shadyufo · 8 months
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Cryptids & Creatures of Folklore Drawtober Day 16 — Crocodingo
Beginning in the mid 1800s, residents of Scotts County in Tennessee began to witness an incredibly strange creature roaming the woods and fields around their homes.
The first sighting occurred on the night of July 31st, 1839 and was reported by a man named Hank Lemon. Lemon claimed to see strange green lights in the night sky over his home that frightened both him and his two dogs. After the lights disappeared, there was a foul smell in the air and then Lemon spotted a strange creature moving through the woods behind his home. He described it as looking like a dog with the head of an alligator.
In the following days, months, and years, residents of the area would continue to report seeing what came to be called the Crocodingo. Several witnessed it catching fish. Later sightings claimed the creature was lurking around sewers which it entered through manhole covers. Sightings continue on until as recent as 2012.
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forgleto-o · 8 months
I love cryptids because it ranges from:
Big land whale thing that slides down mountains and face eating stinky dog croc
Big salamander and large slug/maybe a caecilian
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astarab1aze · 3 months
➥ Thousand-Head Hydra
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Satoru Gojo  [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] 04. Voice Claim. Kaiji Tang
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Unknown; Referred to in myths as Thousand-Head Hydra / Hand of God 02. Alias. Hydre Blanglas, Hydra   [ 'Hydra White-Ice' ; he's not very creative ] 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male  05. Age. Unknown [ Thousands+ ; Youngest son of the Worldeater ] 06. Birth Date. November 13th   [ Scorpio ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type Unknown, presumed HAO- [ Sapphiric Ichor ] 08. Race. Divine Hydra, Sunjatti by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Demiromantic   [ Pansexual / no preference ] 11. Residence. Formerly, in the Gardens of Oblivion, the Hellplane, within the cosmic weave of the Worldeater's constellation ; Formerly, in his mortal life, the ancient Sunjatti city of Miraglas, of which no remnants remain  
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
12. Physical Description. Hydre, in his anthromorphic humanoid form, is about 6'10". Tall, toned and defined, sporting a head of short, messy white hair with a slight bluish tint. Soft to the touch, but windblown and wild. His eyes are piercing, wide, expressive, framed by long, bluish-white lashes - striking prismatic blue in color; Impenetrable, unreadable, devoid of emotion despite his range of expressions - he generally keeps them covered by black cloth, not for any special reason but for the aesthetic. His skin is pale ivory in tone and riddled with iridescent white-blue scales, particularly in bonier areas (spine, nape, collarbones, jaw hinges, cheekbones, wrists, elbows, knuckles), with some accent spikes of varyingly short lengths (elbows, cheekbones) in matching his skin tone. He has a single scar looping around his neck caused by beheading, jagged and still-puffy even after a thousand years of slumbering among the stars.
His glacial hydra form is titanic in size, thick and muscular-bodied, covered in impenetrable bluish scales; Each head bears a fierce and vicious expression, many rows of spikes covering his body from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. Snow and ice naturally collect underneath his scales, secreted by hydroproduction glands all throughout his body. His blood is caustic and rich cobalt in color, wildly deadly to all living and spiritual beings. His body is built for long-term submersion in unimaginably frigid waters and the vacuum of space. His stomach acid is effectively a thousand times stronger than hydrochloric acid.
13. Equipment. Not applicable ; He has no need - he sort of is the equipment. 14. Occupation. The Hand of God, he who sows destruction so that the Worldeater may devour, he who ends so another may begin ; He is one of the Worldeater's many offspring and far from favorite, but given the responsibility of carrying out His will on the physical plain, naturally dispositioned to do so. 15. Job Performance. Terror ; There's a reason the Worldeater chose him for this over Versus, thousands of years ago on the day of his birth. 16. Parents. Nocturne, the Worldeater, Endbringer, the primordial outer god of cyclical destruction and rebirth ; Considered to be the most powerful and furthest reaching of all outer gods, king of demons, dragons, and reptilian nightfolk, and feared as the god of them all. 17. Siblings. Much and many, but none he gives a shit about ; He has one even he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy, a sister by the name of Versus - he finds her abhorrent in every way and would be quite happy to kill her again, given the chance.
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Snow, hydrangeas, napping, techno music, ghost stories, whatever the hell cellphones are, dancing, public transportation, scarbuncle cheese, modern pastries, beholder meat, fish, crocodingos, beholders in general, ice, rain, being in or around bodies of moving water, seaglass, early morning, styxies, recycling, mint chocolate ice cream, sulphur, dead silence, etc. 19. Dislikes. Nocturne, Versus, all of his other siblings too, humanity, nightfolk, weak and non-magic users, liars, picky eaters, whiners, high-pitched noises, chewing sounds, getting dirty, pickles, leeches, mooches, spiders, flies, fire-based magic users, boredom, people who are incapable of even accepting the truth, anything he can't eat, summer time, milk, etc. 
20. Positive Traits. Adaptive. Unwavering. Decisive. Intelligent. Introspective. Driven. Protective. Capable. Thorough. Confident. Controlled. Serious. Rational. Strong-willed. Accommodating. Accepting. 21. Negative Traits. Temperamental. Selfish. Violent. Cruel. Cold. Dismissive. Sardonic. Bitter. Remorseless. Ill-Mannered. Murderous. Hypocritical. Dishonest. Disloyal. Impatient. Vulgar. Noncommittal. Manipulative. Merciless. Unforgiving. Possessive. 22. Goals. To usher in the end of the current cycle, to pave the way for the Worldeater to swallow the world whole and begin a new cycle ; There is no other goal, he has no other purpose. He was born for this and this alone. 23. Desires. To go the FUCK back to bed. 24. Alignment. Neutral Evil - True Neutral
25. Personality. Hydre is an asshole. A very bored, very tired, very pissed off asshole. He's not easy to get along with by any stretch of the imagination and he genuinely does not care about anyone or anything beyond entertainment value, whatever that means to him. He's impersonally brutal, focused and unwavering, but he is also lazy and would rather sleep another thousand years than satisfy the conditions of his continued existence. He's extremely guarded and views mortal pursuits as inherently pointless, especially when considering just how long-lived he is. He's quietly bitter and miserable, loathsome and angry that he must continue to suffer an endlessly repeating cycle. Life has no value to him. Emotions are of no use to him. But there is a hint of a person in there, the person he could've been had he not been born to Nocturne.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Creation Root - godhood has its perks ; He has full control over and can source all types and subtypes of magic inherently. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate Hydra - he is neither shapeshifter nor were, but because of the circumstances of his birth, an exceptionally unique anthromorph ; He has ascendant capabilities in regards to multishifting (he's even better than Loux and the Face-Eater combined). 28. Utility. All. 29. Specialization. Ice Element - he's a Glacial Hydra by rights, so ice would be his primary element, or at least the one he uses and prefers the most as it was the element he was born with. 30. Graduate School. Not applicable. 31. Classification. Mythic Terror, Icewalker, Ichorus Starbeast, Men Bondye - the Hydra with A Thousand Heads ; He is literally a legendary thousand-headed hydra when not confined to his humanoid shape, rendered to little more than a bedtime story in the modern era (the cause of many a nightmare). He was once immeasurably feared by all nightfolk and humans, the mere mention of his long-faded name a cause for immediate descension into madness.
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
lalal already have it lined out, just need to type it up. need to take a nap or i'll die
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cryptid-quest · 3 years
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Cryptid of the Day: Crocodingo
Description: Around the town of New River, Tennessee, there’s reports of a half-crocodile, half-dingo creature called the Crocodingo. Sightings reportedly started in 1839, when one man saw a green glow in the sky, followed by an encounter with the beast. There have even been supposed reports from Civil War soldiers, who blamed the beast for eating corpses.  
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lpbestiary · 4 years
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The crocodingo is a rather bizarre cryptid said to have been sighted around Scott County, Tennessee. As its name might suggest, it has been described as having the body of a dingo and the face of a crocodile.
The first sighting dates back to 1839, when a resident of Scott County saw a strange green glow in the sky, and later encountered what he described as a "horribly alien" creature. The crocodingo was seen repeatedly through the 1860s, and sightings peaked in 1925 when a new sewer system was installed in the town of Oneida. The most recent report surfaced in 2012, when two men claim to have seen the creature emerge from a manhole.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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juncopuff-blog · 3 years
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Crocodingo - half crocodile, half dingo 🐶🐊🌼 #crocodile #dingo #digitalartwork #princess #pink #sparkles #opencommissions #commission #fantasypet #mythology #mythicalcreature #fantasy #crocodingo #supportsmallartists https://www.instagram.com/p/CLufVjbJCJt/?igshid=t88ev636h6lp
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cryptozoologygirls · 7 years
Tennessee Wildman
Tennessee Red Cheetah
Phantom Kangaroo
Wampus Cat
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astarab1aze · 3 months
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Places Around the World (P1)
⸻Salem's Crossing, Miami, FL.
Located in the underbelly of Miami, Salem's Crossing serves one of many meeting places for supernaturals alongside Time's Square in New York, Alcatraz in San Francisco, The Denver Pavilions in Colorado, and others. It behaves as a sort of 'pocket dimension', a place separate from the non-magic world, and all entrances into this 'dimension' can be closed at-will from any suspiciously prying eyes. This easy departure from the world as a whole allows the supernatural world to remain hidden and inaccessible to non-magic people and even other sorcerers if necessary. The presiding sorcerers have a tendency to move entrances as well, thus further preventing detection from non-magic folk in accordance with the Secrecy & Safety Statutes agreed upon by Sorciers and the USDRS.
Aesthetically, Salem's Crossing might appear as a place 'out of time' as it maintains a strange mashup of French, Spanish, and contemporary magic and non-magic motifs, decor, and other design choices from prior eras (chiefly the 1800s). For example: The Bubbler's Brew looks akin to an old carnival ground, dripping in Vaudevillian presentation and Creole ornamentation; The Tattered Cover looks like any old bookstore you might find in, say, Salem itself, with northern coastal construction and plain color schemes, though the inside is a bit of a different story for obvious reasons; and so on.
It is connected to Salem, Mass. and is widely regarded as a more culturally diverse extension of the city, merely located in Miami, FL.
The street all the important shops are on is named Rum-Runner's Circle, and it serves as a sort of hub for the Southern sorcerer states in 'dimensional' conjunction with New Orleans' French Quarter. This is also where the first Gildebanque's was opened, with the other two in Time's Square and Alcatraz respectively (Gildebanque's is run by the Gilde Family and Tommy-knockers, landmark accomplishment in unifying supernaturals).
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Individual Locations
Nightingale's, a general sorcery supply store based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1732. Owned and operated by Talula Burke, who was the Summoning professor at Belegerande's in the 80's. This is the best place to go when shopping for school or to resupply on the basics.
Bubbler's Brew, an apothecary based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1949 by the Oddry-Collins family. Their inventory contains all the ingredients necessary to brew a fine restorative, invisibility potion, something that'll make you grow taller, shorter, rounder, balder-- If you've the money for it, they do also have rarer ingredients, from blackwyrm organs and glands to whole firenewts, dragon eggshell, dragon glass, whole styxie, boonie wings, crocodingo glow sacs, drakodil feet, and plenty, plenty more. All ingredients are ethically sourced uwu !
The Tattered Cover, a bookstore containing magical and mundane publications of most types, connecting Salem's Crossing with the heart of Denver. Working in conjunction with smaller bookstores, an intricate web strings together yet more populations of supernaturals. In a way, it's more or less a supernatural highway with revolving doors and a bookshop.
Gretle's, once known as 'Of Arsenic & Sugar' and 'The Sug' (Dale Gribble's wife opened this place), is a candy and snack franchise that's been around since 1801. Run by witches with a unique talent for it, it's been pumping out all sorts of famous magical confections such as FrankenLeeches, Snallygobsters, among others.
Strychnine Theater, which isn't so much a theater as it is an event arena held entirely underground in Salem's Crossing that is generally used for illegal dueling tournaments among other illegal activities. It was once a highly respected institution, the scene of many elegant magical plays, operas, and other acts, but fell into shabbyness and disrepair, then to crime and cruelty, with the introduction of the drug Noxium, which has the same effect as heroin when ingested (but was otherwise a great topical ointment for snap-trap bites), by poachers, scoundrels, the odd murderer or two, etc. Now, it's a hotbed for all manners of illegal activity.
Mirewood Crossroads, which is simply another name for any liminal space throughout the swamps of the South, most of which are defunct or overtaken by poachers, drug dealers, murderers, ambitious thieves, the vilest necromancers who've no respect for the dead, unchecked vampires, frogmen, wild animals, supernatural beasts, and other such things. Nothing's been quite right about them either, not since they'd been mostly abandoned. Who knows what may be found there? Maybe a mirror or two remains active. The Mirewood Crossroads locations that are still in use today are located in the town square of Salem's Crossing, Belle's Hollow in Belle Valley (named for Alistair Belegerande's beloved wife, Isabella), one in Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.
Fleur de Lis', Very Nice™️ supernatural fashion store located in Salem's Crossing, run by Fortuna Damaris - the only known true fae in North america. She broke away from the Court to pursue her dream, connecting with the strange, mortal, and human, and create. Since the 1850's, she's been happily running Fleur de Lis' and has a permanent business contract with both Belegerande's and Madame Scrivener's schools. She alone designs and produces their school uniforms, drapes, bedding, etc. Fleur de Lis' as a business has exceptional marks, but is quite expensive.
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