1d-fics · 7 years
What I’m Reading: September
1. We Should Get Jerseys (orphan_account) - Harry is a hockey player, and Louis is his slightly melodramatic boyfriend.
New Reads:
1. One Day (sarcasticfluentry) - Louis giggles at him. “Hazza, I’m not even up the spout yet, love.”
“Yeah, but…” Harry trails off, pinning Louis with his intense stare, and Louis locks eyes with him and feels a hot wave of anticipation wash over him because the implication is obvious: tomorrow you will be.
… or, Louis goes off of his suppressants and Harry goes into rut.
2. We’ll Be Seamless (waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee) - Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
3. All We Do Is Drive (justaboat) - It doesn’t make sense, the way Louis can have such an effect on him. From one look, or one stupid bet, Harry’s now street racing, apparently. He hates it. Doesn’t know how to control it, every time he sees Louis looking at him - it comes like an impulse. Without a second thought. No rhyme or real reason to it. He’s just Louis.
4. All The King’s Men (sacredheart) - Louis is an arrogant, self assured prince who falls in love with a charming thief named Harry during his youth. However, years later, a revolution is sparked amongst the frustrated commoners… and Louis’s former teenage romance is leading it.
5. Baby We Could Be Enough (orphan_account) - Harry is a photographer who’s trying to find his place. Louis is a single father with a smile that feels like home.
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rainbowoffics · 7 years
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FIC REC’S OF 2017 part 4 (march-april)
Perfect Storm by cherrystreet (80k) CHAPTERED 
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.   FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP WITH A TWIST
You Always Seem To Bring Me Light by sinisterist (18k) CHAPTERED
He jumps when he feels a hand stroking his hair lightly. “I love it like this,” Louis murmurs, reaching to tug a wayward curl.
“Love what like this?”
“Your hair.” Louis’ touch is hesitant, almost reverent, all trace of humour gone now. “When it’s still kind of damp but the ends are dry and curl up like corkscrews. It’s supposed to look gross but it doesn’t.” He pauses before continuing quietly. “Your curls are so lovely.”
Harry swallows. Louis is a hurricane, and amidst his whirlwind of emotions, he slowly says; deliberately says, “So are you.”
In a world where YouTuber baker Harry pines for the (inconveniently taken) Louis. In other words, another YouTuber AU.
Emperor’s New Clothes by sunsetmog (92k) CHAPTERED
The fact that Louis’s most precious belonging was a cat with a face like thunder and an uncanny ability to cover every single inch of Louis’s clothing with cat hair was something that Louis chose not to think about too much.
or: Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship. SECRET RELATIONSHIP
Flour And Chocolate by teaandtumblr (145k) CHAPTERED 
It was nice, for a bakery he supposed.
Then he approached the display cabinet.
And the foreboding slammed into him. Because every product had letters next to it. Letters. GF, DF, V, O, VGN.
What. The. Fuck?
Lifting his eyes to the chalkboard menu spread across the back wall Louis felt physically ill. ‘Gluten-free’, ‘organic’, ‘vegan’, ‘paleo’, ‘dair-…’ Wait, what the fuck was a paleo? He had entered some hipster-trash establishment and it was more than time to get out.
OR Louis is a single dad and Harry works at the newly opened bakery down the street. KID FIC, SINGLE DAD!LOUIS, BAKER!HARRY
Needing You More And More, Let’s Give Love A Try by supernope (33k) ONE SHOT
'Do not get hard, do not get hard,' Harry chants in his head. It’s working, but Harry still breathes a silent sigh of relief when Louis lets go of his wrists and clambers off of him. He doesn’t move for a moment, just watches Louis fuss nervously with his fringe before saying, “Why don’t we go walk off breakfast?”
Harry only hesitates for a second, then nods. He gets to his feet with a quiet, “Be right back,” and heads back to his bedroom to get dressed. Once safely enclosed in his room, Harry glares down at his belly and scolds, “It’s bad enough that you’re messing with my body temperature, do you have to mess with those hormones, too?”
There’s no answer from the baby, but Harry takes that as surrender. Pausing by his bed, Harry takes a second to shake off the residual, lingering embers of arousal before choosing an outfit for the walk. He’s already pregnant with a stranger’s baby, the last thing he needs right now is to be lusting after his best friend.
[OR when Harry gets pregnant after a one night stand, Louis helps him get everything together, from buying pregnancy clothes to taking him on a babymoon. Somewhere along the way, they realize that their feelings for each other are more than platonic.] MPREG!HARRY, FRIENDS TO LOVERS
May You Enjoy Your New Life by aimmyarrowshigh (264k) CHAPTERED
It begins for them all at the bungalow –
'Alright, time to lay out the cards. We’re in this together and hopefully, for the long haul, yeah? So I think – you know, we should just be honest. It’s deal-breakers time. That thing that like, if we’re gonna hate you or something, just tell us all now.'
When One Direction begins, Harry Styles is a sixteen-year-old boy foundering under the pressure of impending fatherhood. His ability to balance the sobering responsibility of caring for his tiny daughter, Millie, and the exhilaration of seeing his own dreams coming to fruition affects not only his future, but those of Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis, who never expected fealty to be the key to their success. But Liam is the first to show him how to grow up without growing old, and Zayn is the first to defend from the public what is private and precious. Louis -- Louis is the first for a lot of things; for most of the moments of Millie's life and for the moments of Harry's that matter. And Niall is the first to toast when Millie is born: Go maire sibh bhur saol nua -- 'may you enjoy your new life.' KID FIC
The End Should Be A Good One by bananasandboots (43k) ONE SHOT
t doesn't feel like falling in love, the way it had felt the first time around, easy, simple, almost like floating, wrapped up in a whirlwind of touches and kisses, late nights spent laughing breathlessly into each other's skin. This feels broken, complicated, like every move carries the weight of their past. Like the floorboards beneath them could collapse at any moment. This doesn't feel good.
Or, the one where Harry loses the love of his life on New Years Eve and finds him again, six months later, ready to open some poorly-stitched wounds. EXES TO LOVERS
See Clearly Now by Awriterwrites (11k) ONE SHOT
“My eyes are up here.”
What? Was— was Louis flirting with him?
Harry looked up — much too slowly, probably — and saw Louis watching him, his mouth quirked up on one side, a grin threatening to steal the pretty curve of his mouth.
“What?” Harry squeaked.
Louis put his hands on his hips, almost challenging Harry to look again, “I said...my eyes are up here.”
Harry felt something electric pass between them. He felt the need to take a step forward, call Louis’ bluff, see if he was more bark than bite.
Biting sounded really fun right about now.
OR a five-times fic where two guys, one college dorm room and a faulty door lead to a few embarrassing situations and finding out more about themselves and each other than they ever bargained for. ROOMMATES
In This Light by exhilarated (99k) CHAPTERED 
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance. FAMOUS/NOT FAMOUS 
Carried Away Like Butterflies by waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee (17k) ONE SHOT
“Actually…” Liam said, scratching his chin absently. “I have a friend who is moving to London soon.” “Without anywhere to live? Who is it? Do I want them living in my home?!” “You met him at my birthday party. Harry, from Cheshire. Remember? Really tight jeans, curly hair down to here?” Realisation dawned on Louis, staring at Liam who was gesturing round about his nipples. Did he remember Harry? Did he remember Harry? He remembered Harry’s square front teeth biting into his collarbone, and he remembered Harry moaning, loud and obscene with no provocation. He remembered Harry dropping to his knees at the edge of the bed and roughly pulling Louis closer. He remembered, vividly, Harry’s lovely plump lips wrapping around his- “Lou?” “Uh- what?” Louis said, startled. “Oh, yeah. Um, I think I remember him.” - It was probably a huge mistake for Louis to let his former One Night Stand move into his spare room, especially when said One Night Stand doesn't seem to remember him. ROOMMATES, PINING
Life Was A Song, You Came Along by rainbowninja167 (37k) CHAPTERED
It's embarrassing how long it takes Louis to recognize his own song. Niall had sung it as a bright, hopeful love song, and that’s honestly how Louis had always assumed it should sound. But this new voice, slow and rough, stripped of any backing instrument, has infused the lyrics with just the tumultuous mix of fear and defiance that Louis can remember so clearly from the night he wrote them. It’s not a comfortable thing, to feel like someone is singing all your secrets back to you.
Louis is a songwriter trapped in a lie that could ruin his best friend's career. Harry owns a record store, distrusts everyone in the music industry on principle, but loves Niall Horan's newest album. A modern retelling of Singin' in the Rain. SONGWRITER!LOUIS, MUSIC STORE OWNER!HARRY
Now You Know Me (For Your Eyes Only) by nadinecestmoi (77k) CHAPTERED
AU, Where Harry and Louis are solo artists and they’re not exactly friends per se but they’re friendly, know each other from industry parties and things like that and there’s always been this weird unspoken sexual tension between them and Louis’ always kinda confused bc isn’t Harry the biggest ladies’ man in the industry?? And one day Harry asks Louis to collab with him and of course Louis says yes even tho he’s kinda surprised and Harry plays the song for him and Louis is completely blown away by how beautiful it is and it’s a love song and he’s like damn, whoever this is about is lucky as fuck bc it’s clearly written from personal experience so they spend all this time together recording and it’s super bittersweet bc they click right away and it takes Louis about three seconds to realize he has a huge fucking crush on Harry but on the other hand Harry clearly had someone in mind when he wrote the song so the last day of recording comes and Louis’ like “thanks for having me on the song” and Harry just shrugs and is like “well it just seemed fitting bc the song is about you” SOLO ARTIST!LOUIS, SOLO ARTIST!HARRY, FRIENDS TO LOVERS
What’s Stopping You? by kikikryslee (14k) ONE SHOT 
That shirt was what held his attention again. How many other guys had the same shirt that H and Harry had, and – wait. H… Harry. Harry did yoga. So did H. They both had the same shirt, and had both gotten home ten minutes ago and were cooking dinner. No way. Louis looked at the picture again, and stared more closely at H’s lips. They were pink and pouty, with the lower lip a bit plumper than the top, just like Harry. And H had brown, curly hair that reached his shoulders, just like Harry. Louis looked over at Harry, who was putting his hair back up into a bun as the kitchen was most likely getting warmer. “Holy shit,” Louis whispered. Have I been flirting with my own roommate all this time? --- Or, the one where Harry wants to get over his crush on Louis, so he makes a Grindr account to find someone new. Of course, Louis messages him, not realizing H's real identity. It only takes a few days for them to figure it out. FRIENDS TO LOVERS, ROOMMATES
Can’t Start A Fire Without A Spark by larrymylove (22k) ONE SHOT
Louis Tomlinson is the pop sensation with his first new single out since taking a personal hiatus from the spotlight. Harry is a paparazzi hired to photograph him during promo. Louis hates paparazzi with a passion, but there’s just something about the pretty young pap with wide green eyes and chocolate curls that Louis can’t shake from his head. ENEMIES TO LOVERS
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laynefaire · 7 years
A Stroll through Music History
Since people expressed interest - here it is.
I’ve made a post similar to this in the past – I know definitely I did so in the summer of 2013.
Many many many years ago, long before One Direction were even twinkles in their parents’ eyes, before Simon Cowell became an evil overlord, and long long before the existence of the internet, I was a sarcastic teenager from New Jersey, complete with requisite big hair and blue eyeshadow.
Now understand this – If you wanted to see a music video, you watched MTV or VH-1. If you wanted to listen to music non-stop, there was no such thing as streaming services, you literally played the album or cassette over and over (though by thelate 80s we did own a CD player). If you wanted news about your favorite groups, you subscribed to newsletters you received in the mail, you bought magazines, you watched MTV News, and you hoped the local radio stations talked about them.
The summer after my 14th birthday, the local radio stations began playing songs from an album full of local groups from up around Northern New Jersey and New York. Some of it was pretty shit, but I instantly fell in love with one song. The album wasn’t available in South Jersey, the song hadn’t been released as a 45 (for those of you too young to know what that is – Google it), and I couldn’t buy it anywhere.  I was so desperate to have a copy that I recorded it off the radio using a handheld cassette tape recorder.
That song was Runaway by Bon Jovi, and thus my first band obsession was born.
It would be almost another year before the song was released as the first single of Bon Jovi’s first album. And by the time 7800 Fahrenheit released in 1985, they were becoming even more popular, opening for Ratt before embarking on a small venue tour of their own. However it wasn’t until the late summer of 1986 when lightning would strike. Slippery When Wet exploded out of the gate, and set off a 3 and a half year run of non-stop touring and album releases. Determined to prove that the success of Slippery When Wet wasn’t just a fluke, they also released their fourth album, New Jersey, a just two years later in the fall of 1988 – an album that would spawn 5 Top Ten singles.
The technology didn’t exist to record albums on the road the way One Direction did. They actually had to do all the album production in studios, and since they were also their own musicians, they had to lay down all those tracks as well. Even the scattered few months they weren’t touring, they were still working non-stop.
Between August of 1986 and January of 1990, in addition to releasing two albums, (and recording one in there as well), making countless awards show appearances, and recording all of their music videos, Bon Jovi also logged 362 tour dates around the world.
Look at that number again – 362 tour dates around the world in less than three years.
And by the end of the Jersey Syndicate Tour in early 1990, they hated each other.
They walked out of their last show, boarded five different planes, and left, and had no idea if they would ever record anything as Bon Jovi ever again.
From the band’s Wikipedia –
Between 1990 and 1991 the band members went their separate ways. The exhaustion of recording both Slippery When Wet and New Jersey back to back, with highly paced world tours after each album, took its toll on the band. The band has since stated that there were few if any goodbyes between them at the end of the New Jersey tour. During the time they took off, the band retreated to their own projects and showed no desire for making another album.
It would be almost two years before they would even speak to each other again. Jon had released a solo album, so had Richie. They needed to make a decision about the future of the band. Luckily for their fans, fences were mended, and a year later, Keep the Faith was released.
While there have been personnel changes, Bon Jovi has managed to endure almost 35 years in the music industry. They have 13 studio albums, six EPS/collections, and three live albums. They have sold more than 130 million records worldwide and performed more than 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries for more than 34 million fans (Wikipedia).
That is the kind of longevity I want for our boys, collectively and individually.
So am I fussed about a 2 -3- 5 year hiatus?
Because if Bon Jovi could pull their shit together, when they couldn’t even manage to fly on the same plane after 7 years in the business, I have a lot of fucking hope for One Direction. These boys still love and respect each other, they acknowledge their roots, and they’ve all, at some point, said they want to come back.
Give them a chance to breathe. Give them a chance to grow. All of us – the guys and the fans – can only come out winning in that scenario.
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lululawrence · 7 years
Feels Like Coming Home by @phd-mama made me have feelings. Soooo many feelings. Fire and Ice by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld made me cry completely unexpectedly. I went in looking for a good time, and I had one, but there were tears first. Feels Like Infinity by @alarrylarrie / Larrymama15 gave me vampire feelings and bizarrely enough, made me want to know more about Niall as a bad guy. When We Were Younger by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee AGAIN with the unexpected tears and feelings.
allllll the feels on all of those!  yes!
feels like coming home by @phd-mamafire and ice by @louandhazaffeels like infinity by @alarrylarriewhen we were younger by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee
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kingsofeverything · 7 years
Hi darling! Can you please do me a favor? I've been having some trouble with sleeping lately, I don't know why but I can't fall asleep so I wonder if you could please recommend me some fics to read in bed, around 10k and not angsty? Thanks in advance 💕💕💕💕
Hello! I’m sorry you’re having trouble sleeping. That sucks and I feel your pain.
@nottooldforthisship just did this bedtime fic rec and most of them are under or around 10K  
I’m going to say you should read all of my short fics, except Running Over Thoughts, because it has angsty parts. AND MY VEGAS FIC! It’s 12K though.
@waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee has a lot of shorter fluffy fics.
@phd-mama has like a million fics that I somehow didn’t know were there? But some short and fluffy ones.
I’m sorry. I didn’t actually name fics? This is part of why I’m not a fic rec blog. I’m not good at it. Also, I’ve been reading A LOT of Drarry lately.
i wrote for it, but i won’t tell you if mine’s posted yet or not. It’s a mystery!
Hope you get some sleep!
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@waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee you put Ed on the dead Paul fic?!  I’m gonna be the first one to read it, I swear!!! Then you might want to consider  poor littel Nancy :(
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hrrytomlinson · 8 years
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my favorite fics [37/?]
When We Were Younger by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee; 76k, read on ao3
Summary: About a week after Harry started visiting this particular chat room, he was watching some kid argue with the whole room about football, personally disinterested as he tipped a bag of crisps into his mouth. He happily chomped on the crumbs, taking a swig from a glass of Ribena to wash them down, glancing at the screen and very nearly spat the squash back out again. His heart was pounding wildly. The display icon of the argumentative newcomer had caught his eye, and not in a good way. He gulped as he clicked the picture, and when it popped up in full resolution, his heart nearly fell right out of his arse. Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own.
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nottooldforthisship · 7 years
waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee replied to your post: B!!!!!!!!!!! *waves* how are ya??? hope you're...
You know what I’m gonna say….
LET ME GUESS : you're currently writing one? (seriously i'm cursed, every time I make a fic rec, a friend come to me to say "oh wait, you'll have to add mine in a few weeks")
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anchoredlou · 7 years
This is a lovely idea, thank you for doing this. Sending love to KK @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee and Marie @hermioneistherealhero for indulging my rants, headcanons/dark larrying and love of Harry; I'd probably delete w/o you. Shout out to @annalarrie for the great chats (and my fav fandom art). Sonja @adifferentkindofson for filling in the blanks when I don't know what the heck's going on. And just everyone I talk to or follow that make fandom bearable. You're all greatly appreciated 😘
here’s some love for you @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, @hermioneistherealhero, @annalarrie and @adifferentkindofson :)
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happilylouie · 7 years
waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee replied to your post: Dearest anon, I am not ignoring some of my friends...
Lol people get hate if they rec their friends and they get hate if they don’t rec their friends… this website I s2g….
It is ridiculous, isn’t it? -.- 
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setsailtomorrow · 7 years
waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee replied to your post: @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee @greybeanielou...
Lol right, I was like “I’ve only heard this once but I’m pretty sure that’s a no.”
well it must be very difficult for them, seeing as harry has apparently never had an important significant other, no person who is home, therefore it has to be a sibling right. that’s just logic. 
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lululawrence · 7 years
I would like everyone to fully appreciate We Know the Game by waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee ! Exes to lovers. The banter oh man the banter. And the sexual tension. Ahhh! Also, I'm going to need the sequel. So. I need her to feel pressure to do this. K thx. ❤️
snort i’m impressed you even attempted to do this on anon since we all know it is @allwaswell16 hahaha but here we are!
we know the game by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee
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My secret is I love you... damn I forgot to hit anon....................
How is it our NM AU coming up??
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itwilltoteshappen · 7 years
@waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee replied to your post “Yeah I am new and was enjoying your blog until I noticed that you're a...”
Breaking News: person who claims "Larrie" in bio is a Larrie
LMAO!!  I totally forgot that was even in there! 
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nottooldforthisship · 7 years
waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee replied to your post: Hey ! How many tabs are opened on your computer...
Oh my god B
That's not that much, right ? RIGHT ?
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I'd like to send my appreciation for all of the authors who did that word prompt challenge. Bloodsucker and hinge etc. Those were a lot of fun to read!
Thank you from me as I (KK) am one of them! Big appreciation first of all to @lululawrence who ran the challenge and also wrote for it, alongside myself, @a-writerwrites, @taggiecb, @allwaswell16, @phd-mama, @afirethatcannotdie, @londonfoginacup and @becomeawendybird!!
The wordplay challenge fics were:
Foundation | Bloodsucker | Hinge | Scream | Cat
Disclaimer: Please read tags in all fics mentioned this week. The views of asks are solely those of ask authors.
Celebrating our very talented fandom authors. All Week!
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