#m amycus carrow
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE THESPIAN get what they deserve?” They are in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— they walk through the world as ;
name → calliope malfoy pronouns → they/them identification → non-binary year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → emma corrin blood status → pure-blood (metamorphmagus) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → actor at the beasouleil theatre future information → n/a
— they are best described as ;
The strong scent of FACE PAINT as it’s expertly applied & sealed with a PUFF of POWDER in a BACKSTAGE room.They are the GLITTERING TUTU of a PIXIE wore in a BALLET & the VENETIAN MASK fit for an ELABORATE STAGE VILLAIN. They are as RECOGNISED as an OLDEN SCRIPT & as DIFFICULT to pin down as a cloud of SPARKLING CIGARETTE SMOKE.
— their story starts with ;
Calliope’s name was inspired by mythology and they are as interesting, creative and ancient as their namesake. The second child of Ignatious Malfoy and his wife Asteria Malfoy, Calliope escaped any of the weight of their family name felt by their elder sibling LACHESIS MALFOY [sibling]. Instead, Calliope preferred to exercise themselves creatively, intent on using the Malfoy name to gain access to the most lavish theatres and dance halls the Wizarding World had to offer. Calliope spent their childhood writing elaborate scripts and monologues they would perform for their family and working away on songs by the piano under the strict gaze of their music teacher. Unlike many Sacred Twenty-Eight families, Calliope had noticed that their parents encouraged their children to follow their respective passions. Whilst they overheard the Black family at parties dreaming up the fates of their children, Ignatious and Astreia knew their children would achieve greatness, the area in question being entirely up to them. 
Due to their respective passions, Calliope grew up close to Lachesis. Respective right and left brain thinkers, they could always count on Lachesis for a fresh perspective on a piece of work or an idea, whilst they could count on Calliope to flip a rigid plan upside down and look at it from a more interesting perspective. Lachesis was their first friend in the world and Calliope was loyal to them to the end, which meant a united front on putting their cousin LUCIUS MALFOY [cousin] in his place. In an ideal world Calliope may have been friends with their cousin, their shared love of peacocking might have been enough to bond them; but the look in his eye as he attempted to get one over on their sibling was enough to rub Calliope the wrong way. From the age of seven, Calliope had known they were a metamorphmagus using their abilities to shift form to play various characters in their childhood productions, they also found it came in handy for giving their cousin a fright at opportune moments they had no doubt had a lasting impression on Lucius. 
Like the majority of their family, Calliope was placed in Slytherin when arriving at Hogwarts and quickly fell into a pre-approved group of friends including ALECTO CARROW [friend], her brother AMYCUS CARROW [friend] and THROFINN ROWLE [friend]. The group was far more troublesome than Calliope liked, like their friends they had a fondness for making the right sort of people feel small, and whilst they occasionally used their powers to turn into a clown or jack-in-the-box and frighten unsuspecting classmates, Calliope preferred to use their creative and academic prowess to beat others into submission and was known for doing their best to be heard above the noise of JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK [adversary], PETER PETTIGREW [adversary] and REMUS LUPIN [adversary] they had the displeasure of sharing a year group with. Their main annoyance however came in the form of a muggle-born Gryffindor witch from their year group named MAREN ROSMERTA [adversary]. 
A friend of the marauders, Calliope met Maren through choir and immediately disliked her. It was strange to them that a muggle-born could be so talented and so beloved, but it didn’t just irritate Calliope. Younger Slytherin ELEANOR YAXLEY [best friend] shared their bitter hatred for Maren, and the two found common ground and a blossoming friendship through their deep hatred of her. Through Eleanor, Calliope found themselves associating with a new group of people, becoming close friends with Eleanor’s twin brother VICTOR YAXLEY [close friend], REGULUS BLACK [close friend] and half-blood SEVERUS SNAPE [close friend] from their own year. Calliope was surprised they would be able to befriend a half-blood, having staunch opinions on blood purity that had been handed down to them by their family, but Severus was quietly calculated much like themself and Calliope appreciated anyone who shared their dislike for those who did not belong in the spotlight, like the marauders and their irritating gang of fans. 
Upon leaving school there was only one career that Calliope and that was one on the stage. Their family name was synonymous with political ambition and meddling due to rumours floating around that their father and their uncle Abraxas had been involved in the ousting of a previous Minister for Magic. Not that Calliope would care to admit it, but they were glad of how much their cousin Lucius had done to pave the way into changing this image. Lucius had many key figures in their world in their pocket and whilst Calliope was not known for their warmth toward him, they were happy to use his name as and when to make connections in the theatrical world, eventually landing themselves in shows at The Beausoleil Theatre. Whilst not the biggest name in Wizarding London, no one can deny Calliope dedication to their craft, especially older stories and their ability to change their features to commit to a role have made them a beloved presence on the stage and a crowd favourite. But as well as being an actor, Calliope has much more going on in their world and furthering their families political careers is one of them. 
It was their father’s wish as he lay old and imbolie in his bed that Calliope and Lachesis follow Lucius in joining THE DARK LORD [leader] in his quest for power. Whilst being part of an anarchist political group was not part of Calliope’s initial plans for their future, they understood the importance of securing the Malfoy family at the top and more importantly seating Lachesis close by his side. New to the death eaters, Calliope likes to see themself as Lachesis special weapon, having shifted into multiple people to help their sibiling. DOLORES UMBRIDGE [person of interest], Calliope slipped her a potion and sat in on an important meeting to feedback to their sibling, once they even became HARRISON BAGNOLD [person of interest] just to see how much his mother might say. But now their time has come to aid The Dark Lord himself and when a letter arrived for Calliope to cause some chaos at The Spring Solstice with their sibling, they couldn’t say no. Not only a name on the stage, Calliope has plans to be known within their new group and this is the perfect way to get the Malfoy sibilings on the map and out of Lucius’ shadow. 
— they are a LEVEL 5 SORCERER & a LEVEL 8 METAMORPHMAGUS & readied for war ;
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Character name: Amycus Carrow Age & Birthday: 23 & [UTP] Gender & Pronouns: Male & He/Him Occupation: [UTP] Blood status: Pureblood Previous house: Slytherin Affiliation: Death Eater Face claim: [UTP]
[to be written by player]
Played by: Time Zone:
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squibstress · 5 months
Catch and Release
Creator: roozette Rating: M/R Word Count: 5,560
Summary: Harry has a “tell,” when he needs affection. Ron never realized Severus had the same one.
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape
Pairing(s): Harry/Severus, Hermione/Ron
Why You Should Check It Out: Take a few minutes (and a hankie) and go read Catch and Release at snape_potter, written for this year's Snarry-a-thon. It's really about Ron more than Harry or Snape, and it's a beautiful story of love, friendship and growth that will warm your heart without turning your stomach. Trust me, you'll love it.
Penultimate Acts
Creator: pasi Rating: K+/PG Word Count: 11,442
Summary: Severus Snape, from nearly the end of Dumbledore's life to nearly the end of his own.
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Amycus Carrow, Filius Flitwick, Ginny Weasley, Lily Luna Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Poppy Pomfrey, Severus Snape
Pairing(s): Lily/Severus
Why You Should Check It Out: Author pasi perfectly captures the Horror of Being Severus in his own words, sometimes sardonic, sometimes unabashedly bitter, and in the words of various denizens of Hogwarts, living and dead. It's full of missing canon moments that put the reader smack dab into Severus' mind. You'll come away from this fic pitying Severus a bit more, and hating Dumbledore a lot more.
An Act of Love
Creator: MMADfan Rating: MA/NC-17 Word Count: 156,023
Summary: Severus Snape is hit by a stray spell, which has unanticipated and undesirable consequences. When he begins to feel some side-effects from the spell, Severus seeks the help of a colleague.
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Original Character, Poppy Pomfrey, Severus Snape
Pairing(s): Albus/Minerva, Minerva/Severus
Why You Should Check It Out:
This is a particularly well-done and unusual exponent of the "shag-or-die" fic. It's one of the stories in the author's epic "RAMverse" series. MMADfan creates a very detailed and believable (within the Potterverse, anyway) world for these characters, and she uses it to tremendous effect in exploring the relationsips between them. Severus, in this story, is deliberately out-of-character to some degree, but it works to highlight the utter horror of his situation. This story, like MMADfan's other work, contains some very creative and fascinating magic, and it works according to realistic laws of nature and magic—something to make this science nerd squee. She also writes sex in a way that manages to be very fluffy and very hot at the same time. (And the sex magic is quite nice, too.)
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
Side Effects: Unknown
Side Effects: Unknown https://ift.tt/kg6neXv by Kfrizzle10 Only a few months after the final battle, the members of the wizengamot and newly appointed Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, come to an agreement: The Sacred Twenty-Eight must end. The Marriage Law is enacted, coupling the unmarried remaining children of the sacred twenty- eight to magically selected half-bloods and muggle borns. Horrified and used like a toy by the government she just fought for, Hermione navigates living with her new in-laws and once enemy, now husband, Draco Malfoy. Words: 778, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Theodore Nott, Susan Bones, George Weasley, Adrian Pucey, Cormac McLaggen, Antonin Dolohov, Corban Yaxley, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson/Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood Additional Tags: marriage law, Forced Marriage, The Sacred Twenty-Eight (Harry Potter), Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy, Supportive Lucius Malfoy, But takes some time, A small amount of, Ron Weasley Bashing, Draco Malfoy Has a Large Cock, Inappropriate Use of Malfoy Signet Ring (Harry Potter), Government Conspiracy, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Banter, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/DgZrcC5 July 25, 2024 at 02:31AM
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hpcestfest · 2 years
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HP Cest Fest 2022: Anonymous Masterlist ☕️ 📖 🎨 🎙
We are pleased to present the 59 phenomenal works for the inaugural HP Cest Fest! Thank you to all the creators that made this fest possible!
📖 A Swan’s Son (Or, Caring for Bellatrix) | E | 7.6k Cynus Black III / Bellatrix / Sirius / Andromeda
🎨 ART: Take Care of Draco | T | Digital Art Draco / Sirius
📖 Aubade | E | 6.3k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Brighter Stars | E | 10.6k Orion / Regulus / Sirius
📖 Crossing Family Lines | E | 1.5k Andromeda / Narcissa
📖 Just The Two Of Us | E | 2.2k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Kiss You Soft, Hold You Down | E | 8.8k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Let’s Run Away | T | 1.4k Regulus / Sirius
📖 loveliest lies of all | E | 5k Orion / Regulus
📖 My Brother's Keeper | E | 2.3k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Obedience | E | 2.5k Andromeda / Walburga
📖 softly it falls | E | 2.2k Orion / Regulus
📖 Sweet Child 'O Mine | E | 3.4k Orion / Regulus / Sirius
📖 🎨 The Forked Snake | E | 11k | Traditional Art Regulus / Sirius / Marlene
📖 The Impending Malfoy Wedding | E | 1k Bellatrix / Narcissa
📖 The Lion Star | E | 6.6k Nymphadora / Sirius; Regulus / Sirius
📖 this is where my heart belongs (in you i've made my home) | E | 2.5k Regulus / Sirius
📖 To Carry on Turning the Wheel | E | 8.4k Arcturus III / Regulus / Sirius
📖 With Pain, Comes Power | E | 15.5k Bellatrix / Narcissa / Regulus / Sirius
📖 wrong number | E | 2.4k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Daddy Dom and the Pureblood Prince | E | 8.7k Draco / Lucius
📖 Qualis Pater, Talis Filius | E | 5.6k Draco / Lucius
📖 The Lover and the Boytoy | E | 10.5k Draco / Lucius / Severus
🎙 [Podfic] Playing Games by Fleeting Desires | E | 1hr By @phenomenalasterisk Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 All my care is you, and all my pleasure yours | E | 6k Harry / Lily (Evans)
🎨 ART: Baby, you've got what it takes. | G | Digital Art Albus Severus / James Sirius
🎨 ART: In the embrace where madness melts in bliss | G | Digital Art Albus Severus / James Sirius / Scorpius
🎨 art: study buddy | T | Digital Art Harry / James Sirius
📖 baby boy, you're killing me | E | 14.8k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 1: Context | E | 1.2k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 2: Contact | E | 4.3k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 3: Control | E | 2.5k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Distance Makes the Cock Grow Longer | E | 4.8k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Forbidden Love, Take Flight | E | 9.7k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 I'm just a guy whose intentions are good | E | 8.8k Harry / James Sirius
📖 Jaime's hot breath & Al's soft touch | E | 2k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 James's Guardian Angel | M | 4.2k Harry / James (Sr)
📖 Sometimes things happen | E | 38.7k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Strays of the Night | E | 3.9k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 the dark passenger | E | 5k Harry / Albus Severus
📖 A Brother's Love | E | 8.2k Ginny / Bill / Charlie
📖 Afternoon Delight | E | 2.3k Ginny / Bill
📖 Death and Undeath | E | 3.1k Fred / George
📖 The Room is no longer Dark | E | 5k Arthur / Bill / Charlie / Percy / Fred / George / Ron
📖 The stages of you (I love, I grieve) | E | 28k Percy / George
📖 Wolf's Hunger | E | 3.5k Bill / Ron
📖 Eat Freely | E | 9.4k Lovegood: Luna / Xenophilius
📖 She Put A Spell On You (Yet, now you’re mine) | E | 4.7k Riddle: Tom / Tom Sr.
📖 Sweet, Glorious Madness | E | 2k Lestrange: Rabastan / Rodolphus / Bellatrix
📖 The World Against Us | E | 1.9k Carrow: Amycus / Alecto
📖 Theirs, through blood or bond | E | 4.2k Granger: Hermione / Mr Granger / Mrs Granger
📖 A Suitable Reward | E | 9.7k Draco / Severus
📖 a surprise in the post | M | 1.9k Harry / Sirius
📖 Desire in Six Senses | E | 11.8k Astoria / Narcissa / Lucius
📖 Dog bite | E | 3.4k Harry / Sirius
📖 fit me, next to your heartbeat, where I should be | E | 48.7k Harry / Teddy
📖 Happy birthday sweet sixteen | M | 18.1k Harry / Sirius
📖 i can feel your blood pressure rise (fuck this tension) | M | 1.4k Harry / Sirius
📖 What gives us hope | E | 19.1k Harry / Sirius
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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snunasupremacy · 2 years
Aggravatingly Snowed in
by Tardis_Magic93
Severus is snowed in at a muggle inn and meets an unexpected guests.
Words: 2990, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Luna Lovegood, Rubeus Hagrid mentioned, Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow
Relationships: Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Snowed In, Falling In Love, Pre-Relationship, Severus Retiring, Severus Snape Lives, Professor Luna Lovegood, Severus Making Pizza, Karaoke, Flashbacks, Detention, Cruciatus Curse Mentioned, POV Luna Lovegood, POV Severus Snape, Implied/Referenced Torture
from AO3 works tagged 'Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape' https://ift.tt/dDvA7Sl
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Beasts by whinlatter
Hers is a childhood spent among them - the beasts, the wild things of their world. Coming back, coming-of-age: the story of Ginny's seventh year. (Or – how the youngest Weasley won the Hanging Out With Hagrid Award).
Canon compliant, multi-chapter, non-linear narrative, Golden Gen, PS through post-DH (1981-1999). Harry/Ginny.
Words: 9998, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, F/M
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Weasley Family, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Severus Snape, Charlie Weasley, Michael Corner, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-War, Shippy Gen, Slow Burn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Grief/Mourning, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, missing moment, Pre-Canon, Canon Era, Non-Linear Narrative, Flashbacks, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Female Friendship, POV Ginny Weasley, hours and days and maybe years in which to talk, Established Relationship, Letters, Epistolary
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45624094
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Former Fest Highlight Week 7: Tomione Fest Hosted by Tomione Fanfics on FB
Dea Atra by summersaults16
He had a side of him so cold, that even the sun could not burn on it. And like the moon, she had a side of her so dark, that even the stars could not shine on it. Greek Mythology AU. Dark Fairytale Hades/Persephone. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS & AN!)
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore/Walburga Black/Minerva McGonagall, Hades/Persephone
Characters: Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Walburga Black, Horace Slughorn, Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Amycus Carrow, Hades, Persephone, Zeus, Demeter, Hera, Helios, Apollo, Hermes, Charon, Nagini (Harry Potter), The Fates, The Furies, Theseus, Pirithous
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology, Dark Fairytale, Romance, Drama, Dark Hermione Granger, Tomione Fest 2017, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Tom Riddle as Hades, Hermione Granger as Persephone, Greek Mythology is Incestuous
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ao3feed-drastoria · 17 days
Voice of Blood
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ibwv6CV by AuraMarley Eighteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy must return to England to infiltrate a Death Eater resurgence led by his uncle, Rodolphus Lestrange, and a vicious coven of blood witches. With his daughters' lives at stake, he teams up with Hermione Granger and the Ministry of Magic to put an end to this unholy alliance. Together, Draco and Hermione must navigate their complex history and unexpected connection while fighting to protect Draco's family and the fragile peace the wizarding world has fought so hard to maintain. Words: 4365, Chapters: 1/29, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Ron Weasley, Molly Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Romilda Vane, Seamus Finnigan, Original Malfoy Characters (Harry Potter), Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Madam Rosmerta (Harry Potter), Rolanda Hooch, Angelina Johnson, Fay Dunbar, Original Greengrass Characters (Harry Potter), Original House-Elf Character(s), Original Characters, Rodolphus Lestrange, Amycus Carrow Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Daphne Greengrass/Oliver Wood, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Romilda Vane/Ron Weasley Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Post-War, Angst, Mutual Pining, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, POV Draco Malfoy, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Researcher Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, HEA, Forced Proximity, Action/Adventure, Adult Hermione Granger, Adult Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley Bashing, Draco Malfoy-centric, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Belligerent Sexual Tension, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, DILF Draco Malfoy, Widower Draco, Post-Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is hotter in his thirties, Hermione Granger desperately needs a cold shower, Therapy is expensive so I wrote this instead read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ibwv6CV
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A Thousand Years
A Thousand Years
by SithLordNuggies
Harry Potter died in the Forbidden Forest through a killing curse cast by the Dark Lord Voldemort.
That should have been the end of it. A death like any other. But obsession has a funny way of taking root when one doesn't want it to.
Words: 8185, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Draco Malfoy, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow
Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Additional Tags: Obsession, light!harry, Dark!Voldemort, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Voldemort (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Drama, Romance, Angst, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Enemies to Lovers, Inappropriate Behavior, Yandere, Religion, Soulmates, Worship, Someone please come get your dark lord, he's being obsessive again, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Insane Voldemort (Harry Potter), Canon Temporary Character Death, Snake-Like Voldemort (Harry Potter), Minor Character Death, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Human Sacrifice, Graphic Description of Corpses, Voldemort hears he and Harry are being called gods and doesn't question it
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48458608
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
The Mind of a Raven and a Wolf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XwH2lYd
by isabella9792
What if Evan Rosier has a sister? A twin who was raised by their father to become the Dark Lord's Wife. But what if she rebelled and fell in love with a Black? Regulus Black, for instance. Determined to save her friends and family from the same fate as their parents and family, she and Regulus devise a plan. Lying, sneaking, manipulating, and breaking hearts along the way, how will two Slytherins destined to be Death Eaters manage not to fall under the thrall of the Dark Lord while still avoiding Dumbledore's advances? Perhaps a third party has entered the war?
Words: 72, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Regulus Black, Original Female Character(s), Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Lucius Malfoy, Rosier Sr. | First War Death Eater, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks, Avery Sr. | Tom Riddle's Schoolmate, Avery Jr. | Severus Snape's Schoolmate, Mulciber Sr. | Tom Riddle's Schoolmate, Mulciber Jr. | Severus Snape's Schoolmate, Lucinda Talkalot, Felix Rosier, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Pandora Lovegood, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon
Relationships: Regulus Black/Original Female Character(s), Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Original Female Character(s), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Forced Marriage, Grooming, Poisoning, Evil Voldemort (Harry Potter), Possessive Voldemort (Harry Potter), Voldemort Dies (Harry Potter), Mentor Voldemort (Harry Potter), Regulus Black Lives, Regulus Black-centric, Good Regulus Black, Evan Rosier-centric, Good Friend Evan Rosier, Jealous Evan Rosier, Good Barty Crouch Jr., Barty Crouch Jr. Lives, Barty Crouch Jr. Needs a Hug, Sirius Black Lives, Sirius Black Needs a Hug, Bottom Sirius Black, Sirius Black as Padfoot, Remus Lupin Lives, Werewolf Remus Lupin, Protective Remus Lupin, Top Remus Lupin, James Potter Lives, Lily Evans Potter Lives, Good Severus Snape, Severus Snape Lives, Abusive Lucius Malfoy, Evil Lucius Malfoy, Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Dies, Insane Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Pandora Lovegood Lives, Seer Pandora Lovegood, Pandora Lovegood is a Lestrange, Marlene McKinnon Lives
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XwH2lYd
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived https://ift.tt/nOgkBTt by Djgfcolombia TSMWEL inspired by Taylor Swift's song. Draws inspiration from Isolation by bexchan and Vows & Other Promises by Crymsy A seventh- year Dramione fic. Draco Malfoy has a mission. A mission he MUST complete. After failing last year, he is determined to do whatever it takes. Hermione Granger has to help the resistance. She NEEDS to be of use, and if being Head Girl at Hogwarts is how she helps the Order, then she will do so gladly. Paths collide, vows are tested, and friendships form. And when the blade of betrayal slices, will it kill? Words: 50, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Theodore Nott, Severus Snape, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Nott Sr. (Harry Potter), Pansy Parkinson's Father, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Dean Thomas, Daphne Greengrass/Neville Longbottom, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson/Severus Snape Additional Tags: Character Death, Blood Kink, Knifeplay, Betrayal, Torture, Crucio | Cruciatus Curse (Harry Potter), Sex, Wartime, abuse of children, Avada Kedavra | Killing Curse (Harry Potter), Death, Anxiety Attacks, Explicit Sexual Content, Grooming, Manipulation, Death Eaters, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Blood Rituals, Dark Mark (Harry Potter), dark mark magic, Dark Magic Rituals (Harry Potter), Unbreakable Vow (Harry Potter), Violence, Blood and Injury, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sexual Tension, Enemies to Lovers, Hogwarts Seventh Year, Not Canon Compliant, Headboy/Headgirl, Forced Proximity, HEA if You Squint, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Headgirl hermione Granger, Head Boy Draco Malfoy, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Morally Grey Hermione Granger, Morally Grey Draco Malfoy, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/YPb8Ga7 July 13, 2024 at 06:10PM
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ao3feed-snamione · 2 years
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solarsleepless · 3 years
reading a ginny weasley during her sixth year fic has made me realize that the author wrote ginny having a martyr complex and they are completely right
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snunasupremacy · 2 years
Light the Way
by Klari
When Severus loses his light, how will he find his way through the darkness?
Words: 200, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Ficlets in February
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow
Relationships: Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Expecto Patronum | Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Headmaster Severus Snape
from AO3 works tagged 'Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape' https://ift.tt/15KA6az
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