frankveda · 6 days
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Knoblauchbrot ! Frisch aus dem Ofen ! Verschiedene Sorten ! Warm und duftend !
Viel Spaß mit #veda_food !
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luaminesce · 10 months
Can we please stop with the "wayward Victorian woman imprisoned in an asylum for not conforming to gender roles" trope? It's offensive to nuerodivergent/autistic folks like me who would've probably been sent to asylums and abused for being disabled.
(Not to mention the fact a lot of these nuerotypical women would've advocated for people like me to be sent there/killed anyway.)
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years
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Members Only 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, cheating, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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“Tommy knows the owner,” Grace trills as she leads you upstairs, “he’s around here somewhere, I’m sure.” 
“Right,” you follow her up into the violet-tinted lighting of the private room, “Mr. Shelby must know a lot of people.” 
“Mm, yes, that is the upside of our marriage. There isn’t a single restaurant or shop in this city where they don’t know his name,” she boasts as you stop at the door and she struts across to the slender bar. She hums, a hint of disapproval in her tone, and she pops the cork of the bottle. “That and the drinks.” 
She catches the foam from the neck in her mouth, her lipstick staining the torn edge of the golden seal. She gulps and puts the bottle down, blotting her lips with her knuckles. She turns and strolls around the curved sofa and looks through the windows that peer into the flashing club. 
“Pour me a glass,” she demands, “it isn’t my brand but good enough.” 
You obey. Mrs. Shelby is very precise in what she wants. She never leaves you in need of further directive. Your previous employer often expected you to know what they wanted without saying so. That stint did not last very long. 
The private room is decorated in silver and gold banners, vases filled with matching confetti, and an ivory cake with a big ‘40’ mounted on top. The decor clashes with the rest of the club. This isn’t a refined venue, it’s a place where coeds come to wile away their weekends. 
You fill a stemmed glass with champagne and bring it to Grace as she toys with a pale blonde wave. She is a pretty woman. She has all the elegance her name would suggest. Still, there is a staunchness to her that keeps you diligent. 
“Hmm, I do wonder why my husband is so fond of this place,” she tuts, “though I might guess it.” 
You peer down at the writhing bodies dancing below. Skimp skirts, crop tops, flirty moves; it isn’t your sort of place and you didn’t think it was hers either. She turns and struts away, sitting on the sofa to nurse her champagne flute. You turn to face her, staying by the windowed wall. 
“I won’t complain. Charlotte will appreciate the effort. It might even bring back a few memories for her,” Grace continues on, twirling the glass between her fingers. “The rest of the ladies should be content enough with the champagne and—oh my, please, go to the kitchen and inquire after the appetizers. I was promised brie and crustinis.” 
She sighs as you move for the door and she slurps loudly. As you reach the door, you hear her mutter, “...ever trust him...” 
You leave her there, wallowing with her golden nectar. It is no secret that the Shelby’s are facing marital woes. Even beyond the scope of Mrs. Shelby’s personal assistant, it’s obvious. Their last dinner party erupted in an argument which had their social circle whispering even months later. She blamed the alcohol and he blamed her. 
You find your way to the kitchen, past the burly man serving drinks behind the upper tier bar. You’re permitted past upon the mention of your employer’s name. Within, a man lines trays with tidy hor d’ouevres. Despite his greasy apron, his work looks no different than the private chefs that often serve the Shelbys. 
You hate to ask but you have to. Your ‘when’ is met with a ‘soon’ which sounds more like ‘can’t you see?’ You thank the cook and quickly retreat.  
As you get back to the stairs, you see Mona, Lilian, and Charlotte. The latter looks confused at her surroundings. She has no idea why she’s there. The surprise has worked. You linger then follow up a few steps behind. 
You can hear the furor as you approach the door. Charlotte’s squealing and as you enter, unseen, she hugs Grace who looks more irked then endeared by the embrace. Your employer’s eyes lock onto you and he gestures to you. You serve the other ladies; Charlotte first as guest of honour. 
“This is quaint,” Mona preens. 
“It’s exactly Charlotte’s taste,” Grace snipes, “if only you’d known her twenty years ago--” 
“Grace, I am a married woman now. No need to bring up the past,” Charlotte girds. 
“Oh, tell me the first note of Britney won’t have you undone,” Grace challenges as she lets you refill her glass. 
The woman chirp and giggle. Your employer faces you, “well?” 
“The cook is finishing up. They’ll be here shortly,” you keep your voice low, an expert at not disturbing the others. 
“Mm, it better be worth it.” 
You don’t mention that it hasn’t cost her anything. It’s isn’t your place to say so, or to speak unless spoken to. Some may think your job oppressive but you don’t mind so much. It’s easy to be told what to do. You’ve never been very good at decisions. 
She sips and scrunches up her nose, “ugh, this isn’t dry enough. Go, find my brand. Ugh, he knows what I prefer and he just doesn’t care.” 
“Yes, miss,” you take her glass as she hands it over and you leave it on the bar. It’s miss, not ma’am. Ma’am makes her feel old. When her birthday comes around, it will be her fifth fourtieth soiree. 
You leave the room again and venture back down. You go to the bar and wave your hand at the tall, blond bartender. He nods to show he’s seen you as he continues to serve his current customer. You wait, bobbing impatiently. He forgets you as a flurry of babbling young girls approach from the other side. He takes their orders and you sigh. You put your hand up again. 
“Oi,” a voice sounds from behind you and a whistle cuts through the thrumming din. The bartender turns and his blue eyes flicker in the club lights. He nears, looking behind you, almost through you. 
“Mr. Shelby,” he greets. You tense and glance behind you. It’s him. Thomas Shelby. Your boss’ husband. In essence, he is your boss, he pays your bills. 
“She’s been waiting,” he points down at you. 
“Of course, sir, apologies,” the bartender looks down at you, “what can I do for you?” 
“Er, I'm looking for champagne. A specific brand--” 
“Taittinger,” Mr. Shelby calls over your head. 
You nod in agreement. That’s the one. He knows but he didn’t have it in the room. Is his wife correct in his disregard or was it merely an oversight? 
“Quickly,” Shelby demands and shoos the bartender with his fingers. “My wife is here?” 
You face him and confirm his assumption. 
“Mm, I forgot it was tonight,” he says, though you hardly hear him over the music. 
You don’t know what to say. There isn’t anything to say. You rarely, if ever, speak to Mr. Shelby. You’re usually just treated as part of the decor. 
“Keep an eye on her for me,” he reaches past you as the bartender returns and he takes the bottle of champagne, “better get this to her at once. Guard it with your life,” he intones as he stares you down, “she does prize her little indulgences.” 
“Yes, sir, thank you,” you make sure he can hear you above the pulsing noise. 
He tilts his head and steps aside, “on you go.” 
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lowpolyfoods · 3 months
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Crustinis and Cheese, from Final Fantasy XIV
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neveragainfools · 6 months
Every gifset from The Bear is like a normal cook making a sandwich or something with no emotion but then the tags are like 'This scene was so emotional' 'you can see him falling apart here. He'd never glaze the vinagrette like this if his mother was there' 'the crustini being cut really reflects his torn emotional state from generational trauma" "his family is the loaf and he stands alone as a slice supporting everyone else"
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fan-art-ic · 6 months
Post 1: please help this family who personally helped raise me they will die please help
Post 2: watch out for scammers taking advantage!
Post 3: one paragraph long suicide note
Post 4: leather dominatrix furry art
Post 5: this is a father he was kind and great and he was murdered getting food for his kids
Post 6: poll about crustini
Post 7: check out this bandcamp
Post 8: guys please unless we work together we will always be chained
Post 9: unrebloggable post that was only reblogged 10m ago and posted yesterday
Post 10: another suicide note
It actively feels like I'm on this sick merry go round not with the horses but the kind your friends would spin you on like light dark light dark light dark light dark dark and I'm going to throw up
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Today i served my Partner Gazpacho for breakfast! With crustinis, an egg, and fresh brewed coffee!
Maybe i will just keep track of the food i make here! 🐇🩷
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mychemicalnations · 2 years
Tag People You'd Like to Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @cricketfucker and @effervescent-fool :3
Three Ships: I'll ship just about anything if you show me a good enough fic but my top three are basically canon, crack ship, and "these bitches have never met and never will" (Zelink, Zoe Hange x Keith Shadis, and Crepus Ragnvindr x Kaeya's bio dad, respectively)
First Ever Ship: Probably Zelink, if not that then it was probably Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask
Last Song: Tomcat Disposables (Live) - Will Wood (big surprise)
Last Movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Currently Reading: Settings of Silver: An Introduction to Judaism by Stephan M. Wylen
Currently Watching: Uhhhhhh.... Like right in this moment I'm watching Pravus play Kingdoms Reborn
Currently Consuming: Nothing but for lunch I had a barbecue chicken bistro crustini
Currently Craving: Sushi
Tagging @deadlier-than-i-look @midnights-call @florraisons @inlilac @phantomnations if y'all want to <3
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many-gay-magpies · 2 months
crustini... crustini save me.....
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Members Only 2
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, cheating, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Grace is in tears. She’s babbling as Charlotte and Mona try to mop up her running mascara. The bottle of champagne is empty and Lillian is mindlessly swaying at the window as the club lights flash into the room. It’s chaos. You’re not sure exactly what to do. 
You’ve been with Mrs. Shelby for a few months. Typically, she’s the sort for high tea or a luncheon. Often, you’re following her around to the elitist events and waiting outside watching your phone. Or you attend her privately why she rants about the newest designs be so hard to come by or that she can’t go to Paris whenever she wishes. Her biggest complaints are your most unlikely dreams. 
“I just don’t understand... I try so hard,” she garbles and slurs drunkenly.  
You try not to listen too closely. You’re there to take orders and to make certain she is taken care of. The other women are looking after her just fine and you’d hate to embarrass her by consciously witnessing her unraveling. 
Mona burps behind her hand and you see how her throat locks up. She’s hardly in better condition. Charlotte is slumping from her foray into the tequila and hardly seems cognizant of more than try to clear away the grey streaks from Grace’s cheeks. 
You rush forward as Mona’s shoulders rise. You grab the metal bucket meant for ice and shove it under her mouth. She throws up and hugs the container as she fills it with alcoholic bile and half-digested crustini. Charlotte groans and covers her mouth. 
“Oh, Mona, why do you have to do that?” She whines, “ugh, I need to get out--” 
She hurries off into the attached bathroom and the door slams. Lillian is still entirely unaware. You wonder if it has anything to do with the pill she slipped from a small tin earlier. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. What concerns you is what’s happening right then. 
Mona finishes and nearly drops the bucket. You catch it and set it on the bar. She slumps back and closes her eyes, her head lolling as she mutters. This is no way for refined women to behave. You could never have seen Grace like this, let alone these women in their Chanel and Louboutins. 
“Mrs. Shelby,” you go to your boss and lean down, “should I get the car?” 
“Where is my husband?” She snarls in your face, her tears dissolving at once. “I want Thomas. Right now.” 
“Mrs. Shelby, I don’t know if he’s still here--” 
“I don’t care if he’s here,” she snaps and pushes you away, “don’t talk to me until you find him.” 
You gulp and rub your shoulder where she shoved you. This isn’t good. It’s the very reason you don’t drink. People are so ugly when they do. 
You turn to Mona as she groans, half-bent over her lap. Charlotte returns in a stagger and Lillian sways with her head and shoulders slouched. Alright, you have a plan. 
“Lil,” you go over to the woman by the window, “can you help Mona? Your taxi is here?” 
“Taxi? Where’s the streetcar?” She demands. 
“It’s been delayed but the cab will get you all home,” you promise her, plotting how you’ll flag down a car once you get them out in the fresh air. “Mona,” you go back to the woman on the couch. “Charlotte, how about you help too! It’s been a long night, aren’t you all tired?” 
Your pulse is thumping in your temples. You rarely ever speak to Grace’s friends, especially not like this. You feel like a mother getting her children in line. The three companions finally cluster together, Mona clinging to the other two as they wobble towards the door. You lead them as if you’re dangling cheese before a mouse. 
It takes some time and a few close calls to get them down the spiralled stairs. On even ground, they move a bit better but the dancing bodies and hollers add to the disorder of the night. When you get them outside, a bouncer catches Lillian before she slip on her stiletto heel. He’s got a round belly and a leering smile. 
“Careful, ma’am, that’s a mighty fine dress to be mussing,” he warns as he sets her straight. 
You skirt around them and wave at a yellow car just down the way. As it heads towards you, you take out your phone and sift through Grace’s shared contact book. Oh gosh, where is Charlotte? You suppose if you send them to just one house, they’ll be alright. 
You find Charlotte’s address as the driver pulls up. The bouncer comes forward again to assist the women into the car and you thank him. He dips his head chivalrously as he folds Lillian’s legs into the taxi. You cringe and poke your head inside to instruct the driver. You hope they get there otherwise you might be handing out resumes again. 
You shut the door and turn back to face the club. You’re not the sort to frequent those places and only Grace’s presence lures you in. The bouncer walks you back to the doors and you flit back inside. You’re caught in the crush, sent crashing into another person by a flailing body. You fight through the crowd, putting your elbow up as you raise your other arm to protect your head. 
You trip free of the wall of dancers and reach the bottom of the stairs to the private room. You blow out a breath and look up, then around. You should try to find Mr. Shelby. You need help with Grace as it is but you’re terrified that you may get her into trouble. She’s drunk and she’s not thinking. You doubt he’ll be impressed with her in her current state. He rarely seems impressed with anything. 
“Are you looking for me?” The voice jolts you and you jump as you face the very man who’d only just been haunting your mind. You nod and blink dumbly. “My wife...” 
“Sir, um,” you look back and forth guiltily, “she’s... not feeling well--” 
“She’s drunk,” he says pointedly. “Hmm,” his lips curve but it’s not really a smile. “Yes, she does love her champagne. We discussed this before, didn’t we?” His dark lashes flick and his jaw squares as he peers up the stairs, “well, then, shall we go save her from herself?” 
“Um, sir, she didn’t eat much, maybe--” 
“Do not make excuse for her. I pay you to keep her busy, not to cover her tail,” he insists, “please, after you.” 
He gestures up the stairs and you lower your gaze, “I’m sorry, Mr. Shelby. I’m only concerned for her.” 
“Someone should be if she isn’t concerned for herself,” he remarks. 
You turn and start up the steps. He follows, closely. You lead him up the metal stairs and open the door to the private room. Your met with the shatter of the champagne bottle as it flies at the door frame next to you. You put your hand up as shards of glass rain across your right side. 
“How dare you leave me like that--” She snarls. 
“Grace!” Mr. Shelby brushes by you, nudging you gently out of his way, only to storm towards his wife. 
“Oh, there you are,” she sneers, “finally done with your whore--” 
“I’ve been about business while you’ve been here drowning in champagne. Champagne I am paying for.” He bends over her, looming dangerously. 
“Business,” she mocks then scoffs as she stares up at him defiantly, “sure.” 
“Don’t,” he warns as he stands straight, “I paid for you to have a night out. I thought perhaps you might appreciate that. I wonder when you became so spoiled.” 
She pouts and juts out her chin, “Tommy...” she reaches for him as he turns away, tearing his sleeve away from her grasp.
He marches for the door and stop right beside you, “are you alright?” 
“Sir, I was only startled--” 
You wince as he dusts off a piece of glass from your shoulder. 
“Get her home,” he demands, “but not at your own risk. I wouldn’t be so disappointed to hear if she blusters herself into the gutters.” 
He huffs and pulls open the door. You watch him go as Grace devolves into drunken sobs. You hope she doesn’t remember this. You’d rather forget it yourself. 
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nerdknowledgepool · 5 months
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I made some garlic crustini.
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Day Twelve - Tuesday, April 4
What another great day. The weather is perfect (mid-40's to low 60's).
I started the morning going to a local bakery, Forno Top, for my morning pastries. It was only a few blocks from our apartment. Outstanding.
Next, we had a private driver take us to near San Miniato to Savini Tartuffi - Alla Scoperta (Discovering") Del Turtufo (Truffle). Otherwise known as Truffle hunting. Savini Tartuffi is about an hour from Florence. It is also where one of the world's largest truffle was discovered.
For truffle huning, you start with a guide and 2 well trained dogs. We walked through the forest and the dogs are trained to sniff for the pungent smell of the truffles, beneath the surface. We found several white truffles on our hunt. It was fascinating to watch the guide and his dogs work and the digging of the white truffle below the surface.
After the 2 hour hunt, we returned to Savini Tartuffi for an incredible lunch, showing off several of their truffle products. We had crustini with different types of truffle, honey truffle on truffle infused cheese, an incrediable Tagliolini pasta with fresh White Truffle, a traditional truffle main course - fried egg with truffle and finished with a piece of chocolate covered gelato infused with truffle. Of course, it was paired with a local wine that went fabulous with our meal.
After our adventure, we stop by Dianella Winery for a tasting tour. The wine was ok, but the tour of the property was fabulous. Also, our host was fantastic. It was a long day as we didn't get back to our apartment until around 6 p.m. Our driver, Beki, did a great job.
After a quick rest, we went to dinner to Ciro and Sons for pizza. The service was not very good and the food was average. I was a little disappointed as this was billed as the best pizza in Florence.
After dinner, we strolled to Gelateria Santa Trinita, on the river, for our nightly gelato. It didn't disappoint us. Probably one of the best gelato that have had this trip.
Tomorrow, we will stay in town for museum tours, including the Uffizzi and the Duomo.
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mimisp · 2 years
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Arkansas Food Fest - SHRIMP COCKTAIL. SIX JUMBO SHRIMP SERVED ON SHREDDED LOCAL GREENS, ACCOMPANIED BY PARMESAN PITA CRUSTINI, MANGO-HORSERADISH PUREE, AND TRADITIONAL COCKTAIL SAUCE . #food #foodporn #foodie #foodoftheday #instafood #instagram #instagood #local #lreats #littlerockeats (at Brave New Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnvNiEtNqt9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nickim93 · 3 years
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wastelesswanderess · 3 years
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#free crackers from #dumpsterdived bread 😍 I think these are technically called #crustini but I call them mini toast. Take stale bread, cut it really thinly (half a cm), drizzle with some oil, add salt and herbs, mix, and spread on a tray. Bake on low (less than 100°C) until dry and crunchy. Store in an airtight container. Enjoy as you would crackers! Great with cheese and chutney. 😁 You can also add nutritional yeast mixed with oil as a drizzle for some cheesey flavour. Other flavours that rock include lemon pepper seasoning, paprika and garlic salt, and garlic salt and rosemary. You can use any bread too, but baguettes work really well because of the size. 🥖 Bagels work well too! #dumpsterdiving #freecycling #LessWaste #freestuff #stalebreadrecipes #nofoodwaste #foodwaste #packagefree #zerowastehome #zerowasteireland #zerowastejourney (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWFff5HDZY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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