#crypttv oc
monstershowdowns · 1 year
Oopsie doopsie, looks like I kinda forgot to give myself a proper introduction!
I'm Garça Visconde, brazilian writer, gamedev student and monster enthusiast! I did this silly thing mostly out of impulse, because monsters deserve more appreciation, to.
I use both she/her and he/him pronouns, and I might word things on a different way due to the fact that I am brazilian – which is the reason I'm using the BRT timezone!
Some of my fave monsters are SCP-682, the profile pic for this blog, Slenderman, and the Look-See from the CryptTV Look-See short movies! I also have plenty of monster OCs. I also don't mind people infodumping about their favorite monsters, DIY or not. Feel free to interact!
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doodleferp · 4 years
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the son is making his return
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
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So idk if I should make two more OCs for Crypt tv: Kitty Carter:
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Emma Annity:
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thee-jester · 2 years
So earlier I drew a CryptTV Oc for a friend and that got me started on drawing creepy stuff again so enjoy the second monster I’ve drawn today-
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fabula-opifex · 5 years
Fandoms I can write for
Black Butler
Transformers (MTMTE, Prime, Bayverse, and Animated universes)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (All Parts)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Hazbin Hotel
Gravity Falls
Good Omens
DC Universe
Moon Knight
I can do NSFW
I am not comfortable writing for people under under 18 and and adult or non-con. I’m not comfortable writing any of the nastier kinks like degen, scat, and piss.
You can ask for two characters with headcanons. One for one-shots unless it is a poly relationship. If you want a continuation or prequel feel free to ask.
If I post my OCs on here you can request for them as well^^
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thatoneweeb02 · 4 years
Alright so I know damn well I’m gonna get some trash talk or smth for this but I was thinking about a cross over with my favorite characters from different shows or YouTube channels so I decided to make a mini au project just for fun where I make characters from obey me, CryptTV and Darling in the FranXX together, i have one Oc that I named Kao and she looks like the klaxosaur princess but this is an alternative version of her so it isn’t really canon for the obey me things but here she is
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Highly unfinished but this is my alternative Oc she doesn’t canonly look like this
I was inspired by the klaxosaur princess to make this style but the style will change eventually because I don’t want her to have a strong resemblance to one character, So I’m going to finish up her drawing and I’m proud of it so far since I learned how to draw Diamond
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ancient-anteater · 5 years
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers 💜
Five things hmm? This is gonna be a bit hard to shove this into five things-
Drawing, sometimes I get pissy at my own art but I love it, I love other artists art even if they think it’s bad, sometimes I draw their oc or character and I love it, they make cool things even if they don’t think that they do
Music, I have a weird taste in music, I like almost everything and I can listen to it for hours
My friends and significant other, they’ve been there for me for a long time and it’s a relief to know they’re there for me, not gonna name them in case they don’t want to be named but, they’re good people, and the one who asked me this better know they’re a good friend or ima get the self care stick-
Anesthetic, (don’t think I spelled that right) like, hot chocolate during fall in front of a fireplace with oranges and golds, I really like those, it inspires me and just makes me feel happy, I like getting my face warmed up when I talk about things I like and I guess that fits in this box, also I want my art style to be like that in a way
Movies/horror, I like horror movies, even though my Significant other labels them as Baby Horror movies, though their family is hard fucking core with those kinds of movies. I’m a fan of classic horror movies and gore, a big fan of gore, dead meat is a good YouTube channel along with CryptTv, though to be honest I only really watch the animated CryptTv’s most the time
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doodleferp · 4 years
Two new concepts for kids of Crypt TV monsters (who I’m now calling CryptKids).
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Alaina, theyby of Soot, is a literal sunshine child in disguise as a pastel goth. They were raised by a somewhat hippie couple who adopted them when they were ten.
They’re blind, of course, but they can distinguish where people are because they can see souls. They can also tell you the exact time and date of your death. Neat, huh?
They have had to improvise with some “disguises” when they go outside because people tend to take one look at them and call an ambulance. It’s not their fault they have bones sticking out of their head.
Unlike Atticus, their father is not present in their life. Soot doesn’t like to be reminded of the fact that he, a being of death, has created life. They don’t even know where their real mother is. Dead, probably. They wouldn’t put it past Soot.
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Jehovah, son of The Brute, is a really soft paranoid boy. He was raised by two conservative moms and he’s very button-down and traditional.
His mother is dead. No mere human can fight The Brute and live, much less fuck it. She was a sacrifice that took a strange turn, and was then tossed to The Brute after she gave birth to her baby nine months later. Jehovah was sent away from The Colony, and was adopted by his moms.
Like Alaina, his abilities are all his father gave him. However, Jehovah is much more of a loose cannon than the other kids. If he so much as tastes blood, he’ll go into a killing frenzy like some kind of walking shark. He has to be super careful about this — he takes weekly trips to the dentist to try and file down his teeth so he can’t accidentally pierce his lip.
He once got lice at school and refused to shave his head because of the strange mark on his forehead. He refuses to acknowledge anything about his bio-dad. He hates the thought of even being associated with it.
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doodleferp · 4 years
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Now that my skills have improved, a redraw of Atticus. You may remember him from my Son of Look-See VS ___ posts (https://doodleferp.tumblr.com/post/617031354926923776 , https://doodleferp.tumblr.com/post/188450256598/in-honor-of-crypttvs-newest-short-were-pitting).
He is the type of child who will blast Panic at the Disco’s cover of Into the Unknown at 3:00AM for no apparent reason.
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doodleferp · 4 years
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Here’s some starter-pack information about Look-See and his son. I do apolgize if any of this seems cringey to you, I want to try and keep canon characters as in-character as possible, but I also want to have fun with this concept.
Look-See has been awarded grand prize for World’s Okayest Dad. He’s not a bad parent, per say... but there’s a reason why he’s not allowed to supervise Atticus for extended periods of time.
Atticus thinks his dad is the cat’s pajamas. A strong parental figure that always keeps his word and holds people accountable for their actions? He wants to be like him when he grows up — and the route he’s going, that’s probably what’s going to happen.
Play fighting started when Atticus was seven and you have my absolute guarantee it’s only going to get more violent as he gets older. It sounds questionable, but given that these two are monsters it makes some sense.
After a few years of roughhousing with his father, Atticus once tried to roughhouse with a kid at school and ended up taking their arm off. No more roughhousing outside of a family setting.
He used to watch Atticus sleep. This isn’t an exaggeration — he was so paranoid that something would come and kill his son in the middle of the night that he literally stood over Atticus’s bed and watch him sleep for the first seven or eight years of his life.
They have similar views that Atticus’s mom must be protected from other monsters. It’s not exactly unheard of for humans to offer themselves to monsters, but they usually die after the experience. Atticus’s birth is an oddity in itself, and that’s gonna attract a lot of attention.
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doodleferp · 4 years
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Son of Look-See VS The Birch
Hey, I haven’t talked about the Son of Look-See in a while!
The Birch was what made me really get invested in CryptTV, and since I did one for Miss Annity already, I figured with her big series on FacebookWatch, The Birch definitely deserves her own spotlight on here. (GIF by Tenor)
Dad, I broke the stick by aCCIDENT, I sWEAR-
Atticus really didn’t mean to break that summoning stick. Hell, if he’d known it was even a summoning stick, he wouldn’t have even touched it! Now he’s got this tree woman chasing after his dad. Whoop-de-doo.
Aside from his house being torn to shreds by spontaneously-overgrown houseplants and his father being attacked every time he tries to come in the house, what could go wrong?
A lot. Quite a lot could go wrong.
The Birch is all about protecting, and that’s great. Atticus has been taught to respect those with good intentions. But she doesn’t exactly know what she’s supposed to be doing in this case. Atticus didn’t make the summoning stick, but the only logical conclusion here is that his family is being threatened by this monster. Why would it be coming back if not to terrorize them?
So she decides to go off-script for today and do these kids a solid. Because she’s a nice monster, right?
Look-See and The Birch stand on pretty equal footing, but he can only take so many attacks before he just gives up. Eventually, Atticus’s mom is the one who saves the boys by packing up and moving to a town with no forests.
So much for a secluded haven in the woods. Now Dad can’t visit as much as he used to.
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doodleferp · 4 years
Monsino Map Decoding Update!!! (spoiler warning)
Link to previous freakout post: https://doodleferp.tumblr.com/post/623224885207040000/yall-im-up-tryna-decode-the-monsino-map-from-the
So what feels like a week ago, I decided to try and decode anything I might be able to find on the map of Monsino locations that was revealed to us in The Girl in the Woods. I wasn’t really getting anywhere trying to unblur the photos of the map I had already taken, so I decided to pull a MatPat and watch the scene where Carrie finds the map a quarter-frame at a time to uncover any additional Easter eggs.
What I found was something that blew my mind even further.
On the map, on Pennsylvania, I shit you not, there is an icon that is a dead-ringer for the Look-See.
Take a look:
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That’s Look-See, all right. He’s there, he’s riGHT THERE. This ho knows a Look-See when she sees it, and that? THAT IS A FUCKING LOOK-SEE.
Additionally, I had some suspicions about another icon that I saw in one of my OG screenshots. It was very vague and I couldn’t make it out with my amateur Photoshopping, but I thought it looked like something with antlers. And GUESS WHAT IT WAS.
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YEP. The FUCKING MORDEO. Right there in West Virginia (and uncomfortably close to home sweet Ohio). Monsino knows about not one, but TWO heavy-hitters of the Crypt Monster Universe (three, if I can figure out what the mind control icon is all about. Maybe the Kinderfänger? The monster from Tethers?). This only serves to confirm my suspicions and overall theory, so I’m gonna lay that out for ya right here:
The Monsino Corporation is trying to make monsters. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but that’s their ultimate agenda. They want to make more of these suckers, or at the very least, study them or wherever they come from.
Here’s my main reasoning: the Freaks in the film Taste. For those who haven’t seen the film, I’ll summarize it here: two step-siblings, Clover and Malcolm, have to fight their way through their neighborhood after a shipment of meat from Monsino Farms turns out to be royally messed-up and turns anyone who consumes it into a ravenous beast called a Freak, rather grotesque creatures whose sole thought is what they’re going to eat next to fill the hole in their hungry tummies -- be it fruit, veggies, or human beings. Mostly human beings. Something I liked about Taste is that it ended on a hopeful cliffhanger, which isn’t something I’ve seen too often from Crypt. Usually the shorts end with implications that the monster is still there or that the main character is just about to get chomped on by a monster or something, but Taste ends with Clover and Malcolm going out to kick some cannibal butt, their newfound sibling bond stronger than ever, and that makes me really happy.
But as much as I love these two, the Freaks are what I feel to be a big point of contention in the Monsino puzzle. What intrigues me about these monsters is how similar they are to one of the heavy-hitters previously mentioned -- the Mordeo. Here’s some key similarities, just to name a few:
The way they’re formed. Both monsters are created through eating meat. The Mordeo is created when someone consumes human flesh out of desperation to survive. While not as bleak as the Mordeo, the Freaks are created when humans consume the likewise tainted meat.
Their transformation. As they are created, both monsters undergo a graphic transformation in which they lose their humanity. The Mordeo’s transformation is quite instantaneous, with the victim turning almost immediately after they consume the forbidden meats. The Freaks’ physical transformations are slower, but like the Mordeo their personalities disappear almost immediately after they consume the meat.
Their ravenous hungers. Both monsters are slaves to their vicious appetites. They want that human flesh and they don’t care who they have to kill to get it, be it the crazy hermit they only saw once in the alleyways or their identical twin sibling who they’ve been with since birth.
Get the picture? It’s my assumption that in their goal to study monsters, Monsino attempted to create a Mordeo through scientific means rather than supernatural. But since human testing is frowned upon, they had to find another way to test their theories -- and what better way to see the effects firsthand than to distribute it to a neighborhood under the guise of giving out free samples of a brand-new product?
That brings me to my next point -- Somnidyne.
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Making its first appearance in Dream Screechers, Somnidyne is a drug that “relieves fear, inhibits paranoia, and supports sympathetic nervous systems". In layman’s terms, it’s designed to help people with severe phobias or anxieties function in day-to-day life. Sounds tame enough, right? Wrong. Apparently, a nasty side-effect of Somnidyne that they don’t put on the bottle is that it makes people experience nightmares so intense, it’s almost impossible to distinguish them from reality. Hell, one guy even died from these things. That made enough people raise hell over this that Somnidyne was pulled from the market
In the film, we get to see what the drug actually does: instead of helping you conquer phobias, it makes you a potential victim to a hella monster called the Dream Screecher. Now, it’s not exactly clear how exactly you encounter this Dream Screecher, so here’s my guess on that: Monsino wanted to study the Dream Screecher, but it inhabits in an alternate level of our reality -- meaning we can’t see it and it can’t see us, which is why they created Somnidyne. We only ever see the Dream Screecher when the main cast is on the drug, so it most likely acts as a mini-portal to wherever the Dream Screecher lives. Monsino may have had a bit more leeway when it came to testing this on humans, but perhaps they didn’t feel like taking the human test subject route and decided to give it to a bunch of people and see what would happen.
Which brings me to my last points -- the map Carrie found in The Girl in the Woods, and the Torment Fragments.
Torment Fragments are weird purple crystals that originate from portals to the Plane of Torment, the realm that The Brute supposedly hails from. These things also seem to be able to create monsters, such as the case of The Mauler and Miss Annity. A.D. has a map of this Plane of Torment, as revealed in The Girl in the Woods. But the map that we really need to pay attention to is the second map, and it’s the one that really puts the nail in the “Evil Monsino” coffin.
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A.D. has a map of what looks to be every Monsino business location in the United States. Monsino ain’t just limited to farming -- from what I’ve been able to decipher, they’ve got Monsino Therapeutics, Biotech, and a pharmaceuticals HQ in New York. It looks really fucking official, too, which makes me wonder what postion A.D. was in for him to get one of these.
What makes me go even more off-guard are all the P markings on the map. If you look down in the bottom left corner, what little we can see of the map’s key identifies the P’s as portals to the Plane of Torment. And all those blue mountain-lookin’ things? You can’t make it out as well, but look at the key again and the blue lines are identified as “torm”. I’ll bet my left ass that the full ID is “torment fragments”, because those lines ALWAYS seem to spawn around the portals.
And even more so -- what’s the deal with all these mini monster icons? We got a clown-looking thing in Texas, and the Mordeo and Look-See symbols as previously discussed. What does Monsino want with all these portals? I can understand them needing to ID the Mordeos, but what makes Look-See so important to them? Do they wanna disect these monsters? Do they want to replicate them? What is Monsino’s game, and how long until we see things unfold? I get that with the second wave of COVID coming up here in the US, things are gonna be slower in entertainment than usual, but I can’t take it.
Crypt TV, we need answers. And we hope that you’ll provide.
TL,DR: Monsino is secretly evil and wants to make monsters, which is why they ID’d the Look-See and the Mordeo on their company maps.
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doodleferp · 5 years
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For Halloween, here’s a full-front view of Atticus, and some starter pack information!
He’s currently eleven years old (turning twelve in a few months), and is in sixth grade.
He is fully mute due to having been born without vocal chords, an situation doctors have yet to explain. He communicates with others using a notepad (and a dry-erase board in class). And for some reason, he’s gotten fairly decent at messing with radio stations to communicate his thoughts.
His human family is largely Inuit in background, and have only lived in the US for three generations.
Additionally, his mom’s side of the family has the highest monster attack survival rate on the planet. Nobody knows why this happens, and his maternal family is often referred to as “the lucky ones”. I will elaborate on this in a later post.
Like his father, Atticus has a strong sense of “justice”, which means he tends to try and take “pieces” from people he thinks are being too difficult in letting things go. His mom is working on trying to reign in his murderous impulses, and they’ve had to move several times because of a mess these impulses made.
Speaking of the Look-See, Atticus really respects and looks up to his father. He thinks being part-monster is the cat’s pajamas and doesn’t understand why all the half-demons on TV hate their heritage so much. Why would you mope about being strong enough to literally pull someone’s arm off?
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doodleferp · 4 years
Son of Look-See Special: Mom and Dad VS The Gotcher Man
I’ve been vigorously editing the Crypt TV wiki lately, and I decided to do something different.
The Look-See
Waits patiently to throw some rounds, but is absolutely fuming when he finds what The Gotcher Man has done.
Deadass almost faints from how much red he sees when he sees his poor son standing there, crying silently with a bloody hole where his nose should be.
He does damages control first — soothing Atticus and calming down Nora once their son is bandaged up and out of earshot. Once his son and mate are placated, then he goes into murder papa mode.
Stalks The Gotcher Man for a good three days, making him anxious to the point where he’s constantly looking over his shoulder.
Then, one fateful night, The Gotcher Man returns to his little Gotcher hideout, and finds the pictures of every child he’s stolen from plastered over his hideaway. He looks in his bag of stolen noses, and finds a note — “If you yourself can not release, then it will come and take a piece.”
The Look-See returns home one night with Atticus’s nose — and a distinct splatter of blood on his pristine white shirt. A headline circulates the next morning: “Dead Man Found Without Nose”.
Throws rounds immediately. The second she sees blood on her son, she books it out the still-open door and tackles The Gotcher Man in the street. She’s the smallest of her siblings, but she’s also the fastest. Won several medals in track when she was a high-schooler.
Pulls out her trusty pocket knife and holds it to the guy’s throat, screaming for him to return her son’s nose as more and more people come out of their houses. The Gotcher is terrified, with good reason.
Atticus’s nose is found much quicker this time, as well as the noses of many other kids as someone roots through the bag they manage to wrestle off of him.
Nora has to be dragged off The Gotcher kicking and screaming, and she manages to get a good slash at his arm before she’s taken back to her house.
Look-See helps her sew Atticus’s nose back on, since he’s much more meticulous than his fuming mate. After Atticus is soothed and taken to bed, Nora cracks open some sodas and goes downstairs to take a few stabs at her punching bag. Look-See decides it’s best to leave her to it. He encourages people to release -- and this is just how she does it.
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doodleferp · 5 years
Son of Look-See VS Miss Annity
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In honor of CryptTV’s newest short, we’re pitting Atticus against the prim and proper Miss Annity! Her short was directed by the director of the Look-See shorts, and I’d really recommend checking it out. Obligatory apologies for any shitty format.
From what we’ve seen in the trailer and in the official short, Miss Annity operates on a mentality similar to The Look-See. She gives you very strict guidelines about how she wants you to live, and if you don’t follow them, she’ll make a very bloody, albeit very cheerful example out of you for the others viewing her life lessons.
Monsters are meant to terrify. Humans are meant to run. Any attempt to deviate from these age-old rules is going to guarantee you a special guest spot on Life Lessons with Miss Annity. It’s safe to say that Atticus’s unorthodox family background is going to land him a spot in the woman’s web. But chances are that rather than going after the monster of a dad -- which will most likely result in a fight more trouble than it’s worth, she’s going to take on Atticus and his mother.
Let’s make something very clear -- Atticus may be half-monster, but he’s still a child. He might have some abnormal strength and agility from his father's side of the family, but he’s nowhere near on the same level as the dreaded Look-See. All he can really do in this situation is try to outsmart Miss Annity, and hope that if he pushes back hard enough she’ll lose interest.
Best case scenario, Miss Annity will give up on trying to educate this little monster and go somewhere else to impose her standards. But chances are if she doesn’t let up soon, she’ll end up getting the very thing she was trying to avoid -- an ominous rhyming note and a few less pieces than she started out with. The apples don’t fall far from the tree -- you can mess with the apples all you want, but the tree will always find a way to get you back.
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doodleferp · 5 years
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A sketch of Atticus and Look-See I used for inking practice!
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