#cures for conjunctivitis in adults
maxivisionhospitals · 10 months
Learn valuable strategies to safeguard your eye health and prevent conjunctivitis. Discover expert advice on hygiene, habits, and precautions to maintain clear and comfortable vision. If you have conjunctivitis and show no signs of healing after a week or two, please feel free to consult our expert eye specialist in Hyderabad
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duckwhistle · 1 year
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@moss-path's au where Squirrel and Leaf have The Three + Alder and Spark is great, so I made a slightly different version because I love SquirrelCrow too and the potential is just juicy
Squirrel+Crow and Leaf+Hawk.
Squirrel and Crow get close during the journey and especially mourn over Feathertail's death. They were both super close to her, and Brambleclaw and Stormfur are distant, so they have eachother. (I have rewrites where there's different cats on the journey, but Crow and Squirrel are always there so it works everywhere.) Leafpaw has to go to Riverclan with Cinderpelt a lot to cure a bad case of greencough that Mudfur caught as well. Mothwing is learning through them, but she cannot yet go to the Moonstone because of some weird monsters by the caves. Hawkfrost, her brother, starts hanging out with them more and more, seemingly very interested in Leafpaw (who is an adult but cannot get her name because of the Moonstone situation). Mothwing is a bit skeptical but she wants her brother to be happy, and Leafpaw is her friend. Hawk makes her feel special, like she's the Moon herself... Cinderpelt does not like this and when they leave she tries telling Leafpool that he's bad news. Leafpaw does not listen, she misses her support system in Squirrelpaw and Whitepaw, she thought she found friends and now they're gone. She sneaks out without her permission.
Anyway, they reach the Lake, they get their names, he'll yeah. Crowfeather and Squirrelflight miss eachother a lot, but after the Windclan rebellion they have uuh hung out too much and she's pregnant. Squirrelflight is scared, and they plan on having Crowfeather move over to Thunderclan... and that night the Badgers attack, and Cinderpelt is dead. Cinderpelt might have helped, but she could not. Leafpool, after noticing how Hawkfrost is trying to manipulate her and seeing him in the Dark Forest, cuts off with him. Mothwing is the one that warns her of the faked signs, and they work together to kill him in the fox trap, Brambleclaw is unable to move and this leads to bad stuff(tm). She is also pregananant. They sneak out in the night, telling the clan they believe something's calling them, and they give birth in the middle of winter in an old stump. I want to show that they have some spirits helping them, Shrewpaw, Yellowfang (who's not an asshole) and surprisingly, Mapleshade, who leads Mothwing and Crowfeather to them to help them out with food and herbs. Funny thing: no kits die! Not even Juniper and Dandelion!... because Moth and Crow bring them back: they are Breezekit and Willowkit. Willow is given to uuh I dunno? And Breeze to Nightcloud, since she just lost her kits.
I think the clan thinks they're Bramble's but they are not together so Squirrel raises them with her besties Daisy and Ferncloud. Moth and Sorrel help out Leafpool, who's not handling the postpartum depression well, but still dotes on the kittens. Also, Crow + Squirrel have Jay, Juniper/Breeze, and Holly, and Hawk + Leaf have Lion, Alder, Spark and Dandelion/Willow. The prophecy Firestar gets is about five feathers falling in camp with the leafbare wind, they're dark feathers with a shimmering blue eye pattern (like a peacock), while two others blow away. The prophecy might be about "your blood runs along feathered, chilly winds, and in their conjunction, the stars shine brighter than ever."
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handeaux · 9 months
From Grocer’s Itch To Milk Leg: Here Are 17 Antique Diseases That Once Tormented Cincinnatians
If you practiced medicine in Cincinnati during the 1800s, you encountered some nasty and mostly fatal germs like typhus, diphtheria, smallpox, and dysentery. In the age before antibiotics, your therapeutic options might involve anything from leeches to opium to a big dose of hope. Cincinnatians endured many diseases we don’t hear about anymore. Here are a few of them.
Black Water Fever For a good portion of its first century, Cincinnati saw regular infestations of malaria, usually identified then as “bilious fever.” In extreme cases, malaria transformed into the usually fatal Black Water Fever, characterized by extremely dark urine caused by red blood cells bursting and releasing a flood of hemoglobin. It was just as nasty as it sounds.
Bronze John Cincinnati was largely built on commercial relations with the American South and consequently we adopted a lot of Southern terms. One was “Bronze John” as a name for Yellow Fever. That term seems to have originated in Memphis. Cincinnati newspapers watched Memphis intently. If “Bronze John” appeared in Memphis, it was almost certain that Yellow Fever would erupt in Cincinnati.
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Catarrh A multitude of ailments, from the common cold to asthma and hay fever were lumped together under the name Catarrh. Almost any condition that involved a stuffy nose or chest congestion got diagnosed as such. Amazingly, the most commonly prescribed treatments for Catarrh involved smoking aromatic herbs or grinding such spicy plants into powder and inhaling them as snuff.
Chin Cough Today, we call it whooping cough or pertussis. We vaccinate children so they don’t get it. Back in the day, it was sometimes called “Chin Cough” and was among the maladies certain to be banished with a dose of the patent medicines promoted by fly-by-night hucksters passing through town. An 1822 editorial in the Cincinnati Gazette so enthusiastically supported universal cowpox vaccination that the writer claimed it not only prevented smallpox but “effectively cured scrofulous swellings [inflamed lymph nodes], ophthalmia [conjunctivitis] and chin-cough.”
Collywobbles Although this is the name of a real disease, namely a nervous or upset stomach, hardly anyone ever used the word in a serious situation. Adults suffered from dyspepsia. Greedy little kids who ate too much candy got the collywobbles. The term was also used humorously in political commentary to satirize politicians who feigned distress on learning about the machinations of their opponents.
Cooties It was a schoolyard taunt for those of a certain generation: “Stay away from girls because they’ve got Cooties.” Or it was a game – still manufactured by Hasbro. Long ago, Cooties were no laughing matter; it was a nickname for lice. Although lice infestations were not rare in Cincinnati, “Cooties” usually referred to lice endured by soldiers in various wars, especially World War I.
Dandy Fever Today, we think of Dengue Fever as a tropical inconvenience, but it was once fairly common in Cincinnati, generating a number of nicknames including “Bucket Fever,” “Broken Bone Fever” and “Dandy Fever.” The tendency of this mosquito-borne disease to cause severe joint pain led sufferers to adopt a very stiff-jointed mode of walking in which they appeared to imitate the gait of a dandy.
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Dry Bellyache Sometimes known as “Painter’s Colic,” the disease called Dry Bellyache is essentially lead poisoning. It is one of the symptoms of exposure to heavy metals such as lead. Some of the first described cases were traced to consumption of cheap rum, which accumulated a hefty dose of lead from the solder holding distillation coils together.
Grippe Usually referred to as “The Grippe” or “La Grippe,” influenza was a dangerous infection then and now. The term comes from the French word for influenza, hence the “La.” In an attempt to Anglicize the French term, some newspapers used “The Grip.” Death resulted so often from The Grippe that newspapers alerted travelers to avoid cities in which it was rampant. The Cincinnati Gazette of 18 April 1837 carried the news, for example, that The Grippe was raging in Constantinople.
Grocer’s Itch In the days before packaged goods, grocers sold a lot of bulk staples such as flour, lard and sugar. An occupational condition known as Grocer’s Itch was common among Cincinnati’s shopkeepers and was caused by a type of mite, Acarus sacchari, known as the “sugar insect” although it was not an insect; mites have eight legs. Anyone devoting any amount of time to measuring raw sugar was likely to see their arms and hands infested with mite bites.
Jail Fever When sanitary conditions in Cincinnati’s finest homes were iffy at best, the city’s prisons were positively deplorable. Among other diseases, typhus was endemic and so common among prisoners that it gained the nickname “Jail Fever.” The Cincinnati Gazette [25 January 1876] emphasized just how serious the situation was: “A case was mentioned of a jail prisoner who was brought into court to receive his sentence while suffering with typhus fever, and within one week every member of the Court, judge, jurors, Sheriffs and all were dead.”
Milk Leg The Cincinnati Semi-Weekly Gazette of 14 October 1873 carried a letter promising quick relief from Milk Leg. The remedy, involving chamber lye and boiled mullein leaves, appears to be more trouble than it was worth, but the correspondent claimed it cured her after she “had lain from in December till the next corn planting.” Today, we would call Milk Leg phlebitis, a condition in which the veins of the leg become inflamed.
Salt Rheum If you were afflicted by Salt Rheum in 1853, an advertisement in the Cincinnati Enquirer offered sure relief: “Salt Rheum, (or Tetter), Scald Head and Ring Worms positively cured in every ninety-seven cases in a hundred, by the use of Gridley’s Salt Rheum Ointment, which is justly ranked by the most learned physicians as one of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century.” Salt Rheum, Tetter and Scald Head were all various forms of skin disease including eczema, psoriasis, and some forms of herpes. Another dermatological affliction, involving small whitish patches of itchy skin caused by cold weather was known as Chilblains.
Scorbutic Fever Almost unheard of today, except among adherents of extreme diets, scurvy is a debilitating disease caused by a shortage of Vitamin C. In extreme cases, scurvy could produce elevated body temperatures variously known as Scorbutic Fever or “Camp Fever.” The “camp” in question was not a vacation getaway but a prison camp and reflected the abysmal food provided to the inmates.
Scrivener’s Palsy There are not many scriveners employed these days, so think of poor Bob Cratchit in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” Hunched over a poorly lit desk, scribbling away all day was bound to have an effect, and so it did, in an affliction that we might call “Writer’s Cramp” today, if there were any writers who still used a pencil and paper. The Cincinnati Gazette of 8 July 1875 reported the emergence of a similar affliction, “Telegrapher’s Palsy.” Also caused by clerical work was “Typewriter’s Disease,” but this was a mental condition in which over-concentration on transcribing verbiage led to a sort of psychosomatic blindness in which the victim was unable to read at all.
Scrumpox The malady known as Scrumpox is still around today but, since its cause is now known, it goes by a different name – Herpes Gladiatorum. As the older name implies, it is a skin condition, a form of herpes, passed along by athletes rubbing exposed skin together, as in a rugby scrum. In fact, the first attempt at a scientific name for the disease was Herpes Rugbiorum. It also shows up as “Wrestler’s Herpes.” The Enquirer of 12 April 1896 listed scrumpox among some other athletic disorders including “Golf Arm” and “Cyclist’s Back.”
Sinking Chills The Cincinnati Gazette of 30 April 1874 reported: “Andrew Palmer, a pioneer citizen of Butler Township, died yesterday, of sinking chills, aged 70 years.” Mr. Palmer may have been the victim of any number of pernicious or intermittent fevers, the most common of which were a symptom of malaria. Sinking Chills also described a sort of general malaise targeted by a lot of the spring tonics and nostrums concocted by the patent medicine industry. Another antique term for malarial fevers was Ague, usually called The Ague.
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roseate-felidae · 3 months
Pepsi and Juno have been separated and live in their own hutches.
Pepsi has matured and has been dominance humping Juno. Juno doesn't like this and has tried escaping. This is constantly happening throughout the day.
This night, Pepsi was thumping her feet continuously in upset. Apparently, she was doing it this morning and resumed it now. Obviously for that long, she's in quite a bit of distress. A small thump is fine but not for long durations.
Thankfully, I have spare bowls, bottles and an unbroken hutch.
Checked over both does and no punctured skin or scratches. But there was wet patches on Juno most likely from nips.
Sadly, aggression is very common in adults rabbits and I cannot spay these two does.
I almost lost Amber to Gi stasis with her spay and she was a glutton. Whereas Juno lost her appetite in the past to conjunctivitis (it's cured dw) and Pepsi has malocclusion. Both rabbits are not good candidates for a spay and untreated gi stasis is often fatal.
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princess-viola · 1 year
Whenever I see Precure fans say things like 'They should make a Precure season that's more mature or adult' or 'Precure needs to start appealing more to the older fanbase', I get so confused and annoyed and I just need to say this in big text (so people can read it):
That is who these shows are meant for, IIRC 'officially' the target demographic is something like 5-12 year old girls but from I've seen actual Japanese Precure fans say, a lot of girls view themselves as having outgrown Precure by 1st grade (obviously this doesn't mean there's no girls older than 5 who like Precure, just as a thing to keep in mind when talking about the audience for this series)
And yes, I am aware of the whole 'Toei and Bandai also include 16-35 year old men [not 100% of those are the exact age group] as a Precure demographic' thing too (although I'll admit I've never actually seen any things from Toei/Bandai stating this is a demographic they aim Precure towards, so I'll admit I take this with a mild grain of salt - don't doubt they release some merch meant for the older fanbase) but the primary audience of this series and the one they predominantly target it towards is the young girl audience.
But the point I'm trying to say here is that wanting a Precure season aimed towards adults is basically saying that you want a Precure season that isn't Precure. (And saying you want a 'more mature' season in conjunction with saying you want a season meant for adults is basically you admitting you think children's shows can't cover more mature topics - when they very well can).
And wanting Precure to start appealing more towards the older fanbase is dumb too because we are not the primary audience here, hell we're not even the secondary audience. The Western Precure fandom is still fairly small and niche, relatively speaking. Toei isn't making the show for us! They're not trying to cater to the tastes of teenage and adult fans living in the US, the UK, Australia, wherever you live as a non-Japanese fan!
Sometimes I honestly wonder if it's insecurity more than anything else. Like there's one Precure fan on the subreddit who's made multiple posts talking about 'Precure needs to start appealing more to the teenage boy demographic' and that honestly just tells me that they are a teenage boy who's insecure about liking a show meant for little girls, so they want Toei to change it so they won't be insecure about liking it anymore. (Somewhat relatedly, I'm pretty sure this is the same person who's posted multiple times talking about their idea for a military-themed Precure season where they talk about how the Precure would be a special forces team and they'd be snapping enemy necks, using firearms, and all this other weird military fetish shit AND talked about how they could imagine Cure Flamingo spinning around on a stripper pole because of her design having fishnet stockings around the time Tropical Rouge started and, when everyone called them out for this, insisted that there was nothing wrong with what they were saying and that 'Toei knew what they were doing when they designed Flamingo' 🤢🤢🤢🤢)
But anyways yeah, just let Precure be what it is! If you want it to be more 'adult' or 'appealing to the older fanbase', just please stop I beg of you.
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alohaastro · 4 months
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Moon transiting Gemini, Sunday, February 18th, activates a restless desire to be free from the routines and restrictions of adult life, but when you give in to your impulses, you could discover that escapism is not the cure because the restlessness is still within you, as the moon forms a trine aspect to Mercury conjunct the sun in Aquarius, and a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. The sense that you are running out of time to make a final bid for freedom may be due to the sun spending its last day in Aquarius, before entering Pisces tomorrow, but Mercury in Aquarius sextile to Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, and Venus, Pluto, and Mars all together in Aquarius sextile to Neptune are giving you a few more days to firm up ideas and plans, so take the time to look before leaping if your restlessness, and desire for new scenery or things, will cost you more money than you can afford to spend now. The square aspect that Jupiter and Uranus are creating with all the transiting Aquarius planets indicate that spending beyond your means should be considered carefully - are you investing in something that will be valuable to you or appreciated in the future, or are you taking on more debt, which will rob you of future freedom? You may also swing from extroversion to introversion when relating today, as you are eager to communicate with people, but tire of their company or find that you become bored rather quickly. If you can move from activity to activity, place to place, and person to person, like a student of life traveling around on a tight budget and a time limit to take it all in, you will get the most education and enjoyment from this day.
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chengranx · 2 months
Pet Adoption and Responsible Pet Ownership Awareness Raising(part 4)
I conducted a number of interviews with animal welfare organisations, veterinarians and responsible pet owners on the topic of pet adoption and responsible ownership.
With Animal Welfare Organisations
In our fast-paced modern life, pet adoption has become a heartwarming topic in many families. However, not all adoption stories have a happy ending. In response, I spoke to the head of an animal welfare organisation to gain insight into the common mistakes people make when adopting a pet and how the organisation is working to reduce the number of stray animals.
Adopting a pet may seem like a simple decision, but it requires a lifelong commitment behind it. According to the head of the animal welfare organisation, the most common mistakes include failing to prepare the pet for a lifetime and lack of psychological and financial preparation for the various problems that may be encountered during the process of owning an animal (e.g., problems with noisy and sick animals, just wanting to keep them because they think they're cute). "Many people choose to adopt on impulse or simply because of the cute appearance of the animal, but neglect the responsibility and cost of owning a pet in the long run." She said. To combat the problem of stray animals, the organisation has adopted the TNR strategy of Trap, Neuter, Release or Adopt. This approach is not only effective in controlling the number of animals, but also provides a solution for those who are unadoptable or wild and untamed. Most touchingly, the director shared several adoption success stories, with a special mention of a cat that has lived happily in its new home for three years. "Seeing these little animals finding warm homes and being loved by people makes us feel that all the effort is worth it."
Meanwhile, I also spoke to a personal animal rescuer, who in turn responded to me that the barriers to pet ownership in some areas are far, far too low. "I am a rescuer myself, not a volunteer at a stray animal rescue organisation, I just rescue animals purely on my own for love, and all the animals I have rescued were abandoned because they were sick." She said, "But these animals are not born with a disease, but they are a moment of brain tropical home to find fun, do not treat well, not scientific parenting, resulting in poor pet resistance, infection or suffering from a variety of diseases, I previously rescued a cat, is a breed of cat is only 2-3 months old, one eye eye ulceration, initially the owner has brought to the hospital to see the hospital, when it was just ordinary Conjunctivitis, buy a few dozen dollars of eye drops can be cured, do not want to treat, the cat dragged hard until one eyeball rotted, secretly thrown in the middle of the night in front of the hospital." As well as she slammed some of the people who abandon animals to me, "What can't people do when they get on top of it in the heat of the moment, constantly swiping on social media platforms to see so many cute, beautiful cats and kittens, always eyeing them up, often ignoring their own condition and whether they can take responsibility for it or not? Obviously most people can't do it. Especially some universities in fact this kind of thing is also very common, when you go to school in the dormitory cat, graduation do not want to take or can not take away abandoned in the school," she said. So one of her requirements for adopters is that they must be adults and have stable jobs, and students will not be considered. "When looking for owners for stray cats, will you come across the kind of cat abusers? I asked her, "Will there be any abuse of cats when you are looking for an owner? She told me with certainty, "Yes, I've encountered this before (but I don't have concrete evidence, I just think it's very suspicious), my adoption conditions are quite strict, so I screened them out. But some of them will look for girls to adopt for them, and then abuse them to death and post videos and photos of them somewhere for the amusement of a bunch of perverts. I can only do my best to raise the bar from my own side, although many people have scolded me, thinking my threshold is too high, but in fact I would rather stay in the hand or not, really can not afford to release it or not, even if it was hit by a car on the way to wander and died, or died of rat poison, it's better than because of my negligence to let it go to the devil, and then don't know how much pain to suffer before dying. "
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careforcritters · 4 months
Vet Med in Warrior Cats: Respiratory part 2: Nasal Disease (What’s up with Runningnose?)
Runningnose is a shadowclan medicine cat introduced in The Prophecies Begin. The other cats often joke that he is “a medicine cat who can’t even cure his own cold”. One possible explanation for his frequently runny nose is that he may have lymphocytic-plasmacytic rhinitis (LP rhinitis). This is an immune mediated disease that could be caused by frequent irritation, allergies, or a previous nasal infection, but the definitive cause is unknown. Cats with this disorder have frequent nasal discharge and sneezing and a reduced appetite, but no systemic symptoms. LP rhinitis can’t be treated with antimicrobials. Since it is an immune mediated disease, it can only be managed by drugs that modulate the body’s immune response (which is an explanation for why Runningnose could not cure his running nose). In a veterinary clinic, cats with LP rhinitis would be given steroids such as prednisolone or cyclosporine. Antibiotics like azithromycin are needed only if there is a secondary bacterial infection present. Other management practices like humidifying the air and avoiding airway irritants like dust and smoke can help reduce the severity of disease. Unfortunately Runningnose wouldn’t have much control over that. 
Another possible, but less likely cause, for Runningnose’s ailment is nasopharyngeal polyps. Polyps are benign, granulomatous masses that begin growing in the auditory tube and can travel down to the nose and throat. Polyps cause mucoid nasal discharge, but they can also cause more serious signs as they grow, such as difficulty swallowing, change in vocal sounds, and a respiratory noise called “stertor”, which is low pitched snoring sound during expiration caused by partial obstruction of the airway. Because of this, polyps can become deadly if not treated. In a veterinary office, a polyp can be easily identified and removed using gentle traction under general anesthesia. Provided a cat would be able to reach its paw into another cat’s mouth and retract the soft palate, they may be able to remove a polyp by hooking its claw onto the base of the polyp and pulling slowly and gently. Anesthesia would be preferred, but since these cats remove limbs with no sedation this wouldn’t be as painful.
Cryptococcus is a fungus that causes granulomatous disease in cats. Clinical signs of crypto include mucoid or hemorrhagic (bloody) nasal discharge and sneezing, and sometimes a “roman nose” facial deformity (which is basically a bump along the bridge of the nose due to the space occupying granulomatous mass in the nasal cavity). Crypto is treated by removing the fungal plaques and giving antifungal medication, usually fluconazole. 
Finally, another option for Runningnose’s runny nose is Feline Herpes Virus. I covered FHV in the first respiratory section, but essentially Herpes is basically ubiquitous in feral cat populations. Adult cats that become infected usually aren’t seriously ill or have lower airway signs, however the virus damages the upper respiratory tract which can allow for secondary bacterial invaders to cause more serious illness. The most common clinical signs include mucopurulent nasal and ocular discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, and ocular ulcers. Runningnose is described as having “rheumy” eyes in The Ultimate Guide (2013), which could be taken to mean that he has ocular discharge. FHV is relatively self limiting and will resolve on its own without treatment, however the virus remains latent in the trigeminal ganglia and other peripheral neurons, meaning that when a cat becomes infected they stay infected for life. Usually, this doesn’t cause problems. However, when a cat is stressed, Herpes will recrudesce and cause the cat to show symptoms and shed the virus. If Runningnose is constantly very stressed (which is pretty believable) it is possible that his Herpes infection is always relapsing. Poor thing. 
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georgesmith00x2 · 6 months
Best Chiropractor in Marietta GA
Some chiropractors have more fulfilment with this sort of ailment than other chiropractors. Meaning which you want to ensure which you are finding the exceptional one for sciatica in case you need to see and experience outcomes right away. These are a few recommendations in how you may choose a chiropractor for sciatica treatment.
The second which you are doing studies, you may see what chiropractors are known for treating sciatica and which aren’t a success with this type of remedy. Making it easier to pick out the right Chiropractor in Marietta GA.
Begin by using instructing yourself about some of the distinctive techniques and techniques that chiropractors appoint. The exercise of chiropractic remedy is based on the principle that the predominant body systems are linked to and laid low with the alignment of the spinal column. A very simplistic way to position it is that once the spinal column is in the correct alignment and is wholesome, then the relaxation of the body’s structures will also be wholesome. To this foundational premise, there are different treatment philosophies and ideologies so that it will influence the modifications and procedures practiced by means of individual chiropractors. Chiropractors can also be grouped by way of specialty; a chiropractor may also concentrate on sports activities accidents or may be geared mostly to an own family practice
The cutting-edge chiropractor is the handiest doctorate level doctor inside the international this is drug and surgical operation free. Having a completely similar in schooling to the Medical Doctor, the Chiropractic Doctor has approximately ten instances more nutrition training, in conjunction with more radiology and diagnostic training.  This makes a chiropractor an extraordinary preference for someone who prefers a drug-free technique.
One of the maximum common advantages is the treatment of the injury instead of simply masking the pain or circumstance with medicine. Many humans locate remedy from complications, backaches, and other painful conditions by way of medicating at regular durations at some point of the day. These situations can frequently be handled and advanced with a go to the chiropractor. Many body capabilities and systems are attached for your backbone and are tormented by the alignment of the spine. By aligning the spinal column, many ailments and pains could be a cure instead of a brief form of remedy.
Another popular gain of travelling a Chiropractor in Marietta GA is the protection of the tactics. Many medicinal drugs and some medical tactics can be risky in small kids and older adults, specifically if there's any confusion about the advocated dosage.  However, the modifications performed via chiropractors are safe for most individuals and might significantly growth the comfort of human beings living with age-related ailments.
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drkastureclinic · 8 months
What are the common eye conditions treated at an eye clinic?
Here are some of the most common eye conditions treated at an eye clinic:
Refractive errors: Refractive errors are the most common type of eye problem. They occur when the light entering the eye is not focused correctly on the retina. Refractive errors include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Refractive errors can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve, which carries visual information from the eye to the brain. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in adults over the age of 60. Glaucoma is typically treated with eye drops or medication, but surgery may be necessary in some cases.
Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens. They are most common in older adults, but they can also occur in younger people. Cataracts can cause blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, and other problems. Cataracts are treated with surgery.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in adults over the age of 50. AMD damages the macula, the central part of the retina. There is no cure for AMD, but there are treatments that can help slow the progression of the disease and preserve vision.
Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that can damage the blood vessels in the retina. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in adults. Diabetic retinopathy can be treated with laser surgery or eye injections.
Other common eye conditions treated at an eye clinic include:
Dry eyes
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
Corneal abrasions
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Strabismus (cross eyes)
Blepharitis (eyelids inflammation)
If you are experiencing any eye problems, it is important to see an eye doctor right away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent serious vision loss.
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kidneytreatment01 · 9 months
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Knowledge of Kidney Failure's Symptoms and Signs
The presence of high creatinine levels could be a cause for anxiety as they typically signal kidney issues. Recognizing the negative consequences of high creatinine, identifying renal failure, and exploring options for treatment that include herbal medicines and diet changes are essential to ensure the health of the kidneys.
The high levels of creatinine in the blood are usually an indication that the kidneys aren't functioning properly. The kidneys play an essential function in removing the waste products, such as creatinine, out of blood. If this process is not functioning properly, there are a variety of side effects of high creatinine occur. This can result in fatigue muscles, muscle weakness, swelling of feet and hands, frequent urinating, and difficulties in concentration. If untreated, elevated levels of creatinine could lead to chronic kidney failure, which is a serious kidney disease that requires continuous treatment.
Cure for High Creatinine involves lifestyle changes that include keeping a healthy weight, being hydrated, and staying away from excessive consumption of alcohol and other medication. Furthermore, addressing chronic illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes can stop kidney damage and consequently reduce the levels of creatinine.
The treatment of high levels of creatinine often requires a mix of treatments and treatments. Certain natural remedies for high creatinine, such as drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and decreasing your intake of sodium and protein, may help to lower the level of creatinine. It is essential to work in conjunction with a medical professional to identify the most appropriate methods and treatments for your particular situation.
The BUN/Creatinine ratio, which is an important indicator to evaluate kidney function, gives important information about the health of the kidneys and the general metabolic processes that occur within the body. BUN, also known as Blood Urea Nitrogen and creatinine, are both waste products that are eliminated by the kidneys.
The ratio BUN/Creatinine is calculated by dividing BUN's level by the level of creatinine, both of which can be measured through blood tests. A typical ratio for BUN/Creatinine is between 10:1-20:1, but there are variations based on the age of the person and the underlying health condition.
Normal creatinine levels is a crucial element in assessing kidney health. Creatinine is a waste product derived from muscle metabolism that is then excreted through the kidneys. The range for serum creatinine levels varies in different laboratories. Usually, it is between 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for males of adult age as well as 0.5 up to 1.1 mg/dL for females who are adults.
The elevated ratio of BUN/Creatinine and the elevated levels of creatinine can indicate kidney impairment or other health problems. Low creatinine levels could indicate diminished muscle mass or medical health conditions. Keeping track of these levels and discussing them with a physician could aid in the early detection and treatment of kidney-related diseases.
If you want to know for kidney treatment homeopathy, then you can visit my original blog. The link has been provided below: 
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 9 months
Wegovy weight loss drug is remarkable but doesn't treat the causes of obesity, says expert
Research suggests the new Wegovy weight-loss jab helps people shed over 10% of their bodyweight and can reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. However, a leading testing expert warns UK treatments have only been approved for a maximum of two years and may be a temporary solution for a chronic problem. Long-term, lifestyle changes and testing for underlying health issues are key. Weight loss jabs Stocks of the eagerly-awaited weight-loss jab Wegovy have finally arrived in the UK. The injection will be offered by specialist NHS weight-loss management services, as well as some private clinics. Its arrival coincides with its makers, Novo Nordisk, becoming Europe’s wealthiest company. At the close of trading on Monday, the firm had a stock market valuation of $428bn (£339bn). Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said the arrival of weight-loss jabs such as Wegovy are a ‘game changer’, and the latest research suggests the new jab can help people shed over 10% of their bodyweight and may reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. However, a testing expert says limits placed on Wegovy’s prescription in the UK mean it is only a short-term solution, and not the magic bullet to solve Britain’s obesity epidemic. Leading testing expert, Dr Avinash Hari Narayanan (MBChB), Clinical Lead at London Medical Laboratory, says: ‘It’s very concerning that nearly 1-in-3 adults are obese in the UK, the highest level in Europe. Obesity is strongly associated with high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels and diabetes, all strong markers for life-changing conditions including stroke and coronary artery disease. ‘There’s no doubt the drug semaglutide – of which Wegovy is a brand name – is an effective and remarkable clinical intervention for patients. It works by reducing appetite through increasing satiety and fullness, resulting in reduced food consumption. In research, 75% of users lost over 10% of their bodyweight and more than 30% lost over 20% of their bodyweight. ‘However, it’s vital to remember that this new jab is no miracle cure. It addresses obesity as a symptom but not necessarily the underlying cause. Furthermore, not everyone who wants the drug will qualify for NHS treatment, and its use here in the UK may only be short-term. In March, the National Institute for Care and Excellence (NICE), the body which approves drugs for use in England, approved Wegovy for NHS use for people with a BMI of 35 or more and at least one weight-related health condition. It also stipulated weekly injection treatments should be used for a "maximum" of two years. That’s a key therapeutic window but, potentially, it poses a longer-term problem for patients. ‘Some experts say that NICE’s two-year limit is simply a cost-cutting measure, as semaglutide is in short supply and could present a considerable new expense for the NHS. Whatever the cause of the two-year limit, it represents a potential hurdle for patients in their weight-loss journey. Research published last year in the journal “Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism” found that patients regained two-thirds of their lost weight a year after treatment with semaglutide was stopped. ‘Here in the UK, NHS treatments are being run in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet and exercise plans. A holistic approach that helps treat the root cause of obesity is eminently sensible, enabling patients to be less reliant on the drug in the long-term. It’s about looking in-depth at people’s lifestyles, metabolism and mental health, to identify potential underlying issues that can be remedied. ‘However, private prescriptions for Wegovy are likely to be less strict than for NHS patients. It should be the case that private health providers offer the same holistic treatment as NHS practices. It’s vital Wegovy is never offered in isolation but is always part of a wider spectrum of treatments and lifestyle changes that address the underlying causes of weight issues. ‘‘NICE says the list price for a month's supply ranges from £73.25 to £175.80 plus VAT, depending on the dose. The discounted price the NHS pays has not been revealed. Reuters reports the UK's Simple Online Pharmacy's private treatments will cost £199-£299 a month. In the US, semaglutide injections reportedly cost $1,000 a month or more. ‘In conjunction with losing weight, people can gain essential insight into dietary issues and general health by taking a simple, one-off blood test. As just one example, London Medical Laboratory’s own Well Person Profile blood test examines blood cells, cholesterol, diabetes, gout, iron studies, kidney & liver function, muscle & bone health and thyroid problems. This gives insight not only into people’s diets, but also into how well they metabolise food and any underlying potential medical issues behind weight gains. ‘Given the current lack of long-term treatment options using semaglutide in England, it may be more cost-effective for the NHS to concentrate on the underlying cause of weight issues, rather than simply treating the symptoms. London Medical Laboratory’s Well Person Profile test can be taken at home through the post, or at one of the many drop-in clinics that offer these tests across London and nationwide in over 95 selected pharmacies and health stores. For full details, see: https://www.londonmedicallaboratory.com/product/well-person-premier-plus-profile   Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash Read the full article
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coolandgoodvibes · 1 year
Feng Shui for the Beginner - What is Feng Shui?
What is Feng Shui? How can Feng Shui help me? After more than 17 years of working with Feng Shui you'd think I could spit out an answer to those two questions like a tape recording, but in fact I stumble around for an answer as much now as I did the first time I was asked. The reason is there's no single, simple, answer; it depends a lot on how much the other person understands about Feng Shui. If someone is hearing the term Feng Shui, you will need to explain it more than if they have read an article on the topic or even a book. So lets proceed with the first question, "What is Feng Shui?" Assuming you're hearing about Feng Shui the first time.
Feng Shui is an environmental science, it is not a religion, and it is not a cult. Feng Shui has been around for 30 centuries, or 3000 years. It originated in ancient China, and there are at least nine schools of Feng Shui that are practiced worldwide today. Feng Shui can be used to bring harmony and balance into your life. It is not magic, voodoo, or witchcraft. Feng Shui evolved over a long period of time through observation of the surrounding environment and its relationship to life events or your own life. It connects your intentions to your environment and therefore to your higher power. It gives you more control over your environment, and allows you to find balance and happiness. black and white
Feng Shui does not require any special knowledge or skills to use. Feng Shui is more spiritual in nature than intellectual or physical, although both physical and intellectual "cures" are used to connect you to the power behind Feng Shui. Feng Shui has nothing to do with a particular religion or culture. It is based on universal principles and laws of cause-and-effect that govern the entire universe. Feng Shui is not affiliated to any religious philosophy but relies on the same principles that underlie all of the great religions of the world. It helps us connect with our inner selves and the higher power which governs us. You can manifest your intentions for your life. You can make your use of higher powers as personal as you like. Feng Shui does not care what your convictions are, only what your intentions are, and in this sense Feng Shui it is a very equal-opportunity, opportunity.
Let's now explain the Feng Shui structure. Feng Shui cures are applied in nine "life event" categories, and uses your physical surrounds to gain control and achieve your intentions or goals in these categories. You can Feng Shui your home, but also a desk, work area, or even your garden. Bagua is a pattern or map that organizes the nine categories. These include Health, Wealth, Knowledge and six other categories. Each Bagua category has specific symbols that are supportive or destructive, such as colors and shapes. The Feng Shui Practitioner uses these symbols in conjunction with the Bagua Map to balance a person's environment thereby balancing their lives. Understanding the relationship between the nine Bagua zones and applying the Feng Shui remedies to clarify your intentions is the key to achieving this. Feng Shui can be viewed as the ultimate tool for setting goals, but with some added bonuses.
This is just the tip of the Feng Shui iceberg. These concepts are accompanied by a number of details, processes and practices. When a new person first starts to learn about Feng Shui, they can become easily overwhelmed. With a little patience, and good instructions it starts to become clear and useful pretty quickly. I've been involved with Feng Shui for over 17 years. I first learned about it in a two-hour adult education course. Since then, I have read numerous books and articles and communicated with other practitioners. ebook
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integritydental · 1 year
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Winter is never far away, and it is easy to forget to care for our oral health during this time. We often neglect to remember the effects colder weather may have on our cheeks, lips, gums and teeth. Integrity Dental have a range of Health Tips For Winter including tooth decay treatment listed below to help you and your family.
Battling harsh winter winds and sun often causes break outs of cold sores and canker sores. Young adults and older adults are more likely to suffer from these conditions. This is due to reduced tear production, thinning of the skin and immune system problems. It is also common for lips to swell with dryness due to cold weather, which can make them feel sore when they are touched. Remember that these conditions cannot be cured quickly and should not be allowed to fester as they can lead to bacterial infection of the gums. To make sure your lips and mouth are protected ensure you use moisturisers and sunscreen
Wash hands regularly to prevent from passing on bacteria entering the mouth.
Treating yourself to acidic or spicy treats like cider, alcohol, fried foods or convenience meals can lead to canker sores, if you find you have these, try drinking a warm cup of water and a teaspoon of salt, this helps to clean away the infected area. Mouth washes are also a great way to ease the infection and pain and speed up the process of healing.
Always use lip balm to avoid chaffed and chapped lips and always keep them moist.
Avoid time looking online for a dental expert near as Integrity Dental recommends taking vitamin c tablets as they are great as a substitute in helping the body produce collagen for healthy gums. This also helps keep your blood vessels healthy, building and strengthen your immune system.
Tooth brushing techniques are so important as too is making sure your toothbrush is in good condition. You should throw your old toothbrush away every 3-4 months. Be sure to replace your toothbrush after you have been sick as bacteria may remain on it and cause early gum recession.
It is important to visit Integrity Dental at least twice a year for a check-up and cleaning. Your dentist can also advise you on how to improve oral health in the colder months, as well as provide tips on how to avoid infections and problems.
These tips can help keep you healthy and brushing your teeth regularly will ensure your smile remains healthy too.
During winter, coffee, tea and hot chocolate often become a comfort beverage and a winter warmer on colder days. Rarely do we have the urge to drink multiple litres of water like we usually do in summer months. Tooth decay treatment begins when we consume sugary foods and often, we forget about sugary drinks. However, staying hydrated is vital to rinse off any sugars and acids that may stick to your teeth, (from hot drinks) hydrating lips assist to maintain moisture in our mouths and assists in keeping unwanted bacteria from developing. Any dental expert near you will offer this advice, especially when drinking beverages that contain acids or sugars.
Sensitive teeth can become a struggle and an inconvenience in winter months. Cold temperatures and cold winds leave you often feeling sore, and you can generally experience sharp pains from tooth sensitivity. Tooth decay treatment can become a battle in your daily life. A visit to Integrity Dental is recommended for sensitive teeth, a dentist will recommend you use mouthwash or toothpaste that contains a mild anaesthetic which can numb painful areas of your mouth.
Tooth brushing techniques then need to be discussed and used in conjunction with a good sensory toothpaste that will assist in easing the symptoms hot or cold food and drinks can cause so you can enjoy things like icy beverages or hot chocolates still during the winter months.
A mild and effective toothpaste that can be used for sensitive teeth and gum problems is also a good option for sensitive teeth. A toothpaste that contains fluoride as well as natural ingredients that are good for oral hygiene can assist in sensitive teeth and gums. This is an all-purpose toothpaste, so you can use it for everyday care of your teeth and gums. It should contain no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added to it.
Following these Healthy Tips For Winter will assist in keeping your oral health in staying in the best possible condition during the cooler months. Always remember to book a 6 month check up with a dentist to ensure you keep on top of tooth decay treatment and ensure your tooth brushing techniques are still going well. Health Tips For winter have been designed to assist patients with basic tips and we suggest if you are unsure, you seek advice and assistance from Integrity Dental for further consultation and advice.
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healthreviews01 · 1 year
Chlorphenamine: side effects, dangers and uses, Glucoberry Reviews
What is chlorphenamine?
Chlorpheniramine or Chlorpheniramine is an anti-allergic, group of antihistamines that blocks the effects of histamine responsible for the symptoms in cases of allergy. Chlorphenamine manages to reduce or eliminate these symptoms.
What is chlorphenamine for?
Chlorphenamine (or chlorferinamine) is an inhibitor of histamine receptors used in cases of allergies due to the ingestion of medications, allergic conjunctivitis, vasomotor rhinitis, hay fever and allergic reactions of irritation or skin rashes. Histamine causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction such as sneezing, red and watery eyes, inflammation, skin rashes and constant nasal flow.
It is also used to counteract the symptoms by allergic reactions to food, insect bites or cosmetic products. Soothes rhinitis, hives, sneezing, itching in ears, nose, eyes and throat, consequences of allergic conditions. Glucoberry is a natural supplement. It helps healthy blood sugar levels.
What is the use of compound chlorphenamine?
In the compound chlorphenamine, combine 2 drugs are added to the same tablet. Phenylephrine and Acetaminophen or paracetamol. This combination allows you to control the symptoms of the common cold more quickly, in a single presentation.
What is chlorpheniramine maleate used for?
Chlorpheniramine comes in maleate form in all its commercial presentations, tablets, capsules or syrup.
Maleate is a chemical functional group, derived from a malic acid salt that binds to some major molecule. In this case it binds to chlorphenamine. by itself they have no effect on the organism. Serves to maintain stable active ingredients in different pharmaceutical presentations.
What is chlorphenamine syrup for?
Chlorphenamine syrup fulfills the same functions as tablets and capsules. The presentation in syrup facilitates dosing in children and ingestion in elderly or with difficulty to fix tablets.
In what presentation is chlorphenamine found?
Chlorphenamine is found in syrup, oral tablets or parenterally. It is metabolized in the liver and has a lifetime in the blood of up to 12 hours. It is discarded in the urine.
What is the commercial name of chlorphenamine?
In Mexico, there is Desenfriol-D, which contains 2 grams of chlorphenamine, 500 mg of paracetamol and 5 mg of phenylephrine.
Also found is Theraflu, which contains Chlorphenamine, paracetamol, pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan.
They also sell it in its generic form:
What dose of chlorphenamine to take?
The dose will depend on the condition, weight and age of the patient. Also to the type of presentation and its milligrams. In adults, chlorphenamine maleate is usually needed in tablets of 4 mg, maximum of 24 mg daily, but it will be the doctor who needs the amount to be taken.
Chlorphenamine can be obtained alone or simply, or chlorphenamine compound that serves in cases of nasal congestion and headache or fever, has acetaminophen and caffeine in the same tablet.
How does chlorphenamine work in the body?
The substance blocks histamine, idazolic amine that activates the symptoms of an allergic reaction in the body and stops the effects of acetylcholine, which "dry up" body fluids by reducing watery eyes or constant nasal flow.
Chlorphenamine reduces the symptoms of the flu, but does not cure it.
Side effects of chlorphenamine
The majority of patients do not manifest side effects to the chemical compound. In cases that do occur, they tend to decrease progressively with the adaptation of the organism to the substance.
Chlorpheniramine can aggravate the symptoms of cough with phlegm in patients with chronic asthma, so it will only be ingested if it is prescribed by a doctor.
Caution should be exercised in its use in pregnant women. It will be used under medical supervision during lactation.
A study by the University of Manitoba warned of the care of this drug in elderly patients.
Also in children under 3 years, precautions must be taken. The University of Manitoba (Canada) also reported differences in effects in children.
The following chart covers some of the side effects of Clorfenamine and what to do about them.
The use of the compound will be suspended and the doctor will be assisted with the following symptoms:
Short of breath.
Unusual weakness
Humor changes.
Tremors or convulsions.
Little urination or stop urinating.
Bruising or bleeding.
Changes or acceleration in the heart rate.
The main side effects are at the level of the Central Nervous System as evidenced by several scientific publications.
Immediate medical help will be sought in cases of urticaria or rash, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat or difficulty breathing.
Ideally, discuss with the doctor if the benefits of the medication are greater than the potential adverse effects.
Patients with hepatic insufficiency and heart problems will not consume chlorpheniramine, since in the second of these conditions it can cause tachycardia, sweating, tremors, anxiety, hypotension and arrhythmia.
Alcohol will not be taken under treatment with the drug because it depresses the nervous system and potentiates the sedative effects, causing a powerful drowsiness.
Chlorpheniramine cannot be ingested by any patient because it causes side effects according to age, weight, life conditions, type of condition and medications consumed. The most responsible will be to go to the doctor first.
Does Chlorphenamine make you sleepy?
Yes. Although individuals can take it to sleep, it is not their accepted use for that purpose. It can not cause drowsiness or dizziness in people susceptible to the substance, so no machine will be driven, nor will activities that demand concentration or be alert, during consumption.
The use of substances that cause drowsiness or alcohol intake while being treated with Clorfenamine will be limited. Getting up slowly after sitting or lying down will minimize possible dizziness or lightheadedness. The importance of avoiding its use during activities that warrant being alert and awake has been reported in the literature.
Is chlorphenamine useful for sleeping?
This medicine produces drowsiness, slow thinking and decreases reflex reactions of the body. In case you have sleep problems, you benefit from taking this type of medication.
However, its main use must be as antiallergic and for a limited time. It should not be used as a sleep inductor alone or taken routinely for this purpose.
Dosage of chlorpheniramine
The medicine will be administered as directed by the doctor. Your intake will not be longer than prescribed, which is usually for a short time and depending on the presentation administered.
The following are the usual doses:
Children from one year to 23 months: one mg (2.5 ml) twice a day, preferably in the mornings and afternoons.
Children from 2 to 5 years old: one mg (2.5 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (6 mg) per day.
Children from 6 to 11 years old: 2 mg (5 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (12 mg) per day.
Adults and children over 12 years: 4 mg (one tablet or 10 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (24 mg) per day with less than 65 years or more than 3 doses (12 mg) every 24 hours with more than that age.
How to take chlorphenamine maleate?
The medication will not be taken for more than 7 days in a row.
The patient will consult with the doctor if the symptoms do not decrease, there are no improvements or there are headaches, rash or fever, after that period.
Chlorphenamine will be taken before or after food.
If the treatment is with oral solution, the amount will be measured in a specific spoon for medicines, not with a kitchen spoon. If the box does not have it, the pharmacist will be asked.
Prolonged-release tablets will not chew, break or crush. They will be swallowed complete. Fractionation can cause a high percentage of the substance to be released at the same time.
Dosage of compound chlorphenamine
The compound chlorphenamine contains 4 mg of its main component, with phenylephrine 5 mg, caffeine 25 mg and paracetamol 500 mg.
The suggested dose of this Chlorpheramine composed of 2 times a day. Do not exceed this dose
How to take compound chlorphenamine?
It should be taken in chaos of common cold, with many nasopharyngeal symptoms and headache, at least 2 times a day, for 7 days maximum. You can stop it by improving symptoms.
What is the use of amantadine with chlorphenamine and paracetamol?
In Mexico, this combination is known under the trade name Antiflus-Des.
It is indicated for cases of Influenza A virus infections, which occur similar to the common cold with a lot of cough, fever and nasal congestive symptoms.
What is dextromethorphan for with guaifenesin and chlorphenamine?
This combination is used in case of respiratory symptoms with cough and bronchial secretions.
In similar pharmacies in Mexico you can request it under the name of Co-Exaliv.
What is the use of phenylephrine with chlorphenamine and paracetamol?
This combination is very similar to compound chlorphenamine, but without caffeine.
It is indicated in cases of common cold or flu with nasal symptoms, sneezing, congestion and fever.
What is the use of chlorphenamine in syrup 50 mg / 100 ml?
Chlorphenamine in syrup has the same antiallergic effect as in tablets, capsules or ampoules. The advantage of the syrup is that it allows easy dosing according to weight and age in cases of children or older adults that require lower doses. It is also useful in cases of people with swallowing problems.
Storage and storage
The medicine will be stored at room temperature away from heat and humidity. The oral solution should not be frozen.
This or any other medication will not be recommended, even if the other person's symptoms are similar, because the health of the individual can be put at risk with fatal consequences.
The forgotten dose will be taken when it is remembered, but not if the next amount is close to being ingested. Taking two doses in a row could put your health at risk.
Interaction with other medications
The interaction of a drug with another substance can cause side effects to intensify or change the effect of the drug in the body.
The doctor will be informed if he is under treatment with another medicine, substance, vitamin supplement or herbal product.
The dose of any medicine will not be increased or decreased, nor will the use of another substance be started or discontinued, without first consulting with the doctor.
The following are contents that may interact with Chlorphenamine, as revealed by the World Health Organization in its file and drug interactions:
Antispasmodics: Atropine, alkaloids, belladonna.
Topical antihistamines: diphenhydramine spray, cream or ointment.
Tricyclic antidepressants or drugs to treat Parkinson's syndrome: anticholinergics such as benztropine and Trihexyphenidyl.
The label of the ingested medicines will be reviewed because they could have ingredients that cause drowsiness. If so, you will consult your doctor before taking Clorfenamine.
The doctor will be informed if another substance causing drowsiness is being used as muscle relaxants (Carisoprodol, Cyclobenzaprine), opioids or analgesics for pain (hydrocodone, codeine), marijuana, alcohol, antihistamines (Cetirizine, Diphenhydramine) or medications to treat anxiety. or sleep disorders (Lorazepam, Zolpidem, Alprazolam).
These substances could interfere with laboratory tests.
Important considerations
Always consult your doctor if you want to administer a cough or cold medicine in a child. The misuse of these medicines could cause fatal consequences.
Do not take Chlorphenamine with allergy to this substance or with enlarged prostate, problems urinating, asthma attacks, narrow-angle glaucoma or a blockage in the stomach or intestines.
Patients with liver or kidney disease, asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, epilepsy or any other disorder that causes seizures, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, coronary artery disease or a tumor in the adrenal gland, will first consult with the doctor before ingesting the chemical compound.
Although it is considered safe for the fetus, this or any other drug will not be administered, without first notifying the pregnancy doctor or if you are breastfeeding.
Some oral suspensions can be sweetened with phenylalanine. The ingredients in the package will be checked if you have phenylketonuria.
What problems does histamine cause?
Histamine causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction such as sneezing, red and watery eyes, inflammation, skin rashes and constant nasal discharge.
Constant exposure to allergen types such as shellfish, pollen, animal hair and insect bites can cause excessive production of histamine in sensitive people.
To their jobs they add:
To relieve the itching of skin irritation caused by viral infections such as chicken pox.
To treat anaphylaxis.
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healthyfitness01 · 1 year
Chlorphenamine: side effects, dangers and uses, Glucoberry Reviews
What is chlorphenamine?
Chlorpheniramine or Chlorpheniramine is an anti-allergic, group of antihistamines that blocks the effects of histamine responsible for the symptoms in cases of allergy. Chlorphenamine manages to reduce or eliminate these symptoms.
What is chlorphenamine for?
Chlorphenamine (or chlorferinamine) is an inhibitor of histamine receptors used in cases of allergies due to the ingestion of medications, allergic conjunctivitis, vasomotor rhinitis, hay fever and allergic reactions of irritation or skin rashes. Histamine causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction such as sneezing, red and watery eyes, inflammation, skin rashes and constant nasal flow.
It is also used to counteract the symptoms by allergic reactions to food, insect bites or cosmetic products. Soothes rhinitis, hives, sneezing, itching in ears, nose, eyes and throat, consequences of allergic conditions. Glucoberry is a natural supplement. It helps healthy blood sugar levels.
What is the use of compound chlorphenamine?
In the compound chlorphenamine, combine 2 drugs are added to the same tablet. Phenylephrine and Acetaminophen or paracetamol. This combination allows you to control the symptoms of the common cold more quickly, in a single presentation.
What is chlorpheniramine maleate used for?
Chlorpheniramine comes in maleate form in all its commercial presentations, tablets, capsules or syrup.
Maleate is a chemical functional group, derived from a malic acid salt that binds to some major molecule. In this case it binds to chlorphenamine. by itself they have no effect on the organism. Serves to maintain stable active ingredients in different pharmaceutical presentations.
What is chlorphenamine syrup for?
Chlorphenamine syrup fulfills the same functions as tablets and capsules. The presentation in syrup facilitates dosing in children and ingestion in elderly or with difficulty to fix tablets.
In what presentation is chlorphenamine found?
Chlorphenamine is found in syrup, oral tablets or parenterally. It is metabolized in the liver and has a lifetime in the blood of up to 12 hours. It is discarded in the urine.
What is the commercial name of chlorphenamine?
In Mexico, there is Desenfriol-D, which contains 2 grams of chlorphenamine, 500 mg of paracetamol and 5 mg of phenylephrine.
Also found is Theraflu, which contains Chlorphenamine, paracetamol, pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan.
They also sell it in its generic form:
What dose of chlorphenamine to take?
The dose will depend on the condition, weight and age of the patient. Also to the type of presentation and its milligrams. In adults, chlorphenamine maleate is usually needed in tablets of 4 mg, maximum of 24 mg daily, but it will be the doctor who needs the amount to be taken.
Chlorphenamine can be obtained alone or simply, or chlorphenamine compound that serves in cases of nasal congestion and headache or fever, has acetaminophen and caffeine in the same tablet.
How does chlorphenamine work in the body?
The substance blocks histamine, idazolic amine that activates the symptoms of an allergic reaction in the body and stops the effects of acetylcholine, which "dry up" body fluids by reducing watery eyes or constant nasal flow.
Chlorphenamine reduces the symptoms of the flu, but does not cure it.
Side effects of chlorphenamine
The majority of patients do not manifest side effects to the chemical compound. In cases that do occur, they tend to decrease progressively with the adaptation of the organism to the substance.
Chlorpheniramine can aggravate the symptoms of cough with phlegm in patients with chronic asthma, so it will only be ingested if it is prescribed by a doctor.
Caution should be exercised in its use in pregnant women. It will be used under medical supervision during lactation.
A study by the University of Manitoba warned of the care of this drug in elderly patients.
Also in children under 3 years, precautions must be taken. The University of Manitoba (Canada) also reported differences in effects in children.
The following chart covers some of the side effects of Clorfenamine and what to do about them.
The use of the compound will be suspended and the doctor will be assisted with the following symptoms:
Short of breath.
Unusual weakness
Humor changes.
Tremors or convulsions.
Little urination or stop urinating.
Bruising or bleeding.
Changes or acceleration in the heart rate.
The main side effects are at the level of the Central Nervous System as evidenced by several scientific publications.
Immediate medical help will be sought in cases of urticaria or rash, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat or difficulty breathing.
Ideally, discuss with the doctor if the benefits of the medication are greater than the potential adverse effects.
Patients with hepatic insufficiency and heart problems will not consume chlorpheniramine, since in the second of these conditions it can cause tachycardia, sweating, tremors, anxiety, hypotension and arrhythmia.
Alcohol will not be taken under treatment with the drug because it depresses the nervous system and potentiates the sedative effects, causing a powerful drowsiness.
Chlorpheniramine cannot be ingested by any patient because it causes side effects according to age, weight, life conditions, type of condition and medications consumed. The most responsible will be to go to the doctor first.
Does Chlorphenamine make you sleepy?
Yes. Although individuals can take it to sleep, it is not their accepted use for that purpose. It can not cause drowsiness or dizziness in people susceptible to the substance, so no machine will be driven, nor will activities that demand concentration or be alert, during consumption.
The use of substances that cause drowsiness or alcohol intake while being treated with Clorfenamine will be limited. Getting up slowly after sitting or lying down will minimize possible dizziness or lightheadedness. The importance of avoiding its use during activities that warrant being alert and awake has been reported in the literature.
Is chlorphenamine useful for sleeping?
This medicine produces drowsiness, slow thinking and decreases reflex reactions of the body. In case you have sleep problems, you benefit from taking this type of medication.
However, its main use must be as antiallergic and for a limited time. It should not be used as a sleep inductor alone or taken routinely for this purpose.
Dosage of chlorpheniramine
The medicine will be administered as directed by the doctor. Your intake will not be longer than prescribed, which is usually for a short time and depending on the presentation administered.
The following are the usual doses:
Children from one year to 23 months: one mg (2.5 ml) twice a day, preferably in the mornings and afternoons.
Children from 2 to 5 years old: one mg (2.5 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (6 mg) per day.
Children from 6 to 11 years old: 2 mg (5 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (12 mg) per day.
Adults and children over 12 years: 4 mg (one tablet or 10 ml) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not exceed more than 6 doses (24 mg) per day with less than 65 years or more than 3 doses (12 mg) every 24 hours with more than that age.
How to take chlorphenamine maleate?
The medication will not be taken for more than 7 days in a row.
The patient will consult with the doctor if the symptoms do not decrease, there are no improvements or there are headaches, rash or fever, after that period.
Chlorphenamine will be taken before or after food.
If the treatment is with oral solution, the amount will be measured in a specific spoon for medicines, not with a kitchen spoon. If the box does not have it, the pharmacist will be asked.
Prolonged-release tablets will not chew, break or crush. They will be swallowed complete. Fractionation can cause a high percentage of the substance to be released at the same time.
Dosage of compound chlorphenamine
The compound chlorphenamine contains 4 mg of its main component, with phenylephrine 5 mg, caffeine 25 mg and paracetamol 500 mg.
The suggested dose of this Chlorpheramine composed of 2 times a day. Do not exceed this dose
How to take compound chlorphenamine?
It should be taken in chaos of common cold, with many nasopharyngeal symptoms and headache, at least 2 times a day, for 7 days maximum. You can stop it by improving symptoms.
What is the use of amantadine with chlorphenamine and paracetamol?
In Mexico, this combination is known under the trade name Antiflus-Des.
It is indicated for cases of Influenza A virus infections, which occur similar to the common cold with a lot of cough, fever and nasal congestive symptoms.
What is dextromethorphan for with guaifenesin and chlorphenamine?
This combination is used in case of respiratory symptoms with cough and bronchial secretions.
In similar pharmacies in Mexico you can request it under the name of Co-Exaliv.
What is the use of phenylephrine with chlorphenamine and paracetamol?
This combination is very similar to compound chlorphenamine, but without caffeine.
It is indicated in cases of common cold or flu with nasal symptoms, sneezing, congestion and fever.
What is the use of chlorphenamine in syrup 50 mg / 100 ml?
Chlorphenamine in syrup has the same antiallergic effect as in tablets, capsules or ampoules. The advantage of the syrup is that it allows easy dosing according to weight and age in cases of children or older adults that require lower doses. It is also useful in cases of people with swallowing problems.
Storage and storage
The medicine will be stored at room temperature away from heat and humidity. The oral solution should not be frozen.
This or any other medication will not be recommended, even if the other person's symptoms are similar, because the health of the individual can be put at risk with fatal consequences.
The forgotten dose will be taken when it is remembered, but not if the next amount is close to being ingested. Taking two doses in a row could put your health at risk.
Interaction with other medications
The interaction of a drug with another substance can cause side effects to intensify or change the effect of the drug in the body.
The doctor will be informed if he is under treatment with another medicine, substance, vitamin supplement or herbal product.
The dose of any medicine will not be increased or decreased, nor will the use of another substance be started or discontinued, without first consulting with the doctor.
The following are contents that may interact with Chlorphenamine, as revealed by the World Health Organization in its file and drug interactions:
Antispasmodics: Atropine, alkaloids, belladonna.
Topical antihistamines: diphenhydramine spray, cream or ointment.
Tricyclic antidepressants or drugs to treat Parkinson's syndrome: anticholinergics such as benztropine and Trihexyphenidyl.
The label of the ingested medicines will be reviewed because they could have ingredients that cause drowsiness. If so, you will consult your doctor before taking Clorfenamine.
The doctor will be informed if another substance causing drowsiness is being used as muscle relaxants (Carisoprodol, Cyclobenzaprine), opioids or analgesics for pain (hydrocodone, codeine), marijuana, alcohol, antihistamines (Cetirizine, Diphenhydramine) or medications to treat anxiety. or sleep disorders (Lorazepam, Zolpidem, Alprazolam).
These substances could interfere with laboratory tests.
Important considerations
Always consult your doctor if you want to administer a cough or cold medicine in a child. The misuse of these medicines could cause fatal consequences.
Do not take Chlorphenamine with allergy to this substance or with enlarged prostate, problems urinating, asthma attacks, narrow-angle glaucoma or a blockage in the stomach or intestines.
Patients with liver or kidney disease, asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, epilepsy or any other disorder that causes seizures, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, coronary artery disease or a tumor in the adrenal gland, will first consult with the doctor before ingesting the chemical compound.
Although it is considered safe for the fetus, this or any other drug will not be administered, without first notifying the pregnancy doctor or if you are breastfeeding.
Some oral suspensions can be sweetened with phenylalanine. The ingredients in the package will be checked if you have phenylketonuria.
What problems does histamine cause?
Histamine causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction such as sneezing, red and watery eyes, inflammation, skin rashes and constant nasal discharge.
Constant exposure to allergen types such as shellfish, pollen, animal hair and insect bites can cause excessive production of histamine in sensitive people.
To their jobs they add:
To relieve the itching of skin irritation caused by viral infections such as chicken pox.
To treat anaphylaxis.
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