toshootforthestars · 7 years
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5.12 Happy Mothers Day! Tune into @cspan 2 tonight at 11pm before you end your day to hear the why behind @mrsjacquelineljackson (follow her) book, "Loving You, Thinking of You, Don't forget to Pray" - Letters to my son in Prison, a discission of letters that she wrote to her son, former congressman Mr. Jesse Jackson, jr. daily during his 30 month sentence in federal prison. #HappyMothersDay to all the women behind bars incarcerated away from their children and family as well as those mothers who is suffering from.their loved one being behind bars. Allow Mrs. Jacqueline to inspire you for better communication with those behind bars serving time. Special thanks to an amazing woman, Wanda Whitted of the #CarolinaHealthcareNetwork here in #RaleighDurham for having this book session not onces but twice over last weekend. Thanks to #CSPAN2 for televising this on #CSPAN.... #CSPAN2BookTV it's #SISTASocialSupport Sunday #YourBeautyEntertainer shares! (at C-SPAN2 BookTV C-SPAN Bus at National Book Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxXQDF0F4rq/?igshid=syoqik15edux
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cleoselene · 3 years
welp, been laid up in the hospital for about 20 hours now.  I have not so much as gallbladder, apparently, as much as I have a pained pouch of gallstones.  So the fucker’s gotta go.  This happens to literally everyone in my family apparently so I guess it’s just my turn
but oh my god they had me “pre-op” all day and wouldn’t let me even have water because I could be ready for surgery any moment!!  but then they said it would be until tomorrow.  it took like 16 hours of pleading to get some ice chips
after that long without a beverage, i feel like there is something almost sinful, almost erotic about these ice chips.  like suckling the devil’s candy.
I watched CSPAN2′s President’s Day coverage all day in my room, it was basically a bunch of professors geeking out over the fact that they could lecture to the world about how they wrote a book on George Washington’s farewell speech lol.  It was really nice, actually?  I felt like I was back in undergrad, I just love something about a prof delivering a stellar lecture on a subject they’re passionate about.  Knowledge just blooms and shines and preens when an enthusiastic scholar presents it
so now i’m out of the miserable ER gurney onto a bed (they’re ordering me a special mattress tomorrow because meh... you try having progressive MS and then spend 15 hours lying on a fucking gurney.  it HURTS.  So bed + ice chips + the morphine shot I just got in my IV and I am feeling so relaxed  Relatively speaking, since you know.  Hospital.
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rkmuse · 5 years
10 Disastrous Bills that Moscow Mitch Passed & Who Benefited.
1. “The Patriot Act is one of the most important and overdue pieces of legislation in a generation." Source: National Review.
To the contrary, the Patriot Act is one of the most anti-civil liberties legislation in a generation. The Patriot Act violates the 4th Amendment to the Constitution by authorizing the federal government to spy on U.S. citizens without a warrant. The law contains a controversial provision, Section 215, that permits the federal government to collect call records made by every American, without needing any suspicion of wrongdoing.
2. Senator McConnell called the passage of TARP, “Senate at its finest.” Source: The Hill.
McConnell voted in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Also known as the $700 billion bank bailout, the largest ever government bailout of a private industry. FreedomWorks strongly opposed TARP during the George W. Bush administration. However, McConnell praised its passage. He added: "In the years that I’ve been here, I can’t recall a single time, where in this close proximity to an election, both sides have risen above the temptation to engage in partisan game playing if you will, to address an issue of great magnitude."
3. Senator McConnell called Medicare Part D, “the most important social legislation … in my memory." Source: Politico.
McConnell voted for Medicare Part D. The massive government health care program is the largest entitlement expansion since the Great Society with the exception of now ObamaCare. Medicare Part D has expanded the deficit and added trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities for taxpayers.
4. Senator McConnell said Medicare Part D provided, “a genuine opportunity for the private sector to actually compete in offering this new drug benefit.” Source: Politico.
Ah. McConnell once again praising Medicare Part D. The free market solution is to get the federal government out of the health industry to allow for more competition and choice. Instead, McConnell voted for an expensive entitlement program that gives the federal government more control over our health care decisions.
5. “The biggest hero to emerge from the hearings before the 9/11 Commission has been the Patriot Act.” Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works press release.
No. An abusive law that treats innocent American citizens like suspects is not heroic. (See: #1)
6. "The President has made it clear that the NSA is acting within the law and is doing what needs to be done to protect America from future attacks." Source: Project Vote Smart.
To be fair, this quote is from 2006. However, the Snowden leaks revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting telephone metadata on millions of Americans since at least 2006. Our civil liberties matter regardless if a Republican or a Democrat is in the White House. The NSA's actions are not necessary or constitutional.
7. On TARP: “Under ordinary circumstances, I would have opposed such a measure. Government intervention in the marketplace cuts against all my ordinary impulses. But this was not an ordinary event. I, and many others, believed that extraordinary action was needed to protect millions of ordinary Americans from the colossal and far-reaching mistakes of a few. And action was taken." Source: RepublicanSenate.Gov.
Hmm. Does this remind you of the famous George W. Bush quote from the TARP-era? "I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system." The real solution is to allow the market to get us out of the mess that was actually created by government intervention in the market in the first place. There is no justification for taxpayers to be put on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars to pay for the bad decision of big bankers.
8. The Troubled Asset Relief Program has “succeeded in stabilizing the banking system.” Source: Politico.
No. TARP has not been a success. The bank bailout set a dangerous precedent and will likely lead to more bank bailouts in the future. If banks know that they will bailed out if they fail, they are more likely to engage in high-risk and high-reward positions. If they succeed? They are rewarded by the market. If they fail? They are rewarded by the government through taxpayers. It's a win-win scenario that only encourages bad behavior.
9. “If there is any criticism at all with the proposed FISA reauthorization, it is that it does not go far enough. Most Americans have the common sense to recognize that FISA and every other tool we have used in this fight are worth making permanent.” Source: National Review.
Senator Mitch McConnell voted for the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which granted immunity to companies for giving private information about their customers to the government without a warrant. There are many privacy and transparency concerns with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) especially with the FISA courts. These top secret courts are where the NSA gets its legal authority to spy on Americans. According to CNN, "The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court -- or FISA Court for short -- is a panel that critics contend rubber-stamps nearly every National Security Agency request to snoop that it receives." FreedomWorks has supported efforts to make FISA court decisions open and accountable to the people.
10. “Nothing in this [Patriot Act] extension has ever been found to be unconstitutional.” Source: CSPAN2.
McConnell voted to make most of the USA-PATRIOT Act’s provisions permanent in 2006.
This is all that needs to be said:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." -4th amendment, U.S. Constitution.
Another area where progressives and real conservatives have common ground. We all oppose the intrusion of the state into our private lives in the way the NSA has been responsible for. It is the establishment politicians who are our common opponent.
Lastly….A quote from our “Axis of Evil” Majority Leader of the Senate….Moscow Mitch…”.I don't think it's all that unusual for a new president to want to get along with the Russians. I remember George W. Bush having the same hope.” Mitch “Moscow” McConnell
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youngsamberg · 5 years
i’m feeling so many emotions after tonight, someone on twitter said something similar but superstore was so sweet, the good place was so many things and then svu was straight up super depressing. so i don’t really know what I’m meant to do with myself now.
HAHAHA well i turned right to cspan2 to watch the fall of american democracy in real-time so it doesn’t get more depressing than that!
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dj-1nferno · 7 years
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Listen to the #tax #code #debate #CSPANRadio #cspan2 #usa #america #congress #democrats #republicans
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heymaddiebee-blog · 7 years
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Friendship is when you truly understand each other
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jilted-generation · 8 years
senate dems goin all niiiiiiiiiiiiiiite
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thisdayinfavrd · 6 years
February 7, 2009
If shampoo commercials are to be believed, a woman's G-spot is ALL OF HER LUXURIOUS HAIR.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 56
It's a gorgeous day outside according to this iPhone app.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 54
You know what needs to be invented? Mussel relaxants.   It would really help them come out of their shells.   I'll go to bed now.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 48
God! Poor grocery bagging really bothers me.  What are they teaching people in graduate school nowadays?   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 39
Who has one thumb and a hangove-- OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY oh there it is.   @luckyshirt (Darin Ross) – 38
Tip starts at 20%. Subtract 1% for every time you walk past our table with my empty glass sitting on the edge. Current total: you owe me $10   @tj (Fun Size Bytes) – 38
If the bride and groom get attacked by a bear at their wedding, cross out the "i" in their JUST MARRIED sign and put it on the ambulance.   @tehawesome (Henry Birdseye) – 36
Sometimes life is like a bag of screwdrivers, except they're all flatheads when I need a Phillips and YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALANIS.   @seanhussey (Sean Hussey) – 34
Missing tweet #1185041261   @SeoulBrother (Unavailable) – 32
You're watching the stimulus debate on CSPAN2, right? If so, here's a drinking game for you:  If a senator is speaking, just drink. Heavily.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 27
Eating ice cream alone in the middle of the cafeteria. I'd think this was 3rd grade if I didn't have such a great rack this time around.   @katefeetie (one katie please) – 25
I'd never have imagined that carrot and cigarettes go well together, but the gentleman next to me on this flight smells delightful.   @lonelysandwich (Adam Lisagor) – 25
Who was the idiot that put Jefferson Starship in charge of civic infrastructure?   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 25
Playing the game of Beastie Boys Lyrics or Bedroom Maneuver? First up. "Hold it now hit it."   @CcSteff (Stephanie) – 24
Missing tweet #1185026698   @leftbrainstupid (Unavailable) – 23
One of the great things about being unemployed right now is that I don't have to worry about getting laid off. Also, martinis for breakfast.   @FanEffingTastic (Kara) – 23
What am I supposed to do with this thing when I run out of jokes?   @TBMimsTheThird (cwthethird) – 21
So a bunch of men are disappointed because they had hoped for a bigger stimulus package. Like women haven't been thinking that for years.   @hoosiergirl (hoosiergirl) – 21
Why on earth am I arranging a tweet-up?  I'm not even real.   @toldorknown (Arch Stanton) – 18
That chick from John and Kate Plus 8? I want to shove a ball gag so far down her throat it comes out her clown car vagina.   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 18
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coopersgirl68 · 7 years
If you had told me back in the day that I'd be spending a Friday night in 2017 watching CSPAN2, riveted, I would have laughed you out of whatever establishment we were in. 
But here we are.
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Heads up!
Senate's about to vote on the "skinny" healthcare bill, tune into MSNBC or CSPAN2 to watch it live if you're interested
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ph4z0n · 6 years
Generate and Stream Updated C-SPAN Audio Playlists
C-SPAN doesn't provide URLs to audio streams on their Web site for use with your own media player. But, they do have an Android app! So, I disassembled the app with apktool, and extracted URLs with grep.
C-SPAN use StreamTheWorld.com (STW), which is great, because STW have a standard playlist scheme, but frequently cycle-out URLs in said playlists.
Below are instructions on how to keep rolling with those ever-changing URLs, and easily stream to your media player of choice. This also works with any stream provided by STW.
FIRST: we need a textfile containing URLs of the playlists. We'll call it 'clist', and it should contain only the following lines:
http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/CSPAN1.pls http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/CSPAN2.pls http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/CSPAN3.pls http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/CSPANRADIO.pls
The contents of those .pls files have redundant streams like this:
File1=http://15693.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPAN1_SC File2=http://15693.live.streamtheworld.com:3690/CSPAN1_SC File3=http://17573.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPAN1_SC
We'll clean them up below.
SECOND: We need to fetch those .pls files, grab the first URL and remove "File1=" from that, then write output to a file (we'll call the file 'vogons'):
wget -nv -i clist -O - | \ sed -n '/File1=/p' | sed 's/File1=//g' >vogons
[PROTIP: Save above as a shell script, then simply './fetch_cspan' to automagically update 'vogons' playlist in the future.]
'vogons' should look something like this:
http://17023.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPAN1_SC http://15693.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPAN2_SC http://17573.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPAN3_SC http://18123.live.streamtheworld.com:80/CSPANRADIO_SC
LAST: We simply feed 'vogons' into our media player of choice:
mplayer -prefer-ipv4 -loop 0 -playlist vogons
[PROTIP: Save your player line as a script for even easier listening]
Now, one can listen in jubilation, terror or boredom at mumbling vogons to their hearts content. And, since politics is show business for ugly people, you don't even have to see the dotards!
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soprana-snap · 7 years
Watching the senate on cspan2 and Why so many empty seats, huh?
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@notbatmanyet: Everyone flip it over to #Cspan2 https://t.co/6Pja3WniLg
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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vivalanikita · 6 years
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
https://cs.pn/2N2IPL5 #robgray
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