#curling irons
aemonds-sapphireeye · 2 months
I didn't really get the sudden increase in Jacaerys thirst since the second season started, and then I realized he went from this:
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To THIS between seasons:
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Like yeah okay I get it. My boy glowed the fuck up.
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starrystevie · 11 months
hurt/comfort | mentions of anxiety and trauma | crossposted to twitter
"what's that?" eddie murmurs into the quiet darkness of their bedroom.
dread piles into steve's stomach. he wants to tug his sleeve over his hands so eddie can't see the writing on his palm anymore. wants to hide the pen marks by holding onto his hips instead.
"it's nothing," he whispers back, attaching his lips to the underside of eddie's jaw. he knows his boyfriend melts at the kisses he puts there. knows it will distract him from asking any more prying questions.
the ink is smudged, hardly legible anymore after a day at work. between washing his hands and shuffling papers and rubbing subconsciously at his palm when that certain type of anxiety knots into his gut, the pen marks from earlier are halfway to disappearing until he starts it all over again the next morning.
steve can't help it. he thought that moving in with eddie, having his support, would make it easier to cope with it all. thought that having someone else to help hold him accountable was the answer.
yet here he is, writing a list on his hand every morning, just to help him remember simple things.
he turns on the coffee pot in the morning, makes a note of it on his palm, crosses it out when he turns the pot off and tells himself over and over that it's actually off and he's not imagining it.
he locks the door and writes "LOCKED" in all caps so he doesn't come home halfway through the day to check and make sure it's actually locked.
he brushes his teeth, he feeds the dog, he puts his wallet in his briefcase, he closes the refrigerator door after breakfast and writes reminder after reminder on his palm in sticky black ink.
it helps, really it does, when steve's mind starts to wander in a boring meeting and he gets that hot rush of guilt of forgetting something burning through his veins. he'll look at his hand under the table and scan over the notes, find what's looking for, and try to breathe.
he'll read it over and over, the crossed out "coffee pot" or the "wallet in bag" or the "fed duke", until he feels like it sinks in, blinking back into real time to focus.
it's some strange mix of anxiety and lack of control and head trauma, robin thinks.
steve can't talk to a lot of people about it, embarrassed that he can't remember doing simple fucking tasks, but robin gets it. gets him. robin lets him swing his legs into her lap and pulls his hand up to her face so she can inspect the notes from the day to piece them all together.
it was her idea in the first place to write on his hand. she had suggested paper first but that was too easy to lose especially if he couldn't remember setting it down. she traces over the ink and lets him vent about feeling like a failure or stupid or some type of broken, reminding him gently that none of them got out hawkins without scars.
but steve hasn't let eddie see that yet, too afraid of breaking whatever they've made together, too afraid of scaring him off with his cracked brain and clenched jaw. too afraid of being built so wrong that he'll look like a once shiny penny covered in rust-colored problems.
so he digs his fingers into his palm, nails slicing into flesh & ink, and presses his lips fiercely into eddie's jaw to stop him from spilling any secrets. lets his tongue sneak out as an apology for not showing him his jagged edges. lets his teeth bite against the words he wants to say.
"baby," eddie whispers, his gentle callused hands trailing over steve's arms to settle on his clenched fist. he shakes his head against eddie's chin, bites at his neck again, ignores the way the love of his fucking life is trying to peel his fingers open to see it. see him.
steve feels raw, a live wire, one second away from snapping into sparks of electricity. he shakes his hand free and curls it around the small of eddie's back, tugging him closer, hiding his shame.
"it's nothing," he repeats, voice shaky and rough against eddie's skin.
if he just slots his leg right, if he just presses into eddie right, if he just tips his head and rolls his hips and plays his cards right, he can avoid all of this all together. he can take eddie's mind away from the writing on his hand and convince them both everything is okay.
but it's not that easy, it never is, because there fingers wrapping around his wrist at an awkward angle to pull his hand back and heat flares up in his cheeks. eddie's going to see, going to ask, going to figure out that steve is broken beyond repair and it's all thanks to one too many blows to the head & one too many times of fucking up & one too many times of leaving the goddamn door unlocked.
"i just-" he bites out, trying and failing to pull his arm out from eddie's grasp. maybe some part of him wants to come clean and get the inevitable over and done with. "-they're just some notes okay?"
and now eddie's looking between him and his palm with those eyes that hold love and the pity that he hates, so he blinks away, jolts to get his arm free again. he doesn't want pity, he doesn't want puppy dog eyes, he doesn't want the reminder that he can't-
but then there's lips pressing oh so gently to the hand he rubbed raw earlier when he could have sworn he didn't triple check that he paid the water bill. there's the flutter of eyelashes against his fingertips as eddie trails kisses over the thing that makes him feel less than.
steve doesn't fight to pull his arm back anymore. his shoulders drop, his muscles relax, and that ball of dread in the pit of his stomach eases away into something that feels more like acceptance.
"that's smart," eddie mutters against his palm. "to help you remember?"
and just like that, it isn't secret anymore. just like that eddie's peeled back the layers of bravado and nonchalance and seen steve for the mess he is.
he kisses the notes like it's the easiest thing to do and maybe for eddie it is. maybe taking a piece of steve's hurt is what they found each other for. maybe eddie was made to understand every inch of steve from the inside out like the way a vine instinctually knows to follow the sun.
steve resettles his face in eddie's neck, nods and breathes him in so he has him deep in his lungs. "it was robin's idea."
"she's smart too, then." eddie hums and drops steve's hand gently, letting it wind back around him so he can tangle his in steve's hair. "does it help?"
"yep," steve mumbles.
"how have i never noticed you scribbling on your hand everyday?" eddie asks with his lips pressed into the crown of steve's head.
"i didn't want you to see. i'm pretty good at hiding."
he can feel when eddie takes in a deep breath. feel when his chest expands and collapses before whispering "start adding 'eddie loves me' on there."
steve shakes his head with a small grin, his heart beat slowing from an anxious jack-rabbiting speed to something more eddie paced. "i never need a reminder of that one."
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
XD Charlie in shirt sleeves and a Very Serious Frown, sitting behind Vaggie with hair brush in one hand and one of Vaggie's wings in the other, a truly alarming assortment of hair care protects and tools strewn around her as she tries figuring out how the whole 'angel wing maintenance' thing is suppose to work-
Vaggie, dying with laughter, trying and failing to catch her breath long enough to say You can put the brush down babe and also that REALLY tickles-
Charlie: "But then what am I supposed to USE?! You just got your wings back, I don't wanna mess them up! I wanna do this right!"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, it's f-PFFT- it's fine. You can just use your fingers."
Charlie: "..ohhhh...."
Charlie: "..... Um. So is preening ever. I mean when someone else does it, does it ever get kinda... y'know?"
Vaggie: "Bedroom-ish?"
Charlie: "I mean if it's sensitive enough to make you ticklish-"
Vaggie: "Yeah. Sometimes."
Charlie: "What uh, what kind of sometimes?"
Vaggie: "Like when it's you're girlfriend doing it, and she's blushing so hot you can feel the little thermal updrafts also tickling your feathers."
Charlie: "You can FEEL that!?"
Vaggie: "It's like you turned on the totally unnecessary hairdryer, babe."
Charlie: "FUCK!"
Vaggie: (laughs so hard she falls over and smacks charlie in the face with a wing on the way down)
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emynarnen · 6 months
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andy-clutterbuck · 6 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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shiftythrifting · 6 months
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Give yourself that classic bald look when you burn your fucking hair off with this real vintage curling iron
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faethyra · 1 year
So astarion is obviously really proud of his hair. He states that nobody's hair in the group is better than his. But like...how does he do his hair? How does he know he looks good? Well since he and gale share a nook in a later camp....I think they both wake up at the crack of dawn and do each others hair. It's the only thing they will agree on. They must both have better hair than anyone else.
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elswing · 24 days
possible explanations for elrond's sudden emergence of curly hair:
- he straightened it for work and stopped bothering after he got fired (this is his princess diana revenge dress hair)
- friendship breakup so bad he sent himself to the seaside to recover like a 19th century noblewoman diagnosed with hysteria and the salty ocean air awoke his curl pattern
- he started borrowing círdan's hair products
- ??????
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giltandgreen · 3 months
Concept of Sigyn and Loki having a bathroom with double sinks. Loki's sink is surrounded by dozens of haircare products, multiple sets of makeup brushes, a wide variety of makeup and skin creams (there's like a 30-step skin care routine Loki does), and several devices for hair styling.
On the other hand, Sigyn's side has a hair brush (she keeps her clips and hair ties in a drawer), a very basic makeup set up with maybe two floral eyeliner pallets (Loki actually helps her pick out her products because they're better at it than she is and seems to know what colors will suit her. They also do her eyeliner because they're steadier with it), and maybe one or two skin creams or makeup removers that are the same brand as her mother's.
For Sigyn, the daily makeup-skincare-hair routine is somewhat of an after thought and not as important, but for Loki it's very grounding and part of an overall self-care process. Sigyn gets that the entire thing is much more important and symbolic to Loki than it is to her. She also has no problem letting them do her makeup or making her try new products/processes with them because 1) Loki really is an artist with a makeup brush and she's always super excited/impressed with the result and 2) Spending quality time doing makeup together is a way Loki shows their love and it's always a lot of fun.
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byers-bowlcut · 6 months
I'm late (cause of some personal personal shit), but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ONLY CHARACTER EVER. THE ONLY BOY EVER.
I will love no one more than him ever:
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dickinson-devotee · 6 months
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scumpatrol · 9 months
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Ugly Betty: "Blue On Blue" (2009) HAMISH LINKLATER as Evan York
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newfeeling77 · 2 months
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theres nothing uglier to me than this inexplicably persistent hairstyle……. a balayage with loose waves makes me sick to my stomach its so fucking ugly
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sneeb-canons · 8 months
Its pretty easy to tell if Heart or Mind are gaving s nightmare.
For Heart, he usually starts mumbling or muttering in his sleep, stratching as his chest or arms. He also looks extremely upset, usually.
For Mind, his breathing gets exponentially faster, and usually he starts shaking. He usually starts to grab at whatever’s closest to him.
Somehow, they both can just… recognize when each other is having a nightmare. They just know, even when the signs aren’t obvious. Especially when the nightmare is more like a flashback than anything else. They usually wake the other up and wait until they’ve both calmed down before going back to sleep.
oh yeah and then soul is just there LMAO- he does have a similar nightmare-radar instinct to heart and mind though.
Headcanon #381
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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6x15 | East
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Daniel's Throne Room Look™ in "Need"
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