each-dustbin1 · 1 year
Found the best FighterZ entry nothing is topping this
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Also, it's already a reddit post by somebody else but I gotta add it anyways, the Michael Blade trilogy
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enniewritesathing · 4 months
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y'know, this is what John looks like if he had his mother's hair color instead.
(his father has dark brown hair.)
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dankovskaya · 1 year
Leo is soooo fun to fight why does no one play him 😫😫😫
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leowifefang · 1 year
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tamarend · 2 years
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he deserves a vacation
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vinos-scum · 2 years
Fighting games are so funny cause it's "omg this is way too hard" until you find that 1 character who makes brain go brrrrr then suddenly you're diamond 20th prestige celestial going yeah McPlus200OnBlock is super fair and balanced I don't get why he got nerfed
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were--ralph · 7 months
I didn't put Joke character bc its all people would pick
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realboutfatalfury · 2 years
i'm getting the hang of adding dashes to the special move inputs for naoto👍 i can do it just fine when i practice it but applying it to a combo is sort of tricky bc i keep forgetting to add just one forward input when the rekka starts.. i'll get it eventually 👍
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frailgun · 3 months
this is admittedly a kind of difficult to parse clip, but understand that i'm the best to ever do it for a) that shimmy into anti-crossup close slash and ESPECIALLY for b) that j.p routing to avoid getting fucked up by mini-faust. kiss my hand
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wickedsick · 1 month
UUUnite: Anno Un
Been a while since I made one of these posts, huh?
Anyway! Anno Un is a semi-complex character whose main gameplan revolves around balancing Sketch.
Sketch is his standout do/set of specials. They're all 214 inputs, with three variants.
The P variant makes a bomb directly in front of him, the H variant summons a guillotine, and the S variant gives him a scythe.
Scythe is the most relevant one that'll occupy a lot of space. The other two are also important, but Bomb and Guillotine are mostly used to capitalize on opportunities, while Scythe is what creates those opportunities.
Scythe is effectively a stance change- it alters several of Anno's normals, and the other Sketches will immediately remove the scythe.
While using the scythe, your normal Slash and Heavy Slash attacks get a lot larger- at the cost of being slower to recover from in most instances.
While this gives you a lot more options in neutral, the scythe's combos aren't too good- the scythe's range doesn't combo into your shorter punches and kicks, and the Heavy attacks have a lot of knockback or knockdown.
This is where Bomb and Guillotine come in.
Guillotine is the simpler of the two. After using the special, it'll slam down after a short duration and deal a lot of damage. It's most useful as okizeme or a space-creating tool. After getting a knockdown with the scythe, creating a guillotine to pressure them when they get up is an excellent way to lock down several options.
The bomb is slightly more complex. It creates a bomb directly in front of you, which you can then hit to send it towards the enemy. Your K and P normals all send it at slightly different angles.
If the bomb hits, it deals a good chunk of damage and hit stun, giving you an opportunity to close the gap and set up more pressure.
Anno's other specials are mostly just tools to enable his main Sketches- 236K is a simple roll that acts as an effective crossup and provides another way to use the bomb, and 214U lets you temporarily move invisibly to make your opponent second-guess where you are and what you're planning.
Despite the potential confusion of his stance system, Anno's Sketch is a simple enough mechanic to pick up after a bit of practice, with enough complexity for higher-level players to find ways to innovate, whether through using Kara cancels to alter his momentum or more specialized bomb combos.
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doedipus · 5 days
the next big strive patch is coming up, so obviously another round of buffs for gio are in order. at this point she's a very solid character with few glaring weaknesses, but here's some areas still ripe for development:
as it stands, gio's defense is slightly below average. this is probably her weakest aspect currently.
prior to the mid season 3 patch, gio's cartwheel had a frame 1 low profile, which allowed her to wriggle out of oki situations that other characters had to hold, including an awful lot of safejumps. this was kind of absurd, but it also balanced out her 6p being too slow to abare with in many situations where that's the intended play, such as interrupting foudre arc, as well as being difficult to use on reaction generally. in addition, in the prior patch cartwheel had it's moonshot counterhit launch arc removed, so it doesn't lead to combos outside of the corner.
while 6p and cartwheel are underwhelming as defensive options, her p buttons are solid abare at very short ranges, at 4 and 5 frames. however, she lacks any further special considerations that would make her especially slippery
to compensate, here's some options for improving her defense:
take a frame off of something. 5p becomes 3 frames or 2k becomes 5 frames would be my picks.
exaggerate the low profile on 2k. as-is, 2k low profiles a small set of buttons like nago fs, but a more pronounced low profile along the lines of jackie or testament's would let her use it as abare more safely.
give 6p the full low profile faster. gio's 6p has a great hitbox and long activity, but manages to be difficult to use anyway due to how slow the low profile is. presumably this was meant to counterbalance the instant low profile on the old cartwheel, but she doesn't have that anymore, so more standard frame data would be in order.
reduce horizontal blowback on cartwheel. the threat of getting sent into the sun from a successful antiair cartwheel has largely been transferred to chave cartwheel, but this leaves gio with relatively weak punishes. a cartwheel launch that let her follow up more consistently would make her more threatening
make the cs hitbox a bit taller. let her do some millia shit.
combo physics
gio has good combos. however the physics they depend on are capricious at the best of times, and any extended juggles are prone to dropping. at this point a lot of that is down to correctly choosing 214s vs chave 214s, and that's fine, but there's some other wonkiness left over still.
besides tweaking the math behind the curtain, here's some things that might make her combos more reliable:
extend the cs hitbox slightly behind gio, or give it some slight crossup tracking. as-is, she's prone to facing the wrong way after landing from 214s (or in other situations where the opponent passes above her head) and whiffing cs. more consistency here would be huge
extend the hitbox of ventania upwards slightly. midscreen juggle combos tend to leave opponents slightly too high or too far for ventania to connect, which is really frustrating and definitely hasn't lost me multiple tournament sets
giovanna's offense is generally strong, but she still has a few weird weak points
2d is obviously pretty good as an extended poke in neutral, but in pressure it's kind of infuriating. there's a 5 frame gap between 5k/2k and 2d, meaning that it won't catch jumping from any character. tightening this to 3 frames would be a huge help.
all of her specials lose to 6p except a precise frametrap with 214k or 623s. altering any of her regular or chave specials to hit the ground would make her offense much more stable.
chave is bad in pressure. chave specials are good in combos or as oki, but chave itself is a fixed duration spent in counterhit state, and all of the followups lose to fuzzy mashed 6p, so very rarely is it a good idea to fish for chave cartwheel counterhits, for instance. removing the counterhit state on chave or making a special move hit the ground reliably would amend this somewhat
on the same note, currently chave 214k (the roundhouse kick) is borderline unused at any level of play, and probably requires reworking. the intended use is to exit pressure safely against characters it's difficult to rps with after regular 214k, however you never actually want to enter chave rps due to complaints above, so you won't be able to condition opponents into respecting it. it's also basically a punt, which can be useful, but you don't actually want to do that very often, and it's not worth the threat of getting counterhit.
solutions: make some special or chave special hit the ground to codify the rps more. alternatively, give chave 214k an interesting combo property, like high damage, wall or floor bounces, or being a more advantageous ender
give jh slightly more active frames. it's annoying that you can backdash out of her safejumps! every time! for free! make her hit that shit! this, whether big arrow is meaty, and the jumpable gap in 2k/2d would be crushing weaknesses that would send her to bottom tier if people knew!!!!!!! but nobody does??????
insane crackpot bullshit
make air 214s fall to ground level from any height, making it a mobility tool or anti-anti-air similar to something like ram's sildo detruo or a diet tempestade.
give her a unique melty blood throw where she can move forward a short distance to correct for her abnormally short throw range. alternatively, give her a big body throw.
make the frame advantage on her normals better. at launch she was a funny frame data character, but due to power creep, things like a plus on block cs aren't unique anymore. having safer normals would make her stagger pressure much more threatening. I'm thinking p and k buttons are even on block, 2h is no worse than -3, 5h is -4, and 6p is no worse than -5. gio should only be especially vulnerable when going for big gambles.
make regular cartwheel a real reversal.
make 6p a low to strengthen the strike/throw after dash 5k. if that's too dumb, give her a 6k low instead.
give chave guard point. fuck you.
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cyberbun · 3 months
Maid Fact: all maids have ambiguous crossups.
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Can I slap Elphelt’s butt instead
I’m very normal about her
Doing a crossup crouching punch against Elphelt is basically the same thing as slapping her ass if you think about it*
Also if you say you’ll join her fan club or agree to sign a marriage certificate (if she’s not over the whole marriage thing completely) I’m sure she’d let you, probably, maybe
*I mostly just play Bedman? so this does not apply for me 😔
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Fighting game player that converted to Christianity to better understand Crossups.
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leowifefang · 1 year
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me and my wife dont argue he tell me to induce a fucked up mixup off of hard knockdown and i just do it
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whatzitoyuh · 3 months
I know I complained about it already, but now that the dust is settled... Are we on the same page about Slayer? Do we think he's a little bit too much? The only times I've beaten Slayer players is when they try to play on fundamentals and forget that spamming Pile Bunker and nonstop crossups gives them at worst -60% of my health and at best a free round. I complain about a lot of matchups and I acknowledge it's mostly skill issue on my part, but it's kinda over the top with Slayer.
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