#cuphead sindicate
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Demon of Envy, Evil of the Sea
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Belial: Demon Prince of Wrath 🐮🌋😡
(EDIT: Decided to swap genders...).
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(Hey, guys. So, after some thinking for the last few months, I decided to replace Phisto with this guy as the 7th Sindicate member. But don't worry, I'll think of something for Phisto yet!!)
(And he's now the one who has a brotherly relationship with Louie too.)
Belial was once an Angel named Heraldine (get it? 😅👼) who studied in the Guardian Track of the Angel Academy. Despite her dreams to be a warrior, she didn't exactly have the strength or bravery to be one. She often got scared by larger astral beasts, and lost nearly every sparring match she's been in. And poor Heraldine was mercilessly teased by his stronger peers as a result. This led to moments of lashing out from sheer frustration, resulting in hot water with Heaven's higher-ups. Lucifer, relating to Heraldine's desire to belong, took her under his wing and taught her everything he knew about magic (such as turning emotions into weapons). They soon grew a deep brother-sister bond with one another, a bond that extended to other outcasts like them to fight against Heaven's established order. After the Fall, Heraldine (then named Belial) was filled with all kinds of feelings she never knew before: hatred, rage, and vengeance against anyone that dared to hurt her or her new friends. And those feelings came out as pure destruction left in his wake. The Devil, so proud of his apprentice, had anointed her as captain of Hell's military and chief enforcer to bring down any "sinful" souls. She was also in responsible for choosing which punishment(s) a sinner would receive. From that moment o , she was renowned as the Devil's most powerful ally and a force of unbridled wrath. Everyone knew never to mess with her when he was angry, mortal or immortal. Belial had finally made a name for herself, and nothing could stop her.... almost. But that's another story. 😎
💗💗Goodnight, everyone!!!!💗💗
PS., got some design ideas from Globgor from SVTFOE....
Thanks Daron Nefcy for that!!
And got some ideas for her origin from @weirdgirl92 !!
Thank u 2!!
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Mammon: Demon of Greed 🦊🪙🤑
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Inkwell Hell's resident treasurer and con artist.
And you know I can't inteoduce a new OC without a little lore, do yas??
Twin brother of Beelzebub.
Was once a Miracle Track Angel named Plutus, tutored by Mulciber, the chief architect of Heaven.
Despite being taught to use gold and other metals or stones for the benefit of others (like building cities), Plutus longed to hoard the precious metals to admire or keep creating with them.
Every so often, Plutus would look down at Earth and its strange yet unique resources, thinking of what he could create with it. His attempts at obtaining and analyzing them often ended with failure. And when he did obtain them (via sneaking past the Higher-ranking Angels, they always got confiscated.
Also, he had a bit of a crush on Honey (Angel of Joy) and felt like impressing her by finding mortal jewels for her. Though the gift was thoughtful, she never really reciprocated his feelings toward her. Thankfully, he does end up getting along with Azazel, a fellow creative demon.*
Upon learning about currency between mortals, Plutus began to create weapons and accessories in exchange for any gold or precious stones his fellow Angels had. Rumor has it that he and Azazel secretly sold weapons to Louie's army during the Rebellion. This resulted in him getting thrown out of Heaven for indulging in the sin greed.
After the Fall, Plutus and his brother tried to make a living in the Mortal Plane, using dirty scams and magic parlor tricks to earn money. It went well at first, but some mortals began to catch on to their demon ways and went straight to hunting them down... along with the rest of the Sindicate.
Upon finding Mam and his brother (and by find, I mean Mam tried to scam his way to his pitchfork), Devs decided to give them jobs in his newly-formed Underworld. Mam became Pandemonium's resident treasurer and co-architect, Beezle became Ambassador of Hell, and the Devil's first Number One (Dice still couldn't get used to that fact).
Headcanon voice actor: either Alex Brightman or Thurop Van Orman. Both of them sound SOOO hilarious!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
* I've been working around the Angel and Demon characters' interests and relationships. This included who would have a crush on who.😅
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Demon Prince of Greed, and Inkwell Hell's resident treasurer & con artist.
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Well, looks like I found the perfect theme song for Mamsie/Mammon! 🦊🤑
Listen for yourself and tell me....
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Sorry about the lack of art lately.
It's been torture trying to think up a proper backstory for the Devil and the Sindicate. Such as whether to make them angels or siblings. I just want to give them a story that could make them likeable and interesting.
That does NOT mean I don't care about my art, because I do!!!
I hope y'all can understand.
And to anyone who have trouble with stories too, I feel your pain and you are not alone.
Good evening to yous 🩷🩷
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Meet Titivillus😴📃
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He is Sleepy's "patron of scribes" who's in charge of bringing errors to scribes and manuscripts of the church.
He has the power to hear idle ramblings from the church a mile away; he can then collect them to use against new soul arrivals in Hell.
He and Sleepy's relationship is strictly professional, but his boss secretly appreciates his dedication to getting the job done💜
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Visiting an Old Mentor...
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Cuphead Theory Time!!!
For those who watched the Cuphead Show's Brineybeard episode, the lyric in Cala Maria's song claiming her parents were a sailor and fish.
What if her father was actually Leviathan (or one of his minions) in a mortal disguise?
This could explain Cala's snake-like heritage and stone powers.
But that's just a theory...
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Sleepy/Belphegor and her crew.
(Changed up Mam, the glasses fox guy, a bit)
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Headcanon Sindicate Voice Actors
Devil- Luke Millington-Drake (canon!!!!)
Beezle- Troy Baker
Mam- Alex Brightman
Oz- RuPaul Charles
Levi- Jorge Diaz
Sleepy- Whoopie Goldberg
Phisto- Jinkx Monsoon, Tress MacNeille, and Bruce Campbell (depends on form)
Abaddon/Big Abby- Ron Perlman
EDIT: Miss Goldberg makes Sleepy sound cooler in my head🤣😎
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