#cullen cars
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Emmett is 6'5"
Jasper is 6'3"
Hell knows how wide Emmett is.
They're not all going to fit in the backseat of that car, especially with Rosalie squashed in between them. Why? WHY DO THEY ALL HAVE TO DRIVE TO SCHOOL IN THE SAME CAR?
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k-fangirledits · 11 days
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thoughtspresso · 11 months
Aqua plans to die.
And his death will be necessary to take Kamiki down.
While the full details of Aqua’s revenge plan isn’t entirely clear to all of us yet, his intention to place himself in danger as he tries to take Kamiki down is a very clear, and very crucial part of the plot that he anticipates.
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Before we can dive into how Aqua is going to achieve his revenge, we need to back up a little bit and understand who he is as a person, how he makes decisions, and what he personally wants.
What is Aqua’s Goal?
From a top-level view, Aqua has a singular emotional goal:
Aqua wishes to take responsibility for the deaths of his mothers.
Aqua/Gorou absolutely believes that after two lives of the same thing, that he was the common denominator. He was the fault his mothers both died, because he was useless and helpless. Had he never been conceived, and more crucially, if his mothers did not have to lie about his existence, they would have both stayed alive. If Gorou’s mom didn’t have to conceal the pregnancy from her parents, or did not have one at all, she would have lived a long life. He believes that perhaps his second chance at life was to save Ai, but he was paralyzed and helpless during her murder. He blames himself for Ai’s death too.
This is a driving force in Aqua’s character, and informs all of his decision making, even to the detriment of his own plans most times. It leads us to his supplementary goal:
Aqua wants to keep the people he loves safe.
Whether it was shielding Ruby from entertainment or making sure she’s in a safe agency with good group members, or Akane not going too far in enacting his revenge plot for him, or Kana from steering clear of a career-ending love scandal, Aqua’s key traumas has led him to feel compelled to take action and do whatever it takes to save people if he had the power to do so.
Here is a breakdown of Aqua’s plans, and some key questions we have to ask about each one.
1. Why make a movie called The 15-Year Lie? And what is “Ai’s true wish”?
I have reason to believe that Ai’s DVD for Aqua would have either been a message about wishing to be loved truly and be hated with full honesty for the person she really was, that she wanted her actual self to be revealed to people. In line with that, I think Aqua’s DVD included Gotanda’s original documentary for the B-Komachi dome event. Which is why Gotanda tried to defend Aqua's decision to reveal her secret in chapter 112, and why in chapter 108 Gotanda says about the script that “this is finally my time to fulfill that promise.”
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2. What does he mean by “using Arima Kana”?
There were theories circulating that the person who texted Frill Shiranui could have been Aqua, trying to get her to encourage Ruby to play the role of Ai in the film. However, that couldn’t be any farther from the truth. As we know, Aqua was saying that Gotanda should “grow up” and understand that the most important thing for a movie is to succeed commercially first before we talk about artistic value. 
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If Aqua had full control over the situation, he would have just straight up casted Akane. After all, that was what he initially proposed, and even contacted her for it despite saying he’ll never have anything to do with her again. What he needed, more than anything, was for the film to succeed commercially. And with the headlining actress no longer (a) the most famous celebrity of their generation, or (b) the heralded genius of their generation, Aqua has no other options.
Except: Arima Kana.
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I think the aspect of him using her or manipulating her is mainly to encourage her publicity activities. He’ll be encouraging her to do well in her work to garner more star power for the movie to really be a success, and for her to help his sister be the perfect lead for the show. He’s also going to bank on the idea that Kana will do things for him because she has a crush on him, which he only realized in Chapter 102 after Mem-cho points it out, that he can pursuade Kana to get out of the way of his revenge plot if necessary to keep her safe or place her in the spotlight to attract people’s attention for the movie.
While unlikely, he might even encourage her to stay on a little longer until Ruby gets to the Dome performance.
Or, and maybe this is my shipping delulu talking, but it can also be that he’ll try to just be around her frequently to garner media attention about their relationship. In this way, keeping her close without actually dating her could serve a dual purpose: get people talking about them and the movie, but also make sure that Kana stays safe and nobody makes a rumor of pairing her up with anybody else.
Lastly, also not super likely but another option could be to convince her to headline the show, and play Ai in Ruby’s stead.
3. Why does Kaburagi say that the film is bordering on illegal?
This is a truly crucial piece to unveiling Aqua’s plot. We know Kaburagi likes producing shows that include good-looking young people, and that seems to be his main strategy for raking in young audiences and cashing out.
So why would he have hesitated, even for a second, on a plan to cast the top talent of this young generation, on the biggest news Japan has been talking about, handed to him by a first-hand source--the son of Ai himself?
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On all accounts, this would have been the perfect formula for a smash success. So why would Kaburagi say things like, “do you have enough evidence”, when everybody already knew about the University student stalker that murdered her? What was so controversial?
Unless, when they said Aqua will play the culprit, they didn’t mean the Ryosuke.
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They meant he was playing Hikaru Kamiki.
Here’s what we know about the film, and what I think Aqua is trying to do:
1. Portray Kamiki in the worst possible way and destroy his reputation.
The 15-Year Lie will be a biopic about Ai’s life from when she was starting out as an idol.  Ai will be portrayed as a poor girl abandoned by her parents, searching for the true meaning of love. We know that this framing will be part of Ai’s characterization because of the scenes where Ruby struggled the most:
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In the search for love, they will show her falling for a young man and talented actor at Theatre Lalalai--that being Hikaru Kamiki. Once he gets Ai pregnant, he abandons her, and she runs off to the countryside to hide from the press. When Ai asked him to come visit her, Kamiki, in wanting to protect his career, attempted to send out a stalker. A few years later, seeing his kids wotagei on social media, he manages to find them again and kill Ai.
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It is a complete and utter character assasination of Hikaru Kamiki, and while revealing Ai as a flawed person, draws for the sympathy of the viewers to love Ai for who she truly is. Which is exactly why Gotanda keeps insisting for Ruby to play the role, even when Aqua and Kaburagi have sensible recommendations for Akane and Frill.
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At that moment, when Ai dies, Aqua will reveal his face, and openly declare that it was his father who orchestrated it all. Then he might even portray his father murdering Ryosuke himself, instead of the suicide that was reported in the media.
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2. Aqua will use himself to bait his father out, and force Kamiki’s hand to kill Aqua.
The main reason why Aqua finds it necessary for the film to be a commercial success is because he needs the general public to be one hundred percent in agreement that Hikaru Kamiki is an evil man that deserves to be jailed. (Whether or not he reveals his name in the film, which he could but doesn’t need to.) This public lynching is his first control.
But here’s the thing: Kamiki didn’t directly murder Himekawa Airi and Hoshino Ai himself. At this point in time, Aqua is not aware of Katayose Yura’s murder either. And there is no evidence that connects Uehara Seijirou and Ryosuke’s suicides as murders by Kamiki’s hands.
And on top of all that, when these things happened, Kamiki was fully a minor.
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Akane’s fears and interpretation was that Aqua would murder his own father because it’s the only form of revenge he could enact himself. 
But she’s wrong, there’s one more thing Aqua could do: make Kamiki commit murder again. If he kills Aqua, there will now be a murder that the public agrees without a doubt was done by Kamiki himself.
He can go to jail once and for all, or he can also get stabbed by an angry fan--Aqua doesn’t care. All he cares about is that it’s a sure win, and it’s over forever. He launches his sister’s career into the spotlight, he keeps everybody safe, and he atones for the death of his mothers with his own life.
In summary: Aqua plans to get killed by his father, so that an actual murder has occurred for which he could be jailed or publicly ostracized or even killed.
And here’s why I think Aqua will fail:
Aqua’s assumptions about his father are incorrect.
He believes that Kamiki’s reason for killing Ai was because her pregnancy would ruin his reputation and career as a rising actor. That’s why Aqua tries to hit him there. And he believes defaming him might provoke him to get killed.
But I don’t think Kamiki cared about his reputation at all anymore. He left his career as an actor behind after Kindaichi kicked him out of Lalalai, and went on to graduate from Faculty of Science. He never went back in front of the spotlight, instead opening a talent agency around the exact time he believed his kids might be joining the industry.
I have reason to believe that Kamiki thinks murdering Airi and Ai was to protect his children or some other great act of justice against his rapist(s). And that even killing Katayose Yura was done because he didn’t want a liar like her to take the spotlight that was supposedly for his daughter Ruby.
I don’t think Kamiki will harm Aqua.
But I do think he will come forward and expose himself and his twisted justification, and he might even openly give interviews to the media.
Instead, I do believe Kamiki might pay attention to Kana’s honest acting--something he’s never seen before in a person, and try to get close to her somehow. And if Kamiki’s name is not revealed, and if the theories are true that Frill works for Kamiki’s agency, he might recruit Kana to join him.
All this is to say, get Kana out of this manga. Somebody, please save her.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
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why did Edward offer to take a look at Mike's car? wrong answers only
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needahugfromesme · 9 months
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sussymcsuspants · 4 months
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bongosinferno · 3 months
Twilight, a film about the hazards (and benefits) of piloting a Volvo Car
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bomdiabanana · 6 months
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couslande · 1 year
do you think after the blight cullen visits home and has to deal with the fact that the statue that was in the middle of his village for years and years is alive and is a war hero.
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genocidalfetus · 1 year
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Beast can handle off-roading in the Badlands. She also makes for a good place to fuck in.
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futuremrsdrcullen · 2 years
Heyyyy. I have some requests if you don't mind!!
you get into an accident and Carlisle finds you. You wake up to Carlisle working over you. Carlisle gives you the option to be treated at his house. He gives you the option to be changed. You are super nervous and he is super sweet and gentle and walks you through everything.
You are a friend of the Cullen's (especially Alice). You go to their house to hang out and you start having a panic attack but try to hide it. Carlisle and Jasper find you and help you through it!
First, let me say that I am so, so, SO sorry this took actually forever to write. This was the first time I was writing of my I'm Always in this Twilight comfort blanket and oh boy did I feel lost at first.
I'm not kidding when I say I wrote this 3 times, with three different settings lol
But I finally settled with something I'm content with and here it is!!! I decided to only write the first one, BUT stay tuned because I do have something like the second one planned for my version of Eclipse <3
Anyway! Enough from me! Thank you so so much for sending in such creative requests.
Thank you for reading and Enjoying my work <3
Much love
~Claire <3
Blurb title: Burning
word count: 1457
So many WARNINGS: Car accidents, blood, dying, pain, burning (but not actual fire just the feeling of burning) prolonged pain, wishing to die, sad.
I Promise it does have a happy ending <3 being turned into a vampire is not an easy process. Carlisle is the sweetest softest boy around.
THIS IS NOT CANON TO IAITT and will not be added to that masterlist. It's also why I didn't tag the normal taglist. Thanks again <3
Everything felt like slow motion. I took a turn too fast. I hit a patch of ice. I lost control. I don’t think I even heard the glass breaking. I couldn’t even tell what song was on the radio.
But I knew I was dying. 
I knew my car was resting on the driver's side door somewhere off the road. I didn’t think the passing cars would even know I was down there. I squeezed my eyes closed and hoped I would just fall asleep. 
I don’t know how long I stayed there, but I could feel the cool air surrounding me.I heard his voice before I saw him, I thought I imagined it.
“Y/n?” He sounded frantic, I didn’t open my eyes. “Y/n, please, sweetheart can you hear me.” 
I still didn’t open my eyes but I tried to nod my head. I didn’t think I could will my voice to work.
“Dove, I’m going to pull you out of the car, okay? Tell me if anything hurts too much.” I nodded again. I didn’t really feel anything but cold. Then I was out of the car and in his arms. Only then did I allow myself to open my eyes.  There was so much pain in his features.
He knew I was dying too.
He spoke softly “I- I can take you to the hospital…” I’d never heard him stutter, it broke my heart. I shook my head, not knowing if I would even make it there. “I can take you home.”
I gave him a look, he knew what I meant without it needing to be said. I was running out of time. “Carlisle…” His face twisted in pain. “Change me…”
“Y/n. You can’t make that choice right now.”
I tried to pull myself together enough to sound confident. “It’s what I would have chosen anyway. I want this.” I took one more steady breath. “I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet…” It was barely above a whisper.
I think he wanted to cry. He hid his face in my hair and just breathed me in. “I need you to be sure.”
I nodded. I am sure. I wanted to tell him but the words wouldn’t come out. My heart beat felt like a timer. He looked into my eyes, he cupped my cheek, he kissed my forehead. I don’t think I felt any of it.
His voice was still shaky, but he sounded far away. “Okay- Okay. I’m gonna bite you here and-and then I’ll take you home, alright love?” I think I nodded. “Stay with me just a bit longer.” I felt his lips on mine. I held on to the feeling with everything I had left. I felt him whisper “I love you, Y/n”
As I closed my eyes, I felt his lips on my neck; The action alone made my heart quicken, I hoped that was a good thing. Then a sharp, shooting pain. Then nothing. 
I could feel time passing, but I couldn’t judge how much. I was out for some time, enough time to get home, but eventually the pain woke me up. I screamed and thrashed and prayed- for the first time in a very long time- that the burning would stop. How much more of me was left to burn? How was I anything more than ash?
“I’m so sorry, Y/n” His voice was broken. It pulled me to the surface, if only for a moment.
Carlisle, Carlisle, Carlisle.
I could hear him pacing. I tried to cling to the sound. Tried to use it as something to ground me. I could hear him. I wasn’t dead, though I very much wanted to be. I wanted to hold my hand out to him; I must have held it out to him. I felt his cool fingers intertwined with mine. I tried to squeeze him. He squeezed my hand.
It could have been seconds, hours, days, later, but again his voice pulled me to the surface. The pain didn’t feel as deep. I didn’t regret asking him to turn me, I just wanted it to be over.
“It won’t be long now, Cara” I think I nodded, though with all the screaming and thrashing I doubt anyone noticed.
I didn’t let go of his hand.
More time passed- Probably.
I let him let go of my hand but I still felt him in the room. Eventually I could smell him in the room- Eventually I could hear him once I was able to stop screaming.
He was caught somewhere between doctor mode and husband mode. He gave me soft encouragement. He promised it wouldn’t be too much longer. I really wanted to believe him. I honestly think his presence was the only thing keeping me sane. 
I heard paper shuffling, I counted how many pages turned. I wondered if he was reading, or working, or taking notes on my transformation. I counted 388 page turns. He set whatever it was down 28 times, usually followed by a sigh, usually followed by a soft touch I hardly felt. His hands got warmer. Or, I guess my skin got colder. 
If my heartbeat felt like a timer before; Now it felt like an alarm.
All of the pain slowly moved from the tips of my fingers and toes. It still traveled through my veins but I could feel it leaving. As it moved, the limbs felt normal- no pain, no heat. I almost wanted to try breathing again. I didn’t.
Unfortunately, all of the burning moved closer and closer to my heart. Each inch it moved in my veins sent my heart wild. 
Then my chest was the only thing burning. And my heart beat as fast as butterfly wings but in heavy stomps. 
This is it… I thought. It has to be. 
I cried out once more…
Then it was over. Everything was so still. I didn’t move, so afraid the if I even wiggled a finger I would burn again. 
Breaking the silence, Carlisle’s voice called to me. I didn’t think about it, I just wanted to find him. I opened my eyes and was stunned by the light. More than that, I was so overwhelmed by absolutely everything in the room. I sat up faster than I would have ever been able to.
Then Carlisle’s arms were around me, like he was there to steady me; I had never felt more steady in my life. 
“Careful, Dove. You’re alright.” This time I was stunned by his voice. It was clear and smooth and intoxicating. It always has been, but this felt like the first time I had ever heard it clearly. 
I wanted to speak, but I had no air to carry my voice. I would have to breathe to speak and somehow that was terrifying. I didn’t know how anything could be scary after everything I had just felt. 
Instead I studied his features. His eyes were so bright and golden. He placed a soft hand on my cheek, and when I didn’t feel the chill of his skin, I took a sharp breath. Breathing wasn’t as scary as I expected, though it did hurt. 
I remember from Bella’s transformation that newborns woke up thirsty and though it had been explained to me, I never could have really imagined what that would feel like. I had never experienced thirst like this. Everything was so dry and hot. I was almost convinced I’d swallowed a lit match. The air that filled my throat fed the flames. I wanted to scream again. 
Instead I looked at him, my eyes catching his again. I let the pain pass for another moment.
“Carlisle…” I knew I whispered, I wanted to whisper it, but it felt so loud. I didn’t recognize my own voice. His smile widened. I wanted to kiss him.
“This is all real?” I knew it was. I had to ask anyway.
He laughed softly. “It’s very real.” I nodded though I wasn’t sure I believed him. I didn't really know how to believe him. Everything happened so quickly. 
Only then did I notice the others giggling too. 
Almost all of them were there. Alice and Jasper, Rose and Emmett, Edward and Bella, they all watched me in complete wonder.
And Carlisle.
Carlisle, Carlisle, Carlisle. 
He was real and he was here and we could live happily ever after. It probably wouldn’t be as graceful as Bella’s transformation, but with all of them by my side, I could do this. Everything would be alright. The pain was over, but my life was new.
What I thought would be the end, was actually my first steps into forever.
taglist: @a-not-so-poetic-poet @jakanddexter67 @bridge597 @gaymazinglula @arg888cam
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herearedragons · 9 months
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First Cringetober entry!
Day 2: Self-Insert + Day 3: Unnecessarily Complex Fit
Obviously, I made a Dragon Age self-insert. Normally I’m all for being a mage, but being a mage in Thedas isn’t that fun, so instead my self-insert is an Orlesian (that’s where the Complex Fit comes from) dwarf alchemist who shows up as a vendor in Skyhold.
I decided that she’s from Serault solely because that’s the Stained Glass Place. She comes from a long line of fabled alchemists and now it’s up to her to uphold the legacy; she gets sent to Skyhold in an attempt to kickstart her career. And she’s pretty good! You can buy dyes/paints for outfit customization from her, as well as extra potions/grenades, recipes and ingredients.
If you buy enough stuff from her, she’ll confess that alchemy is more of a hobby to her and she’s trying to become an author, but her books keep flopping for some unknown reason. If you decide to look into it, you find out that she writes Thedosian sci-fi/fantasy, and (unbeknownst to her) all of her books are varying degrees of banned by the Chantry because it’s a lot of “what if everyone was a mage and we didn’t need Circles” and “what if we had sentient lyrium-powered vehicles possessed by spirits”. You can then do a war table operation to either get the books un-banned (Josephine), get her books onto the black market (Leliana) or have Cullen painstakingly attempt to explain to her why writing about spirit cars is a bad idea (Cullen).
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ginwhitlock · 1 year
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“By all accounts, we're damned regardless. But I hope, maybe foolishly, we'll get some measure of credit for trying.” for @jessicanjpa
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abbaswift · 9 days
huge pet peeve is parents who neglect their small kids at parks…. i nearly knocked a toddler out with a swing today and the mother barely noticed
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attractthecrows · 13 days
irritated that i made revallen's worldstate a mahariel self-sacrifice one cuz that means i can't have laure waltz into skyhold and pass on the ancient elvhen secrets she picked up in the Brecilian forest by shoving her tongue down revallen's throat right in front of cullen
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snailwife · 2 years
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Introducing horrorlight - Twilight reimagined as horror. Starting off with everyone’s favourite immortal blood thief, Carlisle.
[ko-fi | commissions]
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