#crookshanks plush
groovy-lady · 1 year
Wooooooo I went to Universal Studios today!!!! It was so fun!!!!!!
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A very silly Crookshanks POV drabble
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God of Lovers and Lost Socks
When longing overfilled the small flat and coalesced into a dense fog of misery that coated his whiskers with every movement, Crookshanks decided it was time to get involved.
He’d watched her wait passively for months with nothing to show for it but a black oil slick of frustrated loneliness that trailed her everywhere she went. He’d been coughing up hairballs with the effort of removing it from his fur.
There was nothing passive about the way Crookshanks now waited. He stalked an opportunity with the unflagging patience of a born hunter, and when he saw it, he didn’t hesitate.
It took the shape of a crack in the door while she brought in shopping. He slipped out, pausing briefly in the stairwell to clean the sour tang of yearning from his fur.
Cats have no need of maps, or of invitations. He dozed in a sunny patch on the plush chenille of Draco’s armchair for an hour or so until he got home.
“Hermione?” Hope punctuated the pall of Draco’s tension. Then, “How did you get in here by yourself?” 
Crookshanks, who guarded his secrets more closely than the pile of unmatched socks beneath Hermione’s bed, offered a different show of trust. He rolled onto his back and didn’t attack the hand that descended to caress the hidden white gossamer of his underbelly; only the second human to have done so unscathed.
When he judged that enough time had passed for the shopping to have been put away and the flat straightened, but not enough for her to panic over his absence, he led Draco to the fireplace.
“I’m certain her Floo won’t be open for me. I’ll have to Apparate you to her street.”
Crookshanks flattened his ears against the stupidity of men and dug his claws into the rug. When the green flames cleared, he twined himself in a rope of fur around Draco’s legs.
“Draco! What are you—oh!”
A voice could shoot up an octave for many reasons. Mild surprise over an unexpected visitor sounded no different than a heart-fluttering explosion of adrenaline that tightened the vocal cords. To human ears, anyway.
She grew flustered, embarrassed, and called Crookshanks away with futile enthusiasm. He coiled his body more tightly around his prey. Hands collided and foreheads nearly followed as they bent to remove him in unison.
“I’m so sorry,” she gasped, as Crookshanks sacrificed his dignity by clinging with stubborn claws to trouser fabric, only submitting when the stench of their shared mortification and uncertainty burrowed beneath his fur. He left to go clean himself on her bed.
Two days later, he allowed Draco a minute of chin scratches to ease his fog of anguish before herding him to the fireplace with a series of fluid figure-eights.
She scolded Crookshanks and promised Draco she’d keep the doors locked, since he’d evidently developed the capacity to open them. That night, he chewed a hole in her favourite jumper.
They both stewed in the haze of her jittery nerves for a solid week before he was able to breach the prison walls again. A window, opened to admit an owl, became a perfectly serviceable escape route through which her blunt human hands couldn’t hope to stop him.
Draco was permitted to lift him, languid and boneless, into the crook of his arm as they travelled back through the fireplace together. It was a strategic move that placed the pale, anxious face within striking distance.
Her gentle fingers administered a salve to soothe the sting of claws and betrayal, although a spell would’ve worked just as well. Crookshanks hissed in approval from beneath the sofa as a dinner invitation was extended under the guise of an apology for his violent antics.
Draco left that night smelling of wine and hopeful anticipation, a sweet mist of contentment left in his wake. It lasted throughout the night and filtered out into the hallway the next afternoon through the door, which she’d carelessly left open with a smile.
He did not operate on her schedule, and so he waited until the cotton cloud of happiness dissolved into streaks of agitated anxiety the colour of her empty Floo. Then he padded into the night to hunt.
His mark was a study in contradictions. Here was an optimist whose bedroom window was propped open wide enough to allow a half-kneazle to slip through, yet who slept with a murk of despair hovering suffocatingly over the bed. Crookshanks’ ears pricked to hear a familiar name muttered through dreaming lips.
He pounced.
They arrived into the silence of a sleeping flat, Draco’s nerves electrified with the knowledge of the hour and his location. When he tried to deposit his intruder on the ground and escape without notice, Crookshanks yowled with all the force of a fire alarm. She was a light sleeper.
“Are you serious, Crookshanks? Now?”
She stumbled into the darkened living room, unsteady with sleep and confusion and the urgent tugging-down of her oversized shirt.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how he keeps getting in,” Draco lied.
Cats are composed mainly of sinew and agility. It wasn’t his fault what happened next.
As she moved forward to accept responsibility and offer a hundredth unwanted apology, he barrel-rolled out of Draco’s loose grip and executed a perfect mid-air flip that landed him beneath her next step.
Strong arms broke her fall and held firm.
“I think your cat is trying to tell me something.”
“And what’s that?”
“He thinks I’m an idiot.”
“Oh. Are you?”
Crookshanks didn’t need his superior hearing to catch her breathless tone. He didn’t need night vision to see the plume of desire that surrounded them now.
“Yes, because I haven’t—I haven’t done this already.”
Lips met, followed by bodies. Crookshanks circled the perimeter of their legs until he was certain they were so attached they couldn’t ever be separated.
The flat smelled of sweet, hot joy and the fresh peppermint of beginnings.
Draco stayed, and he stayed, and he stayed.
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real-jane · 3 years
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Stupidity or Serendipity? - chapter 10, settled
[draco malfoy x hermione granger]
summary: harry and ginny make amends, and hermione and draco spoil each other.
series masterlist
They awoke the next morning in a tangle of limbs, with Hermione’s hair trying to strangle them both, and with a sense that everything had changed between them. There was no pretending now that they weren’t compatible, that this wasn’t something they both wanted desperately… and had done for some time. Two very lonely people were now a pair of giddy lovers. True familiarity would come in time. For now, they just smiled sleepily at one another.
Draco ordered room service for breakfast and wrapped his ‘little wife’ as he had taken to calling her in a plush robe that had come with his room. They ate breakfast in bed, and then they settled in to do some reading. Draco was propped up against the headboard with Hermione between his knees. He read aloud to her from one of his magazines, a circular about English gardening that he had been perusing on their first outing together. He told her about the great garden at Oxford, and then small one he was planning. She picked out the flowers she liked best--tulips, hydrangeas, crocus, peonies, and English roses--and made it very clear that an aubergine would never grow in any garden of hers, as she loathed them deeply. Draco crossed his heart that the veg would all need her approval before being planted. His only requirement was that the window boxes on their hypothetical cottage be filled with daffodils ( narcissus ) for his mother.
Then, Hermione read to him for awhile from Persuasion , until he closed his eyes and started breathing shallowly, and then she read to herself in his arms.
The amazing thing about waking up together on December twenty-sixth was that things had not imploded between them. Christmas was over, and they had only grown closer.
Hermione agreed to a jaunt home mid-day; Draco had an errand to run (“I had better go to Gringotts while it’s on my mind; just because Pansy never bore my name doesn’t mean she wouldn’t try to get at our vault!”) which he felt he must make on his own. They decided, despite the lovely evening they had spent in the hotel together (and a long, luxurious morning in bed), that it was time for Draco to check out for good. He packed up his bags (a five-piece matching set of italian luggage--“Seriously, Draco--do you shop in Italy exclusively ?”) and bid farewell to the room that had been his only sense of normalcy until Hermione.
It took fifteen minutes to coax Draco away from the front desk; he took the time to say farewell to every member of the staff who he had come to know during his stay, especially the concierge (Sheffield), who gave them his best wishes for their marriage. Draco shook the man’s hand and promised he would never stay in another hotel whenever he was next in London.
“Remind me to send him a pair of tickets to something exciting,” Draco whispered to Hermione as they excited via the revolving front door. “His wife loves theatre and I know he’d love to take her.”
“Only if you take me, too,” she said. “I could do with a night at the theatre or the ballet or something.”
“Love to.” He grinned. “What shall I do with a wife who enjoys such delightful things?”
“Spoil her rotten?” she suggested, smiling innocently.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he laughed, leaning down to kiss her.
They hailed a cab, packed their luggage into the boot, and bustled themselves off to Hermione’s flat. Draco’s luggage took up most of the kitchen and he apologized profusely, but she waved him off. Then, he left her alone to spend some quality time with Crookshanks, who had curled around Draco’s ankles in reluctant acceptance of his new permanent housemate.
Meanwhile, Hermione sat down at the kitchen table with a piece of parchment and a quill. She had a letter to answer.
Arthur and Weasley Family ,
Thank you for your letter. I understand that it may be difficult to adjust your biases, especially when they have so long been fermented in the concrete definition of Us vs. Them. I had those same feelings to overcome and I know it takes work. All I ask is that you trust me to make decisions for myself that are good and logical. If any of you ever again make Draco or myself feel as we did on Christmas Eve, I will make a clean break. Do not underestimate me on this point. If you try to make me choose, I will not choose you.
That being said, we would be happy to join you again for another future event. We will be returning to Oxford after the first of the year, so let’s try to make plans before then.
Hermione Granger, Lady Malfoy
She underlined the signature twice and took great delight in doing so. Perhaps it was petty but she felt she had earned the right to be petty. Her letter was succinct and clear. Make changes or lose her. Draco’s owl flew off with the note tied around its leg. That was that.
...Until the Minister of Magic came through her floo an hour later.
Hermione sat sheepishly in her green wingback chair, while Harry settled onto the couch. He had on what would be considered his typical Minister robes, and then a strange flopped-over pointed hat that he seemed to be trying to get used to. He pulled it off as soon as he saw her. It took him a few moments to speak. When he did, he looked sorrowful.
“Arthur received your letter,” he said, twisting his hat in his hands. “It was a good letter--maybe better than we deserved.”
She didn’t say anything, she just nodded, looking at the ground.
“Hermione, I… I am so sorry for what happened on Christmas Eve,” he said quietly. “After the two of you left, our evening was rotten. Molly cried and cried. The twins got into a fight with Ron, Lavender stormed off and as far as I know, she hasn’t spoken to him since. We have been agonizing over it.” He scratched his chin. “Ginny more than anyone. She gave me a fair scolding herself, after crying into Charlie’s shoulder.” Harry looked up at the ceiling as if he was projecting the whole evening onto it. He sighed heavily. “What can I do… to make it up to you both?”
“‘S alright,” she murmured. Her heart hurt at the thought of them in turmoil, even if it did satisfy her hope that they felt real remorse.
“No, it isn’t,” he said. He looked down at his hands. “I should have advocated for you. I knew that you were in your right mind. I saw you together, hell I married you. And, I have personally worked with him. It was my failing.”
Hermione smiled sadly and held out her hand to him. “Thank you, Harry.” He squeezed her hand.
“I wanted to invite you both to my home tonight; the majority of the Weasley’s will be there to have a bit of a Christmas do-over,” he said. “No pressure, just time with us all together. Would you come?”
She nodded. "I may be sour about it for awhile, but I meant what I said in the letter. We will come.”
“Good.” Harry stood up and opened his arms to her. Hermione hugged him tightly. “We’re all dressing formally, it’s Ginny’s idea. She wants to take you to Madame Malkins as a belated Christmas gift.”
“Oh, that’s too much,” she said, looking up at him.
“Not at all. She will be here in about…” he looked at his watch, “twenty minutes, if you’ll agree to it.”
“I guess I will,” she said. Harry smiled.
“Good, good. I’m assuming Draco has formal robes already.”
“That is a very safe assumption,” Hermione laughed. “I’m sure he has several.”
“Wonderful,” he said. “I’ll see you tonight, Hermione.”
Harry disappeared back into the fireplace and twenty minutes later, his wife came through. Ginny renewed Harry’s apology and the two friends made up… more or less quickly when Ginny told her how she made Ron eat slugs, and Hermione confided that Draco had put her up for a night in The Waldorf (nevermind the details about the length of his stay). Ginny whisked Hermione off to Madame Malkins with the reassurance that they would only pick out something truly worthy of her.
An hour later, Hermione stood on a short pedestal while Madame Malkin herself draped a variety of fabrics over her and Ginny clapped for anything with a bit of shimmer.
“What color does Draco like you to wear?” Ginny asked eagerly.
“I don’t think he has a preference,” Hermione blushed. “He just likes… me. Besides, it’s not up to him what I wear!” She flailed her arms and a piece of orange taffeta puddled on the ground. Madame Malkin sighed but took that as a sign that orange was not to be.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Ginny said. “What about that white raw silk with the silver flecks in it?”
Madame Malkin held up the fabric in question. “Uh… it’s awfully bridal, isn’t it?” Hermione said, turning to face Ginny, holding it up to her chin. “Do I even look good in white?”
“It sets off your hair quite nicely,” Ginny shrugged. “What were you wearing when you did the deed ?”
“It sounds gross when you say it like that,” Hermione wrinkled her nose. Ginny laughed.
“When you married that sexy blond cover-boy with a very nice arse, might I just say--”
“Gods, Ginny!” Hermione couldn’t help but laugh and cover her face in embarrassment. “I didn’t have time to think about it! Um. I wore those denim button-fly trousers and that red jumper I have that falls off one shoulder,” Hermione said. “It was… sort of last minute.”
“Well then, why not choose something that’s a little bridal? What’s wrong with that?”Ginny asked.
Hermione turned back to the mirror. It was lovely fabric… and she truly hadn’t had a chance to even consider what to wear when she got married just a few short nights ago. If she had, she might’ve chosen something much like this. Especially in the style that Malkin was suggesting, a fitted knee-length dress with a gauzy overlay that would look quite floaty. Especially to someone so well dressed as Draco Malfoy.
She wondered if Draco had something that would match, but then… anything Draco might like would go well, she was certain. She hoped he would be stunned at the look of her. She had inspired many reactions from him, but she had yet to see him be truly gobsmacked. She could imagine it, though. His eyebrows would raise and his dimples would deepen as he smiled wider than ever. He would hold out his hands to her but be too afraid to touch her, really. He would say something sweet. She nodded.
“It will do,” Hermione said.
“Yay!” Ginny clapped. “Charge it to the Minister’s account, Madame Malkin. Let’s get lunch!”
Ginny and Hermione walked out of Madame Malkin’s with a box containing Hermione’s new dress robes, satisfied that they had found the perfect look to properly perturb a Malfoy. Ginny treated her to lunch as well at a new little bistro just outside of Diagon Alley which was owned by wizards but largely patronized by muggles. It was the perfect place to catch up but still retain some anonymity.
That being said… the Minister of Magic’s wife and the woman who was a celebrated war hero AND had lately been photographed snogging Draco Malfoy walking into a bistro together had quite the effect on the owners, who gave them the very best table in the back.
Ginny sat back and observed her best friend, who had the loveliest blush in her cheeks.
“I think he’s good for you,” Ginny said.
“It’s so bizarre, Gin.” Hermione stuffed a large forkful of pasta into her mouth.
“Yes, but he seems to be very kind to you. You’ve never had that before.” Ginny shrugged. “Ron was never nice to you. He’s an immature idiot who has a lot to learn about loving people.”
“You’re too severe on him,” Hermione protested. “He’s just… dealing with things poorly.”
“Yes, well,” Ginny said, sitting forward. “Lavender broke up with him yesterday.”
“Poor Ron,” Hermione said. “Is it very cruel for us to come tonight? I don’t want to torture him.”
“He’s not invited tonight. He’s not invited to join in any family event unless he can treat other people with some dignity. You should’ve heard the things he said to Draco… according to the twins it was horrid."
Hermione put her head in her hands. “Draco didn’t tell me what he said, only that he tried.”
“He didn’t just try.” Ginny touched her arm. “My mum spend a good hour reaming him out for it after you left.”
Hermione sighed. “I hate this. I feel responsible.”
“Don’t you dare take any credit for his feelings,” Ginny insisted. “If you get blame for anything at all, it’s for forcing us to face the issues we’ve never dealt with.” She rubbed Hermione’s shoulder. “You loving someone like Malfoy--that is, someone who hasn’t been given a proper chance--is not something to be ashamed of.”
“I didn’t say I love him,” Hermione coughed.
Ginny grinned. “Don’t you?” Hermione put her head down on her arms and gave an exasperated sigh. “You don’t have to say it, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t.”
“It’s too early to tell,” Hermione protested, muffled by her arms.
Ginny laughed. “No it isn’t.” Hermione glared at her. “It isn’t! Love comes in phases, ‘Mione. Maybe you’re not in the deep-and-abiding kind of love yet, maybe you’re just in the everything-is-a-little-foggy-except-you phase. And you’re in phase two, let’s say.”
Hermione propped her head up on one hand. “I guess… I guess I’m in the… Marian Paroo phase.”
“There were bells all around but I never heard them ringing?”
“‘Til there was you,” Hermione finished.
“If you’re quoting ‘The Music Man’, it’s love,” Ginny laughed.
Hermione could not help but smile. “Fine.”
“That’s what I thought.” Ginny finished her sandwich and paid for their meal. Hermione requested one last stop before they parted ways until dinner.
Hermione met Draco at the door to her flat that afternoon with a cup of tea and a smile. He gave her a gentle kiss.
“Hello darling,” he said happily.
“I missed you,” she said. “And… we have plans tonight.”
“Do we?” He took the cup of tea from her and set his briefcase down on the kitchen table.
“Mmm. Harry has invited us to come over for a Christmas re-do.” She leaned against the counter. “We have to dress formally, and Ronald will not be there.”
“Aha… how did that come about?” He asked.
“I replied to the letter,” she said softly. “And then… Harry came over. And Ginny bought me new robes and took me to lunch, so… I think everyone is feeling properly sorry, so…”
He cupped her cheek. “Do you want to go?” he asked. He leaned next to her and sipped his tea.
She nodded. “I can’t waste my new robes… and they did seem to be quite sorry.”
“I’m game, if you are.” He bumped her hip with his. “I have something for you, though. Might boost your resolve. Would you like to see?”
“Sure,” she said hesitantly, feeling for the small package in her jumper pocket. Draco set down his cup and opened his briefcase. He picked something up and closed it again. Then, he turned back to her. In his hands, he held a little blue velvet box. He popped it open. Hermione gasped.
“So,” he began, breath wavering. “The band in the middle with the sapphire is the ring my mother mentioned, and the two bands around it are new. From me. Obviously,” he laughed. He was nervous. “I had it made for you while I was out today. Nothing too garish--I know that you don’t like anything big--but I hope you like it. It will fit you, I had it charmed to adjust for your finger. And I asked for sapphires to match my mother’s ring because I figured you wouldn’t like diamonds, given their ethics issues--”
Hermione launched herself at him and threw her arms around his neck. “Shhh. I love it. It’s perfect.” Her eyes were wet. She pulled back and kissed him. Draco pressed his forehead to hers and breathed out a sigh of relief.
“I’m so glad,” He whispered. He took her left hand in his. “May I?” She nodded. Draco popped the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her ring finger. It was a bit snug over her second knuckle, but it was beautiful. She held out her hand and watched the blues glisten. It was indeed quite perfect.
“I have something for you, too, as it happens,” she said. She pulled out the package in her pocket and handed it to him. It was the same sized box as the one he had pulled out for her, only it was black. He gave her a look of shock. “What can I say? Great minds…”
Draco opened the box. Inside was a silver band with a ring of celtic knot work through it. He allowed her to put it on his hand and then he laced their fingers together. “Well, well. My wife has tricks up her sleeve.”
“We are more official, now,” she laughed. “And I hope you have some formal robes that will go with silver and white.”
“How about green?”
Hermione pressed her eyes shut in mock consternation. “So help me, they better be velvet…”
Draco laughed. “For you? What else would I wear?”
“Perfect. Tonight, we will go back into the throng of Weasley’s with our finery, with these--” she held up their clasped hands, “and we will be true to ourselves.”
He bore look of total amazement. “Hermione…” he stopped and swallowed hard. “I know it has only been a few days, but… I couldn’t be happier. And, as such, I...” He shook his head. He couldn’t make the words come out, but Hermione got the gist. She wrapped her arms around his waist.
“I know,” she said softly. “I feel it too.”
“We’re lucky,” he managed finally. She nodded.
“Yes, we are.”
sincerity splendid
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the-starryknight · 4 years
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Today’s @thesleepiesthufflepuff‘s birthday, so to celebrate this lovely person, I’d like to share five of my favorite Bluefay fics.  Each of Fay’s fics have this soft, romantic feeling to them that leave me with a warm heart after each read.  I hope you’ll enjoy some of these wonderful fics and pieces of art!
🧶 The Way We Wind  { Drarry | E | 2020 | 47k }
After the war, Harry’s life falls to shambles. Each day revolves around an intense battle with his mental health, and there’s nothing that Ron or Hermione can do to help him. That is, until Hermione teaches Harry how to knit. Fast forward five years, and Harry is the proud owner of a renowned knitting shop in Diagon Alley, The Whomping Willow Woolery. Christmas season is upon him, and the shop is busier than ever. So, is it really a surprise that Draco Malfoy wanders in looking for a gift for his mother? Cue awkward meetings, fluffy knitting lessons, a truly horrible scarf, a cat named Stockinette who is readily obsessed with Draco, and falling in love with one’s worst enemy.
TWWW is a soft, lovely, and romantic fic that is all about healing and falling in love.  As Draco begins to heal and learn to knit, he finds so much joy and care in Harry’s shop and among his friends.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione have honest and direct conversations about mental health that feel genuine and beautiful.  Plus: a small kitten and all the plush knitwear you can imagine. You’ll fall in love too as you read along. 
🚗 Through the Night { Linny | T | 2021 | 3k }
Ginny tells herself that she's content with the way things are. Luna proves her otherwise.
Luna was softly humming along, and Ginny drank in the sound, not wanting the moment to end. If it was up to her, they would drive through the night, not stopping until they reached the edge of the world.
This fic feels so gentle.  Ginny is playing with the Holyhead Harpies, the loud and boisterous world of Quidditch and Luna is off doing her peaceful thing on her own on the edges of town. This is a delicate and at times painful telling of past trauma and how we can find love and beauty even as we keep going through it.  
💐 Nothing More Than That { Drarry | G | 2021 | 1k }
Harry goes to a florist on New Year’s Day to buy a bouquet for Molly. He leaves with an unexpected date.
“Nothing more than that” is exactly what Harry wants.  This lovely slice of life/getting together ficlet brings a smile to my face every time I reread it.  Fay has created a lovely little florist shop, and in it is the handsome florist Draco Malfoy and the tentative customer Harry.  Happy New Years to us, indeed, and may 2021 have some of the cheer this fic brings.
🧵 Long Tale Cast On { Wolfstar | T | 2019 | 25k }
When Sirius and Lily decide to start a craft night in the yarn store in an effort to draw in a younger crowd, they look to the bar across the street to provide refreshments. Sirius is taken with bar owner Remus from the start, but neither James nor Lily's encouragement is enough to bridge the chronic pain and anxiety that conspire to keep them apart. With time, effort, and some terrible knitting, Sirius and Remus eventually find that life has a strange way of working out.
"The thing you need to understand about Sirius is that he's very worried about making mistakes, about getting things wrong. When he's talking about knitting he's confident in his skills, so it comes easily. When he's talking to people about other things, especially with people that matter to him." Here she taps Remus' arm just lightly again. "His fear gets the better of him."
Queer joy, found family, and deep love are key to Long Tale Cast On.  With a dear Sirius who is effusive and anxious and incredibly kind and a Remus who is funny and charming, and Lily who is so loving, and Dorcas and Marlene (yes, Dorlene!!)... This fic is one that will make you fall in love with Wolfstar all over, and with what it means to care for one another even with all the hard stuff.  An iconic Bluefay fic!
📚 H. J. Granger’s Book Emporium  { Hermione | G | 2021 | Art }
Hermione buys a bookshop after the war.
As though Fay wasn’t already impressive enough with her writing, she has also offered us this lovely illustration.  Featuring a big and well-loved Crookshanks, a joyful Hermione, and the AU I didn’t know I needed, this piece is one that will certainly make you smile.  
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 3 years
Rain Song- 4
So here is the long awaited chapter 4! I hope you enjoy it. 
Thank you so much for all of your likes, re-blogs and the few comments I’ve gotten. It gives me motivation to keep going! If you would like to be tagged, please let me know!
Requests are always open! Check out my prompt here. I write for Harry Potter, The Avengers, Supernatural & TVD/The Originals.
Series Masterlist
Tag List: @marsbowiemoon @themeanestlittlewitch​ @banana-tree-freddiemercury @boba-king-iroh 
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Hope laid in her bed starting out the window as she absentmindedly stroked Crookshank’s orange fur. She had taken Cedric’s advice about not confronting her Uncle earlier in the evening. Yet Hope knew she wouldn’t sleep again without an explanation. Hope hopped out of her bed, slid her slippers on and made her way down the stairs.
Hermione was sitting with Ron and a miserable looking Harry. He had tried to apologize when she got back but Hope would not look at him. She was furious. How could he have thought she would have kept that from him. She knew the feeling that the truth was being hidden. She couldn’t do that to someone else. Even if it meant spilling the truth about her own father.
“Hope?” Hermione sounded optimistic that she was coming to sit with them. She was stomping towards the portrait hole in her sweat pants and a t-shirt. Hermione realize quickly that she was leaving. “Hope it’s after hours.”
“I don’t care Hermione. I need to speak with my uncle.” Hope paused to answer her friend.
“If you’re caught you could get detention.” Hermione tried to reason. Hope rolled her eyes.
“Hermione- there are worse things than getting detention. I don’t care.” Hope snapped. Hermione hadn’t expected that kind of reaction. Before she could say anything else, Hope was gone.
“That’s my fault.” Harry sighed miserably. “I was just so worked up...I shouldn’t have taken it out on her. I shouldn’t have assumed.” Harry felt a mixture of rage at the man that betrayed his parents, guilt for attacking his daughter...one of his best friends. He felt a deep affection for her, mostly, he thought, because she had an idea of what he felt. Harry was just happy that she had Remus and didn’t have to go through childhood like he did. 
“That’s obvious.” Ron muttered, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. “Don’t take it personally Hermione. I’m sure she’ll apologize.”
“No, it’s alright. I shouldn’t have said that.” Hermione sighed. “I was just trying to think of something that would make her stay.  Should I follow her?”
“No, definitely not.” Harry shook his head. “She needs to do whatever it is she’s doing. Drawing more attention to her won’t help. She was lied to as well. I’m assuming she’ll be having a go at her Uncle. ” Hermione let out a hefty sigh and sat back in her plush chair. Harry was right. Hope needed space. Now they just had to wait for her to come back.
Hope’s anger was palpable. Her explosive temper was bubbling to the surface. It had to be a gift from her father. Remus had always told her that her mother had been infinitely patient. She blinked back tears as she made her way down the corridor. She didn’t know what she was going to say, but she couldn’t hold this in.
“Ms. Lupin!” Hope halted and slowly turned when she heard the cold voice.
“Professor Snape.” Her voice was clipped.
“What are you doing in the corridors after hours?”  Hope took a deep breath.
“I need to see my Uncle.” She wrapped her arms around herself. Snape eyed her curiously. Her distress  was clear. Snape saw so much of Evanora Lupin in front of him, but the look in her blazing grey eyes were the eyes of Sirius Black.
“I’ve told you before that your Uncle being on staff doesn’t exempt you from the rules.”
“I understand. If you feel the need to give me detention then I supposed that is your prerogative. I’m sure something in your dungeon needs cleaning. But I’m going to see my Uncle.” Snape felt a mix of anger and respect for the girl in front of him.
“I cannot let you go unattended.” Hope turned as she felt Snape grab her arm. For a split second Hope tried to pull her arm from his grasp but then she was hit with an onslaught of visions so overwhelming she grabbed her chest as she gasped. Snape raised his brows in alarm.
“Let- let go! Let me go!” Hope screamed. The images were overwhelming. There was a ponding in her ears but she heard McGonagall’s alarmed voice and then her Uncle’s.
“Get your hands off my niece.” Snape drew his hand back quickly and Lupin caught Hope as she stumbled.
“Severus- what is going on?!” McGonagall demanded.
“I came upon her in the corridor saying she was going to Lupin. I reminded her that being his niece did not exempt her from the rules. She insisted and when she tried to leave without being accompanied I simply grabbed her arm and well you saw the rest.” Snape was trying to hide his shock. He had never seen anyone react like that before. Lupin was holding Hope and trying to calm her down.
“You have no right to put your hands on a student.” Lupin was angry. He didn’t show anger very often, Snape knew that, but his eyes were blazing. Before either of them could say anything Hope had seemingly pulled herself together and shoved Remus away. “Hope?”
“You lied.” Her voice was horse but it still dripped with coldness, her eyes were hard. The color had darkened, the way it did whenever she was angry.
“Lied about what?” Lupin was running the gamut in his brain. There was nothing he could think of that they had discussed lately that would warrant her ire.
“About him.” Then it hit him. Lupin and Hope both knew what him she was speaking of. “They’re dead because of him and you lied and kept it from me.” Hot tears poured down her cheek. The look on Lupin’s face told her she was right. She had hoped that he would have denied it. Deep in her heart she couldn’t believe it, but her Uncle did.
“I did not want you to shoulder that. It’s not your job to make up for what he did.” It took McGonagall a moment before the realization hit her. “Who told you?” Lupin asked. 
Hope scoffed and then turned to her Head of House. “You should take care, Professor, when you discuss sensitive matters in the Three Broomsticks.” Hope snapped. Never in her life would she have ever expected herself to speak to Minerva McGonagall in that tone, but she was so angry it was bubbling toward the surface. The exchange was interrupted as footsteps approached them.
“Hope, might you join me in my office?” Albus Dumbledore stood a few steps away. She nodded and stepped towards him. “Don’t worry Remus, I will get her back to Gryffindor Tower safely. You two can discuss the matter tomorrow. Hope, make your way to my office, I’ll be there shortly. The password is Jelly Slugs.”  
Hope silently made her way to The Head Master’s office. Her mind was spinning at the images that had popped into her head when Snape had touched her. She was in such a fog she didn’t notice much of anything when she entered his office and there was a lot to notice.  In fact, she didn’t realize The Headmaster had joined her until she felt Dumbledore touch her arm as he went to take a seat.
“Hope- I need to know what you saw when Professor Snape touched you.” Dumbledore watched Hope closely.
“I’m still trying to work it out. I-I don’t understand. I normally don’t have this happen with someone I’m not close with. And quite frankly, with all due respect, someone I dislike so immensely.” Hope avoided the word hate. She saw a glimmer of a smile flicker on Dumbledore’s face. “Professor-“ Hope let out a sigh of frustration. “Why does that happen to me in the first place?”
“I suspect you, like your mother, are a rare legilimens. She too could see the thoughts and memories of others upon touching them. With practice she was able to become quite gifted at legilimency.” Hope let that sink in for a moment. Dumbledore took it as a sign to continue. “Like you, at first, it happened against her will and only with those who she had a bond. I also suspect that the reason it happened with Professor Snape is due to your heightened emotional state.”
“He was a Death Eater.” Hope started picking through the images in her head. “He was close with Voldemort. But he...he switched sides? There are so many memories.” Hope shook her head. She felt nauseated. She could feel Severus Snape’s internal anguish. It was hard to picture him as someone who had those feelings.
“There is much more to it than that.” Dumbledore sighed. “Hope, I must ask you to keep this to yourself. You cannot tell any of your friends, especially Harry.” Hope looked at the headmaster quizzically.
“Lily.” She whispered. Her hand covering her mouth. A young girl with startling green eyes was staring at her from her own mind. The same eyes she had seen before she knew they belonged to Harry. “He- he knew Harry’s mother. He loved her?” Hope’s nose scrunched as shesaw Lily through Snape’s eyes. “How could he love her and be so awful to Harry?” Dumbledore watched as Hope started piecing things together. “Because he hated James. And Harry is the physical embodiment of his father. But that’s no excuse for the way he treats Harry? For the way he treat any student that isn’t in his house?! You’re protecting him! You let him verbally abuse his students! How could you allow it?” Dumbledore sighed and pinched the bridge of his crooked nose.
“Hope, when Voldemort fell, Professor Snape was working as a spy. No one ever found out. I need that secrecy to remain. If he were to behave differently, someone would notice. Any remaining Death Eaters would question his loyalty. There will come a time where Lord Voldemort will return and it is essential that Professor Snape be able to pick up where he left off.”
“I understand that. But there is a big difference between favoring Harry for being Lily’s son and behaving like a decent human being! Did you know that Neville’s boggart is Snape?” Dumbledore held back the need to correct Hope and remind her to call him Professor. She was far too angry, and rightfully so.
“I did not know that.” Dumbledore watched the range of expressions on Hope’s face.
“So I’m supposed to keep my mouth shut to protect him. I think it’s only fair that maybe you have a chat with him on how he treats his students, at least Neville.” Hope huffed. Dumbledore smiled.
“I will talk with Professor Snape about Neville. You know Hope, any one else would extort something for themselves. It’s very admirable you are thinking of your fellow students.” Hope’s face turned red.
“I didn’t mean to come across as blackmail.” Hope’s anger deflated. “I just think that if Neville was given more guidance and patience he would have more confidence. It’s his lack of confidence that holds him back.”
“I didn’t think you meant it as blackmail. I think it’s a fair request.” Dumbledore reassured Hope.  “I’m sure you will have questions as more of his memories become clear to you. You are always welcome to come to me. You have a terribly powerful gift that carries a burden. I watched your mother struggle with it, but once she got the hang of it, she managed beautifully.”
“What do you mean by burden?”
“You see things that are coming, or could be coming. Often times, you must keep them to yourself. Fate is a funny thing.”
“I don’t understand.”  Dumbledore paused for a moment. He needed to decide how to tell her. He wished Remus had been more forthcoming.
“Your mother knew she was going to die. She saw it. She also knew it was necessary so you could be saved. She had your Uncle take you away and stayed behind. She was afraid The Death Eaters would take you. They wouldn’t know for sure if you had the same gifts your mother did, but they no doubt would have tried to hold you until you were old enough to show your powers. That is why your Uncle kept you from the magical community. Voldemort’s supporters are still out there. He was afraid they would come for you.” He watched as Hope silently blinked back tears. “Hope, I know that you are angry with him. You have every right to be. I also know your empathy knows no bounds. Try to understand his fear and his need to protect you. He knew the pain you would feel growing up without your parents. He wanted to spare you the pain of the full truth.”
“My Uncle won’t like it.”
“Well, we are past that point. If you don’t learn to control it, it will be much more difficult for you. He knows, deep down, you will need help that he can’t provide. Hope I ask that you remain patient with him as he slowly unburdened himself to you. He is still your guardian and he will balance the truth and your safety. I know it’s frustrating, but you have to give him time.”
“I know. I’m just so angry right now and confused. I’m angry at Harry for accusing me of lying to him. But I know it’s because I told him I thought there was more to what happened with my father. That him being a Death Eater doesn’t make sense. But I wouldn’t lie to Harry. Not when I already told him so much of my truth. And then to find out like that and not from my uncle, it hurts.” Fawkes had perched on her knee and was nudging her hand with his head so she would pet him. He apparently didn’t like to see her upset.
“Give yourself time to be angry. You have every right to feel what you feel, but don’t stay angry too long so that you miss out on the people you care about.” Hope nodded. “Now, I know it is past curfew, but you’ll find Mr. Diggory waiting for you right outside my office. I have instructed Mr. Filch that you both have my permission to be out of your dormitories. But don’t stay out too late, you look very tired.” Hope felt her heart jump slightly. “But I feel some cheering up is most important.”
“Thank you Professor.” Dumbledore gave her a kind smile.
“We will start meeting after the Christmas Holiday. Oh and Hope- Happy early birthday.” She grinned at quickly made her way out of his office.
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As promised, there stood Cedric. His hair slightly tussled and his grey blue eyes shining. He was wearing flannel pajama pants and a hoodie. Like always, his smile took her breath away.
“Hey Lupes.” She felt a sudden wave of emotion and felt tears spring to her eyes. “Hey- hey, it’s okay.” He rushed to her and pulled her to his torso and wrapped her in his arms. Like a reflex, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. As she inhaled deeply, the familiar scent of sandalwood drifted into her nose. The rich sweet smell was beginning to remind her  of comfort and safety. After a few moments, Cedric pulled away so he could look at her. He wiped her tears and smiled softly. “C’mon, let’s go. It’s not very often we get permission to roam the castle this late. I know exactly where to go.”
 She was beginning to realize she would follow Cedric just about anywhere. She nodded to give him the okay. He slipper his hand into hers and led her through the castle. Soon Cedric was leading Hope up a set of stone steps. She knew it wasn’t the Owlery. When they reached the top of the stairs, Cedric led her into the circular room. It was the Astronomy Tower. As it was a clear night, Hope looked around at every star that was illuminating the sky.
“This is…wow.” The chill in the night air nipped at Hope’s skin and she felt a shiver run through her body. Cedric pulled his hands from hers. He slipped his hooded Chudley Cannons sweatshirt off and handed it to Hope.
“You’re freezing.”
“What about you.”
“I have a thermal shirt on. I’ll be fine.  I can see the goosebumps on your arm. Why do I have a feeling this late night stroll wasn’t planned. Hope what happened?”
“I…I was laying in bed and I was just so angry. I wanted to speak to my uncle and then I bumped into Snape and it was a whole thing.” Hope rolled the cuffs of Cedric’s sweatshirt. He was staring down studying her face.
“You’re leaving something out.”
“Hope- you were with the headmaster after hours. He sent an owl to Professor Sprout for me to meet you.” Hope wouldn’t meet his eyes. She wished she could tell him everything, but she had made a promise to Dumbledore. She felt him hook his finger under her chin and tipped her head up to look him in the eye. “It’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it. You don’t have to say anything. You can tell me when you’re ready.”
“Cedric…” Hope started, but was stopped by his lips lightly pressing on hers.
“Don’t say anything. I’m here to make you feel better, not worse.” He ran his thumb over her cheek. She felt like the air in her lungs was sucked out and her heart was pounding. “Is it working?” He whispered and when she nodded he kissed her again, only not as softly this time. She was breathless again when he pulled away. “Good.” He smiled down at her again. “C’mon, let’s sit.”
 He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. He motioned for Hope to sit in front of him with a grin. She sat down and he pulled her so her back was against hischest. They sat quietly for a while. Hope desperately wanted to tell him everything but she wasn’t sure how he would react. She felt him rub his nose against her neck and she felt a fresh batch of goosebumps erupt all over her skin.
“Thank you, Ced.”
“For what?”
“For not pushing me to talk. There are things that I can’t tell you. I made a promise that I wouldn’t. I want to tell you, but I Just can’t.
“Hope, you don’t have to explain anything I understand. Maybe you could think of something you could tell me that I don’t know.”
“My birthday is tomorrow…well in a couple of hours that is.”
“Winter Solstice baby?”
“Least amount of daylight all year.”
“I’m betting you make the day seem a bit brighter. You make every one of my days brighter.”
“That’s quite a line.”
“It’s the truth.” Hope leaned her head back and rested it on Cedric’s shoulder. She felt him kiss her cheek. “I should get you back to your common room, it’s really late.”
“True- at Midnight I might turn into a pumpkin.”
“Pumpkin? What?” Hope laughed.
“It’s a Muggle fairytale, sorry I forget you wouldn’t understand the reference.” Cedric dropped his forehead on her shoulder and laughed. Hope sat for a few more moments enjoying the heat of Cedric against her. He groaned as she stood up. She put her hand out to help him up.
“Just one quick thing before I take you back.” Before Hope could say anything Cedric was kissing her again by cupping her face. When he pulled away he gave her another boyish grin. “Early birthday kiss.” He put his arm around her shoulders and led her out of the Astronomy Tower. They walked in a comfortable silence as they made their way to Gryffindor Tower.
“Here you go M’lady, safe and sound.” Hope laughed.
“Thanks Ced.“
“For walking you back to your tower? I mean I’m quite certain you could have found it on your own.” She was pretty sure the way he was looking at her was going to make her heart explode.
“For making me feel better. For not trying forcing me to talk.”
“Hope, I’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to do or can’t do. But can I offer some advice?”
“Don’t stay angry at Harry or your Uncle for too long. I can’t imagine how it would feel to have you angry at me.”
“Hope- you love them, both of them. They made mistakes, and you have every right to be mad. I just feel like it’s going to hurt you more if you stay mad.” Hope sighed.
“You’re right.” Cedric gave her a satisfied look. “Don’t get used to hearing that.” She pointed her finger at him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Speaking of dreams, only good ones Lupes.” Cedric leaned down and kissed her one last time. “Birthday Breakfast tomorrow?” Hope nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Hope watched as he walked away. Half way down the corridor he turned and gave her one last grin. When he turned back around, she gave Sir Calogen the password and climbed into the portrait hole. She hoped The Fat Lady would be back soon.  As she looked up Harry jumped up from his chair. He, Ron and Hermione were seated near the fire.
“Hope! Where have you been?! It’s almost midnight.” She gave him a scathing look. “Whose sweatshirt is that?”
“None of your business.” Harry grabbed her arm as she tried to stalk back. She yanked her arm away.
“We were worried. I- I was worried.” Hope felt the ice around her heart crack slightly, but she wasn’t ready to relent.
“I’m sorry I made you worry.” And she continued up the steps up to her dorm room and left Harry gaping at the bottom of the stairs.
Hope pulled Cedric’s sweatshirt up and took a deep breath in to smell his cologne. She didn’t ever think she would feel like this about a boy.
“Hope?” Hermione called from the doorway. “Are you okay?” Hope turned to face her.
“Yes…and no. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you or make you worry.”
“You don’t need to apologize. You were just gone for a really long time. We were afraid that you got caught.”
Hope sighed as she sat down on her bed and patted next to her so Hermione would sit with her. Hermione listened with attention. Hope left out the details about Snape that Dumbledore asked her not to tell to herself. It wasn’t her place to share anyway.
“Wow…that’s a lot.” Hope nodded. “I can’t believe that he had Cedric waiting for you. And The Astronomy tower sounds very romantic. Oh! You’re blushing.”  Hermione grinned. “You’re falling for him.”
“Stop it.” Hermione grinned again.
“You will try and forgive Harry won’t you?”
“I will. I just need some time.”
“What about your Uncle?”
“I just, I knew there were things he wasn’t telling me, but this is huge. I need him to be honest with me.”
“Hope, he loves you so much. He just wants to protect you.”
“I know. But sometimes protecting someone is worse for them than the truth.”
“I know, but Christmas is this week. You don’t want to be fighting.”
“Hermione…I promise that I will make up with my uncle AND Harry before Christmas. I just need some time to stew in it.” Hermione nodded.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me it’s your birthday.” Hope waived her off. “I don’t want anyone making a big deal.”
“Well I suppose it’s good that your Uncle let it slip to Harry.” Hermione grinned as Hope moaned. “So you really need to make up with Harry tomorrow morning.” Hope gave Hermione a scathing look.
“After my breakfast with Cedric. He leaves tomorrow for the Christmas holiday. Now go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”
“Probably all of the kissing you did.” Hermione teased. Hope glared at her one last time before hastily shutting her bed curtains.
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Hope swallowed as she walked down the stairs to the common room. She knew the walk to the Great Hall would be awkward. She paused at the bottom step and took a calming breath and made her way into the common room. Ron grinned at her when he saw her.
“Happy Birthday!” He yelled. She rolled her eyes and made her way over to Ron and Hermione.
“Thanks Ron.” She looked around slightly. “Where’s-“
“Harry is running late. He’ll meet us in the Great Hall.” Hope nodded at Ron. 
“C’mon- don’t want to be late for your birthday breakfast with your boyfriend” he teased. Hope gave Hermione a dirty look. Hope followed Ron and Hermione out of the portrait hole and looked towards the steps of the boys dormitory. She had a feeling Harry wasn’t running late but wanted to spare her.
Hope tuned out Ron and Hermione’s bickering about Scabbers and Crookshanks. Hope stopped in her tracks. There stood Cedric leaning against the wall in front of The Great Hall. He had two long stemmed lavender roses in his hand. He was wearing a navy blue v-neck sweater that Hope knew would make his eyes stand out. His smile beamed when he saw her walking towards him.
“We’ll uh, leave you to it.” Ron wiggled his eyebrows and then groaned when Hope elbowed him in his stomach. She heard Cedric’s laugh ring out. Cedric watched as her eyes sparkled as she approached him.
“When did you have time to get flowers? You found out about my birthday not even 10 hours ago.”
“You do know my head of house runs the Herbology department. She also happens to be very fond of you.”
“Which is surprising because I’m dreadful at Herbology. And how did you know lavender roses were my favorite?”
“Your Uncle. I sent him and owl last night. Right after I sent one to my mother. You didn’t give me much time.”
“Your mother?” Cedric grinned and placed his hand on the small of her back and led her into The Great Hall. He had clearly gotten there early to snag two seats at the end of the Gryffindor table. There was a present wrapped and placed at the end of the table between the two seats. There were balloons at the end of the table as well. Hope felt the heat rush to her face as everyone stared at them. Cedric pulled the chair out and helped her into her seat. Her plate was filled with an omelet and toast. She could tell it was filled with sausages, peppers and onions with extra cheese, her favorite.
“Also your Uncle.” Cedric pointed to her plate when he saw her look of surprise.
“Cedric, this is, wow.”
“Happy Birthday Lupes. I wish I had more time.”
“I can’t really think of what else you would need more time for Ced. This is amazing.” He beamed.
“I guess you’ll find out next year, won’t you?”
“Confident I’ll keep you around huh?” Hope could listen to Cedric laugh forever.
“I just wish I wasn’t leaving today for two weeks.”
“You could stay at Hogwarts you know.”
“And miss my family Christmas party? My father would come get me himself. You going to be okay here?” Concern flooded his face.
“Yeah I’ll be fine. My uncle is here. Hermione and Ron are staying too.”
“And Harry?”
“Yes and Harry. His Aunt and Uncle are horrible. He was the main reason the 3 of us decided to stay. Uncle Remus had suggested going to my cousin’s house, but I think I’d rather be here.”
“It’s nice that he has friends like the three of you. Did you talk to him last night when you got back?” Hope sighed.
“No. I just need a little more time. I did promise Hermione that I would forgive him before Christmas. C’mon let’s eat. That way we’ll have a little time before you leave.”
“Open this first.” Cedric handed her the wrapped gift. Hope took it from him and slowly opened it up. It was a leather bound copy of “Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales”. Hope blinked for a few seconds and looked at Cedric.
“One of my roommates is a Muggle. He explained the pumpkin reference. I just thought that you might like it.” Hope ran her hand over the soft black leather and the gold embossed writing.
“I love it. I love fairy tales.”
“Well then I guess I just got lucky.” Hope felt the breath leave her lungs again when she looked at Cedric. He had that effect on her. He took her hand and squeezed it.
“Thank you, Cedric.”
“You are more than welcome. Maybe we can ask Hermione to bring this stuff up to your room. We can go for a walk and then I can grab my trunk and you can maybe walk me to the carriages?”
“I’d love that.” Cedric jumped up and walked over to Hermione. As Hope looked up, she saw Harry starring at her. He mouthed “Happy Birthday.” and looked away.
Hope’s face was still burning as she walked back into the castle. She and Cedric had strolled the corridors as he told her about the Diggory Christmas party. While he was an only child, he had a rather large extended family. They had ended up at their window and they sat closely together.
“So, I know we’ve only had one date.”
“Well today kind of feels like a second date.” Hope mused.
“I suppose it is.” Cedric ran his nose up her cheek and kissed her temple. Hope was certain her new skin tone was blush. “Be my girlfriend. Give me something for my mother to tell my gossip hungry aunts.”
“Well if it’s to help out your mother. She did help get me a lovely book and balloons for my birthday.”
“I mean we can break up after the Easter holidays.” Hope laughed.
“I’d love to be your girlfriend Ced.”
“I mean I’m solely in it for the gifts…” Cedric interrupted her with a kiss.
“Now I really wish I was staying here for the holiday.”
“I guess this will give you time to miss me. You have to get going Ced. You’ll miss the carriages to the train.”
“I know. Do me a favor?”
“Anything…well almost anything.”
“Make up with your Uncle and Harry. You’ll feel better.”
Cedric was right of course. So she promised she would. Which was how she found herself on her way to her Uncle’s office. She hesitated before she knocked.
“It’s open.” She hears his tired voice ring out. She slowly opened the door. She felt her anger ebb away when she saw how strained he looked. When he saw her he jumped to his feet.  “Hope! I’m so glad to see you. I’m so sorry-“ Hope held her hand up to stop him. She rushed over and wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him. She felt his body relax as he hugged her back. “Come sit” he finally said. She took and Remus sat next to her. He sighed. “I know that you’re angry. You have every right to be. There is just so much that you don’t know. And I know you want to know everything and I know you think you’re old enough to know it. The Minister was concerned about you and Harry when your father broke out from Azkaban. He wanted the details of his arrest kept from the both of you. He was worried and quite frankly so was I that you or Harry would leave Hogwarts and go look for him.” Hope nodded. “Hope I love you very much. Your mother asked me to keep you safe. I told you before, I can’t lose you too. You’re all I have left.”
“Uncle Remus, I know. I promise you that I won’t go look for him, but you have to promise to tell me more. I need to know.”
“Darling, I promise you someday I will tell you more. Unfortunately, there isn’t much else I can tell you about what happened with your father than what you know. I wasn’t there. All I can tell you is that he grew increasingly paranoid and had pushed me away. Your mother tried to keep us close. But, she was unsuccessful. She may have known more than she let on, but she must have had her reasons for keeping it to herself.”
“Dumbledore called it a terrible gift. And that she had to stay quiet about a lot of things and something about fate.” Remus wiped a stray tear from her cheek.
“Hope, I’m begging you to let this go. Please. Nothing can change what happened. I will share more about your parents with you, when I’m feeling better.”
“Oh Uncle Remus…I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine reliving this is easy for you. I’ve been so selfish. You had to live through all of this and I’m asking you to go through it again.”
“Hope, Darling, you don’t need to apologize.” He waved her off. He studied her face. “So you’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Cedric.” He smiles as she blushed.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend.” Hope wasn’t sure how her Uncle would react. He did tend to be over protective.
“He is a very nice young man and he’s very lucky if you have agreed.” Remus laughed at her expression. “Don’t look so shocked Hope. Anyone that makes you as happy as I have seen you lately has my blessing. Now wait here, I want to get you your birthday present. Though I’m not sure I can beat that breakfast.” He winked at her and laughed as her face grew red again. “Now, I had Arthur help me with this, so I hope it works the way it is supposed to.” He handed Hope the package. Hope smiled at her Uncle’s inept at wrapping a present. She pulled out a Disc Man that seemed to have some odd attachments.
“Uncle Remus…I, I’m confused.” He smiled.
“Well I know how much your music quiets your mind, I also know that yours hasn’t worked since we’ve been at Hogwarts. Arthur is rather talented at enchanting non magical objects- oh!” Hope had flung her arms around her Uncle.
“Thank you so much. I’ve missed my music so much.” Hope cried.
“You’re welcome Darling, Happy Birthday. Now you should get back to your common room. I feel there might be some other surprises waiting for you and I need to rest.” Hope kissed her Uncle on the cheek.
“I’ll come check on you tomorrow. Do you have your potion?”
“Yes, Professor Snape brought it by earlier. You don’t have to worry.” Hope hesitated. “Hope- go, enjoy the rest of your birthday. I will be fine.” Hope beamed at him one final time and rushed out of his office and headed toward the Gryffindor common room.
Harry watched as the fire crackled. He was miserable. He couldn’t stop kicking himself for what had happened the night before. He was quick to anger and Hope was quick to hang on to anger. It was his own fault. He was tuning out Hermione and Ron bickering as they hung up decorations for Hope’s birthday. They had a few presents piled up for her. Fred and George had assisted by getting food and a cake. Harry had no idea where and how they had gotten all of it. Harry knew Hope would be pleased with the chocolate cake. He had given up on watching her on the Maurader’s Map. He had tortured himself enough by watching her and Cedric moving around the map. He assumed Cedric had left already.
“Oh you guys!” Hope cried as she clamored through the portrait hole.
“No! We weren’t done yet!” Hermione protested.
“Well, I’ll go sit over here and you can finish hanging the banner.” Hope grinned. She wandered over and sat near Harry. He could feel her gray eyes studying him, waiting for him to say something. She sighed. “Harry, please look at me.” He slowly turned to look at her. Her heart cracked at the look on his face.
“That was some birthday breakfast.” He commented. “You seem really happy.”
“Harry.” Hope took his hand. His green eyes met her gray ones.
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have even thought you would ever lie to me. And I certainly shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m also sorry for ruining your date. But what I’m mostly sorry for you finding out the truth like that. I found out a similar way.”
“I accept your apology. It’s okay, really. You weren’t thinking straight. I had a similar moment last night.“ Harry grinned as Hope gave him a run down of her hallway flip out.
“I kind of wish I could have seen you yell at Snape.”
“Yeah he didn’t know what to do. I have a feeling it was a first.”
“Well a first that he didn’t tear you down.”
“Well I feel my Uncle may have taken him out. His friendly demeanor tends to go away when I’m involved.”
“Oh good! You’ve made up!” Hermione exclaimed when she came over.
“I did tell you last night that we would be fine. I have a feeling that this won’t be our first spat on the account we both have horrendous tempers.” Harry bumped Hope with his shoulder.
“So…how’s your boyfriend? Pretty fancy breakfast.” Ron teased.
“He’s good. Almost home I bet.” Ron’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t say he wasn’t your boyfriend!” Hope shrugged.  Ron wiggled his eyebrows.
“Shut it.” Hope threw a pillow at Ron. Hermione noticed how quiet Harry had gotten but didn’t comment. Ron made a few more obnoxious comments before Hermione intervened with presents.
“So Fred and George’s gift is the food and the enormous cake. They also told me to make fun of you and Cedric.” Ron handed her his gift that was filled with sweets from Honeydukes. “I wasn’t sure what to get you so I figured replenishing your sugar supply would be appreciated.” Ron was pleased with Hope’s happiness. Hermione handed her a rather heavy package. Hope was not surprised by the Arithmancy book on her lap.
“I figured it would help you catch up from missing the first couple of weeks of class.” Hermione was sheepish.
“Hermione, this is perfect.”
“I still can’t believe you dropped such an easy class to take Arithmancy.” Ron scoffed.
“I could not handle Trewlawney and her hack of a class.”  Ron shook his head. Harry leaned forward and handed Hope a beautifully wrapped package. She looked up and smiled at him. Apparently it was the day for leather bound. Harry had gotten Hope a gorgeous royal blue leather bound sketch book with her initials embossed on the lower right hand corner. He had also included some new charcoal pencils and watercolor pencils.
“Harry, this is beautiful. How did you manage this?”
“Hermione helped. I knew what I wanted to get you, so she found it for me.” Hope hugged him.
“I love it. It’s perfect.”
A while later, Hope was stuffed with great food and a magnificent cake. She was putting her gifts away when she noticed a small present on the end of her bed. Confused, she sat down and slowly opened it. It was an antique looking silver ring shaped like a rose. Underneath was a small note.
Hope- this was your mother’s and I thought you might like to have it. Happy Birthday, I wish I could have been there for all of them.
 Hope felt tears spring to her eyes. Underneath the note was a picture. It was a photo of her being held by one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Her eyes  were looking back at her in the form of her father, Sirius Black.
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The Christmas holiday wasn’t as relaxing as she had hoped. It had started with Crookshanks going after Scabbers and grew worse when McGonagall confiscated The Firebolt for testing. Harry and Ron were furious with Hermione. Hope understood where Hermione was coming from and actually agreed that it should have been looked at. That made Ron and Harry angry with her as well, just not as angry as they were with Hermione.
Hope had kept the gift from her father to herself. At first, it was to process it and then it was to obsess over it. By the time she was ready to talk about it, McGonagall had taken Harry’s Firebolt. There was no way she was going to risk anyone taking that ring or the note and photo her father had sent. She knew, even I’d be was after Harry, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Her Uncle had been recovering from the full moon so she didn’t want to bring it up and worry him. Her only option was Cedric, but she didn’t dare put it in writing. He had sent her a letter and some chocolate on Christmas morning stating he wanted to give her the gift he got her in person. Hope had spent her holiday with Hermione trying to find a way to save Buckbeak and working on a sketch of the Astronomy Tower. Her Uncle had helped her get a really beautiful silver frame to place it in. She was also able to order a really nice cerulean sweater. It would look perfect with his eyes.
She screeched as she felt a pair of arms around her waist and spin her around in a circle. Once her feet hit the ground she spun to see Cedric grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Cedric had managed to get his father to set up him coming back early. He had arrived by Floo. Hope had written to him about how horribly her vacation was going and so he came back early.  Hope had her hand on her chest as her heart pounded. She swatted at him and then laughed.
“Sorry Love, couldn’t help myself.”
“You didn’t have to come back early. I feel bad that I pulled you away from your parents early.”
“Are you kidding? It was my mom’s idea. She’s absolutely smitten with you.” Hope rolled her eyes.
“She doesn’t even know me.”
“She knows you like I know you. She can’t wait to meet you.”
“Well now she’s going to be disappointed when she actually meets me. I’m sure you exaggerated.”
“Well, then so did Arthur Weasley when he told my father how wonderful you are.” Hope groaned. He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her lightly. “I missed you.”
“It’s only been a week and a half.” She joked. “I missed you too. It’s been kind of awful.”
“It sounded so from your letter.”
“And I down played it.”
“What’s the matter?” He studied her face.
“What do you mean?”
“I can tell by your eyes. You have the same look that you did when you told me about your dad.” He watched Hope look around nervously. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him over to their window. Cedric sat down and watched her pace for a few moments. “Hope, you’re making me dizzy.” She sighed and reached into the front pocket of her hoodie and handed him the ring, the note and the photo. He scrunched his brow at the ring after he examined it for a moment. He looked at the photo and then she watched as his eyes went wide and he looked up at her. She was pacing again. 
“Have you shown this to anyone else?” She shook her head no and continued pacing. On her way back in front of him he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. “I take that as a no.”
“I needed some time to process and then by the time I was ready the whole thing with Harry’s new broom happened. And then I was afraid they would take the ring, and it was my mother’s.” Cedric rested his chin on her shoulder.
“I understand. Not even your Uncle?”
“He would go mental. I can’t. I can’t do that to him. Plus I don’t want to fight with him.”
“I understand.”
“There’s more…”
“Hope you’re killing me.” She reached back into her and pulled out another card. Cedric read it out loud.
“Merry Christmas Sweetheart” Cedric read aloud. “Well if it wasn’t in the same handwriting I would be jealous. Did it come with a gift?”
“A really beautiful cashmere sweater. It’s this bluish-purple. It fits perfectly. I lied and said it was from you by the way.”
“I know, I know. I don’t know how he was able to buy anything or get his hands on the ring or get it into my dorm. I just..”
“It’s all you have from your father. I understand. You’ve been holding this in for almost two weeks so you’ve had plenty of time to over think and brew.” She leaned her head against his and took all of the items and shoved them back into the front pocket of her hoodie.
“Like a strong cup of coffee.”
“Your favorite.” Hope smiled.
“My favorite. I’m really glad you’re here. I can’t take any more time in the library with Hermione.” He chucked.
“She’s pretty intense.”
“She is. And with how upset she is, it’s even worse. I can’t take the fighting between them. And I refuse to share my opinion. It’s been awful. Kiss me?” He laughed and pressed his lips against hers. They jumped apart when they heard a throat clear. Her Uncle was smiling at the two of them.
“I was hoping you would be together.”
“Hi Uncle Remus. What’s going on?” Hope felt her cheeks blazing and Cedric looked like he was going to throw up.
“Well I heard that Cedric came back a little early. I was hoping the two of you would join me for dinner tomorrow. I figured it might be nice to get together before everyone else comes back from break.”
“That, that would be great, sir.” Cedric stuttered over his words.
“Oh Cedric I don’t think we need to be so formal.” Remus mused. Hope held in a laugh. “Tomorrow at 6pm in my office?”
“That sounds great Uncle Remus.” He nodded.
“Well…carry on.” He gave Hope an amused look before he turned to leave.
Hope sat down on the windowsill and started laughing. Cedric crossed his arms in front of himself. “Sir?!” Hope continued to laugh.
“I was trying to be respectful.”
“I’m pretty sure that Professor would have been just as respectful.” Cedric’s face turned crimson. “I’m just teasing. It’s just, it’s my Uncle. He would be perfectly happy with you calling him Remus. It’s how he is.”
“Yeah…well…” Cedric huffed.
“Don’t be mad…I really needed that laugh. I mean I suppose it’s only fair for the way you scared me when you got here.”
“Okay truce. So…feel like breaking some rules?” Hope raised her eyebrows. 
“Well…no one from Hufflepuff stayed behind for the holidays. I was thinking I could sneak you in so we could exchange gifts and be alone?”
“Why Mr. Diggory I am SHOCKED.” Hope made a mock gasp. “I’ll go get your gift and meet you outside of your common room?”
“Sounds like a plan.” He grinned.
Hope rushed down the steps of her dormitory, Cedric’s gifts in hand. She was happy to see Harry and Ron playing chess.
“Harry!” Hope exclaimed. Both he and Ron jumped.
“Surprised you’re not in the Library with Hermione.” Ron snarked. Hope rolled her eyes.
“Don’t start Ronald. I’m not picking sides in this stupid fight.” Ron scoffed.
“Could have fooled me. You’ve been avoiding us and spending all of your time with Hermione. And it’s not stupid.” He argued. Hope felt the anger in her bubbling beneath the surface.
“So I should what? Leave her by herself all break. You know, I expect this from you Ron. But not from you.” She gave Harry a pointed look. Ron started to protest, but Hope continued her tirade over him. “She stayed here for you, Harry. She could have been on Holiday with her family. And while I don’t agree with how she handled it, she’s not wrong. There could be something wrong with that broom. We watched you almost fall to your death in your last match. The two of you are so blinded by Quidditch and winning you don’t care what you risk. You’re being childish. The pair of you. Though I’m sure you’ll be over it by the time you need her help with lessons.” 
Hope turned on her heel. She had planned to ask Harry to borrow the Marauders Map, but she didn’t want anything from him. She was satisfied with how ashamed Harry looked.
“Wait where are you going?” Ron called. Hope stopped and turned back.
“Cedric came back early when he heard how miserable this break has been. I’m going to spend the evening with him.” And with that, she stalked out of the portrait hole. She wasn’t paying attention and walked right into Cedric. His strong hands gripped her so she didn’t fall.
“Easy Hope.” Cedric slowly removed his hands from her.
“I thought I was meeting you outside of the common room?” She felt out of breath.
"I got worried when you didn't turn up." She gave him a sheepish look.
"My temper got the best of me again." He quirked an eyebrow. "Harry and Ron...Ron made some stupid comment about Hermione and I kind of yelled at both of them. Like I get it, I really do. But we watched Harry almost die...if there's something wrong with that broom-" Cedric cut her off.
"Hope, you're a very good friend." He smiled. He put his arm around her. 
"C'mon...let's sneak you in." Hope looked back towards her Common Room. 
She really had to get a grip on her temper. She and Cedric walked through the corridors and past the Hogwarts Kitchen. For most of the students being gone, there was still wonderful smells coming from the House Elves inside. She knew that Fred and George had a way in there, she needed to ask them how, she wanted to visit the elves and thank them for their kindness before the start of term. Hope was barely paying attention as Cedric tapped on one of the barrels a handful of times. Her attention was grabbed when the barrels opened up to the Hufflepuff Common Room. As much as Hope loved her own Common Room, this one was also beautiful.
The bright yellow and black were a wonderful contrast and the highly polished, honey colored wood shone. True to Professor Sprout, there were colorful plants and flowers all over the common room. There were a handful of Cacti on wooden curved shelves. Plant holders dangled as ferns and ivies brushed as you passed underneath them. Over the Mantelpiece that was decorated with carved badgers was a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff.
"Cedric...this is incredible." Hope was awestruck as she looked around. He seemed pleased at how much she loved the common room.
“Come sit.” He led her over to one of the couches. She looked uneasy. “What’s wrong?”
“Just- what if Professor Sprout comes in here? Students from other houses aren’t supposed to be in common rooms that aren’t there’s!” Hope’s hand flew over her my. “I’ve been spending too much time with Hermione. She just came out of my mouth.” Cedric laughed.
“Relax. Professor Sprout doesn’t come in here unless there is an emergency.” “I think the only time I’ve seen Professor McGonagall in ours was when I was here before term.”
“Okay, open your present.” He handed her a small square box. She pulled the ribbon off and opened the box. Inside was a silver bracelet with stars. “I thought it would remind you of the Astronomy Tower. Why are you laughing?” Hope handed him his gifts. Cedric gave her a quizzical look and opened the drawing of the Astronomy Tower.
“Great minds and all.” Cedric grinned.
“Hope, this is gorgeous. I can’t wait to hang it up.”
“Yes, really.”
“I thought you might think it was lame. So I got you this too.” She handed him the sweater. He set the wrapped gift down.
“Hope- this is all I need. This is perfect. I could never think a piece of art you made was lame.” Hope rolled her eyes.
“You’re trying a little too hard.”
“Do you want to come with me while I hang it on my wall?” Hope grabbed his face and kissed him. “I thought we were arguing?” He laughed.
“I’m going to have you watch Ron and Hermione and see what arguing is really is. C’mon, open the other present. I picked it out specifically for you.” She waved at his other gift. He opened the sweater and she held it up to him. It had just the affect on his eyes as she suspected. “Perfect.” He put his arm around her and pulled her into his side.
“You’re very good at pretending to be okay, you know.”
“I am okay.”
“Okay…I’m freaking out. I just…I just want…” She pulled away and put her face in her hands.
“You just what Lupes?”
“I just want to see him. And talk to him, just once. I have so many questions. And is it so bad that I just want my father to hug me, once, so that I can remember? And that makes me so traitorous. My Uncle has given up his entire life for me. And here I am longing for someone else when he was the best father anyone could ever ask for.”
“Oh Hope…” He wiped the tears from her face. “You are NOT a traitor for wanting to know your father. That doesn’t take anything away from how much you love your Uncle or appreciate him. Hope, he loves Hope. He didn’t sacrifice his life for you. He made room in his life for you. You made his life more full.”
“You couldn’t possibly know that.”
“Yes I could because he told me.”
“Well, after I found out about your birthday I went to see him. I asked him about the pumpkin thing. He told me. And we got talking…and he wanted to know more about me since we were getting closer. And so we spoke for a while after I sent the owl to my mother to send me everything for your birthday. You act like he did this huge favor by taking care of you…but he needed you as much as you needed him. You were all be had left. You saved him as much as he saved you.” Hope started crying harder. “What? What did I say.”
“I’m horrible. I promised him I wouldn’t.”
“Hope…what are you talking about?” Cedric had no idea what she was talking about.
“Well…no ones been around because of the holidays so I figured no one would notice. And I knew he had to be close…the gifts and all…”
“Hope…I need you to say more words that make sense.” Cedric watched as Hope unraveled before his eyes.
“I wrote a letter to my father.”
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Sirius was surprised as a black tiny owl bounced around in front of him. The letter attached was addressed to him. He didn’t know who in their right mind would send him an owl. He could wish that Remus would realize that Sirius would never had betrayed James. He needed to get his hands on that rat. He tried to push down the bitterness, but it was too hard. He pulled the letter off and saw his name written in impeccable handwriting. If he didn’t know any better, he would think it was from Evanora. His Nora. He would never get over losing her and God help the Death Eater that snuffed out that bright light. Sirius took a deep breath and opened it.
Dad…Sirius…I don’t know what to call you. All I know, is that for as long as I can remember, I just wanted a Daddy. Uncle Remus has taken amazing care of me. He…he’s been everything, so please don’t worry. As much as I have missed your presence and my mother’s presence, I’ve been so incredibly loved. I want you to know that. I’m like mom. I know she told you I would be. I, am not as successful as she was, I’m hoping Professor Dumbledore will able to help me. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that since you escaped that I’ve seen nothing but darkness. After everything I’ve heard…I just have this feeling in my gut that you’re not what the say. That you didn’t betray us. I have felt your frustration, your anger and your sadness. I know that this is you. Thank you for your gift, it means more to me than anything and I will cherish the  pictures of us always. Dumbledore gave me one of Mom and Remus and then a group shot of the three of us with Lily, James and Harry. Harry and I have become great friends. I guess the only thing I can ask is that you don’t hurt Harry. I’m begging you not to. If I can help you clear your name, just say the word. I know that it’s been over a decade and I don’t remember you, but deep down I know how much you loved me and I love you. I will always love you. Please take care of yourself. I’m worried that you’re on your own. 
All of my love-Hope
Sirius felt tears in his eyes. Some of happiness and some sadness that he had missed out on Hope growing up. It didn’t matter what he had to do, he would prove his innocence so he, Harry and Remus could be their oven version of a family. He held the letter to his chest. All he wanted was to know his daughter and for her, Remus and Harry to know he was innocent. That was all that mattered. He knew he had to find a way to get to Hope.
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ted-curtis-art · 4 years
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Little Tilly Potter and Crookshanks, having a midday nap. Yes, that is a Hedwig plush under her arm, because why not? 
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dxmichelle · 4 years
crossover ship bonanza: malfoy x kaiba, anzu x ginny, luna x yuugi, kuriboh x crookshanks
Well these are certainly, uh...different. Here goes!
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
So Malfoy is an arrogant, stuck up, spoiled child used to getting his way through his parents’ wealth and influence in the Wizarding World. Like in his attempt to befriend Harry on his first day of Hogwarts, Draco would be interested in Seto’s fame and power status as a way of gaining an even larger social pedestal to stand on. 
You know... if Seto had been a wizard all his life. But he’s not, and that would probably place him somewhere around ‘Muggleborn’ on the wizard purity scale. And seeing how highly prejudiced his family is towards mixed families, I do not see him pursuing much interest in Seto, unless the HP timeline (assuming we’re rolling by HP canon here), was far enough in that he was pretty much done with Voldemort (end-ish of HBP to somewhere in DH), so this is pretty much dead in the water.
Not to mention that from Seto’s POV, Draco is just another pre-accident Noah - someone who had everything handed to them on a silver platter from Day One. Being magical doesn’t matter. At his core, Malfoy is a bully, and we all know how Seto feels about those. 
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
I like this as a more platonic relationship. They each compliment each other. Both are incredibly supportive of their canon friends, and take no shit from anyone. Anzu is not afraid to get up in Kaiba’s face and tell him off for being an ass, and Ginny will remind everyone just how much havoc she can and will wreck - after bat-bogey hexing their faces. 
Anzu will be the one sitting by letting Ginny vent about her day, how Ron is being the overbearing big brother during her dating phase, and how she’s underestimated just for being the youngest of seven. Ginny does the same, and then offers to a) hex anyone giving Anzu a hard time, and b) teach Anzu how to perform a mean stinging hex.
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP 
These two oddballs are a match for each other. Little Yugi, the shy odd one out with his love of games and Luna, who knows all sort of interesting wizard oddities and is kooky enough that people generally keep their distance from them both. They were introduced to each other by Ginny and Anzu, and the foursome hang out constantly in the common areas of the castle. 
Luna is always more than happy to share her curious wizard knowledge to Yugi, the “things they won’t teach you at hogwarts”, and Yugi introduces her to unique games (both magical and Muggle) that either his grandfather sends in, or he finds in Hogsmeade.
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship [trying to come up with something to say lol]| OTP
Uh...ok. So on one hand we have bouncy, cuddly positive Kuriboh (”Kuri Kuri!”). A Duel Monster. On the other is Crookshanks, a half-cat, half-Kneazle with a perception roll of 100. I....I got nuthin for the ship.
However, I will say that Seto won Hermione a ginormous Kuriboh plush on a Kaiba Land date, and Crookshanks has confiscated it for himself. It lives on the comfy window seat in Hermione’s London apartment and is his favorite sunbeam cuddle spot.
That counts, right? 
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viking-hel · 5 years
Prompt : pets
Thanks for the prompt!
Crookshanks did not like Fred. The half-kneazle knew exactly what the red haired gargantuan was to his mistress, and he did not like one whisker of him near her. Whenever they tried to cuddle up on the plush red sofa before the roaring fire, Crookshanks made certain to interrupt them. 
Yowling worked well, he found. His mistress couldn’t leave him sounding so lost and sad, and would always climb off the red one’s lap to cuddle him instead. 
“‘Mione, haven’t you noticed he always does this?” Fred grumbled. 
“Noticed what?” Hermione replied, Crooks tightly cocooned in her arms. She dropped back into the sofa, and Fred shuffled to make room for her to tuck her legs under her.
“That he wants your attention the moment I have it?” 
Hermione turned to look at him incredulously, but Fred kept up his pout. “Honestly Fred, don’t be so ridiculous!” She held her fluffy nightmare up to his face. “He doesn’t pine for my attention. You on the other hand...” She leaned in, a slight smile on her face as she did.
They jerked their heads back, Fred frowning and Hermione wide-eyed with surprise.
“Of course he doesn’t pine. He meows.” Fred couldn’t help but smirk as Hermione scolded her pet.
Hope you like it!
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bepoets · 5 years
Soft Asks: 2, 7, 12, 18, 30
2.) what’s your feel-good movie?
- oh thank god. I was so hoping someone would ask me this question thank goodness. It’s the 1998 rom com classic starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks... “You’ve Got Mail.” I Don’t have a way to Easily watch you’ve got mail because I don’t have amazon prime and I don’t have a DVD copy of it or a DVD player for that matter so I hardly ever watch it. But when I do I CRY I love it more than anything and I don’t know the way that movie feels everything about it every last scene brings me such joy and feels so many feelings. Anyway I am Kathleen Kelly and I deserve to live a life in New York City where I own a little bookstore like Shop Around the Corner. Also I plan on getting a tattoo inspired by you’ve got mail because I mean come on. Nothing makes me happier than this film. Thanks for coming to my ted talk
7.) what color brings you peace?
- Navy Blue. I was thinking lavender because that’s my favorite color but then I realized no it’s actually Navy Blue. Like my bed sheets and some of my favorite flannels and some of the prettiest dresses I’ve worn. And like the blue corner of my picture wall.
12.) how are you?
- Tired. Very very tired.
18.) do you still love stuffed animals?
- Y E S oh my god are you kidding me I LOVE THEM. My Crookshanks plush is sitting right next to me on my bed right now
30.) Already answered!
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groovy-lady · 1 year
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dramioneasks · 6 years
the one where draco's animagus form is some kind of feline and he serenades hermione. (crookshanks helps). Hermione doesn't appreciate the yowling. NOT SURE, but maybe that's also the one with the prank on the ministry where everyone turns into animals?
Hello! That sound like this one:
Startlingly Familiar by UnseenLibrarian- T+, one shot
Some wizards and witches think working in the Beast Division is a plush job. Hermione would say that they are absolutely right.
- Wynken
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Now I’m not saying I bought two wands, a Crookshanks plush toy, a Niffler pin, Harry Potter glasses and a Chocolate Frog at the Warner Bros Studio Tour yesterday but-
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queenlnss-a · 6 years
41. !! HECK ME UP
- ̗̀   THINGS  YOU  SAID.      /      @waeslie​​​​​​​​      /      accepting  !
↳   41.  things  you  said  when  you  thought  I  was  asleep.
THE  VISION  OF  BLOOD  IS          still  fresh  in  her  mind.  Stained,  horrifying.  Can’t  sleep  for  fear  that  it  might    haunt    her  in  her  nightmares,  so  instead  she  sits  in  the  plush  armchair  a  couple  of  feet  away  from  the  sofa  and    g n a w s    nervously  at  her  lip.  Legs  pulled  up  to  chest,  the  flickering  light  of  the  still  burning  candle  highlighting  her  face  as  she  watches  him  doze  on  and  off.  She  would  have  taken  his  offer  of  laying  beside  him,  but  she’s  scared  of  bringing  more  PAIN,  and  heaven  knows  she  doesn’t  want  to  make  it  worse.  
                    Despite  assurances  that  he  would  be  fine,  she  remains  thoroughly  unconvinced.
                    When  he  told  her  he  was  joining  the  Order,  she’d  anticipated  something  like  this  happening.  The  thought  had  upset  her  and  unmistakable  lines  of  WORRY  had  quickly  set  on  her  face.  So  many  mixed  emotions  ;  proud  that  he  was  choosing  to  be  brave,  but  horrified  that  he  would  so  willingly    r i s k    himself  in  such  a  perilous  and  HAPHAZARD  way.  His  life  is  important,  too,  and  she  is  endlessly    selfish.    She  needs  him.  She  hasn’t  told  him  enough.
                    Sometimes  Quinn  thinks  she  takes  him  FOR  GRANTED.  That  because  he’s  there,  he  will  always  be  there  and  that  no  amount  of  time  or  danger  will  change  that.  It  hadn’t  sunk  in  until  today.  The  idea  of    losing    him  is  an  awful  thought,  and  not  one  she  really  wishes  to    l i n g e r    on,  but  it  had  passed  through  her  head  like  sand  through  her  fingers  earlier  that  day.  Then  seeing  him  come  back  like  that.  God,  she’ll  never  get  that  picture  out  of  her  mind.    Scarlet    soaking  his  neck,  his  shirt,  even  the  ends  of  his  hair.  Her  eyes  prick  with  the  thought,  and  she    s t a r t l e s    when  Crookshanks  hops  up  beside  her  and  butts  his  head  against  her  own.
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                    Wasn’t  expecting    company.    Wiping  tears  off  her  cheeks,  she  gives  the  feline  a  small  smile  and  lowers  her  knees  so  he  can  curl  up  on  her  lap.  Crookshanks  immediately  accepts  her  offer,  and    k n e a d s    his  paws  into  the  skirt  of  her  dress  contentedly  as  she  scratches  gently  behind  his  ears.
                    ❛❛   He's  a  prat.  A  brave,  stupid,  prat  . . .  what  would  I  do  without  him  ?  ❜❜      Fingers  run  through  the  cat’s  thick  fur,  and  he  looks  up  at  her,  watching  quietly  as  though  listening  to  her  every  word.  She  doesn’t  think  to  check  for  EAVESDROPPERS,  so  certain  that  everyone  else  in  the  house  is  fast  asleep.  Her  guard  is  down.  The  day’s  events  have  left  her  feeling  rather  VULNERABLE  and  too  shaken  up  to  keep  her  walls  all  the  way  up  high.  Just  watch  how  shoulders  slope  and  hear  the    t r e m b l e    in  her  tone.       ❛❛   The  World  Cup,  and  then  seventh  year,  and  now  this  ?    Kind  of  feels  like  someone  out  there    wants    me  to  lose  him  . . .  I  don’t  want  to  see  it  happen.   ❜❜
                    Crookshanks  stares  back  up  at  her  and  offers  a  single,    s l o w    blink.  It  calms  her  slightly.  Enough  that  she  sinks  further  into  the  armchair  and  allows  his  steady  purrs  to  take  over  from  the    deafening    silence.  She  finds  herself  rather  chilly  for  what  should  be  a  warm,  summer  night.  Perhaps  she  shouldn’t  have  been  so  reserved  after  all.  George  always  keeps  her  warm.
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avani008 · 6 years
Four Seasons Meme: Hermione
For @parlegee!
the circumstances of his/her birth | favorite (or least favorite) family member | first word | happiest birthday | genderswap au
Hermione is born just after midnight on a cloudy day at the end of September, and quite odd goings-on take place in the maternity ward not long after. For one thing, half a dozen people swear that the hospital went invisible not long afterwards; for another, those who wander around searching for the misplaced building report seeing flashes of green and red light going back and forth nearby. Quite strange, all in all, but no less strange is the oddly dressed man (in a nightgown, of all things!) who swears there’s been a battle tonight, of all things! The Grangers shake their head sadly at the quality of healthcare in the country these days, and take their baby daughter home.
(Somewhere, the Order of the Phoenix breathes a sigh of relief at the stroke of luck that saved them all.)
fantasy | love language of choice | a pet or other animal companion| the decoration of their bedroom| fusion au
She wants to buy something brilliant for her birthday--well, within reason and Mum and Dad’s chequebooks, of course; she isn’t Harry!--and when she steps inside the Magical Menagerie, she almost does. There are ravens that look at her with beady, clever eyes; not permitted at school, but perhaps Mum and Dad wouldn’t mind watching over them for her. There’s cats of every color, black and yellow and white, and all sleek-furred, and all within her budget. But: “Oh, don’t mind Crookshanks,” says the witch, wrestling an orange whirl of motion back into his cage, “No one wants him”--and Hermione remembers waiting in primary school to be picked for a team when playing sports, remembers listening to whispers and sneers even in the wizarding world just because of her heritage.
“I’ll take him,” she says firmly, and pretends not to notice the witch’s puzzled glance. 
the one person/cause/ideal they would sacrifice everything for| storms| nightmare | the lie(s) he/she has told | hero/villain reversal au
She doesn’t tell Ron what frightened her most at Malfoy Manor, because she remembers his white face when they’d apparated away; she doesn’t tell Harry, because he has enough to worry about.
Honestly the knife Bellatrix had held to her throat had been a relief, because death hadn’t been what she feared most; nor was betraying Harry or the Order ever a possibility, no matter what they did to her. But with every Cruciatus, she remembered the story of the Longbottoms; if there was anything they could take from her that she should sorely miss, it was her mind.
She tells no one, because my god, how humiliating an admission is that? But after the battle, Neville hers her shout in her sleep, and knows what it means; when she wakes, he sits beside her and holds her hand in silence. 
haunting | tarot | then and now | gods and mortals | reincarnation au/historical era swap
Her first night at Hogwarts, Hermione goes to sleep in her plush red four-poster, all her things for the next day carefully laid out; she is warm and wonder-struck and all too worried she’ll never fit into the wizarding world. She can read and study and memorize as much as she wants, but what’s to stop them from finding her just as overwhelming and annoying as everyone else had? Harry Potter himself gave her the most tepid of hellos, and that horrid red-haired boy been outright rude, and here’s a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Her last night at Hogwarts, Hermione takes off her Head Girl badge and tosses it in her trunk, next to her Order of Merlin award and her Medal for Magical Merit; it bounces rather, and she can’t help but giggle a little at the sound. She curls up on the bed for the last time, trying to get as much sleep as she can; Ron will be here in the morning, and Harry, too, and she wants to wake up in time to meet them the instant the train pulls into Hogsmeade Station.
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buythistoy · 6 years
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#USJ #ハリーポッター #ハーマイオニーの猫 #クルックシャンクス ぬいぐるみ USJ #HarryPotter Hermione's Cat Crookshanks Plush #おもちゃ #おもちゃ買取 #中野ブロードウェイ #NakanoBroadway #ロボットロボット #ROBOTROBOT #WeBuyToys http://bit.ly/2SHe45A
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littlemulattokitten · 8 years
Regumione - Folding Fabric Drabble Prompt
Okay so Tumblr is dumb, so the original ask no longer exists (tf even????) But my lovely Pufflebae @jasperandgemma submitted a prompt for Dad!Regulus comforting his toddler after an accidental magic scare, so this post is the one shot for that :) I’m basing it off of the Regumione one-shot Folding Fabric (for Jas, as a gift, lol) because it fits so well. Thank you for the prompt, love 💚 And I hope you like it :3
People who may or may not be interested in this: @colubrina, @disillusionist9, @turbulenthandholding, @unknown-authoress, @ash-castle, @meowmerson, @shayalonnie, @stefartemis, @ff-sunset-oasis, @dramione84, @accio-echo, @moonnott, @kreeblimsabs, @brightki, @mochihead, @laisvega @ibuzoo (I feel like I’ve forgotten people I’m sorry if I did)
The dense thump of something hitting the floor made Regulus instinctively glance up from his book with the first tendrils of adrenaline lacing his system as a preemptive response to an unconfirmed emergency. His sudden blood pressure spike proved unnecessary when he saw that the noise had been caused by nothing more than his youngest dropping one of her alphabet blocks on accident.
“Uh oh,” she said to herself, causing him to smile as he watched her pick it up and place it back atop three of its fellows.
“Uh oh,” he echoed, his smile warming as she turned around, eyes bright and lips pulled into a partially toothy grin. “Having fun, sweetheart?”
She nodded firmly and, with the childhood lisp he secretly hoped she wouldn’t grow out as quickly as her siblings had, said, “Yes.”
“Good,” he said, and watched her for a moment longer while she returned her attention to her block tower. Then, after a moment of thought, he added, “Gemma, remember to tell Daddy if you need to go potty, okay?”
Her responding “Otay” was expected, and he knew she was a much better potty trainer than he brothers had been at her age, but the occasional gentle reminder warded off more accidents than he cared to count. 
Regulus went back to his book, a muggle favorite of Hermione’s that he’d been meaning to get around to for a while, and kept an ear out for Gemma as he picked up where he’d left off.
Twice he was briefly distracted by her pretending to talk to her mother on her toy phone, which was both sweet enough and hilarious enough that he’d absolutely be sharing that memory with Hermione when she got back from taking their boys out to run errands. Gemma, naturally, was as clever as each of her parents, but Regulus liked to think she took after her mother more, and her advanced vocabulary showed that fact. That cleverness, however, could sometimes work against her.
He knew she was hurt before the slow-building, pitiful keen left her, and before all the blocks from her fallen tower had hit the floor. Regulus dropped his book at once and was barely standing when the rest of Gemma’s blocks suddenly burst outward, away from her in multiple directions — thankfully, none of them in his  — and the pitch of her cry changed from purely hurt to hurt and afraid.
“Hey, Gemma, baby, it’s okay,” he said, trying to sound more calm than he felt as he frowned at the quickly reddening spots on her forehead and hairline. He was already picking her up under her arms when she blindly started to surge in his direction. “It’s okay, Daddy’s here, you’re okay.”
He checked for broken skin, and upon finding none, deduced that none of the blocks had hit her corner-first, thankfully , but that she had two wince-worthy knots forming as a bruise started to bloom on one cheek.
“Oh, honey,” he sighed while she wailed into his shoulder. “I’m sorry that happened, but it’s over now. Can you point to where it hurts for Daddy?”
A hand came up to hesitantly touch the two knots near her hairline and he kissed each of them gently. “Let’s get some ice on them and once the swelling is down, Daddy will heal them okay?” 
Still crying and making sounds that tore at his heartstrings, she nodded, and he tightened his grip as he stood and headed into the kitchen. He hated to make her wait, but Hermione’s argument for healing injuries with magic immediately was solid. If they healed every minor bump and scrape, then their children wouldn’t have pain tolerance or a proper sense of understanding the consequences to the actions that got them hurt in the first place. There were lessons to be learned from injuries and even if he hated to leave her in pain for any length of time, an ice pack and cuddle would be more meaningful in the long run than a flick of a wand.
That was how Hermione found them when she came home: A still upset Gemma tucked into Regulus’ lap while holding one of the kiddie ice packs — Gemma’s personal one with its orange cat cover sleeve — while he was reading one of her favorite books to give her something else to focus on.
“Gemmie!” Antares and Caelum chorused as they shot in behind their mother, both instantly and heartwarmingly concerned upon seeing their sister’s red eyes and ice pack. 
At Hermione’s worried look, Regulus said, “Block towers aren’t very stable when they’re tall.” Then, gesturing to the block still strewn about the room with the hand holding Gemma’s book, he added, “Not the situation I would’ve liked her magic to show itself in, but alas.”
“Are you okay, Gemma?” Antares asked.
Gemma nodded, though it was a pitiful action.
“Blocks fell on her head?” Caelum asked his father, and upon receiving a nod of confirmation, he frowned and turned back to his sister. “I think I did that when I was little too, Gemmie. It didn’t feel very good…”
Gemma sniffed and muttered, “No good.”
Regulus stifled the pang of sadness he felt as he realized that Caelum had been Gemma’s age not very long ago, that both the boys had. Now he looked at the nine and six year old boys before him and felt that time had cheated him. When Gemma was Caelum’s age, Antares would be on the train to Hogwarts. And when she reached Antares’ age, both boys would be away at school. Where, he wondered, had the time gone?
“I’m sorry that happened, baby,” said Hermione, crouching beside Regulus’ spot on the couch and leaning in to kiss Gemma’s cheek. “Can Mummy see it? I promise I won’t touch it if it still hurts.”
With a small whine, Gemma slowly moved her ice pack and mumbled, “Owie.” Regulus marked his page in the book he’d been reading to Gemma and was glad to note that the swelling had gone down considerably since she’d first sustained her injury, and he relayed that information to Hermione.
“Well that’s good,” she said. “How about Mummy heals that now, then? Tares, can you get my wand from my bag please?”
With a quick “Yes, Mum,” Antares sprinted back to the entryway where Hermione had left her purse to complete his task.
“Mum,” said Caelum, “Can I tell her about the thing?”
Hermione nodded as she continued comforting Gemma, and Caelum gave his sister a wide grin. "We have a surprise for you, Gemmie.”
“‘Pise?” She echoed, perking up just enough to make her parents share a secret smile. Only children could manage to bounce back from genuine distress that quickly.
“Tares found it, but I helped him pester Mum into letting us buy it,” he said matter-of-factly, clearly proud of his contribution.
Regulus muttered “Gryffindor” at the same time Hermione mumbled “transparent Slytherin” and they avoided each other’s eyes so they wouldn’t lose their composure. Their children would probably be rather confused or think they’d gone mad if they suddenly succumbed to laughter.
“I’m just glad I saw them,” said Antares as he returned with his mother’s wand and a small paper bag. “Can’t believe I found'em, honestly.”
“You’re good at finding things,” Caelum said him with a shrug, as if that simple fact explained all instances of coincidence and good fortune concerning his brother.
Regulus slowly, soundlessly, turned his gaze to his wife and stared at her, willing her to meet his gaze even as her lips twitched and she denied him so much as a glance.
“'Pise?” Gemma repeated, pointing to the paper bag.
“Presents,” Antares corrected with a grin. “One from me and one from Cae. Hopefully it makes you feel better since you got hurt.”
Gemma sniffed again, but was much more like herself as Antares set the bag in her lap and she started ripping out tissue paper. Regulus felt himself smiling again when he realized what they’d found for her mere seconds before she gasped.
“Kitty!” she cried, pulling out a ginger cat plush about twice the size of their kitten Crookshanks. With only a moment’s hesitation as she took in what the toy looked like, she proceeded to hug it with all her might.
“That one’s from me!” Caelum announced proudly. “There’s more!”
“'Nother kitty?” Gemma asked hopefully, and reached into the bag again while her brothers grinned at her.
The other cat plush was about the same size as the first, but the color of coffee with too much cream instead of orange. It had brown 'fur mittens’ that matched the tip of its tail and a streak of white on its belly.
“Kitty!” Gemma cried again, giving both toys the same treatment she’d given the first, only this time she kissed them both as well. “Fank you.”
“You’re welcome,” said Antares. “You were really sad when Crooks tore up your tabby cat, so we got you new ones. Mum charmed them already, so Crooks can’t ruin these.”
“Are you happy again now?” asked Caelum hopefully.
Even though her eyes still held unshed tears, they were bright as she smiled. “Yes. Pay game?”
“Sure,” said Antares. “Want to do a puzzle?”
“Yes!” She said, and wriggled off Regulus’ lap to follow her brother’s up the steps to the playroom.
Before she’d climbed two steps Gemma stopped, frowned briefly, and turned to Caelum holding out her toys. “Cawwy pease?”
Caelum obligingly took her cats, but gave her a curious look as she quickly made her way back to Regulus. “Daddy?”
“Yes, princess?” he said.
Giving him a wide grin, Gemma said, “Nee' go potty. Help pease?”
Regulus returned her smile with a proud one of his own. “That’s my girl,” he said warmly as he stood and offered her a hand. “Very good job remembering, Gemma. And excellent manners.”
“Good girl,” Hermione chimed as they walked towards the loo. “You’re doing very well with your potty training, Gemma. Mummy’s very proud of you.” 
Antares and Caelum’s concurring praises rained down from the stairs and Hermione gave them an approving wink.
Little Gemma, mostly-successful potty trainer and proud owner of two new cat toys, did not get any more ouchies that day. She did, however, get icecream for dessert when she bravely tried a new food and ate all her supper that night, kindly offering a bite — with a few sprinkles, of course — to each of her family members...
Including Crookshanks.
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