#cristiano parkinson
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE SERVANT get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out.“
— he walks through the world as ;
name → cristiano parkinson pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → henry zaga blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → manager of the grave affair in knockturn alley future information → husband of valeria bulstrode, father of pansy parkinson,
— he is best described as ;
The LIFE and SOUL of the PARTY; he is the LIPSTICK STAINED COLLAR after a night of DEBAUTRY & the WHISKEY infused KISS in a DARK CORNER. He is the STEADY HAND held on a BARE THIGH and the SULTRY WINK of a SECRET only shared between two. He smells like MONEY, DESTRUCTION and INFLUENCE; a HANDSOME CREATURE intent on a BURNT world for AMUSEMENT so he can DANCE on the ASHES.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
An illicit affair, Cristiano Parkinson is the dance with danger most women lust to trifle with. Always the last to leave the party and ensure whoever is left accompanies him home. The youngest of twins, Cristiano and his sister ANDRESSA PARKINSON [sibling] have always seemed ready for society. Always on the lips of those around them, sometimes for all the wrong reasons, Cristiano in particular was built for the gossip pages and his escapades have often been of interest to the papers. From an early age, Cristiano knew that he, like his sister, was expected to further this line, but Cristiano planned on doing so using his boyish charm rather than intelligent conversation. To his mother and father, Cristiano and his sister were the perfect children ready to make their way in the world and stamp their mark. Sorted into Ravenclaw, Cristiano was surprised to be sorted separately from his sister, though he secretly was excited by the prospect of making his own mark without her careful gaze. 
Joining the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, he quickly befriended fellow pure-blood elite ELEZAR SMITH [close friend], MICHAEL THOMAS [close friend], HARRISON BAGNOLD [close friend] and KALEB JOHNSON [close friend]. Along with Hufflepuff beater and misfit THORFINN ROWLE [best friend], they formed a little boys club famous for scoring in the game and with all of the girls, much to his sister’s embarrassment. To Cristiano this stage life was for living and he could circulate amongst the stiffness of The Twenty-Eight when he was looking to find a wife. He garnered a reputation at school for not being able to hold down a partner for very long due to a wandering eye, and typically made enemies of the women he left in his wake. RITA SKEETER [adversary/former partner] in particular has never been his biggest fan when he cheated on her, having made it somewhat of a personal mission to warn the women of Hogwarts about his philandering ways. 
In his heart, Cristiano knew he was better than everyone else due to who his family was and truly believed that no witch would ever be able to hold his gaze. That was until he got to know his sister’s rival GENEVIEVE AVERY [former partner]. It was widely known amongst his year group that Genevive was one of the most beautiful witches in his year and from a noble family, she was a good match for him. Cristiano was surprised about how much he cared for Genevive, at first she was nothing but a status symbol to him, but after a while it was worth even angering Andressa over. Graduating from Hogwarts, life looked good for Cristiano Parkinson. Although he was a sought after bachelor there was one woman for him and as he approached his twenty-first birthday he planned to propose to Genevive. When his mother died his world became unbearable. A rare blood curse through his mother’s side had claimed her suddenly and although he and Andressa had watched her waste away, they thought they’d have more time with her than they did. 
He found himself having panic attacks outside bars, partying several nights a week and crying in the shower so the sound of the running water drowned out the noise. The one promising thing in life was his girlfriend but after his family broke the news the Avery family had no money for a marriage contracy, when he felt her begin to slip away he let her go. With his father housebound and grief stricken, Andressa became the head of the family. She assumed all of their assests, bought a flat for them both in the city and considered a way to give his life some meaning. But before she could find it, he found one of his own. KLAUDIE BURKE [partner] was young, fun and naughty. She hated authority, loved to party and was more than happy to be a shoulder to cry on. Although in the Twenty-Eight, she dreamed of being a show girl rather than a pure-blood wife and together they turned up hungover to balls and slinked off to the coat rooms rather than listen to boring conversation. Andressa knew Klaudie wasn’t good for him and so did Cristiano, but she helped drown out the noises of his past and he’d always fallen hard and fast for a bad girl. 
But Klaudie Burke, was the least of his sister’s worries. Someone else had noticed Cristiano pressing self-destruct and was more than happy to help direct the blast. He met BELLATRIX BLACK [romantic liaison] one drunken night in The White Wyvern and was captivated by her. She belonged to a movement she sold him with seductive words and slight touches. She wanted to empower him by shaping a new world order where they were on top. Slowly he was sucked into her rhetoric, letting her tattoo the Dark Mark to his arm, leaving as permanent a mark on his body as she had done on his heart. Bellatrix gave him a reason to clean up his act, though he let his sister believe it was her buying The Grave Affair that gave him purpose. Now the manager of the bar, Christiano spends his time looking for new people to recruit to the movement all under the nose of Andressa. Cristinao has gotten confident in his double life, playing a recovering brother and a devoted but fun boyfriend, whilst also working as a soldier for a very important cause.
A popular drinking hot spot for the wizarding elite and beautiful creatures who frequent the venue, The Grave Affair has been a perfect place to scout people  for the movement. His latest additions are ALECTO CARROW [close friend/colleague] and her twin brother AMYCUS CARROW [close friend/colleague] who have been incredibly helpful with a task delivered straight from their leader. THE DARK LORD [leader] is looking for some objects that he needs to locate immediately, behind the bar Cristiano has done his best to find them or get the best people for the job. Wanting to show Bellatrix he is dedicated, Cristinao has sighted CAIUS BURKE [person of interest], KERVENS BORGIN [person of interest] and IRMA PINCE [person of interest] are as being up to the task, but sadly Irma isn’t quite understanding the gravity of what they need or who it is she’s dealing with. Whilst Borgin and Burke work away, Cristiano has tasked Amycus with finding Irma’s weak spot. After all three heads are always better than none- and it would be such a shame to waste an important talent such as her’s.
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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keegan-dolsen · 9 months
holiday prompt → louise dolsen.
001. under the mistletoe—
Louise has always been on the pickier side when it came to who's lips have gotten to grace her. What? She could be what some consider to be picky. If she had to retrace her steps, she'd say one of her first kisses due to mistletoe would certainly have had be Willa to the ooooh's of those around them. A quick kiss to Emmett Newbury. A sloppier one by an intoxicated Damon. And of course, her latest one had to be J.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
That would certain by J Winston, a first in quite some time due to his philanthropic efforts aboard. As for what's running through her mind in those more quiet instances, a sense of calm. Gratitude. She has her boyfriend back by her side— she can intertwine her fingers with his, she can curl her fingers through his curls, she can poke him playfully. She didn't realize how much she missed that until she had it back.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
off of the top of her head- who she'd like to be stuck in a room with from rosewood; 1. her twin brother; alfie. her best friend, who else can say their best friend was born with them? 2. tahani parkinson. she's an actual supermodel. the amount of questions she has ready to ask her. 3. prince balcoin. if only to begin planning out his outfits for his upcoming promotional tour. 4. chan balcoin. because she has no idea what his deal is, and that's something she doesn't do well with. 5. two-bit. she has no idea why her fathers and he avoid each other like the plague.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
It certainly depends on where it is that they spend the holidays. Growing up, her fathers often did the holidays aboard so their holiday dinners were quite glamorous affairs. Something that even in her younger age, she came to realize was quite unique to her family. Now, if their holidays plans kept them in Rosewood, it was very much an extended family affair at the Dunn household as Kirby and his family are certainly the glue that kept everyone together when they all found themselves in Rosewood in the future.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
I think that would have been a Cristiano job, but Louise is very much her fathers daughter so she picked up his knack for putting together a stellar tree over the years. I think now a days, she's very much the project manager and the men in her family have simply accepted that fact.
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
Keegan, hands down. But I also believe there was a year, the family found the cookies eaten and that most definitely was Alfie's doing.
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
I want to say that Louise certainly belongs on the nice list. Whilst she can be snobby and her opinions might be a bit harsh at times, she truly has people's best interest at heart at the end of the day.
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
Her first designer object would be her most cherished christmas gift. An emerald green quilted chanel purse gifted to her by Lana.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Louise is not one of the lucky few that has the voice of an angel. Her position would have surely be more the managerial variety. She certainly ran a Rosewood production like if she was running the navy, much to the dismay of everyone behind the scenes.
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
Oh, she's definitely one of those person who acts as if they are above such things as snowball fights, until one comes hurling her way and then it's full on war.
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ms-parkinson · 1 year
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General Information
Birthday: June 2, 1956
Height: 5 feet, 1 inch
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac Big Three
Sun: Gemini
The irony of the twins being born in Gemini has never been lost on Andressa. While she does embody many of the more positive traits, the weaknesses of The Twins are what get to her the most. She cannot be alone for long. She never has been. Ever since she was created, someone else was with her. Actually feeling her feelings (other than the more positive ones) can be hard for her. Don’t even get her started on actually processing her trauma. She’ll simply change the subject.
While the negative traits describe her, so do many of the positive. She’s smart. Annoyingly so at times. This was made even more obvious when her brother sorted Ravenclaw. Though Andressa always preferred the power her knowledge gave her over her actual learning. She has a great ability to read people. Within a few minutes, Andressa knows who someone is. Though her blind loyalty to those she loves sometimes gets in the way. The trait that has become the handiest is the ability to make friends with anyone. Her success at the Grave is proof of that.
Rising: Leo
Ferociously proud and somewhat vain might as well be the Parkinson family motto. Andressa embodies her rising sign’s biggest traits to a t. She’s a natural leader, if not made obvious of how she handled her family after her mother’s death. She has a very strong sense of dignity, self-respect, and personal honor. If someone disrespects her, you are dead to her. End of story.
Moon: Taurus
There is not much Andressa values more than loyalty and her moon sign highlights it. Once she has determined someone is worth her loyalty, that is it. It will take more than most to let them go. Material comforts, such as a nice house and her clothes, are necessities to her. Some might find them frivolous, but she cannot be without them. She’s a romantic. If it wasn’t made obvious by the collection of Jane Austen first editions she keeps in her flat, it would be by her need to make everyone feel loved. Her friends know this by the flowers and a nice handwritten notes she always has delivered. 
Wand Information
Core: Dragon Heartstring.
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind her wand core would be the dragon. It holds power, something Andressa is always vying for. There’s a loyalty to her core that does not go unvalued by her, knowing any spell she tries will be successful. The rumors of the wand turing Dark have not fallen on deaf ears but Andressa is not worried. Not yet anyway.
Wood: Cherry.
She remembered the look on Olivander’s face when the Cherry wand was placed in her hand. She still remembered his words, “A Cherry Dragon….you must make sure to keep your mind strong and your emotions in check. I would hate to see what happens otherwise.” It made her feel special, chosen in a way to have a Cherry wand. The handle has small cherry blossoms carved into it, another special trait of her special wand.
Flexibility and length: 11 inches and sturdy.
While a little long for her height, it makes sense when thinking of the power her wand possesses. She likes to think it’s a match for her personality, which is much larger than many would expect from someone like her.
Her amortentia has changed over the years. While at school, it was the smell of a fire in the Slytherin Common Room, fresh parchment, the garden at her home in full bloom, and her perfume mixed with a more masculine scent, usually that of whatever boy had her eye at the moment. Now, it’s her mother’s perfume, the mix of scents she has for the Grave (amber, aged patchouli, bergamot, black vanilla, sandalwood and pink peppercorn), the smell of the fabric store, and Lucius’ cologne.
Her boggart has been the same her whole life. Cristiano dead. The idea of him no longer being by her side is enough to send her spiraling. The first time she faced a boggart in her home when she was seven, she screamed so loud she lost her voice and fainted. He has been the only constant in her life. Her other half. It was her job to make sure this never happened. No matter what the cost. 
It took until Andressa’s seventh year at Hogwarts to produce a Patronus. It was the one spell she couldn’t do on the first try. A rather sore subject if she was being honest. But she knew she needed it to past her NEWTs and the last thing she was going to do was not master something some had mastered years ago.
 The memory was a simple one. All her friends and her brother at their childhood home, sitting in the garden at night. It wasn’t one she thought would work but then….the whisps of smoke formed. She shouldn’t have been surprised it was a crow. They were loyal, clever, traveling in packs and fierce when needed. Some of her classmates weren’t surprised, she was a Slytherin after all. But she knew the moment the bird flew around her head how fitting it was. 
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locations-hq · 2 years
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Borgin and Burkes is an antique shop located in Knockturn Alley, in the wizarding quarter of London. Owned by the Borgin and Burke families, the shop is now ran by best friends Caius Burke and Kerevens Borgin who sell unusual and ancient magical artefacts and carry out research into finding items requested by buyers. The shop has developed a shady reputation due to the fact that it was frequented by those with sinister intents, including Cristiano Parkinson who recently left the young Borgin and Burke a task of finding items for The Dark Lord which are of great interest to him.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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ANDRESSA PARKINSON is TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the OWNER of THE GRAVE AFFAIR in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. She looks remarkably like CAMILA MENDES and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, alcoholism 
The textbook definition of glamour and intelligence, Andressa Parkinson was raised in the knowledge the best people in life may be for free but everything else is paid for in cold hard galleons. The eldest child of ANTONIA and CLAUDIO PARKINSON, she is four and a half minutes older than her younger brother CHRISTIANO and assumed creative control of their relationship at a very early age. Raised on the beauty of the Parkinson estate in Windsor, Andressa and her brother enjoyed a charmed life of tea parties, family dinners and lavish balls to celebrate the most minute achievements. A staple of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Parkinson family prided themselves on their clean and traceable bloodline which was detailed on the walls of their private family room, privy only to members of the Parkinson bloodline and those who married into it. Andressa’s family had always been an intense one, long before her and her brother had been born and had ties with only select families they would marry into. Andressa’s mother Antonia was a Pure-Blood Brazilian witch who had worked at the Ministry as a diplomat before marrying Andressa’s father. The Parkinson family had migrated from Brazil many years ago before building their grand estate in Windsor and were incredibly proud of their heritage. 
Like the other members of her family Andressa strove for perfection, self-producing herself even as a child to be the best possible version of herself. Whilst other children fought with one another or disobeyed their parents on occasion there was never a peep to be heard from either Andressa or Christiano. They were the perfect children, miniature versions of their parents, copying their every move and only speaking when spoken to. Andressa tended to busy herself growing up with making herself look beautiful and learning to achieve perfect balance as she walked the halls of the ballroom with a book balanced on her head. Although Andressa loved her parents she saw very little of them, both Andressa and her brother were mostly left in the care of a governess who trained them in etiquette and how to control the magic they had slowly begun to develop to avoid unpleasant accidents. When Andressa did have contact with her parents, or quite often her grandmother it was always in a positive framing, calling her the true beauty in their family who would marry well and make them proud. Silently Andressa wondered if there would ever be anything more to her life than marriage and children, concerned it would not make her happy, though being young and inexperienced with the world as she told herself, said nothing. 
When her letter to study at Hogwarts arrived she was saddened to be leaving home but excited to make her mark on the world. Sitting across from her father in his study she remembered two rules. Always take the Parkinson name into consideration and do not disappoint him. Sorted into Slytherin, she was often top of her classes, a member of Slug Club and Choir. She narrowly missed out on being made a prefect due to PROFESSOR SLUGHORN’S favouritism of her best friend ANASTASIA DUPONT, but she did become Head Girl due to her academic brilliance and wore her badge with pride. Andressa found she received a bit of a reputation for being cold which was the image she portrayed to the world. It was away at school she noticed her and her brother develop distinctive personalities, no longer appearing the mirror image of one another. Christiano was the party animal, the playboy who flashed around their material wealth and flirted with Pure-Bloods witches and snogged them in corridors in the hopes of getting caught. With her brother everything was a game and he prided himself on shock value, even going as far as to begin dating one of her best friends CAMILLE ROWLE in an attempt to get a rise out of both Andressa. In many ways she was embarrassed of her brother, but in others she was envious. Christinao, although annoying, was very sure of himself, whereas Andressa found herself trying on different personalities to see which one fit. 
The perfect daughter for her parents, the model student for Slughorn, the protective sister for her brother. All of the personalities belonged to her but they clung to her uncomfortably in a way that made them feel ill fitting. Becoming romantically involved with THORFINN ROWLE was an attempt to lean into the person her family wanted her to be. From a good family that was pre-approved by her own, he was handsome and wanted a family- though Andressa knew he couldn’t possibly challenge her intellectually and was happy to let him slowly fade away and play the part of a wounded dove to her mother and father when he did. The passing of Andressa’s mother when she was twenty-one was both the making and breaking of her. Though Antonia had been unwell a long time before she passed away it had still come as a shock to Andressa and her brother, though she found she dealt with it far better than her brother did. The longer she looked at her brother she worked out who truly lurked beyond the confident facade. Christiano was emotionally dependent on others and craved the love and intimacy they had barley received from their own parents. He needed validation and often got it from his friends and girlfriend, though he demanded it tenfold after their mother passed, crumbling away in front of Andressa’s eyes. 
LUCIUS MALFOY came into her life at the exact right point. Another of her brother’s friends, she hadn’t wanted to entertain the idea of a romantic relationship to only grow tired of him as she had Thorfinn, but Lucius wasn’t like any man she had encountered before. An intelligent wizard with a tongue as cruel as her own when she was angry, Lucius wanted all of the things her family wanted for her, though he was just troublesome enough to keep what would possibly be a domestic life interesting. Lucius wasn’t particularly good at caring for her brother in his darkest points, but he supported Andressa well, picking her up and taking her to dinner to lift her spirits and offering to keep an eye on Cristiano who often danced and drank till he dropped most nights while Lucius was in his company. Something was wrong with her brother, more than simply the death of their mother and with her father refusing to acknowledge the problem Andressa took matters into her own hands. A frequent visitor of The Grave Affair, when GEORGINE FARIBAULT put the bar on the market, Andressa demanded the money from her father to buy the bar and run it with her brother. Though it was arguably not the best idea to go into the bar business with someone who likes to drink a lot, Andressa knew she needed to keep her brother occupied and keep a closer eye on him. 
Enjoying the aesthetic of the bar Andressa updates certain elements of the bar including employing ADRASTIEA GREENGRASS, ALECTO and AMYCUS CARROW to help run the bar and hiring ELEANOR YAXLEY and ROSALIE FLINT to sing and entertain guests. The Grave Affair suddenly sprang from being a seedy bar in Knockturn Alley to one of the most high end bars in wizarding London, thanks in part to her boyfriend who enjoyed bringing important members of the Ministry to enjoy a good time. With marriage on the cards for her and Lucius and her business booming her father mostly left her alone allowing Andressa to finally find herself. Andressa was a business woman. Running her bar with an iron fist she was diligent with her finances, a damn good hostess, though she wasn’t afraid to show her wand and deal with troublesome partygoers. With her brother starting to steadily improve, Andressa is the happiest she has been in a long time, though a nagging suspicion in the back of her head had begun to gnaw away at her. Though Christiano appears back to his old self she has noticed him acting strangely, disappearing for hours on end and lying about his whereabouts. At first she thought he was possibly drinking again but with Lucius now doing the same also something doesn’t quite sit with her and she is determined to find out what it is. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexual Orientation → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → In a relationship with Lucius Malfoy
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → Pura Sorores 
Family → Claudio Parkinson (father), Antonia Parkinson (deceased mother), Christiano Parkinson (brother), Ilar Travers (uncle), Vivienne Travers (aunt), Isolde Travers (cousin), Evora Travers (cousin) 
Connections  → Lucius Malfoy (boyfriend), Anastasia DuPont (best friend), Camille Rowle (best friend), Genevieve Avery (best friend), Florence Jones (best friend), Alecto Carrow (close friend/employee), Amycus Carrow (close friend/employee), Adrasteia Greengrass (close friend/employee), Thorfinn Rowle (friend/ex-boyfriend), Marshall Fawley (friend), Decius Flint (friend), Lavender Bulstrode (friend), Eleanor Yaxley (casual employee), Rosalie Flint (casual employee/friend) Georgine Faribault (business associate)
Future Information → Aunt of Pansy Parkinson 
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chwrpg · 5 years
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What’s summer without a trip to the amusement park? And this weekend, the characters of CHW will get to enjoy everything all that comes with a trip to the amusement park. 
The excitement of getting on those all too terrifying rides, those ridiculously great fried foods you can only find at amusement parks and the excitement of beating out strangers at those carnival games. 
All things these characters deserve after everything they’ve gone through, but of course, not everyone will get to go through this event without some happenings.... happening. And for what that means? 
Just look below as everything will be explained further. 
chills, and spills…
Based off of iconic carnival rides; several characters will find themselves in some very interesting situations. 
Below, you’ll find the ride and what exactly this experience will entail for your character.... and what characters will go through what !!! 
The Ferris Wheel;
Your character will be stuck on the top of the Ferris Wheel with another. With this comes conversations between cast members that haven’t been seen interacting often.
Austin Rapp & Keaton Chadwell
Axel Baldwin, Jamie Geary & Patton Addams 
Cassandra Maston & Leland Palmer 
Chase McCarthy & Emory Jeffers
Chuck Daniels & Knox Overman 
Diego Cruz & Perrie Cruz 
Gordon Wallace & Wyatt Saugis
Kit Cruz & Lennon Caroll 
Layla Marks & Ray Garcia
Presley Miller & Woody Lim
Odessa McCarthy-Saxton, Teagan Parkinson & Valentina Von Stefan 
       2.  The Tunnel of Love;
Your character will find themselves in the Tunnel of Love. With that comes sparking up love connections... or having to come face to face with a scorned lover.
Aggie Stewart & Nixon Peters
Casey Saunders & Jade Rodriguez
Cole Ortiz, Kendall Myeong, Mollie Fitzgerald, Percy Finch & Schmidt Stifler.
Donald Barnes & Kennedy MacPherson 
Greg LaChance & October Addams
Gerald Pitts & Tom Andwood 
Hailey Van Buren & Leo Jackson
Mason Devereaux & Ram Sweeney
Penn Orville & Sage Barnes
      3.  The Fun House; 
Your character will find themselves in the all too terrifying fun house. With that comes having to experience a terrifying encounter with a character yours needs to have some words with.
Brooks McDonough & Stefan McKibbon
Bunny Chadwell & Sabrina Floyd 
Chanel Horowitz & Cristiano De La Renta 
Colette Mendez & Genevive Young
Dulcie Hernandez & Zella Hartdale 
Jasper Hutchinson & Miles Walsh
Poppy Montenegro & Tinsley Chadwell
This event will begin tonight, Friday, July 26th at 8PM EST. It’ll run all the way until Wednesday, July 31st.
If you have any questions, what so ever, please feel free to bring them up to us. 
And I can’t stress this enough, have a ton of fun my loves and enjoy yourselves !!!!
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sandratamarac · 6 years
Muhammad Ali -
Además de uno de los mejores deportistas de todos los tiempos, Muhammad Ali fue una figura clave en la batalla contra el racismo en los Estados Unidos: sabedor de su notoriedad a nivel mundial, el boxeador la aprovechó para luchar contra el poder blanco e incluso también con los conformistas de su propia raza. En 1971, ofreció una entrevista en la que dedicó cinco minutos a explicar, con su particular verborrea y humor, cuál era su opinión sobre el racismo.
"Siempre que iba a la iglesia los sábados me preguntaba cosas", comienza Ali, apodado durante años Louisville Lip ("El Bocazas Louisville") por su verborrea. "Le preguntaba a mi madre: Mamá, ¿por qué todo es blanco? ¿Por qué Jesús es blanco y tiene los ojos azules?".
Debido a que Ali no encuentra referentes de color en la Biblia, el boxeador cuenta que preguntó a su madre: "Mamá, ¿cuando muramos vamos a ir al cielo?". Ante su respuesta afirmativa, él contesta: "Entonces, ¿qué pasa con los ángeles negros?". Tanto el público como el presentador, Michael Parkison, se carcajean con discurso de Ali.
La Biblia no es el único lugar en el que Ali no encuentra referentes negros: "¿Vosotros también veíais Tarzán?", pregunta. "Él luchaba contra los africanos y partía las mandíbulas de los leones. Y hablaba con los animales... ¡Pero los africanos, que llevaban siglos ahí, no podían! ¡Y Tarzán sí!". Y continúa: no hay misses negras, ni siquiera objetos buenos negros."Me di cuenta de que algo estaba mal".
Después, narra un suceso ocurrido tras ganar la medalla de oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Roma 1960:
Fui al centro, con mi medalla de oro enorme. En esa época no estaba aceptado que un negro comiera en el centro de la ciudad, entonces fui, me senté y dije "quiero una taza de café y un perrito caliente". La chica me dijo: "No servimos a negros". Me enojé tanto que respondí "yo tampoco como negros, solo dame mi taza de café y mi perrito. ¡Soy el campeón mundial, luché por este país! Tengo una medalla de oro, y voy a comer aquí". Ella dijo que iba a hablar con el gerente, y después me dijo: "Yo no hago las reglas, pero te tienes que ir ahora". Tuve que abandonar el restaurante en medio de mi ciudad natal, donde iba a la iglesia y hacía el bien como buen cristiano. La ciudad donde nací y crecí. Acababa de ganar una medalla de oro, ¿y no podía comer en un restaurante de la mi ciudad? Algo estaba mal. Desde entonces, soy musulmán.
Seis años después de que ocurriera esta anécdota, en 1967, Ali desertó de la llamada a filas de su gobierno para combatir en Vietnam, lo que le costó perder todos sus títulos y su licencia de boxeo. No le importó. "¿Por qué me piden ponerme un uniforme e ir a 10.000 millas de casa a arrojar bombas y disparar balas a gente de piel oscura mientras los negros de Louisville son tratados como perros y se les niegan los derechos humanos más simples?", defendió entonces."No voy a ir a 10.000 millas de aquí y dar la cara para ayudar a asesinar y quemar a otra pobre nación simplemente para continuar el dominio de los esclavistas blancos".
Esta entrevista fue una de las cuatro que Michael Parkinson, periodista de la BBC , realizó a Muhammad Ali. En un artículo de despedida publicado tras el fallecimiento del boxeador en Telegraph, Parkinson afirma: "Si se me pregunta cuál es el ser humano más extraordinario que he conocido, tendría que decir Muhammad Ali".
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sajaraworld · 3 years
MIS  ÚLTIMAS  FRUSTRACIONES. Regresé  a Tierra Santa con  renovadas   ilusiones.  A poco de andar  me di cuenta que el país había cambiado.  El Gobierno estaba dedicado enteramente a la absorción del millón y medio de personas proveniente de la EXCORTINA DE HIERRO. Era gente que había crecido en medio de la CORRUPCIÓN,   LA PROSTITUCIÓN,  EL   TRÁFICO  DE DROGAS y    otras lacras heredadas de ese comunismo agonizante.
Había  una enorme  cantidad de matrimonios mixtos y también de  truchimanes (CRISTIANOS COLADOS), que se las habían ingeniado  para   recibir los mismos  beneficios  que cualquier inmigrante.    
Esta corriente inmigratoria no tenía ideales. Nada que ver con aquellos rusos que llegaron en los años setenta,  gente que pensaba en   Israel como la cuna de sus ancestros y no como una alternativa por no poder emigrar a los EEUU.
Los excomunistas de origen hebreo reforzaron a la derecha israelí. Y se hicieron sentir en cada elección.  Este proceso se asemejaba  los gusanos cubanos, aquellos que Fidel Castro  liberó   para que pudrieran a la sociedad norteamericana.
“La CIA llamó ‘gusanos’ a sus servidores en Cuba.”
Cuando aterricé  Mi Hijo, el menor,  me estaba esperando.  En el coche de un amigo me llevó hasta el mono ambiente, que Mi  Hermano Menor tenía  en Bat Yam--Hija del mar, (fundada en 1926). Me adueñé de la pequeña habitación aprovechando que su inquilino se pasaba la mayor parte del año en la casa de su amiga argentina que vivía en Eilat.
Hurgando  unas cajas que estaban amontonadas en el único ropero que había en  la habitación, encontré una parva de facturas impagas de varios años. La deuda que en un principio eran  grushim (monedas) se habían transformado en cientos de  schekalim, imposibles de pagar, salvo que el deudor  fuera amnistiado, o se decidiera a trabajar.  
Como  Mi Hermano  no movía un dedo  le  empezaron a llover  las  amenazas de desalojo.  Perdió la pieza  en el año 2001.      
Mi Hermano, eL MEDIANO,  como corresponde a un selfish (egoísta) genéticamente perfeccionado, no se dio por enterado de mi llegada. Como siempre le aterraba  la  sola idea de que yo le pidiera  ayuda.
Yo tenía que empezar a trabajar, juntar  el  dinero suficiente como para alquilar una vivienda medianamente digna  en una  zona que fuera cercana a  Tel Aviv, para que Mi Mujer y yo pudiéramos  conseguir  un empleo en algunos de los  hospitales que había en la zona.   Mi Mujer tenía previsto llegar  en unos seis meses, para setiembre de 1997.
Del poco dinero que había traído, una gran parte  lo invertí en traducir  nuestros  títulos de Enfermeros  Profesionales.  Además,   Mi Mujer tenía el de Técnica de Hemoterapia.
Sin   el aval del Ministerio de Salud,  era imposible que a uno lo  tomaran tanto fuera en una repartición pública como en la actividad  privada.
Los únicos diplomados que estaban libres de rendir equivalencias  eran los provenientes  de  países    anglosajones y  los recibidos en la Cruz Roja Internacional.
En el Ministerio de Salud la prioridad la tenían los inmigrantes provenientes de la  exUnión Soviética,  a quienes había que darles  trabajo. Desocupados eran un peligro. Además,  había que controlarles sus documentaciones dado que muchas   eran apócrifas.
Nuestros papers se durmieron en alguna gaveta  y nadie se molestó  en hacerla circular.        
En el mes de marzo de 1998  Mi Mujer,  por el  temor de  quedarse sin el pan y sin la torta,  regresó a Mar del Plata. Había pedido un año sin goce de sueldo y no era cuestión  de tirar doce años a la basura.
Mis primeros meses fueron    duros. Ya no estaba el Estado benefactor  para que me pudiera socorrer. Busqué  trabajo en los clasificados de los diarios. No calificaba
para ninguno que exigiera un título. Y el único que tenía no lo podía utilizar.    
Estaba sacando mi nueva cédula de identidad, cuando un hombre, con quién me había puesto a conversar, me dio la dirección de una oficina subvencionada por el
Estado que se encargaba de buscarle trabajo a los inmigrantes rusos, pero que no era algo determinante.  Decidí presentarme. Seguramente había lugares   donde  no se necesitaban demasiados pergaminos.  
Al día siguiente, bien temprano, viajé de Bat Yam a Tel Aviv. Caminé dos cuadras hasta dar con la dirección indicada. Me recibió una mujer regordeta. Me di cuenta que era rusa por su pronunciación y porque de  su boca se desprendía un fuerte olor a cebollaLa  oficina carecía de un mobiliario acorde a lo que se suponía era la actividad que desarrollaba. Había una mesa vieja, dos sillas,  una computadora del año del jopo, y un estante amurado a la pared, con un par de carpetas sin membretes.
EL FARDO  CON PATAs  me invitó a sentarme. Ella corrió su panza para poder  abrir un  cajoncillo. De él sacó un montón de papeles todos arrugados. Me leyó los trabajos que tenía disponibles: en una azucarera, en un estacionamiento subterráneo y en la conserjería de un hotel.
Consulté con mi  asma: lo  más conveniente era el cargo de conserje.   Enseguida la mujer me hizo llenar una serie de formularios, que yo los firmé  sin molestarme en leerlos. De las buenas intenciones uno no debe dudar. Me entregó la nota de recomendación dirigida al  hotel.   Por el nombre del establecimiento me di cuenta que era de categoría.  
Al  Fardo con Patas le agradecí su gestión.  Pero cuando estaba por irme  me dijo que esto no era gratis: yo le tenía que dar  un  pedazo de mis tres primeros sueldos. Me quedé sin reacción, después reflexioné con la lógica de quien ya tiene muchos almanaques encima. Entonces  le pedí que me devolviera  los papeles que yo le había firmado. Y sin saludarla, me fui dando  un golpe a la puerta como para hacerle saber de mi indignación.
La vida es una fotocopia.
En  el año y medio que estuve viviendo  en Israel  supe cómo se manejaba el gobierno derechista de Benjamín BIBI NETANYAHU (n. 1949), quien  tenía las mismas ínfulas que el argentino Carlos Menem:   tanto por sus promesas incumplidas como por sus extravagancias.
El sudaca le había pateado el trasero a su mujer.  El israelí estaba casado con una exazafata, quien  había tomado tanto vuelo que al  inútil de su marido  lo manejaba  
como si fuera su valet.
Fue muy comentado el día que  Bibi se disculpó públicamente de haberle metido los cuernos a  su mujer. Por supuesto que ella lo perdonó: no se iba a perder el conchabo de ser la mujer de un  Primer Ministro.
El periodismo una vez escrachó a Netanyahu  yendo al cine con setenta guardaespaldas.
En otra ocasión descubrió que la dulce Sarita   tenía sesenta pares de zapatos.  
La esposa de Bibi fue   acusada de déspota, de explotar y de humillar a una antigua ama de llaves.
Los israelíes siguieron votando por Netanyahu. Los exrusos y el sector religioso que no quieren perder sus prebendas.
EN EL MUNDO DE LOS GERONTES.  En  el año  1997  La Geriatría  era  un  gran negocio en Israel.  Y  lo siguirá siendo. Muchas familias internaban a sus mayores porque éstos  habían perdido su autonomía convirtiéndose  en una carga o porque no querían ocuparse de ellos.    Me gané   mis primeros  schekalim  trabajando en este universo inhóspito.
Me anoté en  una empresa internacional que, entre otras cosas, se encargaba de ubicar a asistentes en casas  de familias.  
En Manpower  no importaban  los antecedentes del postulante.  A  la empresa solo le  interesaba el negocio, que fuera bien redondo,  ya que se quedaba con la mayor tajada de lo  que pagaba la familia del asistido o en su defecto, la Seguridad Social.
Eilat. El    pasado de esta zona costera puede remontarse hasta el reinado de Salomón, quien en el siglo X adC., fundó el puerto de Esyon-Geber en la costa del mar Rojo para comerciar con los países de Ofir y Saba, tal como narra la Biblia.  
Mi primer paciente fue  un hombre que padecía  el Mal de Parkinson, trastorno neurológico  que se da principalmente en personas de avanzada edad, y se  caracteriza por una  lentitud en  los movimientos voluntarios, debilidad y rigidez muscular y temblor rítmico de los miembros.
Yo iba solamente por  cuatro horas en horario vespertino  de domingo a jueves.
A  mi paciente lo liberaba de su silla de ruedas y lo  ayudaba a caminar por el  amplio  salón de su casa para que pudiera   desentumecer sus débiles piernas,  Le conversaba para darle ánimo. Por momentos   daba la sensación que me entendía. A las siete de la tarde le daba la cena y dos  veces por semana lo bañaba.
EL HOMBRE DEL PARKINSON, en sus años útiles, había sido un excelente carpintero. Ganaba muy bien y así fue como se construyó la mansión que habitaba en una de las zonas más caras de Tel Aviv.  
El Carpintero tenía lindas facciones. En cambio su esposa era una petaca  de mal carácter que maltrataba a su marido, como si su intención fuera que se  muriera  pronto. Quizá  se estaba vengando de algún acto de infidelidad  que ella no   podía olvidar.
El  Carpintero estaba feliz conmigo.   Él me esperaba ansioso, se le  notaba en sus ojos cuando me veía llegar.        
Un día le tuve que parar el carro a La Petaca  porque empezó a exigirme  cosas que no estaban incluidas en mi función específica.  Le tomé más bronca cuando
supe que era rumana. Ya me tenían harto, los propios y ajenos. Se me habían amontonado en mi vida y no sabía cómo sacármelos de encima
En esa casa  vivía    un hijo solterón, gran consumidor de bebidas colas.  Esto justificaba el tamaño de su panza. Había estudiado de todo y recibido de nada. Cuando lo conocí  practicaba la holgazanería.
El día que le dije al  Hombre del Parkinson  que no lo  iba a seguir atendiendo se puso a llorar. La noticia lo había agarrado en un momento de plena  lucidez.
Lo que ganaba no me alcanzaba para nada. Mientras atendía al carpintero, me anoté en otra empresa como para tener la mañana ocupada.
Me dieron para atender a un paciente que estaba en la  fase terminal de un Alzheimer. Esta  enfermedad produce  una  atrofia cerebral difusa, asociada generalmente con demencia, que se presenta de ordinario en la edad senil.
Me era duro verlo sufrir ¡Qué gran solución fue para él la muerte.
! Vaya suerte la mía!: también esta familia era   rumana. La  esposa del enfermo era  una reliquia de maldad. Me trataba como si yo fuera culpable que su esposo se estuviera muriendo.  
Una   nuera  cada vez que venía a visitar a su suegro me elogiaba  de lo bien que yo  lo atendía. Más de una vez me preguntó cómo hacía para soportar a la arpía.
A Mi paciente alcancé atenderlo un mes y medio. Y partió.  
Yo sabía que los  geriátricos siempre estaban necesitados de  personal. No era una tarea fácil, la paga era mezquina y el recambio permanente. La ventaja que  no había que estar  pendiente de la vida de un  paciente, para poder cobrar el sueldo. En un diario pesqué  el  aviso de un beit abot, que  hacía un mes que se había inaugurado.  Llamé por teléfono y la persona que me atendió me dijo que me presentara al día siguiente. Me dio la dirección. Desde Bat Yam  tenía unos cuarenta y cinco minutos  de ida.
La institución se hacía cargo de   la seguridad social  del trabajador y le pagaba el ochenta  por  ciento del precio del  boleto mensual del colectivo y nada más.  
Para tener un salario medianamente  aceptable había que  meter horas extras a lo pavote.  
A mí se me asignó el segundo piso donde vivían los pacientes que eran  lúcidos  
pero estaban  imposibilitados de caminar.  Los movilizábamos  en sus sillas de ruedas.        
EL  GERIÁTRICO LA HUMILLACIÓN, era un edificio de tres pisos.  Estaba ubicado en el corazón de la  comunidad religiosa de Bnei Brak, entre Ramat Gan y Petaj Tikva.   En cada habitación había más camas de  las permitidas por el Ministerio de Salud. El dueño  sabía cómo infringir las leyes.
En cada piso había  una pequeña cocina donde se preparaba  el té, el café con leche y los jugos. Y en la heladera se guardaban  las gelatinas  que se servían a media mañana y después de   la siesta.
Los asistentes debíamos  lavar  las vajillas. Los platos y  los cubiertos estaban  separados entre aquellos que eran utilizados para los alimentos   lácteos de  los cárnicos.  Me acordaba   la casa del rabino mendocino.
La cocina donde se elaboraban los alimentos   estaba en el subsuelo. Era moderna, toda de acero inoxidable. La cocinera era una  israelí y sus ayudantes eran árabes—israelíes.  
Los  distintos alimentos del menú diario eran transportados a los pisos en  unos carros eléctricos utilizando  uno de los dos ascensores  que tenía el edificio. Las ollas térmicas estaban metidas en una fuente de agua caliente para que los comensales recibieran la comida  a una temperatura ideal.
Al principio la comida  tenía  calidad  y cantidad. Después,   no fue ni una cosa ni la otra.    La gente se quedaba con hambre. Los familiares no podían hacer nada para mejorar la situación. La patronal no los escuchaba. Y el único camino que les  quedaba era llevarlos a otro geriátrico.  No era para nada fácil  llevar a los ancianos  de un sitio a otro.  Había   peores lugares que La Humillación.
Casi todos los geriátricos tenían sus plazas cubiertas. Cama que se desocupaba había otro cuerpo que se acostaba.
El dueño de La Humillación  era un tipo joven, descendiente de iraquíes. Se hizo rico cuando  se ganó la lotería— el Mifal a pais.  Su padre, que era maestro mayor de obras,  le construyó el edificio.
No necesité mucho tiempo para darme cuenta que el iraquí era un mal bicho, un falso consagrado. Todas las mañanas rezaba en su oficina. Dejaba la puerta entreabierta para que todos los asistentes viéramos cómo se reconciliaba con Dios, para  que  no lo castigara  por explotar al personal, por mezquinarles la comida a los abuelos  y por mentirles a los familiares  sobre las bondades de La Humillación.
Cuando se inauguró el geriátrico  tenía    salas  de hidromasajes. A la semana las quitaron  para transformarlas en  dormitorios. Primaba la rentabilidad por sobre el  confort. Hasta se llegó al extremo de convertir    los refugios en habitaciones, cuando debían permanecer desocupados  y acondicionados en caso  de una confrontación bélica.
EL DUEÑO DE LA HUMILLACIÓN  tenía untado  a algunos de  los inspectores del Ministerio de Salud, quienes le avisaban cuando iba a producirse  una inspección.    
Entonces el personal se encargaba  de poner la casa en orden: las camas que estaban demás  las escondíamos en un depósito;  se modificaba la planilla del  personal  aumentando   su número para que se ajustara a lo era exigido por ley. En la lista de los trabajadores figuraban los que habían renunciado y algunos que nunca habían  estado con nosotros.
No sé de dónde sacaban  esos nombres y sus documentos respectivos.  La maniobra tenía un gran parecido a los padrones electorales argentinos.
En el turno matutino éramos  cuatro los asistentes por piso. Dos en cada ala. De tarde podían ser tres, a veces dos; y de noche uno y una  enfermera para todos los pisos.
Yo cumplía el horario de seis a catorce. En mi grupo había una   israelí y el resto eran filipinos, todos ellos buena gente. A los asiáticos yo les hablaba en inglés.
RAQUEL HABLABA LADINO.  Era una flaca escopeta: la comían  los  nervios.  Se bajaba dos atados de Time por día.  Había enviudado siendo  muy joven. Su marido  fue  atropellado por un auto cuando cruzaba la calle.
Tenía un hijo  que a  los dieciséis años  ya gozaba de un vasto  prontuario  por gresca y hurto.  Más de una vez en plena madrugada tuvo   que ir a sacarlo de la comisaría. El pibe no  estudiaba y tampoco  trabajaba. La pobre madre le bancaba la vagancia.    
Raquel se había echado un  amante. Era un empleado jerárquico de la empresa  láctea  Tnuva,   propiedad de la CGT.
Un día ella se cansó de  garchar en la clandestinidad  y de sus  falsas promesas, y  lo despachó.  
Raquel era veterana en este tipo de trabajos. Me fue de mucha ayuda.
Todas las mañanas   me esperaba  en la parada del colectivo donde yo descendía para tomar  la combinación  que nos dejaba en la puerta del laburo.  
Fuimos un buen tándem, y  mejores amigos.
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redqueenmusings · 5 years
Benefit Concert for Párkinson Association of Tenerife
Benefit Concert for Párkinson Association of Tenerife
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7th December from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Plaza de la Pescadora – Los Cristianos. Free entry.
Performances from
Expresso Rock
Joe´s Band
Collection for the piggy bank in favour of people with Parkinson’s in the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
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holyindianman-blog · 7 years
Ferguson - Leading
 Be early ; everywhere.
 " When I go to Aberdeen which is more  a sedate place than Glasgow, I realised that I would need to inject a bit of Glaswegian ferocity and discipline into the team. I didn't spare the horses. I was aggressive and demanding and I expect not everyone enjoyed it, but it made the players into men and increased their profiles."
 Ferguson was a strict disciplinarian. "Players give the manager  plenty of opportunities to crack the whip, so its best to pick and choose the moments." " When tattooing was prevalent amongst the team….. I was always struck by the fact that Cristiano Ronaldo never chose to deface his body. It said a lot about his self-discipline"
 " I put discipline above all else and It might have cost us several titles. If I had to repeat things, I'd dp precisely the same, because once you bid farewell to discipline you say goodbye to success and set the stage for anarchy." "I always felt that out triumphs were an expression of the consistent applictaion of discipline." Work Rate:
 "There is a lot of satisfaction that comes from knowing you're doing your best, and there's even more that comes when it begins to pay off."  
"All the top managers, Carlo Ancellotti, Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger have formidable work ethic." "Tony Adams - "What he lacked for in talent and pace, he more than compensated for in attitude. He was an average player who transformed himself into an outstanding leader through sheer hard work and application. He always had a winning attitude, and handsomely repaid both George Graham's and Arsene Wenger's faith in him." "When winning becomes a way of life, true winners are relentless. Corny though it sounds, the very best fpotballers were competing against themselves to become as good as they could be. It was no accident that players like Ronaldo, Beckham, the Neville brothers, Cantona, Scholes, Giggs and Rooney would all have to be dragged off the training ground. They all had a built in desire to excel and improve. Gary Neville for example, pushed himself harder because he knew he did not posses the natural talent of some of his teamates . I never used to worry about what he was up to on a Friday night because, certainly in his younger years, he would always be in bed by 9:30pm." ""David Beckham was also extraordinary. When he came to us he lived in digs and would not just train in the mornings and the afternoons, but would then show up in the evening to train with the schoolboys. Beckham was always off the scales on the beep test. The same goes for Ronaldo. He had this desire to become the greatest player in the worldand was determined to do so. He also paid a tremendous attention to nutrition, which predated his move to England. These days he is religious about taking ice baths after every game so that he can continue to play at the level he demands of himself. He does not touch alcohol, and keeps himself at about three kilograms below his natural weight because, now in his thirties he has found this helps him maintain his pace." "In a perect world I would have filled every team-sheet with 11 men who had as much determination as talent. But life is not like that, and if I had to choose between someone eho had great talent but was short on grit and desire, and another player who was good but had great determination and drive, I would always prefer the latter. The former might work well for a brief period, but they never have the staying power that gives a great club stability and consistency."
 "The world's best footballers are just as disciplined, even though the occassional photograph of them sunning themselves in Dubai or at a night club with a young lady might suggest otherwise. They need to work relentlessly,l not just because that's what is required to get to the top but because there is always someone eager to take their place in the squad. It also explains why most footballers have working class roots." "I always used to tell the players, ' The minute that we don't wprk harder than the other team , we'll not be Mancvhester United." Drive:
 "For me drive means a combination of a willingness to work hard, emotional fortitude, enormous powers of concentration and a refusal tp admit defeat." "A leaders drive is infectious" Conviction: ""Most people don't have inner conviction. Their confidence is easily shaken, they blow with the wid and can be plagued with doubts. I can not imagine how anyone, without firm convictions and eep inner beliefs, can be an effective leader. As a player my condience was shaken when Rangers dropped me and wanted me to agree to a transfer as part of an exchange for another player. But I was determined that I wouldn't let them beat me, and before training I used to go and play nine holes of golf to clear my head and get ready to attack the day. I just resolved not to give in and, when they sold me to Falkirk in 1969, it was on my own terms."
 "When I did waver, or at least was not being true to myself, it sometimes took another person to shake me out of my stupor…. Jock was suffering from parkinsons but still was as shrewd as ever, and after the game we went out for dinner and he said, "That's not an Alex Ferguson team. Once you get an Alex Ferguson team, you'll be allright" It was a wonderful piece  of advice because I hadn't been entirely true to my own beliefs… Jock was telling me to be true to my own beliefs and convictions." "It's pne thing to have confidence in your own abilities. It's a completely different challenge to instil confidence in others." "Every player can have his confidence rattled during a game. They maybe having an off day, they don’t want the ball to come in their direction and, believe it or not, they may even secretly want to get substituted.  
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE NINE OF COINS get what she deserves?” She is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → valeria bulstrode pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1958 - september 1959 face claim → sofia carson blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → mother of pansy parkinson, wife of christiano parkinson
— she is best described as ;
A neck draped with DIAMONDS and PEARLS, she is the FINER things in life within the grasp of a PERFECTLY MANICURED HAND. Wearing an armor of LOYALTY, she is the line drawn between LOVE and DUTY until one becomes victorious. The tending of a GREEN THUMB to a garden that is SECURE and all her own. UNCERTAIN of a future that she cannot control, though she lends a HELPFUL hand.
— her story starts with ;
Living high and grand as the only child to the Bulstrode family, Valeria has only ever known of the finer things in life. A perfect mixture of Antonella Asperanza and Reginald Bulstrode, she is the apple of her parents’ eyes. From the beginning, both had been heavily involved in the raising of Valeria, her mother refused the help of nannies or house elves, instead making it her full time job to raise her daughter properly. She insisted on a hands-on approach when caring for her daughter, one that she pushed on Reginald as well when he wasn’t in office at the Ministry of Magic. A representative for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, it was a business trip to Columbia that led Reginald to falling in love with his wife. Valeria has heard the story many times about how her father’s short visit quickly turned into a month when he first ran into Antonella and had their whirlwind of a romance. And despite it being years down the line, the love between the two has never simmered. To many children, it’s embarrassing to see your parents’ displays of affection for each other but to Valeria it’s the reminder that she’s lucky to be blessed with a mother and father who are still madly in love.
Valeria was well aware that her birth was the reason her parents decided to relocate from Columbia to England, wanting to be closer to her father’s family and the countryside to raise her properly. Her mother found it easy to assimilate into the circle of Pure-Blood wives, despite being from another country, and when Valeria reached the age of seven she began attending events with Antonella to learn the ins and outs of high society. While her mother was her guiding light to society life, Reginald had taken on the role of teaching the importance of blood and the Bulstrode name. When he wasn’t away working at the Ministry, his free time would be used ushering Valeria away into his study to lecture her about the significance of being a Pure-Blood in a Sacred Twenty Eight family. It was her duty to befriend those children who believed as they did, turn her nose up at those who were beneath her, and ensure that their future remained pure. And the young witch took that information to heart as she prepared to head off to Hogwarts, though things were made rather easy as she was sorted into Slytherin, a house known for its blood purity.
Even as she took a seat at the house of silver and green, Valeria had known of a few individuals who would be a good start to her circle thanks to society life. NARCISSA BLACK [close friend], youngest daughter of the notorious Black family, had been first on the list but it seemed that Narcissa had been on the same mission and quickly welcomed her into her group. Through Narcissa, Valeria had made the acquaintance of ELEANOR YAXLEY [close friend], ROSALINE DAVIS [close friend], KLAUDIE BURKE [close friend] and ZARINA ZABINI [close frriend] all girls had come from proper families and Valeria knew her relationships to them would be beneficial. As with any group of girls, the drama was never far behind. Valeria would often turn a blind eye to the pettiness of her friends towards the other girls in their year they considered a ‘rival’. Instead she focused on school and while she knew her parents would be happy with whatever grades she achieved, Valeria made sure to study extra hard for all her classes though she found a special love for Herbology. She had a natural green thumb and as the years went on, she began finding solace in the greenhouses, nose buried in whatever new Herbology book she could find.
It was the revelation of her natural skill that led her to gaining the acquaintance of EVANDER HIGGS [friend/potential love interest]. A boy who lurked behind classes to ensure the plants were taken care of or arriving early to get a jumpstart on their classwork, his devotion and attention to the plants is what caught Valeria’s eye and she became fortunate enough to be partnered with him for a project in their seventh year. Knowing that Evander was not the type of person her parents would want her to be associated with, the Slytherin witch kept the conversations limited but over time he wore her down and she found him to be a wonderful conversationalist. As the year went on, their friendship grew stronger as they began to meet up outside of classroom hours, with Evander promising to keep in touch even after they graduated. But deep down Valeria knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, she was an heiress to one of the more important wizarding families and after graduation she knew Antonella would begin the search for a proper husband. Her love of herbology and her friendship with Evander would be a thing of the past if her parents had anything to do with it.
As graduation came and went, Valeria was thrown right into debut season and she struggled to find potential in many of the suitors. She believed it was because she couldn’t get Evander out of her head, the many letters he had sent her hidden away in her room away from the parents that may disapprove. But she pushed those thoughts aside and did her best to work with her parents in finding a suitable match, wondering if she would ever find that person like they did. Many of her relatives on the Bulstrode side of her family had found their matches through importance and who would be best to help them rise above others whereas her mother’s side of the family was big on finding your soulmate. It was after the second season failed to produce a good match that Valeria confided in her mother about her thoughts and fears, Antonella was torn wanting to support her daughter in finding true love but knowing Reginald had been getting tougher on them to keep up the proper appearances. But a solution soon appeared in the form of CRISTIANO PARKINSON [potential love interest], a wizard who Valeria knew of from his relationship with Klaudie and who Antonella knew would make a good addition to the family image.
Christiano was a part of a growing force of individuals that, unbeknownst to Antonella and Valeria, Reginald had taken it upon himself to investigate. The whispering of his mates led him to the discovery of the infamous DARK LORD [leader] and chose to align his family with him. Val knew that the creation of an agreement between the Parkinsons and Valeria was a chance her father just couldn’t pass up, something about making them look good in the eyes of this powerful Dark Lord. She was unsure about such a force, being a soldier herself was a different path than she imagined she’d find herself on, but with the knowledge that Christiano was amongst the group as well, she found the strength to join. The surprises have kept coming though as her father has let it slip he’s been putting in a good word about her natural Herbology talent and he’s hopeful that the Dark Lord will want to use that talent to his advantage. Word on the street is that SEVERUS SNAPE [acquaintance] may need assistance with the potions he’s creating for the Death Eaters, as someone with a natural green thumb she might just be the perfect person to help him out.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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calacuspr · 6 years
When the dream fades – how one Tottenham Hotspur and England youngster dealt with disappointment
It was World Mental Health Day in early October and one area where individuals often suffer is in the world of elite sport. 
Ben Bowditch had a sparkling career ahead of him after starring at youth level for Tottenham Hotspur and England but injuries curtailed his career before t had really begun.
He had to face the reality of his dreams being shattered when mental health issues were still considered taboo.
Now founder and Director of Bows Soccer Academy, here is Ben’s story, one many will relate to, whether they are in sport and other walks of life.
From 11-17 years old I was living ‘The Dream’ after signing for my boyhood club Tottenham Hotspur, further going on to play for England Schoolboys up to U20.
I showed a lot of early promise as a youngster, which resulted in me playing the year group above for Tottenham. This led me on to breaking into the Tottenham reserve side at just 17. I made my debut away to Southampton at the Dell, being coached by one of my favourite coaches of all time, Chris Hughton.
I had the privilege of playing in some fantastic stadiums such as White Hart Lane, St James Park, Vicarage Road, The Stadium of Light, The Riverside, The Reebok Stadium, Elland Road, Goodison Park, Old Trafford and one of the most iconic stadiums of all time, Wembley.
Whilst travelling with the England youth teams, I was lucky enough to visit many beautiful parts of the world, including Europe and Israel where the European Championships were held.
I was also fortunate enough to travel to Brazil for a tournament that featured Mexico, USA, Japan and of course Brazil.
I was unaware at the time, but the experience that I gained from these trips were to be priceless. They have helped mould me into the person I am today, with one of my biggest achievements leading my country in the U20 World Cup.
Along this journey I have played against some outstanding players, going toe-to-toe with the likes of Carlos Teves, Javier Mascherano, Fernando Torres, Andreas Iniesta and Cristiano Ronaldo, to name but a few.
I had had the privilege of playing alongside Wayne Rooney, Jermaine Jenas, David Bentley, and Dean Ashton as well as being coached by Glenn Hoddle, Colin Calderwood and Les Reed.
By 18, I had experienced so much and was being offered the world at such a young age.
Tottenham were paying me £800 a week plus bonuses, which was more money than many families were earning at that time. I had the world at my feet, but I had no real idea.
Despite having these luxuries it just felt ‘normal’. I did not have to work for any of it as such; it was all laid on a plate for me from the age of 11 and I did not know any different.
I had wonderful support from my family who travelled the world to watch me play, with my parents doing all they could, whatever was asked of them, to allow me to have these opportunities.
My agent (yes I had an agent), was also excellent. I could not have asked any more of him in terms of support and encouragement, both on and off the field. However, it was all still too ‘normal’.
I would be in the local papers, play live on Sky Sports, people would know my name and tell both myself and others how good I was.
Sadly, between the ages of 18 and 20 I experienced several injuries that would prove to be huge setbacks.
Each time I recovered and gained full fitness another problem arose leading to my playing time being reduced as I spent more time in the treatment room than on the field.
My confidence was severely affected and I found myself lower down the selection order when I was fit to play. I was having to work hard to get better, something I had not had to do before and I did not know how to deal with this.
I was still being selected to play for my country, even with this gradual decline. Being away with the team would lift my spirits but on my return I would feel myself gradually falling back into a dark state of mind, with my confidence decreasing daily.
My peers were surpassing me one by one breaking into the Reserve Team or the First Team, players I had always been ahead of previously.
I could feel it all slipping away from me and I just did not know what to do.
At 19, whilst recovering from a long term Achilles injury, I was told that I would not be offered a new contract at the end of the season. It was heart breaking news for me. I was devastated.
When I got home I cried in my bedroom. I can never forget that day as the weight of that news was unbearable even though I think I knew it would happen.
I spent another month at the club getting fit before I left to join AB Copenhagen in Denmark.
On my final day at the club I arrived at Spurs Lodge full of nerves. I felt lost and empty, I had been there all my life and now it was suddenly coming to an end. I walked into the canteen after my final session at the club to find all my coaches that I had worked with during my time there.
I fought hard to hold back the tears whilst I shook their hands and thanked them for all their hard work with me. When I got back to my car I broke down. I just could not handle the emotion. I wanted the world to swallow me up. I felt like I had let everyone down, especially my family, who had sacrificed so much to support me.
Arriving in Denmark gave me strength again, a new country and experience, a wonderful time, allowing me to regain some focus on pursuing a career in professional football.
I returned to England at the end of the season to join Colchester United in League One with Phil Parkinson in charge. He had said he did not wish to sign any more players in my position but I was determined, so with a strong attitude and positive performances, I was offered a contract. The hard work had paid off, I was back and felt the best I had for a very long time.
This was not to last long as I was to have yet another injury, a hernia injury that was initially treated as a hip problem. I had surgery for the hip before finding it was actually a hernia, which needed extensive surgery.
I ended up not playing for an entire season and further not being offered a new contract. I went on to play for Barnet in League Two, having an indifferent season.
I then had one of my best seasons though in the conference at Cambridge City before moving to Bishop’s Stortford where unfortunately I ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament.
Trying to maintain the lifestyle I had become used to, I ran up huge debts on credit cards and loans, driving in cars I could not afford, buying more clothes that I needed and going on out with friends.
I felt like I was forever chasing a dream trying to find my way back to the level I had reached at such a young age.
The decline felt like I was drowning, I just could not find my way back out of the water.
All I wanted to do was let myself sink but I did not want to let my family and friends down, so was trying hard to overcome the feelings for them. If it had not been for them I may have given up long before.
I continued to play as I hoped one day my eight-month old son would be able to watch me, but whilst playing for Potters Bar I ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament in the other knee. I have not played since.
I knew then I had to think about him and my family and now focus on our future.
Our future is now Bows Soccer Academy with my attention on helping young players achieve the best that they can with my guidance along with our highly motivated and passionate coaching team.
I realise I can now offer my valuable experience as an ex-professional footballer, using some of the fantastic lessons I learned with the great coaches I have worked with.
We are now fortunate enough to live in a world where mental health issues have been made more aware to us all.
Each and every one of us is making our own individual and unique journey in life. We will all encounter hurdles and stumbling blocks along the way, however with the support of those close to us and with the raising of awareness, we can help each other break through these barriers to find a solution.
I had the support from my family and close friends as a young professional player, but there was a lack of awareness around mental health.
I suffered with mental health as a young professional footballer and was too afraid to address my emotions. Had there been available support at that time, I may have been able to deal with my psychological state of mind in a better way than I did.
I now understand more about mental health and am no longer afraid.
Its OK to not be OK. Be kind to yourself and others. Talk. Do not be afraid of being judged. We are not alone and there is always someone who can help.
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mojokco · 8 years
Islandia dan Pelajaran Perjuangan Underdog ala Bangsa Nordik
We all love the underdogs, don’t we?
Bagaimana sebuah tim dengan dokter gigi sebagai pelatihnya, atau sutradara di posisi penjaga gawang bisa berbuat banyak di sebuah turnamen besar, lebih dari sekedar non-league football?
Islandia jawabannya. Debut pertamanya dalam pesta sepak bola Eropa boleh dibilang mentereng. Berhasil menahan imbang Portugal dan Hungaria, serta menang dari Austria, sekaligus membuat mereka lolos ke perdelapan final. Pencapaian luar biasa itu menjadi kisah yang patut di ceritakan kepada anak-anak mereka di dataran gunung berapi sana. Bagi saya ini adalah hal yang luar biasa untuk tim nasional yang populasi negaranya bahkan tidak sampai setengah jumlah populasi Gunung Kidul.
Ini bukan perkara mudah. Ini juga bukan hanya urusan dewa Hamingja sebagai dewa keberuntungan bangsa Nordik. Tapi ini adalah kerja keras federasi sepak bolanya. Akademi-akademi mulai dikembangkan di Islandia sejak dekade 2000-an meski sepak bola masih kalah pamor dibanding olahraga rugby. Nyatanya, mereka mampu menghasilkan pemain berkelas seperti Eidur Gudjohnsen yang moncer bersama Barcelona dan Gylfi Sigurdsson di tanah Britania, klub Swansea.
Jika anda beranggapan Islandia melakukan naturalisasi pemain bola seperti Indonesia beberapa tahun terakhir (dan ternyata masih gagal), anda salah. Sumpah anda salah. Hal mudah untuk membuktikannya, liat saja nama belakang pemain mereka yang dibawa ke Perancis. Sigurdsson, Bjarnason, Sigthórson, Parkinson, Orson, dan lain-lain, semuanya memakai imbuhan -son. Hanya Gudjhonsen saja yang tidak. Itu berarti mereka tetap membawa kultur penamaan bangsa Islandia. For your information, penamaan bangsa Skandinavia lainnya tidak seperti ini.
Imbuhan -son mungkin dapat diartikan seperti penamaan ‘bin’ atau anak dari- orangtua mereka. Seperti misalnya nama saya, Satrio Prabowo dan nama orang tua saya Gunawan Prabowo. Berarti dalam penulisan Islandia seharusnya nama saya ditulis menjadi Satrió Gunawanson (huruf ‘o’ tidak dikenal dalam penulisan Islandia, jadi saya ganti dengan ‘ó’). Kalau misalnya nanti saya punya anak, maka akan ditulis menjadi xxxx Satrióson atau yyyy Satriódóttir (untuk perempuan, seperti ‘binti’). Memang jadi sedikit sulit untuk penamaan, tapi menurut Mannanafnanefnd (semacam badan resmi pemerintahan yang mengurusi persoalan nama pribadi) di halaman wiki menjelaskan bahwa sistem penamaan ini diperlukan untuk menjaga bahasa dan budaya di negara tersebut.
Selain dari segi teknis, Islandia juga mendapat dukungan moral yang luar biasa. Memang rugby masih jadi olahraga nomer satu, tapi bisa anda bayangkan, setidaknya terdapat kurang lebih 10% populasi Islandia yang nonton langsung di Perancis. Dilansir dari tribunnews.com kira-kira ada sekitar 33 ribu pendukung Islandia saat mereka membuat Cristiano Ronaldo frustasi (Bayangkan sodara, 10% dari jumlah populasi penduduk. Apa ndak dahsyat? Coba kalau hal itu terjadi bagi Indonesia, maka dipastikan Indonesia tidak akan tampil sebagai tamu, melainkan sebagai tuan rumah, lha 10% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia itu 25 juta sendiri je. Supporter Rusia atau Hooligan-nya Inggris juga bakal mikir kalau mau cari perkara). 
Dan tengok betapa kompaknya mereka saat mendukung Islandia. Mereka juga tidak membuat ulah di luar stadion. Puncaknya kemarin saat Islandia berhasil lolos, kita bisa melihat bagaimana romansa tim dan suporter dipertontonkan. Mereka bernyanyi bersama, bertepuk tangan satu irama. Mereka adalah contoh luar biasa bagi pendukung anarkis.
Sebelum Euro berlangsung, saya sempat menonton di youtube, channel Copa90 yang membahas tentang Islandia dan harapan warganya di Euro 2016. Saat presenter channel tersebut bertanya kepada salah seorang fans menjelaskan bahwa, mereka mungkin bukan “the best team” tapi mereka mempunyai mental terkuat, perjuangan menjadi keseharian mereka. Sekarang terbukti bagaimana usaha tidak pernah mengkhianati hasil.
Pertanyaan lainnya adalah soal ekspektasi dan dijawab “if we can win it, why not?” dengan penuh kemantapan. Jawaban yang sempat membuat saya sedikit kaget pada awalnya, mengingat mereka akan melawan Portugal di laga pembuka. Dan nyatanya, ekspektasi mereka bukan sekadar omong besar.
Yah,  2016 mungkin memang tahunnya para underdogs. Setelah sebelumnya di Premier League Leicester mengangkat piala, juga Brazil dan Uruguay tidak bisa apa-apa di Copa America, mungkin inilah saatnya Islandia mampu untuk berbicara banyak. Tentunya setelah mengalahkan Inggris di 16 besar nanti (update: Ealah, ternyata bener-bener ngalahin Inggris).
We all love the underdogs, right? Ya, apalagi underdogs yang berjuang keras. Bukan sekadar dog yang mengonggong keras.
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Leo Quotes
Official Website: Leo Quotes
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Every drama requires a cast. The cast may be so huge, as in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina,’ that the author or editor provides a list of characters to keep them straight. Or it may be an intimate cast of two. – Nancy Kress
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Give like the sun, and the whole world grows tall. – Atticus
Funny People is my favorite performance of myself to date. Even though it’s a comedy and there are serious moments, I really felt like Leo felt like a real person. It didn’t feel like I was playing myself. Whether it’s a comedy or drama, I just try to make it as realistic as possible. – Jonah Hill
Here comes the sun. – The Beatles, Here Comes The Sun
I am a Leo, and I love to be active and creative. – Howie Dorough
I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I’ve had for as long as I can remember. – Shawn Mendes
I did imitations of anyone who came to my parents’ house, and that was my identity at school – if there were ten minutes to lunch, and the teacher was done with the lesson, he’d say, ‘Okay, Leo, get up there and do something.’ – Leonardo DiCaprio
I do wish everyone would call me Leo. It’s not that I don’t like Melissa. But the more I hear it called out, the worse it sounds. – Melissa Leo
I don’t believe that my first name is Leo or that my last name is Tolstoy. I’m a storyteller. – Robert Ludlum
I had a bulletin board in my bedroom with every picture of Leo ever taken – keep in mind, this was pre-‘Titanic’ and pre-Us Weekly, practically pre-Internet. I had to buy ‘The Leonardo DiCaprio Album’ and cut out my favorite pics. – Jenny Han
I have such an ego ’cause I’m a double Leo. I can’t let go of me, you know, so it’s very difficult for me to be somebody else and not me. I’m so into me. – Paul Mooney
I like art history and art criticism. Leo Steinberg has always been my favorite. He’s very original, very accurate and acute. – Helen Vendler
I listened to the veteran wrestlers that had tons of experience, like Leo Burke. I was never really alone. – Robert Maillet
I met Leo Fender, who is the guru of all amplifiers, and he gave me a Stratocaster. He became a second father to me. – Dick Dale
I read a book called ‘Transatlantic’, which is a history of the great shipping lines. Also, of course, I had read about the Titanic and saw Leo drowning at the end of the ‘Titanic’ movie and all that stuff. – Erik Larson
I really do not care that Messi isn’t scoring every match. Leo always produces match-changing moments. – Gerardo Martino
I thought back to my middle-school experience of having slumber parties and watching Romeo + Juliet and staring at Leo and thinking about my first kiss and what I wanted it to be like. And when you have your first real love, it’s an epiphany, you know? It’s like a whole new world. – Bonnie McKee
I would like to have an assortment of words, but what can I say about Leo? He is breaking all the records, and those he will still beat. He makes the public always expect something special from him, and he delivers it. – Ernesto Valverde
If Leo is at his level, it’s going to be very difficult to find a solution to stop him. – Luis Enrique
I’m a huge fan of Don Leo Jonathan. I love that era of wrestling. – Cesaro
I’m a leo, and damn proud of it. – Unknown
I’m a middle child, so I have middle-child syndrome. With a middle child, you always have to take in everything and adjust and maybe compromise a little bit so you’re able to see both sides of an issue. I’m also a Leo – I love astrology – so that affected me, just being a lion. – Jessica Williams
I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. The Leo says, ‘Let’s execute.’ – Quincy Jones
In the summer of 1866, as Leo Tolstoy prepared for his serialized novel ‘War and Peace’ to be published as a single volume, he wrote to illustrator Mikhail Bashilov, hoping to commission drawings for the new edition of the novel, which he referred to by its original title,1805.- Alexander Chee
It is a pleasure to see Leo, an Argentine, as the top scorer in the Champions League. – Gerardo Martino
It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to play with Leo Messi. I want to learn. He is the best player in the world and in history. I am delighted to be able to share costumes. I want to learn a lot from him on and off the field. – Ousmane Dembele
It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. – Max Heindel
It would not be honest if I did a review, because I’ve worked with Leo Messi, whom I consider the best player I’ve seen. I cannot comment or compare with Cristiano Ronaldo because I have not worked with him. That is not to say that I do not have as much respect for Cristiano as a footballer. – Frank Rijkaard
It’s an incredible feeling when you look across the dressing room and see Andres, Leo, Luis and Sergio Busquets, and everyone else. They are players I used to watch on TV or play with on PlayStation, and now I am sharing the same dressing room. It’s incredible for me. – Philippe Coutinho
I’ve always heard Leo saying he is happy at Barcelona. I’ll take the message that he is very comfortable here. – Luis Enrique
I’ve never met a player like Leo Messi. Julen Lopetegui
Lauv comes from the Latvian word for lion, and my mom’s side of the family is from Latvia – it’s a place I’ve been probably 15 times or more. I’m also a Leo, and my real name, Ari, means lion. – Lauv
Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. – Linda Goodman
Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him. – Mark Henry
Leo couldn’t deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with ‘The Aviator’, but I will go on record to say I will do so in ‘The Departed’. – Anthony Anderson
Leo Durocher was our manager and he brought Willie up to me and said, ‘This is Willie Mays and he’s your new roommate.’ You could see right away that this young man was a natural. He had those real big hands, great power and speed and would catch everything hit in his direction. He’s the best center fielder that ever lived, no question. – Monte Irvin
Leo Hurwicz is the father of mechanism design theory and has inspired much of my work, and Roger Myerson is an old friend and collaborator and a tremendous economist. – Eric Maskin
Leo is the best player in the world; that is very clear. – Thiago Alcantara
Leo Messi is a little football God. I love playing alongside him. We understand each other without needing to talk. – Dani Alves
Leo would also be unstoppable if I played him at full-back. Messi is simply the best there is. – Luis Enrique
Leo, sadly, has Parkinson’s, but he used to cook all sorts of dazzling things. – Jilly Cooper
My father, Leo Henry Brown, really was talented – he could write. He had a gift, and he had a great, sly humor. – Angie Dickinson
My kids and I make pasta three days a week now. It’s not even so much about the eating of it; they just like the process. Benno is the stuffer, and Leo is the catcher. They’ve got their jobs down. – Mario Batali
My life as Mrs. Leo Durocher and baseball come first. – Laraine Day
My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room and you want people to know your presence, without you doing anything. – Wesley Snipes
Norbert Leo Butz is a master class in energy. – Lauren Ambrose
Of course there is ‘Messidependence.’ It would exist in any team in the world, but when he is not there, we also have to play and try to win. Leo is fundamental for us and marks the style; it is well known that he is the best in the world for something. – Ernesto Valverde
One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. – Linda Goodman
Ronaldo leaving would seem to have ended the competition between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo because people rarely mention one without mentioning the other. A lot of people are interested – me, too – to see how it will affect Real Madrid’s football and what they might do in the transfer market. – Ernesto Valverde
So I think it was a good thing It was a little surreal watching Leo scream ‘I’m not going to die today!’ with our music playing – that was the last thing on my mind when I wrote the song. – Jon Crosby
The first time I met Leo Messi, I didn’t know who he was, only that I couldn’t believe the boots he was wearing. But he is like a brother to me. It was at the start of 2005, when I was with the Argentine under-17 squad and I saw him chatting with Ezequiel Garay and some other players about the boots he’d brought back from the U.S.A. – Sergio Aguero
The Kate Winslet thing has been a shocker. I was like, that is the most ridiculous claim. Amazing, obviously. She’s been my idol since I re-enacted ‘Titanic’ and fell in love with Leo. And it’s a privilege to be called the next anything. But I suppose to be the next you is all you can do. – Florence Pugh
The Leo contains the essence of royalty. – Linda Goodman
The vibration of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself, is almost tangible, a thing you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a Lion or Lioness. — Linda Goodman
There are no words to describe Leo. He continues to break records every time one is put in front of him. – Gerardo Martino
There is something fundamental about Leo in terms of what he transmits to the supporters and what he transmits to the opposition when he starts to run at you. And I speak from experience. – Ernesto Valverde
There’s no really signature Leo DiCaprio role, like Jack Nicholson is Jack Nicholson no matter what movie he’s in. – Dennis Christopher
What I’d most highlight about Leo Messi is his huge sense of responsibility for the team. It shows in every game in every competition. – Ernesto Valverde
When I played Leonardo DiCaprio’s mother, they liked that Leo had very hooded eyes and a rounded nose with a ball. They said, They look like they could be mother and son. – Ellen Barkin
When Leo takes the record from me, it will hurt a little. But it’s not just anyone taking it away. It’s not a normal person. A Martian is taking it from me. That makes me feel a little better. – Gabriel Batistuta
You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me. – Patrick Swayze
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Leo Quotes
Official Website: Leo Quotes
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Every drama requires a cast. The cast may be so huge, as in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina,’ that the author or editor provides a list of characters to keep them straight. Or it may be an intimate cast of two. – Nancy Kress
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Give like the sun, and the whole world grows tall. – Atticus
Funny People is my favorite performance of myself to date. Even though it’s a comedy and there are serious moments, I really felt like Leo felt like a real person. It didn’t feel like I was playing myself. Whether it’s a comedy or drama, I just try to make it as realistic as possible. – Jonah Hill
Here comes the sun. – The Beatles, Here Comes The Sun
I am a Leo, and I love to be active and creative. – Howie Dorough
I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I’ve had for as long as I can remember. – Shawn Mendes
I did imitations of anyone who came to my parents’ house, and that was my identity at school – if there were ten minutes to lunch, and the teacher was done with the lesson, he’d say, ‘Okay, Leo, get up there and do something.’ – Leonardo DiCaprio
I do wish everyone would call me Leo. It’s not that I don’t like Melissa. But the more I hear it called out, the worse it sounds. – Melissa Leo
I don’t believe that my first name is Leo or that my last name is Tolstoy. I’m a storyteller. – Robert Ludlum
I had a bulletin board in my bedroom with every picture of Leo ever taken – keep in mind, this was pre-‘Titanic’ and pre-Us Weekly, practically pre-Internet. I had to buy ‘The Leonardo DiCaprio Album’ and cut out my favorite pics. – Jenny Han
I have such an ego ’cause I’m a double Leo. I can’t let go of me, you know, so it’s very difficult for me to be somebody else and not me. I’m so into me. – Paul Mooney
I like art history and art criticism. Leo Steinberg has always been my favorite. He’s very original, very accurate and acute. – Helen Vendler
I listened to the veteran wrestlers that had tons of experience, like Leo Burke. I was never really alone. – Robert Maillet
I met Leo Fender, who is the guru of all amplifiers, and he gave me a Stratocaster. He became a second father to me. – Dick Dale
I read a book called ‘Transatlantic’, which is a history of the great shipping lines. Also, of course, I had read about the Titanic and saw Leo drowning at the end of the ‘Titanic’ movie and all that stuff. – Erik Larson
I really do not care that Messi isn’t scoring every match. Leo always produces match-changing moments. – Gerardo Martino
I thought back to my middle-school experience of having slumber parties and watching Romeo + Juliet and staring at Leo and thinking about my first kiss and what I wanted it to be like. And when you have your first real love, it’s an epiphany, you know? It’s like a whole new world. – Bonnie McKee
I would like to have an assortment of words, but what can I say about Leo? He is breaking all the records, and those he will still beat. He makes the public always expect something special from him, and he delivers it. – Ernesto Valverde
If Leo is at his level, it’s going to be very difficult to find a solution to stop him. – Luis Enrique
I’m a huge fan of Don Leo Jonathan. I love that era of wrestling. – Cesaro
I’m a leo, and damn proud of it. – Unknown
I’m a middle child, so I have middle-child syndrome. With a middle child, you always have to take in everything and adjust and maybe compromise a little bit so you’re able to see both sides of an issue. I’m also a Leo – I love astrology – so that affected me, just being a lion. – Jessica Williams
I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. The Leo says, ‘Let’s execute.’ – Quincy Jones
In the summer of 1866, as Leo Tolstoy prepared for his serialized novel ‘War and Peace’ to be published as a single volume, he wrote to illustrator Mikhail Bashilov, hoping to commission drawings for the new edition of the novel, which he referred to by its original title,1805.- Alexander Chee
It is a pleasure to see Leo, an Argentine, as the top scorer in the Champions League. – Gerardo Martino
It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to play with Leo Messi. I want to learn. He is the best player in the world and in history. I am delighted to be able to share costumes. I want to learn a lot from him on and off the field. – Ousmane Dembele
It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. – Max Heindel
It would not be honest if I did a review, because I’ve worked with Leo Messi, whom I consider the best player I’ve seen. I cannot comment or compare with Cristiano Ronaldo because I have not worked with him. That is not to say that I do not have as much respect for Cristiano as a footballer. – Frank Rijkaard
It’s an incredible feeling when you look across the dressing room and see Andres, Leo, Luis and Sergio Busquets, and everyone else. They are players I used to watch on TV or play with on PlayStation, and now I am sharing the same dressing room. It’s incredible for me. – Philippe Coutinho
I’ve always heard Leo saying he is happy at Barcelona. I’ll take the message that he is very comfortable here. – Luis Enrique
I’ve never met a player like Leo Messi. Julen Lopetegui
Lauv comes from the Latvian word for lion, and my mom’s side of the family is from Latvia – it’s a place I’ve been probably 15 times or more. I’m also a Leo, and my real name, Ari, means lion. – Lauv
Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. – Linda Goodman
Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him. – Mark Henry
Leo couldn’t deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with ‘The Aviator’, but I will go on record to say I will do so in ‘The Departed’. – Anthony Anderson
Leo Durocher was our manager and he brought Willie up to me and said, ‘This is Willie Mays and he’s your new roommate.’ You could see right away that this young man was a natural. He had those real big hands, great power and speed and would catch everything hit in his direction. He’s the best center fielder that ever lived, no question. – Monte Irvin
Leo Hurwicz is the father of mechanism design theory and has inspired much of my work, and Roger Myerson is an old friend and collaborator and a tremendous economist. – Eric Maskin
Leo is the best player in the world; that is very clear. – Thiago Alcantara
Leo Messi is a little football God. I love playing alongside him. We understand each other without needing to talk. – Dani Alves
Leo would also be unstoppable if I played him at full-back. Messi is simply the best there is. – Luis Enrique
Leo, sadly, has Parkinson’s, but he used to cook all sorts of dazzling things. – Jilly Cooper
My father, Leo Henry Brown, really was talented – he could write. He had a gift, and he had a great, sly humor. – Angie Dickinson
My kids and I make pasta three days a week now. It’s not even so much about the eating of it; they just like the process. Benno is the stuffer, and Leo is the catcher. They’ve got their jobs down. – Mario Batali
My life as Mrs. Leo Durocher and baseball come first. – Laraine Day
My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room and you want people to know your presence, without you doing anything. – Wesley Snipes
Norbert Leo Butz is a master class in energy. – Lauren Ambrose
Of course there is ‘Messidependence.’ It would exist in any team in the world, but when he is not there, we also have to play and try to win. Leo is fundamental for us and marks the style; it is well known that he is the best in the world for something. – Ernesto Valverde
One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. – Linda Goodman
Ronaldo leaving would seem to have ended the competition between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo because people rarely mention one without mentioning the other. A lot of people are interested – me, too – to see how it will affect Real Madrid’s football and what they might do in the transfer market. – Ernesto Valverde
So I think it was a good thing It was a little surreal watching Leo scream ‘I’m not going to die today!’ with our music playing – that was the last thing on my mind when I wrote the song. – Jon Crosby
The first time I met Leo Messi, I didn’t know who he was, only that I couldn’t believe the boots he was wearing. But he is like a brother to me. It was at the start of 2005, when I was with the Argentine under-17 squad and I saw him chatting with Ezequiel Garay and some other players about the boots he’d brought back from the U.S.A. – Sergio Aguero
The Kate Winslet thing has been a shocker. I was like, that is the most ridiculous claim. Amazing, obviously. She’s been my idol since I re-enacted ‘Titanic’ and fell in love with Leo. And it’s a privilege to be called the next anything. But I suppose to be the next you is all you can do. – Florence Pugh
The Leo contains the essence of royalty. – Linda Goodman
The vibration of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself, is almost tangible, a thing you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a Lion or Lioness. — Linda Goodman
There are no words to describe Leo. He continues to break records every time one is put in front of him. – Gerardo Martino
There is something fundamental about Leo in terms of what he transmits to the supporters and what he transmits to the opposition when he starts to run at you. And I speak from experience. – Ernesto Valverde
There’s no really signature Leo DiCaprio role, like Jack Nicholson is Jack Nicholson no matter what movie he’s in. – Dennis Christopher
What I’d most highlight about Leo Messi is his huge sense of responsibility for the team. It shows in every game in every competition. – Ernesto Valverde
When I played Leonardo DiCaprio’s mother, they liked that Leo had very hooded eyes and a rounded nose with a ball. They said, They look like they could be mother and son. – Ellen Barkin
When Leo takes the record from me, it will hurt a little. But it’s not just anyone taking it away. It’s not a normal person. A Martian is taking it from me. That makes me feel a little better. – Gabriel Batistuta
You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me. – Patrick Swayze
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chwrpg · 5 years
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Cristiano De La Renta
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Lennon Carroll
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