#crocell Kerori x reader
lav-bee · 1 year
Welcome to demon school x Reader Headcannons
How they act when you gift them a flower
Characters: Ameri, Elizabetta, Kerori
❤️- read as romantic
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- Won’t show how flustered she is
- Internaly she’s freaking out and is thinking about a scene in First Love Memories
- Her voice gets higher when she says her thanks and quickly coughs to try to cover up her squeaky reply
- Disappears pretty fast after that with her flower in hand
- As soon as she’s alone she turns into a tomato, even her ears are flushed
- Appreciates the flower even if it’s just a small thing
- Will have it in a mini flower pot on her desk so she can look at it while working
- Gives you a gift back to show her thanks
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- “Oh my~”
- Does that cute thing were she covers her mouth with the tips of her fingers (see picture above with her name)
- Probably won’t be too flustered, but definitely loves the flower
- Since she already has so many admirers she might be a bit used to it
- You stick out though because you caught her attention by gifting her such a pretty flower
- And also you actually spoke up instead of watching from afar
- Keeps it and makes sure to flatten it when she gets home
- That way she can keep it for longer :)
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- Surprised for sure
- She gets many flowers when working as a Devi Doll But never when she’s her normal high school self
- So it was a very nice feeling when you came up to her with a flower
- Accepts it with a light blush on her face and ears
- Dosen’t show it much but she really appreciates it
- When she gets home she’ll freeze it into a sphere and keeps it in a cool place
- That way she can preserve it longer :)
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Don't mess with our dad
The great general Furfur was attacked. Somehow, winding up in the hospital with several cuts, a concussion, 3 broken ribs, his left kneecap broken, and a dislocated jaw. The large demon pouting about whatever had occurred.
A nurse walked in and smiled. "Look, general! Someone sent you a "get" well gift!" Showing him the large boutique of flowers that she arranged in the vase next to his bed. As well as a small card. For a demon like Furfur, who understood the meaning of several plants for research purposes that was anything but a gift.
13 types of flowers hidden away in disguised present. 13 flowers, basically screaming at him the same message. It was actually kinda cute how passive-aggressive the warning in it came.
Yellow carnations, meaning rejection. Columbine stood for foolishness, and the Geranium empathized that by adding folly and stupidity to the mix. Hydrangea showed signs of heartless or frigid affection. The lavender indicates deep signals of mistrust.
Orange Lily screams out hatred with its loud coloration. Marigold showed off grief and jealousy, but considering there were also Yellow Roses added, also implying jealousy and infidelity, he knew which way the message leaned. Then came the Peonies for bashfulness and shame.
The Poppies were a consolation of sorts as the Snapdragons spoke of deception and grace. The Zinnia were absent in affection while the Lotus tried to offer enlightenment and rebirth. Something along the lines of... 'Get lost, you jealous pig. I wouldn't even trust you in the next life.'
On the card, there was the entire misfit class, and several of them were holding a "get" well soon banner. It was rather sweet until he spotted his two trainees holding a sign over their heads. In big bold letters, it said. 'DON'T PICK ON DAD AGAIN!'.
Even that was somewhat amusing... until he remembered how he ended up here in the first place. A shudder rushed down his spine cause a brief grunt to escape as it pasted his ribs. Maybe he should wait a bit before he ever decides to visit again.
**the day before**
It was just an average weekend spent at home. All the kids were over and causing mischief. Balam currently had an energetic Clara on his shoulders whilst Iruma and Lied clung to his legs.
Kamui was sitting with Kerori and Elizabetta currently having tea. Alice and Sabro were fighting again, but they weren't destroying anything, so you chalked that up for a win. Picero was taking a nap on his cloud while Goemon, Allocer, and Jazz seemed to be playing some kind of card game.
Which left Soi, who was currently trying to sneak up on Balam with one of your freshly made flower crowns. You giggled as you watched the two of them playfully participate in a game of now you see me. Every time Balam-San would turn to acknowledge the little demon, he would disappear.
Overall, it was a lovely day. Too bad something had to ruin it. A shadow loomed over you, and you glanced up recognizing your uninvited guest. "Hiya cutie, did ya miss me?" General Furfur.
You gave him a blank stare in return. "What are you doing here?" The disinterest in you tone making the answer to his question very clear. "Aw, don't be so cold. Didn't we have fun last time?" That slick smirk stretching across his face.
"I believe I told you already. I don't waste my time with people who don't raise my interest. You had it, but you lost it just as quickly. It's not my fault if you can't maintain something." You shrug before turning back to watch your kids.
Somehow, Soi had either snuck up a tree without Balam-San noticing or the demon had let the boy think that. Either way, he hung precariously above the gargoyles head, shushing a giggling Clara as he dropped the laurel on top of their dad's head.
Shichirou, for his part, blinked and pretended to be surprised when he reached up to touch his head. "What do you even see in him?" You heard the frustration in his voice, and you stiffened.
"I mean, he's so weird, I heard he constantly carried creepy books around as a student, and he is constantly mumbling strange nonsense. So what's there to even like?" You could feel your nails digging into your flesh, your teeth clenching together like a steel trap.
"And you know even if he is strong, he's more of a pacifist, not very demon like if you ask me." Every word seemed to grate on your skin. How dare he?!? How dare he scoff at your husband/mate/whatever this relationship had escalated to.
Standing up, you were ready to send him flying through the garden wall. Only.... someone beat you to it? Well, more like two demon's cause it seemed Alice and Sabro had heard the red demon trash talking their master.
It seems all of your children had heard to actually as they proceeded to gang up on the large general before he could stand. Kicking punching scratching, you even saw iruma bitting him!! Balam cautiously approached you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Are you alright?" He whispers softly in your ear, brushing his woven feathers behind your ear as he does. You glance over to him. Seeing your present still firmly in place wrapped by strong vines around his neck. The pretty stone sort of winking in the light.
Reaching up, you wiped your shocked tears off of your face in surprise. Oh! You hadn't realized you were crying. "Yeah, it's just..." looking back in time to see Clara and Sabro holding a large hammer and smashing it on one of Furfurs legs.
"I'm just so proud!" The tears of shock quickly turning into one's of joy. "Look at my babies fighting to defend you! Oh, where's my camera?!" You quickly grabbed your phone and started taking pictures.
The gargoyle shifted somewhere between nervous but also proud. "Shouldn't we stop them?" You waved off his concern. "It will be fine as long as they don't kill him."
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detective-ritsu · 3 years
Fun and Love
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Fun and Love! 
“I think Clara is avoiding me.” 
I took a seat on the blanket laid out across the grass. Iruma and Azz just staring at me in confusion. 
“What makes you think that Y/N?” Azz asking me. 
“Well whenever I come neara Clara, she would always cover her face and run away from me.” I lowered my head saddened by these events. 
“Really?” Iruma questioned further. 
“I’m only saying this because she literally left a few seconds ago when I approached you guys.” I explained the events that just happened. 
During lunch, I decided to explore Babyls and found the trio eating their lunch in the courtyard. I called out to them only for Clara’s face to turn red and run for it. Covering her face and all as I lowered my head to them. 
In that instant, all three of them had the same thought that crossed their minds. 
I’m/He’s right!
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen you two talk to each in quite awhile. Iruma brought up a good point, only making me lower my head even more. 
“Why do you wish to talk to Clara?” Azz asked. 
“They’re classmates and friends so of course he wants to talk to her,” Defending me from Azz, “Right Y/N?” 
“Y-you’re right?” Scratching my cheek as it got even redder. 
“Are you blushing?” Azz leaned forward examining my face with his hand on his cheek. 
“I-i-i-im not!” I placed my hands on my blushing face and ran away from them. 
Was what crossed both Iruma’s and Azz’s when Y/N ran away. 
Clara’s Pov
I did it again…
I removed my hands from my face once Y/N was far enough from me. 
“This calls for a meeting!” Throwing my fist into the air. 
I reached into my phone and messaged the girl squad. 
And with that, we girls met in the Magical Tools Research Club. 
“I think I need help.” Lowering my head in a disappointed way. 
“Is it because of Y/N?” Ix asked while placing a hand on her chin. 
“Huh?! How did you know?” Flinching in surprises. 
“Well everyone knows how you react to Y/N.” Giggling to herself. 
“Is this true?” I questioned and looked over at them only for them to look away awkwardly. 
“You don’t do a good job at hiding it, I must say.” Crocell explained to me. 
“It is hard to argue that.” Azazel agreed with Corcell. 
“What do I do?” Placing my head on the table. 
“First let me ask you Clara,” Ix said as I lifted my head, “What do you think of Y/N?” 
“What I think of Y/N?” I thought to myself and an image of Y/N popped into my mind right away. My face heating up quickly as I placed my hands on my face. 
“That’s exactly what you need to stop!” Ix slammed her hands onto the table and pointed straight at me. 
“G-got it.” I removed my hands from my face, but my face was still red. 
“Now let me ask, do you like Y/N or love Y/N?” Ix was getting even more into the situation. Azazel and Crocell almost feeling intimidated by her. 
“Love?” Tilting my head in confusion. 
“Example, do you want to marry Y/N?” 
“Marry!?” My face getting even more red. 
Marrying Y/N? As in spending my life with Y/N? Having kids with him...spending my time with Y/N and going on dates. 
“I wouldn’t mind being Y/N wife.” Playing with my hands avoiding eye contact with the others. 
“Really?” Azazel questioned with a blushing look. 
“Isn’t marriage going a bit far?” Crocell asked. 
“True, they’re not even dating yet.” Azazel continued. 
“Alright then,” Ix looked at me, “Do you want to date Y/N?” 
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend.” Crocell explained. 
Being Y/N girlfriend…
My face became even more red. 
“I...would like to date Y/N.” I responded. 
“Then let's get you and Y/N together.” Standing straight up and placing her foot onto the table. 
“Wait Ix, we don’t even know how Y/N feels about-” Crocell got her mouth covered by Azazel. 
“Don’t say that, we don’t want to give her negative thoughts before she does anything.” Azazel explained. 
Crocell nodded and Azazel let go of her mouth. I didn't fully understand what just happened, but I just watched from the background. 
“We split up from here, Clara,” Ix pointed straight at me, “try to talk to Y/N normally without running away.” 
I stood up saluting to her. 
“Got it!” 
“Now go my love-struck friend.” She shouted while pointing to the door. 
I ran out the door on my way to find Y/N and make him my boyfriend. 
“And for us ladies,” As she turned to the other two, “Let’s meet with the boys and give them both our fullest support.” 
“Wait, does Y/N even like Clara?” Crocell asked once again. 
“Obviously.” Ix responded with a straight forward response. 
“Wait really?” Azazel asked. 
“Yeah, he always tries to talk with Clara and hang out, plus you can catch him glancing at her during class.” Ix explained. 
“Now that I think about it, I always see him blushing ever so slightly whenever he is near Clara.” Azazel added. 
“Now Operation Love Birds is in action.” 
Y/N Pov
I started walking through the hallway since lunch had just finished. My head lowered since Clara didn’t appear during the entire period. 
As I was wondering where everyone was since no one was in the hall, Clara appeared at the end looking extremely intimidating. 
“Y/N!” She shouted. 
“Y-yes?” I responded. 
Is she the final boss?! 
As soon as I responded, Clara started charging forward. Stopping a bit before me. 
I felt my face grow slightly red. 
“We need to talk.” She said. 
“A-about what.” I asked. 
“I don’t know!” She responded confidently. 
“Can I hold your hand?” I heard her whisper. 
Her face grew red as she asked that. 
“S-sure.” I gave her my hand which she took. 
We stood there for a minute before I asked.
“Should we head to class now?” 
“Let’s.” She pulled me alongside her as we went to our next class. 
Momonoki-Sensei was our next class and thankfully she wasn’t strict so being a minute or two late wasn’t a big deal. 
We took our seats together as we continued holding hands. 
I barely paid attention to the class and Clara mainly played with my other hand which I handed over since she asked. 
“Y/N and Clara, please pay attention to the lesson.” Momonoki-Sensei requested. 
“Can’t, playing with Y/N’s hands.” Clara said back. 
“I can see that, but please don’t flirt during class.” 
I felt myself grow red, but I didn’t say anything to that. 
“F-f-flirt!?” Clara said embarrassed. 
Now both of us remained blushing for the rest of class. 
The rest of the day was interesting since we didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Which made things hard when Kalego-Sensei tried separating us with Clara fighting back plus Clara would try bringing me to the bathroom with her. 
The school day ended and Clara brought me to a deserted place. The Sun was setting and Clara still held my hands. 
“Why did you bring me here Clara?” I asked. 
“T-there’s something I’ve been wanting to say.” She muttered. 
Is she going to…?
I saw her face grow red which caused me to as well. 
“A-and what would that be?” I asked. 
She remained silent for a sec when the lighting around her suddenly changed, making her pop even more. 
Flower petals flying around her as she became even cuter than she already was. 
“W-will you…” 
“…” I held my breath. 
For the first time today, Clara let go of my hand before going down to one knee. 
She reached into her pocket before pulling out a ring box. 
“Will you marry me?” Clara asked. 
I couldn’t help, but put my hands over my mouth. 
“Yes.” I responded. 
“YEAH! I get to marry Y/N.” She shouted before leaping in for a hug. 
“WAIT A SEC!” Crocell said, hovering above us. 
“Isn’t getting married a bit too far?” She asked. 
“Am I not allowed to marry Y/N?” Clara asked. 
“You are, but you’re still in school.” 
“Isn’t it fine, let them get married.” Ix walked over and replied. 
“Marriage is too soon.” 
“If they’re happy then it’s fine.” Iruma stated. 
It went back and forth, but Clara only nuzzled into my chest. 
It seemed like everyone from class helped the two of us from getting the two of us alone and getting the lighting perfect. 
I looked back at Clara who simply smiled before giving me a light kiss of the lips. 
“I love you Y/N.” 
“I love you Clara.”
Clara grabbed my hand and put the engagement ring on my finger. 
“I love you.”
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