#curse you! a thousand curses!
ruinreads · 8 months
everyday everyday I curse the dengeki daisy author making the main leads' ages being so icky while meandering down the romance line
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gnomeantics · 1 year
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i love knowing basic css
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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one day, in a thousand years
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The reason why all the Iliad adaptations suck is because for them to be accurate they should add scenes of patroklos just looking straight at the camera like in the office
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catilinas · 5 months
do you ever think about the pharsalia
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janamensch · 6 months
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This is what Ophelia looked like at the end of that fight. to me.
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redrobin-detective · 8 months
I wonder how long Marcy tried to get Simon back from the crown after they met up again before she gave up and avoided him.
I can see vampire Marcy roaming endlessly with no purpose after she destroyed all the vampires and finding Ice King. Initially she must have been thrilled, both she and Simon were alive and had all of eternity together. But it became clear the crown's madness had sunk in deep to him and the Simon she knew was lost. She screamed at him, talked gently to him, told him stories, cried into his shoulders, grabbed the crown and ran far, far away with it. Nothing worked, this obnoxious looney tunes character was all she had left of her dad.
I bet she consulted wizards, read books of magic and searched the nightosphere for answers. Once she met Bubblegum then she was begging for a scientific approach to cure Simon. It backfired when Ice King fixated on her and Bonnie held a grudge over that for centuries. I wonder how long it took before despair set in and allowed anger and frustration to build up.
After all, Simon had abandoned her years before. He chose the crown over her in the first place so why was she trying so hard? If it weren't for him, she'd still be mortal and not cursed to live forever. Time had passed, she had forgotten how much Simon resented the crown and what it was doing to him but was helpless to stop. She was no longer a scared child but an angry young adult stuck permanently in the confusing state of late teendom.
Marcy did not have Betty's obsessiveness, her knowledge of research practices, her willingness to go beyond the limit of reason and responsibility to get Simon back. One day, she gave Ice King a gruff goodbye, threw away her notes and proceeded to keep him far away for hundreds of years. Ice King is brought up in conversation and she diverts, never talks to or about him. Enough time passes that no one remembers they used to have a history, even Bonnie never got the full details.
She told herself the Ice King meant nothing to her until he tracked her down -once again- to jam and she realized not only was Simon still there but he still loved her. And then did she open her heart.
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thinking abt kenny and his anti-neet agenda
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
It’s the way I was gonna send this earlier but got distracted-
gojo and geto blurb that is in my head bc I just watched hidden inventory arc.
No it is not canon, no I don’t know how their powers work
“You haven’t slept in two days, and you aren’t planning on sleeping again tonight, are you?”
I’m just so deep in thought abt this scene bc yeah. So here’s how I think the scene shoulda gone bc Gege is a coward:
The two nights of not sleeping were catching up to him, and Gojo feels like he’s going to die on day three. His body feels like a lead weight, and he can barely move. His eyes are burning, but he can’t dare to close them. He has to keep on full alert for… reasons.
Geto comes in and sees him in the state he’s in. His heart immediately drops. Gojo looks like he’s about to collapse.
He comes up next to the chair and places a hand on the white-haired sorcerer’s shoulder. The man jumps a good few feet in the air. “Shit- Suguru, you scared me.”
“Sorry, Satoru,” Geto whispers. “How’re ya’ holding up?”
“Decent,” Gojo hums, accentuated with a yawn. “I think I can smell shapes now.”
The brunette exhales a chuckle, kneeling to the left of the chair. “Yeah? What does a circle smell like?”
“Like a-“ he yawns, subsequently rubbing his sore temples. “Like- like uh- yeah.”
“I agree,” Suguru replies, turning off the lamp before slowly bringing his hand up to thumb at his friend’s thigh. “I’m sorry you have to be up for so long.”
The two are left in darkness, causing Gojo to release a loud sigh of relief “I’ll be fine… I’ve got you with me.”
The whisper in Gojo’s tone lets Geto know that his friend is about to cry. “Switch with me.”
“I said switch. Let me sit.”
“Hah? Suguru-“
“Satoru, stand up.”
Begrudgingly, and with great effort, Gojo manages to stay upright for about four seconds before his knees and thighs fail and send him back down. He sits in the brunette’s lap, head hanging low.
“There you go… yeah… shh… let go, Satoru; it’s okay...” Geto soothes as he pushes the latter’s head against his chest. “You just get some sleep, and I will keep watch.”
“Suguru, I can’t.” There’s pain in his voice. Geto can feel the shaking of Gojo’s body as tears burn behind his eyes. “I-I have to p-protect-“
“And you can’t protect them while you’re exhausted,” Suguru soothes as he starts to comb through the white mop beneath his fingertips. “If they came after us now, what would you do?”
There’s no reply.
“Please…rest, Satoru,” Geto begs, hugging his friend closer to him. “It’s just us awake… you can be vulnerable now. You don’t have to be the strongest with me.”
With that spoken confirmation, Satoru shivers as he breaks down into soft cries. Suguru cuddles him with zero judgement and zero words spoken. He hums a soft song the two have always enjoyed as he begs the greater gods above to allow Gojo to sleep.
After a mere ten minutes, the white-haired male is sleeping soundly with residual tears on his face. Geto sighs in relief and hugs Gojo closer to him as he releases his cursed companion to watch over them all.
Gojo would probably be pissed at him, or he would pretend it never happened. But either way, Suguru smiles as he rubs his friend’s back and shoulders.
Tomorrow will have to be the judge…
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DUCKY! Oh my- *explodes* THIS IS EVERYTHING??? (and nah you're totes right Gege get on Ducky's level with this emotional ANGST) Gojo not taking care of himself and Geto having to step in feels so canon? And him humming songs while he breaks down GAH! I love this and I love them- thank you for sharing this delightful masterpiece I am in HEAVEN! *hugs a thousand hugs*
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flowercrowngods · 6 months
girl help i’m having steddie fic ideas beyond my skill level :/
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theophagie-remade · 11 months
"omg how dare Horikoshi kill his gays!!!" "LOL the queerbaiting in bnha lmao" "Horikoshi hates women so obviously Toga had to die </3" "I haven't read bnha since 386 b.C. WHAT I'm so offended" "Toga choosing to kill herself is so powerful and Uraraka did manage to fully save her actually" "it's just delusional to say that Toga isn't dead kek" etc
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makenna-made-this · 1 year
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maglorslostsilmaril · 11 months
hello maybe someone has already said this but uhhh do some of y’all realize how wrong it sounds out of concept to say that Sam was the true hero of LotR?
“Sam was the true hero! He had to carry Frodo because Frodo failed!” -> “All of Frodo’s contributions fail to matter because in the end he needed help. A hero is only valid if he doesn’t have to rely on anyone else.”
Like obviously not everyone who says that always means the second part, but overall like. That’s kinda the implication that’s being given. And it’s kinda messed up.
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theophagie · 3 months
> opens bnha tag
> "Even when Nana was wrong for having a family and a son when she knew AFO would target them..."
> closes bnha tag
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mixelation · 1 year
tbh i don't like the "fuinjutsu is like coding for the laws of physics" metaphor EXCEPT when it is applied in the most cursed way possible because in my limited experience that is how it goes irl and therefore how it would go in ninjaland. quick everyone post cursed coding/fuinjutsu
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