friend, right?
So. I'm not even sorry. Zuko is Yao. And I'd dare say that he should be flattered by the comparison, even, because Yao ends up being cool as FUCK!
I don't really talk about this much nowadays, but Mulan was my favorite Disney movie growing up, it ABSOLUTELY had a formative influence on me as a little girl, and Mulan was my favorite female character for a looooong time. Thus, any excuse to rewatch this movie makes me happy as heck. With the wisdom of age I know, of course, that it's not perfect, it's not what China wants, it's not the most thoughtful depiction of Chinese culture or the most faithful adaptation of Mulan's poem (... but I'd also dare bring up that the 2009 Chinese adaptation ISN'T all that faithful either...), but it has a kind of magic in it, a solid storytelling flow, so many memorable moments one after the next, that I could hardly choose which scenes to depict... Disney has never again seen the storytelling heights it reached with Mulan in 1998. I don't even care if that's a controversial opinion in any way... this is their best animated feature for me, and nobody can change my mind.
So... depicting Azula, my beloved, in all these scenarios as this character I adored and idolized as a child, was so damn fulfilling for me. While some might think that, personality-wise, these two ladies don't have much in common, the fact that Mulan is sent to a matchmaker who basically tells her she looks good but is going to be the worst wife ever...? Our girl Azula, with all those insecurities about being unloveable and a monster, probably would relate big time to that.
Mulan is also an INTELLIGENT soldier rather than a brawny one, which is how she starts to make progress in the army, it's how she manages to overcome the huns with that avalanche... and Azula's primary difference with most other antagonists in ATLA is that she's smart as fuck. She is very strong, no doubt, but a LOT of that strength comes from her intelligence, from assessing situations in unique ways, from planning and strategizing. The way Mulan finds the most unexpected solutions that still pay off reminds me a lot of how Azula achieves unexpected feats through rather unorthodox means, capable of taking over a city with basically no bloodshed while her nation has spent 100 years trying and failing to do so through major army incursions and who knows how much senseless violence. Obviously, I'm not saying what Azula did is GOOD and it's kind of dumb that we always have to point that out... I'm merely comparing the magnitude of the feats, and the fact that they both come from ladies who use strategy and intelligence to achieve their goals rather than muscle and physical power.
And while anyone would rage at me for the comparison between Fa Zhou (her dad) and Ozai, the truth is the dynamic between them CAN be compared, if loosely: Mulan literally goes to war to keep her father safe. Azula goes to war under her father's orders. Hell, she makes herself BAIT in the Eclipse to make sure the Gaang won't get to her dad?? While it's very much possible to say that both characters have different personalities and attitudes in life... I'd also bring up that their contexts are evidently completely different. I wouldn't say for certain that Azula, had she been raised outside a Royal Family, would be EXACTLY like Mulan... but they might have more similar traits than one might expect. Ultimately, though... I love them both. And this opportunity to swap their places was pretty much a dream come true!
Alright, that was plenty of rambling xD ultimately, I had a blast doing this commission, as I'm sure is obvious by now. So! If anyone wants to commission me, feel free to check out my prices right here and hit me up if you're interested!
#sokkla#sokka#azula#mulan au#xin long#zuko#aang#kino#the herbalist#momo#if you squint he's there okay he is just too damn complicated as a hybrid cricket-lemur alright#Xin Long is scale-less because he was too small and it was gonna look weird so for once he was a little less tricky :'D#I wish I could've had MORE epic scenes really this movie is a goddamn GEM#goldmine of glorious moments#it's just wonderful#I usually get sick of things as I work too much with them...#... Sokkla and Mulan are clearly a glorious exception to that rule#I wish I could've put in scenes with other correlating characters#Combustion Man was gonna be Shan-Yu#Chi-Fu was gonna be Long Feng#I can't remember who I had in mind for the emperor anymore#wasn't Kuei because he had to be old but welp#and yes it's too bad it's too sad there are not enough female characters here for the rest of the ATLA female cast...#but while I BRIEFLY considered making Toph one of the trio (Yao ofc)#the naked scene convinced me of the opposite quickly#... Toph would not succeed at convincing anyone that she was born a man she would straight up not even try#she'd just beat everyone up and scare them into shutting up#and while I'd LOVE to see that... it absolutely takes out the stakes from Azula being discovered as a woman pretending to be a man :'D#how tf would you kick one girl out while keeping the other one in the army#when the other one should be bold enough to stand on a rock in her birthday suit showing herself off in front of everyone
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mackmontgomery · 2 months
mack 📲 cricket.
Mack: I yatted Cri-Kee from Mulan on someone yday Mack: Made me think of ya 😆
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wonkycreatures · 15 days
Have a noodle and his sidekick!
Those two gave me so much trouble while sculpting (how to make noodle?), baking (how to keep pliant noodle from falling over?), having them stand around (how to keep humans from breaking noodle? I had to glue him back together multiple times), and also to take at least kinda good pictures of (just how?).
Mushu is about the height of my pinky and Cri-Kee about the size of the nail btw.
I still really really like them tough!
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[ID from alt text: A photo of a polymer clay sculpture of Mushu, the dragon from Mulan (1998), standing upright. Cri-Kee, the cricket, is sitting on a dip in Mushu's tail. The focus is on Mushu's face, making Cri-Kee blurry. End ID]
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[ID: A close-up foto of Cri-Kee, still a little blurry. He's made up of a small blue ball as his body, a smaller brown ball as his head and even smaller white balls to make up his two big eyes. His arms and legs, as well as irises, are painted on in black. End ID]
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Mulan: A Guide to Worship
Mulan is the protagonist of Disney’s Mulan (1998). She is the first Disney princess to be considered a princess through acts of heroism and honor. She stands for bravery, advocacy, and protecting those you love.
There are many ways to worship her:
Worshiping/honoring your ancestors
Defying gender roles
Learning about her myth/poem, Northern Wei Dynasty history, Chinese war history, etc.
Learning in general
Defying gender roles and authority/obedience
Proving people wrong (especially when they underestimate you)
Observing nature
Showing kindness and courage
Advocating for yourself and ‘lesser people,’ especially women, the elderly, and the disabled
Exercising, training, or doing sports or martial arts
Cutting your hair of styling it to look shorter than it is
Setting boundaries and keeping them
There are many things to offer her and put on an altar to her:
Family guardians/temples
Horses and horse-riding
Good luck charms
The color red
Old bird cages (like the one Cri-Kee is in)
Other traditional Chinese clothing/dress
Wooden poles (especially with an arrow on the top, as shown in the movie)
The Ballad of Mulan
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msweebyness · 1 year
This is a list of all the characters currently assigned in my AU, it will be updated as I go along. As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27 for their support and help with this AU!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Fa Mulan
Adrien Agreste- Rapunzel
Alya Cesaire- Tiana
Nino Lahiffe- Fairy Godmother(brother)
Rose Lavillant- Belle
Juleka Couffaine- Beast/Prince Adam
Max Kante- Hiro Hamada
Le Chien Kim- Hercules
Alix Kubdel- Aladdin
Ivan Bruel- Quasimodo
Mylene Haprele- Snow White
Chloé Bourgeois- Anastasia Tremaine
Zoe Lee- Cinderella
Sabrina Raincomprix- Pinocchio
Nathaniel Kurtzberg- Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
Marc Anciel- Elsa
Ondine- Ariel
Kagami Tsurugi- Merida
Aurore Beaureal- The Blue Fairy
Mireille Caquet- Simba
Jean Duparc- Kuzco
Cosette Bellamy- Robaire
Denise Cabello- Wreck-It Ralph
Simon O’Connor- Peter Pan
Ismael Prisk- Genie
Reshma Leghari- Isabela Madrigal
Lacey Greene- Tinker Bell
Austin Tomassian- Jasmine
Lila Rossi- Ernesto de la Cruz
Felix Fathom- Cassandra Gothel
Markov- Baymax
Caline Bustier- Flora
Ms. Mendeliev- Yen Sid
Principal Damocles- Prince John
Sabine Cheng- Fa Zhou
Tom Dupain- Fa Li
Gina Dupain- Grandmother Fa
Gabriel Agreste- Mother Gothel
Nathalie Sancoeur & Emilie Agreste- Rulers of Corona
Marlena Cesaire- Eudora
Otis Cesaire- James (Tiana’s father)
Luka Couffaine- Julebeast’s brother, a Grand Piano due to the curse
Anarka Couffaine- Mrs. Potts/Julebeast’s Mother
Penny Rolling- Cogsworth/Julebeast’s stepmom
Jagged Stone- Lumiere/Julebeast’s father
Roger Raincomprix- Gepetto
Aya Kurtzberg- Queen Leah
Kiran Anciel- Anna
Penny & Alyssa Anciel- Rulers of Arendelle
Tomoe Tsurugi- King Fergus/Queen Eleanor of Dunbroch
Jessica Keynes- Pocahontas
Aeon Hill- WALL-E/EVE (Composite Character)
Austin Armbruster- Charlotte LaBeuff
Austin Quinlan- Moana
Austin Boulet- Winston Deavor
Audrey Bourgeois- Lady Tremaine
Sarah(Fred’s Producer)- Evil Queen
Manon Chamack- Vanellope Von Schweetz
Bob Roth- Hades
Alec Cataldi- Timon
Theo Barbot- Pumbaa
Jalil Kubdel- Abu
Clara Nightingale- Lead Muse
Amelie Graham De Vanily- Ursula
Grand Master Su Han- Arendelle Royal Advisor
Mr. XY- Gaston
Chung, Kang, and Jiao- Yao, Ling and Chien-Po
Fei Wu- Li Shang
Plagg- Mushu
Tikki- Cri Kee
Kaalki- Khan
Sass- Pascal
Xuppu- Pegasus
Nooroo- Jiminy Cricket
Duusu- Scuttle
Stompp- Hugo
Pollen- Victor
Wayzz- Laverne
Mullo- Jaq
Fluff- Gus
Longg- Angus
Roaar- Rajah
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Rewrite vs Canon: Mulan Sequel
The story is a relative of Shan Yu takes over and plots revenge on the warrior responsible for killing him. They set their sights on the kingdom of Qui Gong, prompting the king to call for help in protecting his youngest Prince Jeeki, and his suitors the Princesses. Mulan, Yao, Ling and Chien-Po are tasked with the job.
Meanwhile Shang is dealing with the aftermath of his father's death and discovers a plot to undermine Qui Gong. He's accompanied by his guardian dragon, a female jade and yellow serpent who befriends Mushu - after getting over their initial frosty reception.
Prince Jeeki is a timid and shy young man who loves his finger traps. While he likes the princesses he isn't interested in marrying them. His arc is learning to be a bit more assertive; and his hobby of finger traps becomes a huge tool in the final battle.
Instead of Mushu being an unlikable prick he is fully into his role as protector. He also meets the Great Golden Dragon of Unity who is a real entity instead of the Deus Ex Machina. He feels envious because of the Dragon's storied reputation. When he learns the Dragon is tired from centuries of conflict he realizes they both got problems!
Meanwhile the Princesses falls in love with Mulan's 3 friends. They ha a female cricket who becomes Cri-Kee's love interest. The royal trio are cautious of shirking their responsibilities. During a night on the town however they are accosted by assassins; Mulan saves them but the action leads to Yao Ling and Chien-Po and the Princesses facing repercussions for dolling with commoners.
Meanwhile the relative of Shan Yu make their way to the kingdom. They kidnap Shang and interrogate him, and Shang pretends that he killed Shan Yu to protect Mulan. The relative declares for Mulan's head and sends a message that if Mulan doesn't present herself in 2 days Shang will die. Shang's dragon escapes and tells Mushu about the plan. The three dragons form a plan with Mulan and Jeeki to stop them.
Mulan attempts to persuade the King to let her friends go so they can save Shang. But he refuses. Finally having enough of being talked over Jeeki stands up to his dad and confesses he doesn't want to marry the princesses. He understands the the safety of both kingdoms is more important than holding a petty grudge. Surprised at his son's newfound assertiveness (and reminder of. The Dragon of Unity) the King relents and releases Yao Ling and Chien-Po.
With help Mulan and her friends go to the Huns' stronghold. A battle ensues and Mulan frees Shang. She reveals herself as the one who defeated Shan Yu but just as his relatives about to kill her, Mushu steps in with the Great Golden Dragon and scares them off.
The crew escapes and goes back to Qui Gong, where the Emperor and the The King awaits. The princesses tell their father they talked with Jeeki and agreed no to go through with courtship and that they want to marry Mulan's friends. The Emperor agrees as he trusts them enough to be great husbands. Jeeki's finger traps becomes a legitimate weapon to defend against the Monghols. Musha and the Golden Dragon becomes friends.
At the end the Huns do not advanced towards Qui Gong, but to avenge their humiliating defeat, hires a sorceress (the one from the Live action movie).
In Mulan 3, we're introduced to a Hun who simply wishes for the war to end. They work with Mulan to take down their evil relatives amd the evil sorceress, and at the end becomes the new leader and signs a peace treaty; while Mulan and Shang finally marry. Mushi and Shang's dragon also have little babies and everyone lives happy fricking after!
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silverloreley · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Shuang? Even if it's short?
Let me see... aside from what I already said in the joint post for him and Lonnie, I have:
He has a sweet tooth, but he's very good at keeping himself in check (because he can't excess when in his field, sports require strict diets). Unless it's his mother's cookies, that is, he can eat a wagon of them.
When he was a child, he tried to convince Mushu to set the school on fire before a test. Mushu only refused because he feared Mulan's wrath.
He makes the worst jokes. As in the most dad jokes ever, but upped by the fact he's a big brother. Great-grandma Fa loves that, she thinks everyone else in the family is too stiff and he brings light to them all.
He has a collection of bird feathers, the rarest the better. They're all found already fallen, of course, he'd never harm a poor bird.
He also collects unusual porcelain teacups, he gets them from thrift stores but also asks his Auradon friends if they have any to spare. He lies to them, though, saying they're for his great-grandmother.
He has a horse, shared with his sister, they had it since it was a foal and basically raised it.
They also have a dog, descended from Little Brother (whom he jokingly calls Little Uncle), whose name is Little Cousin. Yeah, he thinks it's clever.
For a long while, he tried to convince everyone Cri-Kee and Pinocchio's Cricket were related. Some time later, it turned out he was correct.
He has a (mostly secret) knack for pattern designs. Sometimes he hand-paints cloth and gifts it to the women in his family. They all love it.
Although he adapted to Auradon's culture, he disapproves of many things about it. Among other things, he had wanted Lonnie on the fencing team but couldn't let her in because Ben was the captain at the time and he stuck to rules.
About that... Shuang tried to influence Ben by suggesting he should bend the rules a bit or forge new ones. He had no idea Ben would have ended up making his VKs decree, though.
If he didn't get a contract for professional sports, his B plan was to become a diplomat. He's always been good friends with the Imperial Princes and Princesses (due to their parents being friends) and wanted to help them. He may end up doing it anyway when he retires from pro sports.
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doorfus · 1 year
I love seeing Discourse that I refuse to partake in so I just block them all & move on like Grandma Fa & Cri-kee crossing the busy road. They can have their chaos & I can have my peace (& my lucky cricket!) :)
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Yeah, that's how the frank welker conversation started
I recognised a va in a spike chunsoft game, turned out they're Hiro and gonta's va
Somehow that conversation progressed to vas who have good range but also are recognisable names
This started my very long tangent about Frank welker
Tom and Jerry from Tom and Jerry
Megatron from transformers
Scooby-Doo and Fred Jones from Scooby-Doo
Garfield from the Garfield show
Half the cast of the 80s transformers cartoon (25 roles in total)
5 different characters AND AN ENTIRE RACE from the 87 transformers animated movie
Inspector gadget, Dr claw and their respective animal companions from inspector gadget
Nibbler from Futurama
Odin from multiple animated series
Abu, Raja and the cave of wonders from BOTH the animated and live action versions of Aladdin
Cri-kee the cricket from Mulan
George from curious George
Tiamat from the old animated D&D series (and also a unicorn called uni from the same series)
And last but not least
The lion roars from the lion king (made with just his voice and a bin)
Frank welker is an amazing va and I love every role I've seen him in
But Jesus Christ dude
Are his vocal cords ok?
This is literally just scratching the surface of roles
As mentioned last night, he's played 2103 roles.
These are over 660 titles
The man is insane
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uuponastarr · 2 years
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[ cheng xiao, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧·゚ is that [ CHEN ZHIRUO ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ TWENTY-FOUR ] year old child of [ CRI-KEE ] from [ MULAN ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ LOYAL ] but [ SKITTISH ] and have [ 1 ] sibling. i could almost swear i heard [ MOON SONG - JON BELL ] playing when they appeared.
full name: chen zhiruo.
nicknames: lucky ( only by those close to her )
zodiac sign: virgo - september 5th.
sexuality: bisexual ( prefers men or masculine presenting individuals )
skills/hobbies: signing, calligraphy, writing.
aesthetics: tiny cages made of wood, a softly sung song drifting through the air, the twitching of little antennas, fidgeting hands folded in your lap, lotus flowers scattered across the surface of a pond.
[ pinterest board link here ] 
bio tws; none! 
ever since zhiruo was a tiny little cricket, she knew what her purpose was. she was meant to bring luck to her owner, just like father had. growing up zhiruo spent most of her childhood in the safety of a wooden cage, along with her father and younger sibling. as the eldest child in her family, zhiruo took on the majority of the responsibility in her family, which included helping raise her younger sibling and overall being the dutiful child that she was expected to be, which she always did without question. she had always been rather shy, spending the majority of her time away from others and choosing mostly to stay by those she was close to instead of branching out and seeing new things. it wasn’t that she didn’t wish to make new friends, but instead was always to shy to.  however zhiruo found she thrived most when she was signing. as a cricket it came naturally to her and it was one of the few times she was able to truly express herself. 
now in town as a human, zhiruo is  hoping to gain more confidence and become a better version of herself she possibly could be. 
wanted connections: 
her younger sibling.
her father: cri kee. 
childhood friends: children of mulan & shang, mushu, ect... 
someone to help her come out of her shell a little. 
someone who she inspires with her singing, possibly another musician.  
more tba.... 
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cxnscience · 2 years
hi Jiminy, what do you think of Cri-Kee from Mulan?
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"Kinda hard to get a read on, that fella. I mean, he don't talk much, does he? Least he's got good penmanship to make up for it." He shrugs. "Bein' honest, we don't spend much time together. He's a different sorta cricket..."
Which means he's probably just as weirded out by Jiminy's mannerisms as Jiminy is by his.
"...And I can't stand the company he keeps."
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zeciex · 24 days
Daenera is like a Disney princess now since she has a little animal companion. I thought of Cri-Kee the cricket from Mulan whose super cute and his little chirps were adorable.
Its so funny because all the comparison with Disney princesses have been wholly unintentional, except maybe this last one--but it was more because of we've seen Helaena raise crickets in cages in the show and I thought it'd be fun to add it here. I knew it had a resemblance to Mulan, but decided to keep it anyway.
I cannot escape the allegations that Daenera might be a Disney princess.
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keenie-bopper · 6 months
You remind me of good old Cricket-y by the book lucky Cricket trying to do good....but also later not afraid to type up a fraudulent letter for the greater good.
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"Well we are the same height!"
"But really, I am the luckiest girl in Hell to have friends like mine. Besides, I work better in a team! What is little Cri-Kee without his pal Mushu?"
Disney Prompt
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