#and knocking over the bowl of water i left out for the cats
messier51 · 1 year
raccoon crime of the night:
making over 3 minutes of raccoon porn on my security camera video feed
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 months
cigarettes out the window
emily prentiss x reader
18+: smoking, alcohol, smut; semi public sex, fingering, lotta kissing and biting, wine is passed from mouth to mouth :)
a/n: title from ‘cigarettes out the window’ by tv girl | word count: 1.7k
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The hunt for Gold Star had left little room for relaxation. With both of you working overtime, your shared apartment with Emily currently housed two members of the FBI with heightened blood pressure and an elderly black cat who pestered you for food every chance he got. 
Your jaw ached from the clenching of your teeth you can seldom seem to stop and you stared at the ceiling while Emily caught a few hours of sleep. You slipped out from beneath the duvet without her stirring, holding your breath until you were sure you’d reached the doorway without her waking. 
With a quick glance in her direction, you made your way to the hidden packet of cigarettes you were sure she would’ve found by now, balancing the unlit stick between your lips as you poured a hefty glass of merlot. You kept the padding of your feet as quiet as possible as you tipped a handful of kibble into Sergio’s bowl, scratching him behind the ear as he purred before you stepped out onto the balcony. 
Every movement you made was calculated, keeping yourself as silent as possible before the hiss of gas filled the quiet of the night air; the spark of your lighter accompanied the distant hum of car engines and with your first inhale you could finally ease some of the tension built up in your shoulders. It was a vice you wish you didn’t have but in times like these you find yourself in dire need of a crutch to hold you up. 
Your arms rested on the metal fencing as you peered over the edge, watching the gentle breeze knock at the branches and the empty streets below. The bitter swig of wine burned your throat, and you made a mental note to buy a different brand the next time you went grocery shopping. You let your mind drift to nothing in particular, letting yourself sink into the silence until you heard the telltale creak of the sliding door behind you - you didn’t think twice before you flicked the half-finished cigarette to the ground below, blowing out the mouthful of smoke before you turned around. 
“Shit, I thought I hadn’t woken you,” you spoke, quickly spinning to face your only half-awake girlfriend. She’d lazily pulled her robe around her underwear-clad body and brushed a strand of her mussed-up hair behind her ear. 
“You didn’t, don’t worry,” she smiled. “I woke up for a glass of water and saw you’d gone,” she added - you almost missed her lie. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” you returned through a sigh. “I guess neither of us can at the moment.” 
She hummed in agreement, but the way she eyed you let you know she wasn’t oblivious to what you’d been doing. 
“I thought you’d quit.”
“I have; I just needed fresh air,” you shoddily fibbed, only earning a raised eyebrow in response. “I thought you’d quit,” you added teasingly. 
“I have.”
“So, what’s that in your hand?”
“What? Oh- these are yours,” she mumbled with a glance at the box in her grasp. “I found them in the dresser.” 
“Emily Prentiss, are you telling lies?” you teased her with a laugh. 
“Wha- no. No, I’m not.” She shook her head so profusely that even without any knowledge of profiling, a person could read her from a mile away. 
“We both know that’s not my brand, Em,” you pointed out. “And, hiding them in the dresser? I thought you’d give me a little more credit than that.” 
“Okay, fine,” she laughed with a playful roll of her eyes, finally coming to stand beside you with the small of her back pressed against the railings. “I guess we’ve both got filthy habits.” 
She peered at you through her lashes as she spoke, bending her head with the last of her words uttered around the butt of a cigarette; your hands sheltered it from the whisper of wind as the flame licked the end with a crackle at her first inhale only so audible because of the palpable quiet passing between you. 
You took a sip from your glass as she let smoke pass from the corner of her lips. 
“It’s nice to have a quiet moment with you,” she breathed, pushing the end of the cigarette between your lips. “It’s been a long week.” You hummed with an agreeing nod. 
“And it’s only the beginning,” you sighed.
“It’s made me think,” Emily began, plucking the glass from your hand to take a sip for herself. “That we should make the most of any moment alone we have at the moment.” 
Her free hand didn’t shy away from tracing a finger along your thigh, nudging the t-shirt you were wearing upwards to brush her touch against your hip. She took in the view of your face, cheeks blanketed by the yellowed glow of the moon, a small plume of smoke passing from your lips into the twilight sky and she couldn’t help but lean in closer. 
Your head tilted backwards as her lips ghosted the skin of your neck, giving ample access for the kiss she aches to place there. She could practically feel the thrumming of your pulse beneath her tongue, revelling in the salty-sweet taste of your skin with a gentle scrape of her teeth. 
She felt the movement of your neck as you took a drag of the cigarette, hearing you exhale shakily above her. She was nothing less than ravenous in her assault, nipping at the skin beneath your ear to lay her claim, taking hold of your waist just as harshly. She only pulled away to catch her breath, observing you with plump red lips and pupils blown to match. 
“Don’t hog that,” you teasingly pouted as she took another swig from the glass, only tutting when she took another with a smirk. Wordlessly, she nudged at your chin, hovering over you with her mouth full of wine and her eyes of something just as fruitful. With just a pointed crook of her brow, you knew to slacken your jaw to allow the earthy merlot to pass from her lips to yours, swallowing it down obediently. 
The smile of satisfaction did nothing to quell the needy ache you pooled with; your body practically hummed with need beneath her unwavering gaze. She's sure she could take in the sight for eternity. She placed the glass aside to take what was left of the cigarette between her fingers, balancing the filtered end between her lips while the palms of her hands set your hips on fire. 
Your own touch crept beneath her robe, soft and pliable skin warm and peppered with goosebumps. You couldn’t keep your kiss away from her chest, scattering pecks along her collarbone with your hands desperately kneading her breasts through the lace bra that got in your way. She hummed in pleasure, pulling you hopelessly nearer with her nails scraping the flesh of your thighs, grabbing and groping with her mind settled on taking any hold of you she could. 
Emily’s fingertips nudged at the waistband of your underwear, and though your hands tangled themselves within the salt and pepper tresses of her hair and your face nestled in the crook of her neck, she heard the desperate mewl and felt the twitch of your hips to urge on her movements. 
When she slid a finger through your folds, you finally pulled away to breathe - to take in the sight of your lover with the end of a cigarette lazily hanging from her lips and her hair mussed from your touch. Her free hand pulled it from her mouth with a final exhale of smoke, flicking the butt over the balcony without taking her focus from the digits she pushed into you. 
And, though your lips melded together with the bitter tastes of smoke and wine, it couldn’t be any sweeter. Her tongue fought against yours and her thumb drew circles over your clit, fingers curling within you whilst your hips chased the feeling with aimless rutting against her hand. 
“God, I needed this,” Emily breathed. “I needed you - just feeling you like this is all I ever need.”
You met her eyes with yours with words on the tip of your tongue, sentiments to match hers that fell short with the way she made you feel, digits moving with precise choreography - she only smirked at the way she can make you fall apart so easily. She had you trapped between her own body and the railing behind you, but the pain of metal against your back was washed away by the pleasure of impending release.
You kept your mouth against her jaw, sinking your teeth into her neck to quell the sounds she pulled from you. Though Emily may want to hear how she affects you, you would rather not wake up the entire street with the gasps and moans that threatened to spill into the quiet night. She kept up the rhythmic pace of her fingers pumping into your cunt, feeling the slick of your arousal against her skin and the way you clenched around her with the pleasure pulsing through you. 
“C’mon, baby, let go,” she rasped, feeling you teeter on the edge of climax before she pulled you to topple over. She hissed at the way you muffled your moan with a bite to her neck, but with your release, the both of you felt the stress of the week begin to melt away. 
She slipped her digits away from you once she’d ridden you through the high, sucking them clean of every drop as though it were her lifeline. Your heart thumped against your chest and you held your body up with your arms looped over her shoulders; you could hardly trust your legs to keep you upright. 
“Fuck, Emily,” you breathed through a laugh, one that she mirrored with her lust-blown eyes focused on you. 
“I’m that good, huh?” she cockily teased, chuckling at the playful shove you planted against her chest. 
“Come on,” you grinned, taking her by the hand to pull her behind you back into the apartment. 
“Where’re you taking me?”
“To bed,” you stated, turning to face her with your hands on her waist as you let her guide you backwards. You couldn’t keep away from her - you never can - but right now she’s all you could ever need. “I want you. But don’t expect us to get much sleep.”
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ghcstao3 · 7 months
more urban fantasy as promised. we're going with the animagus type transformation because i don't want to explain the magic of clothes shifting between forms
The first time the cat shows up, Johnny hardly pays it any mind.
Winter that year had been particularly unpleasant, and that day had been no different. Every time a customer walked in, a frigid gust of wind would follow, and it was becoming a hassle to keep his shop heated. Johnny figures that one of those times the door swung open, the feline had wedged its way in to get out of the poor weather, and for that reason—and because the cat didn't seem keen on being a pest—he thought he might as well leave it be as it curls up on the windowsill amongst his displays.
By the time nightfall rolls around and its time for Johnny to close the apothecary, the cat is still lazing about the shop like it has nowhere else to be. Which is odd for a stray, Johnny would think, but then again—it had also come in by its own volition.
So, instead of immediately urging the cat back outdoors as he prepares to go upstairs to his flat for the night, Johnny decides to at least pay the creature some kindness and feed it, shredding up some leftover chicken and filling a bowl of water to leave down in the shop for an hour or so before he'd guiltily shoo away the cat. But when he goes downstairs, the cat is gone.
Oh well, he thinks, then locks the shop door and retires for the night as originally planned.
The cat doesn't reappear for several days after that, and just as its existence has just about left Johnny's mind, it slinks back into his shop and directly to the sunny spot on the windowsill like it owns the place.
Since then, there's seldom been a day without the lithe black cat gracing the apothecary with its presence. It gets so bad that customers begin mistaking it for Johnny's familiar—though he supposes its a viable conclusion, what with him being a witch.
It gets so bad that the slow-going moments, Johnny finds himself holding full, one-sided conversations with the creature. It gets so bad that the cat starts meowing back in response, and Johnny becomes capable of reading its feline expressions and the often unimpressed look in its mismatched eyes.
Amber and olive. And mean, at that.
"I ought to start chargin' you rent," Johnny tells it jokingly one day.
The worst part is that it seems like the cat understands.
Scratch that—the worst part is that that teasing statement seems to drive the cat away for a few days.
No, Johnny tells himself, it's a cat, and a stray at that. It doesn't know what rent is.
That doesn't stop him from missing the creature for the few days that it's gone, though. He's... grown attached, admittedly.
Then Johnny's world, his perception of this new happy little normal of his life, is turned on its head one unsuspecting Wednesday evening.
It's just him and the black cat in the hour or so between the time the shop closes and the time Johnny either nudges the cat outside or it yells at him to open the door. It had been a relatively quiet day so cleanup hadn't taken much time, and now Johnny is working on restocking his most popular cure-alls while the cat sits on the counter and observes.
Johnny is rambling about everything and nothing as per usual when his elbow accidentally knocks into a jar of bone meal, spilling the powder over the countertop and the cat. At first it's a bit funny, as they both blink in shock at the white that now dusts that cat's black coat, but then the feline is thrown into a sneezing fit and thud—
Johnny doesn't have to peer over the edge of the counter to know that what fell on the floor is decidedly not a cat.
"What the fuck?" Johnny exclaims. He remains still, frozen, undecided on what he's meant to do now that he's just discovered that the cat that's been hanging around his shop for months now is not, in fact, just a cat—but a shifter, instead.
The man sits up, bone meal still specked in his hair. He coughs and looks up at Johnny, and sure enough—amber and olive.
"You weren't supposed to—" He clears his throat, wincing as he pushes to his feet, "—you weren't meant to find out. Not like this, at least."
Johnny scoffs. "Okay? Still doesn't explain why you've been... freeloading in my shop for all this time. And without my knowledge that you were—that you're—"
He can't help the hurt that creeps into his voice. Johnny isn't entirely sure why it's there.
The man swallows harshly. "I'm... sorry," he mutters. "I work a nightshift. And I... normally have sleep issues during the day, but the spot by the window..."
Johnny sighs, his shoulders slumping as the man trails off. He supposes he can't fault intent like that, but still—it's upsetting to have not known the truth sooner.
"I can—I'll pay rent, like you said," the man is saying as he wrings his fingers. "I just—"
"I won't charge you rent." Johnny shakes his head, exasperated. Then he pauses, considering. "But... you could help out some. I know you don't sleep the entire time you're here."
The man's expression brightens, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips. Looking now, truly looking, it's easy for Johnny to see the features of his feline counterpart.
"I'd be happy to," he says quietly.
"Then it's settled." Johnny grins, offering out a hand. "I'm John, by the way."
The man takes his hand and shakes firmly. "I know." The smile finally appears, fangs poking past his lips. "I'm Simon."
Johnny wouldn't realize it then—but he would be in for so much more than he had bargained for in the creation of this partnership.
But that's not to say he'd be complaining.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Child Support
Shroud: Meow! (Jumps up onto Blake’s bed and sits on Blake’s stomach) MeooooooooOoOow!
Blake: Ugh! Alright! Alright! I'm up! Just get your fluffy butt off of me. I swear. You've put on some weight recently, and it's making those ice picks you call legs dig deeper than normal.
Shroud: (hops off the bed and licks her paw nonchalantly before following Blake to the kitchen)
Blake: (puts a kettle of water on the stove and starts getting Shroud's breakfast ready. She glances at the sleek, black feline waiting patiently, amber eyes falling on the slight barrel in her belly) I don't know if you even need this. (cracks open can of wet catfood) You're getting chubby.
Shroud: (meows indignantly and visually huffs)
Blake: (Raises an eyebrow, glances at the apartment door, and back at Shroud) Did you invite someone over?
Shroud: (eyes glued to the bowl of food) Prrrrrrrrr.
Blake: (rolls eyes and places the cat's food bowl on the specialty feeding mat before answering the door) Hello?
Yang: (standing in the hallway confidently in a pair of orange cargo pants and white tank top, an absolute unit of a fluffy ginger tabby tucked under her arm) Hey! I'm Yang! Your new neighbor from down the hall. And this is Ember.
Ember: (purring contently as he's being carried around like a bag of feed)
Blake: Oh. Um. Hello. (Mentally: Oh, fuck! My new neighbor is hot!) My name is Blake.
Yang: Blake! Nice ta meetcha. Soooo... This is going to sound strange, but does a little black cat live here? Maybe female type?
Blake: (blinks and glances back into the apartment at Shroud eating peacefully) Y-Yes.... Why?
Yang: (shuffles and laughs awkwardly) Well, you see. A couple of weeks ago, I was out in the back courtyard with Ember here and got distracted. When I saw him next, he was...well...he was mounted up on a black cat. I tried to break them up, but she got away and scaled the fire escapes to a balcony on this side of the complex.
Blake: .....Mounted up?
Yang: They were fucking.
Blake: (jaw drops as she stares at the Goliath tabby and back at her substantially smaller black cat) Shroud! You little whore. I thought you were fixed! Is that why you're getting fat?
Shroud: (licks her chops before trotting over to the door) Meow.
Yang: Yeah, I thought Ember was neutered, too. He never sprayed or scratched at furniture or was ever aggressive!
Blake: (groans and covers her eyes) I'm more wondering how that miniature tiger of yours didn't smother her. No offense.
Yang: None taken. He's a big boy. (Whips Ember around so he's cradled in her arms but is still spilling over)
Blake: (sighs) Well, thank you for letting me know I have to deal with kittens in the coming months. I thought she was just getting fat.
Yang: Oh! There's more! (Slings Ember over her shoulder like a feather boa, reaches towards the wall, and pulls out a 50-pound bag of kitten food) Child support!
Blake: Oh, my. (Takes the bag with some difficulty) Um. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Yang: No problem! It's the least I can do considering my boy (pats Ember's side with solid thuds) got your little lady pregnant. (Reaches down and scritches Shroud under the chin)
Blake: (shocked)
Yang: So, I was thinking maybe we could check in with each other every once in a while? For the kittens! I'm willing to help.
Blake: (trying not to stare at Yang’s muscles) Right! For the kittens! That would be nice! Thank you.
Yang: Don't mention it! But I'll get out of your hair. My apartment is just down the hall, third door on the left, if you or Little Mama need anything. See ya around, Blake!
Blake: I'll see you around (closes the door and stares at Shroud in disbelief) You had to get knocked up by a damn near domesticated tiger whose owner is also a blonde bombshell?
Shroud: Meow (purrs and rubs up against Blake’s legs)
Blake: (sighs and picks up Shroud before moving to the couch) Let's get you a vet appointment.
Yang: (quickly sprints back to her apartment, locks the door, and holds Ember up to eye level) You just had to knock up the pretty little black cat who just so happens to have a hot owner, didn't you?
Ember: Mow
Yang: I am not a disaster!
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claymoresword · 2 years
I Choose Her | Chp: 8
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of known death eaters from one of the richest and oldest wizarding family. Are you prepared to abandon everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: smut, nsfw, top!reader, strap on use, hermione has a praise kink actually it's canon, so much fluff it's almost gross
Note: ok a few chapters back i mentioned that it would be the last fun one but i lied clearly bc this one's just fluff
i'm just not ready for it to get dark yet! i got a little carried away with this one but hopefully it's enjoyable bc i had a lot of fun writing it
there's strap on use as stated in the disclaimer but little elements of g!p as well (kinda) i've added asterisks before the smut so feel free to skip it if u don't want to read!
alright thats it, i hope u enjoy, let me know what u think!
taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj
(comment to be added)
chp 9
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The end of term is finally here, accompanied with a feeling of impending doom you just couldn't shake.
You had no choice now but to see your parents.They had sent an owl with a letter containing the date of your initiation. It is in 3 days time.
Waving your wand, the clothes you had folded earlier slowly floated in place inside your trunk. Scanning the room you noticed there were still a lot of things you had to put away. Packing was never something you enjoyed. You actually found the entire process dreadful. Although, the use of magic did make it bearable. You couldn't imagine doing it all by hand.
You suddenly feel your cat nudge your leg slightly with his forehead. A white tabby, you've had him since first year. Basically one of the very few constants in your life. You've always had a love for cats because you found it easy to establish a mutual respect. Sometimes you prefered their company over humans.
He nudges your leg again before meowing.
"What is it sweet boy, are you hungry?"
Walking over to his food bowl you noticed it was still partially full. His water bowl left untouched since you last filled it up this morning.
You watched as he walks up to the front door, he began to scratch at it and you grow even more confused.
Before you could start to question it you hear a knock coming from the other side.
"Who is it?"
Taking a step closer you reached for the handle but decide to wait for a reply before opening it.
"It's me, quick let me in."
An involuntarily smile forming on your lips.
Your cat cleverly moving out of the way as you pulled the door open.
Crookshanks rushed his own way inside before you tugged on Hermione's arm, quickly guiding her inside your room. You looked around making sure nobody saw before closing the door.
Your girlfriend greets you with a long kiss which you happily reciprocated.
Hermione steps away from you and begins to look around as if inspecting the state of your messy room.
"How did you even get in here?"
Hermione smiles before holding up Harry's invisibility cloak.
"Wow, I'm surprised he let you borrow it."
"He doesn't know, I nicked it when he wasn't looking."
Your girlfriend admits proudly and you playfully let out a gasp.
"Hermione Granger, I think I might be a bad influence on you." You quip.
Your hands move to rest on Hermione's waist and she wraps her arms around your neck instinctively.
"I think you might be right."
She says before giving you a quick peck on the lips.
"But I kind of like it." Hermione whispers, inches away from your face.
You smirk, pulling her in even closer.
"Good." You say, matching her tone.
You leaned in with intention to kiss her again but Hermione turns her head before you could.
Quietly studying your girlfriend's expression as she watched the cats. They've long stopped chasing each other around the room they're now curled up licking each other clean on the foot of your bed.
"Do you have to leave right away?" Hermione asks turning her head to look at you once again.
Your hand moves to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
"No. Technically I have about a day before I absolutely have to go home. Why?"
Hermione doesn't answer for a moment instead she fiddles with the pendant on your necklace nervously.
"What is it, my love?"
Your gentle hand on her lower back must have soothed your girlfriend enough as she eventually found the courage to continue.
"Do you maybe want to come home with me and meet my parents?"
Taken aback, you take a few seconds to deliberate but Hermione was quick to mistake your silence for disapproval.
"If you don't want to it's alright. I'd just- I would love for them to get to know you-"
Hermione stutters and you reach out, holding her face with both your hands she's now forced to meet your soft gaze.
"I would love to meet your family. Just as long as you're sure."
Hermione grins, evidently relieved at your response.
"Really? It would help to have you with me, I don't want to be alone when I have to- you know when it's time."
"I understand." You assure her and she visibly relaxes again. Hermione moves to nuzzle her face in the crook of your neck and you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around her, holding her close.
You could only imagine the pressure Hermione must be in. How selfless she is to even consider obliviating her own parents. She will be doing it to prevent the hurt they might go through in the event of losing her.
If it ever came down to it you weren't entirely sure if you could do the same. Hermione's bravery knows no bounds, yet you couldn't find it in yourself to envy her. You admired her a great deal. You want more than anything to preserve her happiness as best you can.
Going against the Dark Lord was one way of ensuring it. So it's something you'll do without hesistation.
"But we can't go anywhere until you're done packing." You let go of her and Hermione gestures to the mess of unfolded clothes scattered across your room.
"I am done."
Hermione gives you an incredulous look.
"Well, mostly." You admit cheekily, enjoying how annoyed Hermione is getting at your failure to take things seriously.
"Come on, I'll help you pack." Hermione tugs on your arm but you don't budge.
"But-" You say grabbing her hand instead, holding her in place.
"Im not sure if you're aware. There are many fun things we could do in my room that doesn't involve packing."
You swiftly pull Hermione closer by the belt loop on her jeans.
A small gasp escapes her lips at your sudden action and you took the opportunity to capture her lips into a searing kiss.
Your girlfriend entertains you for a few moments, kissing you back deeply as she rest her hand on the back of your neck.
Quickly moving your own hand underneath her shirt, resting it on the small of her back. Hermione shudders at the feeling of your warm hand against her bare skin.
You plant a kiss on her jaw, and then her neck, nipping at it before you hear Hermione's breath hitch in her throat.
"Okay let's make a deal." Your girlfriend says trying her best to keep her voice firm.
"We finish packing and–" Hermione stands on her tiptoes so she can whisper directly into your ear.
"I'll let you do whatever you want to me."
You feel a sudden rush of arousal, Hermione always knew exactly what to say.
"Whatever I want?"
Your girlfriend peering at you with feigned innocence. She nods before biting her lip knowing very well the effect it had on you.
"What about this one?" Hermione holds up a dark green pullover that you hadn't seen since the beginning of term.
"Honestly forgot I even had that. We can toss it." Instead of adding it to the pile your girlfriend holds onto it. It quickly became clear what she was asking of you.
"Well unless you want to keep that one–"
"Do you want it?"
You chuckle at the sight of Hermione's eyes lighting up at your suggestion.
"It smells like you." Your girlfriend says under her breath and you feel a flutter in your chest.
"Alright, that's the last of it." You say, shutting your trunk.
You attempt to push it closer to your front door but it barely budged. Hermione notices you struggling and lets out a laugh.
"Here, let me help."
"Excuse me." Your girlfriend whispers before stepping in between you and the trunk, standing close enough that her ass was brushing against your front.
Before you could move out of her way, Hermione bends over. Her ass now flush against your groin. Clearly a deliberate move to get a reaction out of you, she makes no effort to push the trunk.
"Hermione–" You groaned.
You've seemed to have urged her on as she pushes herself up against your front again. Your hands move to grip her waist.
Hermione stands up right but doesn't try to move away from you.
"Do you find pleasure in taunting me, Miss Granger? You growl directly into her ear and Hermione's hand finds the back of your neck.
You watched as she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth, stiffling a grin.
She really is enjoying is.
You expertly flipped Hermione around by her waist. Capturing her lips with yours kissing her hard. You take her bottom lip in between your teeth tugging at it before kissing her again, your tongue enters her mouth and she lets out a whimper against your lips.
Your hands move to her thigh swiftly, you lifted Hermione up, carrying her to your bed.
She keeps her legs wrapped around your waist, holding you in place.
Hermione arches her back, your groin now flush against hers. You began moving your hips, grinding against her center. Your girlfriend lets out a moan, throwing her head back against the pillow.
You take the opportunity to place a sloppy kiss against her neck, you open your mouth, biting down. Earning a louder noise from Hermione.
"Fuck, you drive me insane."
You say against her neck.
Hermione only lets out another whimper in response. She takes your hand moving it to the hem of her jeans.
"Please, touch me." Your girlfriend pleads.
Quickly obliging, you unbutton her jeans, slipping your hand inside. Your palm finds her clothed center. You apply pressure and Hermione quickly starts grinding against your hand.
She's now a writhing, panting mess underneath you.
The mere sight drove you crazy.
You slip your hand underneath her underwear, your thumb applying pressure against her already sensitive clit. Hermione's grips the back of your neck as she chokes out a moan. You move two fingers to her entrance pushing inside until you were knuckle deep. Your girlfriend's mouth falls open as you began pumping in and out of her at a rough pace.
She breathes out and you take it as a sign to move your fingers harder and deeper.
Hermione's hand moves to grip the sheets and you knew she was already close.
You try your best to keep the steady pace, made slightly difficult with her walls contracting against your fingers with every stroke.
Your hear her breathing get shallow and her hold on your neck tightens. Hermione moans loudly as the blinding orgasm rips through her.
You pull out of her bringing your fingers up to your mouth, licking them clean. Hermione watches you with a darkened gaze before lifting her head to kiss you, deep and hungry.
You plant a kiss against her forehead before moving off her.
Hermione whines in protest and you only chuckle darkly. You lift your own sweater above your head, signaling that you were far from done.
"Take off your clothes baby, wait there."
Hermione does as she's told.
You grabbed your wand quickly before walking towards the bathroom, shuting the door behind you.
Saying the spell as you waved your wand, a flesh coloured appendage appearing by your groin. A makeshift strap on. You found out that muggles had used it for sex sometimes and you honestly thought it a genius invention. You took it upon yourself to conjure your own.
You managed to create a version that was not only functional but allows you to actually feel her. In a way it acted like an extension of you.
Yes. A spell that could go terribly wrong if not done properly ofcourse, but what's a fun sex life without a little risk?
Walking out of the bathroom you're met with the sight of your girlfriend laying naked on the bed.
You make eye contact and watched as Hermione's eyes flit down to the length between your legs.
She licks her lips in anticipation.
"Come closer."
Hermione crawls to the foot of the bed meekly waiting for you to approach.
You stepped closer, hand moving to the back of her head your fingers getting lost in her hair.
You guide her forward and she catches on quickly. Wrapping her hand around your length before running her tongue across the tip, watching your reaction.
"Suck it."
You command and Hermione does exactly that.
Throwing your head back you breathe in deeply, suppressing a moan. Her mouth felt amazing. Hermione was really good at that, she's good at everything.
You feel the tip of your strap touch the back of her throat and let out a gasp.
She is taking you so well.
You groaned.
"Good girl."
Hermione hums in response and continues moving her skillful mouth against you.
You can feel your release approaching, gripping her hair you tug on it slightly, urging her to stop.
"Ok– okay that's enough." You guide her face up, kissing her.
"Lay back."
Hermione leans back and you quickly climb on top of her.
Your length brushing against her core, Hermione rolls her hips desperately.
Your girlfriend nods quickly, lifting her leg up to wrap it around your waist. Giving you easier access.
You guide the tip to her entrance, thrusting forward slowly.
Watching as her eyes widen at the feeling of you inside her. Her hands gripped your back, fingernails digging into your skin.
You thrust your hips forward again, Hermione lets out a loud moan shutting her eyes.
"Fuck, you feel so good. So tight."
Hermione clenches around your length, her nails digging into your back painfully.
"Faster– please."
Your girlfriend begs and you push forward, harder and faster.
Soon finding a momentum.
Hermione's now moaning and panting at every thrust of your hips. You feel a familiar tightness in the pit of your stomach.
"You're so perfect, Hermione. My sweet, perfect girl."
Your endless whispers of praise only pushing her closer to her release. Hermione's cunt throbbing around your length as her orgasm creeps up on her, hard and fast.
You pant, reaching your own climax soon after her.
You slumped forward, both your chests heaving as you tried to recover.
Hermione places a kiss on your cheek and another on the corner of your mouth.
You move to rest your head against her chest.
"I love you." Hermione utters breathlessly.
You lift your head, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
"I love you too, so much."
Hermione pulls you in for a kiss, surprisingly soft and tender.
"Can you go again?" You ask and Hermione nods, not hiding the blush forming on her face.
"Good, get on top."
** ════════════════════════════════════════════
The train finally departs and Hermione joins you in the carriage. Sitting next to you.
You draped your arm over her shoulder, pulling her close.
"Last night was amazing."
You let out a laugh at the sudden confession.
"Yes it was." You turn towards her and Hermione lifts her head off your shoulder to look at you.
Her hand moves to your hair, running her fingers through it. She knows you loved it whenever she did that.
"You were amazing." Hermione's voice low, you catch her looking down at your lips.
"Don't get me going, I will have my way with you right here, in this carriage."
You warn, glancing at her lips.
"Maybe you should."
Hermione taunts and you smirk.
You lean forward to whisper in her ear.
"I'd fuck you right here, have you screaming my name for everybody to hear."
Hermione grabs the hem of your jacket crashing her lips against yours. Her tongue enters your mouth and for a second you believed that you would actually have sex right then and there.
"Uh– you lot are in a public space, please show some consideration."
Ginny quips before entering the carriage, sitting across from you.
You stopped making out, Hermione buries her face in your shoulder, feeling embarrassed.
"We technically were in a private space until you came in." You retaliated.
Ginny grins.
You've always liked her, the funnier and overall superior Weasley. You don't hang out often but whenever you did it was always a fun time.
"So Harry told me about the plan."
"He did what–"
"Oh that thickhead." You scoffed.
Hermione shakes her head clearly dissaproving the same way you were.
"Well that's fantastic. Yeah, really great. Who else did he tell?"
You were annoyed. If the wrong person overheard it would be over for you.
"Ok I agree Harry can be thick sometimes but we can trust Ginny." Hermione says, stroking your arm at an attempt to soothe you.
"Yeah relax. Besides, he tells me everything. I promise your secret's safe with me."
You say nothing in response, looking out the window trying to keep a level head.
"Do you really think it'll work?"
Ginny asks and you turn to look at her. Your gaze shifts to Hermione for a moment before answering.
"I've gone over it a million times in my head. It'll work."
You look out the window again.
"It has to." You mutter and Hermione grabs your hand intertwining your fingers.
"Listen, if you ever need an extra hand I can help." The ginger haired girl says lowering her voice.
You nod, giving her a genuine smile. You appreciated the offer.
"Thanks, Ginny."
"That was odd." You say as you lifted Hermione's trunk up the stairs, walking to her parents home.
"What was?"
"The man that drove us here. Do muggles always ask that many personal questions?"
Hermione laughs.
You sat her trunk down on the veranda.
"He was curious, some taxi drivers just enjoy chatting to new people."
Your eyebrows knitted together. You supposed that made sense.
"Ready?" Hermione asks before fishing her house keys out of her pocket.
You give her a nod before taking in a sharp intake of breath.
Opening the door you both step inside.
"Mum, dad, I'm home!"
Her mum comes down the stairs, beaming as she sauntered over to the two of you. Enveloping your girlfriend in a long embrace.
Hermione did look a lot like her mother. Especially around the eyes.
Mrs Granger releases her daughter from her embrace and turns to you.
"You must be y/n, Hermione has told me so much about you."
She surprises you by pulling you into a hug as well. You reciprocated quickly as a polite gesture.
"It's very nice to meet you Mrs Granger, you have a wonderful home."
"Oh please, call me Monica."
She takes her hand in yours and you smile at her gallantly.
A man walks out of the kitchen and rushes over to the three of you, practically lifting Hermione up as he hugged her.
Hermione lets out a real laugh and it's like music to your ears.
"Hey pumpkin."
"Hi, dad"
"Y/n I assume?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.
"Yes sir, that's right. It's a pleasure to meet you." You hold your hand out for him to shake and he pulls you into a hug instead.
You were stunned for a moment.
A family of huggers.
Physical affection was rare in your own family, it wasn't something that was freely given. Any type of affection was something you had to earn, like a reward.
"Come, you got here just in time for dinner."
Hermione's dad lets go of you and guides the two of you to the dining table.
You liked Hermione's parents, they were warm and generous. You quickly realised why Hermione is the way she is.
"Thank you for dinner Monica, it was delicious."
"You're most welcome y/n. I'm glad you're here, we've been wanting to meet you for awhile now."
Hermione grabs your hand on the table giving it a squeeze.
Mrs Granger stands up colleting the plates, she walks over to the sink.
"Please, let me help."
You grab Hermione's plate and yours, giving her a quick smile which she reciprocated.
You are stood silently washing dishes for awhile before Mrs Granger breaks the silence.
"You're really good for her, you know."
You glanced at her but stayed silent and she continues.
"I've never seen her this happy. I'm just glad she has you."
"Thats very kind of you to say Monica but I'm certain that I'm the lucky one."
"Hermione's a very special girl." You respond fondly.
Her mum nods in agreement, tears well up in her eyes and you panic for a moment. Afraid you'd said something to upset her.
"You promise to look out for her won't you? I don't know exactly what's happening in your world right now but promise you'll look after her?"
"Ofcourse. I'll protect her with my life. You have my word."
A tear falls down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away.
"Thank you y/n–"
"I appreciate you saying that."
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cervicrazed · 3 months
Redoing @the-goblin-cat 's Whole Hog Request bc I answered the wrong set of questions 🤦🏽
OC Lore for Dead Wood's resident "Goat" Boy Below:
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^ This is Kennedy Leeds! ((& Devil Form))
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Kennedy was originally designed by @psygull and given to me as a gift!!
He was The Jersey Devil reimagined as a high School athlete so I named him Kennedy (jock name) Leeds (name of the family from Jersey Devil folklore)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
He meets Bambi (aka enters the story) at 18
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's got a small crush on Jak L., but is trying to find the right way to ask her out. He's seemingly oblivious to her flirtations with Bambi
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Growing up with 12 other siblings kinda turned mealtime into a Battle Royale, so he'd visit the local food market in the evenings after school. His favorite dish comes from Ms. Hayes' stand; a bowl of fried rice topped with grilled catfish and garnished with Devil's Fruit (a sweet red fruit with two stems that look like little devil horns. Needs to be De-Hexed before eaten, otherwise it'll taste bitter & you could end up w/ a magical foodbourne illness)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Was a student until very recently - helps Bambi on fetch quests for The Lich Doctor in exchange for magical items to resell on the side.
Also runs a pest contol hustle but strangely only books appointments for the 13th of every month.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Meditation! He got into it hoping it would better help him retain control when in his Devil Form; he's able to stay conscious and aware for a full 30 seconds now!
🎯 -What do they do best?
His first and only answer would be Hockey; he's ingrained it so deeply into his identity he's not sure who he'd be without it. In reality, he's a natural leader when thrust into stressful situations (which happens a lot!)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Kennedy loves opportunities to show off his strength; be it knocking through walls or deadlifting a horse, he can't help but feel a sense of pride from the admiration. It's one of the few positives his curse affords him
He has a zero tolerance policy for anyone who threatens his family, Found or Biological! (Minus his dad though, he hates that guy)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
His first time ice skating! When he was about 13 or so, the lake froze over and he was dared by Siblings 10, 9, & 7 to go skating across the thinnest part. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Kennedy went for it - just narrowly avoiding falling into the freezing water. He did still trip and chip a tooth on the ice, but the thrill and joy of skating never left him.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Coming home from school one day to find his mother bed ridden with blisters blooming into flower shaped scabs all across her body; Hexed by unclean food. The potion that could cure her required 'The Blood of the Beloved', but when Kennedy volunteered she told him point blank; "I don't love you enough for that to work."
He quit school to hunt down his dad shortly after.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes & No -> his current design is technically my take on Psygull's original one, but the major beats are still there; slightly shaved head, letterman jacket, cocky grin, etc
I keep changing his Devil Form but I think I'll end up just keeping it the way she originally had it (maybe w/ a few more goat features)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I don't know! He was a gift 😌🎁
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Whatever genre combines a Disney Channel Sports Movie with a Brother's Grimm fairy tale
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis + Bisexual! 🩷💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
12! (That poor woman)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He tries to do right by his mother, but he can sense she kind of blames him for his dad skipping town. There's a certain bitterness she has for him that he can never seem to alleviate. He feels like nothing he does will ever make her proud.
He resents his father with his entire being. He passed down The Devil Curse onto him and instead of sticking around to help him learn how to deal with it, he left as soon as he was born. Kennedy doesn't understand what was so wrong with him that his dad couldn't be bothered to stay.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
The family dynamics & his own Big Brother persona he adopts when w/ Bambi & co.
He pretends to be a bastard but he's got such an obvious soft spot for the people he cares about it never really sticks - it's a really fun trait to play with
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
On and off, but a little more so recently bc I gotta update his ref sheet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No!!!!!!! Inconceivable
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Monophobia -> fear of being alone or abandoned 💔
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
The OG Jersey Devil
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since January 2019!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I was 17 when Roz handed me this fun little guy
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haowrld · 1 year
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NOTES : wen junhui x gn!reader, fluff, one-sided crush, reader can’t cook, reader has a cat, ft.mingyu, profanity, confessions
WORD COUNT : 1.0k words
A/N : aaa idk how i got 1000 words on this like wtf. anyway here's a jun story!! it's kinda rushed 😭 bcs i wanted to write smtg for his birthday (happy birthday junhui!!! 🐈 )
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“i wish i could help yn, but i’ve got some projects that i’m working on.” mingyu, who you are on a video call with, sighs as he lays down on his bed. “cookies or not, you don’t have to do something you’re not good at if you don’t want to.” mingyu said, “i know jun would still like whatever you make any day” he grinned.
you look at mingyu pouting, “but i want to make these cookies! it’s my way of telling him that i like him” you smile “i mean, if you want these cookies to be exactly what jun wants, just call up anyone who could cook, like shua, or dokyeom?” he suggested, “maybe even wonwoo could help you clean up with all the mess you made behind there.”.
you look behind your kitchen, flour has been spread to your kitchen as its box was left empty, and chocolate chips and milk has been spilled. there is a tray of cookies that were burnt. your cat jumps on the counter, sniffing at the mess that you have made as it looks at you disappointingly.
“i think i’ll be fine mingyu!” you said, looking over the oven, as you hear the beeping noise of the cookies that are done baking, you smell something burning. oh shit, “actually, nevermind! please call someone mingyu, please!” you immediately hang up on mingyu as you open the oven door, burnt cookies, again, your cat hisses at the smell as it jumps off the counter.
“ugh, another failed attempt…” you sigh putting all the burnt cookies in a plastic seal, at least you’ve got something to eat. picking up your phone, and you stare at your wallpaper; it was you and junhui taking a goofy picture at a photobooth together. you smile at the sight of jun making a weird face, he’s so adorable.
you thought about that moment on your phone, it was another day of hanging out with jun, though you felt something different with jun, you found him a little more prettier these days, and every little kind gesture and weird trinkets he give because he thinks you would like them, gosh, it was annoying your head, but you couldn’t help it, you had a crush on jun.
you shake the moment off your head and look at the mess that you have made. “you can do this, you can make the best cookies junnie has ever-“ you hear a knock on the door. “j-jun? what are you doing here!?” you open the door to find your pretty best friend holding a box of brownie mix, he lets himself in, your cat immediately goes to junhui, making him smile as he pets your cat.
getting up and setting the brownie mix near a table, he hugs you, letting you go, he gives you a sweet smile “hey, mingyu asked me to help you, he said it was about baking and i thought about your favorites, brownies!”. he smiles as he walks to the kitchen. your heart can’t take another one of his sweet gestures.
“well, let’s get started now!” jun said as he takes the box of brownie mix and holds your hand, your eyes widen as he looks at you with the cutest smile that you have ever seen as both of you go to the kitchen. “we’re making chocolate chip cookie brownies!”
“i honestly don’t know how we were able to clean up this easily..” you look at your now clean kitchen, surprised at how it used to be garbage for wasted ingredients a moment ago. thanks to jun and a little bit of elbow grease, you guys were able to begin making brownie cookies.
“let’s start with the ingredients, eggs, oil, and water” you help him take out some fresh carton of eggs, vegetable oil, and a cup of water. “great, now we just need some bowl and a whisk” he looks around the cupboard and brings out some extra ingredients plus two bowls, and an electric whisk.
“okay, where do we start first?” tapping on table, jun takes out the brownie mix and gives it to you, “i think you could start out something simple, this has some instructions…” jun turns the box and points the instructions, leaning close so that you’ll be able to know what he’s talking about. you shift awkwardly, moving away. “yep i think i get what you mean!” you smile, turning away as you look at the ingredients, you were screaming inside. he was so close!! holy shit, junnie is just so ahh!!! stay calm yn, you thought to yourself, cracking open an egg, just distract yourself and we will be able to finish these brownies!! wait no! don’t look at jun!
you slowly look at jun, who was already mixing the ingredients with the electric whisk, gosh! he’s pretty!! why did you look yn!? he’s so ughh! he turns to you and turns off the electric whisk, “need help? seems you’ve already got most of the ingredients right.” he takes the bowl and pours it on the greased pan.
“okay, now we just need to put the cookie dough in.” jun takes the cookie dough and places pieces of it on the brownie batter. you look at junhui as he was placing the pan in the oven. you thought about your burnt cookies, maybe jun would like it…? you decide that it wouldn’t hurt to try, maybe jun might like whatever you make.
“hey uh jun?” you tap on jun’s shoulder as he looks at you “yeah? what’s up?” jun asks “about the mess i made in the kitchen…?” you begin, “those burnt cookies,” jun tilts his head curiously, as you open your fridge to show the sealed burnt cookies to him, he looks at the cookies, then at you and smiles. “you made cookies for me?” he takes the bag and opens the seal, “i know it’s not good looking…but i wanted to make these for you because..” jun takes a bite of the cookie and the way he smiles at the taste, it didn’t matter if they were burnt, you made them for him and…
“i like you junhui!” the sounds of the oven indicated that the cookie brownies were done, but there was also another sound that jun had heard, his heartbeat. “yn..” he smiles before hugging you.
…it made him love you even more.
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ahedderick · 2 months
Monday morning
At seven this morning, trying to beat the heat, I went out with a backpack sprayer to treat one of the areas where I cut invasive species out. Removing the brush is only the first step, unfortunately; it will grow right back unless it gets treated with herbicide. We try to minimize our use of that as much as possible, but this area really needed to be sprayed before the whole trail disappeared back into thorn bushes.
It's a chore I hate, but I set off as bravely as I could, hoping to get done before getting heat stroke. The dogs were appalled that I left them in the house; they didn't understand why they couldn't come along. I was halfway up the ridge, battling thorns, when Baxter ran past me with a cheerful "Mew!". He had seen me heading out - and decided to follow! Oh, argh.
At that point, there was really nothing to do but finish the chore I'd started. The backpack starts out at a bit over 25 pound in weight, so it's not terribly heavy, but certainly enough that I feel it when walking uphill. As you spray it gets lighter.
When I'd emptied it, I gathered up Baxter and carried him home. He was content enough to be carried at first, but started struggling as I got closer to the house. Getting the backpack off without losing hold of him was tough. Once I got him into the bathroom, however, things really went to shit in a hurry.
Other than when we first adopted him as a small, muddy kitten, he had never been given a bath. Just never needed one. He's well socialized, but this was way more than he could cope with, and he started struggling like crazy. As I leaned over to start the bathwater, he dug his claws into my shoulder and pulled himself up to 'safety.' It took me quite a while to disengage him gently enough that it didn't hurt his legs, while he yowled and clung with a deathgrip. Next he leaped for the edge of the tub, and took down the shower caddy with all the various shampoo, soap, and conditioner bottles. Tweezers. Razors. Pumice stone. As I fished Stuff out of the water, he managed to get a grip on my overalls again, and went back to my shoulder.
When I finally got him soaped, I thought I was home free. Unfortunately, getting the suds rinsed off triggered another frantic scramble for freedom, in which my hat was knocked askew. My hat was holding my hair - my very long hair - up. Wet hair draggled over my shoulder, overalls and shirt damp with bathwater and blood, glasses fogged up, wet cat fur stuck to everything, I was truly a sight to behold when K opened the bathroom door.
"Help!" I pleaded. Outside the bathroom, the oldest cat was yowling in sympathy for his little buddy. Baxter was yowling in self pity. I was. so damned. calm and cool about. all of this.
We got him toweled off and released to go settle himself down. I had a large, sustaining bowl of apple/cinnamon/raisin oatmeal. Valium might have been in appropriate, but oatmeal had to suffice.
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mrsvalbaker · 5 months
In my hour of need
I wrote my first Dave Mustaine fanfic, obviously isn't accurate, it's '84 Dave, Megadeth is getting their feet off the ground.
Synopsis: Dave Mustane x Femboy!OC, OC is a beautiful boy who likes to wear feminine clothing and had a doomed date tonight. The rain introduced him to Dave.
Warnings: MDNI! 18+, P IN A sex, anal sex, blow job (Dave receiving), top!Dave, dom!Dave, bottom!OC, femboy!OC, subby!OC, daddy kink, misuse of pronouns, mentions of being in the closet, mxm, choking (sexually)
Why did I ever agree to meet my date at the restaurant? Why couldn't he be a perfect gentleman and pick me up? That's a bad sign right, or am I overreacting? 
He seems nice, he wears an Armani suit, is an attorney for some actor, and the date tonight is going to be at Lawry's. Most likely he's a married closet case who has a thing for young crossdressers like myself, but hey why not give the man a chance? That's what my roommate tells me. I'm too picky apparently, and Avery, my drag queen roommate, convinced me that boys who are way too pretty and wear makeup and Chanel knock off slingbacks rarely end up with a fairytale ending, Mr. Right might be married with a couple of kids, but it's worth giving him a shot. 
Words: 4,286
So I gave myself a homemade facial courtesy of oil of olay, St. Ives, and L'Oreal. Pulled an Elizabeth Arden and filled up a bowl of hot water, tossed in some orange slices and sprigs of rosemary, and threw a towel over my head to steam my face for ten minutes. I nearly burned myself with wax but it got the job done and I was as naked as a seal, douched, oiled my little backdoor rosebud and took a rosewater and chamomile bath, washed, blow dried, and hot rolled my hair. I also made sure to starve myself 24 hours before this event living off of oolong tea and beef broth with Welsh onions.
My makeup is done to the Gods mimicking Material Girl Madonna since I will be eating at a five star steakhouse, same hairstyle too for it compliments my peroxide blonde hair.
I rubbed my skin with rosewater body cream, and perfumed myself with Anais Anais, finding an outfit took two hours on top of that. But in the end I decided on a dress, I'm convincing enough to appear female so I won't embarrass L.A.’s favorite attorney Joel Mitcham at the city's most exclusive steakhouse.
I chose black, backless halter dress with a severe plunge almost to the naval, the skirt was short and ended in a wrap with the split high up my thigh, the hem ended just below my plush thighs that slimfast, jazzercise, and cosmo diets seem to not be able to get rid of. I secured thigh high nylon stockings to my garter and a satin black thong disappeared between my ample backside beneath, the said Chanel slingback knock offs adorned my feet, and a fake gold bracelet wrapped around my waist with matching small gold hoop earrings.
I looked like a flat chested tramp and was heading out to hail a cab when for some reason, it was pouring rain all of a sudden. How was this happening? How did I always have such rotten luck? My hair I spent forever in was ruined, my dress was ruined, my makeup was ruined, I started to cry in front of my apartment building.
I dug into my purse to look for my keys, so I could go back inside and call the restaurant to tell Joel about my delay. But me being the space case I am, I left them inside! Could this get any worse? Avery is at work at the club and won't be back until 4 at the earliest! What rotten luck!
I'd have to catch a cab to the club to borrow his keys. 
For fifteen minutes, I tried hailing a cab in this pouring and shivering rain. The dress was like a second skin to me now and I was crying more. I gave up and got on the bus, enduring cat calls and weirdos as well as slurs I was getting due to my current state. I looked at my reflection in the bus window, wincing at how much I looked like a drowned prostitute. 
I got off on sunset, stumbling off and immediately  colliding into a solid chest that could easily be mistaken for a brick wall. Big hands caught my waist and I laid my hands on the stranger's chest. “I'm so sorry!” I exclaimed breathlessly. I looked up and my knees literally became weak.
I even stumbled a bit with those damn weak ankles of mine, like out of a movie.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I'm looking up at the most gorgeous man on the planet. The perfect dark and straight determined eyebrows above expressive, narrow, dark brown eyes that hold a smoldering quality, a perfectly noble nose that was a little pronounced and full rosy lips beckoning a kiss. He has strong yet smooth facial features, paired with his cascading, swirling waves of strawberry blonde, he looks just like a prince out of a fairy tale.
“Hey no fire, you're okay.” the stranger said casually before assessing my drowned appearance. “You look like you need to dry off.”
☆   ☆   ☆   ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆    ☆   ★ ☆  ☆ ☆ ☆
Dave was feeling really good about the show his new band had, ‘84 was going to be his year, everything was lining up how it was supposed to for fucking once. Usually life dealt him the short end of the fucking stick that's for sure, nothing ever went right for Dave, even when he was born his family fell apart.
And if things seemed to be going great then it would crash and burn, ugly. Like being homeless for a bit and there was well Metallica, and he won't forget about his guitarist dying on him. 
No way, God loved giving Dave a big fat middle finger. 
But this year, this year he was taking control of his own life. He didn't believe in destiny, he didn't believe in fate, just himself. 
He was high on success more than anything else tonight, stepped outside for a smoke before meeting up with this girl he's been seeing, Diana. They weren't serious but he'll see, she's pretty with a tan and long chestnut hair and a petite build.
He was certain about everything, which is how he likes it.
But then he bumped into someone right on Sunset, passing Filthy McNasty's. He was ready to give them hell, really make them feel Like a complete piece of shit for slamming into him like that. But he looked down, almost but not quite speechless, of course if he wasn't such a loquacious man he would definitely be rendered speechless.
What bumped into him was– is a gorgeous, wet little woman. Stunning actually, stunning enough to make him forget all about Diana and her place tonight.
All he could focus on was the short little beauty who got caught in the rain, soaked blonde hair stuck to her small shoulders, mascara running down her heart shaped face, red lips impressively still intact, shivering in a black revealing number that was pasted to her tan skin. Emphasizing wide hips and plush thighs worthy of Penthouse, and the hard nipples on her…
After Dave reassured her that it was okay, he realized those hard, pronounced nipples that were evident in the wet garment, are not breasts. 
His heart was pounding blood pounded in his ears, his face turned red at the realization, and his skin felt prickly as he became half hard despite this discovery. 
A man is turning him on.
A man in a skimpy dress with big Hazel eyes looking all Bambi and helpless up at him with bee-stung plump, red lips was giving him a hard on in the middle of the street in the middle of the rain, and making Dave conjure up the most filthy imagery.
He imagined dragging the marilyn boy into the nearby alley, not pushing the skirt of his teasingly short dress up but ripping the garment until his most likely sun-kissed, juicy ass was revealed to his greedy, starving eyes.  Pushing his plump ass cheeks apart to see how tight or spread that rosebud of his, sinking his cock in and making marks and bruises that'll leave memories…
Dave didn't know why he felt this way, he has never in his life desired a guy, not even a little bit. He wasn't exactly known to be open minded, he's from San Diego, too much military influence for that.
He's seen plenty of passing men in women's clothes since he moved to L.A., most of the very passing…but none quite as passing as them. So delicate and small, could easily be mistaken, as a flat chested girl, a gymnast or ballerina.  But…he's not…he's a…well…he…and for some reason Dave's want for him and need for him outweighed all else.
“Wanna get out of the rain?” He asked the blond.
Hazel eyes widened comically yet adorably up at Dave. Long, dark lashes fluttered like butterfly wings as a dainty hand with manicured red nails rose to move wet curls out of those Bambi eyes.
She– he, looked so confused, it was very cute. It made Dave smile, his hands never left blonde's waist. In fact it tightened. If Snow White's brother here was smart and had any survivor instincts, he'd try and leave.  Key word try, because Dave wasn't sure if he wanted to let him go.
But Bambi here just blinked stupidly, before the most radiant, prettiest smile with teeth and a sultry gap between the two front were on display. He glowed like a candle in a house whose electric bill wasn't paid. “Oh that would be so nice, thank you!”
Dave snorted. “Are you willing to go off with a stranger?”
Disney boy here just looked sweetly puzzled for a brief moment before a soft giggle left his full lips. “Well how about you tell me your name? Then you won't be a stranger anymore.”
He was putting so much faith in someone like Dave, most people wouldn't. He looks like the typical burden on society, long hair and heavy metal, the recipe of a devil worshipper, and coincidentally, Dave was one briefly in high school.
But this little wet kitten of a boy here was willing to go with him to get warm and dry, it melted the harsh metalhead that's for sure, brought out his protective instincts, one a man usually naturally feels for a woman.
“It's Dave”
He smiled warmly up at Dave, it was the sort of smile that could heal Dave's childhood…almost. 
Dave drove them back to his.
He had given his Jean jacket to him to wear before they got in the car, he turned on the heat once they were in and was impressed when blondie didn't flinch at the boisterous headbanger threatening to abuse the speakers. 
Once they got to Dave's, he got out of the car and ran to the passenger side, opening the door for the boy.
A fragile hand  took Dave's, a long, nylon wrapped legged stepped out before bringing the owner. “Such a gentleman.” He giggled, it was teasing and made the singer wonder what he could do to get him to giggle like that again.
He opened the door for him and watched the boy carefully step in as if his dainty ass would somehow be a disturbance.
Dave walked behind him watching him, admiring him being swallowed in his jacket, bleached hair drying into beautiful natural curls. His messy mascara makes his eyes more wide and innocent. 
His legs looked so shapely and he needed to see them over his shoulders. 
“You can shower, I'll get you some dry clothes.” Dave appeared right by him, a large hand on his hip causing the feminine man to gasp. “I'll show you where the bathroom is.”
He nodded before Dave proceeded to lead him to the bathroom. He turned on the light and watched the pretty boy take off the borrowed jacket, revealing the most exquisite back that pointed down to a nice pair of hips and a thick ass. 
Dave swallowed as his eyes caught  a tear in his nylon, and he couldn't fight his hardening cock when he watched the guy step out of his slingbacks, shrinking attractively before his eyes. Dave had to have nearly a foot on him. Goddamn…
He was gone the moment the boy cast his gaze over his naked shoulder. 
Dave couldn't stop himself didn't sto himself. He launched himself at male beauty.  “Let me help you with that.” His voice had become unmistakably husky as he gripped the sopping wet garment and tore it with his bare hands from his small body. 
A beautifully gasp ripped from the petit blond. It was shreds of fabric at their feet and Dave groaned vocally at the sight of his perfect peach ass having a black satin thong being swallowed by his cheeks.  
He aggressively slapped his bouncy ass before grabbing the globes harshly, pushing his denim clad erection eagerly into the plentiful backside. He didn't care what he was, boy or girl, Dave had to have him.
★      ☆        ★                ☆             ★   ☆   ★
“Oh baby, fuck- look at you all dressed up.” Dave moaned in my ear, his solid, hot body  pressed completely against my back, overpowering me in the most delicious way. I felt like my body was on fire, his impressive hard on dug into my ass as squeezed all and every part of me, my nipples ached with need and I was sporting a little hard on myself.  
His full lips were hot and wet on my neck as he maneuvered his hand around to turn on the shower. He rubbed my chest and squeezed it before tugging on my puffy red nipples. It pulled a pathetic, whining whimper from my lips.
“Yeah, you like that?  Such a good, responsive little slut.” He rasped in my ear and I heard his belt unbuckle and his zipper come undone, my heart raced and he turned me around, his predatory, wolvish eyes took me in, leering at my thighs and the small, naked, rosy erection that laid between them. He grasped it causing my knees to become weak, drawing another whine from me. It was firm but gentle. “It's like a clit, so small.” He moaned  in a positive way. “Everything about you is so small, so easy to manhold.” His huge hand then slapped my ass so hard I yelped and leaned into him, which made him chuckle. Feeling his barenaked, impressive cock against my stomach. “Not everything, God this is a fucking ass.”
He forced me down on my knees with a harsh push on my shoulder.  I looked up at him dizzy.
“Be a good little whore daddy and suck.” He spoke sweet but it was condescending, causing my tip to leak.
I didn't wait another moment, I took hold of his huge cock, my small hand having a hard time doing so, he looked down with a guttural groan, lips parted, eyes darker and hooded, I could feel him pulse in my hand. “So tiny.” He was breathless as he said and I put my mouth on him, feel wetter when I drew the grand reaction of him swearing an elicit ‘fuck so fucking warm’ as I did so.
I conjured up a lot of saliva as I started suckling, he tastes so good, so musky , such masculine taste. I took a little more of him and his hand fisted into my damp hair, lithe hips started thrusting his big member further in my mouth. “That's a good girl, look at you, such a pretty little girl with more cock than she can handle. Can you handle more?” His tone was filthy and degrading.
I wanted to please him so desperately, I took him deeper so I could feel him in the back of my throat. He cursed and grabbed my hair tighter as he thrust faster into my throat, wet lewd sounds disappeared beneath the music of the shower, but you could hear Dave's vulgar language through it all, echoing against the bathroom walls. “Take it, that's right, fucking take it, you were meant for his- fuck!” He pulled me off his cock abruptly, his pupils blown, chest rising and falling, looking feral with a thin film of sweat decorating his ivory skin. 
Saliva spilled filthy down my swollen lips and chin, he looked at me like a starving beast. “I almost came, fuck, I need you now, gonna give me your hole baby?” He asked as he stroked my drool dripped chin, his tone suggested I had no choice. 
Dumbly, I nodded. As easily as lifting a doll, he lifted me up into his strong arms. He carried me into the shower and pinned me against the wall as he pressed his mouth against mine. My eyes would roll back if they weren't already closed. Fuck how could any mere mortal kiss like that? It wasn't chaste, bland or sloppy, it was a caress before he pried me open with a forced self invitation, our lips felt glued together suctioned together, it slow yet starvation was expressed as he dominated our mouth to mouth and smoothly sucked on my tongue, tasting every part of me and stealing away my right to breathe. It was all consuming as his big hands rubbed down my back and squeezed my ass and thighs as if he had every right as if he owned them. 
Feeling him hold me, paw at me, grab me, and his hot as a furnace body enveloping me was making me dizzy in such a euphoric way. 
When I lost the last drop of oxygen and was feeling light headed, he tore his lips from mine with a gasp and began to leave sweet open mouth kisses down my neck. “Smell so damn sweet.” He growled. His huge cock kept rubbing against my little leaking one.
My abdomen was knotted in insane amounts of pleasure, I whimpered feeling his patch of hair scratch against my tummy.
He pressed two big fingers to my mouth, eyes lidded and drunk with Rapture. “Suck.”
I immediately obeyed, sucking into my mouth with greed. His eyes rolled back. “Good boy.” I sucked them knuckle deep, squelched wet sounds caused his cock to twitch and drip against me.
As I was beginning to choke on his long fingers, he withdrew them, admiring the sopping wet, slobbery work I'd done before putting them back in, forcing my mouth open delivering his own spit into my awaiting mouth.
I melted and was at my end, it was the thing that made me completely need to submit to him, to call him…but I can't call him that when I know he's gonna kick me out when I satisfy his itch. “Such a good girl, swallow that for me, that's it. God you're too pretty.”
I whimpered at his praise, before I knew it he had spread my ass cheeks apart and was rubbing my hole before sliding a finger in. I winced at that before I moaned in his ear. “Fucking Christ, you are so tight, such a tight little baby.” He was massaging and thrusting his finger inside of me, the burn of the stretch made me harder and I relaxed against him with kittenish moans and whines.
“Such a good little one, fuck, ready for another finger? Yeah? I need to hear you say you're ready baby.”
I moaned at being called baby by him, and stopped myself mid nod, knowing he wanted words. “Yes Dave, please I'd love another finger.”
He groaned “I'm not going to be able to be patient if you keep talking like that.”
I smiled, happy to know I have such an effect on him. I licked his neck and heard a moving gasp release from his lips. “Don't be patient.” I whispered in his ear.
I took great pleasure in watching his face flush and his Adam's Apple bobbed, I leaned into kiss it and cried against it when he pushed in the second finger, now fingering me deep and so good, so good, so good, so good- “so good, so good, so good!” I cried the mantra in hysteria.
“Look at you baby, so goddamn dumb, can't even think for yourself, won't be able to cum without me telling you to.” He cooed.
He fingered me faster and moved his fingers in scissor motion. I screamed. “Please, please let me cum, I'll be so good please!” 
He thrust against me and nodded as he watched me fall apart. “Cum baby.” 
I screamed it was high pitch and gasping, and I made such a mess on our stomachs and cocks.
“Fuck, I can't wait anymore!” He declared passionately. 
He lined his cock to my back entrance, holding me firmly against the wall before slowly easing the thick length in. Tears burned in my eyes, the stretch was painful at first but that only turned me on more, made me more needier. And fuck what a stretch it was. My eyes were closed as I cried out a wet outcry, I felt his lips on my cheek though. “I'm so sorry baby.” He kissed my lips so gently as if I had broken in his arms. I was surprised by his display of tenderness, it was like a warm blanket on a cold night.
He licked up my tears and I moaned “you can move, please move.” And he did, his hips rolled in the perfect rhythm like his body understood mine, and it felt too fucking good, I didn't know it was supposed to feel this good. Nothing could possibly compete with this, if I died tonight I'd be too pleased. Maybe it was because it was comparable but I felt so attached to him now, and when I opened my eyes and looked up at him, I saw such tenderness in his wolvish eyes as he looked down into mine.
His arms tightened protectively, possessively around me. A hand caressed my cheek with gentleness, his lips kissed mine so softly, his hand slid down to my neck as he curled his fingers around my throat, and I fell in love. “Harder” I begged quietly.
And he complied, oh my God did he comply.
Slamming his hips against mine, his bulbous tip hitting that spot in me over and over to the point I had no control over my words.
“Right there daddy, please let me cum daddy!”
When he froze, when his balls paused slapping viciously against my ass, my heart dropped. What if he called me gross, or hit me or–
“You wanna make a mess on daddy's cock?” 
Oh, I didn't expect that.
Didn't expect his honeyed voice to say such sweet things, or his eyes to smolder me looking at me like I was the answer to every problem. He squeezed my throat, I felt brainless. My only thought was daddy and Dave. “Don't make daddy ask twice.’’
“Yes daddy, I wanna make a big mess on your big cock, I'll clean it so good afterwards too-” He was slamming faster and harder, I was desperate for it and started to bounce on his cock whining vocally. 
“Fuck that's it. That's. My. Fucking. Little. Bunny!” He emphasized with each and every thrust.
“Oh shit, daddy I'm cumming!”
“Cum baby fucking cum for daddy!” 
I screamed and felt like I saw white, the light at the end of the tunnel. I have never cum that hard in my life, and it felt Neverending when I felt Dave fill me up. I have never felt so complete.
He slid down with me in his arms and still inside of me, panting into my neck. Once he gathered his breath, he pressed sweet kisses to my neck and shoulder. “Jesus, I have never cum that hard in my life.”
My heart glowed. “Neither have I. "I admittedly softly and closed my eyes.
“I only have generic brand shit.”
I opened my eyes in confusion. “Huh?”
“For shampoo and conditioner, it's generic.  Your hair is fancy as shit. So I apologize in advance.”
I couldn't help but grin, he likes my hair. “I use Salon Selectives shampoo and conditioner, and Luster's Pink cream and gloss spray. But this will be just fine for tonight.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” 
He looked at me with a soft smile before using his shampoo in my hair. It felt nice and felt so good being cared for, for once.
“I have no food, so we'll have to eat at the diner tomorrow.”
My heart raced. “You want me to stay the night?”
He paused the delicious massaging on my scalp. “I don't know, what do you want to do? Did you have plans tomorrow, any plans to do with the ones you had before me?”
“I don't, um I'd really like to stay the night.”
He continued the massage then rinsed my hair. “Who were you meeting up with tonight?” He tried to sound casual but failed.
“A date.”
He scoffed. “A date that didn't pick you up?”
I shrugged. 
He was washing my body with some soap that smells like Irish Spring. He grasped my shoulder a little tight. “You don't need to see him anymore, especially someone who didn't think you were good enough to pick you up.”
I smiled. “Would you have picked me up?”
He put the soap down.  “Shit, I'll pick you up right now” I squealed when he stood up and scooped me up into his arms. “Dave, what if we slip?”
“Nah, I wouldn't drop such a delicate package.” 
I giggled and played with his hair. “Does this diner have French toast?”
“If it doesn't I'll take you to another, I'll take you anywhere you want.”
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wandaspillow · 7 months
Oh honey. (Pt 3)
of sorry not professor
Professor!wandamaximoff x student!fem!reader
Warnings: nothing I think?
Summary: you have three detentions
Proofread. (Kinda?)
pt1 ,pt2
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Wanda's POV:
As I was waiting for y/n to come to my office I just went on my phone and saw that my husband- ex husband vision, posted a photo with him and a bunch of girls. I just rolled my eyes and turned off my phone, and as I did I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say and looked at the door when opened it was y/n, "have a seat" I say and look at my laptop she sits down and plays with her hands.
"So your going to be here until 4.30" I say and she just looks at me and rolls her eyes, "I hope you don't have anything to do until then" I say and focus on my laptop.
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Y/n's POV:
You know how boring this is, she didn't even give me any work to do. So I decided to grab one of her pens and draw on my hand like I did last time.
And I did she didn't notice I think, it was around 3pm when I got here so I have 1 hour and 30 minutes. This is going to be longest 90 minutes of my life.
"Miss?" "Yes" she answers "im like reallyyy bored" I say and she just chuckles and says "well you should've went to class" she says and I roll my eyes, "stop rolling your eyes or I'll punish you" she says and looks me in the eyes and I just sit there with wide eyes.
I nod my head and continue to draw on my hands, she looks at me and sees my thighs are tight together and she just chuckles to see what an effect she has on me.
As I was sitting there I was thinking about a plan to see if she really wanted me, I just need to talk to Nat and tell her about it.
"Ms Maximoff what's the time?" I ask her "4.20" she says and I sigh knowing I only have 10 minutes left in here, I mean I like it but she's my teacher..
After the 10 minutes go by she gets up and I look at her in confusion cuz I didn't know what the time was, "you can leave now" she say firmly and I nod "you better be in class tomorrow y/n" she says as I leave her office.
And as soon as I did I texted Nat,
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A redhead
What do you need now y/n?
Soo yk abt the whole Ms Maximoff thing right?
A redhead
Yes what about it.
Soo I need to see if she's interested in me or not soo...can you pretend your my gf or sum shit
A redhead
I mean who wouldn't wanna go out with you, but you had to pick me?
I mean she sees us a lot together and you were the first to come to mind.
A redhead
Fine but it's only for tomorrow, okay?
Okayy, ty nattyy
A redhead
Anytime dory
Read at 4:59pm
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After I texted her I turned off my phone and got into my car and went home, as soon as I got home I turned on my shower and got in after I took off my clothes.
As I got out of my shower I could hear Rey's meows from my bathroom door, I think he's hungry, after I dried myself I put on some pj shorts and an over sized shirt.
I got out of my bathroom and saw Rey on the floor and he looked up at me and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, I picked him up and took him to the kitchen to get him some cat food, then I get me a glass of water and go back to my room to go ti bed.
And I don't normally eat dinner so I just put on a movie and soon after fell asleep.
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I wake up from a text from Nat and it said, 'I'll pick you up at 8:30' I smile and get off my bed and go to the bathroom.
After I finish brushing my teeth and having a shower I change into a shortish pencil skirt with a white blouse, then I put my hair in a half up half down with a black bow.
After I was done getting ready I did some light make up and then went to feed Rey, I grab his bowl and put his favourite cat food in it and got him some milk.
It was around 8:15 after I done that so I just got my bag and waited for Nat to come and get me.
Then I hear a knock on my door and I knew who it was, so I said bye to Rey and grabbed my bag and went to the door. I opened the door to see Nat in some jeans with a white skirt and I leather jacket.
She looks good, "hey Nat" I say and she smiles at me "hey dory" she says as we go to her car. The drive to school was quiet but the radio was on though so that's was alright.
"So I only have to do this for today?" She asks I shrug my shoulders "i don't know but let's hope" I say as we pull up to the school parking lot.
She parks the car and gets out to open my door and I give her a sweet smile and walk into school together, everyone was looking at us but not in a bad way. People have been shipping us together but we didn't like each other like that.
We look for everyone and their at our table that we sit at and their all looking at us, "soo Nat, y/n?" One of them said the only ones that know it's not really is Kate, Lena, and Peter.
"Mhm" I hum and she sits and lets me on her lap, we waited until the bell rang for our first class and I had double Russian with Ms Maximoff and that's when I groaned and Nat heard me.
"What's up y/n?" She says "I have double Russian" I whine and she looks down at me "do you wanna skip?" She asks "I can't cuz she saw me this morning" I say and she gives me a sad smile "do you want me to take you to class?" She asked and I nodded.
As I got up she kissed my cheek and I blush then I saw Ms Maximoff glare at us, Nat got up and held my hand as we walked to my class.
We got there and she gave me a peck on the lips and then I went into class and Ms Maximoff didn't even look at me, so I just sat down.
The class was reallyyy boring cuz we were just learning the alphabet and the basics, and the I heard the bell ring and got up until I heard my name.
"Miss Y/L/N can you stay after class please" Ms Maximoff says and I sighed and sat back down to wait until everyone left.
"What you need miss?" I ask "come here" she says telling me to come to her behind her desk. I nod and go there and she stands up and she's a little bit taller then me so I have to look up at her, "I've heard you and Natasha have been dating" she says and I nod "well what would happen if I look through your guys texts, huh?" She says.
I look at her confused and then she says "oh honey, I know the only reason your with her is to make me jealous, and it did work until I found out by your friends that can't keep quiet" she says and I mumble something but she doesn't hear.
"But it's okay honey, but do you know bad I wanted to bend you over my desk and make your ass the same colour as my hair?" She says and I just roll my eyes and she saw and gripped my chin and made me look her in the eyes.
"What the fuck did I say about rolling your eyes y/n" she says and it make me extremely wet, so I let out a quiet moan. "Oh so you like when mommy is being rough? What a slut" she says and lets go of my chin.
"But this will have to wait until your detention honey, oh can I please have you phone" she says and I don't say anything and hand it to her.
"Password" she says "926326" I say and the phone unlocks, I see her open messages and I have a worried look cuz she'll see my messages with Nat.
"Oh so I was right, you're not with Natasha?" She asked and I nod my head, "I'll look through this later and you should get to claw before you get even more detention" She says "can I have my phone back though?" I ask in a bratty tone cuz I knew I would get more detention cuz I was already late.
"That's not the tone you use to talk to your mommy" she says and I roll my eyes, lucky she didn't see it "and your not getting it back until I've looked through it" she says and I whine.
"I don't like a whiny baby, y/n" she says and I huff and walk out of her class room, then head to my next class which had already started.
I walked in and Ms hill looked and me and was disappointed, "y/n you have detention with Ms Maximoff at lunch because your late" she says and I roll my eyes and sit next to Yelena who was already knew I was pissed off with it cuz I had detention with her after school.
I mean I was sexually frustrated after what happened with Ms Maximoff and she took my phone, let's hope she doesn't go through my photos, cause I have a lot in there when I give my phone to other people at parties.
But after Ms hills class I I forgot I had detention with Ms Maximoff so I just went to lunch with Lena and Peter.
We sat in the cafeteria, but then Ms Maximoff was walking towards us, "y/n why is Ms Maximoff coming here?" Nat asked "shit I have detention with her I better go" I say and get up and went to Ms Maximoff.
And she wasn't happy, so I didn't say a word and just followed her to her office. We always have detention in her office, we get there and she lets me in first and then after I'm in she closes the door and locks it.
"Ms Maximoff?" I say and she just looks at me "why weren't you in my office when the bell rang?" She asked "I forgot I had detention with you" I say in a whisper but knew she could hear.
"Mhm" she hums and pulls out my phone from her pocket, "well cuz I haven't been through this i guess I'll do it now?" She asks herself and I just okay.
"Where's the pen you had yesterday?" She asked while unlocking my phone "erm..I think I left it on your desk" I say and she gives me a random pen on her desk.
After a while I was drawing on my hand as she was going through my phone, "why is half of the cheer team texting you?" She asked "ohh yeah I forgot about that, so I used to date Alison but then we broke up cuz she cheated on me with Carol" I say and let out a sigh.
"And then because I was single everyone was trying to ask me out" I say and she nods her head, the whole of lunch time was like this. She'll ask me questions and see if I'm lying or not, and I wasn't lying except for one but she thought I was telling the truth I hope.
It was when me and Nat were friends with benefits and we would you know meet up and do it, but we texted that on snap and we don't save chats.
And when the bell rang I was in no hurry cuz I had Ms Maximoff, "you can have your phone back sweetheart, but if you do anything stupid or bad I'll take it off you or punish you" she says and feel my face heat up at the thought of her punishing me.
After that we walked to her class I was the first one there cuz lunch had just finished and no one would be there on time, as I waited I got bored and started drawing on my hand again as we waited.
Finally everyone was in class I think, and I had it with Lena again which was a good thing. We just talked quietly as Ms Maximoff did and waited for the bell to ring so we could go home.
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Around 30 minutes after the school bell went and that's when I remembered I still have detention with Ms Maximoff and Johansson. And that's when I tell Lena and she said her and Nat will pick me up after.
I walked to Ms Johanssons office and knocked on the door and heard her and Me Maximoff, "come in" I hear her say and went in and sat on the couch cuz Ms Maximoff was on the seat.
This is going to be the longest two hours of my life, and yes two hours longer than yesterday.
Somebody kill me.
My Masterlist.
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peppershark · 2 months
Could we please get a snippet for the next Wolfed update? 🥺
Yes—plz forgive me, non this update is way later than I promised but it’s gonna be a banger. 😏
Presently, the trees open to a larger meadow where a sea of dusky brown cattle spread out across the green embankment, browsing among colorful dots of wildflowers. About as many stout little calves wander or lay in groups, strewn about the grass.
Their bells clink in a chime-like sound that pangs in Hermione, a haunting nostalgia that can’t be placed.
The high peaks gloam down at them, their granite faces like stern, rough-hewn kings crowned with snow.
Tom loops around the path, Black’s legs hock-deep in the grass, and he brings Nagini’s lead rope to Hermione.
“Just hang on to her and stay here. You’ll block the wrong end of the trail.”
He has a severity to his movements as he gathers up the reins, so serious. Black picks up on his energy, stepping quickly and quivering his nostrils at the cows. Eager.
Without looking backward, he urges Black into a gentle canter toward the edge of the trees, hemming around behind the cattle.
A murmuring low echoes across the pasture, and the bells start to clank together. 
A ripple of cows move like one brown phalanx toward the trail. Flurries of starlings and grasshoppers shoot up from the grass around their legs.
Hermione grips Nagini’s rope.
All she has to do is stay here, he said, and the cows will turn away from her and go up the trail.
The mule swishes her tail, bobbing her long, cinnamon-speckled head. It’s as if Nagini can pick up on Hermione’s lack of confidence like a strong scent. 
Dread plunges through her.
The cows approach ponderously. 
Some veer up the trail, but others stop a few yards from Hermione. Their long-lashed gaze and whuffing snorts make her fear they’re planning to rush her hesitant barricade.
Nagini tosses her head, jerking on the rope. Has the mule chosen this time to test her on purpose?
“No you don’t!” Hermione says in her boldest voice.
But when it comes to hoofed creatures, she knows she has no clout.
Giving her a malicious eye, Nagini stretches her strawberry roan neck and arches like a cat. The baggage on the pack saddle bunches precariously, listing at an alarming angle.
All at once, a horrible, metal-clattering sound bellows from the mule, loud as the wail of a steam engine. Its sheer volume beside Hermione obscures any familiarity she has with a ‘hee-haw’ sound and instead nearly bowls her over. 
With another trumpeting call, Nagini launches into a series of fierce bucks and kicks, rolling the pack saddle askew. The rope strains in Hermione’s fingers, and she leans heavily on her left stirrup to keep hold of it.
The ground rushes at her before she can think, knocking the wind out of her lungs.
Hermione squirms on the dirt, gasping. Fighting to take in air.
There’s a vibration resonating through the packed soil of the trail and a chorus of anxious moos. 
She braces herself up on her elbow to find Crookshanks trotting off toward the grass while Nagini bolts, flailing her back legs in the air and rolling her spine like she has a burr under her saddle.
The cows scatter from the mule like oil from water. 
A flank of cattle stamp toward her, snorting wildly. Hooves thunder the earth. 
Hermione opens her mouth to cry Stop! but her lungs are wrung out.
She gags on air.
Hand shaking, she reaches for her wand but her sleeve holds nothing but her trembling arm.
Nothing remains but for her to watch the cows fill her vision, only feet away now. Their smell is sweet, sodden grass and animal musk. Eyes white around their edges.
Turning away, she shields her face with her arm…
…Next weekend I will have the chapter done! I’m just one scene away from turning over to @seollem-tm my beta!
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Omg omg omg can you write a fanfic about data getting another cat and her and spot loving each other so much that they basically ignore data?????????? KDHKSDJ THAT'D BE SO CUTE OMG
I agree: this is a VERY cute idea, and thank you so much for asking me to write this! I hope I did it justice 😊
Data's quarters were quiet and tidy, as he stepped inside them after the conclusion of his work shift.
A little too quiet and tidy.
Although his quarters were usually impeccably neat, since he acquired his beloved cat Spot, the length of time they remained neat had decreased considerably. This length decreased even further after the acquisition of his second cat, Stripe.
Data's main purpose for obtaining a second feline was further companionship for Spot. He hypothesized that part of the reason for Spot's continual unruly behavior was due to the fact that she was left alone quite frequently during his duty shifts. Since Spot did not like most of the other crew members, and the few that she did like could not constantly watch over her while Data worked, Data decided the best solution was to adopt another cat.
Even though just about everyone tried to talk him out of it, Data knew he could handle the responsibility of an additional lifeform to care for. He just wanted Spot to be happy, and to have someone to keep her company while he was on duty.
However, in the past month since Stripe joined their family, Data began to suspect that perhaps his friends' warnings were correct. From his couch being ripped to shreds, to all of his shelved belongings being knocked onto the floor and some even broken, two cats appeared to be more troublesome than one. Spot and Stripe were partners in crime, and oh did they enjoy inflicting crimes onto Data and his belongings.
Tonight, however, his quarters showed no signs of disarray, nor the two felines. Growing suspicious, he began to inspect his quarters.
"Spot?" He called out softly, "Stripe? I am home!"
Still, he did not hear nor see anything that indicated the presence of his pets. He raised an eyebrow, continuing his search, "Are you both prepared for dinner?"
He made his way over to his replicator, scrutinizing the vicinity for their presence, before he directed his attention to his replicator, "Feline supplements numbers 25 and 73."
The replicator whirred to life, and a few seconds later, two bowls of the requested cat food concoctions appeared in the slot. Using both hands, he grabbed the bowls and set them down beside the cats' respective water bowls, "Spot? Stripe? Your dinners await you!"
Once again, there was no sign or indication of his felines.
His puzzlement growing, he continued his investigation. He made his way steadily throughout his quarters, searching and calling for his cats in each new area he examined. Each time, he found no sign that his cats were there.
Finally, when he made his way to his bedroom, he realized why.
On the edge of his bed, Spot and Stripe were fast asleep, curled into one another. Stripe was curled up into a complete, sideways ball, her head tucked into her paws. Spot was curled around her. Her stomach pressed against Stripe's back, and her paws stretched out along Stripe's side and stomach.
Data eyed them curiously for a moment. Although he did not appreciate the trouble the two had been causing, he was at least relieved to know that they got along well with each other.
He watched them for another 2 minutes and 51 seconds before quietly leaving his bedroom. Making his way to his work area, he sat down and began to work on his latest project, figuring that the two would come looking for him and their food when they awoke.
Sure enough, 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 39 seconds later, the two cats emerged. Spot led the way, and Stripe followed close behind her. Spot seemed to be surveying her surroundings, taking a moment to sit down and look around the room. Her eyes briefly glanced in Data's direction, but she paid him no other mind, and continued her curious pursuit about the room.
Eventually, Spot spotted her food bowl, and happily trotted over to it. She meowed excitedly when she realized her favorite food was in her bowl. Stripe, who had sat down behind Spot earlier when Spot was reviewing the living room, eagerly sprinted over at the sound of her sister's delight. The two felines ate happily and hungrily, scarfing down the food in their respective bowls in record time.
Data watched both cats complete their meals, drink some water, and complete their after-meal paw cleaning. As the cats began to move towards the couch, he called out to them, "Spot? Stripe?"
Both felines ignored him as they leaped onto the couch, one at a time. Data blinked in surprise, "Spot?"
Again, she ignored him.
His newest feline paid him no mind either, her full attention on her sister. Spot plopped down onto the couch, and Stripe made her way over to her to hunker down beside her. The two cats began to clean each other, purring lowly.
Baffled, Data stood up, and made his way over to his couch, "Spot, Stripe: you are both aware that I have returned, are you not?" Spot momentarily stopped grooming Stripe, looking at him indignantly. Stripe looked at Data with wide eyes, but otherwise did not acknowledge him.
Data scrunched his eyebrows and frowned slightly, "Are you both actively choosing to ignore my presence?" Spot blinked at him slowly, almost absentmindedly, before she resumed dragging her tongue along Stripe's face. Stripe closed both eyes and purred lowly, her claws digging into the couch.
Data's eyebrows rose curiously, "Hmm," he tilted his head to the side softly. "Very well. I shall leave you two alone," he remained standing in front of them briefly, just in case they changed their minds. After 27 seconds without any recognition of his presence, he returned to his work console.
He made a brief note in his personal log about tonight's series of events, and continued to work on his previous duty-related task. He was greatly anticipating discussing tonight's observations with his friends tomorrow.
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gureiify · 3 months
Princess Sakuya passed away last night.
I want to talk about her some, so this might get long. <3
She was a koi style female betta fish I got from a petsmart in late 2018. White red and black in color with short fins. She had original tankmates of 2 glass catfish and three hatchet fish. I did a lot of research and decided on a female betta because they are calmer and less likely to abuse tankmates.
She was always friendly and curious and mostly left her tankmates alone. Though she starts out three colors the white in her scales turns to red and black over time, although she also gains an electric blue shimmer to some scales that reminds me of that storybook the rainbow fish.
My very favorite thing about her was her 'cuddliness' Because she was so curious she always swam toward things coming into her tank, not away, and I was always afraid that during water changes she'd get knocked around by the water and get injured. So I started sticking my hand in to block her to one side, to my suprise she swam right over and sat in my curled hand. I'd never had a fish that was like 'ok! hold me!' That became what we did every time there was a water change.
In late 2020 we decided to move from FL to WA. Usually a significant move necessitates rehoming fish, and that was originally the plan, but the closer move date got the less I wanted to separate. So I decided to take the risk and take the fish with us. Into a bucket goes the Princess, 3 hatchet fish and the remaining glass cat. 7 days and over 3000 miles later we arrive in WA, only the glass cat didn't make it.
The new tank is a 40Gallon tall, and it's a wonderful amount of room for 4 fish. The hatchet fish all eventually pass and it's just her left in that big tank.
In late 2022 she becomes ill and starts struggling to swim to the surface of that huge tank to breathe the air as betta need. So she moves into a 10gal tabletop tank on the bay window for treatment. She ends up recovering, but with her favorite plants and leaf hammock and the windows sunshine she is happy so she doesn't move back to the big tank.
In april 2024 she gets ill again, and after treatment recovers physically, but her personality has changed, she's listless and fearful, laying near the surface and seeming to panic whenever food or new water goes into the tank. Last friday I moved her into a hospital bowl for a last effort treatment, knowing it was likely end of life and not sickness. She was 6 years old.
Sunday I knew in my heart that she would be gone soon. So I put my hand in the tank to say goodbye and after a moment of panic she calmed and swam over into my hand. I got to hold her a last time. Monday night when I went to check on her she had passed. She'll be buried under the cherry tree with her favorite leaf hammock.
Many people think of fish as disposable pets, and betta especially. They're sold in little cups with incorrect care instructions. In truth they're amazing little companions who are worth the time and effort to really care for them.
I'm glad I got to spend 6 years with Princess Sakuya and I'll miss her dearly.
Thank you for spending the time to hear her story.
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lostforysbth · 2 years
cw// mini (fairy) yeonjun pt 3
soobin was only just beginning to adapt to living with a fairy when he had to face his next hurdle.
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on a cloudy friday afternoon, soobin was in the kitchen again. he finally baked a good pie filled with strawberry, the previous ones either being undercooked or over. he was excitedly preparing sliced strawberries for the decoration when he heard knocks on his front door.
panicked, he quickly wiped his hands on his apron and went to the living room. the human made eye contact with an equally wide-eyed fairy, who was previously watching tv while munching on whole strawberries. soobin wildly gestured for yeonjun to go to his bedroom while he answered the door, but it only looked on questioningly.
at another set of knocks, he shouted, "just a minute!", as he got the fairy into his room before heading to the door.
"what took you so long?" on his porch stood taehyun with a cat cage and a small backpack in tow, soobn took in the sight with a curious look.
"if you didn't guess it already, i was baking." he said as he gestured at his apron. the younger huffed before entering the house. he took a seat on the living room sofa before explaining his reason of visit, long story short, soobin now lived in a house with a fairy and a feline named 'tyun'.
"you named the cat after yourself?"
"problem?" the glare from taehyun immediately got his hands up in defense.
after the younger left, he'd set up the food and water bowls, litter box, and cat tower as he was instructed. while the cat sniffed his sofa, he went back to his room.
"soobin! over here, look!" the fairy was peering out the window, cheek pressed against the glass. standing behind the fairy, soobin tried to see what it was pointing out to him.
"what is it?"
"there! don't you see it?"
"no, what am i supposed to be seeing?"
"the cocoon!"
with the object specified, soobin squinted again and finally saw it dangling from the window handle. "the caterpillar was my friend in the garden and i totally forgot it made its cocoon here."
the fairy continued looking at its friend's unmoving form in awe. "do you know how much longer it'll take?"
"no, but I'm sure it won't take that long." soobin didn't have the heart to refute. instead, he brought up another important matter.
"there's someone I need you to meet." the fairy allowed soobin to carry it in his chest pocket, 'for safety', he'd said, and yeonjun couldn't help the twinge of fear. when they finally reached the living room, it gasped.
"kitty!" yeonjun clammered in its confines, trying to get out and rush to the furry feline. "soobin help me!"
the human held back a chuckle at its frenzied state, his heart skipping a beat at the cuteness he just winessed. "here," he said as he offered his paim. as they approached tyun, soobin started to worry, will the cat like the fairy? it should, right? since the fairy could sort of communicate with animals? but the worries weren't false.
when yeonjun reached out to pet the cat, it flinched and hissed before running away.
now, in soobin's hand was a sulky, pouty fairy. it whined as it watched the cat running around the house. "why doesn't it like me?" the human only hummed in sympathy, offering a finger from his other hand as consolation.
seeing the appendage come close, yeonjun pulled it closer and hugged it tight. it rested its cheek against the finger and continued whining and whimpering as it witnessed the cat's fluffy cuteness.
"it's not fair, what'd i do!"
"shh, it's okay, tyun will come around." the fairy buried its face against the skin of the finger in its arms. feeling slight wetness, scobin inspected the yeonjun closer. "are you... crying?"
"no!" it sobbed.
"c'mon, we'll get you some strawberries, hm? it's okay, shh, it's okay, junnie."
yeonjun was finally quiet now but he chomped on the strawberries like he held a personal grudge. his eyes still trained on the cat whenever it came to view, otherwise he would blankly stare at the tv screen.
soobin held back his laugh.
"how about you feed it a snack later?"
"can i?"
"we can try," soobin said as he shrugged. it can't be that bad. and it wasn't that bad, kinda. other than the fact that tyun knocked yeonjun into its water bowl earlier, and now said fairy was running after the feline.
"yeonjun, be careful!" his eyes struggle to keep up as he righted any objects that got bumped into. his eyebrows scrunch in worry as he watched the tiny fairy attempt to chase the cat with a metal spoon in its hands, the same spoon it had used to offer (snacks) its friendship earlier. getting lost in his thoughts, soobin's daze got cut off when he heard tyun hiss out of his vision.
"tyun? where are you, kitty?" he asked.
in the same moment yeonjun, screamed- "soobin, help!"
then, from under the couch, the fairy appeared but it started running again. except this time, the cat was doing the chasing. luckily, soobin was a trained petsitter and managed to catch tyun before the cat could get far.
"shh, it's okay, did yeonjun bother you?" he asked as he patted the cat in his arms, hand twisted a little to reach her head. yeonjun pouted from where he stood under a dining chair.
"she started it!"
"yeonjun..." the fairy huffed at the scolding gaze that was sent his way, all too familiar with it. it left for the bedroom shortly after, not wanting to see his human consoling the enemy any longer. once tyun was asleep on her catbed, he took a picture to send to her owner. confirming that the text got delivered, he pocketed his phone before tidying up the house for the night. he closed the tv, threw away used litter, switched off lights and all his other nightly routines.
by the time he was done, it was 10pm, an hour later than usual. he sighed as he stepped into the shower. the next three days were gonna be long for him, he thought to himself. rinsing off the soap suds, the scent suddenly reminded him of the fairy's first bath. he smiled then.
entering his room with only a towel felt like a punishment. somewhere in the time it took him to calm tyun down, yeonjun had found the aircon remote and turned it on. he quickly went through his drawers to find some pyjamas to wear, nearly tripping while pulling on the pants.
"yeonjun? are you asleep?" he asked as he approached the bed. he lifted the blanket a little and in the centre of his side of the bed was the fairy, curled up in a sad silhouette. "what's wrong?"
"nothing," it mumbled, making no move to give space for the human to lay rest.
"can i lay down with you?" the fairy only hummed as it shrugged, its position making the movement look smaller than usual. soobin sighed through his nose, not really knowing what to do with a non-responsive yeonjun.
he was used to the loud, emotional yeonjun. the expressive, dramatic yeonjun.
the yeonjun who pouted when soobin took away its strawberries. the yeonjun who gasped at every bee that buzzed by the window. the yeonjun who whined to sleep with his rabbit plush even though it had one of its own.
this yeonjun was new to him.
soobin grabbed the two rabbit plushies on yeonjun's side of the bed and climbed on. "wanna sleep with bunny tonight?" he offered his own plushie to the fairy but, with its back still turned to the human, it shook its head. "you sure?"
he didn't receive any response after that. hugging both rabbits, one in the crevice of each arm, he lied on his back to face the ceiling.
"i'm sure tyun will warm up to you eventually. you still have two more days to get to know each other so we'll work on it again tomorrow, okay?" he turned his head to his side but there was no movement from yeonjun. soobin sighed, turning so his back faced the fairy before sleep took over.
in the dark, the fairy's eyes were wide open, wings fluttering weakly at every soft snore the human let out.
yeonjun hated this. being a disappointment, being a burden. he'd left the land of the fae exactly for this reason but nothing had changed. barely any animals still spoke to him after he'd ran away, his name shunned by his own people.
for hours, he laid there, barely breathing as he got lost in his own thoughts. he was only pulled out of them when he heard scratching outside of the room. he peeked to see soobin still snoring away, though now on his back rather than his side.
the fairy snuck away, struggling with all the movements needed to reach the door from the bed.
fortunately, the bed wasn't too high up.
unfortunately, he couldn't say the same for the door handle.
with the help of a nearby cabinet and a little force from his nearly-useless wings, he managed to get on the handle. yeonjun tested his luck first, jumping a little on the metal. it rattled a bit, the noise making him flinch and immediately look to soobin's figure.
the human snorted a bit before rolling on his side, head turned away from the fairy. he started snoring again not long after so yeonjun tried again.
he jumped and jumped, adding more force with each try. he almost got it, heard the hinge get caught before it went back in a place. just a little more and it'll open. he kept jumping until-
'yes!' he screamed in his head, but in the next second, he felt his foot slipping. 'uh oh.'
when he opened his eyes again, there was a soft breeze blowing from behind him and from atop him. he squinted to see past the wind and saw two beady eyes staring right at him in the soft sunlight. he gasped, scurrying backwards 'til he hit the door. the breeze from under it still blew into the room, causing him to shiver.
at a quiet thump, his gaze fixated onto the creature in front him, slowly stalking towards him.
"hey, kitty..," he said awkwardly as his lips lifted in a wobbly smile. "friends?"
he squeaked when the feline's pace suddenly increased, holding his arms in front of his head in defense. but instead of sharp fangs or claws to his body, he felt a tickling on his palm. "hm?"
peeking between the space of his arms, he saw white.
white fur took up his whole vision, the cat too close for him to see anything else. slowly, he moved his hand from the cat's nose to atop her head. he heard a purr coming from her throat, the vibrations travelling down his arm and wracking his whole being. he moved his arms as much as he could, patting it the way he saw soobin had done it. "you like that?"
she chirped in response, an adorable little sound like the cute cat that it was. tyun bowed her head lower and lower, until eventually, she was on her back. yeonjun moved along with her, going from head pats and neck scratches to giving her belly rubs.
"this what you want, tyunnie? is this what you want?" he cooed at her with his best baby voice. the feline responded with her own mews and chirps, the two stuck in their own world. they were so into it that they didn't realise the pair of eyes watching them from the bed, a fond smile on the human's lips.
at first, after hearing yeonjun's and tyun's voices, he'd woken up with a jolt at the thought of the fairy in trouble again. but upon seeing them interacting, yeonjun cooing and probably unconsciously making faces as he babied the feline, soobin slumped back into his bed.
"you two having fun?"
the fairy gasped, hands frozen in shock, while the feline startled back to her feet and ran out the room. in her panic, her tail swung violently, hitting yeonjun in the process. he was abruptly flung under the cabinet near the door, the force of it expelling his breath.
"yeonjun!" soobin rushed from the bed, falling to the floor with an 'oof' when his leg got caught in the sheets. while struggling to free himself, he tried to see where the fairy landed, "are you okay?"
under the cabinet, yeonjun was splat on his back, breathing heavily.
"did you see?" the fairy clambered back to his feet and ran to the human. soobin had only managed to unstuck his leg when he got a faceful of a dusty fairy. "we bonded! i bonded with tyun, she likes me now!"
"mhm, i saw," he mumbled against the fairy's belly. "so proud of you."
"thanks," the fairy giggled. they only moved once soobin started sneezing, nearly sending yeonjun under the bed.
by the time tyun's stay with them was up, 2 days had passed and the fairy and feline had bonded closely. just the night before, yeonjun was whining from where he was sat atop tyun's back, wishing she didn't have to go.
"taehyun loves her too, you know?"
"then why did he leave her here, where i could bond with her and wished she stayed with me forever?!"
"because he had to go visit his mom and she's allergic to cats." soobin reasoned with the fairy. "now shush, i'm trying to finish this."
the fairy glared at the human, perplexed at how he could be so calm when their housemate had to leave the next morning. he huffed, telling the cat to bring him away from soobin's workplace so he could be dramatic in peace.
it was nearly an hour later that soobin finally got up from his table, two crocheted pieces in hand. he saw the fairy moping on tyun's stomach, the cat getting distracted by the front door's dangling chime.
"no, i don't wanna talk with you right now." soobin chuckled at his indignation, causing the fairy to lift his head and glare in his direction. the human lifted his hands apologetically, the red he was holding capturing yeonjun's attention. "what's that?"
"a parting gift." he said with a smile, gesturing for yeonjun and tyun to come over so he could give the gifts to them.
taehyun came early the next morning, barely any time for yeonjun to plant goodbye kisses on tyun. the cat had soaked in the attention, purring hard. when the younger saw his cat, he asked soobin, "what'd you do to my cat?"
"it's just a hat, taehyun." in the cat cage, tyun sat calmly with a red crocheted strawberry hat on her head. she meowed sharply then, seemingly in defense of the hat. her owner let it be and thanked soobin for his care. "i barely did anything but i'll take it."
taehyun looked at soobin weirdly before he went to load everything in his trunk. while the cat cage was being strapped securely on his passenger seat, soobin saw a small movement to his right. when he looked, he saw yeonjun waving from the window, a red hat sitting on top of his pink hair. he tried to ignore the skip in his heartbeat when he saw something glistening tracking down the fairy's cheek.
he looked back to the car just in time to see taehyun shut the passenger door and wave at him before heading to the driver's side.
by nightfall, soobin and yeonjun laid face to face, back to their respective sides. the human watched as the fairy fiddled with the bow on his rabbit plushie, yeonjun's own plush secure in soobin's arms.
"do you think tyun will miss me?"
"of course."
silence engulfed them again as the fairy resumed his fiddling.
"what about me?" the human hummed in question, not getting what the fairy meant. "if i leave, will you miss me?"
it took soobin a while to answer, the thought of not having yeonjun around not registering in his brain. what would it be like to wake up without yeonjun's surprisingly loud snores next to him every morning? what would it be like to not have strawberries suddenly missing from his fridge and all he'd felt was endearment? what would it be like to fall asleep with only one rabbit plush in hand, the other gone from his sight?
he couldn't see it at all, even if that was the life he had before.
"of course, i will."
"yeah," soobin said softly. "though you're not allowed to leave me."
"i won't."
that night, soobin fell asleep with one arm wrapped around a rabbit plush. the other was placed in front of him, hand laying on the other plushie where a fairy hugged one of his fingers.
that night, he dreamt of twinkling eyes and a bright smile with arms wrapped around his body. if that morning he woke up blushing from seeing yeonjun's face, no one needed to know.
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hime-memes · 2 years
                        * Loey Lane YT Comment Starters *
Because I love scaring the heck out of myself at midnight, and enjoy viewing creepy content in general ... below are some of the more light-hearted comments from various Loey Lane youtube videos !
As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
Recommended For:  Any muses/plots/timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Supernatural / death mentions, swearing, drug use, slight innuendo.
“ I'm sorry but the guy in the abandoned camp just going "uh oh" at a dark figure is the most relatable thing I've seen. “ “ Hope someone does this for me when I’m a ghost ! “ “ I despised it so I wanted you to see it too. “ “ Ghost really said, ‘ excuse you sir, I’m shitting ! ‘ “ “ She's so brave, I could NEVER go outside in the night to check out some creepy sounds. “ “ The amount of people who don't know that foxes and deer scream is astounding. “ “ Dude, the fact that her reactions are immediate ‘ nope ‘ -- makes me chuckle every time. “  “ Safe to say anything that sounds like an old man growling - is probably safe to say is not Casper ... It could be an extremely homophobic ghostie though. “  “ ‘ 27 Paranormal TikToks you should NOT watch at night...’ me, alone in my apartment at 11pm, clicking so fast I knock my water bottle over. “  “ This is 100% a Malevolent Spirit. “ “ She is so calm with all of this ... like, damn, I would have burned the whole house down ! “ “ Just so you know those ‘ man groans ‘ are angry bobcat noises … which is honestly even more concerning. What could be making it angry !? “ “ The ghost was just like ' wtf is this thing you left me ? ', sniffs phone, ' should I touch it ? ' ? “ “ Hey, the Appalachian mountains are actually incredibly fun ! Sure there's old spirits and other ancient energies but there's also interesting plants, animals, and fungi ! Great to explore ! “ “ Christopher, ( the teenage ghost ), was surprisingly woke. Like, for a teenage boy ghost that died in the late 90s - early 2000s ? He’s kind of an icon ... “ “ Oh my god,  if I had a Christopher I'd ask him if he'd wanna smoke a bowl with me ! “  “ ️It’s a part of Lumberjack mythology !!! “  “ Yeah, the Appalachian mountains have something in them. I don't go down past a certain point to the woods at night. I've heard screaming and a whole host of disturbing noises. “ “ That painting of the little girl is terrifying as all hell. I couldn't even look at her face, I have chills. “ “  There's a way for you to make a body decompose faster or slower to fabricate the time of death. “ “ Laughter is actually a pretty common fear/anxiety response. “  “ That ‘ shadow person ‘ looked like a dude in a dark blue hoodie with his back to the window. Also, it was VERY clean for an abandoned house in the middle of the woods ... “  “ Shadow standing in the window like:  ‘ Hi, welcome to Chili’s ! ‘ ... “ “ That shower ? - NOPE ! “ “ I'm so tired of people assuming spooky shite instead of learning about domestic history. “ “ I would never go in that last basement ... unless one of my cats was down there crying for help ! “  “ I didn’t even think of ' come closer ' ... I thought it sounded like a tuba, as if the entity was hanging around while secretly playing the tuba. “ “ Sheer fact she found a ouija board in the room says enough. “ “ Well, to me it sounds like the entity could be saying ‘ testing ! ‘ but, maybe thats just me ? “ “ Ma'am, are you aware that your basement is an entrance into Jurassic Park ? “ “ Not me watching this high asf and acting like you can hear me going, ‘ period, yasss, of courseeee, girl, MY WIG FLEW OFF ! ‘ “ “ The title kills me, just two very serious sounding mysteries, and then: Kanye West. “ “ The homestuck of ARGs ... Right. “  “ Lake City Quiet Pills will prob remain a mystery forever, so I would definitely stop talking about it.  Just saying ... If THEY spent that much to eliminate someone, they WOULD NOT have a problem doing it again. “ “ Congratulations on your bras! You deserve all the things ! “ “ I was spacing out a bit eating dinner, but you said homestuck and I zoned right the fuck in. “ “ I absolutely love how non-chalant the lady in the last TikTok is. She just comes in her living room and sees four dark entities and is like "I'm gonna go to bed." And I respect that. “ “ As someone who works with children and has blown their fair share of bubbles, two things really stand out to me ... “  “ If that was actually people sitting there - ( from what I know ) - living people don't have reflective eyes like animals. “  “ This balloon MOVED OUT OF THE WAY SO THEY COULD PASS. “  “ Rich history of bloodshed is not always conducive to being left alone if you can see things that others don’t.  “ “ The child talking to the vent, the child afraid of the other mother in her closet and that last video would have me setting my house on fire. “ “ Not to be super dismissive of the child ... but,  the child is describing Coraline. “ “ WAIT !!! Let me get my lettuce !!! -- Ok, got it ! We can start ! “  “ It just worries me how quick people jump to supernatural conclusions when it has to do with their children, because there could just be something going wrong with them. “  “ Long story short, I'm a little uncertain on the science, but if that's true, it means that the figures in the camera weren’t human. “  “ I would drop dead on site if I saw that 3 times in a row with them staring back at me. “  “ Pro Tip: 1.The farther the noise, the closer it is, 2. never whistle at night ( it attracts them ), 3. never say their name - ( traditional or local name ). “ “ That ‘ help me, somebody ! ‘ one is the biggest NOPE ever. “ “ I've heard many stories of spirits trying to lure people into the water to drown them. “ “ Demons scare women mostly. " “ ‘ Sir, with love & light ... you kind of look like chris pratt. ‘ ... I DIED ! “  “  If those girls are faking it, their mother should definitely get them in the acting. “  “ The ghost is watching this with us like, ‘ There’s not a chance we’re doing that. I don’t care what you say, I am a grown-ass adult, and so are you ‘ ! “ “ Ghosts do be crab dancing tho ... " “ Picture it: ‘ Terrifying tiktoks you should NEVER watch alone ‘ then, me alone: * presses play * “ “ The thing I don’t get about the kid in the basement is how they managed to get a kid to stand, in the dark, in a terrifying basement ! “  “ Looking back, I'm sure I looked really creepy. “ “ ‘ I think she's just .... vibing ? Ma'am this is a Walgreens ! ‘ ... I lost it. “  “ OMG love that you named your ghost ! We just named ours ' demon ' ( ikr we're so creative ) but he doesn't really do much, just the casual stuff like watching us, throwing things ( which doesn't happen very often ),  peeking into our rooms at night, walking down the hallways, giving me chills,  y'know just casual ghostie stuff ! “  “ That stick bug was a um … naked person walking on all fours. “  “ The only thing that keeps me from falling asleep, ( or, falling back asleep actually ), are my own horrifying nightmares. “  “ Your laugh at the Arby’s™ receipt ... LMFAO. “  “ I just want to know WHAT those little girls saw !!!! Their terror was pure and real. “  “ ‘ This is what my ghost does to me ! ‘ ... as if she owns the ghost. “  " That was really freaky ... I wanna watch it again. " “ You can find haunted dolls in the woods when you actually go to said woods. Take an internet break, and go see what you find. It’s really easy ! “  “ Me with any small child entity ever present in the same area as me: * Does not immediately book it and just sits calmly down waiting to see if they'll calm down because I have way too high of a parental instinct * ... My family: GIRL STOP, STOP IT YOU NEED SOME HELP THAT IS A DAMN DEAD CHILD - !!! “  “ ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE THING THAT CRAWLED TOWRDS THE MAN AS HE WAS RUNNING TOWARDS THE CHILD ????? “ “ Saw a ghost at my nan’s house once, told it to fuck off, and you know what ? HAven’t seen it since. “  “ I was given a doll that a woman was going to bury in her back yard, she never explained why. I've had her a year now. “ “ DUDE, my grandparents have that EXACT statue that the guy found in the woods. It's not originally painted, it’s just bare stone so whoever owned it hand painted it for whatever reason. “  “ The person in the bedroom looks like is using a mask and just breakdancing on the floor, lol ! “  “ Dude, the emergency sound in that video towards the end ? It hit all of my nope buttons ! “  “ Guess demons are trying to bring me to their dimension ... “ “ Hey boy, It’s us, ... your demons ! “  “ I would totally leave that little girl outside ... why she outside in the first place ?! “ 
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nawilla · 2 years
In Memorium: D the Cat
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D the Cat passed away suddenly today.  She had what was probably a stroke the day before Memorial Day and had been slowly declining, but there wasn’t any real treatment for her.  Today is the day before Halloween, so she has been ill for five months. 
(I’m talking about my cat’s dying process so don’t read it if that bothers you).
After her stroke she was unsteady on her feet and probably had vertigo.  Unfortunately, I had to confine her to the basement for her own safety, so she wouldn’t fall down the stairs or get overheated in the summer heat.  I was trying to figure out the logistics of moving her upstairs for the winter.  I went to feed her this morning around 9 am and it was clear she had had a sudden decline.  She had lost control of her limbs and was dragging herself like an inchworm, but still ate her food.  She was utterly filthy (poor mobility in a basement with a tendency to knock over water bowls), so I gave her a bath and wrapped her in a towel, and she started to come around a bit and began moving her legs.  I sat with her until 11 (because I HAD to feed M and give him his insulin) and came back down, then left her around 1 pm.  After I fed myself, I came back around 2 pm and she had wriggled out of her towel burrito (again) and let out a loud meow when I put her back on the towel, which was odd because she never meows.  I set up the pet dryer and dried her off and when I turned it off she was going into her final convulsions.  In retrospect I think she was actively dying when she meowed, and I hope she could feel the warm air as she died.  She went into agonal breathing, and I wrapped her in a dry towel and held her until it stopped.  I called her Cat Grandma (the best friend of her late former owner) while she was going, and we talked and I ugly cried and kept petting her even though I knew she was gone.  
Poor D had a rough time these last few months and I feel bad that she looks like a homeless stray, with hair mats and dirt, and she had rubbed off the fur on one cheek, probably rubbing her face on the ground (so I suspect she stroked out last night).  I know she’s not in pain anymore.  After she died, I put her in the box I give her baths in and I called a pet cremation service who will come and pick her up.  I love her, but I have no illusions as to what is going to happen to her body in the next 24 hours, so I am very thankful for the pickup service.  (Let us not discuss the one time I forgot to put the mice that died for science in the freezer overnight.  Fortunately, they were in a ziploc bag in a fume hood, so there was no insect activity, but I have sewer drains in my basement and no way to keep her cold, so I don’t want her body to sit around here overnight).  
I did carry the box upstairs and let M and N look into it and sniff so they could understand that D had passed away and that I didn’t take her away and not bring her back.  
D was never a willing photo model, but I had a few good ones.  She hasn’t looked good for a while. It was surprising to see how fluffy she used to get when I was looking for her photos on this post.  Below are some pictures from happier days.  
Goodbye D.  You were a good girl.  I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you more of my time and love in your final days, but I hope you know I was with you when you died.  I’m sorry your last moments were under a blow dryer.  I didn’t want you to be cold since you wouldn’t stay in your towel.  
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RIP Dom. (Yes, she was a girl.  I didn’t name her). 2009? - 10/30/2022
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