alivingfire · 7 years
Do you want to know how many times I've cried during your newest fic???? It's so good, Rachel. Like really truly amazing. I'm only past the halfway point, so not quite done, but I just read the bit where harry and Louis go to Greece and Harry tells the story of Achilles and Patroclus while their spirits hover about and I just had to tell you how absolutely lovely I thought that scene was. It felt so good and reverent, especially with the immortal love of H&L fully on display for A&P.
asdkfja liz!! i’m so glad you like that scene, i loved writing it so much but i almost talked myself into cutting it because i thought it go too close to trying to be a crossover when that wasn’t really what i wanted. but it was so important to me, so i kept it in, and i’ve gotten several people saying they loved it too!! 💕
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I want to throw a shout out to my loves, @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, @rainbowbears, @curls-andfringe, @fromlarrywithlove, @liesllunalove. You all are loved and adored! Keep on shining!
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justlarried · 7 years
So I see you've grounded me. If I apologize nicely for making you emo with my post, can I please be ungrounded? :)
nope!! absolutely not! grounded forever! go sit in your room and think about what you’ve done!
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itsokbbygrl · 7 years
curls-andfringe ----> bluielouie
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bananastagram · 7 years
Did you read the sweethome alabama au???????I'm starting it and all I can think about is if you've read it already 😂
anonymous said: SOMEONE WROTE THE SWEET HOME ALABAMA AU FOR BIG BANG!!!!!!___________________________________________________
i love all of you for thinking of me plus also a shoutout to my loves @throughthedark@theirstoryofevents @yourbestclothes@fuckinghatekissingyou and @curls-andfringefor all letting me know this gem was posted 💖💖💖
while it’s not what you might expect from a sweet home alabama au in like the /strictest/ sense, it’s beautifully written and enthralling. i was just going to read the first little bit last night at 12:30 and then i would up reading the whole thing and crying my way through it until i finished at 3 am. i absolutely loveddddddd this fic to bits and very strongly recommend it because it does borrow on the general ideas and plot lines that exist in sha, but it gives them a different twist and it changed up the characterization from what i was attached to tbh but it was SO GOOD. i sincerely cannot sing the praises of this fic enough and major props to @hattalove for writing a gorgeous fic that surpassed the expectations of a self-proclaimed sha enthusiast and my boo @philtatoslouis on the art that added so much to it. seriously, go read it right now. the angst is believable and the fluff is lovely and it ends in such a beautiful way that doesn’t feel contrived. can you tell i liked it?
(sorry for the absolutely heinous formatting i’m on my phone, but seriously. go.)
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mommotommo · 7 years
Hey everyone!! I know we are all preparing for the First Annual Harry E. Styles Hunger Games but I have a massive favor to ask. I need to see if anyone out there will be going to the Chicago show and if so, would you be willing to get a ticket for my mutual and friend, @curls-andfringe. She is a great person and very trustworthy. If you can help out, please let me or Liz know asap. Thank you so much.
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anchoredlou · 8 years
Some love for my sweet friends, @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, @rainbowbears, @curls-andfringe, @liesllunalove, @adifferentkindofson, @droppingtheveilofmaya, and @srslycris. All of them have put up with my dramatic self and my crazy asks. Love you friends!
shoutout and love to @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, @rainbowbears, @curls-andfringe, @liesllunalove, @adifferentkindofson, @droppingtheveilofmaya and @srslycris :))
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justlarried · 7 years
@curls-andfringe replied to your post “So I see you've grounded...”
score. thanks, fam. you’re right, it’s all our sons’ faults anyway. how dare they.
it’s definitely all their fault and they’re doing this on purpose and if we’re being honest none of us is surprised
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itsokbbygrl · 8 years
Hey y'all so I was tagged by @mommotommo to do the accent challenge. It goes a little something like this:
Record yourself saying:
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
Pronounce the following words: aunt, roof, route, theater, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, New Orleans, Pecan, both, again, probably, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, pajamas, caught, naturally, aluminum, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, doorknob, envelope, GPOY.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Would you rather be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.
I am tagging @bananastagram @mizzwilde @midnightreff @lifethroughtheseeyes and @lyinginthedark
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mommotommo · 7 years
Shout out
Want to send a huge congratulations out to my sweet friend, Liz. She received a work promotion and gets to move home after being away for a while. I know she's excited and I'm excited for her. Congratulations dear! You deserve this promotion and move. Congratulate her @curls-andfringe.
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nouies-moved · 8 years
Hello there :) I'd like to join the birthday fun! My name is Liz and my birthday is actually today, 9/30/1990 :)
Hi! Happy belated birthday, I’m sorry I just saw your message. I hope you had a great time. You’ve been added to the page, by the way! :D
wanna join my birthday page?
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lululawrence · 9 years
Ok so I was thinking about Nut Tree and also the horse and how they tie together. So my thought went like this: if Nut Tree is on the phone speaking to the horse, could it signify the paternity results being told to the horse, and thus us getting those results "straight from the horse's mouth?" Just a thought of course. But I thought it was interesting considering how that phrasing has been used recently regarding major news about the boys.
Ah interesting. I am not sure we will be getting a direct statement from Louis himself, however I am dang sure that the statement will be from his official rep and not just a source or a close friend or whatever so in a way it is from his mouth if it is from his rep. So that's a possibility really.
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bearmustard · 9 years
Can I just say, I am extra excited for your next podcast recording after all this RBB shit in the media? It's going to be so extra and wonderful. I'm shedding a lone, happy tear in hopes for some serious bear rambling. :')
:D guess it’s a good thing I have @saracha33 and @unintentionalarry as my guests, huh? 
Much bear rambling is planned. 
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kathff2 · 9 years
curls-andfringe replied to your post: “Everything about Louis is so petite and delicate, like his nips and...”:
consider me emotional after reading this
Louis gets me so emo :(
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alivingfire · 8 years
Rachel I stg you were made to write. I'm so impressed every time I finish one of your stories. You make things effortless for the reader--the relationships feel so real and the plots always make sense and you create these worlds readers (or at least I) want to inhabit. It's so easy to suspend disbelief and really dive into your fictional universes and invest in the characters' futures. Ughhhhhh I'm just. Never stop writing, ok??? You were made for it.
thank you so so so much! one of my biggest goals in writing is always to create a believable story, even in an unbelievable situation. harry and louis make it easy, of course, because any love story seems obvious when you attach it to them, but i’m so glad to hear you enjoy the little worlds! thank you again 💕
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mommotommo · 7 years
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I was tagged by @crows-onthewire and by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee to post my lock screen, home screen, song I last listened to, and recent selfie. My lock screen is softLouis. He looks amazing in this pic. It's my favorite. My home screen is a sunflower from my garden last summer. It reminds me to be cheerful even when it's dark out. The song I last listened to is "Partition" by Beyoncé I don't do selfies, but the last pic represents me everyday since 2015. I tag the lovely @curls-andfringe, @liesllunalove whom I thought was Lies Luna Love (lol), @adifferentkindofson who is so much fun, and @droppingtheveilofmaya whom is such a light to me.
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