#currently kinning Shinso from MHA
your-bad-fanfic · 2 years
Important Notes:
Dazai x Chuuya (BSD)
It's prolly super ooc, but I don't care rn y'all<3
Also, I wrote this a few months back.
Chuuya lands in the hospital after using Corruption. Dazai keeps him company.
He slowly began to wake up. The darkness exiting as the light flowed in. Good God was it horrible and bright. He pulled the blanket back over his head with a groan. However, a familiar voice called him back into the light. It was a familiar voice... A certain snake.
"Oh Chuuuuyaaaaa~" It was Dazai. Chuuya's barely awake mood dropped instantly. He quickly sat up and whipped the pillow at the boy covered in bandaged.
"Get out."
The ginger seethed before suddenly curling in on himself in pain. While doing this, Dazai had leaned to the side, just barely dodging the pillow. A low chuckle could be heard.
"Ya know... Laying back down could help you a lot.. But hey, what do I know?"
Chuuya was already glaring. He sat up and as soon as he looked up at Dazai, his vision was cut off. For there was a pillow now in his face. The ginger boy grumbled and placed the pillow behind him so he could lean on it.
"What do you want ya bandaged bastard?"
Chuuya was looking around the room and had realized he was in a hospital. The sun was setting.
How? How could the sun be setting? It was just darkness last he remembered. Dazai was quiet during this thought but soon broke the silence.
"Well I figured I'd visit Chibi and bring him this," Dazai extended a small container of cookies and placed it next to Chuuya. Chuuya stared at him, tilting his head.
"What the hell is this? I-"
"Well duh, it's a cookie. Before you ask, no, it's not poisoned.." the brunette sighed softly," Ane-san made them for you. Ya know, being in the hospital and all."
Chuuya rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, like I'd believe that."
He laid back down and rolled over onto his side.
"You took quite a few nasty blows last night..."
So it had been about a day since he had let it out.
"Mori wasn't very happyyyy. But I put in a good word for you because I'm such a good teammate!"
Chuuya sighed and pulled the blanket up more.
"C'mon Chuuya, you can't be mad forever. I'll get up and leave then."
The gravity manipulator halted in his thoughts. He heard Dazai stand up and begin to walk. He rolled over and put his hand out, trying to catch the coat.
"Wait.." Chuuya spoke softly, almost under his breath.
"Stay with me please.."
Dazai stared at the small ginger. Chuuya couldn't make out if it was pity or something else. He could never tell with Dazai. The maniac sighed loudly and dramatically but then climbed into bed with Chuuya.
"Hey! What are you- We won't fit-"
Chuuya was cut off but a "shhh" from Dazai. He got comfy and just laid with the other.
"Go to sleep Chuuya. We won't speak of this. Good night."
Dazai wrapped an arm around Chuuya and the ginger almost clung to the other. He burried his face in the others neck and went to sleep.
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rueclfer · 2 months
What season are you on in mha/bnha?
What would you rate mha/bnha?
Do you enjoy writing smaus? Or something else?
Do you read fanfics?
Are you a dabi kinne?
(Pst I'm a shinso kinnie 🤫)
i stopped watching after szn 4 and exclusively became manga reader but currently rewatching from that point !!
ERM hard one. like each arc is so wildly different. 1st/2nd arc pretty good like 7.7/10 current arc 5/10 bc im bitter
love smaus! love fics! smaus easier on my brain but fics more creatively stimulating.
i do read fanfics but im p selective with it
noooo dabi's too much of an lil edgelord lmao out of all the characters im probably most similar to aizawa
(i love shinsou✊🏼 hes a good one to kin)
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Hi! I would like a match up with any mha and haikyuu character. I'm non binary (xe/they), polyamarous and bisexual. I am shy when you first meet me but once I'm comfortable I'm very loud.
My top kins are: kaminari, Amajiki, kenma, yamaguchi. My hobbies are: listening to music and baking. My favourite anime is: mha and haikyuu. My top love language is: either words of affirmation or quality time together. In a relationship I want: reliability and for them to listen to me ramble about my current hyperfixation. I would love to go on movie dates and get tattoos together.
Thanks. 😊
For Haikyuu I match you with Bokuto and akaashi
I think it's clear that Bokuto is a great hype man, also he would wiggle his way into your life, so he can see your true self and I think he would be a great match with your love languages, he would constantly compliment you, and quilty time would be good for him, you sitting somewhere watch him or doing your own thing while he practices, he would probably faint if you joined him in practice. And because I'm a bokuaka shipper and your poly I'm gonna add in Akaashi because he would be good to you and he is reliable. Bokuto might be a little hard to talk to without him jumping in and accidentally changing the subject, but I promise he didn't mean to. That's another reason I thought Akaashi because he's a great listener. spending quality time with Akaashi while baking,  and Bokuto comes home to his partners and a full-cooked meal or a cake after he won a game. Movie dates for when Bokotos muscles are sore and he just needs to relax.
For MHA I match you with shinsou and kirishima
At first, I was trying to decide between these 2 but I remembered you are poly so I went with both. I don't what dynamic these to together would be if you all 3 were to date, but I know it wouldn't be bad. Kirishima would be perfect for your love language, along with understanding if anything he did or said made you uncomfortable. Shinso would probably adapt to your interest, either on accident or purpose, he listened to you talk and fell down the rabbit hole and now you can talk together about whatever the interest was. Both of them would stare at you whenever you were all together but not actually talking and if you caught them starting they would be embarrassed and deny it. The tattoos will happen with at least one of them, but i would be surprised if it wasn't both of them
Thanks for the submission and I hope you like your matches, from one denki kinnie to another.
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Hiii, could I have a match up from mha and haikyuu please. My pronouns are xe/xem and they/them. I kin Amajiki, Shigaraki, denki, Yamaguchi and Kenma. My hobbies are mostly baking and listening to music. My favorite anime is probably Mha. My top love language is giving physical touch and resiving words of affirmation. Things I want in a relationship is just to talk about anything at anytime and be able to rable on about what ever I'm fixated on at that time. Cute things I want to do with a romantic partner is to get peicing and tattoos together and to travel. I don't have any gender preferences and I have a preference for villans but it's not a big deal.
Also, happy birthday!
For haikyuu, I match you with Bokuaka
Because I’ve done a match for you I’m going to work with my old match up, so if you need a refresher of why go check out your last match up.
Date story
The sound of the door opening and then the wailing of your other boyfriend, Kotaro Bokuto. It wasn’t uncommon for him to come home making sad noises.
“Waaaaa, where are my partners? My muscles hurt.”
Bokuto isn’t always as whiny as he was right now, most of the time when this happens it’s because he overworked himself, and he just needed the comfort of his partners.
You and Akaashi had just finished making some cookies and were just talking while waiting for the cookies to be done.
“I’m gonna go greet bo”
He leaned in waiting for a kiss on his cheek or forehead, he would never admit it but he was just as needy as Bokuto. You gave him a small peck on the cheek and he was off.
After a while, you heard Bokuto whine again
“Where's the other one, where is xe?”
Bo also talked very simply when in this state, but you knew he was talking about you. You knew the cookies would be fine, the oven was pretty loud anyways so you could leave to comfort your boyfriend. You walked into the dining room where your boyfriends were currently. As soon as Bokuto saw you his mood was lifted.
“There xe is. My other amazing partner.”
You went in for a hug and patted him on the back, but then you heard him wince.
“Bo are you okay?”
Bokuto tried to lie. But Akaashi gave him a stare telling him that it's okay to be vulnerable
“Yeah I’m totally fine… no I’m not okay, I’m sore, but I know they like to pat my back and I didn’t want to take that away from them.”
You smile at the sweetness of Bokuto. Then the oven started to beep and you rushed back to the kitchen.
When you're done taking the cookies out of the oven and onto a plate, you walk to the living room where Akaashi is giving Bokuto a massage. Akaashi smiles at you.
“ We've decided to have a movie date. I ordered some pizza, but we can have dessert first.”
You pass around the cookie plate, bo takes 2 but Akaashi only takes one.
Halfway through the movie bo was half asleep, but mumbling complements.
“You two are the best, I love you .”
“ These cookies are amazing babe, yummy”
“I’m so glad I get two amazing partners, no ones as lucky as me”
At the end of the night, you, Bokuto and Akaashi were all asleep on the couch, snuggling. Just an average Friday night for your relationship
For Mha I match you with Himiko Toga
The last time I matched you I gave you Kirishima and Shinso , but I wanted to match you with a villain. I was considering Dabi but u felt he didn’t match what you wanted in a relationship, and toga does. Toga is a touchy and talkative person, and I’ve said this for someone else but she would love matching tattoos and I think she would want to draw them, or both of you drawing them. Having something permanent that was made by you, it's the dream.
Date story
“Baby~~” Togo skipped into the room you were currently occupying. You looked up to see her carrying some markers and paper.
“yes ~~”
You replied in the same sing-song way that she called for you in.
“So yesterday you mentioned that we should get matching tattoos and I loved that idea because I love you so much. Anyway, I thought that it would be a great idea to draw the tattoos for each other. We can call it a date.”
She sat down with you and put a piece of paper in front of you along with markers. She doesn’t care what your level of artistry is, whether you’ve never drawn before or if you’re the next van Gogh. No matter what she'll love it and you know that so you feel comfortable drawing for her.
The two of you start drawing things, from portraits, or anything that reminds you of each other. In the end, you showed her what you drew and she showed you what was on her paper for you. There was a cupcake with cute wrapping that said “I love you cupcake”, it was related to the food you made her, whatever you made her she would call you, even if it was something like bacon or meatloaf. The next image was a small map, because of the trips you guys took. Then there was a portrait of you, it wasn’t like the Mona Lisa, it was in a cute cartoonish style that was uniquely toga’s, and you loved it. She had a happy giggle for both when you showed what you drew for her and when you smiled at what she drew for you.
It was a date you would never forget, partly because you have it tattooed on your body.
Thank you for the request!!!
My birthday event is closed, sorry.
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