#csa mentions
spartanlocke · 6 months
I left tumblr but I guess I might be coming back soon for real time since apparently Elon's bots ARE POSTING ACTUAL, REAL LIFE CP AND CSA NOW.
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I'm not even fucking joking. There are dozens of people in the replies and QRTs saying the same thing: the "PUSSY IN BIO" bots pots posted actual CP on their tweets.
IF YOU USE TWITTER, DO NOT HAVE AUTO-RECORDING ON, DO NOT STREAM AND MAKE SURE YOUR CACHES ARE CLEAN, POSSESSION OF CP - EVEN ACCIDENTAL - IS ILLEGAL. IF YOU SEE A TWEET HIDDEN FOR SPAM, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm lucky to not have run into any CP/CSA footage myself yet, but I'm going to be extremely careful and I recommend you all be too. And if you DO happen to run into it, you can use websites like https://tips.fbi.gov/home. report.cybertip.org or iwf.org.uk/en/uk-report/ to report it.
Don't bother reporting it to twitter. Elon's already been exposed for restoring the account of a man who posted real CP. He won't care. He's a demon and twitter has become exactly the way he wants it.
Stay safe and pray for Elon Musk's downfall.
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heritageposts · 11 months
if you support israel right now, you're supporting the extermination of the palestinian people.
it really is that simple.
this isn't a 'complicated conflict,' it isn't a situation that 'requires nuance,' it's not a 'geopolitical event' that requires us to condemn the 'bad actors' on 'both sides.'
it's a genocide.
there is no 'nuance' to be had here. it's a genocide, committed by the israeli state against the palestinian people, and it's happening right now as we speak. you don't have to infer anything: israel has openly, with next to no pushback from so-called liberal democracies, cut off gaza's access to water, food and electricity. that's more than two million palestinians denied even the basic necessities for life. a million of them, children.
what is that, if not a genocide?
and that's only the latest escalation. we could go all day, listing the atrocities the palestinian people have been subjected to. the killings, the beatings, the children sexually abused in detention center, all the hospitals and ambulances being blown up, videos of palestinians being heckled by settlers as they're driven from their homes, israelis gathering on hilltops to cheer as their military drops bombs on gaza...
but all westerns want to talk about, is hamas.
because the murder of palestinians by the IDF is status quo; it doesn't affect them. what's one more dead palestinian but a statistic? but if hamas has killed a handful of israelis — if they've go as far as to even kill babies — then that justifies the extermination of two million palestinians, children and infants included.
westerns will even say that the palestinians brought it on themselves; that they should have know that a drop of israeli blood requires a river in return.
and just so we're clear, you don't have to like hamas. but when you equate hamas with the IDF, when you derail every conversation by demanding a condemnation of 'both sides,' or when you, god forbid, agree that israel is justified in dismantling hamas — which, as israel themselves have outlined, will involve the complete destruction of gaza and the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians — then either wake up, or own up to the fact that you're a participant in the extermination of the palestinian people.
do you think i'm being harsh? then imagine how it's like living under constant aerial bombardment. with no food, no water, no electricity. constant air-raid sirens. a bomb, dropping every minute. never knowing a moment a peace, always wondering if today is going to be your last day, if you and your family are still going to be here tomorrow.
could you stomach living in gaza, for even a day? i doubt it.
and still, now, on the eve of what might be the ground invasion of gaza — with one million palestinians being told to flee, with nowhere to go — i'm getting messages from people who demand my sympathy... for israel.
well, you're not getting it.
i'm not even humoring your hand-wringing.
if you live in israel, and you're one of the ones who've turned a blind-eye to the suffering of the palestinian people, if you've fought for the IDF or tacitly supported them, if you've callously called upon the memory of the holocaust thinking the death and suffering of your ancestors would wash the blood of your own hands....
then yeah, i think you deserve every single hamas rocket lobbed at you and so much more.
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
Drake - Pregnant Drake (2024)
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jestergal · 11 months
i think when someone replies to the thought of "your triggers don't get to determine the kind of art other people make" with "maybe not pedophilia and incest though" maybe they are not talking about the controversial novel "lolita" or anything else with "dark themes that may make you feel uncomfortable" and are in fact talking about the people online that write thousands upon thousands of words about fictional kids being abused purely for fun and pleasure. like i dunno. uncomfortable themes have a place in something with good writing, sure. but maybe i'm tired of seeing this fucking "let people write what they want to write uwu" type bullshit post every other day, even if the OP means well. no one on fucking ao3 is vladimir nabokov. let's be honest
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txttletale · 8 months
"people can use pro-kink language to groom children" yeah thats true. they can also use minecraft to groom children & yet it would still be bad to accuse random people posting about minecraft of being pedophiles innit
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buni-gutz · 25 days
i remember seeing a screenshot from twitter of an anti saying its about protecting fictional kids and that they don't care about real ones
well here's an anti telling someone to look at ACTUAL CSEM instead of writing fanfiction
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corvidcaeneus · 5 months
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corelle-vairel · 7 months
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I had this idea, so here it is
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yejifire · 2 months
Interesting how jk rowling claims to care about women and girls but has not said one word about the convicted child rapist (steven van de velde) being allowed to compete in volleyball.
Instead she has chosen to focus solely on bullying imane khelif for "not being female enough" for her liking. Very telling. In fact I think that says it all.
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bloodenjoyer · 1 year
i’m not “pro ship” or “anti ship” i live in the real world + have media literacy + am grossed out by pedophilia which is all pretty standard fare for people who live in the real world actually
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cloudabserk · 16 days
look i understand if you like marius because this is the evil morally bankrupt vampire story. however when people argue that marius was actually really cool and chill and normal about armand i want to fight them
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catboymoments · 6 months
Hi all I’ve been wanting to make something with huntlow and re: trauma processing for a while now, they mean a lot to me in terms of how I relate to them and how sweet they r… however I chose not to sugarcoat the dialogue because I feel like topics like these shouldn’t be shied away from and Should be discussed, but because it’s triggering I’m putting where it starts under a readmore so!! Heed the warnings pls
cw for talk about c/sa
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They make me so emotional and soft guah… thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to write about this stuff I love you all
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fireyfobbitmedicine · 3 months
H*rry P*tter author is into pedophilia pass it on
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txttletale · 9 months
non-normative sexuality is not the root of sexual abuse or rape. for a huge amount of history in a huge amount of the world, sexual abuse and rape have been thoroughly normal (cf. marital rape exemptions being removed from US legal codes as recently as 2019). rapists are not 'freaks' -- the default, 'normal' paradigm of sexuality across the world is one of violent misogyny. 640 million women are or were child brides and the men marrying them are not abberations or exceptions, they are normal. men who engage in endemic workplace harassment or frat boys who assault women are behaving in a way that is 'normal', they are fulfiling the gendered expectations for expressions of heterosexual sexuality when they harass and catcall and abuse women. projecting sexual violence onto the specter of the obviously deviant, abnormal outsider is a scapegoating mechanism intended to sanitize and exonerate the cisheteropatriarchal standard of normalized and ubiquitous sexual violence
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roadhogsbigbelly · 9 months
i do think we should advocate for minors to learn more about online safety but when i see people just like. regurgitating the old "stranger danger" rhetoric and insisting the way to solve the issue is for minors to be banned from the internet or for their parents to be constantly tracking them it's oh yeah i'm sure no child has every been abused by a family ever. and that isolating them from any other adult with varying perspectives is not like the standard tactic of like. conservative homeschool parents, or religious communities or cults or anything like that.
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damagedcoda6669 · 2 months
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