#that has bulbs in it
messier51 · 1 year
at this point i think the raccoons are just digging in and knocking over any potted plants i leave accessible overnight out of spite
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cosmicwhoreo · 7 months
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oooooooo caviarrrrr you wanna eat this whole cake so badly oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[yes i drew this whole ass cake. let my wife eat]
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It's bad enough his diet has been nothing but meat and alcohol for the past 30 years. But then his dumbass went and downed a whole ass chocolate cake- He gonna be feeling the effects sooner rather than later is what I'm sayinnn
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droewyn · 8 months
Tumblr Meme University: Life Skills 101
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This works with any stainless steel object! They actually sell "magic soap" for this purpose, but save yourself the $7 and just grab a piece of flatware from your kitchen drawer. I use serving spoons for the larger surface area.
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valtsv · 11 months
half the light switches in my house don't connect to anything and the other half flicker when you turn them on i live in a fucking five nights at freddys game
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rinzay · 8 months
*Stomps my foot* That's it! I'm makin my own Bracken lore!!
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hehe lil 'guy,
ooo look! He's gonna have company!
as long as the company ain't letha-
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amphibianaday · 1 year
The other day a friend showed me a Garfield pic. My brain malfunctioned and called it "Garlic the Frog". Can you draw a picture of Garlic the Frog, however he looks to you? Thank you :)
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day 1356
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me: so do you wanna like go see a movie or something 😳
Livermore's Centennial Light Bulb, "the world's longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901, and almost never turned off":
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[ID: a frame of the centennial bulb livestream. the light is hanging above firetrucks. end ID]
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Halloween prompts no. 7
Danny, after the portals blew due to him doing something incredibly dangerous and stupid, landing him in the dc universe. More specifically, Gotham.
Tim might have jumped about a foot in the air when that bright light came crashing down into the alley next to him. He might be super smart and independent for his age, but he was still a very curious eight year old wandering Gotham alone at night. He crept into the alley to peek at the glowing boy groaning in the fresh crater. Tim was surprised by the boys age, he looked about the same age as himself if not a bit younger (he's a year younger) and Tim was amazed he was a hero, he didn't think they started that young.
After coming to, Phantom introduced himself to Tim and was very excited to meet and potentially befriend a human who wasn't afraid of him. Phantom convinces Tim to become vigilantes (though Tim insisted on masks) with him and learns that he can bestow some of his power to other people through jewelry. Cujo appears somewhere along the way and Jason gets added to the group after he saw them transform and wanted in.
Batman nearly has a stroke because he thinks he may have caused this by letting Dick be Robin and influencing the kids. When he asked if they were metas or aliens Phantom opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by Tim's alias blurting out, "Magical girls!" Because he was terrified Batman might try to exorcize Phantom or something.
This leads to the hilarious scenario where batman is doing research on "magical girls" and wondering why none of the three are-if fact-girls.
This is an unholy fusion between super frilly magical girls and Power Rangers so have fun.
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eldstunga · 2 years
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Power's out again...
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codecicle · 3 months
I have no idea who runs this account but I genuinely owe them my life. Everyone go here now ☝️
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angronsjewelbeetle · 5 months
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I like you *puts your primarchs hair up*
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oursystemblog · 1 month
Hi ! I read a bunch of your comics/asks and you said that you used to not hear each other's voice while fronting,
I was wondering if there's anything you did that helped you guys improve your communication? We're kind of in the same situation over here, and also have no inner world, so internal communication can be quite complicated...
Hrmm I guess early on we tried to communicate with visualizations instead of words which was kind of easier for some reason (??) -- though that required sitting down and focusing because we have a horrible mind's-eye but most communication we do requires that either way, we also started off by frequently asking small yes or no questions which was all we could do for a while and then eventually we just Got Better At It
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achillesuwu · 1 year
Post-return arthur that is so bored that he tries to make some food but he falls miserably because 99% of merlin house work with magic.
Electricity? Gas? Plumbing? Merlin never heard of her. The only non-magical technology in his house is an "cat" (*cough*dragon) toy that his new baby dragon wanted. That's it.
Arthur that got locked outside because the house was cross with him.
Arthur that tried once (1) to go into merlin office and— (Arthur : *glare*we don't talk about it) hem, never went alone in it ever again (hegotbluehairandturnedintoafrog.simultaneously)
Merlin house being strange enough to keep arthur entertained (by frustration) but also familiar enough in its lack of technology to not overwhelmed Arthur
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chiprewington · 5 months
one day i'm gonna hop on vrc with my edited chip model and watch him slowly spread around the clash community on there.
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starmocha · 6 months
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Girl where did you buy your bulbs that you thought were daffodils?? 😭
On the bright side, the garlic bulbs helped secured two dates with Zayne 🤡
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ryehickman · 8 months
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Some “master studies” on a comic page
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