asktheheirofslytherin · 8 months
*bite bite bite bite*
Lord Voldemort attempted to ignore Bella as she entered the library. It was his fault for not taking the books back to his study, which was marginally more private, but one would assume the library in his own home would be private enough.
Bella had no sense of respect nor self preservation as she sidled up behind his armchair, draping her long pale arms around his chest and resting her chin on the muscle of his shoulder. She was quiet and still for a moment, reading the book over his shoulder, and he couldn't help the slight smile that graced the corner of his mouth as she was distracted for a moment longer as she finished the page. Blood magic had always been one of her favorites.
But soon enough she had turned her attentions back to him, and she gave a little purr as she nuzzled her face into his shoulder, nipping at the flesh playfully, first with her lips, then her teeth.
He turned the page, eyes narrowing as he resolved to at least try to finish the section before paying her any mind. His lips parted, and he took a millisecond to regain himself. That last bite has been firm.
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rodolphus-lestrangex · 6 months
Seeing @crucioslut post something on here a few days ago was the most exciting thing that has happened on Tumblr all year so far…she told me to make it known, so here I am. But honestly, what happened to this app? So much confusion, plus so many people I cared about gone.
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thelordofdarkness · 10 months
Prompt: an encounter after both parties had a little too much wine. Bellatrix is 19 and has just joined his rankings.
Lord Voldemort stood at the banister of his home, drink in hand as he stared down at his Death Eaters having their celebration in his ballroom below. They'd finally managed to infiltrate the Ministry and everything else was child's play after that. Very soon now he would take over the entire Wizarding Britain, so a small celebration seemed appropriate.
He took a sip of his wine, immediately feeling his head spin. Sighing, he downed the entire glass in one go and then vanished it without looking at it. Was it his fourth glass? Fifth? He shouldn't have let himself get carried away, even if it wasn't intentional. The wineglass was charmed to keep refilling and he'd not even noticed how much he'd drunk until now.
Now that the damage was already done...
He needed to go back to his bedchamber at once and sleep it all off. It had been unwise to get into this state at all, let alone allow any of his Death Eaters to see him so vulnerable. He turned away from the banister and made his way upstairs, thankfully still sober enough that he was able to walk smoothly. His mind, however, was disoriented. So disoriented that he did not even notice the girl walking past him until he stumbled into her.
It was Bellatrix, his newest recruit, looking even more drunk than him. His eyes narrowed as they stared down at her, at her lovely face and then swept up and down her body where her dress had slipped off a little. What was she doing at the floor that belonged only to him, and at this hour. He must have been sloppy with the wards, but did she have a death wish?
'Shouldn't you be at the party, Bellatrix?'
He stepped in closer to her until she was pinned against the wall behind her, his body very nearly pressed against hers. He raised his hand to stroke her jaw, then roughly caught her chin, lifting it and forcing her to look up at him.
'You shouldn't be here,' whispered Voldemort, leaning towards Bellatrix. 'Did nobody tell you these quarters belong to me alone? No one else is allowed here.'
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daughterofyourdarklord · 10 months
[ HUSH ]sender clasps a hand over receiver’s mouth to silence them
Delphini could feel her mummy tensing, the magic surrounding her nearly snapping to attention. The arm already wrapped around Delphini's tightens considerably, mama's other hand reaching up to clamp around her mouth firmly.
The little witch freezes.
There's someone else in the hall.
No one aside from their little family is supposed to have access to these corridors. Even the four-year-old understands that. She's listening carefully, it's a few heartbeats before Bella slowly removes her hand. Delphini turns in her arms, catching her mother's eye as the witch brings a finger to her lips in warning. "Hush." She breathes.
Delphini does not need to be told twice.
Her mother reaches for her wand as Delphini hand's tighten on her dress.
"Bellatrix." A strange voice calls from the other end of the hall. Delphini shrinks into her mother's hold, burying her face into the witches neck.
"I don't like him." Delphi hisses into Bella's curls, having no other way to explain the horrible feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as this stranger takes a step closer.
"If you give us the girl, Bellatrix, we might consider letting you live."
Delphini's heart sinks.
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tmvoldemort · 8 months
*licks his face*
His hand cups her ample hip. Sinking his digits into her soft flesh. Sliding her closer to him upon his lap. Already swell with excitement.
He smiles.
"Bold of you, Bella." Voldemort gathers air to steady his slight shutter, "-To assume The Dark Lord is weak to your charms."
His squeezes her upper thigh. His thumb finds it way to a patch of her inner leg. Oh so soft and warm skin. Wondering if she was warm everywhere else too.
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theacerbicprince · 1 year
//Okay. So. Update. Boy, there’s been a lot going on and it’s not all been bad surprisingly. I’ve been hanging around and doing a lot of stuff in other fandoms. I can’t promise much here in terms of regular activity so I apologise for that but I think I’m going to do what I can when I can. I am still at university and working so yes, I can’t guarantee much. I am going to get the queue up and running and I will be looking to reply to things that are sitting in my drafts already. I have threads with the following people in my drafts. Please let me know if you’d like me to continue the threads or if you’d prefer to drop them (you know I won’t be offended).
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thestrongestmagic · 1 year
//Okay. So. Update. Boy, there’s been a lot going on and it’s not all been bad surprisingly. I’ve been hanging around and doing a lot of stuff in other fandoms. I can’t promise much here in terms of regular activity so I apologise for that but I think I’m going to do what I can when I can. I am still at university and working so yes, I can’t guarantee much. I am going to get the queue up and running and I will be looking to reply to things that are sitting in my drafts already. I have threads with the following people in my drafts. Please let me know if you’d like me to continue the threads or if you’d prefer to drop them (you know I won’t be offended).
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greatergoodfolly · 10 months
“Hello again. I have not seen you in a while.”
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askmrsmalfoy · 3 years
Bellatrix 😱🔥
Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
Has it happened before? Yes. Will it happen again? Only time will tell, I always keep my options open. Would I go out of my way to be intimate with my dear sister? No.
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flxwinghair · 3 years
“When you close your eyes, do you find peace?”
Blink, blink.
Lucius stared at the other. That was strange in itself; his sister-in-law supposedly caring? He half wondered, having been thrown off by the statement, whether or not to be sarcastic about it.
Was that a trick question?
''What do you care?'' He breathed out, keeping his voice guarded.
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corda-comminuta · 3 years
United in Loss
@crucioslut, continued from here with a time-skip: X
Not even decades of being trapped in the body of a snake had erased Nagini’s knowledge of the importance of a witch’s appearance. It may have remained essential for Bellatrix and her to present themselves and their new modus operandi to the surviving Death Eaters as soon as they could, yet as their new leaders, it wouldn’t do for the wizards and witches who had fought under Voldemort’s banner to suspect them of being vulnerable and weak, of being as fallible as their former leader had been.
“I’ll help you tend to your hair and make yourself presentable,” Nagini stated, and her tone conveyed that she would not allow Bellatrix to reject her offer.
She would restore Bellatrix’s fierce spirit at any cost, she would heal her physical and emotional injuries, and she would act as her indestructible pillar of support, so that together, they could avenge the man who had given their lives a meaning and turn his vision into reality. When she reached for Bellatrix’s hand and led her to the large bathtub she had prepared for her, her firm grip may have offered one simple truth: There was no other witch qualified to fight at Nagini’s side, and no other witch with whom Nagini would cross the scorching flames of hell itself in the pursuit of a shared goal.
“It is a belief shared among many cultures that water purifies,” Nagini remarked, scooping warm water in her hands and carefully pouring it on Bellatrix’s luscious locks. “It is why I would like you to focus on the sensation of our defeat being washed away, of your razor-sharp judgment being restored to its remarkable clarity. We must not allow ourselves to be weakened by our grief – no matter how acute or poignant it may be, and no matter how much he deserves to be mourned by us both.”
And with that, she proceeded to massage Bellatrix’s fragrant shampoo into her hair and scalp. Nagini’s movements were meticulous yet gentle, and although her own sadness and grief still threatened to suffocate her, she couldn’t help but marvel at how the act of tending to Bellatrix’s majestic hair alone appeared to be grounding her, at how soothing it was to be reminded of her restored humanity.
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asktheheirofslytherin · 10 months
"I'm yours, yes. I've been yours since the very beginning. This is true. But after all of these years by your side, Master, I consider it more than appropriate for you to finally visit the possibility that you are in fact, as much mine, as I am yours." Bellatrix presses her nude form against him, throwing a leg and arm over him possessively following rather passionate coupling, nuzzling close. She basks in the glory of being allowed to do this. That wasn't always the case. She did that.
"What has you so bold in your words tonight, Bella?" Voldemort asks, his long thin fingers idly stroking her curls, his eyes scanning over the blooming marks left across her collarbone, her neck. She was his, yes. There were not enough marks on the world he could place on her, he would still want to claim her, to possess her, to mark her more.
Did that make him, in some way, hers? The fact that he wanted to possess her, to keep her and never, ever let her escape his grip...
Perhaps she had infested his mind, taken him over somehow when he had dropped his guard, stopped paying attention.
He spoke none of these thoughts alound.
"Hm," was all he said, brow furrowing, his hand not entangled in Bella's hair reaching out, tracing the marks along her neck.
Hmm, indeed.
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Do you think Bella and Rodolphus also made love, instead of only hot sex?
I think they definitely did, occasionally, especially in the beginning and when they tried for a child. But I guess for Bella it became less “making love” and more “fucking” the longer they were together and the deeper she fell for the Dark Lord.
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for crucioslut : @crucioslut is absolutely phenomenal with her portrayal of bellatrix.  like literally perfection oh my gosh, i could gush about how much i love how she writes her for days i swear. i get so excited seeing her writing on my dashboard & she seems to cool and nice.
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"I adore you, my darling girl. More than anything."
Delphini looked up at her mother from her position sprawled along the settee, a gentle knit of surprise kinking her brow. They had just gotten back from a rather taxing training session, and of all the things Delphi was expecting her mother to say just now, this was certainly not among them.
Her mother's admission was unprompted, but nowhere near unwelcome. She was looking at her girl with something soft in her stare and Delphini had to bite back a smile, every part of her softening at the look, despite her confusion.
Reaching up she grabbed Bella's arms, dragging her mother down onto the settee nearly right atop herself. The older witch huffed at her antics prompting Delphini's own laughter. She pulled her mum close, lifting her head up to plant noisy kisses all along the side of her mother's face - the same way she used to when she was small. Bellatrix pushed away from her daughter lightly but the cheeky smile planted on her face told a different story.
Delphini didn't know what to say just then. Choosing instead to settle against Bella, forehead resting along her mother's jawline with her cheek propped against her shoulder. Both of their arms were wrapped tight around one another, a tangle of limbs. Sometimes, Delphini loved her mother so much it made her heart hurt. It was a few more harrowing heartbeats before she finally replied.
"You're my favorite person." She whispered into her mother's collar, closing her eyes and holding her a bit closer just then. "You know that, don't you?"
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thestrongestmagic · 3 years
"Christina.." Bella approached her, feeling ridiculously sheepish for a woman of her age and position. What had she been reduced to? It wasn't like how she felt in the presence of the Dark Lord, for Bellatrix did not fear the older woman. Quite the opposite, the malfoy aunt had cared for Bellatrix in all the ways Voldemort could not. The elder witch would step in and play a big part in Bella's pregnancy. Bella had always admired her Master's first wife, even with that fact standing that there had been somebody before her. At least it'd been her.
Just weeks following Delphini's birth, the Dark Lord had decided to use both women for his entertainment. Since that moment it'd been impossible for Madame Lestrange to ease Christina from her mind.
"Good. I was hoping to catch you during your leisure. A word?"
Christina felt wretched, there was no other way to put it. Her family was in pieces and she was being punished once again by the man who was her greatest regret and yet still, she cared for him. She wasn't the only one who had found a place in Christina's heart though. She had been there throughout Bellatrix's pregnancy, had been there at yet another birth, held yet another child that was not her own in her arms. They ached for the love of a child, as they had ached for so many years. She could accomplish such great feats of magic that others would tremble before, truly powerful enough to stand beside her husband and rule with him if it weren't for the fact that he despised her. Yet, this was not something she could change or heal. Magic had its limitations.
There had been a form of magic worked between the two women that held Tom's attention; for good and for ill respectively. After that one night of degradation and humiliation, passion had been borne and it had changed entirely how Christina viewed Bellatrix.
She had been tending once more to the roses in the Manor gardens, something she had been doing since she had been a child, when she heard the crunch of gravel beneath shoes. She was content to ignore it but her hands stilled when she heard that familiar voice. She rose to her feet, smiling slightly at Bellatrix.
"Bellatrix. You are positively radiant today. Motherhood appears to suit you." The compliment was genuine, even as her lips twisted slightly. "What can I do for you today?"
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