THE TABLES HERE!! It's huge, I love it. We ended up giving the guy an extra $40, bringing it to $140
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Is it like, morally okay for me to make my kids believe is Sasha the Christmas tiger instead of santa?
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Seeing Matt rife on fresh of the boat just body slammed my soul 6ft under.
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It should be illegal for such a shit stain of a person to look at the perfect beautiful and eternally right Jessica Huang.
Fr tho this shook me
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I've had the same minecraft survival world since early 2020. Used to play before work and right after I got home all the way until bed. All while listening to technoblade streams. I still play but not nearly as often. Today I was feeling pretty down and went to load up my good old comfort world to be met with....
I may or may not have had a full mental breakdown in that moment.
Luckily tech dudes on YouTube came to the rescue and helped me recover a save that's only a few months old.
Missing a few builds but I'm just so happy it's not gone. My partner was just sitting there consoling me as I BAWLED while looking at screenshots of my world. My partner puts up with so much thank the GODS for them
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Yoyoyo can I talk my shit again? I'm gonna post my face. Then probs delete it when I'm sober (i be a little drunk like the lit fantastical) love yall (gender queen all pronouns)
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"y'all are so dramatic about tumblr changing anything" bruh that like half the fun of being on here. The only thing we ask to be fixed are bots and the search function the rest we get to be like super annoying about. Until they throw us some fun and distracting new way to break the site and play with it like a doll house full of clowns. Like polls for example :))
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Hello my poor seven followers that have this on their dash, I'm sorry y'all but I need to vent or I'm gonna loose it. Had to be evacuated from the place I've been staying due to crazy fires in my area. It's my friend's place so now I'm staying with her at her boyfriends along with a bunch of people I don't know who were also evacuated.
They're a very well off family and I feel so out of place, I don't have a hairbrush bc I forgot it at home, I don't have a job right now because I'm currently moving out of the city, my whole life is in a duffle bag, my clothes make me feel out of place, I don't have a tooth brush, my glasses are broken and unwearable so I'm constantly knocking into stuff and squinting at people, my friend works tomorrow so I'll be here all alone, I can't sleep because of how bad my joint pain and anxiety is, I'm the only person here who didn't get a room so I have zero privacy, her boyfriend very obviously dosent like me, I'm too anxious to talk to my boyfriend (several towns away) on the phone bc I don't like opening up in front of strangers or making any noise in places that aren't mine, and I'm here for at least another week.
I just keep thinking "I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home" but then I remember....
I don't have a home to go to....
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A CRY TO ALL MUTUALS AND OTHER STONERS WHO FIND THIS POST, I don't care if you find this five minutes from now or three years from now it will still stand. I want people to get on a discord call with and sesh with every once and awhile. I am so painfully lonely when I'm taking hoots. So if you're also a lonely stoner please hit me up.
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Ahg fuck it I need to rant somewhere. For all you sexy bitches that hate your mother's this is for you.
I'm 19 and FINALLY cut all contact with both my parents and I'm staying with a friend who's helping me get on my feet. She took me in to take my L test for my driver's license because my parents always made excuses not bring me.
I got inside, had to sit next to a bunch of 16yr olds who all had supporting parents who were actually helping their children take an important life step and then I got called up.
The employee who helped me was amazing we went through all the questions pretty fast but then she gets this look on her face after looking on her computer. Turns out when I was 12 my mom had me sign the insurance papers on a car. Which yes is legal here as long as there's a listed designated driver. Well turns out like two months later her and her boyfriend got that same car impounded.
Now let me clarify, my mother has gotten a LOT of cars impounded in the past and she's always dealt with it as soon as possible. Well not this one, she just left it in impound and didn't pay the fine, because it's on MY record, not hers. So yeah I can't get my license until I talk to the cops :))
Tldr: I can't get my license because my mom got a car impounded in my name when I was 12
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People be like "what if I grow out of it though..." So what? You only have this life. Everything you do and love is permanently a part of your story and who you are. All of it. There's a set amount of things you'll do in your life, You'll have a set amount of favorite foods, meals you ate, cars you had, places you lived, music you loved. And one day you'll listen to all you favorite songs for the last time without even knowing you were saying goodbye. Your love of your interests doubles as your goodbye to them. Even if you leave a fandom those memories experiences and attachments were all real, they happened. That was you. Just because you've moved on dosent make it less real. So get that tattoo, buy that expensive merch, draw that art, play that game, travel to those places. Make your story as full and beautiful as you possibly can.
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Not to be controversial but you don't have to forgive your abusive parents in-order to move on, you need to forgive and love the you that was abused, don't blame them(you) for carrying it all alone. Hating bad people is sexy actually
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Feeling weirdly nostalgic and good today
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If you don't like that I use the word queer to describe myself and my community, yall need to get educated on our history.
Your personal preference on the word is fine, until you start telling me it's always a slur and I can't use it. That's just plain ignorance to your own history.
Get educated, it's not my job to do it every time you get mad about something I do
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I'm fired up rn. Ima just say this,
(Probably a lack of brain cells)
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When you scroll through your mom's Facebook two years after going no contact to check and see if your sister's are okay, and instead you find out through her posts the she dead ass supports eugenics now. So glad I left now is only cps could get back to me sooner about my sisters
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