#curious villiage
manofgayscience · 7 months
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Flora Friday ❤️
Yayyy!! I’ve been drawing her so much recently but :3
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darklight-owl · 2 years
Shoutout to the OG Professor Layton fans who had to ask their parents for help with algebra questions at the ripe age of 9
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(Open rp) Early Valentines Story in "Blue Riding Hood and The Monstrous were- Wolf"
(Warning this contain the Nsfw Rp, if you are a minor Don't respond this..It contains Smut, transformation, Ect. Viewer Disgression is Advised) Long time Ago, There is a Small beautiful Villiage Deep into the Woods near the Beautiful Mountains. Everything is peaceful by day but by night in every Full moon, The Monstrous Wolf came Lurking down into a Villiage and try to Sacrifice a beautiful Maiden to be the Wolf's bride but none Of them Came back Alive..until One Day, a Mysterious Kitsune girl With a Big Blue fox ears and a Long beautiful Fox tail just walking into the woods..until She Spotted The Lovely villiage..So she began to Change into a beautiful human woman, with Hair as white as snow and her eyes Is blue as a sea. Her beauty was attracting to men as everyone saw this mystery woman coming into town..She asked the Inn keeper if she has a room to stay in for a while..So the innkeeper accepted after she paid a full chest of gold..Then She settled into the room with a nice bag of her clothes and all..Then..she comes down to the bar and heard Stories about the Monstrous wolf, threatening this Whole town for years and none of the maidens came back alive..Some say, they were eaten if any women wasn't worthy for it...then saphira asked How did they sacrifice the maidens for the wolf...She was too curious about it..but they told her how, all they do Is sending one of the most beautiful maidens to their Grannys home..there across the woods..the monstrous wolf will come by the night of the full moon,,So Saphira nodded and said," Oh yikes..poor maidens.." Then the guys decided to Sent Saphira to Grannys home...So that very Night of the full moon, They sent her away..Saphira walks off with a beautiful red Cloak and head down into the woods on the night of the full moon..Half way across the woods...Saphira was looking around and still in human form..but then she Hears the Loud Howling somewhere in the woods and she gasp.."W-w-who's there?" She said Scaredly..until..She hears the Seductive yet soft male voice and he said...
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tezzbot · 2 months
Hi!!! Love putt-putt au and had a few questions which you totally don't have to answer.
So I saw that Poppy and Branch met in your Putt-putt au and was curious if that meant he also meets Clay earlier? Also if neither Viva nor Poppy are in Pop Village who would be in line for the throne? And as far as movies go, how much do they change?
Stay hydrated!!!
Hi!! Thank you thank you!!!
I'll be so honest with you the AU is still very much in it's very very early stages and I don't have a Lot figured out yet like I do with somethin like my On The Road AU, so to answer your qs:
There's currently no pop heirs that the Pop Villiage trolls would be aware of until Poppy shows up near to the beginning of what would be Trolls 1 and as far as everything else goes I have not thought that far ahead just yet GHFYGD
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ladydeath-vanserra · 9 months
*knocks door down* feylin naming their daughter Ailis, the Scottish version of Alice (ik Alis is, uh, Alis from Tams court but ANYWAYS)
blonde hair, blue grey eyes
rebellious and curious streak and an inability to follow orders like her mother ☝🏻
befriending the animals and being leery of People like Both her Parents
befriends the talking, riddle giving Cat-Sìth that's both annoying and v helpful. she argues with it daily
she befriends a boy in the nearby villiage named Tarrent (Tarrant Hightopp is The Mad Hatters name in the adaption of Alice in Wonderland). He's the son of a seamstress and makes clothes with his mom and clearly he bonds with Ailis over ✨️art✨️
they're both little weirdos. obviously autistic ok send tweet
@bookishfeylin @kateprincessofbluewhales
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allsketchesnononsense · 7 months
this psychopomp character looks super cool, what game are they from? and could we get some more info on that new oc you posted in that last psychopomp art?
she's from the game of the same name, Psychopomp! :D
It's free on steam! Super weird and horror-y and atmospheric with lotsa mystery n lore to try and pick apart. I love lookin at the steam discussions bc people always have cool observations my peanut brain never picked up on
but it's also got a dark sense of humor n is jus Fun
and I love our protag w/ all my lil heart
And my funny lil OC is named Blythe!
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She's taken up residence in the catacombs beneath the town that Psychopomp goes stomping around in in-game. She's got that TBH stare n minor brain damage, but she's a sweetheart. she's Lightly Dungeon Meshi inspired bc I made her be pretty good at figuring out how to eat what she can find down there, even if it seems Less Than Edible. She's got some serious issues but I wont get into it.
She likes to hang out with the species of creatures called "Thraits" that also have made home down there after humans took over the surface. She shares food with them and they let her hang in their villiage n teach her about their culture since she's so curious about it.
She got fanny packs for snaccs and uses a soup pot for a weapon and I lov her
but yee. checka out the game it's super cool n thamnk for asking about my babygirl :'D
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 96
Previous Page: Page 95 Next Page: Page 97
“Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy”: Development Staff Interview
Interview #1:
Producer Hino talks about the series’ last “Professor Layton” and the future of “Professor Layton”
Producer / Scripting Planning - Akihiro Hino Born in Fukuoka in 1968. President/CEO of Level-5. Creator of the “Professor Layton” series, and has produced many hit works.
With “Azran Legacy”, the story of Hershel Layton is coming to a close. We asked series producer Akihiro Hino-san for his thoughts on this final work, and the possibility of the “Professor Layton” series continuing.
The concept was “A big adventure around the world”!
Can you tell us about the concept behind this game?
Hino: The conclusion to Hershel Layton’s story, up until now it’s been one story at a time… Like with “Mokumondou” and “Yatsuhakamura” in the The Kindaichi Case Files series, we wanted to make this game a culmination of the story of Hershel Layton. Up until now, the story has been very linear, but this time we considered letting the player have more freedom. With that in mind, the stage for this story was going to be a big adventure around the world solving puzzles.
The end result was fantastic. How do you feel now that it is finished?
Hino We had to go through characters and scenes one-by-one to tie up loose ends. It was moving to watch the drama between the characters and the final scenes… It was really emotional.
It sounds like you put a lot of hard work into the story, especially since it was the final story for “Professor Layton”
Hino It wasn’t just hard work, there was a lot of worry too… In the early stages of development, the start and the end of the story were already decided, but for the five locations in the middle, we decided to just have fun with it. I said to the staff, “I want everyone to come up with some ideas!” but that didn’t go over very well (haha). I mentioned earlier, there was a lot of freedom in this part of the game, but in my head I was thinking “this needs to be Professor Layton-like”, and that fixed principle made me struggle to come up with interesting ideas. If this was to be the final game, we kept wondering whether this idea would be a good one, so there were many rethinks. It was a worry, not just for those in charge of the plot, but all the staff, of what would be the best for “Hershel Layton’s final story”.
Which part of it was the biggest worry for you?
Hino Travelling with the girl in the ice, Aurora, wondering “what sort of interesting things could happen between the trio of Layton, Luke and Aurora?” was part of it. Since it was possible to visit the various places freely, a complete story needed to be taken in each place. If there were 5 different places, even a simple plot would take five times longer than “Curious Villiage” or “Pandora’s Box / Diabolical Box”. Each story would need a fantastic ending and it had to be fitting for “Professor Layton”.
Even though discussions began with “it would be interesting to visit this sort of place”, there was a pattern where we were not satisfied by the endings, and so there was a long process of re-working the plot. I was also concerned with what would happen to Layton and the others, but I wanted to challenge the staff to think of episodes and ideas and see how far we could take them. Of course, I had ideas too, but we prioritized the ideas of our staff. I think maybe the staff were confused as to why they were being asked something they have never been asked to do before.
(Interview continues on next page…)
『レイトン教授 と 超文明 A の遺産』 荊発スタッフ W インタ匕'ュー
インタュ ー その 1 曰野 プロテューサー に聞くシリース最後の 『レイトン教授』 と、これからの『レイトン教授』
プロデューサー /企画・シナリオ 日野晃博さん 1968 年福岡生まれ。レベルファイプ代表取締役社長/ CEO 。レイトン教授シリーズの生みの親て、数々の作品をヒットに導いたヒットメーカー。
工ルシャ ー ル・レイトンの物語は、今作「超文明 A の遺産」でひとます幕を閉じる。シリースのプロデューサー日野晃博さんに、最終作に込めた思いと、今後の「レイトン教授」シリーズの可能性についてお話を伺った。
コンセプト。”世界客巡大冒険”! 本作のコンセプトについて教えてくたさい。
日野 工ルシャ ー ル・レイトンの 1つのお話を完結させるということで、今まで 1 つずつのお話・・・金田一シリ ーズでいうと「獄門島」や「八つ墓村」のように、エルシャ ール・レイトンがたどる町の話をしていたわけですけど、今回はその集大成的な話にしたいという思いがありました。これまでは一本道に近い形でお話が進んでいきましたが、今回はプレイヤ ー がある程度、自由に選んで遊べる構造のゲ ー ムに出来たらなと考えました。そこで、世界地図を舞台にして、世界のいろんな場所へ行ってナゾを解くという、スケ ー ルの大きい冒険ができるというコンセプトが生まれました。
日野 今まで作ってきた 1 つ 1 つのキャラクターやシ ーンを、結ばなければいけないですからね。それぞれのキャラクターた��のドラマのつながり、彼らの最後の姿を見ていくうちに何かジーンと来てしまって・・・。本当に感慨深いものがありましたね。
日野 気合というよりは、悩みに悩んだというか・・・。最初と最後の部分のお話は開発初期に決めたんですが、中盤以降の 5 つの町を巡る物語は、いろんなスタッフたちといっしょにワイワイ楽しくやりながら作っていこうと思いまして。「みんなにもいろいろなアイデアを出してほしい!」と伝えたんですけど、これがなかなかうまくいかなくて(笑)。先ほども言ったように、今回は 1 つの流れに縛られすにいろいろなことができるからというのもありますが、僕の頭の中の「「レイトン教授」とはこういうものだ」という固定観念に縛られちゃったのか、なかなか面白いアイデアが出なかったんです。今回で最後と考えてしまうと、本当にこのアイデアでいいのかと思ってしまうことも多くて、リティクを重ねていったんです。シナリオ担当メンバ ー だけではなく、スタッフ全員で「エルシャ ール・レイトンの物語の終わり」はどうするのがベストなのか悩みました。
日野 今回は氷の少女・アーリアと一緒に旅をするんですけども、「レイトンとル ー ク、ア ー リアの 3 人で、どんなことが起きたら面白いか?」という部分ですね。自由度が高くていろいろな場所を訪れることができるということは、それぞれの場所で完結するお話が必要になるということになります。町が 5つあれば、簡単な大枠のストーリーのプロットだけでも『不思議な町』や「悪魔の箱」の5倍必要になりますしね。1つ 1つのネタがファンタジックな終わり方をして、さらに「レイトン教授」らしくなければいけないし。「こういう町に行ったら面白いよね」といった話から始まり方が決まっても、結末が納得いかないというパターンもありまして、ひたすらプロットを作るといった繰り返しの作業が長かったですね。レイトンたちの終わりがどういうものになるかは、自分でも気にしていたんですけど、スタッフ全員の力を結集して、みんなが考えるエピソードやアイデアをどこまで入れられるかに挑戦したいと思っていたんですよ。もちろん、僕もアイデアは出しましたけど、スタッフからの意見を優先して取り入れていきました。
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skybristle · 1 year
Would .. would you mind telling us about your clover fanon.. I am so very curious they’re my darling ever
sorry i read this and went "i should answer that" and then i forgor. i just rembdered though! some fucked up themes tho. animal death + general mommy issues and he has some Mental Problems <3 also off the bat. he's Soooo unlabeled to me but uses he/him and kisses boys. i dont think he really cares abt the pronouns though either hes literally just hanging out. ok so! First and foremost. The reason he is Like That is because he is [sparkling emoji] one of white lily's experiments! Particularly she took a deer from the millenial forest [holy animal], sacrificed it, and baked it into a cookie [she left the lily villiage at some point in the past but knows the forest's secrets still so. lol]. however he didn't really turn out and the powers he Did get from it aren't replicable,,, at this point she hasnt gone Completely off the deep end so she doesnt completely abandon him like she does for crepe later but he Did feel fundamentally unwanted and kind of just. Left her grove seeking to fufill what she wanted out of him [not realizing he's a failure by principle no matter what he does] he is by most means a wanderer. picks up his lute, grows fond of the forest animals as he travels along [avoiding villiages because well. he is kind of a freak of nature and also just general Tism makes him seem like much more of a possibly ill-willed cryptid than he is]. he has a very strong desire to become what his mom wanted from him but also develops an appreciation for the world and wants to see more of it. eventually finds himself in the millenial forest [and lily villiage],,, and while they do welcome him its clear with the way they look at him he is the Outsider and very fucked up . eventually speaks to millenial himself and he takes pity on him and gives him what he wants [immortality] so he can live up to his purpose and keep traveling the world. Eventually as a bard once he realizes thats a thing that exists. and honestly once he comes to terms with how he'll never have a relationship with his mom [the lily grove, a mess of illusions, doesnt really let him in deep enough to where she is] he just doesnt hang onto it and does what he planned to. he has to bear the horrors of immortality but honestly it isnt,,, too terrible with his aloof nature? Like. Immortal or not he's perfectly used to his animal companions dying over time and he mostly has superfiicial relationships with other cookies. i'd say the worse thing for him is he's very,,, distant a lot. it's also part of the learned mentality of a bard/storyteller [watch what happens and remember it instead of engaging in it] and learning Things Hurt once they go away in his immortality. he's been around 2-300 years and is mostly just chill. has leaned into that cryptic guy of the woods thing a bit. he really is just hanging out. he's also probably a little traumatized from all the shit hes bore witness to [especially the dfw when he put together the dots of wl's experiments and de's goals] but idk. he just generally does not caare. he eats poisonous mushrooms for fun ebcause theyr'e yummy and dont effect him because he's immortal/in a weird position of being almost divine with what he's made of. also some time post canon he meets a mostly-human robot [copperbell, my wife's oc] who's seeing the world for the first time after being trapped in the city of wizards up until very recently. they hang out a lot. two immortal guys very passionate about music who hang out. one who's very passionate for the world and one who wants to know so much about it . yeah they're yaoi eventually . the machine and nature CAN have gay sex WOOO
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Takanashi Kiara Appreciation Post
Well, now that I remembered my tumblr password, time for some word vomit!
Takanashi Kiara is my kami oshi. She wasn’t the first vtuber I saw, but she was the first corporate one. I’ll be honest, I came in during the infamous Uno stream, during the baby voice round. I legitimately thought that was how she naturally spoke, and because I wasn’t aware of whose name or model belonged to which voice, I just assumed that Kiara’s first language was Japanese and was still learning English.
Boy was I wrong.
I got curious about all of them in that collab (Ina, Calli, Gura) and went to check out their channels. I really thought I would like Calli the most. She had the deepest voice there, she was swearing up a storm, she was caustic and loud and pretty fun from what I saw. But her streams didn’t grab my attention. I went through the rest and somehow Kiara stuck out. I don’t remember what it was about her, if there was a specific stream. But I decided to keep her on my radar.
Fast forward a bit and I’m listening to her streams as background noise. She was playing Neir: Automata at the time, and hearing her rage was very entertaining. Because I was watching so much of her, YouTube decided to recommend some clips of her. 
That’s what really hooked me onto Kiara.
Specifically clips from the channel KowKarrot. He makes fantastic clip compilations that can range from 5 minutes to over an hour, which was great for catching up with Kiara’s escapades. His “Phoenixton” video about Kiara reviving a villiage in Minecraft in particular really drew me in. I remember rewatching it many times because it was just so goddamn funny! It really highlighted the aspects of Kiara that I enjoyed: her humor, her joy at succeeding at the game, her anger and rage when creepers ruined her plans, her commitment to seeing it through. Overall it made me cheer for her and realize that she was something special.
It’s now been over 2 years since that Uno stream, and my love and admiration has only grown. Kiara is a phenomenal streamer, a great saleswoman, and generally a wise and charismatic person. My life has improved just by watching her and listening to her many, many tangents. 
To be clear, I admire her the way I admired the people in the grade above me. I know she has no idea who I am, but just hearing about the things she went through and overcame gives me the strength and hope to overcome my own struggles. As a proud KFP member, I will continue to support this strong phoenix for as long as I can. 
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I'm oddly curious...where did Zephyr grow up? I'm worried about the outside conditions his mother could have locked him outside in (ex: freezing temperatures, storms, etc)
Ah right, I guess I forgot to state Zephyr lived in Alola in the ask, here's his Profile for the AU Im RPing with my sister, just to show he is in a better spot.
Alola, like most Pokemon regions has it's own contained climate, and the villiage Zephyr lived it was nice enough. It never got below freezing for him, and he'd often be let into the neighbour grannies house, but odd that you actually bring up a storm, since that's actually what led to him being "Stolen" by his first Pokemon, Thief.
Afterwards he pretty much survived on his own relying on his Pokemon to help him earn money (kids with pokemon can do small odd jobs in the pokemon world) and collect berries, before he joined Team Skull and met his best friends Sarah and Prima. I do plan to do a Character Q&A at some point on my PKMN Blog once I start posting the chapters I have, if your interested in interacting directly with him : 3
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manofgayscience · 7 months
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Flora Reinhold!!!
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cremavia · 4 months
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𝐃𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐇𝐑𝐀 . 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐲. - * harbringer of discord. Dovina's dragon counterpart & possibly her largest headache. molded by mischievous tactics & roaming curiosities this mighty dragon is fledgeling at best. Dagahra easily finds trouble & destruction and it is known to follow weather intentionally or not. Often expressing great pride of being a dragon, Dagahra is particularly sassy , sarcastic, chatty, and does not hesitate to complain loudly about whatever is on her mind. Before pairing with her mistress , during times of war she was often seen circling the skies over any field of battle. Curious & intrigued by mortal warfare she often made a game of bareling through the warring lines regarlless of good or evil. After spending days on the front playing & partaking in the spoils of war , she would wander into villiages & cities stealing whatever caught her eye. It happened so often that the dragons' presence was viewed as an omen.
Conveniently found roaming aimlessly in one of the lower cities stealing & tormenting the local livestock out of boredome , it was not a hard task for Dovina to rein in the childish dragon. NOW BOUND BY CONTRACT , Dagahra is lending aid to Dovina's plot of revenge on the promises of war , treasures & the privelege of devouring her masters enemies to sate their peculiar tastes . until then she is currenly living comfortably in the an enchanted forrest on the outskirts of the Anguis kingdom.
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anxiouslyfred · 10 months
Possible Courting
A continuation of my fic A Meaningful Message from a couple years ago
Summary: Virgil knows the angel Remus wants to court him but as the transcriber of the villiage he can't just simply accept. That would indicate a preference for Remus's God against the neutrality he was meant to maintain
Virgil knew letting any courtship be even partly accepted was a risk when it came to any gods messengers, and he also knew Remus well enough to realise that an outright rejection would likely just get the request repeated each time he needed to visit.
There were other considerations however, in that he could not favour any god, whether he believed in them or not and Remus's courtship could very well jeopardise that and his role in the village at the same time. He first mentioned it to Ivanica when passing on the advice of Remus's God.
“A message like that definitely lets me delay the courtship our families are pushing for. Harrison will be so pleased. I'm not sure why he wishes to delay this but I've been getting so concerned asking for God's advice was all I could think to do.” Ivanica rambled in relief after the message was given. “We'll say it has to be meetings anew from the time I received the message. But Virgil, you look unsettled as well. Come and let me make you some tea so I'll see if I can give you any advice if you don't want to take it to one of the gods.”
Virgil had nodded, and accepted the invitation. If nothing else, sharing the worries spiralling through his brain would slow them a little.
He'd left her house that day curious over if Ivanica realised the discomfort Harrison felt was from a lack of attraction and desire for the type of relationship they'd be expected to enter as well as with a new concern and solution for maintaining his status not favouring any god.
“This is all the information and visits received by the gods this week. However I ask for a moment of your time: One other offer of a messenger of a god was received this week, one which wants to enter courtship with me.” Virgil stood at the front of the town hall for their weekly meeting, watching the reactions of the crowd for a moment before holding up his hand. He'd done this before when unfortunate messages were received and needed planning for.
“I know this could impact my neutrality to the various gods who look over our village and have a suggestion to maintain it. The angel in question will still live in Heaven and have the duties of his god to attend to, so they won't be here constantly, and if I were to take on an apprentice then both everyone here and all the gods can confirm that I'm not favouring them. That the round robin of requests is still maintained.” Virgil explained. Ivanica had suggested the idea, and her nephew specifically for the role but Virgil preferred not to decide a person too quickly.
The village leader stood up then, “Do you have a candidate for your apprentice in mind, or would you like to have volunteers shadow you for a day to decide who will best be able to?”
“I would prefer the latter option, but also want yourself and a couple of other village elders to confirm their belief in whichever candidate is chosen being able to stand up and argue with me should they think I do fail at maintaining the same treatment for all gods.” Virgil agreed.
One of the elders who liked being involved in such decisions stood then, “You understand this could be a lengthy process and you won't be able to court your messenger until it is concluded?”
“Yes Mr Litrary, I understand this and will ensure the angel in question understands also.” Virgil agreed.
With that the town meeting moved on, letting Virgil step back from the focus except when the towns decisions needed to refer back to messages previously received from gods.
“You've been avoiding me Virgil. My God has sent me to pass on his greetings and continued interest in your village as well as confirm that this isn't a counteraction after my offer of courtship.” Remus's words were stilted and his form closer to a centaur than it had been in months, and Virgil knew that his prayers hadn't been understood.
He turned to pick up the grapes that Ivanica had left that morning, another offering to God. “You look uncomfortable as anything, so relax. I haven't been avoiding you, and have tried praying to you multiple times so I'm not sure why you think I have. I just can't interact too much with you while sorting out things so I can actually let you court me.”
“What needs sorting out? It's just courtship.”
“A courtship that could cost me my job if I don't have ways to confirm my neutrality to all gods.” Virgil snapped. He hadn't meant to but the dismissal or rather lack of knowledge over the restrictions of his role frustrated him, even as he'd missed seeing the angel.
Remus froze at that, before relaxing as his form twisted into a creature reminiscent of a snake. “Everyone said courtships are just accepted or planned. None of the other angels have dated mortals for a while. I didn't even think that your role would need this doing carefully.”
“Well lucky for me I did think of that. Just be patient with it. I can't court you until I've got this sorted.” Virgil sighed, letting the tension seep from his shoulders.
“But can you take me to visit the believer in God? He has been muttering about giving his believers more attention which is only a step away from actually ordering me to visit them specifically.” Remus said after a moments thought.
He blinked at the angel for a moment, before slowly nodding. “And you just happened to remember this after learning why I'm not immediately jumping to court you?” Virgil stated, leaving the challenge unspoken. “But sure I can take you to visit Ivanica. It's not the first time a messenger has requested this.”
“Fantastic, how should I shape my form?” Remus's body flicked from having limbs, being upright, crawling, floating, and a whole host of features from all noses to only one eye as Virgil stared at them.
“How about the way you first appeared to me.” He quickly decides before the flickering form starts causing his eyes to hurt from attempting to recognise each change.
Thankfully that was enough for a for just left of a normal centaur to solidify as Remus. “Boring but I suppose I can't scare her or rely on the 'be not afraid' we're told to boom if met with screaming.”
“The booming voice that everyone said scares them more than however the angels they met appeared? You do realise that only works cause it makes people freeze in place and never did anything to calm them.” Virgil stated, locking his door, doing a small but powerful hand movement so he'd know if any visitors turned up and leading the way further into the village. “I've got so many records about it.”
“That's actually the first thing I've ever heard that makes me willing to say the stupid thing. I'm a messenger for God, or course people should be afraid if they don't know why I'm there.” Remus grins, waving at a couple people who stare at him, before registering Virgil is walking slower, tugging at his satchel and pulling a few pages out.
They paused for a moment to allow him to catch up, reaching out to try and nab the bag.
“Hands off unless you're going to fill out this paperwork for me.” Virgil flicked their hand away, now pulling a pen out to go with the pages he'd found. “Let's get everything officially done: You said your reason to request this is pre-empting your God deciding dedicated followers need more personal attention?”
Remus let out an agreeing noise, hand still trying to take the satchel from Virgil.
“And the indications he's made to show this decision might be coming are?”
“Muttering and asking more questions of me and his other messengers regarding the dedicated followers and if we know how they're faring.” Remus promptly replied. “Mostly just me though, cause he says I have the fewest.”
Virgil smirked over at him, “Yeah, you don't seem the type to actually like trying to convince people to believe in God. What would be your aim in this meeting with Ivanica then? Convincing her to try and get more people to follow your God?”
“Nope, not until the orders come for that. For now I just want to know how the advice God gave her is working.” Remus decided after a moments thought. “Cause you're right. Let people believe in what they want and like, and all the better if they demand evidence for it.”
“I can see why Virgil likes you. Which of you came up with the loophole of meeting me to spend more time together?” Ivanica asked, leaning around the vines that filled her garden to wave them through the gate.
“Me. I'm Remus. Are you Ivanica, the believer in God for this town?”
She nodded, leading them into her house. “That's me. I guess you can't make it so my nephew Janus gets the role helping keep this one treating all messengers for gods equally right.”
“Oh God definitely would if I passed the message on. He loves interfering in ways to gain himself favour but wouldn't that put your nephew in a similar situation?” Remus agreed while Virgil made a noise in protest.
“He didn't even turn up for his shadowing today. Dropped your offering for Remus off and then declared he was going to the river to fish.” Virgil cut in before any more could be said.
Ivanica smiled innocently back at him, “Just as I asked so you could have an official excuse to see your love.”
“Meddler.” Virgil crossed his arms, pushing his lips tightly together to refrain from saying more. It lasted only a few seconds before the pages he'd been filling out were shoved at Ivanica. “You need to fill the rest in. I'm meant to stay silent and only supervise as you two meet.”
Remus laughed at that, and spent the rest of the afternoon getting Virgil to break that rule, fairly certain Ivanica would say he'd followed in completely in the paperwork regardless.
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Lonely heart and broken soul #4
"No she just arrived home, how would I know what she actually looks like?. I told you already Im not invading this civilians home unless its really necessary. Don and myself are keeping watch, as leader I need you to think before you act. Yeah okay fine, I will bring pizza on the way home."
Ruriko awakens to the sound of rain falling against the windows,thunder in the distance and the scent reminded her of home.
She rolls over onto her back, in deep thought about her situation.
-She now started to think how she could still work,even though her appearance had changed. Her life seeming to change at such a rapid pace was enough to make her anxious all over again. After over an hour of thinking, she decided to create a club that she can run herself. Knowing there might be some youngsters that have difficulties or appearances that lead to harsh judgement by society is what finalized her decision. Her current finances were very good, and indeed she knows how to create a successful business thanks to her upbringing.-
A shadow that moved at lightning speed past her window snapped her out of her thoughts,now on high alert she stares at where that movement was.
"Really I think we need to get back home. My phone is getting blown up by Raph getting annoyed by Mikey."
"Fine, however Raph needs to learn patience as well. Though he never did I guess...damn it. We were spotted. Hide now."
Ruriko cautiously approaches her window and then opens it, looking around outside there was nothing out of the ordinary. When she stepped back inside and about to close the window, a scuffle and some voices were heard on her roof. Now on high alert she goes upstairs to her rooftop garden, her heart was racing from another wave of anxiety overcoming her senses.
She just about jumped out of her skin when she heard an argument suddenly start right behind her, having to hide up her one tree to take cover in case it were burglars.
"Really, ya had ta leave me with Mike for two and a half hours. Ya know how he gets after hours of no action."
"I told you to stay at home with Mikey, we did not plan on been that much longer Raphael. We have talked about this so many times already."
Ruriko was now curious, hearing this heated conversation by men of sorts. So many questions going through her mind, until she peered through some branches in the general direction of these unknown men. Right there were four turtle mutants, what was even more unusual were the masks they had like that of ninjas. The weapons told her everything she needed to know, having been raised in a small villiage where she learned the ways of ninjas. What she really wanted to know was why are they even here. Another anxiety fueled thought had arisen in her mind, were they affiliated with her parents?. With this new fear in her mind, attempting to flee the scene only to stumble off the branch she had perched and fell into the bushes just below. Not the most graceful move, however it had alerted these ninjas. Staying still in the bushes that gave her some cover, she observed what their next move was going to be.
"Mikey come with me, Donnie stay here with Raph. We are not alone up here and I think I know who it is." Leo whispered to his brothers.
[To be continued]
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(Open Rp) Halloween Special in "Bewitched"
Long ago, In the One Autumn Day On the Small town who was been in the Watchful Eyes of the Kitsune Witch
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Who's name Is "Saphira Lorraina Fox". She was Kind to other People..But They're scared of her because There's a Family of 7 Sons Who Seeks saphira's hands..but alas 5 of the seven sons was Cursed because Of the 5 foolish sons cause the horrible marriage that was last within either Days..or weeks.. The First Son was Cursed Because He was Caught Sleeping with a Harlot..His Curse was never abel to give girls children, The Second Son's Curse is That His "Lovechild" from the mistress Had the Face of the Pig..along with Himself, the third Son's Curse is when he Mistreated women, he Will become a Donkey. The Fourth son's curse is He Will be Ugly as Sin when every women sees his face, And Last but Not least the Fifth Son's curse is Turn into a Horrible Monstrous beast..And The Father Of the 7 Sons was Disappointed…and the villiagers calls the 5 of the Seven sons a "fool" to dare to mistreat and Cheat on the Dangerous Kitsune Witch That She Showed Nothing But love towards them…Then The Sixth and the Seventh sons name (your two muse here) was Two of the Kind Young men who was heard about the Kitsune witch herself, they've seen Saphira before and she was More beautiful and a Kind person…They're in love with Her so much..So secretly they began to try a new magic with their spell book..They try it out…But Something went wrong…as the brothers began to Fuse together into one..Then One morning later at the peaceful Cottage Home of the Kitsune witch and she opens the Window as she sighs and said," Oh Look, Another Glorious Morning…MAKES ME SICK! " Close the Window and she began to use magic to make breakfast and called her Fox Sisters," Sisters time for Breakfast!" her sisters comes in and began to come to the table and she made plates for them and she said,"I Bet those Villiagers will bring another Arrogant Pigs like those Brothers…To Much Troubles For us Hmph!" The sister wanted her to married to a Sweet Kind man..those 5 Men are not Worthy to marry saphira up…Until..Saphira sees the Mystery man riding a Black horse, She felt curious and She sees him dismount and Comes to the Door and hears the knocking and Opens the Door and She said" Yes, May i help you dear traveler? Who are thou~?" Then this Mystery man (which is a fused brothers) Answered….
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preceededfortune · 2 years
professor layton and when the fuck do these games take place??
professor layton and the curious villiage was originally supposed to take place in 1960, shown in an unused graphic in the beta of the game so lets use this as our baseline this would place the prequal triology in 1957-1959(ish) while the main triology would end in 1961. using this we can tell katrielle layton was born in 1963 and through extension luke and layton went on the relic stone quest in 1973 so the katrielle game and anime take place in 1985. layton brothers mystery room takes place at the same time putting the forbodium incident in 1981.
layton is confirmed 27 during the lost future flashbacks and hes 37 in lost future the game putting those flashbacks in 1950. The miracle mask flashbacks confirm laytons age as 19 so during those flashbacks in 1932 and confirms laytons birth in 1913. the flashback in spectres call takes place in 1955 since emmy was 19 at the time and shes 21 in spectres call.
so the full layton series is between 1913-1985
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