intricatecakes · 2 years
if ur reading this i am handing u a fresh buttery croissant
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issymalabudja · 2 years
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bipbopdepmop · 1 year
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gorefemmeart · 2 years
im a few doodles in and teeth already looks different
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kyri45 · 2 months
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HOLY SHIT! What a crazy journey has been in comic and IRL. 160 panels, 1 broken arm, a lot of pain for Odile. Thank you for staying with me even with all the health issue shenanigans.
So! As I think you saw, Croissaint boy is back! And him and Sif aren't the only ones that were outside the island at the time of the cataclysm! And Loop makes a comeback!! (Thought they aren't pleased with how things are going for the gang)
And here's the sky kid design submissions of this chapter!
Panel 2/3/4/5: @patoat
Panel 5: @1uminax & @royal-songbird
Panel 6: @miss-rainbow-sprinkles
I'm repeating this again for anyone who might not now, we are NOT going to wasteland in this AU, we go straight to the vault! This is my personal choice, I don't have all that much time and will to do all 7 realms, it would just burn me out and I would end up abbandoning this comic at all bc I'm just not so invested in those areas.
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igotanidea · 7 months
Dirty work: Jason Todd x reader
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A/N: I am a firm believer that even in his post-patrol haze and surge of energy all Jason Todd needs from his beloved princess are hugs, not fucks and i will die on this hill.
The adrenaline was still fuzzing in his system, even after hours and hours of his night job in Gotham. It was stressful and hitting on all his sensitive spots hidden so deep under the surface. Muscles moving in the trained motion he practised milion times before, each instinct spurred on by imagination running wild.
Hurt, scared, innocent kids, left to tend to themselves on the streets.
Ordinary citizens exposed to the aftermath of whatever drama and destruction the mobs and gangs decided to wage that night.
Terror on the street on women who were working the night shift, trying to make a living, make ends meet.
And the same shit going on over and over again every fucking night, because fucking someone had a fucking moral code. Because fucking someone refused to put an end to something terrible, too afraid to stain his fucking soul.
Red Hood didn't have a soul to save anymore.
Not after everything that happened in his life.
Dirty wokrk, but someone had to do it.
One life taken, dozens of other's saved. Felt like constantly being at war and the heat of the fight made it so much easier to forget about the sacrifices made along the way.
Red Hood was strong, tough and ready to take on the hardest responsiblity of cleaning Gotham of scumbags and crimnals.
But after?
Once the first rays of a morning sun loomed on the horizon, Jason knew it was time to go home. Take off the mask. Became an ordinary man once more.
Hoping, wishing and praying she wouldn't kick him out again this time. That she would take him, despite the blood on his hands, the injuries on his body and deep scars on his soul.
Not a Red Hood anymore.
Jason Todd. Human. Man. Boyfiend.
The energy was still high when he climbed to the apartment and stood on the wooden floor, carefullly avoiding that one screetching floarboard, almost stepping on his toes to not wake her.
Years of vigilantism and dealing with shit.
Hightened instincts and senses.
And yet, Y'N's voice in the morning, in the empty, quiet apartment made him jump from surprise, causing her to giggle, causing the surprise to give way to a wave of warm feelings.
"Morning, sunshine."
"Depends. Did you bring me breakfast?" she teased
"Since when do you eat breakfast?"
"It doesn't matter if I do!" she got out of the bed, yawning widely, rubbing her eyes and stepping closer to him, taking his helmet off, mindful of the explosived installed there (biting her tongue to not say something about using a protection that was simultaniously life threatening) "You are supposed to preach me about not eating healthy and feeding me with the best groceries. Croissaints, fancy salads, low fat cheese. All that stuff!"
"Are you for real?" he frowned in confusion upon her words. What was going on here?
"Nah, I'm joking cause I can tell that under all this pose you're tired. Though maybe a bit of laugh would do you good. Even if it;s at my expense" she smiled cupping his cheek and meeting his eyes "What do you need? hugs, kisses, cuddles? Or somehing more intense?" that was an obvious hint she was willing to help if he needed some action to blow off some steam.
"Can you just be with me? I just need your presence next to me. Knowing this is all real and I won't wake up alone again." hearing those words coming from Jason was the biggest leap of faith. He was not the one to admit to feeling tired or that something was weighting on his conscience once out of the mask. Never in the million years. But with her - it was simpler, easier, knowing she would just listen and observe rather than fill the silence with silly questions and talking and preaching and lamenting about his behaviour.
"I'm here. I promise, it's all real. You're not alone." She nodded calmly.
Jason produced the tiniest smile and let her guide him to the warm bed with the soft sheets smelling like her, with her arms wrapped around him like a soft cocoon.
And it was just fine.
No need to talk or to explain or to fight anymore.
Getting rid of this feeling that nothing made sense, his efforts were futile and no one would ever understand him.
Finally, a little bit of peace and maybe - just maybe - the tiniest amount of happiness brought by the steady beating of her heart in his ear and the gentle movement of her fingers in his hair.
True meaning of intimacy between two people.
Bonding for life.
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
In Canada, we're famous for our bilingualism. Sure, there's other bilingual countries out there. Some might even be tri- or quadrilingual. We don't know, and our media doesn't tell us. All we do know is that when you pick up a cereal box from the shelf, you get to learn what the French name of the cereal is. It's Cheerios. Couldn't have guessed that.
All this means that, throughout your life in Anglo Canada, you are constantly getting a subliminal reinforcement of French. One day, you discover that you can actually read a reasonable amount of the microwave installation instructions despite having pulled the wrong manual out of the box. Shortly after that, you begin to feel a curiosity for this mysterious other culture. And by that, I mean you want to go buy a French car.
Unfortunately for me and my fellow Canucks, options for French cars are few and far between. The overwhelming hegemony of the Americans mean that the absolute weirdest stuff we get is made in Romania under contract to Germans using Japanese robots. Why do we not have Citroëns? There is no valid reason, other than the fact that they went nearly bankrupt the last time they tried to sell their cars here. That's not supposed to discourage you, silly, General Motors has gone bankrupt three or four times while I've been writing these sentences!
So, if you're out there, French automakers, please bring your weird cars to my country. We can go get a steamé and a Pepsi, and we can find out if the interior of your car holds up well to poutine gravy stains. It probably doesn't, but that's okay, I'll still take the depreciated Francomobile and enjoy opulent luxury comfort on my way back to my home province, where the only French we use is to incorrectly pronounce the phrase "croissaint-wich" at the airport Burger King.
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busycloudy · 10 months
Hello there cloudy, could I get a coffe and croissaint with lighting?
Coffee(Fluff), Croissant(Cuddling), Lighting Lollipop(Sebek Zigvolt)
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It was a cold night, moonlight was shining through the open window as the breeze blew the curtains. You walked into the room to see your darling Sebek in the bed already, seemingly asleep, and so you climbed in with him.
The bed was comfortable, and with the soft blanket on top you were perfectly warm. You started to feel Sebek's arms wrap around you.
His hold was firm, yet comfortable. You felt a sense of safety near him. You felt like in his arms all the terrible thoughts would go away.
It was nice to have quiet around him. Not like there was anything wrong with his yelling, it was just how he made his point. Afterall, he needs to do his best in protecting Malleus. Sure, he can be a bit over protective at times, but he's just making sure Malleus is safe, afterall, he's a soon to be king.
Really, Sebek was sweet. You saw that. Everyone else who just considered him annoying hadn't gotten to know him enough. He cares about his friends, and you.
You felt your eyelids start to get heavy, so you started to slowly drift asleep. Before you went into dreamland though, you felt a short kiss on your neck, and then you finally fell asleep.
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lee-aveyourmark · 1 year
sunday morning
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In which you warm up a cold Wonwoo.
∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x reader Genre: fluff domestic fluff Wordcount: 517 A/N: ik ik, this is not the sunday morning that maroon 5 was talking about but it is what i envision a sunday morning to be :)
"I told you to wear a t-shirt underneath your sweater, Jeon Wonwoo."
"Okay, ma'am." He mocks you with lips turned upwards. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, trying to hide the trembling which you were always a little too concerned of.
Wonwoo clearly overestimated the ability of the sun that shone through his windows earlier to warm him up now when strolling through the aisles of fresh produce that stood at the heart of the Sunday market. He partially blamed himself for forgetting to check the weather before leaving the house. (Okay, so maybe he didn't need to check the weather to know that an early winter morning would be nipping at the tips of his nose and fingers.)
However, he also attributed his oversight to how distracting you were, humming your way around the kitchen in those adorable fluffy socks of yours and peppering the most loving of kisses all over Seol's face. Indeed, the way that you greeted him with a firm kiss on the corner of his lips was likely the reason why all sense of logic had disappeared that morning, leaving him to dress only enough for a spring afternoon. And now, he's pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands as much as possible to trap out the cold.
"Give me your hands."
Wonwoo reluctantly obeys your command with a light scoff in disbelief of how you were treating him like a dog, but treated Seol the exact opposite.
Any sense of spite, however, dissipates as your warm hands firmly embrace his cold ones. As he watches you lean in to blow warm air on his hands, he already feels the effects of the frosty winter wearing away.
Wonwoo will never understand how you always manage to stay so warm. Maybe you were just that good at dressing appropriately for the weather. Maybe you're just built different. Or, maybe, it's a physical manifestation of your warm heart. Wonwoo would never admit the last reason though. No, because he doesn't believe it to be true. Your hands would be burning hot instead.
"I can't hold hands with you if your fingers are icicles."
"But the only way for my hands to warm up is if you hold them."
Yep, all sense of rational thinking really had flung out the window when you'd kissed him good morning.
You're blushing now, avoiding eye contact with him but still grasping his hands within yours. Pride blooms within his chest upon sight of the rose adorning your cheeks.
He takes the opportunity of your flustered state to lean down and connect his lips with yours in a kiss that reminds you of how much he loves you. His lips are soft, tasting sweet like the almond croissaint that he sampled not too many minutes before the cold got to him. When he pulls back, the glaze over your eyes makes him plan the quickest exit route out of the market and back home.
"You truly are something."
Wonwoo kisses you again, his lips finding your forehead this time round.
"I'm yours is what I am."
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schumaquinho · 2 months
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breitzbachbea · 1 month
The coffee was just alright, but that was fine. He had brought his caffettiera for the Irish office.
What really bugged him, aside from trading a morning cornetto for a croissant, which wasn't the same, was how Harry did not leave his mind.
Marco hadn't shown up for breakfast yet, little surprise when he had been out on the town last night. Perhaps hungover or talking to his brother on the phone. Perhaps both.
All the better. More time for him to stare out the window and see nothing. For him to linger of the feeling of Harry's hands on his hips when he was manhandled, when the other wanted to keep him steady while they grinded against each other.
The pale skin, the countless freckles, the way the moonlight through the window made him shine ... it all felt a little too good to be true. Like a forbidden fruit. The warmth of his arms and legs, his entire body, too real to be illusion though.
He picked up the croissaint and took a bite, tried to ground himself, but no luck. Everything had gone so well, he had fallen asleep, sated. With a smile on his face, knowing from Harry's last look that the other would think of him all night. But then he'd awoken to no one else in the bed and it seemed like the tables had turned. Exiled from the dreamworld, where he surely had been in Harry's arms. Left all alone in the real one.
The silhouette haunted him and the way the thick, scraggly hair felt underneath his fingers, the way he tasted and how soft the thin lips were - God, how he loved the man's soft kisses! How he longed for more than just frotting, bodies too far apart despite the ghost of kisses everpresent on his skin.
He was worth the wait, he was so entirely worth the wait and the not-quite-there freshly squeezed orange juice of the bar and the way how Dublin summer did not feel like summer, everything was worth the high he was chasing. He carved out a special place in his heart already for once it was over, as it always would be, but he hoped the butterflies would at least survive the winter.
He wanted plenty of opportunities to dig his fingers in his ass, to run his hands over his strong back, to straddle him and feel him gasp into his mouth during a kiss. That cheeky grin, the missing tooth, the whispered words of poetry and curses -
He choked on his bite, just when Marco came into the room. He was at the table within the blink of an eye.
"Michè, you're alright?!"
"Yes." Michele coughed again. The last remnants of pastry seemed to have exited his lungs. "Just ..." A deep breath. "Just infatuated."
He smiled at Marco, who had a confused frown between his brows while his mouth hung up open.
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coffeelomort · 5 months
Fragaria Memories Collab Cafe menu translation
I'm sure a translation is already out there, but I'll throw my hat in the ring for the fun of it. At the moment I've only translated the titles, but I'll probably come back and translate all the descriptions. I'm no professional by any means (a lot of my translations are purely vibe-based) and I'll leave notes for things that are weird.
As always, feel free to let me know if anything's off with the translations! My ask box is open (and I believe you can comment anonymously if you'd like).
(Also pleasantly surprised that the menu is pretty broad compared to a lot of collab cafes I've seen. I think the speculation was that we'd get a main meal per Bouquet and then some random sides or drinks.)
Rimicha's love limit salmon ♡ burger plate (リミチャの限界ラブ・サーモン♡バーガープレート)
Kurode's hidden hard working and inferior omelette katsu curry with crispy rakkyo (クロードの隠れた努力と劣等のオムカツカレーwithパリパリらっきょう)*
Myunna's flour-filled lemon cream pasta ~with deep fried prawn~ (ミュンナの粉いっぱいレモンクリームパスタ〜エビフライもいっしょ〜)
Badobarm's longed for chirashi sushi. "I'll eat it for sure one day!" (バドバルマのいつか絶対食べてやるぜ!憧れのちらし寿司)
Hangyon's everyday would be boring without any surprises~ chilled Chinese Noodles?! (ハンギョンの日々サプライズがないとつまらないですよね〜冷やし中華!?)
Hallritt's apple pie-like eton mess present (ハルリットのアップルパイのようなマンリーメスの贈り物)*
Merold's Lord's resounding sweet tune-like strawberry ice cream tart (メロルドの主への甘い音色響かせる いちごアイスタルト)*
Cielomort's cafe croissaint roll that floats in the blue sky (シエロモートの青空に浮かぶカフェクロワッサンロール)
Louterstella's star-shaped hotcakes that Kura likes (ルタールステラのクラも好きなお星様形���ットケーキ)
Pikero's experiment? A chou donut that I've stuffed with matcha whipped cream made from your trivial and pointless logic (ピケロの実験?君の軽くて空虚なロジックに俺が抹茶ホイップを詰めてあげようかシュードーナツ)*
Puruth's wanting to drink pudding pudding-style milkshake (プルースのプリンと飲みたいプリン風ミルクセーキ)
Romarriche's rosehip tea which conveys heartfelt warmth and consideration (ロマリシュの温かい思いやりが心に伝わるローズヒップティー)
Sanah's full bloom nahaha~♪-like colourful frozen drink (サナーの満開なはは〜♪なカラフルフローズンドリンク)
Willmesh's gathered thoughts fluffy pastel soda (ウィルメッシュの想いしたためる ふんわりパステルソーダ)*
Klarkstella's dreams of stars and clouds' white water* (クラークステラの夢見るお星様と雲のホワイトウォーター)
Chaco's chocolate banana milk that he found on a detour (チャコの寄り道で見つけた とっておきのチョコバナナミルク)
Arupek's fired up kabosu lemon squash (アルペックの気合い入れのかぼすレモンスカッシュ)
Tuxam's Awesome! Cream soda that has the grace valued by gentlemen (タッサムのAwesome!紳士たるもの品格が大切なクリームソーダ)
Drinks with a Fragaria Bouquet cookie (フラガリアブーケクッキー付きドリンク)
I'm sure people know about rakkyo, but for the sake of it I'll just note that this is what it is. It's a side dish often paired with Japanese curry.
So this by far gave me the most trouble, mostly because I had no idea what マンリーメス is and any articles on it were from 2017 about a cafe in Japan claiming that they're popular in Australia. (They weren't, from what I can tell.) A theory posed to me is that a cafe somewhere in Australia (likely Manly, Sydney) had an eton mess on their menu called a "Manly Mess".
Noting here that I... really have no idea what Merold's dish's title actually is. This is my best guess considering the kanji and the vibes I get from it.
Whatever's going on with Pikero's dish, I had a hard time translating it. There's nothing really implying that the matcha whipped cream is made from 'your logic' nor is that really the vibe I get, but I'm not quite sure how else to translate it.
Just wanted to note here that "white water" probably means it's a yoghurt-based drink, according to one of my sources.
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witchloved · 1 year
in lieu of mlb im now craving every croissaint in my city
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fishisvibing · 1 year
Why is remus always the guy that said StOp I COulD'vE drOppED mY CrOiSsAiNT in my head??
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timetacticsdivision · 7 months
Hey Croissaint, what's with the eye? Can you still see outta there, and do the hands on the clock actually change?
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⌚️ "I can still see just fine... but I can't tell if the hands move. I'm assuming not."
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sleptting · 1 year
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je mange le croissaint
j'ai eu un croissant ce matin
Je t'aime
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