#Ameri azazel x reader
lav-bee · 1 year
Welcome to demon school x Reader Headcannons
How they act when you gift them a flower
Characters: Ameri, Elizabetta, Kerori
❤️- read as romantic
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- Won’t show how flustered she is
- Internaly she’s freaking out and is thinking about a scene in First Love Memories
- Her voice gets higher when she says her thanks and quickly coughs to try to cover up her squeaky reply
- Disappears pretty fast after that with her flower in hand
- As soon as she’s alone she turns into a tomato, even her ears are flushed
- Appreciates the flower even if it’s just a small thing
- Will have it in a mini flower pot on her desk so she can look at it while working
- Gives you a gift back to show her thanks
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- “Oh my~”
- Does that cute thing were she covers her mouth with the tips of her fingers (see picture above with her name)
- Probably won’t be too flustered, but definitely loves the flower
- Since she already has so many admirers she might be a bit used to it
- You stick out though because you caught her attention by gifting her such a pretty flower
- And also you actually spoke up instead of watching from afar
- Keeps it and makes sure to flatten it when she gets home
- That way she can keep it for longer :)
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- Surprised for sure
- She gets many flowers when working as a Devi Doll But never when she’s her normal high school self
- So it was a very nice feeling when you came up to her with a flower
- Accepts it with a light blush on her face and ears
- Dosen’t show it much but she really appreciates it
- When she gets home she’ll freeze it into a sphere and keeps it in a cool place
- That way she can preserve it longer :)
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luxthestrange · 3 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#53 Father vs Daughter-
You know what I want?... Henri and Ameri fighting over who gets to marry the Humans You or your son, Ameri isn't against you being her Mother...but MOTHER-IN-LAW...but it would be weird for Her dad to be with you cuz..that makes Iruma her step-brother?-
The same could be said about Henri and Iruma...plus henri doesn't want anyone to be with his daughter-
In Babyls late after classes are done and clubs are starting...In the most unused rooms hallways
Ameri*Coming out of the empty classroom after her secret time of reading the forbidden texts with her Iruma*Heh~
Henri*Coming out of your secret breakroom you come and rest from the world...and you and Henri use it to talk about life and the life of being single parents* Mhh~
Ameri & Henri*Both freeze and look at one another*...
Ameri*Stares at her father who...is wearing one of his sleekest suits, and smells oddly of cologne*...
Henri*Sees his daughter, wondering why was she giggling so cutely*...
Both have eye contact conversations with "Why are you here?", and"Im just here on...work..."
Iruma*Pops from the door smilling*Oh Ameri, You still here? Oh, Mister Henri?
Ameri*Blushes hard and silently screams as she puts a protective arm in front of iruma*Father I can explain-
Henri*Was about to chastise the two but froze when the door behind him open* NO-
Y/n*Coming out the room, smiling holding two gloves*Henri, Sweetie you forgot your gloves-Oh Ameri and My Lil blueberry what you doing here?
Iruma*Smiles seeing you* Ah Mom!
Ameri*Frowns and looks at her father*...
Henri*Avoids looking at her*...
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 10 months
Office affair
Henri Azazel was a serious demon. He took pride in his work. It was his precise action and stern attitude that helped him to reach such heights.
No half-hearted attempts or any lazy assignments. He proved how worthy he was to be the head of his department. His work was his second greatest pride. The first being his precious daughter, of course.
While his dedication was remarkable and praiseworthy, it was also a crutch. When his beloved wife died, he buried himself into his work. Thus, he became estranged to his darling Ameri.
It killed him that there was a wall between them. He tried to be strong and show that he was there for her, but of course, it was always seen as him being more focused on her being perfect.
That wasn't true. She was always perfect in his eyes. His little girl had no flaws in his eyes. Could do no wrong.
It was difficult to even think of having a second partner. He had two passions that most other demons couldn't relate to. He couldn't express himself well enough to others.
Little did he know the perfect partner was under his nose all along. Someone who understood the importance of his work and found his love for his child endearing. That someone was you.
You who worked in the same office as him for years. You who had a secret crush on him. You who remained silent in your affections.
He was oblivious, of course. Unaware of your feelings. It probably would have remained that way forever if not for a certain nosey succubus deciding to snoop in other people business.
Now, he was more alert to your actions. How you always had his drink made and waiting at his desk just the way he'd like it. When you handed over files, your touch would linger for a few seconds.
This made him aware of his own actions as well. Like how his eyes would automatically look for you when he enters the room. Or how he could recognize you by scent alone.
How you both shared lunches, or how you would ask about his daughter. How you would help him work overtime so he could go home sooner. Yes... why hadn't he noticed before?
It wasn't till you had offered him sugar that your professional relationship escalated. All because he had said 'yes dear?' He would never live that down. But the sight of your blushing face as you suppressed giggles was worth the humiliation.
Thank Devi you were accustomed to his strange behaviors. He wouldn't know what to do without you. You had somehow become a safe harbor in the overwhelming sea of uncertainty that had become his life.
Picking up the broken pieces of him and helping to reshape. He would never be the same demon he had been when he was younger. You understood that.
But you also helped to remind him that change was a constant state. Something that happens over time, like shedding. Allowing the new to reform in place of the old.
The two of you didn't do grand gestures or scream your love off of mountain tops. No, your love was warm and quiet. It bloomed like a flower.
Gentle touches, soft words. Leaning against each other as work continued. Lingering lunch dates. A soothing sense of peace.
There's no need to burst that bubble. It couldn't hurt to have a small office affair. As long as you both did your work and were professional, it should be fine. He intertwined your fingers with his.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For day 11 of the event, I used number 4 from prompt 5 for Ameri from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! I hope everyone enjoys, my lovelies 😊
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One getting home from work later than the other and stretching out on top of them like a big, lazy cat while they sit on the couch in front of the tv:
Your eyes scanned the last page of your book and you smiled as you finished the last sentence. You’d been stretched out on the couch, having a wonderfully relaxing day off. You set your finished book aside on the coffee table, your eyes going to the clock on the wall. You hadn’t realized just how late it had gotten and your eyes narrowed, your smile turning into a slight, worried frown. Ameri really should have been back from work by now and you wondered what was keeping her. You forced yourself to stay relaxed on the couch though. You remembered how much she hated it when you got super protective and forceful about it. She always said it felt a bit like you were patronizing her, as if you didn’t believe she could take care of herself. While she blushed when you did it, and blushed even harder as she admitted that it was nice that you cared so much about her, she had always insisted that you must learn to trust her and her capabilities.
Five minutes passed and you picked up your phone, checking for any messages from her and fiddling around in your mind with thoughts of calling her. At ten minutes, you’d navigated to and away from the new call screen about a million times. At fifteen, your body was aching from the effort of keeping it on the couch, from the effort it took you not to get up and go out looking for her. Your body hummed with tension. You didn’t mean to be overbearing, but you worried so much about your precious girlfriend. Ameri was, and had always been, right from your school days, someone who always took too much on herself, who always pushed herself to be the best and you had always been filled with fear that someday she might just push too far and leave you alone. The anxiety in the quiet of the house was already starting to eat away at your brain, your body insisting it needed to get up and run to find her even as you made it remain on the couch.
At eighteen minutes, the sound of the door opening and then shutting was a joyous sound. Your body started to relax the second you heard the click-clack of Ameri’s heels on the floor of your shared home, and the fog in your brain quieted when you saw her face. Even though Ameri looked displeased about something, the fact that she was home just made everything better in your world.
“What’s wrong, my love?” you asked her with a slight smile. “Tough day at work?”
“You could say that. I’m fine though,” Ameri replied, trying her best to fake a smile. You could always see through her though and you shook your head, smiling up at her while you sighed.
“You always were the worst liar,” you gently chided her before patting your chest. “Why don’t you come over here. Maybe cuddling and telling me all about your day might help you feel better.”
Though the frown didn’t entirely disappear off her lovely face, which you could see the slight blush on, you could see the slight hesitation and obvious excitement in Ameri’s eyes and the way her body language changed. After some hemming and hawing, some more insistence that she was fine, she was moving towards you anyway. It was always this way and in the moment Ameri straddled you on couch before shifting into a comfortable cuddling position, her half laying on you with her head on your chest, your limbs all tangled up together, words already starting to pour out of her, you could feel the last of the tension go out of both of your bodies. Yes, being home together always made things better.
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detective-ritsu · 3 years
Fun and Love
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Fun and Love! 
“I think Clara is avoiding me.” 
I took a seat on the blanket laid out across the grass. Iruma and Azz just staring at me in confusion. 
“What makes you think that Y/N?” Azz asking me. 
“Well whenever I come neara Clara, she would always cover her face and run away from me.” I lowered my head saddened by these events. 
“Really?” Iruma questioned further. 
“I’m only saying this because she literally left a few seconds ago when I approached you guys.” I explained the events that just happened. 
During lunch, I decided to explore Babyls and found the trio eating their lunch in the courtyard. I called out to them only for Clara’s face to turn red and run for it. Covering her face and all as I lowered my head to them. 
In that instant, all three of them had the same thought that crossed their minds. 
I’m/He’s right!
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen you two talk to each in quite awhile. Iruma brought up a good point, only making me lower my head even more. 
“Why do you wish to talk to Clara?” Azz asked. 
“They’re classmates and friends so of course he wants to talk to her,” Defending me from Azz, “Right Y/N?” 
“Y-you’re right?” Scratching my cheek as it got even redder. 
“Are you blushing?” Azz leaned forward examining my face with his hand on his cheek. 
“I-i-i-im not!” I placed my hands on my blushing face and ran away from them. 
Was what crossed both Iruma’s and Azz’s when Y/N ran away. 
Clara’s Pov
I did it again…
I removed my hands from my face once Y/N was far enough from me. 
“This calls for a meeting!” Throwing my fist into the air. 
I reached into my phone and messaged the girl squad. 
And with that, we girls met in the Magical Tools Research Club. 
“I think I need help.” Lowering my head in a disappointed way. 
“Is it because of Y/N?” Ix asked while placing a hand on her chin. 
“Huh?! How did you know?” Flinching in surprises. 
“Well everyone knows how you react to Y/N.” Giggling to herself. 
“Is this true?” I questioned and looked over at them only for them to look away awkwardly. 
“You don’t do a good job at hiding it, I must say.” Crocell explained to me. 
“It is hard to argue that.” Azazel agreed with Corcell. 
“What do I do?” Placing my head on the table. 
“First let me ask you Clara,” Ix said as I lifted my head, “What do you think of Y/N?” 
“What I think of Y/N?” I thought to myself and an image of Y/N popped into my mind right away. My face heating up quickly as I placed my hands on my face. 
“That’s exactly what you need to stop!” Ix slammed her hands onto the table and pointed straight at me. 
“G-got it.” I removed my hands from my face, but my face was still red. 
“Now let me ask, do you like Y/N or love Y/N?” Ix was getting even more into the situation. Azazel and Crocell almost feeling intimidated by her. 
“Love?” Tilting my head in confusion. 
“Example, do you want to marry Y/N?” 
“Marry!?” My face getting even more red. 
Marrying Y/N? As in spending my life with Y/N? Having kids with him...spending my time with Y/N and going on dates. 
“I wouldn’t mind being Y/N wife.” Playing with my hands avoiding eye contact with the others. 
“Really?” Azazel questioned with a blushing look. 
“Isn’t marriage going a bit far?” Crocell asked. 
“True, they’re not even dating yet.” Azazel continued. 
“Alright then,” Ix looked at me, “Do you want to date Y/N?” 
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend.” Crocell explained. 
Being Y/N girlfriend…
My face became even more red. 
“I...would like to date Y/N.” I responded. 
“Then let's get you and Y/N together.” Standing straight up and placing her foot onto the table. 
“Wait Ix, we don’t even know how Y/N feels about-” Crocell got her mouth covered by Azazel. 
“Don’t say that, we don’t want to give her negative thoughts before she does anything.” Azazel explained. 
Crocell nodded and Azazel let go of her mouth. I didn't fully understand what just happened, but I just watched from the background. 
“We split up from here, Clara,” Ix pointed straight at me, “try to talk to Y/N normally without running away.” 
I stood up saluting to her. 
“Got it!” 
“Now go my love-struck friend.” She shouted while pointing to the door. 
I ran out the door on my way to find Y/N and make him my boyfriend. 
“And for us ladies,” As she turned to the other two, “Let’s meet with the boys and give them both our fullest support.” 
“Wait, does Y/N even like Clara?” Crocell asked once again. 
“Obviously.” Ix responded with a straight forward response. 
“Wait really?” Azazel asked. 
“Yeah, he always tries to talk with Clara and hang out, plus you can catch him glancing at her during class.” Ix explained. 
“Now that I think about it, I always see him blushing ever so slightly whenever he is near Clara.” Azazel added. 
“Now Operation Love Birds is in action.” 
Y/N Pov
I started walking through the hallway since lunch had just finished. My head lowered since Clara didn’t appear during the entire period. 
As I was wondering where everyone was since no one was in the hall, Clara appeared at the end looking extremely intimidating. 
“Y/N!” She shouted. 
“Y-yes?” I responded. 
Is she the final boss?! 
As soon as I responded, Clara started charging forward. Stopping a bit before me. 
I felt my face grow slightly red. 
“We need to talk.” She said. 
“A-about what.” I asked. 
“I don’t know!” She responded confidently. 
“Can I hold your hand?” I heard her whisper. 
Her face grew red as she asked that. 
“S-sure.” I gave her my hand which she took. 
We stood there for a minute before I asked.
“Should we head to class now?” 
“Let’s.” She pulled me alongside her as we went to our next class. 
Momonoki-Sensei was our next class and thankfully she wasn’t strict so being a minute or two late wasn’t a big deal. 
We took our seats together as we continued holding hands. 
I barely paid attention to the class and Clara mainly played with my other hand which I handed over since she asked. 
“Y/N and Clara, please pay attention to the lesson.” Momonoki-Sensei requested. 
“Can’t, playing with Y/N’s hands.” Clara said back. 
“I can see that, but please don’t flirt during class.” 
I felt myself grow red, but I didn’t say anything to that. 
“F-f-flirt!?” Clara said embarrassed. 
Now both of us remained blushing for the rest of class. 
The rest of the day was interesting since we didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Which made things hard when Kalego-Sensei tried separating us with Clara fighting back plus Clara would try bringing me to the bathroom with her. 
The school day ended and Clara brought me to a deserted place. The Sun was setting and Clara still held my hands. 
“Why did you bring me here Clara?” I asked. 
“T-there’s something I’ve been wanting to say.” She muttered. 
Is she going to…?
I saw her face grow red which caused me to as well. 
“A-and what would that be?” I asked. 
She remained silent for a sec when the lighting around her suddenly changed, making her pop even more. 
Flower petals flying around her as she became even cuter than she already was. 
“W-will you…” 
“…” I held my breath. 
For the first time today, Clara let go of my hand before going down to one knee. 
She reached into her pocket before pulling out a ring box. 
“Will you marry me?” Clara asked. 
I couldn’t help, but put my hands over my mouth. 
“Yes.” I responded. 
“YEAH! I get to marry Y/N.” She shouted before leaping in for a hug. 
“WAIT A SEC!” Crocell said, hovering above us. 
“Isn’t getting married a bit too far?” She asked. 
“Am I not allowed to marry Y/N?” Clara asked. 
“You are, but you’re still in school.” 
“Isn’t it fine, let them get married.” Ix walked over and replied. 
“Marriage is too soon.” 
“If they’re happy then it’s fine.” Iruma stated. 
It went back and forth, but Clara only nuzzled into my chest. 
It seemed like everyone from class helped the two of us from getting the two of us alone and getting the lighting perfect. 
I looked back at Clara who simply smiled before giving me a light kiss of the lips. 
“I love you Y/N.” 
“I love you Clara.”
Clara grabbed my hand and put the engagement ring on my finger. 
“I love you.”
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demon-guardian · 3 years
Could you do Alice Asmodeus x reader (Irumas twin sister, fraternal twins) x Sublo Sabnock. The reader is a martial artist who trained to protect her family from loan sharks and Iruma mostly. As she was traveling she found out what her parents did and opened a portal to hell to rescue her brother. Well, the reader ended up being adopted since the Demon Guy thought it would be great to have two grandkids and spoils her rotten....girly clothes, jewelry, etc. she enrolls in school and demands to be put in Irumas class, their grandpa gives her a ribbon clip to wear in her hair with his symbol on it. It protects her somewhat from demon attacks and stores up the energy so she can send some of it back at the attackers. Once she is introduced to the class everyone is in awe since Iruma is powerful his sister must be too. A lot of the demon guys want to date her and ask her out demon style by trying to defeat her in combat. She gets tired and runs away, Alice and her meet up and he summons his monster to protect her. After that the reader falls in love with him. Rumors travel around the school how the reader defeated so far everyone that challenged her, so Sublo Sabnock takes an interest. If he’s going to be the next demon king he needs a strong queen. The reader asks Ameri Azazel for help on how to confess, regarding demon customs considering she is so refined and Ameri agrees to help the reader with their crush if the reader helps them with theirs. (They don’t know who eachother is crushing on.) Ameri thinks getting close to the reader will put her in a better light with Iruma.
You got it!
So when you two got adopted by Sullivann you agree to it because Iruma said yes
So when you and your twin brother started going to school you were the one to fight against demons
And with Sullivann giving her a bunch of clothes and jewelry 
So with those two combine lots of demons want to date you 
Which in one way demos ask each other out is the one asking has to beat the other one in combat.
Which makes you end up in getting into a bunch of fights.
You end up beating up a lot of demons and by the end of it getting tired so ends up running away. 
When you went and hid in a corner, Asmodeus found you.
He help you get away from people trying to fight you by making a fire wall around you
You end up running to him Asmodeus now when ever you want a break from all these fight
Seeing all these Sabnock ends making you his sparing partner even though you didn’t agree to it
But luckily Asmodeus comes in and helps you get out of it
So over time you ended up falling for Asmodeus
So you don’t know much about how devil ask each other out by fighting and you don’t really want to do that
So that is why you go and Ameri asking for advice
Ameri is willing to help you for two reason she loves romance and it could help her get closer to Iruma
When you tell it’s Asmodeus she tells you to do an old fashion style
An old way devil ask each other out is giving handing your rank to them.
So you ask Asmodeus to meet after school and you hand him your rank
Asmodeus is excited and said yes to dating you.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#16 Marriage
Opera: If someone kisses you on the cheek, what will you do?
Kid Iruma: Mawwy them
Opera: ...
Opera: That depends, really. But no, you're too young for that.
Kid Iruma: But Mommy/Daddy has already approved of it*pointing at Kid Azz,Ameri and Clara wearing a gowns*
Opera: Darling, you return those kids now.
Y/n*hugs the trio protectively* No.
Opera:...No more snacks for you Y/n
Y/n*Gasps in horror*....T-then no more head scratches if no more snacks!
Opera*Gasps in shock*
Kid Iruma*Looking between the two*...
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#13 DILF
In the Azazel Home, Ameri Brings a magazine to Her father
Ameri: What's a DILF?
Henri, chocks on his tea: W-what
Ameri, shows the cover: Here, it says you are DILF
Henri: Ah, it means...
Henri: ...
Henri: A Dad Who Is Loving and Fantastic...
Months later
Y/n: I spoke to your father, He has told me a lot about you
Ameri, enthusiastic: He has?
Y/n: Yes, your Dad loves you so much Sweetie~
Ameri: Oh Devi! He's a real DILF!
Y/n*Eyes bulge out sockets anime like*!?!
Y/n*Thinks about it and ponders*...
Y/n*Nods at her actually agreeing*Oh yeah... He certainly is
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Look me in the eyes...he is canonically a dilf-we sleeping on Azazel henri people-
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#28 Mama bears
Spoiler if you're not up to date with the manga and The Deviculum arc
You are Coming as Kalego Plus one to keep a check on Your Son and...Figure out What the deal with Naberius Narnia, You were of course still in awe when Kalego played the piano...when Azz & Ameri sought you and his mother when they saw ¨Fenrir¨ being hostile with Iruma
Azz: I need a word with you, my lady!
Y/n*Chatting with Amaryllis when Kalego went off to search for Narnia*Azz?Just how fast did you get here?
Azz: I had some help
Ameri*Blushing and rigid like* H-Hello, Mother in L-I MEAN!? Ms.Suzuki!!!
Y/n*Eye twitches and smiles*He doing what?
Both You & Amaryllis notice Iruma being towered down his whole body language shows he is terrified...Alerting both of you
Azz: Yeah!That Bastard!!!
When Amaryllis got in front of ¨Fenrir¨ with a smile...and slapped the bitch outta him...
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Y/n*Smiles and walks up to her with a gentle voice, as You watch ¨Fenrir¨ stand up to almost glare at you*Please, can you help me up?
Amy*Giggles and picks you up in her arms to his height*
Y/n @ Narnia "Fenrir"
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Y/n: Thank you~*Snaps head to give "Fenrir" one last "TRY ME BITCH" look*
"Fen"*Eyes widen taken aback*!?!
Azz*Raising his hand up*...Uh, can I get a slap, too?
Baal*Watching from the sidelines and winces at the triple slap you gave Narnia*...better move before-AH*Saw you noticed him*
Y/n*Looking at him*...
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 11 months
What about a story with Azazel Henri x reader.
Reader who is a demon
Reader is not Azazel Ameri mom
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Out of all the characters, I think I've focused on him the least. But I'm willing to try and figure out this.
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