merrigel · 6 years
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Thank ya so much hun!! ❤
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crunchynatureboy · 7 years
Pssst, 3, 4 (Sorry i just can't not !! ❤) aaaannndd 14 please?! 🍀)
(HEHEHE, thank youu!! ❤)
3. A report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor
Dear Mother and Father,
I hope this letter finds you well! Exploring the countryside has been positively riveting, though I’ll admit my apprentice is perhaps a bit more at ease here than myself? I may still be too accustomed to the finer things in life…. However, I still feel for those stuck sleeping in beds stuffed with straw. Kieran’s having the time of his life, though, even in towns so similar to his own! I’m excited for him to see Othain- I think you all will get along wonderfully. As far as wizardry goes, however, he still has quite a way to go…. He seems to have an aptitude for magic, but his memory of the finer details of spellwork tends to be shaky. Since this is my first time taking the role of teacher (no, running tutoring sessions at the institute really isn’t the same, though I appreciate the vote of confidence!), I’m doing my best to cater lessons to his learning style. Still, there will always come a point where learning magic comes down to rote memorization and practice, and repeated mistakes tend to leave Kieran a bit discouraged. He does, however, show some aptitude for natural magics? I’ve of course been tutoring him primarily in the basics with a bit of a bias towards Abjuration, but I’m beginning to think Evocation will be more fitting… Much to do, much to try!But listen to me, prattling on like an old school teacher! I promise to send another letter at the next township we reach!Much love,
Surana4. A letter from your OC to their love interestHey Ben!
Sorry to go so long in between letters- we just spent what I’m gonna guess was about 4 days diggin around in a dang cave. (I promise I’m fine though, barely a scratch on me, so don’t worry!) I love the earth, but that’s the longest I ever wanna spend more or less buried in it. Hopefully you’ve had a little more freedom back at the church, haha! How is everything? I hope you’re doin well! I wish you were here- “here” at the lodge, I mean, not “here” in the cave! I wouldn’t wish that level of bein cooped up on ya, hehe. I’ll be headin up your way soon as I can. I swear, you’re the only thing that makes how damn cold it gets up there worth it! I’ve gotta get a warmer cloak or something with how often I’m up there nowadays. (Unless I can just stay warm in your arms) Once this is over, you’ve gotta come down southside sometime, see what an actually warm summer feels like! Especially if it means you’ll get to see the sunflowers in bloom- I can finally point out the resemblance to ya, hehe!I miss you so bad it’s drivin me crazy. Luckily by the time you read this, I’ll probably be halfway to the church! (I’m bringin back souvenirs too, so you better be ready for a mess a’ gifts!) I love you, and I can’t wait to see you again.
Always yours,
14. Your OC talking about your favorite quest
“My favorite quest, huh? Man…. That’s a tough one! I gotta say, it diiid get us on the hook for treason, but goin’ through the Empress’ vault was really somethin’. All this cryptic magic shit scattered around, Lander gettin’ all buddy buddy with fuckin’ EDIAS, the head engineer, and Nox paradin’ around pretendin’ to be head bitch Adra Balfor herself? Shit was wild!”
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tricksterlizard · 7 years
OHH, could I ask for no. 6 and no. 14 please?! 🌟
Sho thing! Thanks so much for sending them in!!! 🔥🦎
6. Someone describing a time your OC helped them
Nox? Oh my god she was so nice to me, even though we met under really weird circumstances. See, me and my ex-boyfriend had just gone through a really messy break up after he cheated on me, and I was happy to never see him again, except for the fact that he kept my dog, Carlos! He refused to let me take him back! Like, that was MY dog, and he doesn’t eVEN KNOW his favorite food and- ugh, anyway. I thought- Jeez, this is so embarrassing... I thought it’d be a good idea to try and break into his house while he was away so I could get Carlos back. I know, I know! Who would do something like that? But whatever, it was a whole thing. Regardless, I didn’t think anyone would be out on the streets at 2 AM on a Tuesday, but lo and behold, this dragon chick strolls around the corner and finds me scaling to his second story window, haha! I thought she was gonna call the police or something, but instead she just asked “How’s the weather up there? You get locked out of your house or something?” I kinda laughed despite the nervousness and climbed back down and explained the whole situation. After that she said “Jesus what an asshat, I can open this door for ya if you want.” and before I can say no, she’s already at the keyhole with a lock picking set. I asked her “Are you sure? Won’t you get in trouble?” and then she shrugged and said “Ah, I’m already in trouble.” And with that the door swung open. We found my dog, Carlos, inside and his whole body was wagging with his tail, he was so happy to see me! I started heading out but then Nox smiled and said, “Wait we’re already here, does... your ex have any super valuable stuff in here that he’d hate to loose?” God, I can’t believe I went along with that! Before I knew it, we had taken or trashed everything in his house, including his luxury carriage, his favorite suit, and his stupid diamond watch that he would never shut up about. We parted ways after that. She even offered to take the fall if the cops started asking me about the break-in. She said “I spend enough time in that jail anyway, a classic B&E would only be about 3 weeks”. We still see each other around Courdray’s every so often (usually when I’m walking Carlos!) and she always gives me a really cheesy wink and a thumbs up. Though if we ever hang out again, I hope it won’t be through committing a felony. 7. Your OC talking about your favorite quest
Bruh, okay, I still really like the Moonview visit. Like it was so cool!!! A dragon fight? IN THE AIR??? That’s rad as fuck, lemme tell ya. And I got to be apart of it! Thank god I had my wings by then, huh? It was kind of a pain to carry both Kieran and Lander across the river but worth it for how much Kieran hated being carried, haha! And I was the one to save Lander this time, instead of the other way around! That guy was having the time of his life, jumping in between dragons (even though he missed a couple times) lmao. It was also super cool to meet Pam’s cousin! You know I gotta get all the family deats about the Kennecke clan (and his stew was AMAZING, like I know I’ll eat anything, but that was pretty spectacular). Plus, we got medals at the end, like actual heroes or something! I dunno, it was just fun, hanging out with da bois... and dragons.
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cirilee · 4 years
could you imagine ford in the pilot style? i mean, he's supposed to be the hot twin, how can someone manage to make him hot in \that\ style??
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look at how tight his shirt is
nah, for real tho, there was a fan theory out way back when, before ford got confirmed, have you ever heard of ....
the MYSTERY TRIO? (AU because its not canon now, but back then it was just called mystery trio)
crispystar is the one i remember right now who did a lot of art for it back then, go check it out
taccoman’s art for it omg !!! just explore their tag, good stuff in there!!
OH and hereissomething !!!! love them IMMENSELY check it out
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beccadrawsstuff · 4 years
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honestly? same
@merrigel owns aveline @crispystar owns calico(?? I think??)
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hollowknightzine · 5 years
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✦ alchenart | Portfolio Twitter Instagram ✦ Dreamer
✦ cat |  @risokikakieto Twitter VK (Group) ✦ Dreamer
✦ doshMobile | @doshmobile Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ Celebimber | @celebimber ✦ Knight
✦ WHITECAT | Twitter  Deviantart Virink ✦ Knight
✦ Walden-ea | @walden-ea VK ✦ Knight
✦ Vanessa Wei | Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ IscaRedspider | @iscaredspider Twitter Artstation ✦ Knight
✦ Yawnty | Portfolio Twitter furAffinity ✦ Dreamer
✦ Clara K. Dart | Portfolio Twitter ✦ Dreamer
✦ Megan Bonner | @ramblerogue Portfolio Twitter Instagram ✦ Dreamer
✦ Solène Michel | Crispystar | @crispystar Portfolio Twitter ✦ Dreamer
✦ BlazeMalefica | @blazemalefica Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ Nightmargin | Portfolio Twitter Deviantart ✦ Knight
✦ Kat Higgins | @merrigel Portfolio Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ Angelo | PatientNo7 | @patientno7 ✦ Knight
✦ Frootsy Collins | @deanbottino Twitter Instagram ✦ Knight
✦ Biovyx | @biovyxart Portfolio ✦ Knight
✦ Kelocitta | @kelocitta Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ steemie | @steemie Portfolio Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ Ghost | @ghoststrawberries Portfolio ✦ Knight
✦ Van | Portfolio Instagram ✦ Knight (New!)
✦ Cardinailed0 | @cardinailed0 ✦ Knight
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✦ Deestracted | Portfolio Deviantart ✦ Knight
✦ Lollitree | @lollitree Portfolio Twitter ✦ Knight
✦ Alan Cortes | Portfolio Instagram Behance ✦ Knight
✦ Mau Acheron | Deviantart ✦ Knight
✦ Cordaello | Twitter Instagram Deviantart ✦ Knight
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✦ Honke | @honke Twitter ✦ Vendor
~ Previews of artist’s work! ~
We are NOW offering an early bird special! You can preorder our “Arcane Egg Edition” of the zine (Full bundle version which offers free shipping). Hurry while they last!! -- Only 10 copies available 
                                    ✦ PREORDER HERE! ✦
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merrigelblogs · 7 years
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Moodboard for @crispystar, who’s without a doubt the most amazing gal on the planet
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bnharpgzine · 7 years
Artist List! - updated
@/karehng (twitter)
@/misu_025 (twitter)
@/oaklings (twitter)
@/rukoyokunes (twitter)
@/soaptaculart (twitter)
@/shibainuryuji (twitter)
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merrigel · 5 years
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Another new child whom I haven’t put any art up here for yet!! Meet HIRO MCCURRY, brand-new cleric and follower of THE HOLY JUMP MAN and his video game pantheon!! 
He’s very earnest and very silly and he’s HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS! (including Arizona (@ramblerogue) and Elio (@crispystar) in the pixel pic!) (also there’s a bonus Kieran in there because I’ve returned to my roots of.... short man)
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crunchynatureboy · 7 years
🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 !!!
EHEHEHE, OKAY, THIS IS WORTH A COUPLE🍀 Kieran can blow some pretty sick smoke rings tbh, he’s practiced and is actually pretty pleased with himself
🍀 Every plant Kieran owns eventually has a name, and he yammers at them constantly when he’s alone
🍀 Kieran rarely speaks Halfling, even to over halflings he comes across
🍀 He’s really, really good at finding 4-leaf clovers
🍀 While he was traveling with Surana, he made up a kinda theme song for the two of them that he’d play and sign while they walked- it was the dorkiest thing, but he’ll still hum it from time to time
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tricksterlizard · 7 years
💸💸💸 !! (I'd love to know more about our fav Lizard Daughter ! Also, for Nox to steal down to this ask prompt is AMAZING)
You know I had to do it to em
💸 Nox’s mom originally tried to send her to school, but she only lasted about a semester before she was kicked out. (Reasons include getting in fights, vandalism of the school, and an unfortunate incident with the principal and a smoke bomb)💸 Back when she went by Sosira, her family and close friends would shorten it to “Sira” as a nickname.
💸 The one (1) food Nox doesn’t like is candy corn. She will literally eat anything else.
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ramblerogue · 7 years
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I’ve been building up DnD sketches for a good while so I thought I’d post them in one big batch! A couple of them were birthday presents for friends but most of them are very quick and silly like the Old West AU that you see here haha! Under the cut, you’ll find Nox annoying Kieran, birthday shenanigans, a very cute couple, the story of how Nox got a tattoo??? That may or may not be canon??, among other things. Hope you enjoy, I’ll have actual art soon!
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Birthday present for Kat! This comic was of course based off of the hilarious one by Kate Beaton
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This is dragon is Kieran’s purgatory 
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Birthday present for Solène! They’re good boys... I can’t Wait to meet Ben in the campaign
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.... mystery man?
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When u party with the local barkeep (Hairlung) too hard and wake up to a tattoo u don’t remember getting (this started as a joke, as all great things do)
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I,,, just wanted to post this somewhere. My baby girl irl (Also, in everything, Kieran belongs to @cipherking and Ben belongs to @crispystar)
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mrshannarchy · 7 years
tagged by @devils--eye 1. Nicknames: Hanna, Andres, Skipper 2. Gender: Female 3. Star Sign: Virgo 4. Height: 5′3 or a few millimeters above 159cm 5. Time: 9:28 I just woke up pls kill me 6. Birthday: September 10th 7. Favourite Bands: I Prevail, Escape the Fate, Hollerado, Disturbed, Hollywood Undead, Zetod etc. 8. Favourite Solo Artists: Mari Pokinen, Jalmar Vabarna 9. Song Stuck in My Head: A song I don’t know the name of ( sometimes Scars- I prevail) 10. Last Movie I Watched: I had to watch Lemonade mouth against my will...it was an experience. 11. Last Show I Watched: We Bare Bears (Still waiting for the new epis of SU) 12. When Did I Create My Blog: Heh....heheh.....I don’t know ‘:D years ago 13. What Do I Post: Fanart, mostly reblog weird and funny shit, tho 14. Last Thing I Googled: “South Park characters” cuz my grandpa had Stan’s pic in a crossword and I couldn’t remember his name :I 15. Do I have any other blogs: Skipper’s log on facebook, if that counts? And sir.skipper on insta. 16. Do I get asks?: Sometimes, but I’m not active enough for anyone to care c’: 17. Why did you choose your URL: I was like, 9 years old when I came up with ‘cattoy10′. I remember waiting for my 10th birtday, because 8 and 10 were/are my lucky numbers. Also, I had two long braids all the time and cats usually played with them, so, I was a cat’s toy. I dunno why, but the name stuck. 18. Following: 60 19. Followers: 698  20. Favourite Colors: Navy blue, light blue, bright green (like Razer headphones) and purple, cuz that’s the colour of my hubbie’s hair (love ya, dear ;*) 21. Average hours of sleep: 7-9. When I’m ill, I can sleep for 9 hours, but otherwise, I wake up when my body timer hits 8. 22. Lucky Number: 8 23. Instruments: (does a pencil count?) Guitar and piano. Haven’t played in a long time, tho. 24. What Am I Wearing: My red shorts with Adventure Time Jake’s face scattered all around, my sheep sock (they have sheep on ‘em) and a blue hoodie. 25. How many blankets do I sleep with: 1, when it’s winter, then 2 26. Dream Job: Millionaire.....Nah, I’d like to be a singer or a comic book artist of some kind. 27. Dream Trip: Somewhere up North, maybe Sweden and after that, the UK. 28. Favourite Food: Cake. 29. Nationality: Estonian 30. Favourite song now: Don’t have one. I tag (sorry guys): @panlie-is-canon @crispystar @taccoman .......crap, I don’t know anyone (yes, I am a solid friend, 10/10, never forgets a fellow artist, *nervous coughing*) @polyglotplatypus @kiki-kit
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beccadrawsstuff · 4 years
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ca(t)ptain calico has been living in my Cats-addled brain rent-free for weeks
also I was trying to come up w parent designs for my NPCs Harriet and Perry (bottom left) and I realized who they reminded me of
calico @crispystar
aveline @merrigel
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hollowknightzine · 5 years
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✦ WHITECAT | Twitter  Deviantart Virink ✦
✦ Angelo (PatientNo7) | Tumblr ✦
✦ Walden-ea | Tumblr VK ✦
✦ alchenart | Portfolio Twitter Instagram ✦
✦ Yawnty | Portfolio Twitter furAffinity ✦
✦ doshMobile | Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Nightmargin | Portfolio Twitter Deviantart ✦
✦ BlazeMalefica | Twitter Tumblr
✦ Kat Higgins | Portfolio Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Honke | Twitter ✦
✦ Biovyx | Portfolio Tumblr ✦
✦ Lollitree | Portfolio Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Kelocitta | Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ IscaRedspider | Twitter Tumblr Artstation ✦
✦ Hannah Molin | Deviantart ✦
✦ Mau Acheron | Deviantart ✦ ✦ nebbee | Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Cat |  Twitter Tumblr  Deviantart VK (Group) ✦
✦ Solène Michel (Crispystar) | Portfolio Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Cordaello | Twitter Instagram Deviantart ✦ ✦ Clara K. Dart | Portfolio Twitter ✦
✦ Megan Bonner | Portfolio Twitter Tumblr Instagram ✦
✦ Swevenfox | Twitter Artstation ✦
✦ mizuruu | Portfolio Twitter ✦
✦ Cardinailed0 | Tumblr ✦ ✦ AnLuchBeag | Twitter ✦ ✦ steemie | Portfolio Twitter Tumblr ✦
✦ Vanessa Wei | Twitter ✦
✦ Xaizak | Tumblr ✦
✦ Tetrabriku | Twitter Tumblr Instagram ✦
✦ Alan Cortes | Portfolio Instagram Behance ✦
✦ Celebimber | Tumblr ✦
✦ Ghost | Portfolio Tumblr ✦
✦ Frootsy Collins | Twitter Tumblr Instagram ✦
✦ Kermie | Tumblr VK ✦
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taccoman · 8 years
Aaaahhhh, it's been so long !! Hey !! ❤
CRISPY!!! I didn’t expected you ;n;Awww boy we really need to talk more sweetheart. I hope everything goes well for you!Also- you are one of the sweetest, loving people here i ever met. The mystery trio animated time was so nice and exiting for me and you were always so cheering and welcoming. thank you for being so kind. I appreciate you so much and your work ;u;
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