#elizabetta x reader
lav-bee · 1 year
Welcome to demon school x Reader Headcannons
How they act when you gift them a flower
Characters: Ameri, Elizabetta, Kerori
❤️- read as romantic
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- Won’t show how flustered she is
- Internaly she’s freaking out and is thinking about a scene in First Love Memories
- Her voice gets higher when she says her thanks and quickly coughs to try to cover up her squeaky reply
- Disappears pretty fast after that with her flower in hand
- As soon as she’s alone she turns into a tomato, even her ears are flushed
- Appreciates the flower even if it’s just a small thing
- Will have it in a mini flower pot on her desk so she can look at it while working
- Gives you a gift back to show her thanks
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- “Oh my~”
- Does that cute thing were she covers her mouth with the tips of her fingers (see picture above with her name)
- Probably won’t be too flustered, but definitely loves the flower
- Since she already has so many admirers she might be a bit used to it
- You stick out though because you caught her attention by gifting her such a pretty flower
- And also you actually spoke up instead of watching from afar
- Keeps it and makes sure to flatten it when she gets home
- That way she can keep it for longer :)
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- Surprised for sure
- She gets many flowers when working as a Devi Doll But never when she’s her normal high school self
- So it was a very nice feeling when you came up to her with a flower
- Accepts it with a light blush on her face and ears
- Dosen’t show it much but she really appreciates it
- When she gets home she’ll freeze it into a sphere and keeps it in a cool place
- That way she can preserve it longer :)
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#27 Wedding!
Elizabetta: Hey~, I can't choose between these two styles for Your and Y/n's and Mr.Kalego's wedding invitations, can you help me pick~
Balam:...I wasn't aware of this wedding?
Clara*Is helping with the flowers*So that's what we forgot!
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The pebble
.... so you've somehow, someway have done the equivalent of a marriage proposal without realizing it. To Balam of all demons. Who accepted it.
One part of your brain was still in the wait, what just happened phase. But another part was running around hands in the air and screaming. "YES, YES, YES!" And course your greedy side was singing. "Mine, mine, mine, he's all mine!"
Overall, no regrets. You could live with this. In fact, he accepted, so no take backs, no returns. To think is all started with a shiny rock you found.
*earlier that day*
You had just been wandering the gardens, nothing really on your mind. That's when you spotted something glittery from the corner of your eye. There, by the edge of one of the ponds, was a pebble. You knelt down and carefully picked it up. How pretty!
It was maybe half the size of your palm and somewhat smooth except for the rough edging on its left side. The color was deep blue. With specks of purple, and was that silver along the jard edge? It reminded you of something.
You stood up and lifted it to the light, getting an even better view of the reflective surface. It was so colorful and so soothing to fiddle with in your hand. Releasing a pleased hum, you pocketed your find and walked back inside.
Zipping down the hall, you made your way to the den where the children were currently doing their homework. You laughed when Clara and Lied tackled you whining about the piles of work they still had. You cooed and petted both their heads before nudging them off you.
"Okay. Tell me what you don't understand and we'll go from there." Soon, all the kids were huddled tail and limbs around you as you helped with homework and talked about upcoming projects. How comfy this place felt now that it was full of life just about every day.
"Is Balam-sensei coming over later?" Iruma asked egarly as he tenderly held one of the books his teacher had gifted to him. You beamed and reached out to pinch his cheek. "Course he is how can he not want to spend time with such cute students!" Making several of the kids laugh.
"You two have been getting along well, haven't you?" Giggled Elizabetta, her tail swinging playfully back and forth. You narrowed your eyes at her for a moment before flicking her forehead. "Ow." You watched her pout for a minute before smiling.
"You're getting cheeky, aren't you. That's what you get for taking after your mentor." Playfully wagging a finger at her. "But it's no surprise that Balam-sensei is head over heels for you. He practically has hearts in his eyes whenever he sees you." Lied piped up, and you ruffled his hair as you tried to hide your embarrassment.
Of course, more of your kids chimed in, ganging up on you. "Yeah, yeah, super lovey dovey." Pops up an excited, Clara. "You two do make a lovely couple." Alice nodding happily. "I wouldn't mind another parent. Balam-sensei is cool and very nice to us." Jazz says casually, leaning against your shoulders, preventing any escape.
You spotted opera and Sullivan peering into the room mischief in their eyes. You knew exactly where the kids got the idea now. You mouthed 'traitors', and they quickly disappeared.
So this is how you would die. Out of pure embarrassment. There was a knock on the door. Oh, thank devi. You scrambled up and out of the pile. "I've got it! I've got it! Nobody else gets up!" Dashing to the front door. Yanking the door open, you saw the Demon in question.
He reached out and cupped your face gently so that he didn't hurt you. "Are you alright? Your face is red? You didn't have to run. I could have waited." Carefully turning your face before lifting you up for a closer look.
"No, no, I'm fine, just embarrassed is all," you laugh nervously as you attempt to wave off his concern. Looking at him face to face, you couldn't help but recall the conversation from before, causing a darker blush to spread.
"The kids will be happy to see you." You quickly changed the subject. "Their in the den." He cradled you to his chest, and you relaxed. It was your favorite spot, after all. Making his way inside, you avoided the kids' gazes and just listened to them interact with Balam-San.
You couldn't help but stare at him as your thoughts roamed freely. He was so sweet. A calming presence in the wild hellish world you now lived in. He had helped you and all your kids more than once. He was strong, an unyielding shield that protected all he stood before.
Honestly, you doubted you could have survived long without his assistance. Thankfully, Opera had the foresight to introduce the two of you. You smiled at the memory.
*flashback to adoration your pov*
You hadn't known much, well actually you knew nothing about the world you found yourself now living in. But that moment when you turned around and saw him staring at you kneeling in the entryway. Well, the way he looked at you made you feel special. You felt like you were some kind of artwork in his eyes, a long-lost mater piece brought to light.
His size alone should have intimidated you. Kneeling, he was still a little taller than you. But maybe it was the fact that he was so lost in thought that made you approach carefully. One step then two. Till you stood before him in the light waiting for him to realize your flaws.
That moment never seemed to come. In fact, it was harder to tell with his wild hair and the mask that covered half his face, but you could have sworn he was crying. He was crying! What a silly demon. You couldn't help but laugh.
You remember what Opera had briefly mentioned to you before meeting him. "He's been wanting to meet a human his entire life. He'll probably overwhelm you with questions and constant touches, but it's doubtful He'll ever harm you." The words brining comfort to you in that moment.
"I hear you've been waiting a long time for me. Is that true?" You prompted, watching as his head bobbed rapidly. 'So pretty.' You remember thinking in that moment seeing the bright colored eyes reflecting your image. "You know something?" You teased out, watching him as he subconsciously leaned forward.
You brought yourself closer, too, and it felt safe. Surprisingly safe and warm as you made sure he was making eye contact. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine. Please take good care of me." You giggled. Reminded of him stuttering out his reply. "O-of course."
*end flashback*
The happiness in those eyes radiant like starlight. You shake yourself out of the memory to realize you had been left alone with Balam. How he was still holding you as he read a book. Seeming content. His heartbeat is slow and calm.
"Mmmh, so they all left us, huh?" You teased. He chuckled. "It seems so." You shifted only to feel the weight in your pocket. Oh! The pebble. That gave you an idea.
"Hold out your hand." You instructed as you sat up straighter and pulled out your shiny treasure. That's what it reminded you of, Balam himself. He held out his hand curiosity in his eyes.
Carefully, you placed it in his palm and smiled. "It reminded me of you. It's so pretty. I'm sure you'll like it!" The gargoyle could only stare at it with wide eyes as you smiled confidently. "A-are you sure?" He seemed to stumble.
"Of course, I'm sure! It's almost the exact same shade as your eyes! I'll show you wait there while I get a mirror!" You jumped off of him and rushed to the bathroom where you recalled setting down a hand mirror this morning.
**Balams pov**
... his brain was not functioning correctly. In his palm, he held a saints tear. One of the rarest minerals in the netherworld. And to top it all off, you just handed it to him. Saying that, he resembled it! A bright red blush covered his face, thankfully contained by his mask.
How did you know this was how gargoyles courted?!?! Presenting a simple pebble was usually how it went, but you were giving him a priceless gift! The darker the color, the more expensive they were. Hesitantly, he rubbed the near smooth surface. A courting gift.
What was his human thinking??? They needed to make a nest with plenty of room for the kids and to ask Sullivan for his blessing. Wait! Did humans even build nests? He'd have to ask iruma! He sped up the stairs and opened the door to said boys' room. "Iruma!"
Big blue eyes stared up at him innocently, unaware of the large demons' internal crisis. "Yes, Balam-sensei?" He asked. "H-how do hu-humans court? Do you build nests? What should be given in return?" The teenagers' eyes bulged in shock at the overwhelming amount of questions.
"Well, I mean, I thought you were already courting Balam-sensei. That is well. You two are always cuddling and playing with each other's hair. You always eat together. And you help them with all of us even though you don't have to, and they never once asked you. Umm, humans don't really build nests, but we like comfort, and they always seem to be comfortable with you or in your vines, so I don't think it's a problem. As for gifts, um, most do jewelry, but Grandpa gives them lost of jewelry, so o don't think that will work. Maybe something handmade?"
He found himself listening with rapid attention nodding egarly for more information, but before he could ask anything else he heard. "Balam? Shichirou? Where did you go?" Panic entered his mind he hadn't said yes yet! What if they thought he ran off!??!
Zooming back down the stairs, he barely stopped behind you. "Oh, there you are! Look at you. You have your poor feathers all ruffled up. Such a shame they're so lovely, too." As they reached out and attempted to settle zome of his neck fluff, an idea came to mind.
**you currently**
You were momentarily startled when balam lifted you up and set you down on the couch. He knelt down so that both of you were of closer height. He seemed nervous, and you weren't sure why. Taking a deep breath, he took hold of both your hands.
"I-I never thought that there wo-would be an-anyone that wanted me. I'm not ex-exactly a catch by demon standards." You reared up about to fight anyone who had ever said anything, but he squeezed your hands, getting you to focus again.
"But I am so glad. Extatic that you would gift me something so precious." You blinked... was he talking about the rock? "I promise I will always cherish it, and I accept your offer in courting." Oh my devi, he was talking about the rock. How did he think this was a courting gift???
"I ca-can't offer you much in return, but I -I hope these will do for now." He pulled out a few of his own feathers and slowly weaved them into your hair. Tears began to swell in your eyes. Oh! "Perfect." You whispered in awe.
Throwing your arms around him tightly. "It's perfect! Don't get me anything else! I'll be so mad if you even try." You croaked out on the verge of sobbing. A pleasant rumble escaped the demons large chest as he held you against him.
You snickered for a moment. "What is it?" He asked you. "Ah, I just thought that this means Kalego-San will have to come over more if he wants to see you." More laughter spilled out, and the gargoyle also tried to muffle his own laughs at the looks of horror and distain his colleague was sure to have when given the news.
He watched as you pleasantly played with the feathers now decorating your hair. ☆one perfect pebble, just one humble stone. But oh, what a stone can do~ it means that I have one love forever and one love alone. A now and forever with you~☆ You kissed his temple as he stared at you in amazement.
"Does this mean we get to call Balam-sensei dad now?" Both of you jumped startled by Soi's question. Sneaky child. You could see the others on the stairs looking hopeful. You returned your gaze to shichirou, who appeared to be swelling with pride and embarrassment.
"Were kinda a package deal. You want one of us, you gotta take all of us." The playful smile on your lips as you nudge him to answer. "I'd be honored." The words coming out with reverence and joy. Leading to a large 'family' cuddle pile.
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yayakoishii · 3 months
Lucky Bastard | Kalego x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Pairing: Naberius Kalego x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre/Tags: Plotless, Silly, Fluff? Crack?
Summary: It's your birthday and the class just found out that you have a husband. Who is the lucky bastard?
A/n: this was absolutely random. it has like, no plot, no purpose, just me writing a short silly fic abt teachers who are married and haven't told the students !! such a fun trope ;; I'm like, 3 eps away from finishing the anime's season 3, but this fic is spoiler free!! hope you enjoy this <3
also available on ao3!
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You hummed happily under your breath as the students filed in for their lecture. You were one of the most friendly and popular teachers at Babyls because you were approachable and kind. All the students always greet you happily and strike up conversations without hesitation.
"Good morning, (y/n)-sensei!" Elizabetta said cheerfully as she passed by your desk. You wished her back but she paused and instead looked at you with wide eyes. "You look really happy, sensei! Did something good happen?"
"Not quite," you answered, giving her a warm smile. "You could say it hasn't happened yet, I suppose."
"So something good is going to happen?" Lied said from behind Elizabetta. Everyone was in the class already and they all seemed curious about your unusually happy and excited state.
"It's not all that interesting to you guys," you waved it off and gestured to the two to go sit on their seats.
"But I'm curious about what's got you so happy too, sensei," Iruma added. Everyone around was nodding so you just sighed and gave them a tiny smile.
"If I answer your question, will you all be good students and pay attention?" You asked. A chorus of incoherent affirmations echoed and you shushed them. "Alright, alright. It's just that today is my birthday–"
"It's your birthday?!"
"Sensei, you should have told us!"
"We'd have got you a gift!"
"No need for that," you sighed but felt touched nonetheless. "As I was saying, since it's my birthday, the principal let me have the rest of the day free the moment my lectures end so I'm going on a date with my husband. It's been months since we got to go on one, y'know."
There was pin drop silence surprisingly. You blinked and then there were shouts and screams. The class had no clue that you were married! You had somehow let it slip by them without them even realising.
"Calm down, calm down!" You shushed them again. Thankfully they listened and you picked up your book. "Alright now, that's enough about me. You come to school to learn and gain knowledge."
"We just learned something new about you, though, sensei!"
"This is important knowledge too."
"It really isn't," you laughed and opened the textbook to the page you had stopped at last time. "Now. Last lecture, we were discussing the importance of pronunciation when casting spells…"
You started the lecture, unknowing of the commotion you had accidentally also started. Everyone's favourite teacher was married and had a husband? The news spread like wildfire amongst the first years and by the end of the lunch break, everyone was talking about what your husband might be like. The senior students already knew who your husband was but it was always fun to watch the freshmen try to figure it out.
"He has to be a really nice and sweet person to be married to (y/n)-sensei, right?" Kerori suggested. "She wouldn't like someone who is unkind and rude…"
"What if her type is a bad boy though?" One of the boys butted in.
"Can you even imagine that?"
Everyone silently thought over it and decided that Kerori was probably right.
"Whatever he's like, isn't it super romantic?" Elizabetta squealed lightly, hiding her cheeks under her hands. "They're married but she was so excited to go on a date with him! They must be so in love."
"He's one lucky bastard," Lied said, clutching at his chest dramatically.
"Yeah," Clara chimed in, looking jealous. "He gets to play with (y/n)-sensei all the time!"
"Um, guys," Iruma laughed nervously. Everyone looked at him. "Weren't we going to get her a gift?"
They forgot all about that.
Kalego didn't know what was going on but he could tell that his class was up to something. They were all fidgety and not paying attention (although, that wasn't rare or even surprising) and he could still hear incomprehensible murmurs. They usually did a better job of hiding their conversations too. Something was definitely up.
When the bell rang, a few of them automatically sprang up but Kalego didn't even blink and glared at them.
"Sit down," he said sharply. "We'll have ten minutes more of class time since you all displayed such great concentration today."
The class collectively groaned and started complaining. The purple haired demon crossed his arms over his chest and gave them his meanest look.
"I could have held you back for a whole hour but I have something to do today," he said calmly. "Be grateful it's only ten minutes, you idiots."
"But (y/n)-sensei will be gone by then!" Lied complained. Kalego paused and raised an eyebrow at him.
"And what do you need her for?" He asked, looking even more eviller than usual. Lied shivered and instinctively hid behind Jazz, who just laughed nervously.
"Don't you know, sensei?" Elizabetta tilted her head in question.
"It's her birthday today!" Clara jumped on the spot, vibrating from the desire to escape the classroom. Kalego just stared at them all so the class decided to continue.
"We made her a gift!" Goemon produced a big box wrapped in paper of your favourite colour.
"She will be leaving now," Jazz added. "If we don't give her this now, she'll be gone before we can do it."
"Please, Kalego-sensei," Iruma pleaded, giving his best puppy eyes. Kalego humphed and looked away. He was about to say something when a familiar voice could be heard from outside the classroom.
"Kalego, are you done, dar– Oh!"
You were standing at the doorway, wearing a cute outfit. Surprised by the students inside, you gave them a small smile.
"I'm sorry, is the class not over yet?" You asked Kalego. "I didn't interrupt, did I?"
Everyone turned to look at Kalego who just glared at you then sighed.
"No, we're done," he answered. Everyone cheered and immediately pounced on you, who startled at the sudden enthusiasm as they pushed a big gift in your hands.
"What's this?" You asked, surprised. You hadn't actually expected them to get you a gift so quickly.
"It's something we made for you, sensei," Iruma smiled up at you. Your chest felt warm as you looked at the students who were all beaming and singing happy birthday to you.
"Happy birthday to you~!"
"You're all very sweet," you told them when they finished, ruffling Clara's hair. "Thank you for the gift."
"Anything for our favourite teacher!"
That made you laugh. You were totally going to tease Kalego with this later.
"You look really beautiful, sensei!" Elizabetta beamed. Your eyes softened at her compliment.
"Thank you, I'm sure my husband thought the same when he bought it for me," you smiled down shyly at the outfit. The girls started giggling and awwing over your blush and it only embarrassed you more, considering you could feel Kalego's intense stare over your figure. "Ah, I have to leave now. Kalego?"
"Ready," he popped up next to you and you tightened your arm around the gift as you smiled gently at him. "Let's stop by the dorms first so you can drop your gift off."
"Ah, sure," you nodded. The two of you started walking out. "I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that you totally forgot an outfit to change into."
The class watched you two leave, happy from the success of giving you the gift in time. Until…
"Wasn't she going to go on a date with her husband after the lectures?" Lied mumbled.
"Why would Kalego-sensei need to change his clothes?" Kamui asked.
"Why did she come here first?"
"Didn't Kalego-sensei say that he had something to do today?" Even Alice couldn't help but add on to the conversation.
The class looked at each other. There were no words to describe the shock, horror and disbelief they were feeling.
"There's no way."
"We're just jumping to conclusions," Jazz insisted.
"Yeah, there's no way she would ever like someone like him, much less marry…"
Even as they tried to deny it, suddenly all the interactions between you and Kalego made sense. The way you always hung around him. The way you always smiled so warmly when you were talking to him. The way Kalego's rare soft smile had been that one time when you had been laughing too hard at a student's submission (which Jazz had reported after witnessing it in the staffroom).
The way Kalego always glared harder when the class talked about you.
"He's totally the jealous and possessive type, isn't he?" Jazz sighed, placing his fingers at his temple.
"I can't believe this."
"Does that mean I was right? (Y/n)-sensei likes bad boys?"
Everyone resigned themselves to the knowledge they had just received. After all, denial would not change reality. Their favourite, kind teacher was married to their sadistic class teacher. Lied burst into tears as he cried:
"Kalego-sensei turned out to be the lucky bastard!"
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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muddyorbsblr · 5 months
a startling realization pt1
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Oakley returns to campus after a trip with his mates and steadily comes to realize he's developed feelings for you
Pairing: Oakley x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warning/s: frat boy friends vibes; bit of angst; probably not a completely accurate referencing to the events of 'Unrelated' [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: prequel piece to 'just another memory' but can be read alone; Oakley is a SIMP in the making for Reader
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There'd been a strange sinking feeling in Oakley's stomach since he and his mates hit the road back to Cambridge. It was the kind that he'd only ever felt when he knew he'd done something that could get his mother cross at him and she and his father would impose some form of punishment on him. Perhaps revoke his cell phone for a week so he couldn't join his friends on their regular scheduled shenanigans. Or chat up some stunner that he'd met the week prior.
But things were different now. He was no longer bound by their rules for the most part. He was free to do whatever he wished and this trip to Italy was the perfect showcase of that new dynamic. All he had to do was get his degree and get a job, and he would still have their support and financial aid so that he wouldn't have to stay at the dorms or even have to tough it out with a roommate that might not approve of the way he lived day in day out.
The only person keeping him in check now was himself, and as far as he was concerned, there was nothing he'd done in Italy that he wouldn't have done in Cambridge. He had a bloody good time there, even, getting to engage in not just one but two flings, and one of them with an older woman.
And yet, when he thought back on every touch, every kiss, that he'd shared with either of the women, that pit in his stomach would form again. As if the activities he'd engaged in during his vacation were somehow the "wrong thing" that could make someone responsible for him cross.
But why?
"You're awfully quiet back there, mate. Which one of your lucky ladies is taking up space in that randy little brain o' yours, I reckon?" Eric teased, lightly tapping the curly blond's head as he plopped down on the seat next to him, jostling him out of his dwelling over why there was a pit in his stomach to begin with.
"I've no idea what you're on about, mate, I'm not thinking of anyone," he tried to brush it off, brows furrowing together when he tried to remember that night in the pool and the knots in his stomach worsened. Like the memories he made in Italy were not something he could look back at with fondness.
If he dwelled on it for even a second longer than necessary, it almost felt as if he was looking back on those memories with a touch of shame.
"Ah come on, Oaks, you tellin' everyone 'ere that you're not thinking about that stunner of a blonde Elizabetta? Even I'm thinking 'bout her and it wasn't my tongue down 'er throat." Eric crowded his space, squishing him to the side of the van. "Or even that cougar Anna, my lord, man that one was fawning and doting after you!"
As if right on cue, his mobile rang and vibrated violently in his pocket. Another call. He didn't need to even glance at the tiny device to know who it was. She'd been calling since just a few minutes after they'd all said their goodbyes.
That was over 24 hours ago. And he was well on his way back to campus, the scenery already began to elicit that feeling of 'home'. Or at least of familiarity.
"Speak o' the devil! Why don't you pick it up, Oaks? Be a grand old time hearing her pining after you again." His friend flailed into his side, dramatically placing the back of his hand on his brow. "'Oh Oakley how I miss you terribly, why don't I come visit you on Cambridge and we can live out any professor fantasies you might have in that virile young college brain? I'll even get the glasses and the pencil skirt just for you."
"Sod off," he grunted, trying to chuckle away the mental image. Another thing that was bothering him: Those fantasies that he'd had before they left for Italy a little over a month ago…none of them appealed to him now. "If you want, you take her number and live out those filthy little daydreams of yours, mate."
All that he could manage to think of at the moment was the melancholic knowledge that when he got back to his apartment, there would be no one there. He wasn't coming home to anyone. That didn't used to bother him before, but for some reason sitting in this van with all his mates and having to hear them be completely taken up with his own conquests in this trip made him feel as if he should be guilty and shameful somehow of the way he acted. The way he treated both the women that he encountered and found himself entangled with.
This is ridiculous, you're not looking for a wife, you batty little git, he hissed at himself, trying to supress the urge to let out a deep exhale. That would set off everyone in the van. Besides, you don't even know anyone that's even remotely wife material.
"Hey hey hey look alive, lads," Marcus, the one at the wheel, started to call out. His tone was brimming with wanton intent. "We are steadily approaching the dorms, and you know what comes after."
"Sorority row!" the rest of the van cheered, proceeding to make botched barking sounds, effectively drowning out the relentless ringing of Oakley's phone.
But the mention of the dorms finally had him sitting up straighter, realization dawning on him that he was wrong. He actually already knew someone who was so much more than "wife material". Someone brilliant and diligent that had a part of him driven to make the steps to be someone better.
Someone that he called his best friend. Better than anyone in the van with him tonight.
"Marcus, could you drop me off here?" he called out, his stomach flipping at the sight of your familiar silhouette jogging to the front door of your dormitory.
His friends' remarks faded into a dull buzzing in the background as he got off the van, making his way over to you and staying still by your side while you did your step-ups at the bottom step of the stairs. It only took a few moments before you shifted your gaze at him, removing your earphones and hooking the cord behind your head before giving him a beaming grin.
"Goldie Long Legs!" you squealed, the exhilaration from your workout giving you an adorably flushed look, the slightest tinge of pink on your cheeks. "I didn't know you were coming back tonight."
"I was gonna give you a call when I woke up tomorrow, but then I saw you." He did his best not to pay too much attention to the strange somersaults his stomach was making the longer he stared at you. "Coffee?" He tried to keep his tone casual, despite the way his voice cracked on the last syllable, as if he was a nervous lad asking a girl out for the first time.
You answered a giggle that had his heart doing the most bizarre acrobatics in his chest. Why was he reacting to you like this? Was it simply the lack of a woman's presence the last two days as they made their way back, making this reaction more primal than anything else? Was it your exercise outfit and the way the fabric clung to the curves that were rarely ever out for him to take notice of before?
Was it something else? Something that was simply…uniquely…you?
"Coffee? At this hour?" you laughed off his offer. "All the coffee shops are closed by now, and you know how you get with caffeine, Goldie. If you have a sip, you won't know a peaceful night's sleep tonight."
"Oi! Lookin' good there, Y/L/N!" Eric hollered from the van. Oakley's skin bristled seeing how his friend leered over your figure. "Shame you didn't join us, Italy woulda been an even prettier sight with you around."
"Rather not add to the trail of broken hearts you lot left behind," you shot back flawlessly, sticking your tongue out at the boys in the van. "I know you lads well enough to know you didn't behave yourselves."
"Oaks over there's the worst offender of us all!" Eric pouted, pointing at the curly haired blond. "Two flings. At the same time. Shoulda seen him, Y/L/N, he was at the top of his game."
The playful smile on your face faltered for a fraction of a second before you recomposed yourself. That infinitesimal moment was more than enough for the pit in his stomach to make its presence felt once again. Now Oakley knew what it was, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Shame. And the worry that knowing what he'd done back there would somehow taint your perception of him. When your gaze darted to him once again, he had to fight back the words that wanted to stumble clumsily out of his mouth. They meant nothing to me.
In the moment they were fascinating, and truthfully while he was in said moment, he thought about how things would go moving forward. If he would try to pursue anything with either of them, but ultimately the immediate answer was 'No'. Back then he didn't know quite yet the reason behind his mind's outright refusal, but now he did.
This dalliance was a mistake. I have someone so much better back at home and I've been a fool not to see it.
"Quite the juggling act, Goldie," you remarked, your tone more hushed than before. It felt as if you were putting distance between the two of you despite not having moved an inch. Like there was a wall he couldn't quite scale now just to get to you.
"One o' them even gave him a nice lil picture o' her. A breathtaking blonde called Elizabetta. Ohh man not even the finest girls in sorority row can compare."
Shut up, you little twat, he internally seethed, wanting nothing more than to throw whatever he could get his hands on at Eric's head so that he could just. Stop. Talking.
And then his mobile started ringing again. And your smile disappeared, your face looking as if it was struggling to decide how to reconfigure itself, your neck twitching with every shrill note of his ringtone. "That's probably that breathtaking blonde now," you said in an eerily chipper tone. "I won't keep you any longer, I'm sure you're tired from the trip. And you'd like to spend the night speaking with your new lady friend."
"Oh that's not even the blonde! That's the other one!" Dammit Eric, stop talking. "Older lady. Head over heels for him, she couldn't keep her hands off him every time they were in the room together. Told you, Y/L/N. Top of his game."
"Ohh so a lady lady friend. All worldly and whatnot…" Even your body language was throwing him off now, way too casual to fit how he himself felt in this moment. The feeling of wanting more than anything to explain. "Well then, I really don't want to keep you. I know better than to keep my elders waiting, you should, too."
The boys in the van started cheering and clapping over your remark, jokingly chanting "One of us! One of us!" as you gave them a curtsy, making a motion as if you were wearing a skirt rather than your black and hot pink leggings.
It was only when you were halfway up the steps to your dorm building that he managed to find his voice again. "Breakfast tomorrow? My treat?"
You only answered with another giggle. "Did you hit your head or something back in Italy? You don't do breakfast, Oakley. At most you do half a protein bar at first period. From my purse. I'll see you at lunch. I mean…if you're not too busy with your new lady friends or whatever."
He couldn't come up with an intelligible enough response, instead watching you walk into your building and shutting the door, wiping away at your face with your towel. All that he could do was walk back into the van, telling Marcus in a daze, "Drop me off at my place. I'm not in the mood for stop overs at sorority row."
Oakley wasn't in the mood for any more games. Any more women. Not tonight.
The next morning the first thing he did was call up his service provider to see about getting a number blocked, and then he grabbed his wallet, rummaging around in his desk drawer for a handful of photos to place in front of Elizabetta's. A group photo with his mates from their first class project in freshman year, a photo with his family. A photo of a stolen moment with you where you two were wielding chopsticks at each other in a playful "stand off" for a potsticker, and your graduation photo.
On a whim, he placed the potsticker one in the front, a fond smile stretching across his face as he traced his finger over your face in the picture. And then his alarm clock began to ring and the sound quickly filled his apartment, springing him into action to find the nearest clean outfit he had lying around.
He nearly broke a sweat with how fast he ran to your dorm building, hoping he'd catch you before you started walking toward wherever you'd decided to grab breakfast for this morning. Right as he was across the street from the front doors, you walked out, one earphone plugged in and the other dangling from the cord, undoubtedly mouthing along to whichever song was topping the chart this week.
"Y/N!" He internally winced at the hoarseness in his voice. He wasn't even running for that long; how was it that he was already heaving for air?
Your head snapped up to his direction at the sound of your name, shock registering on your face when your eyes met his. Followed by confusion, your brows adorably knitting together as you watched him jogging towards you as he crossed the street.
"What brings you to my neck of the woods at this hour, Goldie?" you greeted him with a smile, hooking the cord of your earphones behind your neck. "Have a breakfast date with one of the girls from my building? You must have it bad for this one if you're willing to wake up so early for--"
"Y/N, I'm…I'm not here for someone from your building," he cut you off, wiping his hands on his shorts before standing up straight, trying to get his heart to stop beating so bloody fast. "I asked you to breakfast last night, remember? My treat?"
His response had you visibly taken aback. "Oh…" The word came out more like a squeak, making you clear your throat. "I uhh…I thought you just offered that as a nicety. For catching up. We could've done lunch…or you know, coffee now that it's a reasonable hour."
"We could do that, too," he said in a rush, fighting against the strange instinctual urge to reach for your hand as the worry that you might wave him off and start walking away crossed his mind. "After breakfast?"
You shuffled your feet in place, slightly swaying back and forth. It was a motion he knew all too well from you, the one that told him you were trying to think something through, trying to find the reason and the rationality in something before deciding what to say or do next. Had it been any other day, any other circumstance, and had he not been grappling with finding his own sense of rationality in why there was suddenly this shift on how he was acting and reacting around you, he would have swayed with you.
After a few moments your mouth stretched into a half-smile, shrugging before tilting your head in the direction of a nearby cafe and bakery. "Alright then. Let's go."
Oakley couldn't help how his face broke out into a grin, a touch too eagerly falling into step with you, still fighting the urge to reach for your hand. To lace his fingers with yours.
"So tell me all about Italy," you started, looking up at him and squinting your eyes as the morning sun hit your features. "Start with the food because I want to know if handmade pasta--"
"We can talk about Italy later," he breathed out, finally losing the struggle to not reach for you and settling on lightly resting his hand just above the small of your back. "Tell me about what you've been up to the last six weeks."
He'd try and process what it meant later. That all he wanted to do was know how you'd spent your time apart. That he wanted to hear your stories rather than speak about his own. That much as it was an extraordinary experience to roam Italy with his mates, the only thing he could think of now was how it could have been even more beautiful if he perhaps…experienced it with you.
"Oh…" Your voice got smaller again, as if you were struggling yourself to find words. "Well truthfully they were quite boring. My sister visited campus to drag me to the shopping plaza to overhaul my wardrobe. She's quite literally holding my jumpers hostage and replaced them all with…well, things like these." You awkwardly motioned at the dress you were wearing, a frilly sage number with a bow. "I look ridiculous."
"You look beautiful," he blurted out, immediately biting the inside of his cheek when you snapped your head up to give him a questioning look. A new feeling flooded him. Something almost akin to…fear? His heart was still pounding and thrashing in his chest, his breathing thready like the air was too thin.
Like he was afraid that you'd look at him and see right through him. Right into his soul. His deepest, most secret thoughts. Thoughts he hadn't even dared to properly articulate with himself.
And if you saw them, if you saw him, you would walk away without a second thought. Those words that he was so used to wielding without completely meaning it when he was around other girls, he'd uttered to you with the weight of every unspoken thought he'd had of you since last night.
With every ounce of sincerity and honesty that felt so foreign for him to possess.
"Oh please, Goldie, you don't have to butter me up," you laughed off his compliment, waving it away with your hand like it was a little housefly flitting away by your face. "You don't have to lay it on--"
"I'm not." The words were flying out of him faster than his brain could filter them. "You're beautiful, Y/N. And it's not because your sister overhauled your wardrobe or you changed your hair. It's you." His heart caught in his throat seeing your eyes widen, the questions and the confusion in them mirroring his own. What was wrong with him today? "All of you."
You pursed your lips, already looking back in the opposite direction like you were second guessing agreeing to sharing a meal with him. Or maybe even sharing any form of time with him. He already wanted to hit himself for not keeping his mouth shut, he probably just flushed your entire friendship down the toilet all because he started acting the same way he did when he was in the first grade talking to the prettiest girl in class.
"Hmmm," you sounded through pursed lips, taking a deep breath before your features morphed into that all too composed smile that you gave him and his mates last night. "And here I thought all I had going for me was my winning personailty."
"That's just a part of it," he shot back, failing to fight the urge to touch his hand to your arm as you reached the cafe, helping you keep steady as you walked up the elevated platform leading to the door. Right as you walked past him when he opened the door for you, he caught a wisp of your perfume. The same one you'd worn every day since the day he met you, the scent of apples and mandarin blanketing him with a warmth that took him aback.
Memories of his weeks in Italy now bombarded him. How he would relish the apples that he had, breathing in the scent before taking a bite. How he brought an apple when he and the rest of the group visited a citrus grove, and how the combined smells reminded him of home.
Only his family home didn't smell like that at all. It smelled of tea plants and bergamot.
"Oakley?" Your voice broke through his memories. "You alright over there?"
He took in the sight of you, a single eyebrow raised looking like you were amused by his stupefied state, the corner of your mouth upturned in a little smirk. "Right as rain," he choked out, finding it hard to breathe properly with his heart beating so fast it might as well be The Flash on a treadmill. "Just not used to being up this early, is all."
You only wagged your finger at him, tsk'ing in response when he stepped up next to you at the counter. "Shouldn't have shocked your system with changing your routine like that, Goldie. You have to ease yourself into it, take baby steps. Otherwise you'll crash midday and end up taking a twenty-minute nap that quickly turns into four hours, miss a lecture, and then you'll have to rely on my notes. Again."
"Ah, you should know me better by now, Y/N. I'll need to rely on your notes even if I'm wide awake, I can never pay attention to those old windbags."
His words had you rolling your eyes to the ceiling, a devious smile playing at your lips. He couldn't take his eyes off you, every waking brain cell screaming at him to take your face in his hands and kiss you.
"And here I thought your time with your new worldly lady friend would have you respecting our elders a bit more," you quipped, laughing at him when all he could do in response was audibly choke on the air. "Maybe we can hack that debauched brain of yours. Pretend those old windbags are your older lady friend instead, or pretend one of the pretty girls in our lecture room is your breathtaking blonde Italian beauty. Maybe then you'll pay a bit more attention in class."
I won't, his mind protested. Why would I look anywhere else when you're right next to me?
"I really don't think so," he said softly, letting out a chuckle when all you did was shake your head at him, proceeding to order a bacon cheese waffle sandwich and the first of a handful of coffees you'd be drinking throughout the day. All the while Oakley watched you, a fond smile stretching across his face as he lost himself in the memory of the citrus grove again. The scent he was chasing the entire way to Italy and back.
Your scent.
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A/N: Sometime last year I made a lil note in my idea notebook to make a prequel piece to 'just another memory' and now here we are…and it's gonna be a 2-parter with a potential alternate ending because the lil gremlin horn dogs in my writer brain want a scenario where she chooses…well, y'know what, you'll know who it is soon enough 😈😈
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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kidstemplatte · 1 year
Hi! I'm here to say I would read anything you have or make about Terzo as a dad!! 🥰🥰
the devil’s kiss
pairing: dad! terzo x female reader
summary: after giving birth to you and terzo’s first child, you discover there is something different about her.
message: hi angel!!! thanks so much for your request, i had an idea i absolutely loved, and as i kept writing it, i realized it could be split into several parts. what started as a few headcanons has now become a fully fledged story with characters of my own, and i’m a little in love with it if i’m being honest. it’s something very special and personal for me. i hope you enjoy this and i’m sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted!!
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When your baby girl, Violetta, was born, many tears were shed. First, tears of pain. Then, tears of joy, tears of fear, and tears of joy once again.
And just barely after she took her first breath, entered this world, she was taken away before you knew it. Before you could even process her arrival, she was rushed out of the room.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong? What’s happening?” you cried in a panicked haze, weary from medication and high on adrenaline.
You had never felt such fear in your life. Terzo held your hand and muttered soft, rapid prayers in Italian and words of reassurance into your ear while you let out broken sobs, desperate to hold your daughter for the first time.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. She will be okay.”
Little did you know, he was just as afraid in that moment. But he kept a strong face, for you. For her.
“May Satanas bless our baby girl.”
And that he did.
Soon, a nurse entered the room, holding your daughter. She was a young woman, highlighted blonde hair pulled into a bun, wearing a dainty gold necklace with a small cross on the chain.
“Is she okay? Please, tell me she is okay.”
“She is perfectly healthy. She has what is called a port wine stain birthmark. We weren’t sure what it was initially, that’s why we rushed her out so quickly. I can’t apologize enough for the stress that caused, but you can breathe easy. She’s doing perfectly." The nurse explained, heart beaming with kindness. “You did a wonderful job. And you too, dad. You two are going to be great parents. Congratulations.” She reassured you, and with care, placed your baby into your arms.
“You know, some people consider marks like these an angel’s kiss. I do.” She remarked.
After catching sight of the pitch black grucifix on the bedside table, she was drawn aback. She was scared. But upon seeing the love in your eyes you had for your little girl, she quickly realized that neither of you could be evil. She couldn’t be scared of something because it was different.
“Or the mark of the devil. It’s really whatever makes you happy. The figure you may believe in, whether it’s God, the Universe, or Satan, whatever it is: they have blessed her. She is a special baby girl. Congratulations, you two.” And in the last few moments you spent with the nurse, you caught sight of her name tag that read “Elizabeth”.
And you were left with your precious baby girl, Violetta Elizabetta Emeritus.
“She’s beautiful.” you said, tears rushing down your face.
Eyes resembling your own, his raven hair, and of course, her devil’s kiss, entirely her own; a perfect representation of your love.
You had introduced Terzo to so many kinds of love, but nothing like this. Nothing like the moment when he caught sight of your baby girl for the first time. Nothing like the first time he held her, her skin so soft and eyes so big and round. His heart ached. He wanted nothing more than to make a perfect world for this child, it was his purpose beyond anything else. Nothing else mattered. The years of fame, traveling, money, and success meant nothing; she meant everything. The word “Papa” had become something entirely different, no longer a term of power, but one of love. He was her Papa. Nobody else’s.
A few minutes later, after you had spent some time with your newborn skin-on-skin, the doctor came back into the room and gave you another explanation of her condition, one that wasn’t as kind, but to the point.
“These birthmarks are rare. There are some conditions she may develop which correlate to the birthmark, but nothing to be too concerned about. Everything looks stable. She’s not in pain.”
She was safe with you, and that’s all that mattered.
After the doctor exited the room, Terzo kissed you on the forehead and stroked your hair gently through his fingers.
“I love you, amore mio. Le mie preziose ragazze. Il tuo fiore prezioso.”
that’s it!!!
i really hope you enjoyed and please stay tuned for more dad terzo!!!
i got a little emotional writing this ngl,
remember that you are beautiful and so loved!
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detective-ritsu · 3 years
Fun and Love
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Fun and Love! 
“I think Clara is avoiding me.” 
I took a seat on the blanket laid out across the grass. Iruma and Azz just staring at me in confusion. 
“What makes you think that Y/N?” Azz asking me. 
“Well whenever I come neara Clara, she would always cover her face and run away from me.” I lowered my head saddened by these events. 
“Really?” Iruma questioned further. 
“I’m only saying this because she literally left a few seconds ago when I approached you guys.” I explained the events that just happened. 
During lunch, I decided to explore Babyls and found the trio eating their lunch in the courtyard. I called out to them only for Clara’s face to turn red and run for it. Covering her face and all as I lowered my head to them. 
In that instant, all three of them had the same thought that crossed their minds. 
I’m/He’s right!
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen you two talk to each in quite awhile. Iruma brought up a good point, only making me lower my head even more. 
“Why do you wish to talk to Clara?” Azz asked. 
“They’re classmates and friends so of course he wants to talk to her,” Defending me from Azz, “Right Y/N?” 
“Y-you’re right?” Scratching my cheek as it got even redder. 
“Are you blushing?” Azz leaned forward examining my face with his hand on his cheek. 
“I-i-i-im not!” I placed my hands on my blushing face and ran away from them. 
Was what crossed both Iruma’s and Azz’s when Y/N ran away. 
Clara’s Pov
I did it again…
I removed my hands from my face once Y/N was far enough from me. 
“This calls for a meeting!” Throwing my fist into the air. 
I reached into my phone and messaged the girl squad. 
And with that, we girls met in the Magical Tools Research Club. 
“I think I need help.” Lowering my head in a disappointed way. 
“Is it because of Y/N?” Ix asked while placing a hand on her chin. 
“Huh?! How did you know?” Flinching in surprises. 
“Well everyone knows how you react to Y/N.” Giggling to herself. 
“Is this true?” I questioned and looked over at them only for them to look away awkwardly. 
“You don’t do a good job at hiding it, I must say.” Crocell explained to me. 
“It is hard to argue that.” Azazel agreed with Corcell. 
“What do I do?” Placing my head on the table. 
“First let me ask you Clara,” Ix said as I lifted my head, “What do you think of Y/N?” 
“What I think of Y/N?” I thought to myself and an image of Y/N popped into my mind right away. My face heating up quickly as I placed my hands on my face. 
“That’s exactly what you need to stop!” Ix slammed her hands onto the table and pointed straight at me. 
“G-got it.” I removed my hands from my face, but my face was still red. 
“Now let me ask, do you like Y/N or love Y/N?” Ix was getting even more into the situation. Azazel and Crocell almost feeling intimidated by her. 
“Love?” Tilting my head in confusion. 
“Example, do you want to marry Y/N?” 
“Marry!?” My face getting even more red. 
Marrying Y/N? As in spending my life with Y/N? Having kids with him...spending my time with Y/N and going on dates. 
“I wouldn’t mind being Y/N wife.” Playing with my hands avoiding eye contact with the others. 
“Really?” Azazel questioned with a blushing look. 
“Isn’t marriage going a bit far?” Crocell asked. 
“True, they’re not even dating yet.” Azazel continued. 
“Alright then,” Ix looked at me, “Do you want to date Y/N?” 
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend.” Crocell explained. 
Being Y/N girlfriend…
My face became even more red. 
“I...would like to date Y/N.” I responded. 
“Then let's get you and Y/N together.” Standing straight up and placing her foot onto the table. 
“Wait Ix, we don’t even know how Y/N feels about-” Crocell got her mouth covered by Azazel. 
“Don’t say that, we don’t want to give her negative thoughts before she does anything.” Azazel explained. 
Crocell nodded and Azazel let go of her mouth. I didn't fully understand what just happened, but I just watched from the background. 
“We split up from here, Clara,” Ix pointed straight at me, “try to talk to Y/N normally without running away.” 
I stood up saluting to her. 
“Got it!” 
“Now go my love-struck friend.” She shouted while pointing to the door. 
I ran out the door on my way to find Y/N and make him my boyfriend. 
“And for us ladies,” As she turned to the other two, “Let’s meet with the boys and give them both our fullest support.” 
“Wait, does Y/N even like Clara?” Crocell asked once again. 
“Obviously.” Ix responded with a straight forward response. 
“Wait really?” Azazel asked. 
“Yeah, he always tries to talk with Clara and hang out, plus you can catch him glancing at her during class.” Ix explained. 
“Now that I think about it, I always see him blushing ever so slightly whenever he is near Clara.” Azazel added. 
“Now Operation Love Birds is in action.” 
Y/N Pov
I started walking through the hallway since lunch had just finished. My head lowered since Clara didn’t appear during the entire period. 
As I was wondering where everyone was since no one was in the hall, Clara appeared at the end looking extremely intimidating. 
“Y/N!” She shouted. 
“Y-yes?” I responded. 
Is she the final boss?! 
As soon as I responded, Clara started charging forward. Stopping a bit before me. 
I felt my face grow slightly red. 
“We need to talk.” She said. 
“A-about what.” I asked. 
“I don’t know!” She responded confidently. 
“Can I hold your hand?” I heard her whisper. 
Her face grew red as she asked that. 
“S-sure.” I gave her my hand which she took. 
We stood there for a minute before I asked.
“Should we head to class now?” 
“Let’s.” She pulled me alongside her as we went to our next class. 
Momonoki-Sensei was our next class and thankfully she wasn’t strict so being a minute or two late wasn’t a big deal. 
We took our seats together as we continued holding hands. 
I barely paid attention to the class and Clara mainly played with my other hand which I handed over since she asked. 
“Y/N and Clara, please pay attention to the lesson.” Momonoki-Sensei requested. 
“Can’t, playing with Y/N’s hands.” Clara said back. 
“I can see that, but please don’t flirt during class.” 
I felt myself grow red, but I didn’t say anything to that. 
“F-f-flirt!?” Clara said embarrassed. 
Now both of us remained blushing for the rest of class. 
The rest of the day was interesting since we didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Which made things hard when Kalego-Sensei tried separating us with Clara fighting back plus Clara would try bringing me to the bathroom with her. 
The school day ended and Clara brought me to a deserted place. The Sun was setting and Clara still held my hands. 
“Why did you bring me here Clara?” I asked. 
“T-there’s something I’ve been wanting to say.” She muttered. 
Is she going to…?
I saw her face grow red which caused me to as well. 
“A-and what would that be?” I asked. 
She remained silent for a sec when the lighting around her suddenly changed, making her pop even more. 
Flower petals flying around her as she became even cuter than she already was. 
“W-will you…” 
“…” I held my breath. 
For the first time today, Clara let go of my hand before going down to one knee. 
She reached into her pocket before pulling out a ring box. 
“Will you marry me?” Clara asked. 
I couldn’t help, but put my hands over my mouth. 
“Yes.” I responded. 
“YEAH! I get to marry Y/N.” She shouted before leaping in for a hug. 
“WAIT A SEC!” Crocell said, hovering above us. 
“Isn’t getting married a bit too far?” She asked. 
“Am I not allowed to marry Y/N?” Clara asked. 
“You are, but you’re still in school.” 
“Isn’t it fine, let them get married.” Ix walked over and replied. 
“Marriage is too soon.” 
“If they’re happy then it’s fine.” Iruma stated. 
It went back and forth, but Clara only nuzzled into my chest. 
It seemed like everyone from class helped the two of us from getting the two of us alone and getting the lighting perfect. 
I looked back at Clara who simply smiled before giving me a light kiss of the lips. 
“I love you Y/N.” 
“I love you Clara.”
Clara grabbed my hand and put the engagement ring on my finger. 
“I love you.”
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arialysse · 3 years
Opera x F!Reader
Synopsis: In which you fall sick and Opera takes care of you.
Quick notes to take;
⇢ Reader is actually older, but looks like a high schooler and is schooling in Babyls. [Almost the same age as Opera]
⇢ Reader caught Opera's eye and they decide to train you.
⇢ Reader is half-angel, half-demon.
⇢ Reader has an adoptive mother named "Amirah" and adoptive sister named "Dmitra".
⇢ Reader lives in/above a shophouse.
Warnings: No particular warnings, but if you find interactions between an adult and a "teen" uncomfortable or weird you should probably dodge this. Not beta-read so it might suck oops.
Word count: 6.2k
Disclaimer: I don't own Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and the characters.
Rounds of applause echoed throughout the stadium. I stared at the gigantic crowd with my [eye color] eyes, panting heavily. It’s normal for people to feel heavy after performing, right? So today shouldn’t be any different. I tried to keep my breaths steady, ignoring the slight fatigue that’s dancing around my limbs.
“How did I go from accepting Opera’s training regiment to dancing on stage with the infamous Devdol Kuromu and the girls from my class?” I thought, trying to hold the smile that was causing a slight ache on my cheeks.
“[Y/N]-chan! [Y/N]-chan!” I hear the ever-jovial Clara start. “Hm? What’s the matter, Clara-san?” I turned to meet her viridian eyes, careful of the hot tea that’s resting on my hands. “I heard from Mitra-chan that you both were talented in dancing and singing, is that really true?” She said with her hands clutched, her arms moving up and down in excitement. The girls of the Abnormal Class plus the Student Council President decided to have a get-together and borrowed the Magical Apparatus Battler Clubroom, courtesy of Clara and Iruma.
“Uwah~ Is that so?” Elizabetta cooed, clasping her hands together. “That’s impressive.” Ameri praised with an awkward smile. I could only stare at them in bewilderment. “Of course, only Dmitra would blurt out stuff like those…” I thought, placing a hand on my temple with brows furrowed, shifting my gaze to the floor.
“Y-yeah… She’s right. I wouldn’t call it talented, however.” I closed my eyes and reminisced, “It’s just, our mother gave us a lot of freedom to do whatever we wanted at home when we were younger. During those times, me and my sister really loved music, so we’d try to imitate what and who we saw on the screen, and, well… It’s kind of a useless practice now since we never go on stage.”
I looked back up at them, only to be met with astonishment. “W-why that sudden question though, Clara-san?”
Clara seemed to flinch and jump back at that question, suddenly turning shy. “W-well… I heard that boys like to see when a girl sings and dances for him.” She uttered, twiddling her fingers. How peculiar to see the bright and happy Clara suddenly turning shy all of a sudden. From the corner of my eyes, I caught Ameri flinching. It also looked like her grip on the cup tightened. What’s going on?....
“Ah… Well… Boys are all different, so I don’t know what to say.” I replied, taking a small sip of my tea.
“Speaking of boys,” Elizabetta chirped, “[Y/N]-chan… Forgive me if I’m wrong but, why does it seem like you have a crush on Opera-san?” That sudden statement caused me to choke on my tea. I hunched over the table and heard Kerori yelp in alarm. The girls surrounded me, patting my back and handing me tissues to clean up.
“Wh-wha?!” I stuttered, feeling the familiar heat of a blush creeping up from my neck. “The Opera-san? The one that serves Iruma-san and Sullivan-sama?” Ameri inquired curiously, still patting my back as gently as she could. “Ah~ So was I right?” Elizabetta grinned.
“I…” I cleared my throat, “I mean… Was I that obvious?...”
“Nyahaha! The great Clara has also seen the way you look at them.” The greenette teased, deepening my blush. “S-speaking of Opera-san… Th-they did take you in for t-training, r-right?” Kerori piped softly, fixing her glasses a little. I nodded meekly, feeling as though the heat of my blush was evaporating up and into the air. “Oh? They personally asked to train you? You must be really strong to catch their eyes then!” Ameri’s ears twitched in excitement.
“Please, be my disciple.”
Their words rang through my head as I wondered how red could my face go today. Just as I was about to lose myself to thinking about them, Clara suddenly piped up. “Alright! I’ve decided! Let’s perform on the stage in school! We can also invite everyone to see, even Pera-sama!” Everyone in the room recoiled in surprise, before a loud “EH?” shook the room.
“B-but… Clara-chan, I-I don’t know how to dance…!” Kerori was the first to whimper.
“Me either, I’m afraid~” Elizabetta placed a hand on her cheek, a troubled expression coloring her delicate face.
“M-me too.” Ameri stuttered with a blush.
“So, so! I was about to ask [Y/N]-chan if you and Mitra-chan could teach me how to dance and sing! And since everyone here doesn’t know too, we can all learn together!” Clara chirped, grinning from ear to ear.
“Ah~ That’s a great idea, Clara-chan! This is also a great way to bond~ I’ll be under your care, [Y/N]-chan~” The blonde cooed with a smile.
“U-uhm…!” Ameri hesitated for a moment. “W-why do you want to dance in front of everyone, Clara-ch-chan?...”
“Hm? I…” Clara paused, the shyness earlier coming back, “I…! I want to impress Iruma-chi!”
How straightforward, we gasped. Determination seemed to spark in Ameri’s eyes at the greenette’s resolve. She brought up a clenched fist, “I-I, too, can’t lose…! I shall participate in this, as well… I-if you do not mind, that is…”
“I-I! Uhm…” Kerori stuttered, “I-I c-can’t dance… B-but I know someone who works with the devdol Kuromu-chan! S-so I can talk to them about replacing me w-with her instead! B-besides, instead of t-the small stage, y-you guys can even use the s-stadium she performs in!”
“That’d be amazing~” Elizabetta hummed, placing both hands on her face.
The girls glimmered in excitement, looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked at them, hesitating, before letting out a sigh. “Alright, alright… I’ll teach you guys how to sing and dance. Kerori-san, you can watch us practice since you’re not joining. We’ll be counting on you to speak to the person who works with Kuromu-chan.” I smiled at her.
“Hooray!” Clara cheered, “Celebratory toast!” We raised our cups with an exciting resolution. As the girls gushed about outfits and songs, a familiar chime rang from my phone. I reached into my bag to pull it out .
“It’s time to train. Please make your way to Sullivan-sama’s mansion. I’ll be waiting.”
The familiar heat blossomed on my cheeks. How does a simple message have such impact on someone?!
“What’s wrong, [Y/N]-chan?” Clara asked, “Your cheeks are red again! Is it Pera-sama?”
I could only nod timidly, “I-I need to go now… Opera-san wants to commence the training now.” I placed my belongings into my bag hastily. “Aw~ What a shame. We’ll see you soon then, [Y/N]-chan~ Goodluck and take care now~!” Elizabetta waved, “We’ll be sure to update you about the timings!” I waved right back and scurried out of the room, nearly bumping into the blue-haired boy. I uttered a quick apology and rushed out to the school gate.
It wasn’t long before I was met with the black iron gates of The Sullivan Mansion, and right beside it was none other than Opera themself. “H-hello, Opera-san. I hope I’m not too late. I tried to come here as fast as my legs could bring me.” I huffed, hunching over slightly to catch my breath. They gave me a polite bow in response, “Hello there, [Y/N]-san. You were right on time, actually, so no worries. Come along now.” They guided me into the gates and we made our way to their large yard, with me tagging along behind the red-headed demon.
“Why does it seem like you have a crush on Opera-san~?”
Elizabetta’s words earlier echoed in my head tauntingly, flushing my cheeks in a bright red. This obviously did not go past the ever-sharp Opera, as they halted. “[Y/N]-san, what seems to be the matter? Did you catch a fever, perhaps? Your face is really red.”
“I-I’m fine! Don’t worry!” I yelped uncharacteristically loud, my eyes snapping up to meet theirs. They raised a brow in suspicion, a head tilt following right after. I swear, their cuteness could really be the death of me someday. “Sh-shall we start with the training now, O-Opera-san?” I diverted the topic and my eyes.
“Ah, yes. Well then, place your bag at the stand there and bring out your weapon.”
And the weeks went by just like this. Right after school, I had a few hours to teach and practice our performance and right after that was the grueling training with Opera. If not for that constant reminder from them to hydrate myself, I would have probably toppled over in exhaustion. My mom would also request that I look after the shop for a few hours before closing up. Dmitra would be worn-out from training and dancing, so she heads straight to her bed by the time she reaches home. I can’t blame her though, afterall, Kallego decided to train her and we all know what entails whenever you’re near that teacher. The number of times I nearly fell asleep while simultaneously taking care of the shop and doing the mountain load of homework Kallego tended to give was uncountable.
“What seems to be the matter, [Y/N]-san? You appear to be out of it as of late.” Opera asked one time during training. “I-I’m alright… Just exhausted…” I huffed, wiping a sweat off my chin. “Just from this? Hm…” They placed a finger on their chin, “It seems as though I’ve gone too easy on you, since you’re already worn out from this level of training. Stand up, we’re going again, this time, harder.” I begrudgingly stood up, steadying my weapon to face them once more.
No thanks to the “upgraded” training, the final week of preparation was extra taxing on me. I must’ve lost some weight with the way the girls looked at me when we were practicing. Each time I assured them that I was fine, the more worried they became. Even Dmitra tried telling me to skip practice for a few days to recuperate but I politely refused. “I can’t afford to waste a session, we only have a few days left.” Was what I told her.
The cheers and applause was never-ending even after we headed back-stage. “Nice work out there girls! Everyone did splendidly!” Kuromu praised with a gleam as I glanced around my arms and legs. If it weren’t for the carefully chosen outfit and make-up, the bruises and cuts from training would’ve been displayed for the whole of demon-world to see.
Everyone seemed to be talking about something but what? Wait… What’s going on, what is this ringing?
“Right? Don’t you agree, sis-... Sis?... Are you okay? You’re looking kinda pale-” Dmitra couldn’t even finish her words as my legs gave up on me. I collapse forward, breathing heavily. I could hear the girls call my name and for help. My whole body felt heavy, the agonizing throb of overexertion running through my limbs.
“...pera-san! Good timi… Fell over and…” Warbled voices circled around me, at this point, my head was spinning so much that I didn’t know who was who. “We have another… B-but [Y/N] is… bad state… do we do?”
“Leave her… girls get… care of her.” I feel someone place my head somewhere soft. The slight sting of coldness on my forehead jolted me back to my senses, albeit slightly. The first thing I registered was Opera’s -very attractive- face, staring down at me. Somewhere in their expression, lingered a hint of worry. “Wh-wha…” I utter, still in a daze, trying to look around me.
The familiar song that we practiced so hard after school filled my ears. Then I remembered just where I was. I tried moving my arms to sit up, however, it felt as if they had a mind of their own and disobeyed my every command. “I… I need to.. Get back out… there…!” I gasped with trembling limbs. “Don’t even think about it. You’re too weak to even get up. Rest now.” I hear their smooth voice chide as they gently grab my outstretched hand, their other free hand resting right above my eyes, effectively blocking my vision. “B-but…!” I protested shakily. “No. Don’t be stubborn now and rest.” Right after those words, my world faded into black.
“You’ve grown up really well, my dear daughter.”
I jerk awake at those words, sitting up in a panic. I tried steadying my breathing, hands gripping tightly on the sheets. What was that? Wait, sheets? Upon realization, my eyes darted around. Where am I? It seems to be a room of some sorts. It even has a large window at the side. And the covers, the colors, they remind me alot like… someone…
“Ah, I see you’re awake, [Y/N]-san.” Too consumed within my inner panic, I failed to hear the sound of the door opening. I snapped my head up to look at them, “O-Opera-san?! Wh-what are you doing here?”
They did their cute little head tilt from before, raising one of their red-haired brows. “What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my room and this is the house I live in. Am I not supposed to be here?”
H-house?! I’m in- My gaze flickered around the room. I’m in their room…?! I could feel heat rising up from my neck. “Wh-what am I doing here? What happened?” I fretted, bringing up the covers. Opera silently sauntered into the room, mindful of the door behind them. They hummed, casually bringing a hand up to my forehead. “It seems as though your fever has gone down. That is a good sign. But… You’re still slightly flushed.”
I’m pretty sure the flush is for a different reason, Opera… Even the back of their hands are so smooth… I could’ve sworn I almost fainted just from their touch. “As for why you’re here… It’s quite a long story.”
Right after the performance, Opera hastily carried the unconscious body back to Sullivan’s large mansion.
“Hm? Who’s that you brought in, Opera?” Sullivan asked, taking a closer look. “Oh? If it isn’t [Y/N] from Iruma-kun’s class? What happened to her?”
“I apologize for bringing her unannounced, Sullivan-sama,” The security demon bowed trying not to disturb the sleeping figure in their arms, “She fell ill after performing at the stadium earlier. And,” They kept their gaze on the floor in shame, “It was partially my fault that she is in this state, as embarrassing as it is to admit.”
Sullivan stared at them. “Ah, how adorable… It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Opera care about someone this much.”
“Haha! You’re always such a bully, Opera. But,” Sullivan placed a tender hand on their head, right between their horns, “Make sure you take care of her, alright? And don’t forget about my precious Iruma-kun!”
Opera blushed a little at their master’s praise before nimbly darting into their room, gently placing the heavily-breathing girl on their bed. They damped a towel and made sure to clean her as best as they could. After placing a cooling pad on her head, they huffed a sigh of relief, wiping a sweat off their brow.
‘Well, I guess it’s my turn to take care of other businesses,’ Their feline eyes glanced at the sleeping girl, ‘I suppose I could leave her for a few moments.’ They placed a hand on their head, patting it gently with a smile.
“I’ll be back, be a good girl and stay in bed while I’m gone.”
They walked out of the room, silently closing the door behind them. With that, they swiftly left the house and went to fetch Iruma back from the rowdy concert. After taking care of the young boy and his master, they, yet again, had to leave the house to yours, this time with a large bag in hand.
“O-oh my! If it isn’t Opera-sama! What can I do for you this evening?” Amirah beamed. They stared onto the floor, ashamed. “I am terribly sorry.”
“Eh? For what, Opera-sama?” She asked.
“I… There is a competition coming up and I was tasked to train your daughter, [Y/N]-san, and… I admit that I have overexerted her past her limit and she fell ill, therefore, I sincerely apologize.”
Amirah gave Opera a worried look, before the same smile graced her features. “Don’t apologize, Opera-sama. I’m sure my sweet [Y/N]-chan was trying her best too. She must’ve tried too hard again and ended up like this.” She sighed.
“Again, you say?” They tilted their heads.
“Ah, yes!” Amirah chuckled, “When she was younger, there was a neighboring kid that told her she was too weak and soft. In response, she trained hard with her sword everyday until she fell ill, just like now. I of course gave her a tough scolding afterwards.” Opera hummed, smiling a little. “She’s always the hard worker, yes?” They nodded, even with your fatigued and exhausted state, you were always giving your best effort. It’s what caught their eyes, afterall.
She placed a finger on her chin. “So, I believe my daughter is in your care now, Opera-sama?”
Opera nodded yet again, “I have come to ask for permission to retrieve her clothing for a few days.”
“Ah, are you sure she would not be imposing in the Great Sullivan-sama’s mansion? Will we be in trouble?” Amirah’s brows furrowed in concern.
“I assure you, she would not be. And whatever punishments Sullivan-sama may issue, I would take full responsibility.” They bowed.
“Alright. Her room is on the 3rd floor. I apologize for the slight mess.” The horned lady opened the door to the home, guiding the security demon up.
“No worries.” They assured, twisting the rose-gold doorknob that led to your room. Upon entering your room, the first thing that greeted him was the scent. The sweet fragrance they always get hints of while sparring with you. “Well, take your time in here, if you need anything I’ll be downstairs!” She smiled and then left, going back to her shop to tend to the customer.
Opera carefully sauntered around your ivory room, their alluring, sharp eyes landing on your closet door. ‘This must be it.’ With nimble hands, they opened the wooden doors. They delicately picked out several sets of clothes from the closet, placing them into the leather bag they had brought earlier. Until, something white fell out of the closet.
‘Hm? What’s this?’ Opera knelt on the wooden floor, gently picking up what seemed to be a very white, feather. Upon closer inspection, it even seemed to glimmer under the low-lighting. It even made their fingers tingle a little. They secretly placed the feather in their side pocket, then got up. After saying a quick goodbye to Amirah, they left to go back to the mansion.
Patrolling the mansion for one last check, they finally showered and strolled back to their room, a glass of water and medicine in hand. I’d have to rouse her from her sleep to hydrate if not, the fever might worsen. But, as their hand reached for the doorknob to twist it, the last thing they’d expect was to see you sitting up with a drunken expression.
They stared right at your figure and you stared right back with a muzzy, flushed face.
“Kitty!” You suddenly called, pointing to their direction, just as they were about to ask how you were feeling. Their heads tilted in confusion. “[Y/N]-san…?”
“Hm…? Woah… Kitty talks!” They watch you giggle in delight, clapping your hands. “Come, come kitty! I’ll give you lots of pets!” Your arms outstretched, while making a grabby hands action. Opera was conflicted, part of them felt very amused that you’re letting a vulnerable side of you show while the other part of them felt very guilty for overexerting you. They relented and walked to you, bowing their head to you. In response, they hear you giggle as you gently pet their head.
“Woah… Kitty fur soft! So… nice…” They hear you murmur, slightly blushing at your words. They quickly pulled away, having enough of your pets. “Ah! B-but… Am not done with pets…” They hear you sniffle. “You can have more pets later, alright? For now, please eat this medicine and drink this water.”
You nodded, glee returning to your features as you took the medicine and cup from them. They watch as you easily gulp down the water and medicine in one go, letting out an exasperated sigh of relief after. They smiled, patting your head. “Good girl. Now go back to sleep.”
With gentle hands, they gently urged you back to bed, pulling the covers up to your shoulder. “You know…” They hear you start, “You remind me a lot like someone…”
Their ears twitch in curiosity, “Oh? And who might that be?”
“Their name is Opera!”
The security devil’s feline eyes widened. “Opera…? Interesting… Tell me more. What about me reminds you of them?” They smirked in amusement. They felt bad for taking advantage of your disoriented-self but, then again, they were also curious.
“They always take care of me too. We train a lot together.” You rubbed your eyes.
“I see. What else?”
“They're so cool and strong! One time, we went to this park and they took down a biiiig beast so easily!”
They recalled their time in Walter Park and the beasts that suddenly emerged from nowhere. They smiled at your words, “Is that so?”
“Mmhm! And, and…” You paused, shifting your gaze away from them. Opera gave you a moment to continue.
“And?” They finally prompted resting a cheek on their hand.
“Well… Uhm… They’re so cool and… I… I sort of… Fell in love with them…”
Opera’s eyes widened once more, but this was by far the widest they’ve been all day.
“B-but… They probably don’t even notice me. I mean… They work under this great demon lord and his equally amazing and talented grandson, and then there’s just me, so…” Tears filled your eyes as you hastily wiped them away, “So it’s okay…! I’ll just watch them from a distance and cheer them on… Whatever they may do.”
For the first time in a while, Opera was stunned into silence. They could only stare at you, mouth slightly agape from shock. They had to admit, there were implications that you harbored feelings for them but, they couldn’t be too sure. But now, they had their answer. They could see your eyes start to shut as you mumbled some incoherent words. They stood up from the chair and leaned over your body, hovering near your ear.
“Here’s an advice from Kitty,” They placed a hand on yours, “Just be patient and wait for the right time.” They hear you murmur a soft ‘b-but’.
“Because I’m sure that they’re waiting for you too.” They finished, gently enclosing their hands in yours.
“Y…You really… Think… So?”
“I know so.” They placed a gentle kiss on your temple, “Sleep well, [Y/N]-san.”
“And then here you are. By the way, Iruma-sama relayed a message for you, he was really worried and hopes that you feel better soon.” Opera explained, smoothly omitting the last part. I stared at them silently, absorbing the information. “Oh…. I’d have to thank him later then. B-but wait, if I’m sleeping on your bed, where did you sleep then?”
“Me? I slept on the floor there.” They pointed a finger to a mattress on the ground right next to the bed. “What?!” I exclaimed in disbelief. Oh god, I’ve just essentially made them sleep on the floor, and this is their room!
“I-I’m sorry for causing you trouble, Opera-san! I’ll leave right now!” I pulled the covers off my body in an attempt to leave, but was swiftly halted by the demon before me.
“You’re not leaving this bed until you’re completely healed, [Y/N]-san.” They frowned, gently pushing me back to the large bed. “B-but Opera-san…! I can’t make you sleep on the floor, this is your room! B-besides, I’m feeling better already.” I argued, taking their hands into my own, trying to push them away. Their frown only deepened, doubting my words. “Don’t be stubborn, now lay back down. I need to fetch you more water and prepare breakfast.”
“O-Opera-san, please…!” I pleaded, clutching their hands. They stared into my [Eye Color] orbs momentarily, before giving out a sigh. “Alright. If you’re really better by noon, I will escort you home. But,” They sneered, “Only if you rest up now.” I nodded hastily, “Alright, I will.” They nodded and left the room, leaving me alone. Still feeling slightly dizzy, I pulled the covers up and shut my eyes, sleep taking over me instantly.
It wasn’t long until I was woken up by the feline-looking devil, a tray of food in their hands. “You don’t have to get up, I’ve already prepared a small table for you to eat in bed, so please wait a moment. They placed the silver tray on the nightstand, then proceeded to unfold the small table. After positioning it and placing it on the bed, they laid the silver tray on the table and took off the lid, exposing the delicious smell of food.
I stared at the meal, mouth-watering in anticipation for a taste of Opera’s cooking. I looked at them and then back at the food. “A-Are you sure I can have this?” I asked hesitatingly, twiddling my fingers. “Of course. Eat up now. And don’t forget your medicine afterward.”
I relentlessly dug into the meat at their words. And oh my devil… Is this what heaven tastes like? No, wait, heaven isn’t a good place… This is literally heaven in hell… I chewed slowly, savoring every bite of their cooking. Within minutes, I shamelessly lost all etiquettes and gobbled down the food. Placing down the silverware, I silently thanked whatever gods that graced me with their cooking and turned to look at them.
“O-Opera-san…” I piped, “Thank you for the meal, it was exquisite… And I’m sorry you had to see me like that…” A flush of embarrassment decorated my cheeks.
“It was no problem. I’m glad you enjoyed your meal. Eat your medicine and get some rest. I need to run some errands for Sullivan-sama and I’ll be back by noon.” They reminded while clearing the plate and table, before excusing themselves from the room. I kept my end of the deal and gulped the medicine and water.
Bringing the covers up to my nose, I snuggled into the sheets, inhaling the smell. Ah… It smells so much like Opera-san… Hey! Wait! Stop it now, I’m being creepy! I shook my head and shut my eyes, trying to suppress the shameful thoughts.
It was late noon when I was woken up by Opera’s gentle shaking.
“Did you sleep well?” I sat up slowly and hear them ask. “Mmhm.” I hoarsely say while nodding. I hear them unfold the same table and place the silverware on it. But before I could even dig in, they abruptly halted my thoughts by bringing their hand to my balmy forehead. I flinched, a little startled, heat rising up to my cheeks.
“Hmm… You’re recovering well. That’s a good sign,” They sighed in defeat, their cat ear horns tilting downward, “Alright, as I promised, after your meal I shall escort you home.” They elegantly took the glinting lid off. I stared in awe at the feast that was placed before me, Opera really outdid themselves again. For a moment, I envied how Iruma got to taste Opera’s succulent dishes everyday, but quickly shooed the negative thought away and dug in.
Soon after, they cleared the empty plate simultaneously advising me to take a shower and get a fresh change of clothes as well. I agreed rather enthusiastically, shakily standing up from the bed. They eyed my movements attentively, making sure I was able to stand up properly. My legs honestly felt like jelly but I held in the slight discomfort of my still-quivering lower half.
“S-see? I-I’m fine.” I assured shakily, one hand still leaning against the comforter, my other hand reaching up to give them a not-so confident thumbs up. I hear them sigh at my stubbornness shooting me a frown. They soon led me out of the room and down a hallway, to a bathroom. After showing me how to operate the shower and the amenities, they bowed and promptly left, but not after saying a quick “Call me if you need anything.”
I made sure to clean myself carefully in the shower, washing off all the dirt and grime on my body from the night before. After one last check on myself, I exited the shower, smelling A LOT like Opera themselves. I blushed a little, how nice would it be to smell like this everyday… Hold on! No! Bad [Y/N]! I shook my head ardently.
“What are you doing, [Y/N]-san? You’re acting like a wet puppy.” I hear a familiar voice quip at my silliness. “W-wha…! Opera-san!” I yelped, placing a hand over my chest. “D-don’t startle me like that… Since when were you here?...”
“I’ve been here this whole time. Hm..” They placed a tentative finger on their chin, “It seems like I would need to include the sharpening of your senses to our training…”
I gave them a small squeak of fright, “I-I swear it’s just you who catches me off-guard!”
“Hmm~ Just me, is that right?” Their tail playfully twirled behind them, an amused smirk decorating their prepossessing features. My blush and embarrassment only deepened by their teasing with each passing second.
“Alright, alright. I was merely jesting. However, if you’re really interested in strengthening your senses, do let me know.” They backed away, “Come along now, I need to dry your hair before we depart.”
I nodded, ambling meekly behind them. Wait, they want to dry my hair?! Amidst my train of thoughts an unforeseen fatigue shot up my leg, making me trip and fall forward. I barely had time to react to the sudden drop but, fortunately, someone was faster.
With one graceful motion, Opera gently caught my fall, holding me close. “Are you alright, [Y/N]-san?” I hear them ask softly. At this close distance, I took in the details of their smooth, clear skin. How they managed to keep their skin unblemished fascinated me. I stared into their burgundy eyes, lost in thought. My grip on their arms tightened, the feeling of adoration in my chest felt so full, almost about to burst. It was their tail poking at my cheek that snapped me out of my daydream.
“Oi~ Is anyone there?” They playfully queried, soft tail still gently prodding at my cheek. I let out a gasp of surprise, “I-I-I’m sorry!” I scurried away from them, covering my currently very hot face, too close! Opera raised a brow, “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for another day? You’re still rather worned out.”
I shook my head with my face still in my hands, “I-I’m fine, b-besides, you’ll be walking me home so…” I say muffledly. “If it’s my bed that you’re worried about, I assure you that I’m comfortable sleeping on the mattress that’s on the floor.” They stated matter-of-factly. “N-no. It’s your room, you should be sleeping on the bed, Opera-san. I’ll be okay.” They stood up and brought a hand near my face. “If you say so, now, up on your feet.”
I placed a hand in theirs, feeling them hoist me up smoothly. “Don’t fall again now.” They teased, as we resumed our stroll back to the room. My heart skipped a few beats at their words.
But… if they found out who you really were, would they still see you the same?
The sudden doubt clouded my mind as they dried my hair. I frowned slightly, but I shoved the thought away from my brain as best as I could. For now, let me relish in this little happiness I have. They gave my hair a short brush, puffing in triumph at their handiwork. Soon thereafter, they grabbed the bag containing my garments and we left the room.
“Thank you for everything, Opera-san.” I bowed deeply at the demon before me, “I apologize for all the trouble I’ve caused…”
They paused their movements, turning around to look at me. “It’s no problem at all. Besides, I was partially to blame for your weakened state. I apologize for not noticing that you were way past your limit, [Y/N]-san.”
“W-what…! O-Opera-san you have nothing to apologize for…! I’m at the wrong here...” I shifted my gaze timidly.
“Oh? Leaving so soon already?” Another voice chimed in.
“S-Sullivan-sama! From the bottom of my heart, th-thank you for your hospitality and I apologize for intruding without prior notice…!” I turned to bow at the powerful demon lord. “Not at all! Besides it was Opera who took care of you so…” The chairman placed a hand on his cheek shyly, “But, we’ll be missing you.” He turned into an egg, wiping off his tears.
I chuckled at his silliness. Student’s have always described Sullivan as the fierce, powerful and strict principal but, he also this side of him.
“Sullivan-sama, taking a break I see? Have you done at least half of the paperwork you ditched yesterday because of ‘prepping’ Iruma-sama for the concert.” Opera leered at him, eyes glinting in vexation. “B-but! My dearest Iruma-kun! Anything could happen at that place, what if someone kidnapped him? What if he falls down and hurts himself? What if someone finds out that he’s-” The security demon silenced him from speaking further, “Don’t change the subject. I will excuse myself from the mansion for a while to escort her home and if I come back to find out that you still haven’t done at least half of the paperwork that’s due soon, I will do more than just making you sit for the rest of the day on that chair.”
Woah… Even Opera had this side of them. It’s a terrifying side of them I wouldn’t want to bring out. On a side note, seeing them so irked struck an unfamiliar chord in me. Did I just find their frustration attractive?! Oh no…
“Well then, we’ll be on our way now.” Opera bowed and ushered me out of the large wooden doors, shooting the principal one last warning glare.
As we trudged along the uneven dirt road, I heard them sigh. “I apologize for letting you see that. But, the chairman can be a handful sometimes.”
“It’s no problem at all, Opera-san. I find it very interesting that the chairman has this side of him as well.” I giggled, recalling his egg form. Opera sighed in defeat once more with furrowed brows. There was a short span of silence. Both of us just enjoyed the scenery around us.
It wasn’t long before the sounds of the crowds of people chattering entered my ears.
It was then that Opera decided to speak. “Do you know that you are very chatty when you’re sick?”
“H-huh? What does that mean?” I stuttered, looking at them with wide eyes. They looked back at you, “You’re also very open and honest when you’re ill.”
What?! Just what are they talking about? What did I do? What did I say? I panicked internally, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.
Just as I was about to ask what they really meant. They stopped walking, causing me to nearly bump into them. “Ah, it looks like we’re here.”
Aw… what a shame… I unconsciously pouted a little. “This is farewell then. I do hope you recover quickly and smoothly so that we can go back to training. Also,” They unexpectedly flicked my forehead, causing me to yelp as I placed a hand over the stinging area, “I’d appreciate it very much if you’d tell me that you were overly exhausted next time.”
I looked away in shame, the familiar heat of a blush creeping onto my cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’ll keep that in mind…”
“Alright, off you go. You can return the bag the next time we meet.” They ushered me forward, to the purple doors of my house.
I pursed my lips hesitatingly, before gathering up the courage to face them. “Th-thank for everything again, Opera-san.”
They shot me a small smile and nodded. That smile seemed to shoot straight into my heart, deepening my blush. With shaky fingers, I tried my hardest to open the backdoor. After a few tries I finally got it open and was about to step into my house when their voice halted me once more.
“One last thing,” I turned to look at them, head tilting curiously, “Your performance last night was astounding. Keep up the good work. Then, I shall see you soon.” They gave a final bow then turned to leave.
I silently closed the door behind me, then crumpled to the floor in a blushing mess. This is really bad… How am I going to suppress this illicit feelings that I harbored for them now. I sighed and whimpered, the blush never leaving my face.
Well, there’s only one way to go about this now.
I just have to wait. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The lack of Opera x Reader fanfics drove me to this insane state. But for the authors who did headcanons or shortfics of them, many kisses for you, muah muah.
After this, I MIGHT write 2 more fics; a Balam x Reader one and a Poly! Balam x Reader x Opera one. Because let's be honest, who doesn't like Balam-sensei. Why not Kalego? Because he's mean. However, if you have an idea for me to write I just might ;)
This scenario is actually a shifting scenario but I thought it'd be cute to share it with fellow Opera lovers, so here you go.
Lastly, if you have any constructive criticism, don't be afraid to let me know what I can improve on and how I can improve my writing.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)
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Rules / Tag List
Fandoms I Write For:
One Piece
Kaiju No. 8
Mairimashita Iruma-kun!
This a character x reader set up.  I won’t write any character x character requests. 
I write scenarios, headcanons, reactions, and match ups.
Scenarios are limited to one character.  
Headcanons are limited to three characters.
Reactions are limited to five characters. 
Match ups are limited to two fandoms. 
NSFW is allowed and will be tagged separately under “ya nasties”
Angst and other heavy requests are allowed and for anything that is potentially triggering, there will be a trigger warning and a read more line.
I will have the number of asks not yet done and how many finished requests are queued in the bio description so you can see roughly how long it will take for your request to be answered.  Queue goes off on Wednesdays and Sundays at 2pm. Sometimes more depending on how quickly I can get them done.
I also take commissions if anyone is interested, just send me a message. 
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Mairimashita Iruma-kun!:
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mairimashita iruma-kun
mairimashita iruma kun scenario
mairimashita iruma-kun scenario
mairimashita iruma kun reactions
mairimashita iruma-kun reactions
mairimashita iruma kun headcanons
mairimashita iruma-kun headcanons
One Piece:
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one piece scenario
one piece headcanons
Kaiju No. 8
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kaiju no. 8
kaiju no 8 headcanons
kaiju no. 8 headcanons
(((Tags will be added here as they are made.)))
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Don't mess with our dad
The great general Furfur was attacked. Somehow, winding up in the hospital with several cuts, a concussion, 3 broken ribs, his left kneecap broken, and a dislocated jaw. The large demon pouting about whatever had occurred.
A nurse walked in and smiled. "Look, general! Someone sent you a "get" well gift!" Showing him the large boutique of flowers that she arranged in the vase next to his bed. As well as a small card. For a demon like Furfur, who understood the meaning of several plants for research purposes that was anything but a gift.
13 types of flowers hidden away in disguised present. 13 flowers, basically screaming at him the same message. It was actually kinda cute how passive-aggressive the warning in it came.
Yellow carnations, meaning rejection. Columbine stood for foolishness, and the Geranium empathized that by adding folly and stupidity to the mix. Hydrangea showed signs of heartless or frigid affection. The lavender indicates deep signals of mistrust.
Orange Lily screams out hatred with its loud coloration. Marigold showed off grief and jealousy, but considering there were also Yellow Roses added, also implying jealousy and infidelity, he knew which way the message leaned. Then came the Peonies for bashfulness and shame.
The Poppies were a consolation of sorts as the Snapdragons spoke of deception and grace. The Zinnia were absent in affection while the Lotus tried to offer enlightenment and rebirth. Something along the lines of... 'Get lost, you jealous pig. I wouldn't even trust you in the next life.'
On the card, there was the entire misfit class, and several of them were holding a "get" well soon banner. It was rather sweet until he spotted his two trainees holding a sign over their heads. In big bold letters, it said. 'DON'T PICK ON DAD AGAIN!'.
Even that was somewhat amusing... until he remembered how he ended up here in the first place. A shudder rushed down his spine cause a brief grunt to escape as it pasted his ribs. Maybe he should wait a bit before he ever decides to visit again.
**the day before**
It was just an average weekend spent at home. All the kids were over and causing mischief. Balam currently had an energetic Clara on his shoulders whilst Iruma and Lied clung to his legs.
Kamui was sitting with Kerori and Elizabetta currently having tea. Alice and Sabro were fighting again, but they weren't destroying anything, so you chalked that up for a win. Picero was taking a nap on his cloud while Goemon, Allocer, and Jazz seemed to be playing some kind of card game.
Which left Soi, who was currently trying to sneak up on Balam with one of your freshly made flower crowns. You giggled as you watched the two of them playfully participate in a game of now you see me. Every time Balam-San would turn to acknowledge the little demon, he would disappear.
Overall, it was a lovely day. Too bad something had to ruin it. A shadow loomed over you, and you glanced up recognizing your uninvited guest. "Hiya cutie, did ya miss me?" General Furfur.
You gave him a blank stare in return. "What are you doing here?" The disinterest in you tone making the answer to his question very clear. "Aw, don't be so cold. Didn't we have fun last time?" That slick smirk stretching across his face.
"I believe I told you already. I don't waste my time with people who don't raise my interest. You had it, but you lost it just as quickly. It's not my fault if you can't maintain something." You shrug before turning back to watch your kids.
Somehow, Soi had either snuck up a tree without Balam-San noticing or the demon had let the boy think that. Either way, he hung precariously above the gargoyles head, shushing a giggling Clara as he dropped the laurel on top of their dad's head.
Shichirou, for his part, blinked and pretended to be surprised when he reached up to touch his head. "What do you even see in him?" You heard the frustration in his voice, and you stiffened.
"I mean, he's so weird, I heard he constantly carried creepy books around as a student, and he is constantly mumbling strange nonsense. So what's there to even like?" You could feel your nails digging into your flesh, your teeth clenching together like a steel trap.
"And you know even if he is strong, he's more of a pacifist, not very demon like if you ask me." Every word seemed to grate on your skin. How dare he?!? How dare he scoff at your husband/mate/whatever this relationship had escalated to.
Standing up, you were ready to send him flying through the garden wall. Only.... someone beat you to it? Well, more like two demon's cause it seemed Alice and Sabro had heard the red demon trash talking their master.
It seems all of your children had heard to actually as they proceeded to gang up on the large general before he could stand. Kicking punching scratching, you even saw iruma bitting him!! Balam cautiously approached you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Are you alright?" He whispers softly in your ear, brushing his woven feathers behind your ear as he does. You glance over to him. Seeing your present still firmly in place wrapped by strong vines around his neck. The pretty stone sort of winking in the light.
Reaching up, you wiped your shocked tears off of your face in surprise. Oh! You hadn't realized you were crying. "Yeah, it's just..." looking back in time to see Clara and Sabro holding a large hammer and smashing it on one of Furfurs legs.
"I'm just so proud!" The tears of shock quickly turning into one's of joy. "Look at my babies fighting to defend you! Oh, where's my camera?!" You quickly grabbed your phone and started taking pictures.
The gargoyle shifted somewhere between nervous but also proud. "Shouldn't we stop them?" You waved off his concern. "It will be fine as long as they don't kill him."
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Me, who has been writing non-stop since I received my request the other day.
My partner braiding my hair and somehow sparked the ends idea in me.
Darlings and dear requestee, I present to you my latest and my more romantic than I thought myself possible of writing story.
The pebble
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