#cutting my V out of all of them hurts a little bit 🙈
moondustocean · 6 months
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Kerry Eurodyne
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malicedafirenze · 2 months
Unfiltered thoughts about Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco
Untagged spoilers below the cut, click at your own risk
For a proper review that makes a bit more sense, see here. This is just my unedited notes I took while reading
Love that Remy and Zidan are back to being bitchy
Lol only one bed but on purpose 
Did Eugenie just fuckin decapitate a guy with her long nails are you fucking kidding me 😂
Ugh Valenbonne showing up in person. Idk if I dislike it bc he’s a hateable bastard or because it lacks believability…
The overgrown castle and night empress cocoon give big video game boss lair energy 
She‘s described with „dark skin, the same shade as Remy‘s“
Oh I‘m glad Remy is finally giving his father a bit of honest ranting about his abusive bs 👀
Lil bit cringe that the kids at the Fata Morgana would ask if Remy, Zidan and Xiaodan are lovers, and take an interest in how Zidan slakes his thirst
Remy telling the kids stories feels a bit indulgent 
Malekh offering to let Remy take control 😍
Again, very self indulgent, could do with more subtlety but well
Good to know that she pegs him sometimes I suppose 😄
They‘re just so transparently horny the whole time. Like I‘m here for it but it gets cheap so quickly if there‘s extended focus on that
Ooov the villain was Aluria‘s colonialism? 👀 (remy‘s mother, re. her motivations, in his dreams)
Vampire pigeon 😂
Them arguing while fucking is funny but also a bit goofy 🙈🙈
I‘m on board with some bdsm familiar shit on display, but the presentation of it somewhere between kink and obligation is a bit off
Lady Rotteburg‘s apologies for her treatment of Remy ring a little hollow/indulgent too
I find it odd that Remy still meets with and gives info to his father‘s messenger?
Ooh okay that was in discussion with Malekh
I find it a bit toothless that xiaodan (and malekh) are so utterly supportive of remy‘s choice re. humanity/vampirism. They seem a big too perfect and potentially boring to me at the moment?
Ok good Zidan is weirdly controlling re. Remy‘s dreams shortly after
I‘m 12 Chapters in and a bit dismayed that I‘m finding it alright so far :')
Missing any acknowledgment of pressure/equalizing when Zidan drags Remy underwater 😑
Malekh‘s past with the night king 🤝 Raihn from TSatWoN
That the whole gathering of court leaders would pause to speculate on what remy has with zidan and xiaodan feels kinda cheap
I‘m here for the exhibitionism but I find it odd in its presentation. Like, ok their whole thing is submission, but it‘s still a weird af combo of a council meeting and an orgy
Like ffs her mother is watching 🙈
I just don’t love how much of the actual dialogue is so self indulgently about „oooh so a reaper is in bed with the third and fourth court leaders“. Like sure make that part of the conversation but it‘s so cheap if that‘s all there is to it
Some of the exposition is presented in sort of plump dialogue 
I‘m bothered that apparently Remy still doesn’t know precisely what being a familiar entails
Elke recapping the development between Allegra and herself feels v much like it could have been much better woven into the story :‘)
So much interpersonal stuff is just really plump. „Hi remy sorry for my lord attacking you I seriously want to be friends. Ok sure I‘ll then immediately answer your deeply personal question that perfectly mirrors your own internal struggle re. getting turned“
Ok them fucking on Ishkibal‘s throne to help Malekh make new memories of it is fun and hot
Gah why does everyone else need to keep talking about it afterwards though, including with Valenbonne 🙉
Still feel like everyone‘s being entirely too generous and forgiving towards valenbonne
I don’t mind the focus being political, but I feel like there’s too much tell vs show
Remy being hurt by Thaïs being one of the traitors rings a lil hollow, calling her a friend when they‘ve only interacted a handful of times and one of those was her being pushy af
And Xiaodan figuring out all the details of the priestess‘ plan is also a bit much? idk
Them both being in a frenzy and remy getting malekh back by insulting him is cute
The whole thing where it uses the nth court leader instead of names is so grating 
I‘m not a fan of how valenbonne is still their ally tbh
Increasingly bothered by everything that makes him appear sympathetic again
He apologizes but he‘s not really rueful about any of the horrible shit he‘s pushed remy to do??? 
This Jost twist is also kinda coming out of nowhere??
Not sure I got completely why and how Ishkibal is using the Night Empress‘ body
I do not like Valenbonne being all badass, using breaker to protect Remy etc, who is this for 😭
Valenbonne‘s „I should have died the day I realized you were still out fighting in those caves“ rings so fucking hollow what 😭😭
“I think the only legacy he wanted to leave behind was you” 
How tf is any of this earned
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echoes-lighthouse · 10 months
I’d love to read about your BNHA world ships and dynamics! 💞☕️🛌🪐💘🙈 - rnm-magicspace-xsd (I also really love BNHA so I got a bit overexcited and chose a lot of questions, but I’m looking forward for reading your take on your life with those dear lovers/found family members!)
Thank you so much @rnm-magic-space-xsd!!! I'm super duper in love with this ask game so all of the questions are soooo welcome! I love imagining what the 'canon' version of these selfships would look like.
Because I have three different BNHA canons, I'll just do a quick little recap before I dive in!
Caregiver Echo: paired with Shigaraki, my self-insert is a magazine editor and the plotline is more about Shigaraki's recovery arc
Silvertongue Echo: paired with Toshinori, our romance is a background arc to the canon plot: my self-insert is a teacher at a school for the deaf/hoh
Cat's Paw Echo: paired with Toga but also in a polycule with most League members, aligns with the canon plot with some shifts: my self-insert is another member of the League of Villains
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Caregiver Echo: answered here
Silvertongue Echo: hard to say! They're a relatively minor character: some people might pair them with Hizashi because of the sign language element. In my heart they should maybe be shipped with Nezu but I don't think anyone else would agree with that lol
Cat's Paw Echo: I think fans would just not really like them because they're a bit fanservicey?? But maybe they'd get shipped with both Toga and Ochako because Toga/Ochako is obviously OTP material so why not OT3 with the canon pair? Maybe also Mr. Compress because they get along well?
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o? 🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
I accidentally answered ☕️as 🪐 so here we go!
Caregiver Echo: Fantasy AUs are really popular for some reason? People are just really here for evil!prince!Shigaraki, I think. There's also a few childhood friend AUs or flipped roles where I'm evil and Shigaraki is just an innocent out there and I kidnap him >:)
Silvertongue Echo: mostly just a lot of different meet-cutes! People write about us meeting when Toshi's in hero form because we never interacted as Echo and All Might in canon. So lots of AUs where we meet with him rescuing me.
Cat's Paw Echo: non-Quirk High School AUs get written a fair amount, also a lot of omegaverse :V
🛌💘🙈 are under the cut because I'm chatting a lot!!!!! I really super appreciate this ask and it is so much fun to answer them beside each other!
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
I'm sooo bad at knowing what tropes are so I'm sorry if my answers suck :P
Caregiver Echo: I mean the whole relationship is a bit cliche so it's tropes all the way down! The fics go more into the kink stuff but it's a bit 50/50 on who they make the dom/sub in the pair. Aside from that, all the usual 'villain redemption' tropes!
Silvertongue Echo: People really lean into my mental health in the fics and write a lot of hurt/comfort with me struggling with depression and things that come with that. And as I said, lots of meetcutes.
Cat's Paw Echo: lots of romantic blood drinking and trauma coping and sharing sad backstories
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates? 🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
Hahahahaha oh THIS is a fun one: I have to answer them at the same time because they're similar answers!
Caregiver Echo: A classic story of love and redemption!!! Take care of that sad crusty boy! The masses love to see it! As I mentioned, we're ambiguously romantic in the canon content (some fans interpret it as platonic) so we are a VERY debated ship. There's an age gap and Shigaraki is clearly not familiar with interpersonal relationships so some people argue it would be creepy to ship it romantically, while others say it's encouraging the 'afab character saves dangerous man from his own emotions' story
Silvertongue Echo: I think people who dislike this ship just think it's boring and unnecessary to the plot? Adding romance is disrespectful to the point of the story, etc. But I'm sooo charming that most people like the ship anyways: we've got a sweet plot and we win most people over to our side! We don't get a lot of discourse: some people pick a fight with our age gap but it's not really noticeable from our designs so a lot of people forget about it tbh and also I'm a proper adult so who cares aside from the real sticklers
Cat's Paw Echo: Ohohoho big discourse on this one! My character is two years older than Toga which technically makes it an adult/minor relationship and that is Big Discourse, and then other League members are even older, so that's double discourse for the people who ship it as a poly thing. Evil gay people is also a point of discourse between me and Magne and Toga being all canon queer and basically no canon queer heroes. All of that said, people who see themselves in the outcast group and just want to run around like feral villains and get loved for being themselves without making themselves 'normal' go wild for the League and also for our ship!!!
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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My RL gameplay (18+)
CW addiction, drugs
Ana’s birthday should be remembered forever, at least that’s what VICTORIA  thought. 😩 Which is why she posted selfies and pics from this....boozy B-day party. I mean, I haven’t drunk! No, I’ve done much worse, as you know. 🤦‍♀️ That’s why I didn’t immediately notice, Victoria posting these embarrassing pics of me. WITH Z.!! 🙈 Normally I wouldn’t give a shit about this! Honestly! But somehow I suspected, Philip could see these pictures and totally misunderstand everything. I didn’t know, Victoria was posting everything. I didn’t check this until the next day! Victoria didn’t mean any harm! It was Ana’s B-day! Just V. didn’t know how jealous Philip is!!!  After all, when he was with her, he was pretty relaxed about such things! 🤨 🤷‍♀️ He even “cheated” on Victoria with me and met Isabella. 😒 And I never really talked with Victoria about Philip’s crazy ....delusions of mine. She just knew, that I was jealous because of Isabella & P.’s past,  numerous....hookups.
And a bit later, this Martin came along, who plays with Nico soccer. He is on the same team with him and should be in Italy!!! But what I didn’t know at the time, Nico came home. Martin looked at me totally shocked! He seemed mad? That’s why I didn’t talk to him, which was definitely a mistake. Because that’s how I would have found out, that Nico flew back with him. But about Nico, I’ll explain later.
And D.! 😠 He was also totally weird and shook his head when he saw us all having fun. I REALLY felt sorry for him, about this horrible thing with his family. But, his poisonous gaze towards me was starting to annoy me!...D. knew what Z. & I did and he didn’t think this was cool! Besides, he warned me a few times, not to get involved with Z.! We’re both addicts! Still, D. should climb off that high horse of his! Because he’s gonna do exactly the same shit as Z. & I!!! Sure, why this happened to him, has a lot to do with his grief, but we all had our reasons. And I’m not defending Z. or looking for an excuse, why we took drugs. But what I learned is, that there is much more behind all this, than what we believe or think to know, about a person, who’s doing this...bad, crazy shit. Most of them have a very sad or traumatic history/experience behind them. Just like when I learned what Sofia was going through as a kid with her mom. 
Anyway I had a lot of fun! We all had a good time. Ana wanted to unsettle me a bit. She gave me dirty looks because of Z. 😈  But this wasn’t meant seriously, she was just kidding. Ana and I never fought over a guy. Compared to Sandra! Even wit Ana, S. will have a little fight in the future over a....man. 🤨 Yep!
The next morning/day 😩🤦‍♀️
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Under the cut, I’m talking about this baby thing & Philip. 😒
I was totally devastated, I’m going to fly to Philip. He and I have some things to clear up!!! And what awaits me there will break my heart. The trigger for all this shit was those damn pictures he saw of me & he thought I broke up with him, because of Isabella & the Baby. Still, I was so disappointed with Philip! He hurt me a lot. 😔 😭  I mean, he didn’t do this on purpose, he was hurt, too. And I wasn’t any better! Why am I doing all this things with Z. when I know how sensetive Philip is when it comes to Z. & D.? But I was also totally insecure about Philip’s Baby. And YEAH, it’s actually Philips Baby! 😔 Philip has a little daughter! 😕 With Isabella! And somehow, I just knew, this was true! No matter how sure Philip was! After all, he was totally stoned that night for Halloween, when he and Nico wanted to do this crazy sex thing with me. Just a few hours later, he slept with Isabella. 😢 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ But I’ll explain more, when I meet him abroad.
Ana: What are you gonna do now, A.? 😧
Me: I-...I need to see him!
Ana: But you can’t just leave! He’ll calm down!
Me: He thinks I don’t love him anymore because of Isabella and all that baby shit! I just need to see him and sort things out with him.
Ana: You should have done this weeks ago before he flew away! Over the phone and with messages, you can not solve any relationship problems. He totally misunderstood all your messages! Because he can’t see you.
Me: I know! 🤦‍♀️ 😩 And these pictures of me & Z., have only made things worse.
Ana: Seriously? He thinks you’re cheating on him? Since when is Philip so jealous? I don’t know him like this!
Me: He and Nico always hated D., and recently Philip even messed with Z. I had a really bad withdrawal and Z. got me drugs. Philip threatened him to stay away from me! And what do I do? As soon as Philip left, I had fun with Z. 🤷‍♀️
Ana: But you did nothing bad! It was my B-day & we all just had a good time! 
Me: No, Ana! I took drugs with Z.! 😒 And Philip is not stupid! He knows it too.
Ana: Shit, A.! 😨 Ugh! It’s my fault! 🤦‍♀️ I invited Z., you know. Still, why is Philip freaking out, just because you were having fun? You know what? I’ll call him!
Me: You can try, but he won’t talk to you. He is totally stubborn! And I can understand that he’s jealous. I’m also jealous of his ex bitches and Isabealla. Who’s been driving me crazy, sending me ultrasound images of her baby and constantly telling me how happy they could be, the baby, she and Philip. You know? 😟
Ana: Omg, A! 😧 And I thought it would be easier & better for you with Philip than with Nico! But...this is just crazy!...  Wait 2 days before you fly to him! It’s those holidays, then. You have 3 days off. But you have to go to work tomorrow. You can’t just leave!! And you need to tell Mom & Dad!
Me: I’m so afraid of losing him! 😟 🤦‍♀️ I love him! Everything hurts without him! Actually, I don’t need anyone else! Even Nico not!  I just want P. to be there. 😢
Ana: 😟
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