#cue Beatrice as the devil
onceuponaweirdo · 7 months
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go
Me and the devil walkin' side by side
Me and the devil walking side by side
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Desires: Lucifer season 5 on Netflix
Created: August 21, 2020. Last Modified: August 22, 2020.
Preface: Alright my Lucis, here’s the sitch: it’s been a minute. Life got a bit chaotic I wasn’t able to start season five quite on time when it premiered on August 21st because I haven’t finished the great 2020 Lucifer rewatch. I’m nearly done however and should be able to jump into it either later today or tomorrow, which is why beforehand I want to — as I’ve traditionally done for a few seasons — create a desires list and keep a tally throughout the season to see how many are met. I am going to try to pace myself, not binge, and watch a single episode a day so don’t spoil me. Likewise I will tag my spoilers. Here we go... #21DaysofLucifer
Season 3 and 4 Roundout - Desires Fulfilled / Questions Answered
✔We’ve seen other demons “like Maze” and a bit of what havoc they can reek. Well sort of. To be quite frank, although it was cool to see them possess the recently deceased, it wasn’t as impending doom as I was expecting. They didn’t seem nearly as disciplined or intimidating as Mazikeen, even Dromos, more bored and desperate.
✔ We’ve seen a little more or the heavenly host in Remiel. Remi was cool, if a bit intense. Her character, and her affinity to Amenadiel was a nice foil to see how far his character has come in evolution. But again like Uriel was for Lucifer, she kind of became a driving force character device to push Amenadiel’s growth. So I wonder if we’ll get to see more of her or not.
✔ (s3) The backstory of Lucifer’s arrival in LA, finding LUX, and making a deal with Amenadiel.
✔ (s3) Cain finally went to hell, YES! Not that I didn’t like Marcus Pierce/Tom Welling, there were some great interactions there, but I just think he was a wishy-washy antagonist based on how he was written and I can’t wait to trade up for Michael.
✔ Maze finally had some happiness and attachment to this silly mortal coil and it slipped away! Why Eve why? I love Maze’s bonding with humans, Linda, Trixie, Chloe. But I love that after a Millennia of serving, and then watching Amenadiel and Linda be happy in a family unit, that she might actually make her own and my hopes were dashed. 
Things we got that we didn’t even know we wanted. SO GOOD:
Season 4 ep 8: Amenadiel bonding with Caleb and confronting community violence, police brutality, and systemic racism. It was a rough episode to be sure, but absolutely needed,
Chloe talking Lucifer down and out of a self-hatred spiral and his transformation into full-fledged devil and back again.
Lucifer playing Creep on repeat while missing the detective (even after insisting in a therapy session that “he’s not a teenager playing Adele on repeat) and Mr. Said Out B**** trying to rob Lucifer and gun point and ultimately get rich. What a fun twist.
The Dan and Maze Los X’s fight. They are wicked good at laying down the  hurt on the criminal element and I was wondering when they’d pair up again after dispatching Warden Perry.
The devil in a bar fight! I mean, it’s only fair since the ladies had their brawl. I love how this fight sequence was filmed in bursts of slo-mo from various angles, involved everything from fists, to tasers, knives, bottles, and the infamous pool cue, and they picked the perfect song for pacing (Jake Bugg, Lightning Bolt, could listen to it all day on repeat.)
Time for all good demons to go home / Enough, you will bow down to your king. Go home! (aka appropriate use of Devilish intimidation face)
Amenadiel vs Remi 
A Rocky montage with Lucifer and Amenadiel / Amenadiel’s face the first time Lucifer drives the Corvette
Lucifer at the roller derby
Chloe the YA fangirl
Maze teaching Trixie about knives, with each handle decorated in a different toy.
Amenadiel and Chloe catching up: your father is so proud of you. Like and angel BOSS!
★ (s3) Amenadiel taking Charlotte home
★ Dan being comforted in his grief by Amenadiel
★ Amenadiel’s wrath and the brotherly duo tag team to lay the hurt on the drug dealer that got Charlie killed. It’s been a while since we’ve seen warrior angel ready to dispatch anyone in his way. And it was glorious!
★ (s3) Lucifer’s almost driving lesson with Trixie “Morningstar”
★ (s3) Maze torturing Lucifer by making him think he’s the Angel of San Bernadino
★ (s3) Amenadiel and Lina helping to dispose of Lucifer’s wings
★  Lucifer kicking Julian, Tiernan’s son, through a glass pane window
★ The goodbye kiss between Lucifer and Chloe
☒ (s3) Cain playing guitar and singing. What is he, a crime lord, a top cop, or an act that the improv club wouldn’t take? 
☒ Eve. I liked Eve, but we mostly got to see one side of her around Lucifer, and a kind of floundering an confused side when she was with Maze. The side that I would have liked to see more of was the maternal side that came out when she briefly talked about Abel or was interrogated by Trixie. That made her more layered.
☒ Father Kinley. That dude is just meh.
☒ Dan’s broken heart and rebounding with Ella. Don’t get me wrong, its a good arc, but I don’t see it lasting
☒ (s3) Abel and Reese. Those were two side stories I could have done without, although they had great moments of humor. I quite enjoyed Reese’s character, and although I didn’t like Abel Lucifer’s stick-figure comic illustration of Cain fighting with him over a rock was quite enjoyable.
Obviously, don’t spoil anything for me, but if any of my desires end up coming true in any of the first eight episodes maybe drop me a hint in the comments...
A big time jump. We need to see the lasting impact of Lucifer’s absence. I know that time in hell works differently per that episode where Lucifer saved Chloe and almost got stuck in a loop, but we still need enough time to elapse that the impact is felt on the mortal side. Or, we need to see the passage of time through a series of events without Lucifer, like a montage of character development. At least a year or so, if for no other reason then Trixie is growing up and I actually want to see her take driving lessons with Lucifer.
Last season Maze gave baby Charlie a gift, something she’d wished she’d had growing up, and previously had alluded to the language of demons, her many siblings, and teased her mother, the mother of all demons. Will we finally get to meet Maze’s mom Lilith (or however they address her)? And, in spite of Mazikeen’s found family, she still has restlessness and abandonment issues. Will her mom finally finally bring her peace, or will clashing with her resolidify Maze’s purpose on earth?
A Decker/Mazikeen team-up or girls night out 2.0 would always be appreciated. At this point its probably 4.0 if you count the bar fight and the bachelorette party.
Will we see tougher, scarier demons, or are they just warmup to the really scary depths of hell?
Speaking of hell, more hell. Tons of hell. I want to know the minutia of all the mechanics. If Lucifer’s gotta be down there in self-imposed exile, he may as well show us around. Pour us a drink.
Will Lucifer see Cain in Hell? Not that I’m dying to see more of “sad Cain” but it would be interesting to see a more dark or desperate or cunning side to him at least now that he’s actually neck deep in torment. Or, alternatively, I’m hedging my bets that he could be a good candidate to light the fire under Lucifer’s *** to get of hell back to the earthly realm. Even in hell, I’m betting Cain would have a soft spot for Chloe, and if news reached Lucifer that Michael were trying to abscond with his life and with Chloe, it would give Cain and Lucifer one last bit of “A-Hole brothers” common ground to bond over. Like “Brothers, am I right? Go kick, get Chloe back, I’ll still have enough guilt to torture me with in a few thousand years when you get back,”   
Will Lucifer fall into peril in hell of once again potentially getting distracted and stuck in a hell loop? Will his servants be satisfied with his return? Will Amenadiel bust him out.
Mr. Said Out Bitch needs a role reprise. He’s been in every season opener 2-4, we’ve gotten to know his undergarments very well.  Its high time we get to know his name and story. He’s put in the work!  
Amenadiel should be running LUX in Lucifer's absence. We got a tease of that in previous seasons (remember when he asked what would Lucifer do?) its time for that to come to fruition. Plus, any excuse to put DB Woodside in a suit, just because he wears them so well. It would also be interesting if, after that tragedy he’s experienced, Amenadiel will start taking after Luci. Maybe not the punishing, not yet, but wanting to seek out evil and corruption. It has been teased since s1 “fall as I did.” Perhaps he’ll start developing a taste for his bother’s line of work whereas he found it repugnant in the early days
Dan and Maze or Dan and Ella pair up. Both Dan and Maze are due for some happiness.
An Azrael reboot, when need more of her. She’s the angel of Death for pity’s sake. I don’t know if the original actress is still available or if they would have to recast, or if the character concept by Netflix would even be the same, but I need Azrael to be capable of sweet and unassuming and on a coin flip downright menacing.
More of Lucifer as a godparent, bless! And maybe a cool montage of “cousin” Trixie and Lucifer co-babysitting Charlie please.
Whilst on the subject of Lucifer and parenting, and without putting Trixie too much into harm’s way, I need to see what “I would do anything to protect that little urchin” looks like. Trixstar ride or die.
Father Frank, come back! I need a cameo or recurrent role pleeeeease.
Trixie in every episode. This is non-negotiable, much like chocolate cake. Beatrice is an all-star. In fact, I’ve decided that when Dad/God finally does show up, Trixie needs to be the one to get to know him / introduce him first. She’s been captain on the celestial cheer squad for four seasons, she’s earned this.
Who's going to see through Michael's facade first? I mean, I know that trailer shows Maze torturing it out of him, but as far as intuition goes, I've got a 50/50 split between Trixie and Linda, with an honorable mention to Dan.
If Michael is Lucifer's twin, does he have the same angelic compulsion skill set? Or something different? And will it work on Chloe or is she universally immune?
A “be like Mike” pop-culture reference. ******Spoilers: ******* all the trailers have revealed Michael already, so they owe us this for letting the steam out.
As far as pop-culture, how many movie and TV references will we get from Lucifer and ensemble this year? I expect A-game, from sci-fi to 80s action, on par with the previous likes of Parent Trap, Star Wars, Home Alone, Kim Possible, and Rocky.
Will Amenadiel’s necklace make a reappearance, even after he put it around Caleb’s neck in the morgue? Heavenly artifacts have a way of causing trouble in this show.
Will what finally learn what, if any, significance there is to Lucifer’s ring? Again, as all my fictional writings will attest, I really kind of want it to be a stolen little trinket from him Dad.
Plot twist: will we get to see Hell and the silver city all in one season, or is that too devilishly good to ask? It would be intriguing if Lucifer fell from Heaven for rebelling and now some threat like, for example, the mother of demons would pose a threat to the gates such that Lucifer was called upon to defend them. Not expecting anything Endgame level with a host of Angels popping up like sorcerers...but it is food for the imagination.
Plot twist: will Michael, duplicitous twin that he is, be revealed as the reason that Lucifer does not lie and can’t stand liars? Will be get a Michael back story? Is he perhaps the true rebellious son? see: my original fan conjecture here.
Additional links to previous recaps, roundouts and wishlists: 
Season 1: Best Moments // Season 2: Predictions, Desires, Roundout, Best Moments // Season 3: Speculations, Quick-shot summary 
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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'Shanna O'Hara, Lady Plunder is the daughter of a diamond miner named Gerald O'Hara. Born in Africa, she spent the majority of her childhood growing up in the jungles of Zaire. At the age of six, her father went to kill a rogue leopard that belonged to her mother, Patricia O'Hara. While hunting for the leopard, Shanna's father accidentally killed her mother. This traumatic incident led to Shanna's lifelong crusade against the use of firearms. After the incident, Shanna moved back to the United States to live with relatives. Shanna grows up to become an accomplished Olympic athlete, specializing in competitive swimming and track and field. She then became a licensed veterinarian.
After completing college, Shanna began to work for the Central Park Municipal Zoo in New York City as a zoologist. While working at the zoo, Shanna raised many animals, including a female leopard named Julani. During this period another shock to her system came when Julani was shot and killed by a zoo guard. The following day, the zoo director proposes Shanna take Julani's cubs, Ina and Biri — Yoruba names meaning "bright" and "black", respectively[4] — to the Dahomey Reserve in Africa.
While in Africa, Shanna becomes more attuned to nature, patrolling the jungle and living freely in the wild lands. She begins to wear Julani's fur pelt as a sight-and-sense cue to help with the raising of the cubs. In the jungle, Shanna becomes more and more at home with herself and her new native element, all the while protecting the reserve from poachers as Shanna the She-Devil.[volume & issue needed]
During her stay in Africa, her father is kidnapped by the Mandrill. Shanna searches for him until the wizard Malgato kidnaps her to the Savage Land, a prehistoric jungle within Antarctica. She escapes with the help of Lord Kevin Plunder, a.k.a. the jungle lord Ka-Zar. Shanna returns to Africa to look for her father, and learns he was killed by the Mandrill. Seeking revenge, she goes to North America to aid Daredevil and Black Widow in stopping the Mandrill and Nekra's plan to overthrow the American government.[14]
After this, Shanna travels between San Francisco and the Savage Land, finally returning to Africa only to find Ina and Biri have been killed by a cult leader named Raga-Shah. After a short grieving period in North America, Shanna tracks and kills Raga-Shah by feeding him to her python Ananta. Around this time, she begins therapy with psychologist Dr. Dorothy Betz.[volume & issue needed]
Shanna returned to the Savage Land and became Ka-Zar's lover. They discovered their lost world was only part of a larger realm, Pangea, filled with wondrous races. The couple's relationship was tempestuous: Shanna married Mele of the Botor who died in a hunting accident while with Ka-Zar. Shanna was also targeted by the demonic Belasco (who felt she resembled his lost love Beatrice). When Ka-Zar was seemingly killed while they were in New York, a distraught Shanna rampaged, was institutionalized, and nearly romanced Peter Parker. Shanna was rescued by a revived Ka-Zar, aided by Spider-Man, and the two returned to Antarctica, where they were married despite interference from Belasco and others. They employed the native warrior woman Zhira as nanny and protector of their son Matthew.
They survived the temporary destruction of the Savage Land by Terminus and its later re-creation by the High Evolutionary and Garokk.
Shanna briefly attained a mystical bond to the spirit of Africa, foiling Sir Guy Cross-Wallace who slaughtered and consumed wildlife, seeking the bond himself to rule the continent. Shanna was also briefly given power over the natural world by the High Evolutionary. Together, Ka-Zar and Shanna fight to preserve the Savage Land from external threats and from pollution by technology.
Shanna and Ka-Zar find Skrulls mining the rare metal vibranium in the Savage Land. Soon afterward as part of the "Secret Invasion" storyline, a Skrull ship crashes in the Savage Land releasing earlier versions of modern superheroes (who claim to be the originals replaced by Skrulls for some time), and who have escaped. Shanna and Ka-Zar soon learn however, that these are simply more Skrulls in disguise. Spider-Man soon encounters Ka-Zar, Shanna, Zabu, and some of the natives accusing them of being Skrulls. Just then, the Captain America from the ship attacked thinking the same for Spider-Man. Ka-Zar, Shanna, and Zabu help Spider-Man fight the Captain America from the ship until it is hit by a dart that causes it to regress to a Skrull named Pit'o Nilli. Shanna then kills Pit'o Nilli.[15] Shanna stays behind with Zabu to fight off anymore Skrulls left in the Savage Land while Ka-Zar heads with the New Avengers and the Mighty Avengers to New York to fight the Skrulls.[16]
Ka-Zar and Shanna later encounter the return of the Ethereals and end up fighting them when it comes to the Ethereals wanting the tribes of the Savage Land to be united with them.[17]
As part of the 2012 Marvel NOW! branding in the pages of Savage Wolverine, Shanna agrees to guide a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to a mysterious island within the Savage Land. A dampening field generator causes the transport to crash, and all the agents are killed by the native Neanderthals. At the same time, Wolverine crashes on the island,[18] and joins with Shanna the She-Devil to destroy the dampening field generator. When Shanna the She-Devil is accidentally killed by the Neanderthals after running into Amadeus Cho, Amadeus and the local Neanderthals perform a ritual that involves a Man-Thing different from Ted Sallis that was rooted in the Savage Land for a long time. A blood sample was taken from it and Shanna was reborn. Then they encountered the Hulk where fight between him, Wolverine, and the giant gorillas accidentally damaged the dampening fields which freed the alien Morrigon who returns to his master Visher-Rakk.[19]
During the "Empyre" storyline, Shanna the She-Devil falls under the control of the Cotati that were operating the Savage Land.[20] This was because of Shanna's connection with the Savage Land's lifeforce and the Cotati took advantage of that. Shanna tries to get Ka-Zar to join them as Matthew states to Black Knight that they have to do something. Doctor Voodoo used a trick to do a mental trick. Scarlet Witch does the same as she tries to free Shanna from the Cotati's control. To assist her, Scarlet Witch brings Ka-Zar into Shanna's mind where he learns that some creatures in the Savage Land are dying and trees are falling. As Matthew and Black Knight fight the Cotati, a Doctor Voodoo-controlled Man-Thing fights the Cotati's control and defeats Ventri. When Ka-Zar frees Shanna from the Cotati's control, he is stabbed by a Cotati using Black Knight's Ebony Blade.[21] As Scarlet Witch and Doctor Voodoo work to extract Ka-Zar's soul, Shanna the She-Devil uses the same waters that revived him in order to heal Ka-Zar. It works as Ka-Zar turns the tide on the Cotati invaders where dinosaurs show up to help
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gilbirda · 4 years
(Bonus) Once upon a time. Chapter 6
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[Read in AO3][Read in FF.net]
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Chapter 6: The Princess
Beatrice Decker-Espinoza was the Princess of Hell.
Yeah, right.
She once decided to turn down the throne, with the knowledge that she never had to actually see it ever in her life (her parents were really against bringing her for a vacation, at least until she was older), but somehow she wanted the title back - it could look good in her resume.
Well she was now “older” and a “grown woman” and a “young lady”, according to her grandma, but she didn’t exactly feel like hell-spawned royalty right now.
High-school. A teenager’s worst nightmare. It didn’t matter then that she was the daughter of two hard detectives and the step-daughter of the Devil himself; or that a real demon had been training her for years now. She was fresh meat in a building full of cruel people that would crush her if they considered it could benefit their popularity.
“I don’t know if this is safe, Detective,” Lucifer was scoffing in his seat, watching Trixie’s scowl reflected in the rearview. “I’ve seen to many loops about this thing. High school.” The way he said the name like it was a curse resonated with the girl’s heart.
“Trixie is a normal girl and she needs to go. It’ll be fine.”
“Are you really The Queen of have you never set a foot in Hell? We have an entire section about high school tortures.” Maze flicked her demon knife, glancing towards Trixie with a worried glint in her eyes. Not that she would admit it out loud.
Chloe sighed, parking the car in front of her daughter’s new high school.
“Listen, guys. I know it’s scary but it’s pretty normal for us humans.”
Mazikeen scoffed. “Says the not-human-anymore who never went to highschool.”
“Maze!” the teen hit her in the shoulder.
“Maybe I want her to experience something I never did,” Chloe’s voice did not break. Uh-huh. Trixie glared at her demon friend and roommate while Lucifer shook his head from his seat in disappointment for such a comment. It was a still a sore subject for his wife her lost humanity and the prospect of outliving her daughter. “Anyway, let’s go.”
Beatrice tried very hard to look calm and collected for her mother, accepting her hug once the woman walked around the car after getting out of it. She wasn’t too old for hugs, and she was sure she would never be, it didn’t matter what her friends (former friends, since she knew that changing schools was enough to lose everyone she knew) commented about her constant physical shows of affection with her parents.
Screw them. Their parents weren’t the rulers of Hell.
“You got the new pair?” Maze nodded in approval when she patted her backpack. The demon had gifted her a new shiny set of daggers for the new school year.
“Yep,” she said nonetheless.
“Phone?” Lucifer asked.
“Keys? Pepper spray?”
“Mom! I’ve been getting home on my own for a while now.” Trixie glanced at a group of kids her age, maybe a bit older, that were frowning at the strange group by the school entrance.
“I know, baby. Just checking.” The tense smile told everyone that she was totally serious.
“What to do if someone is mean?” the demon asked her while glaring at pair of older girls snickering and looking in their direction. Lucifer also looked at them, smiling and waving a hand.
The girls turned and rushed towards the door as if they had seen a ghost.
Beatrice rolled her eyes. “Kick in the stomach, punch in the face,” she said in a bored voice.
“No, you have to -”
“Yes, girl!” Mazikeen interrupted the older woman and high fived the teenager. “Don’t know why I even bother…” she heard her mother murmur in the background.
The first bell ringed, making the girl jump in her place.
Taking it as a cue, Lucifer crouched carefully, not irreversibly wrinkling his Prada suit, and picked something from his trousers’ pocket. Beatrice blinked in surprise, not having expected any kind of gift from her step-Devil, and glanced at her mother. She was smiling encouragingly.
“Your mother and I have been meaning to give you this but the time never came,” the Devil looked down, nervous. “Of course it’s nothing official and I remember you rejecting your position a few years ago; but we still want you to be included in, uh, well…”
“What Lucifer is meaning to say is we love you, Trixie, and we want you to have something that symbolizes it.”
Lucifer showed her what he had been nervously playing with his fingers. It was a necklace. A beautiful one, silver (she was sure it wasn’t earthly silver), with an elaborate reverse pentagram encased in a black diamond disc. Hell-forged, she was sure. Even the chain looked like Maze’s knifes.
“It’s charmed,” Lucifer said, “behind it there’s a sigil for protection against evil intentions,” he turned the disc, revealing a strange symbol barely visible unless you looked really close.
“You are making her the heir?” Mazikeen suddenly asked.
“Of course,” both answered, Lucifer’s mocking tone like it was preposterous to think otherwise. “That is if you want, spawn.”
Princess of Hell. Heir to the throne, in the (impossible) case that something happened to the current rulers. She knew that she should weigh the decision, think about it harder, consider the implications. When she turned it down she was a mere kid and what was cool back then wasn’t exactly Disney princesses. Not that she would be one if she accepted the offer.
The thing is she finally chuckled and took the necklace from her step-dad, smiling with her new and shiny teeth, freed from the braces torture of the past three years.
“Do I get a fancy tiara, like mom?”
All of them laughed.
“The fanciest.” He answered, stretching back to his full height.
The second bell announced her inevitable departure. She didn’t want to go. “I should run.”
“Yeah, don’t be late on your first day!” Chloe smiled.
“One of our favorites back home,” Maze murmured before slapping the kid’s shoulder. “Give them Hell, princess.”
Beatrice smiled wickedly, a gesture Chloe identified as Lucifer’s, and gripped her backpack straps with determination. “Will do.”
She hugged them all once more before breaking into a sprint towards her daily torture for the next years.
But hey, she was the frigging princess of Hell. She got this.
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the--blackdahlia · 7 years
Shake it Off Chapter 7 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Shake it Off Chapter 7
Summary:  The reader decides to get rid of the Mark of Cain for Dean using witchcraft, not realizing what she's getting herself into.
Warnings: None
That night, after (Y/n) ran her errands, trying her best to put off seeing the boys, she sent them the address to Casey’s Bar. When (Y/n) walked in, a chorus of greetings welcomed her. She smiled as she made her way to the bar. She leaned up against it with a smile on her face as the bartender, an older Vietnam vet named Dusty, set a glass down.
 “Trashcan Punch?” He asked with a smile. (Y/n) laughed.
 “You know me all too well.” He slid a glass over to her as a man from the plant came up and gently touched her side. She turned to look at him and smiled. “Keith.”
 “(Y/n), are you okay?” He asked.
 “Yeah I’m fine. Thanks for the warning earlier. But I have to tell you that they’re not working for a newspaper or whatever they told you.” (Y/n) said, patting his cheek. “They’re…” As if on cue, Sam and Dean walked through the door. “My cousins.”
 “Your cousins?” Keith asked. He turned to look at them, noticing the way that Dean was glaring at his intimate touch. “You sure about that?”
 “Unfortunately.” She sighed. “But they should be back on their way to Kansas soon.” She headed off to a booth in the back. “Come see me in a little bit.” She winked at him before settling down in her seat. A friendly waitress came over and took her order for food from the kitchen as the boys joined her.
 “Who was that?” Dean asked, not even trying to hide his jealousy. It made (Y/n) smile a bit as she took a sip of her drink.
 “Jealous?” She asked. Dean just glared. “His name’s Keith. He’s a close friend from work. Helped me do some work on the house. We have lunch together almost every day.” She took a drink.
 “You seem popular here.” Sam noticed, seeing people walk by and tell her hi. “Come here often?”
 “Quite a few of these people I’ve saved in the past year.” She explained. “Most of the town knows what I do. And they’re grateful for it. I’m a hero here.” She laughed a little, taking another drink. “I mean, just last week, I took out three werewolves by myself. And most people here know better than to leak what I do to the papers. But the kid at the plant, he just got here. He didn’t know any better. And I’m sure Harry had words with him.” Her food came and she ate pretty quickly.
 “So, you’re a known hunter here, and they don’t care?” Sam asked. Dean just couldn’t seem to get past whatever her relationship was with Keith.
 “There’s a few people here that think I’m the devil.” She laughed some at the thought. “If they only knew.” She looked around the bar then. “But the ones I’ve saved keep me safe from them. I’m kind of Robin Hood.” She stood up suddenly. “I’ll be back.” Sam looked over at Dean as (y/n) walked away.
 “Maybe we should leave her alone here.” Sam suggested. “She seems happy. And it looks like she’s got everything under control.” Dean watched (y/n) bounce around the bar like she owned the place. She went up to a guy at a DJ stand, having a serious conversation over what song he thought she should sing at karaoke. She was like a whole new person, and Dean secretly wondered if she was really possessed, or if that Keith guy had done something to her.
 “I think we just need to stick around.” Dean said, shaking his head. “I don’t trust that Keith…” Sam rolled his eyes.
 “Is it just because (y/n) and him seem to have a thing for each other? Dean, she’s been gone a year. A lot can change in a year.” Sam tried to reason with his brother, but he knew that he was so stubborn and he wouldn’t back down easy. He knew Dean missed his girl, but this wasn’t the same girl anymore. She hadn’t been since the day that she took the mark from Dean. She had saved him.
 “Hey, I’ll be right back. Go ahead and let someone else go.” Dean heard (Y/n) say to the DJ. He nodded and queued up a song for someone else as (y/n) slipped into the hallway heading out into the alley. Dean got up and followed her, standing at the door.
 “Anything?” He heard her say to someone, but he couldn’t hear anyone else. Her voice sounded so sad. “Just keep trying okay. You have my address. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I’m trying to make Sam and Dean think I’m perfectly fine, but I don’t think I can do it much longer.” He heard the familiar sniffle that meant she had been crying. “Yeah I’ll see you in a couple days. Thanks Beatrice.” He heard her take a deep breath. Dean turned on his heels and went back to Sam.
 “You okay?” Sam asked. Dean nodded quietly, not wanting to tell him what he heard (Y/n) say. She came back in then, her face a little red but she played it off on dusty air. But when Dean and (y/n) made eye contact across the bar, he could see the old her, struggling to get out. (Y/n) came over to them then.
 “I think I’m going to cut out early. You guys can stay if you want. I know how much you like bars Dean.” She smiled and patted his arm. “See you guys around.” She walked out of the bar. Keith followed her and Sam almost had to wrestle Dean to keep him from following.
 “(Y/n), where are you going?” Keith asked. (Y/n) sighed a little, hoping that no one had followed her.
 “I’m just tired.” (Y/n) said, offering him a smile. “I’ll see you later, okay?” He nodded slowly.
 “Did they do something to you?” He asked. He gently took her hand. “Is he the one that did this to you?”
 “It’s not like that.” (Y/n) assured him. “I’ll explain it all later okay?” She pulled her hand away and headed toward her truck. She climbed in and headed home. Keith sighed and started to head back into the bar when he heard a noise from the alley. A woman calling for help. He made his way down the alleyway, looking for the woman, ready to help her, when a hand wrapped around and covered his mouth, and his world went dark.
Tag List: @petrovadixon @smoothdogsgirl @tornjeansandabrokenheart @theas-bedtime-stories
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griffins-bane · 7 years
Quest 3.3: With friends like these
Allegory of the cave
Zane isn’t keen on being brought along, but Thúndur sweet-talks him into coming along. The party disguises Zane as Ingrid with little more than a dress and a wig. Though we get lost a little on the way, the party eventually makes it to the cave.
Andrew: You see six tief— Cammy: SIXTY tieflings?!
The tieflings eye up Zane’s very long sword and question whether ‘Ingrid’ is actually Ingrid. To our disappointment, JB’s story about her having drank a potion of enhance muscles falls flat, and we are drawn into combat. Thúndur’s battle song of the day: “Man’s not hot!”
JB: Could you try hiding your weapon better next time, Zane? Zane: You try hiding a weapon the size of your body. Gallais and JB, simultaneously: Well.
More devils pile out of the cave, much to the party’s annoyance, but we club our way through them. Gallais does a lot of mansplaining over Thúndur’s knowledge checks. JB does a lot of sneaky weeing around corners, and everyone crits more than usual.
We come into a room with a book lying by the door. Zane does a spot of light reading and is otherwise a bit of a dick. Gallais suggests we trigger an alarm trap, and as if on cue, a bunch of firedogs appear.
Zane cleans up the Brimorak devil that had been giving us a hard time and professes his love for Thúndur leaves. With mixed emotions, we take the book back to the guild, just as we were told.
Back at the guild
When we arrive, we are greeted by Beatrice, who takes the book before casually telling Gallais, JB, Octavia, and Lady to kill Thúndur and Littlefist. She then drops her disguise and reveals herself to be a succubus.
In a horrible flash, Thúndur remembers the old man on the road to Goran’s Well who told her that her companions were evil. After holding out for a while with her friends chasing her around the room, Thúndur finally fails a will save, and ‘Beatrice’ instructs her to kill Littlefist as well.
Octavia and Lady are knocked out, and Thúndur shakes off the spell. Gallais very reasonably concludes that Littlefist is evil; he attempts to cast Protection From Evil and is knocked out for his trouble. Thúndur goes down fighting as well.
With the party incapacitated, ‘Beatrice’ grabs the book, says, “Better get back to Azura now,” then disappears. She has the third book now and that can’t be good.
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