#chuuya uses corruption
n4n4juu · 3 months
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your-bad-fanfic · 2 years
Important Notes:
Dazai x Chuuya (BSD)
It's prolly super ooc, but I don't care rn y'all<3
Also, I wrote this a few months back.
Chuuya lands in the hospital after using Corruption. Dazai keeps him company.
He slowly began to wake up. The darkness exiting as the light flowed in. Good God was it horrible and bright. He pulled the blanket back over his head with a groan. However, a familiar voice called him back into the light. It was a familiar voice... A certain snake.
"Oh Chuuuuyaaaaa~" It was Dazai. Chuuya's barely awake mood dropped instantly. He quickly sat up and whipped the pillow at the boy covered in bandaged.
"Get out."
The ginger seethed before suddenly curling in on himself in pain. While doing this, Dazai had leaned to the side, just barely dodging the pillow. A low chuckle could be heard.
"Ya know... Laying back down could help you a lot.. But hey, what do I know?"
Chuuya was already glaring. He sat up and as soon as he looked up at Dazai, his vision was cut off. For there was a pillow now in his face. The ginger boy grumbled and placed the pillow behind him so he could lean on it.
"What do you want ya bandaged bastard?"
Chuuya was looking around the room and had realized he was in a hospital. The sun was setting.
How? How could the sun be setting? It was just darkness last he remembered. Dazai was quiet during this thought but soon broke the silence.
"Well I figured I'd visit Chibi and bring him this," Dazai extended a small container of cookies and placed it next to Chuuya. Chuuya stared at him, tilting his head.
"What the hell is this? I-"
"Well duh, it's a cookie. Before you ask, no, it's not poisoned.." the brunette sighed softly," Ane-san made them for you. Ya know, being in the hospital and all."
Chuuya rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, like I'd believe that."
He laid back down and rolled over onto his side.
"You took quite a few nasty blows last night..."
So it had been about a day since he had let it out.
"Mori wasn't very happyyyy. But I put in a good word for you because I'm such a good teammate!"
Chuuya sighed and pulled the blanket up more.
"C'mon Chuuya, you can't be mad forever. I'll get up and leave then."
The gravity manipulator halted in his thoughts. He heard Dazai stand up and begin to walk. He rolled over and put his hand out, trying to catch the coat.
"Wait.." Chuuya spoke softly, almost under his breath.
"Stay with me please.."
Dazai stared at the small ginger. Chuuya couldn't make out if it was pity or something else. He could never tell with Dazai. The maniac sighed loudly and dramatically but then climbed into bed with Chuuya.
"Hey! What are you- We won't fit-"
Chuuya was cut off but a "shhh" from Dazai. He got comfy and just laid with the other.
"Go to sleep Chuuya. We won't speak of this. Good night."
Dazai wrapped an arm around Chuuya and the ginger almost clung to the other. He burried his face in the others neck and went to sleep.
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sabh0 · 1 month
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My roman empire is that custom-made badge Dazai has sewn inside Chuuya's jacket after the Lovecraft fight
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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yeah sure therapy is nice but teen soukoku is faster and a lot cheaper
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evilkaeya · 2 years
soukoku took trust games to a whole new level like what do you mean you hid antidote in your mouth, joined the villains, got stabbed and was deliberately in a comatose state trusting that your ex partner slash enemy will activate his self destruct stage of ability to come and save you
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originalartblog · 1 year
Question, is there tiny soukoku corruption??????
With big Chuuya around I don't think Tiny would ever need to use Corruption. His tiny gravity manipulation isn't as strong.
But you got it in my head so let's picture it: there is this 3cm-tall dude that faintly glows red and throws deadly baseballs around. He's fast, dangerous, and, again, 3cm tall. Good luck catching, or even spotting him.
It's Chuuya who ends up having to catch him and throw him at Dazai like a ping pong ball so Dazai can nullify him. Or maybe throw Tinyzai at him. Your pick.
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and then Tiny rolls over and starts snoring the hurt away because he's Chuuya and he's just built different.
tiny snore
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mackerel22 · 9 months
Chuuya: *beating the shit out of the enemy using his gravity powers*
Dazai, under his breath: He’s so strong and so dumb and one day he's gonna top me!
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enduracarrotchips · 1 year
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skk wip..
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evermorethecrow · 1 year
A Reunion
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Crychu and dazai dungeon scene when?? (right now)
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r59k6 · 1 year
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This is my full piece, inspired by Ophelia, for @bsdchuuyazine !
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When discussing or analyzing Dazai, one thing I hope you will keep in mind when reading anything I write about him is that from my perspective, he is always, always both.
What do I mean by this? Well, I find there tends to be a general split among people who hold the opinion that "he's a manipulator and will always be manipulative" and "he's doing his best to be good and helpful and live up to Oda's last wishes for him", of which, neither is completely right - because he is both. But even among the people who hold to this dual-nature interpretation, I find that his individual actions and motivations still tend to be thought of in a dichotomous manner - is it manipulative, or genuine?
Again, I think it's always both.
Dazai has a very pragmatic view on a lot of things - he is always looking for the usefulness of things and people so that the situation turns out in his favour. He's incredibly adept at this, and his prediction and placement and careful reveals are all manipulation tactics to get his allies and enemies doing exactly what he needs them to. I don't think anyone can contest this since we see it over and over in the series.
But that's not all there is to it. He's not solely manipulative and he does, to some extent, sympathize with others - I think there are several instances of this in the series, but I want to stress that this has been apparent since Chapter 1!
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For context, Dazai is recalling what Atsushi said to him a few minutes earlier, but it's very interesting that it should be this specific part of the conversation. He could've flashed back to the part where Atsushi said he had nowhere to go; no money, no food - he is about to trick him into joining, after all, and this is the key piece he uses to basically force Atsushi into the Agency. But instead it's Atsushi's self-deprecation that catches his attention, and it really does, because even during the conversation, he turns to look at him after he says this with an odd expression.
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You could say that this makes Atsushi easier to manipulate, if that's your angle, but that can't be solely it, because in the later conversation with Hirotsu, we know Dazai was planning to bring Atsushi into the Agency and set him up as one half of the new Double Black the moment he met him. The panel shown there is the riverbank, set much earlier in the day than this scene. He was already planning to pair him with Akutagawa since he figured out he was the tiger, so what's with this reaction?
Well. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.
He manipulated Atsushi into joining with the intention of utilizing him in his future plans. He also helped him and gave him a place to belong, and importantly, he likes this kid! It's both.
I think much of it might be that his brain just kinda works way too fast - he's such a natural at crafting these elaborate plots and seeing how things connect and gathering useful people like resources that it's practically automatic - though this is not a great means when you're trying to be a kinder person. There's an omake, I believe, that has him saying "I like using my head for justice", i.e. using these underhanded means to act for the better. Not great, but those are the kind of gifts he has. He's way more suited to exploitation, but is choosing to use these tactics to save people now, which is quite reminiscent of what he tells Kyouka. Kyouka's talents lie in killing people - when what you're good at isn't who you want to be, what do you do? Well, I expect you use what you have, even if it's not ideal.
Now, about the current situation with Sigma - I think he definitely likes him, and is intrigued by him and his situation. We did get a little thought bubble where the guy amusedly compares him to Atsushi, and you can't tell me he doesn't care about Atsushi (listen to the onsen drama cd, or read 55 Minutes if you somehow don't believe me). But also, it's undeniable that Sigma is in a very vulnerable position of being homeless and having had no one be genuinely kind to him before. His trust is very easy to earn, and with the latest chapter, Dazai has now saved his life multiple times. There is, as always, a practical purpose he needs him for. And I have to be somewhat amused because Dazai is quite literally telling Sigma everything he ever wanted and needed to hear. It's a brilliant means of quickly endearing himself to Sigma - but I don't think that's all it is.
Look. The most honest moments we get in this series from Dazai are, interestingly for an expert manipulator, when people are at their most vulnerable. In spite of every pointlessly cruel act he inflicted on Akutagawa, his first meeting with him was open and transparent; much like the orphanage director, it seems he thought this treatment would make him strong and adaptable (he's wrong but that's not the point of this). He cuts Kyouka off in irritation and says "don't give me that" when she implies that she would fail the entrance exam. He tells Atsushi it's normal to cry after losing a father figure and to feel however you feel, even if that person caused you nothing but incredible pain and cannot be forgiven. He refuses to entertain Sigma's assumptions that Dazai sees himself as a superior being to him.
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Selective honesty can also be utilized to great effect; Mori does this, and undoubtedly it serves this purpose for Dazai too. But I want to stress that I do sincerely believe this is all still honesty from him. Manipulation, or genuine?
Both. It's both.
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uzi-x33 · 2 months
la seine<3🎀
soukoku edit<<<33 im actually obsessed with the way Dazai looks at Chuuya while he’s using corruption they’re so in love im gonna cry😭😭🙏 i just realized i used the wrong “tune” (i said toon) ermmm we’re gonna ignore it🤗🤗🤗🎀
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etrevil · 11 months
Dazai the kind of person to find Chuuya beautiful even when he's covered entirely in blood and scars, or when wrinkly and old, but still say he's as ugly as ever with a big fat lovesick lopsided smile.
Chuuya the kind of person to hear his bullshit, understand the hidden meaning, smile exasperatedly because this bastard can't be honest for the life of him, then say that Dazai doesn't look bad himself.
Then Dazai grows redder than a tomato, and continues spouting insults at Chuuya, who just enjoys his wine.
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Dog spelled backwards is god
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sulliedsorrow · 4 months
dazai looks at chuuya like he’s found god
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ratsbanes · 3 months
Headcanon: Dazai makes fun of Chuuya's hat because it was his welcoming gift into the mafia. He's using it as a way to say "look who wound up in the mafia, even though he said he'd destroy it".
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