tangledbea · 9 months
Okay a bit of a long shot but I remember not long after Flynnposter came out someone made a video subtitling Eugene’s monologue to Lance at the end of the episode. I don’t remember who it was and I can’t seem to find it again. I was wondering if you knew about that video or have any idea where I could find it?
Hell yeah, I do! The original video is by @critgemhero with a little supplemental translation added by me.
(Fun fact, I tried to get Ricky Roxburgh to tell me what the scripted dialogue was for this scene, but he wouldn't. 😛)
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fairmoephelia · 5 years
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ive been bamboozeled
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Idk if this is late because its 2am here, but happy birthday!!
LOL no worries i was already asleep xD THANK YOU, DUDE!! 
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pldubrahs · 4 years
I hate to counter, but Fabian/Lou has established for a while now his feelings that weren't exactly healthy for Aelwyn, so I don't really know WHAT to tell you, but nobody forced any ship on anyone. If anyone did it was Lou lol
that is IT im adding a tag to the original post because i am TIRED of people talking to me about fabian in the replies!!!! i am begging all of you to please stop talking to me about fabian’s part of the fa*lwyn dynamic! blah blah fabian likes aelwyn because he has daddy issues blah blah it’s not healthy for him blah blah aelwyn is gonna be mean to fabian I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT ALRIGHT. I’M TIRED OF TALKING ABOUT FABIAN
in this house we are upset about aelwyn and how brennan had her outright ask for a relationship that was going to be detrimental to her further healing and recovery because i love aelwyn abernant and coping by getting into toxic sexual relationships is actively harmful and i’m upset that she’s doing that. i’m tired of talking about fabian. 
also, just to reply to your reply: we were in the epilogue and brennan not only brought up aelwyn talking to fabian in the first place but also had her be one to proposition him after he did his whole “i used to have a crush on you” speech. they’re both “at fault” (for whatever value of at fault exists here) bc they both agreed to it, but it absolutely wasn’t lou forcing anything in My personal opinion
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singsoftly · 5 years
yay another crack
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lollybliz · 5 years
She's back y'all!
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hanbeihood · 6 years
Critical Role Crack - Episode 13: Lost & Found
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redxluna · 4 years
critgemhero replied to your post “Wait, wait, I just realized—why doesn’t everyone just make a list of...”
Just having names might not be enough. The IDEA of them goes away too, I imagine
I’d wonder about that too if the others weren’t also slowly reminding them of things they forgot. I think it might be that the memories fade the more you start to accept that, while odd, that’s just the nature of things.
I’m not saying it’s a perfect formula, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.
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d-uceusclay · 5 years
Jester: Fjord, didn’t you speak to a dragon in the happy fun ball!? :O
Fjord: Oh, I did! I repressed that memory! :)
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ruviona · 4 years
Haida’s Arc in Season 3
Haida's arc as a romantic interest is honestly not something I think I've ever seen before. There's plenty of media that portrays the "nice guy" that wants to get together with the main character that just needs to either:
A. get over it and get with someone else
B. change something about themselves to be accepted by his love interest or
C. Display a grand gesture of his love until she realizes he was the one for her all along
None of these things happen with Haida. He doesn't move on to Inui, he doesn't change in any drastic way, and even after the Karaoke scene the ending is vague about the nature of his relationship with Retsuko now. The entire point of Haida this season was to show the difference between a seemingly easy relationship vs one that is complicated.
Inui, for what she is in the story, is wonderful.
She's nice, has an easy rapport with Haida instantly, and is incredibly mature. Like everyone else in the show, she is also portrayed with a certain level of depth, in that she's not like Retsuko. She's not going to be meek about what she wants (a relationship with Haida) and will point blank ask him if he likes her and give him the space to figure it out.
Unfortunately for her, the thing about Aggrestsuko as a whole is that all the side characters have something to do with Retsuko, even loosely. They're there to serve a purpose to the overall plot of Restuko's insane and shitty life. This might be a turn off for some people. They want to see the side characters develop in ways that don't have to do with the main character, and I get that, but for a show like this, one that's meant to focus on aspects of life from a singular perspective in such a fast paced way, I get what they were trying to do.
Within the plot, she's not meant to be a wrench in Retsuhaida or another option entirely. She's there to show the audience an easy relationship. All her interactions with Haida are cute, laid-back, and so casually adorable, it's easy to root for them. Even the problems are easy enough to solve, Tsunoda outright tells Haida and Fenneko that the issue can be solved with him getting over Retsuko and moving on completely to Inui, something he said he wanted to do anyway.
But, he didn't move on. Even with everyone and everything telling him to.
His old friends, his new friends, the universe itself, Haida has been told over and over that Inui is the best choice for him. And yet he keeps asking, he keeps trying to get a different answer, he is just not going to move on, even if he says he is ready to. The only person he asked that didn't give a definite answer was Retsuko herself.
Posed as a hypothetical, Retsuko had a hard time telling him who to pick one way or the other, acknowledging that one is easier than the other, and paralleling her own difficulty making a decision. But, she's also the only one who gives validity to the other option, pointing out how hard the decision really is on him. She gives validity to his feelings. It's not hard to see why he would latch onto those match results, they're the only thing telling him to put his feelings out there.
As for Retsuko, she's clearly the difficult choice. She's secretive and avoidant, basically hard to really get to know. But, he wants to get to know her, he's said so multiple times, he wants everything she has to offer, even her doubts and rage. 
Looking at the scene when Fenneko asked why he liked Retsuko, the answer can seem disappointing. She was stealing water from work? That's not romantic or interesting, definitely not worth gaining a crush on someone. But it doesn't have to be, it's a tiny quirk that's odd, but ultimately endearing. It's the love and acceptance of these tiny seemingly insignificant things that makes a relationship sweeter than the typical meet-cutes and interactions that he had with Inui, at least in my opinion. Plus, when Fenneko told him to give three things he doesn't like about Retsuko, he points out:
She doesn't know the bass from the guitar
She doesn't go out to drinks with them
Her mom had horrible fashion sense
One of these isn't even about her and the other two are minuscule compared to her real flaws. But those are what Haida thinks about, because he's the kind of person to notice the little things. Her actual huge flaws? He has to wait to point those out later.
In my own life, I've had the unfortunate honor of becoming a sounding board for others. It's hard to tell people that you care about when they're acting in a way that's unhealthy, either to themselves or to someone else. It makes you feel like an asshole and those people probably see you as one in the moment. But it's a hurdle that needs to be jumped sometimes. Haida doesn't sing all this criticism to be mean or get her to like him, he's trying to communicate with her in a place he knows she feels safe unleashing her feelings. And she does, she gives it as good as she gets. He's not treated like a sweet soft boy in this situation. He's an jerk, who’s had a bad habit of pushing his feelings and projections onto her. He takes this criticism, and he still wants to be there, he still wants to help. Not simply as a romantic interest, but as a friend.
This season basically hits Haida over the head and tells him that if he wants a sweet immediate romance, he can have that, easily. In the end, he still chooses Retsuko because he sees something in her that’s worth getting to know, and he’s pushing through her barriers and challenging her in a way that none of her other love interests were able to do.
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critgemhero · 4 years
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equalexits · 6 years
if you haven’t seen CritGemHero’s crack series you are seriously missing out. 
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Travis: I will not forget again 👀
He’s REALLY trying to kill CritGemHero huh?
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critgemhero · 5 years
Sorry for my long departure, but I knew it would be ugly when I came back and I was right. Going through my inbox was... rough. Lots of death threats and words I don't want to repeat here. The harshest cyber bullying I've ever received, and I've had unpopular opinions on this site and in fandoms for almost a decade. I've never really been that affected by this kind of stuff, but this time it kinda stung.
I wanted you all to know that, even after all this time taken off to calm down, my feelings haven't changed. I am still disappointed by their decision, but there is nothing I can do about it. Clearly 95% of the fandom either calmly or viciously disagree, so I'm just gonna suck it up and deal with it as a reality.
It's really hampered my feelings on Critical Role as a whole, but I've decided to start watching the campaign again after a month of staying away from it. I think they are still really good and decent people, who are cogs in this messed up system like the rest of us. They wanted to expand, like any artist does I guess, and they felt this was the best way how to. I don't agree, but I can't change anything.
So please, can we quit with the death threats? The name calling? The "I'm so disappointed in you, I loved your videos but your opinion is garbage" guilt trip essays?
I know I'm not perfect. This site has been my fucked up diary and anxiety bucket since 2011. Nobody HAS to follow me, or agree with me. So please just leave me alone, and let me use this blog how I choose. I'll even make a tag called "kelly rants" from now on when it's about my personal shit so you can blacklist me. Promise.
I know I've lost the good faith of many, and shockingly for the first time in my life, I don't give a damn whether I get it back or not.
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critgemhero · 6 years
I’m streaming Deltarune on Twitch!
Mind you I have already completed the game once, I just wish to do so again and have a discussion with you guys. Hope you enjoy!
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