#crust liverpool
julie-wing · 2 years
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Il Ristorante by Crust 🍝🍕 Julaayy.blogspot.com/2023/03/il-ristorante.html #blog #blogger #blogspot #bloglovin #fblog #fblogger #liverpool #liverpoolblog #liverpoolblogger #pizza #pasta #ravioli #ilristorantebycrust #ilrestorante #crust #ilforno #wooltonvillage #woolton #food #italianfood #italian #lunch #review https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYARR3svfG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thestarkerisobvious · 9 months
Saltburn - A Starker Story (With Footnotes)
This is a spoiler-free story, starring Starker, with amazing art by @mrstarksbaby Enjoy.
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Peter’s father has a title.(1)  Peter’s family lives in a castle.(2)
Throughout Oxford(3), that is what people say about him.  The first thing they say about him.  Sometimes the only thing they say about him.  His father has a title.  His family lives in a castle.  What else would you need to know?
Unless, of course, you talked to Peter.  Then you would find out a few more things.
Like how his mother had been a ridiculously famous groupie, knowing all the bands that had been hot in London in the 90’s, to the point that she had songs written about her(4).  Like how his father would throw lavish parties for almost-strangers, just to give him an excuse to wear his family’s armor.  Like how his parents were so comically out-of-touch with the real world they had once asked him “where Liverpool was located.”(5)
He would also tell you about the many other people that lived at Saltburn.  And, if you were VERY special, he might tell you about Mr. Stark.
Mr. Stark was an employee of the family, but in many ways he was a family friend as well.  It was often that way when people worked together for decades.  Peter’s father trusted Mr. Stark with his life, and with Peter’s life as well.  Technically Mr. Stark's title was “Head Butler.”  Which is why the family called him “Anthony.”  It was customary for the royalty to call the help by their first name, and the help to call the family by their last name.  Only Peter insisted, even as an adult, on calling the trusted man “Mr. Stark.”  It sounded overly formal, but it was completely the opposite.  Peter trusted Mr. Stark more than any other human being on earth.(6)
And with good reason.  It was Mr. Stark that saw that Peter wasn’t doing well at school, not because of his title, but because of his brain.  It was Mr. Stark that convinced the family that Peter SHOULD graduate a year early - that the challenge of the extra coursework would help Peter thrive where he had been floundering.  It was Mr. Stark who convinced the family to let Peter take a math track,(7) rather than try to fulfill any vague artistic dreams his mother once had for him.  Yes, the boy had the soul of a poet, but the mind of an engineer.  A mind that would be be so much happier with a practical degree.(8)  
And so Peter excels at school.  You should know that about him.  You should know that he went to Oxford a year early.  And that he loves every minute of his studies. (9)
But not of going to university.  Peter is a real brain, and a complete softy, but no one ever sees that.  His cousin MJ never lets him forget, or lets anyone forget, that he has a title and lives in a castle.  Peter MUST be a careless snobby playboy partier because everyone in the upper-upper-crust crowd is a careless snobby playboy partier and Peter, well, Peter fits in with everyone in the upper-upper-crust.   (But that’s not really who Peter is.  Peter is a dreamer.  An artist.   A photographer.  But only Mr. Stark knows that about Peter.  Only he encourages it.)
Peter is not happy at Oxford. (10)
Enter Quentin. (11)
Quentin seems to be everywhere for Peter.  (12)  There when Peter gets a flat tire while biking (13) to school.  There when Peter needs a real conversation (14) while all his friends were doing shots.  There when Peter needs someone to answer the question “Tell me about yourself.”
And so the year at Oxford goes on.  Things are good.  Quentin makes a good mate and Peter makes good marks and MJ doesn’t get too toxic when Peter doesn’t spend his every weekend partying with her friends.  And Peter keeps Tony updated about everything and looks forward to break. (15)
But as the year comes to a close, tragedy strikes.  Quentin’s family seems to have imploded - but the solution seems simple!  Peter will simply invite Quen to Saltburn to stay the summer!  It seems like a great idea - to have his new friend at his side all summer.  And Peter is happy.  Happy that he can help Quen now, the same way Quen helped him in his time of need.  He’s thrilled!! His mother, as batty and clueless as she is, is thrilled!  His father is not bothered!  Even MJ, in her condescending muted way, seems to not-hate it…  
Everyone is happy!!!
Except Mr. Stark.
Peter can’t explain it.  But Mr. Stark is being odd.  Awful.  Mean.  Cold to Quen, hostile, even.  Peter can’t explain it.  Mr. Stark had always been wonderful to him… (16)
Quen is saying Mr. Stark hates him because he is the “common man.”  Not that kind of person that “belongs at Saltburn.”  Peter can’t stand the idea.  He “orders” Mr. Stark to “stop being so dreadful” to Quen.  Sometimes he acts like it’s a joke and laughs it off.  But mostly Peter just pretends it isn’t happening.  Quentin is his friend.  Quentin understands Peter.  That’s why Peter gave Quen the room next to him.
That’s why they were sharing a bathroom. (17)
Okay, the TRUTH is, Peter was really trying to seduce Quentin.  Only… he was bad at it. (18)
VERY bad at it.  As in… Quen seemed to be hitting on… MJ?! Only MJ wasn’t having it!?! Only they were like… a couple now?  Or something?!?!
Peter was NOT happy.
How could he be?
He thought his dream had just come true.  He has a FRIEND(19) at Saltburn.  A friend to spend the summer with.(20) A friend that MIGHT… just might… help him with his little problem. (21)
Except Mr. Stark does not like Quentin.  At all.  Keeps being cold to Quen.  Mean to Quen. Actively.   In ways that cannot be denied, cannot be ignored.  Seems to always be appearing in odd places, rarely giving the boys any time alone to themselves.  Keeps appearing at Quen’s shoulder saying cryptic, menacing things.  “People get lost at Saltburn”  Mr. Stark had said.  Whatever that meant.  And Peter didn’t know what to do. 
He had hoped this summer would turn out to be like a movie, like a Romantic Comedy, or at least like an 80’s Sex Romp.   But it is quickly shaping up to be a tragedy.  (22)
footnotes below
1  Sir.  Peter’s father is a knight.  With an actual suit of armor.
2  Saltburn
3  A college he did NOT choose for himself.  But going to Oxford was his only option.  It was Oxford or nothing, a shameful secret that Peter has always resented.  
4  See Common People, Pulp 
5  But if you ever said “But Peter, you’re so down-to-earth!” he would go on to explain the influence of his aunt and uncle.  Who lived, along with so many other family members, at Saltburn.  He would explain how his aunt and uncle in essence raised him while his mother continued to globetrot and hob-nob with the famous elite as if she had never had children, or even had married, at all.  He would explain how, when his uncle Ben died, his adulthood had really begun.  It was the first time Peter had taken a hard look around him and made some decisions.  Some decisions about who he wanted to be.
There was another man, an older man, who had a great deal of influence on Peter.  A man who had worked at Saltburn on and off for decades, appearing and reappearing in Peter’s life for as long as he could remember.  That man had taken up permanent residence at Saltburn the year Peter had graduated high school, and had given him the courage he had needed to make his own demands about how his college education would proceed.  Everyone in Peter’s life knew that Peter was going to Oxford if he went to college, but only Peter knew that it almost didn’t go to college at all.  But Peter had a secret - a man with a superpower.  A man who could help him.
6 Like the fact that Peter DID NOT LIKE GIRLS.  It was Mr. Stark (who Peter called Tony, but only in private.  Only behind closed doors) that convinced Peter it was a simple fact that he would be able to speak out loud in time.  Convinced Peter that his parents were so much more open minded about these issues than Peter realized (after all, Mr. Stark knew Peter’s parents well.)  It was Tony that Peter confessed his secret to first, as well as his plan.  To tell the world.  Eventually.  After a year or two at Oxford.   At least.
7  Because Tony KNOWS Peter.  Knows what he’s REALLY like.  What he REALLY likes. How he doubts himself.  Completely.  Constantly.  What he wants to be in life.  What he finds attractive in a man.  Yes, Tony knows everything.   
8  And would that be SO BAD??!!  To have a REAL job?  To be an engineer, or an inventor?  Or an innovator?  To have his own career, his own flat, his own life?  (He wouldn’t live alone, of course.  That would be too scary.  He would bring someone with him from Saltburn, of course.  Someone to live with him.  Someone he trusted.)
(Like Tony.)
9  Well, he loves STUDIES.  But class ends eventually.  You have to stop studying EVENTUALLY.  Put down the pencil.  Shut the book.  THAT'S when the problem begins - when the tightness begins - when the low-grade panic starts.  But Peter ALWAYS knows the cure for that - the balm for that.  THAT'S when he turns to his superhero.  That’s when he gets out a sharp pencil and a clean piece of paper.  And he starts to write  a letter to Tony.
10  SO WHY IS HE STILL AT OXFORD?!  WHY has he not run scared, run back home, run back to safety?  How can he find the strength to get out of bed every day?  To walk out of the door every day??  Because of Tony.  Because of his superhero.  That’s why.
Because Tony writes back.  Constantly.  Weekly.  Sometimes DAILY.  And - hell - let's just admit it - sometimes the letters are not enough and Peter CALLS HIM ON THE PHONE.  And Tony tells him it will be okay.  He can stay.  He can study.  And then Tony starts to ask Peter about his classes, and then they are talking about maths again, and then it's all okay.  Peter is okay.  Because school is a GOOD thing.  It is a hard thing, but Peter can do hard things.  And because, when break comes, Peter can see Tony again.
And when those phone calls last long into the dark night, well, no one needs to know about that.  About what happens after Peter says goodbye to Tony, after he hangs up the phone.  About what Peter dreams about at night.  About what Peter’s hands do in the darkness, while his ears still echo with the sound of Tony’s voice.  
11 …with his stupid soulful eyes and his stupid handsome face.  Peter doesn’t know if he wants to kiss him or punch him in his stupid beautiful face.
12  Really, it DID seem like Quentin was everywhere.  Now that Peter knew his name, he realized he had seen Quen just about everywhere at Oxford.  Funny how life throws you together sometimes.
13  Oh god, that flat tire.  Peter was nothing without his bicycle.  MJ and his mates would forever give him grief about it, but Peter didn’t drive.  He had always been a year younger than everyone, and now he was two years behind, and driving was something that had always been done for his parents, not something that his parents did.  But he had no fear, as long as he had his bike.
It would be different in the future, he knew.  Tony had assured him that driving an automobile was not the mystery his parents made it out to be.  Peter was smart (Tony said) and once Peter saw how it was done he would wonder why it had ever intimidated him.
Besides, Tony would teach him.
Just like Tony had taught him how to take care of his bike.  Taught him how to take it apart and put it back together again.  When you saw Tony in his official suit, you would never imagine what a “grease monkey” he had been in his youth.  In his private time he liked to tinker with cars.  Peter would never forget last summer when he had been allowed to sit in the spare garage and talk to Tony while Tony tinkered.  Never forget what Tony looked like with his arms almost bare, his biceps bulging, sweat caressing his brow.  Peter would remember that forever.
And Tony would actually teach Peter to drive, he was sure about it.  That had been a promise.  Peter thought about it often (mostly at night.)  How Tony had pulled him into a friendly hug, Tony smelling of sweat and oil and something else… something… sturdy.  Something strong.  As if the man were made out of iron.
That’s when Tony had hugged Peter hard, clapped him on the back, and said “I’m your man, Kid.”  
(He called Peter “Kid.”  He was the only one allowed to call Petter “Kid.”)
“I’m your man, Kid,” he had said.  Whispered, really.
“When you’re ready, I’ll teach you how to drive.  I’ll teach you anything you want.”
He let go of Peter then, clapping him on both shoulders one more time.  Letting his hands rest there for longer than a moment.
“When you’re ready.”
14  And while Quen could sometimes be invasive (sometimes annoyingly so) the man was a good conversationalist.  Peter could talk to him for hours.  And Quentin was well-read in all kinds of subjects.  Really, anything Peter had latched onto, anything that caught his interest for a week or two that semester, Quentin always knew a lot about it.  Whatever it was.  It was uncanny, really.
15   Although when Peter DOES get home there won’t be any more letters from Tony.  Which is funny, really.  Peter loves those letters.  Tony sometimes fills them with sketches of Saltburn - the towers or the gardens.  And sometimes with sketches of Peter.  “But I know what *I* look like - I see myself in the mirror every day” Peter complains.  “Send me pictures of YOU.”  And Tony does.  Sends a single sketch of himself.  In the sketch he is looking down.  Looking tired.  Looking a little guilty.  But Peter likes to imagine Tony is looking down at something that has his complete attention.  Something important. 
Something like… Peter.
Yes, Peter likes looking at that picture of Tony at night.  In the darkness.  And then when he touches himself, he imagines his hands are Tony’s hands.  Callused, but gentle.  Knowing.  But commanding as well…
16 …always gentle.  Always helpful.  Always honest.  Because that’s what Tony WAS to Peter… the man who would cut through the bullshit.  Cut through the pretension.  Tell him the truth.
17   Because… and this was STUPID but… but Peter had a fantasy.
In that fantasy, he was done with university.  He had his degree.  He had freed himself, finally, from his family.  And then, with his new career, with his new flat, with his new suit… he rang up Anthony.  
Took him out.  Took him on the town.  They went to a pub together, took in a show.  And then they talked.  Talked like men.  Talked like equals.
And then Peter took Tony home, and invited Tony into his bed.
As men.
As equals.
Only… only that’s where the fantasy abruptly ended.  Because there was exactly one problem.  
WHY would Tony go to bed with Peter if Peter was still a virgin??
And that’s where Quen came in.
Peter had a pesky problem, and he had set out to find another man to take care of that problem.  And Quentin was that man.  Peter had decided.  This would be the summer - the summer that Peter lost his v-card and became a man.  The kind of man that could take Tony Stark as a lover.
18  AND HOW COULD HE BE SO BAD AT IT?!?  He thought he had made it CLEAR to Quen that he was ready.  That he was just waiting for Q to make his move.  I mean, how more obvious could Peter be?!?  How many forehead kisses, blowing-kisses, and goodnight kisses, and jokes about oral sex, and late-night drinking games, would it take?  Peter was being obvious, wasn’t he?  He had given Q an adjoining bedroom.  He had all but invited Quen to watch him bathe.  He slept every night with his door open!  What more did Quen want?  An engraved invitation?? 
19 Okay maybe not so much “friend” as “boy I am using for one thing and one thing only” but hey.  Friends used Peter all the time.  And no matter what Quentin was, he certainly wasn’t hard to look at.
20  And it was going to be so perfect!  Peter had it all planned out - he would tell Q that he spent every summer sunbathing - just like they did in France - completely in the nude.  And then he and Quen would go shirtless and lay about on lawn furniture getting tanned.  Shirtless - and eventually more than that.  Peter had wanted so badly to do that last summer - and this time he would get up the nerve. To position himself outside the Great Hall window where Tony had his office.  To take off his shirt - and maybe more - where Tony would certainly look out and see him.  See his new, adult body.  Realize that Peter was a man, now.  A man to take seriously.  A man that might want another man in his bed…
21  And okay dammit this was a big problem because that meant that PETER WAS STILL A VIRGIN HOW WAS THIS STILL A THING?!?!?!?  Life was so damn unfair.
22  And, okay, maybe everyone is right.  Maybe Quen does NOT belong here.  Maybe everyone can see what Peter has been denying.  Maybe Q IS too eager to please.  Too eager to fit in.  A little too obvious, too clunky, with his manipulation.  But DAMMIT QUEN WAS JUST A MEANS TO AN END and Peter really REALLY can’t figure out WHY would Tony be mean to THIS particular classmate?!  Dammit Peter just wanted to get laid…
At the dock MJ had demanded to know what was going on with Peter.  Actually accused him of being in love with Quentin.  Which was ridiculous - he wasn’t even 100% he would call Quentin a friend.  Quentin was, at best, a study partner.  He had invited Quen to Saltburn because of all the things he was going through at home… come on Quen’s dad having just died and his mom being a mess and…
Oh all right, let's be honest.  He doesn’t even like Quentin that much.  He brought Quentin back here because he thought Quentin had the hots for him.  But in the end, Quentin is just one thing to Peter - a warm body.  A warm body with a stiff cock, which Peter needs.  
Because many things got “lost” at Saltburn, but…
… Peter’s virginity wasn’t going to get lost by itself.
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Jamie, Jamie, cousin Jamie in Liverpool
Frank chuckled at the friendly banter that seemed so performative - why would friends even behave this way? It wasn't a big deal if Macca didn't want a piece of that pie, surely - but Jamie persisted, holding a piece of the pie stabbed on the fork, ready to be eaten. "Come on, Macca. Don't make a scene - For the homeland!"
Frank blushed; his mind flooding with memories. This was a peaceful, well-intended joke; just two friends joking; and yet there was an underlying feeling of already having witnessed something like that in the past. Don't make a scene. One bite. But Jamie laughed, and when Macca eventually gave in and opened his mouth, Frank held his breath. Surely Jamie wasn't going to -
But he was; he placed the piece of pie on the fork in Macca's mouth and let him bite it off, and only then slipped the fork out of his mouth again.
They both laughed as Macca chewed on the crust and the filling, placing a hand in front of his mouth to partially cover the lengthy process before his mouth was empty and he could speak again. "Yeah, it's alright. Not hot enough. Too potato-y."
"Ah, the local connoisseur," Jamie laughed as he turned to Frank in the backseat. "Have a bite too - "
Frank felt the rush of blood. Will Jamie - He didn't have enough time to even think of the question that was forming in his mind, and Jamie grabbed the other fork and cut off a chunk of the pie. "Open," he instructed, holding the fork carefully with the heavy load on it. "So your mum can't complain we didn't feed you here."
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with-eyes-closed · 2 years
Beatles Fic snippet
“You got the paper?” Paul asks, and George nods, scruffing about in the pockets of his school blazer for the folded up back page of The Liverpool Echo, the bit with the ads for odds and ends, because sometimes there’s somethin’ worthwhile in there – whole (although usually broken) instruments and catgut strings and old radios and records for bands they’ve never even heard of (and often that’s better, because it’s half the way he and Ian and George have learnt new chords).
Paul plucks the paper from George’s hands, snapping it open and holding it out so Ivan can read it over his shoulder too, even though he knows they won’t be looking for the same thing. Vaguely, he can see George’s friend lean in to whisper something in his ear, and Paul ignores him, gaze skimming over an ad for a typewriter and another seeking factory labourers, when he hears George say:
“Thought I’d see you lot at Garston on the weekend.”
The stretch of coast along the Mersey between Speke and Garston is a regular haunt for most of the kids on the estates, at least during the day before night fell and it becomes a home for the one-legged drunks spending their war pensions on prozzies, and it’s a game of sorts. To go down there on the weekends and look for salt-crusted bullet shells washed up on the shore or beer bottles to break against the coastal rocks. They’d found a girl’s knickers once, twisted up with hogweed and newspaper near translucent from chip shop oil, and taken turns playin’ their keeper until Willie Dreck’s mam had found them in his room and beat him for the crime of it.
Paul hasn’t gone lately though, not since his recent growth spurt left him able to slip into pubs and clubs alongside Ivan and Ian. Left him able to brush up against real girls with soft skin and wool skirts and smiles that were more knowing than Paul ever thought a girl’s could be.
“I was busy,” Paul offers, still distracted, but he feels both George and Ivan’s gaze on him, not heavy exactly, but present as he finds an ad for a pianola with a missing pedal. Briefly, he wonders if John could play it, then, just as quick, if he could play it better. The thought licks like a cat tongue, rough and real, and he folds the paper in half to centre the ad, to hold it one handed and use the other to push the last inch of his cigarette into his mouth.
There must be something in the moment of it – a look on George’s face or maybe one on his, because Ivan huffs out a breath, turns to George and gives him the answer Paul hasn’t:
“I took him to see that band I play in sometimes at Woolton. The Quarrymen. You heard of them?”
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Must-Have Food Items in BBQ Event Catering
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There's something inherently satisfying about the smoky aroma of a barbecue wafting through the air. It's the promise of succulent meats, charred vegetables, and mouthwatering sides that make BBQ events a perennial favorite. If you're planning a BBQ event and looking for the perfect food items to include in your bbq event catering in Liverpool, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll explore the essential food items that should grace your BBQ event catering spread.
Barbecue Classics
No BBQ event is complete without the classics that have made barbecues an enduring tradition. These savory delights include:
Burgers: Juicy, flavorful beef, turkey, or veggie burgers are a crowd-pleaser. Don't forget the buns and a variety of condiments.
Hot Dogs: No BBQ is truly American without hot dogs. Serve them with options like sauerkraut, relish, and mustard.
Steaks: Premium cuts of beef, such as ribeye, sirloin, and filet mignon, grilled to perfection with a smoky flavor.
Chicken: Marinated chicken breasts, thighs, or wings, grilled until they're tender and bursting with flavor.
Non-Veg BBQ Delights
Regarding barbecues, non-veg options reign supreme, delighting carnivores with an array of mouthwatering choices. From tender cuts of meat to succulent poultry, non-veg BBQ is a flavorful celebration of carnivorous delights.
Steak: The king of non-veg BBQ menu in Leicester, steaks come in various cuts and thicknesses. The seared crust, juicy interior, and smoky aroma make each bite an experience.
Burgers: Whether crafted from beef, turkey, or other meats, burgers are a crowd-pleaser. Customize with toppings and condiments to suit every palate.
Chicken: Marinated in spices and grilled to perfection, chicken is a versatile and delightful non-veg option. From wings to thighs, there's a cut for everyone.
Ribs: Succulent and dripping with flavor, ribs, whether St. Louis-style or baby back, is a BBQ staple. The slow-cooking process renders them fall-off-the-bone tender.
Sausages: From bratwurst to kielbasa, sausages come in various flavors and textures, offering something for every meat lover.
Seafood: Grilled fish and shrimp provide a lighter non-veg option, infusing the BBQ experience with ocean-inspired flavors.
Grilled Seafood
For those who crave a taste of the sea, consider including the following seafood options in your BBQ event catering:
Salmon: Grilled salmon filets or skewers seasoned with herbs and spices are healthy and delectable.
Shrimp: Grilled shrimp with a touch of smokiness is a delightful addition to your menu.
Vegetarian Delights
Don't forget your vegetarian guests! bbq event catering in Liverpool can be included with these plant-based options:
Grilled Veggie Skewers: A rainbow of vegetables, marinated and grilled to perfection, can be served as a side or a main dish for your vegetarian guests.
Portobello Mushrooms: These meaty mushrooms can be marinated and grilled for a satisfying and savory dish.
Corn on the Cob: Grilled corn with a smoky char and various flavorful toppings will please vegetarians and carnivores alike.
Sides and Accompaniments
No BBQ event is complete without a tempting array of sides:
Coleslaw: Creamy or vinegar-based coleslaw is a refreshing accompaniment to the smoky meats.
Baked Beans: A sweet and savory dish that pairs perfectly with BBQ.
Macaroni and Cheese: Creamy and comforting, mac 'n' cheese is a hit with guests of all ages.
Potato Salad: A hearty and creamy side dish with various flavors and ingredients.
Grilled Cornbread: A smoky twist on a classic cornbread with a grill flavor is a perfect complement to BBQ dishes.
Sauces and Condiments
Sauces and condiments are the finishing touch that can elevate your BBQ catering menu:
BBQ Sauces: Offer a selection of barbecue sauces, from sweet and tangy to spicy and smoky, to satisfy every palate.
Mustards: Dijon, honey, and grainy mustards are great options for hot dogs and sausages.
Pickles and Onions: These toppings add a refreshing crunch and tang to your BBQ creations.
A BBQ menu in Leicester is more than just a meal; it celebrates flavors, aromas, and community. When planning your BBQ event catering, remember to include a variety of classic barbecue staples, savory meats, grilled seafood, vegetarian options, sides, and condiments. By offering a diverse and delectable spread, you'll ensure your guests have an unforgettable culinary experience that leaves them craving more of that smoky, mouthwatering goodness. So, fire up the grill, gather your guests, and let the BBQ feast begin!
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mereflo · 1 year
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Crust Liverpool // Ilford HP 5+
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
The Best Wood Fired Pizza in Melbourne
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If you are thinking of ordering a pizza, you’ll want to consider the option of wood-fired pizza. This style of pizza has the ability to make the tomato base even more flavoursome and the toppings more delicious, which will make your overall experience much more enjoyable. Having said that, if you aren’t a fan of the taste of wood-fired pizza, there are many other options to choose from.
Di Parma
If you are looking for an authentic Neapolitan pizza, 400 Gradi is one of the best places to eat in Melbourne. It has a wood-fired brick oven which produces a soft, slightly puffy pie.
The dough is made from sourdough. The pizza base is then fermented for 48 hours, leaving a light, airy crust. The pizza is then baked in the pizza oven, which is cranked up to 400 degrees. The pizza is cooked for just 90 seconds.
The Capitano pizza is made from a tomato base, pickled chilli and pepperoni. It is baked in large rectangular trays.
Leonardo’s Pizza Palace
Leonardo’s Pizza Palace is one of the newest “it” places in Melbourne. The pizza cafe has taken over the former Da Salvatore Pizza by the Metre. The Carlton location features 1970s style wood paneling, leadlight windows and dark brick walls.
The pizza cafe also has a booth dining area. Typically, the Trattoria is crowded with city dwellers. Here, you can watch the chefs work.
The menu is very diverse. In addition to traditional Italian fare, Leonardo’s also offers a vegetarian selection and gluten free options. The restaurant has a cocktail list and offers beers on tap.
Innocent Bystander
Innocent Bystander is a wine shop, wine bar and restaurant in the Healesville area of Melbourne, Victoria. The wine cellar is located in a converted breweries former building, while the wine bar is an impressive 15 metre stone and concrete structure. The wine is poured from recyclable kegs. Using only the finest ingredients, Innocent Bystander produces some pretty yum yum wines.
The restaurant has three main areas. The bar, a booth dining area and a dining room with an impressive custom built oven. The wine shop boasts a full range of wines and cocktails from Everleigh Bottling Co. The restaurant also has its own sommelier to pair your glasses with.
If you’re looking for a high-end, Italian pizza joint in Melbourne, consider Bontempo. This restaurant’s wood-fired pizzas are top-notch. The menu also offers an array of pastas.
The pizza may be the best part of the restaurant. The dough is slow-proofed, which results in a soft crust that’s pleasantly chewy. The toppings are easily absorbed by the base, which is light and fluffy.
It’s hard to go wrong with a Neapolitan-style pizza. You’ll find traditional favourites like Kaprica and Salsicce e Funghi, plus fresh seafood options. The menu also has vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options.
Ladro pizza Melbourne is the pizza institution that started the artisan pizza movement. Since 2003, the team at Ladro has been bringing authentic Italian cuisine to the city. Whether you’re looking for an intimate dinner for two or a family night out, you’ll find a wide range of delicious Italian dishes to choose from.
The restaurant is known for its award-winning pizza. Guests can enjoy four types of pizzas, which are cooked in an artisan wood-fired oven. The menu includes a variety of flavours to suit everyone’s taste.
SPQR is a new sourdough Neapolitan wood fired pizza restaurant located on Liverpool Street. It is owned by David Mackintosh and Pete Bartholomew and is open Monday to Sunday. They serve whole pies as well as slices. The menu is short but consists of seven different pizzas.
The Notti d’Oriente is a pizza made with red onion, lamb sausage and mozzarella. This pizza is a great example of a pizza that combines a sourdough base with natural yeast. The cheese is melted to a heavenly golden brown and the resulting sauce is sweet and spicy.
Pizza is one of the most popular food items in the world. It is also a great get-together food. There are a variety of different types of pizzas available in Melbourne. The best pizza restaurants in Melbourne specialize in the quality of their pizza dough and fresh toppings.
A 25 is a pizza restaurant with a focus on authentic Italian flavours. They offer a wide range of pizzas, including gluten-free and vegan options. They have a Coeliac accreditation, and their motto is ‘Pizza Is Sexy’. They are based in Melbourne’s CBD, with locations in Sydney and Docklands.
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trastornadosrevista · 2 years
Los legendarios Discharge llegan por primera vez a la Argentina
Discharge, una de las bandas más relevantes en el desarrollo del punk y el metal, se presentará por primera vez en Argentina el próximo miércoles 7 de diciembre en “Uniclub”, Guardia Vieja 3360, C.A.B.A. en el marco de su primera gira por Sudamérica, en la que celebra los 40 años de su álbum más influyente “Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing”, uno de los estandartes del origen del D-beat.
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La mítica banda fue formada en 1977 en Stoke On Trent, Reino Unido, desarrollando una carrera que se destaca por utilizar un sonido pesado, distorsionado y demoledor, siempre con un discurso político social y un mensaje sobre anarquismo, pacifismo y capitalismo. Todo esto dio origen al estilo D-beat, ya que Discharge es considerada la banda que allanó el camino para varios estilos de metal extremo como el thrash, black metal, crust punk y grindcore.
Este nuevo estilo creado por la banda “D-beat,” es el género precursor del crust-punk. Tal fue la potencia del invento que dentro del propio D-beat, floreció todo un mundo dentro de un mundo y una subcultura dentro de otra.
Su influencia llego a muchas agrupaciones futuras de thrash, grind, y death metal que consideran a este grupo como su mayor influencia. Tal es el caso de agrupaciones como Napalm Death y S.O.B quienes fueron fuertemente influenciadas por Discharge e incluso se formaron como bandas debido a su gusto por este grupo.
También casos como Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Bathory, Sepultura, Slayer, Anthrax y Metallica han mencionado la era hardcore punk de Discharge como una de sus principales influencias.
Este año se cumplen 40 años del lanzamiento de su álbum debut ‘Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing’, un disco de los más furiosos de la historia underground, con guitarras crudas, pesadas y distorsionadas que impactaron al hardcore punk desde Inglaterra al principio, pero pronto estalló en todo el mundo, un sonido áspero que quedaría marcado para siempre.
El álbum de estudio más reciente de Discharge es ‘End of Days’, lanzado en 2016 a través de Nuclear Blast, alcanzó el número 10 en The Official UK Rock Charts y vio a Discharge tocar ante multitudes con entradas agotadas en América del Norte y Europa.
La banda anunció así su gira Latinoamericana a través de sus redes sociales:
“Después de que nos preguntaran por muchos años, este diciembre haremos nuestro primer tour por Latinoamérica. Hemos esperado por mucho tiempo para que esto ocurra y estamos muy felices de que por fin estaremos ahí y tocaremos para todos ustedes”.
Entradas a la venta a través de:
Sistema Passline  https://www.passline.com/eventos/discharge
Fade to Black (Bond Street) – Metalmania (Centro) – Liverpool (Belgrano) -  Locuras (Morón) – Transilvania (Lanus) - Understyle  (Lomas de Zamora) – Xennon  (Quilmes).
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fuerimmer-fernweh · 7 years
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When in Liverpool 😋🍕 #crust #love #pizza #bestintown #england #uk #liverpool #potd (hier: Crust)
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julie-wing · 2 years
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Various Artists — Parsnips Under My Feet: DIY Punk and Bedroom Pop from Pumf Records 1986-1998 (Floating Mill)
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Parsnips Under My Feet by Various Artists on Pumf Records
Jethro Tull and Robert Smith of the Cure come from Blackpool, but very few musical acts go there. The seaside resort down is too close to larger scenes in Liverpool to the south and Manchester and Leeds to the East. And so, Blackpool has always been a home to eccentric, home-grown, DIY musical endeavors in musical styles from metal to grime to home-taped bedroom punk. Pumf Records was surely one of the oddest of these, a tape-only label headed by a mad visionary named pStan Batcow (the “p” is not a typo), who wrote, performed, recorded, designed and promoted everything the label released. Parsnips Under My Feet collects 14 scrappy, hissy, punk-into-pop tracks recorded by six different bands, all featuring pStan Batcow in some form. It’s like a cross between a Messthetics regional comp and that scene from Being John Malkovich where everyone in the restaurant has the same face.
Not that it isn’t enjoyable, if you like this sort of thing. Why not start with the Def-A-Kators? One contemporary reviewer described Batcow’s lo-fi punk foursome as “a cross between the late lamented Voidoids and Phil Spector's Wall of Sound in a motorway pile-up.” But the compilation’s “Theme,” is a surfy, buzzy instrumental that lopes along in a gloriously carefree manner, and “War’s a Bore,” is just-contained chaos, its frenetic punk slash and strum framing blotto political posturing like “Ronald Reagan was a bastard, let’s all go out and get plastered.” 
Def-A-Kators were a band. Rrrrrrr was a pre-internet file trading project, where Batcow and an unnamed collaborator would work remotely on fuzz-crusted bedroom pop. The acoustic “Rasputin” traces the myriad, unsuccessful attempts to murder the Tsar’s favorite shaman, poisonings, gunfire, strangling, fisticuffs and finally drowning in a river. It is unhinged and obsessive and close to beautiful, with its raspy guitars and echo-shrouded vocals. 
Batcow’s solo project Howl in the Typewriter gets the most attention here, accounting for four of the disc’s cuts. This outfit’s “Close” is new wave dipped in corrosive acid, its quivering synth riffs hemmed in by raging guitar. The other groups on offer include BILE!, Troll and Gravelin, though in his notes, Batcow admits that they are essentially the same band, with different supporting members drifting in and out. 
The disc is uneven. Howl in the Typewriter’s “Heeby Jeeby Insect Wriggle” seems a bit undercooked, and the bonus, “I Hate You,” is too raw and dissonant to be much of a bonus. Still, in this day of music industry consolidation and domination, it’s a kick to hear one person make so much noise. So, here’s to the oddballs in off-the-map towns armed with minimal equipment and maximal confidence making their own, then and now. It’s Pumf’s world, too. Make some room. 
Jennifer Kelly
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agraingerphoto · 7 years
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At Rose Howey, Liverpool
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damien-keyes · 4 years
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Goodness, DAMIEN KEYES has arrived in London. HE is 33, of the SHEFFIELD KEYES. Though they are NEW to the Season, we can only describe them as CHARMING and PERSUASIVE, dear reader. Accompanied by A SPONSOR AND A POET, they have settled in and are accepting social calls. But be warned: they are known for their CALLOUSNESS.
Damien grew up on an estate in Sheffield, but it wasn’t the ancestral home. His mother worked there as part of the kitchen staff. He watched her perform backbreaking work and receive continual abuse from the wealthy lord and lady of the house alike. A seed of hatred towards nobility was planted and continued to grow. A teenager when his mother died, he was turned out of the lord’s home. 
He quickly found work in the manor of a prominent local politician destined for greater things. Until Damien uncovered a scandal of his employer's and used it against the man. Pay me handsomely to keep my mouth shut.
Easy money. It encouraged Damien that he might never need to work again in servitude. He began to insert himself into country homes and estates on the pretense of work in order to uncover the improprieties of the rich and weaponize them. If there wasn't a scandal to milk, Damien would lure a lady (and sometimes a lord) into a lascivious situation to use later as blackmail.
He bounced around running small cons on members of gentry until he met Lady Faithfull, a lonely baroness in Liverpool. Seducing her was simpler and required less work than the blackmail scams he had been running across northern England. So was spending her money. 
After a few boring but relatively quiet years, Lady Faithfull died unexpectedly. It was a typical day: riding horses, strolling through her beloved gardens, afternoon tea. The lady was fit as a fiddle yet suddenly fell ill and retired to their room. By morning she was gone. How strange….
Damien began a new quest to seduce and swindle his way across England, rich in his own right thanks to the inheritance from his wife. Along the way he met Emilia. Initially she was out to rob blind the same countess Damien had set his sights on. But soon he learned Emelie was harboring similar resentments towards the upper class. On leaving the countess lovestruck and lighter in the wallet, they realized as a pair they could do so much more. It became a game for them. And they never seemed to grow tired for the taste of temporary infatuations, the lust for bleeding a member of the upper crust dry.
Damien has arrived in London to participate in the Season for the first time. What better place to exploit the rich and grift the wealthy? Perhaps his next wife might outlive the last. 
Charming, persuasive, generous to his closest friend
Blunt, manipulative, concerned with his own interests
Is a patron of the arts
Teaches pianoforte 
Invests in race horses
Owns a cat
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rxch-shello · 7 years
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Crust is where it's at!!😍😍 Will definitely be making this a regular spot!👌👌 . . . #food #foodporn #italian #lasagna #pizza #crust #eatingout #potd #gorgeous #delicious #yummy #liverpool #foodie (at Crust)
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The inner core of planet Earth was once molten. But it solidified within the past 565 million years, a new study suggests. That would have been just in time to save the planet’s protective magnetic field from imminent collapse. It also would have kick-started that field into its current, powerful phase, the study says.
Scientists shared their new analysis in the February Nature Geoscience.
It supports something previously suggested by a computer model. That model had proposed that Earth’s inner core is relatively young.
Earth formed some 4.54 billion years ago. The new study offers clues to how — and how quickly — Earth has been losing heat since its formed. And that is key to learning how the planet’s magnetic shield formed. It also offers insight into heat-related motions within the mantle (between Earth’s crust and core), as well as into plate tectonics.
“We don’t have many real benchmarks for the thermal history of our planet,” says Peter Olson. He’s a geophysicist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. He was not involved in the new study. “We know [Earth’s] interior was hotter than today, because all planets lose heat. But we don’t know what the average temperature was a billion years ago, compared with today.” Pinning down when iron in the inner core began to crystallize could offer a window into how hot the interior of the planet was back then, he says.
The planet’s core is made of iron and nickel and has two layers. The inner core is solid. Around it sits a molten outer core. When that solid inner core formed has been a long-standing mystery. People have suggested it could have been anywhere from 500 million years ago to more than 2.5 billion years ago, says coauthor John Tarduno. He’s a geophysicist at the University of Rochester in New York.
The core’s two layers interact. And that drives Earth’s geodynamo — the circulation of an iron-rich fluid that powers the planet’s magnetic field. That field surrounds the planet. And that’s a good thing. It protects Earth from being battered by the solar wind, a constant flow of charged particles from the sun.
As the inner core cooled and crystallized, the chemical recipe of its surrounding fluid changed. The more buoyant liquid would have risen like a plume. The cooling crystals would have sunk. That density-driven circulation was self-sustaining. And it has driven a strong magnetic field with two opposing poles, north and south.
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Heat driving convection within Earth’s hot, molten core (orange) powered the planet’s magnetic field for billions of years. New evidence suggests that by about 565 million years ago, that field was weak and increasingly unstable (left). Later, the inner core began to solidify (red, at right). That strengthened the field, giving it relatively consistent north and south magnetic poles (right).
Ancient magnetism
Scientists have found traces of magnetism in ancient rocks. Those rocks suggest that Earth had a magnetic field as far back as 4.2 billion years ago. That earlier field was likely generated by heat within the planet. That heat would have driven circulation within the molten core.
But over time, computer models suggest, the heat-driven circulation wouldn’t have been strong enough alone go on powering a strong magnetic field. Instead, the field would have begun to shut down. And old rocks show evidence of that in weakening magnetic field intensities and rapid reversals in Earth’s North and Sound poles over millions of years.
Eventually, Earth’s inner core began to crystallize. That would have jump-started the geodynamo. It also would have generated a new, stronger magnetic field.
Now scientists think they’ve found evidence for when that magnetic-field breakdown took place.
Inclusions are iron-rich, needlelike grains in rocks. Those inclusions align themselves with the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field when the rocks formed. Analyses of those inclusions show that the planet’s magnetic field was extremely weak some 565 million years ago. Richard Bono led the research team that had been looking at a suite of rocks from Quebec, Canada. A geophysicist, Bono now works at the University of Liverpool in England. Those very weak magnetic fields, Tarduno says, suggested there was something happening in the core.
Earlier studies had found that the magnetic field was also rapidly reversing its North-to-South polarity at that time. And with the new data, this research indicates that Earth’s field may have been on the point of collapse some 565 million years ago. That would seem to mean that the inner core had not yet become solid. Fortunately for life on Earth, it eventually did.
The new finding is “potentially very important,” says Olson at Johns Hopkins. The rocks bearing the magnetic grains took a very long time to cool. That means the new data represent an average field intensity over a 100,000-year period. He says Bono’s team hasn’t just captured a snapshot of some fluctuating field, but instead a true, persistent signal. Computer modeling had suggested that the weak field might have lasted much longer — from about 900 million to 600 million years ago, or until the inner core solidified. More data from within that time span, as well as from other locations, would help to confirm that.  
Peter Driscoll is a geophysicist at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C. He was one of the scientists who estimated how long the weak phase might have lasted. Driscoll wrote a commentary that was published along with the new study. A young solid inner core also highlights lingering questions about how quickly Earth cooled, he notes. For example, “if the core is cooling quickly, that means it was very hot in the recent past, and that the lower mantle was very hot in the recent past.” Both could have still been molten just 1 billion to 2 billion years ago. “We absolutely do not see that in the rock record.”
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1826 Sunday 16 April
6 25/60
11 35/60
Took a hasty leave of Miss Marsh just ready in time to take my crust of bread and get into the mail at 7 1/2 - 2 men the one as far as Kidhall Lane - the other got outside at Leeds - and a youth all the way to Halifax where I got out midway the bridge about 1, and, leaving my great coat and travelling bag at the Pine apple, got here in about 1/4 hour - my aunt quite as well as when I left her - found a letter on my desk from Miss Maclean (Edinburgh) - 3 pages the ends and 1/2 the 1st page crossed - She has prevented her father’s plan of going to London by having her uncle to see him in Edinburgh - thinks of going home (to Quinish) soon as she can, and then returning thence by steam to Glasgow, and thence by ditto to Liverpool on her road here - I wish this may be accomplished - says her health is good - Kind letter - easy - just such as I like to receive from her - It strikes me more than ever how much her sentiments perpetually run in the same current as mine -
At 2 had a basin of boiled milk and a couple of dry toasts - then felt sleep, and literally dozed and slept in my chair till 4, when my father came - staid talking to him till 5 1/2 - then came upstairs to write to Mr Parker respecting his attending the meeting of the commissars of the Brighouse and Denholme gate road to be held at Queen’s head tomorrow - Had not time to dress - Dinner at 6 25/60 - Afterwards talked away the evening - doubting how my aunt will manage at Northgate without Cordingley etc etc Shall we go there at all - Shall we stay here till the middle of June, and then go to Buxton - or if we go to Northgate on the 1st of May, go to Buxton the middle of June and abroad the end of July - to Orleans for a little while? - Fine day - Came up to bed at 9 55/60 at which hour Barometer 3 1/2 degrees above changeable Fahrenheit 52˚ - Put by all my things -
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/9/0087
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