#curtwen headcanons
amazingmsme · 6 months
(Sorry to add to your massive pile of recent Starkid asks lol)
I cannot stop thinking about SaF recently!! There’s a tragic lack of fics for curtwen like is it so wrong I just wanna read about them giggling and being cute and happy,,, Owen would torture the shit out of Curt and we all know it
Y’all never need to apologize for sending me headcanons, this has been the one thing keeping me sane during finals. But I know exactly what you mean! I was so shocked when I found out there’s barely any fics out there & immediately set out to change that. I really need to add on to my saf fic series where Curt & Owen take turns mock interrogating and torturing each other. They can both be so unhinged, I love them so so so much!
The tickle community needs to stop sleeping on things with canonically ticklish characters (spies are forever, what we do in the shadows) like what the fuck I thought that was our bread & butter!
Owen is SUCH a tease, so I know he makes his life a living hell every chance he gets. He also makes sure to keep that fluffy feather on hand. He thinks it’s adorable how Curt’s neck & ears are his most ticklish spot & he makes his kisses ticklish on purpose
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smytherines · 2 months
someone please take these apps away from me
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(I have to assume someone already did this better, but that doesn't stop me from doing it worse)
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rockrosethistle · 23 days
I have literally never seen anyone look more lactose intolerant than agent curt mega did immediately before ordering a glass of cream
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look at him. look at the posture, the expression. Don't tell me he can tolerate lactose because I know that's not true
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cindytoast404 · 2 months
owen would absolutely have a picture of curt he threw knives at post-fall bc he’s toxic and gay like that <3
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ted-spankoffski69 · 5 months
{It's a rare entirely ooc post! Since the headcanon of Curt and Owen from Spies are Forever being the Spankoffskis' grandparents is canon in the rp, I wanted to share my own personal related headcanons
growing up, Ted spent a lot of time at Curt and Owen's place for the same reason that Pete's living with Ted instead of their parents
because of this, contrary to everyone's expectation, Ted is surprisingly good at handling guns
at family gatherings, Ted and Curt always end up drunk together, and Owen teaches Pete how to trick them into sobering up (eg. pretending to get them another drink but not telling them it's non-alcoholic)
Ted and Pete both love listening to the stories Curt and Owen have to tell about their missions
Owen constantly has to stop Curt from telling them state secrets and classified information
both Ted and Pete have tried telling people at school that their grandpas used to be spies to make themselves look cooler. Both of them were not believed and instead made fun of
Also how I justify this hc works in the first place:
the whole spies plot happened as we know it, but instead of Curt shooting Owen, they just kissed or something idk just let them be happy plz
Owen is bisexual (that's just my hc regardless of the other stuff), and at some point, he slept with a woman who then got pregnant. He found out about the child when that woman died (idk it's a dangerous job people die all the time), and he and Curt decided to raise it as their own. That child later became a parent of Ted and Pete
Also, I'm pretty sure Curt and Owen would be over 90 by now and I'm willing to say that either spies took place a little later in this canon, or some timey wimey stuff happened so they're a little younger because in my imagination they're still very active and more athletic than a 90 yo would realistically be (or they just live forever and never have any health problems whatever)}
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perksofbeingpoet · 3 months
as y'all know i love posting my silly little headcanons so like feel free to use that ask button and request weirdly specific or general headcanons- i just wanna talk about my boys 🎀✨️
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
One of my favorite curtwen headcanons is that Curt was nearly instantly crushing on Owen when they met, although he was able to hide it by also being jealous of Owen's superior skills and overall just being better at Curt at things. Curt I wouldn't say is one for subtilty when it comes for his dislike of people, he seems like the type of guy to fake laugh at a joke and then say "fuck off" in the most serious voice.
So he's quietly crushing on Owen and openly hating people singing his praises and Owen is all too aware of the former, jokes about the latter, then bam the latter is real and Curt genuinely likes him
Owen, probably surprised, says "fuck it" and they proceed to do who knows what who knows where
And thus curtwen begins
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itsjusteds · 2 months
So instead of working on my school work or DND session prep, I started a new fanfic! It's called "You Were My 7 Minutes" and it's going to be 7 fluffshots with angsty undertones. It's also an Owen perspective fic so wish me luck
Chapter one is now posted :D
I'm trying to get back into writing and let my writing style evolve a little bit more so this is really good practice for me :D
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endy-merimo · 2 years
Curt fell in love with Owen quickly after they started to be friends but Owen needed detailed analysis of Curt and he was obsessed with examining him as he was slowly falling in love
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szollibisz · 1 year
I hope everyone knows the marriage comic takes place pre-banana incident (1955ish) it's not a happy ending for them <3
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amazingmsme · 6 months
Curtwen hcs cuz 🤷‍♀️ (these two are on my mind 24/7)
Owen LOVES to play the 'how long can i keep my hands behind my head' game, and Curt loves trying to break him (which he always does eventually). Curt loves to tease him through focused gritted teeth, like "oh yeah is this difficult?? You better not laugh or i'll think this is working~" meanwhile Owen's squinting real hard and trying his darndest not to squeal.
(Idea bc im sore as hell rn) Curt gets sore rly easily bc of his stature and his workout schedule compared to Owen, so he may need some massages. BUT theyre in some abnormal areas—like the hamstrings, his sides/lower ribcage, or (god rest his soul) his feet. Bonus points if Owen genuinely wants to help and is trying to make it as un-tickly as possible, but that doesn't change anything.
The first 'interrogation roleplay' they did occured after 1) Curt got knocked out by the baddies, 2) Owen defeated the baddies and stole one of their outfits, and 3) Owen decided itd be the funniest prank. Curt thinjs he's gonna hurt him but then he pulls out a feather (somehow?? However tf he'd just have one-) and goes to town. Curt is MEGA embarassed but Owen reveals his disguise and apologizes <3
Been thinking about this ask ever since I got it & I can’t get over this, it’s SO GOOD & everything I could eAa qver ask for! I need fics with all of these ideas stat!
Owen LOVES the challenge of keeping still & thinks he’s so superior for being able to hold still, even if ict’s literally just for a few minutes. He’ll be white knuckling the headboard, gripping on for dear life until he finally breaks & pulls his arms down! Curt LOVES to tease the shit out of him because usually the shoe is on the other foot lol
Curt is ABSOLUTELY too ticklish for a massage! Not that Owen minds, he thinks it’s really cute & endearing. But Curt gets so flustered & nervous when offered a massage & tries to come up with excuses about how Owen doesn’t have to do that for him or it doesn’t hurt as bad & he just needs to walk it off, but Owen insists that he help take the edge off. & at first he tries to make it not tickle, but it’s just too tempting & Curt is way too cute & ticklish for his own good!
That’s 100% how that played out! Maybe it was supposed to be a solo mission but they both were assigned to the same one so they didn’t know the other would be there. It would be HILARIOUS if Owen got there first & already completed the whole thing before Curt even got there & when he spots him sneaking around he gets the most devious lil grin as he comes up with his master plan. He probably found the feather rooting around an office & there was a mug full of fancy fountain & quill pens & snags one. He sneaks up on Curt & knocks him out before he even knows what hit him & he slaps on a fake disguise & waits for him to come to & has some fun. Uses a cheesy fake accent, coming on a little too strong for a villain & then takes him completely off guard with the tickling! Curt is so confused & embarrassed when he starts using the feather & through choked back giggles he’s like “what kind of fucking bad guy are you?” & Owen pulls off the disguise with a shit eating grin & goes “one of a kind” Curt is relieved it’s not actually one of their targets, but he could kill him😂 he’s just gotta get his revenge, which he does as soon as they’re behind closed doors (in a safe location)
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smytherines · 3 months
you tried girl
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there's a specific subset of fans who headcanon pete to have curtwen grandparents and while i see the vision it's a little funny like yeah my grandpa invented the computer my other grandpa is a world-famous spy who tried to stop him from doing that and almost killed him they've been married ever since. my dad sells women's shoes
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bazzleman · 20 hours
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curtwen week day 2 alternate prompt: first kiss
this was a doodle that stems off my headcanon that in some universe their first kiss happened when they almost drowned on a mission and curt was unconscious so owen had to do cpr and mouth to mouth and at some point curt woke up, immediately misinterpreted the situation and kissed him and it all went downhill from there folks
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honeydewmelan · 1 month
what was good enough for you from the Bonnie and Clyde musical feels so curtwen coded but it might only be curtwen coded because of the very specific headcanons and characterizations of curt and owen that I have
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this really feels right because of the “curt as texan flavor of american” headcanon. Especially adhd texan curt, I can’t imagine he would be satisfied with staying as a farmer when he has all these stories of outlaws and westward expansion fueling his dreams. He’s always seemed to kind of thrive on the fame and notoriety being “The Great Agent Mega” brings as well.
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Adrenaline junkie owen. Why else would he hang around the foolish, reckless, seat of his pants escapes type that Curt is? Owen feels like the type of person who just craves More of life than being an ordinary person could give him, and he finds that in Curt. Maybe he joins m16 to see more of the world, but when he meets Curt he can’t help but be swept away a little by his influence, and that’s part of the reason they stick together.
I of course have more to say about my personal interpretation of their relationship and how these traits affect that but this song in particular got the brain worms goung
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bothsloth-originals · 11 days
modern curtwen pride headcanons you say?
Ok so basically Curt and Owen live together somehow and Curt’s mom comes to visit but catches them in the act, and so Curt tells his mom he’s gay. Curt’s mom proceeds to ignore Curt for like a full year (ouch) but pride month rolls around and she made them matching bi and gay sweaters
Curtwen rainbow capitalism shopping trip
I will draw it until the end of my days
ok that’s all bye
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