#cuz it's my driving foot that's fractured
darlinqs · 2 years
did i tell yall i fractured my ankle i think i did
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hoeforhao · 1 year
🥢🧸Plasters🧸🥢 Seungkwan Drabble
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🩹 pairing: boyfriend! seungkwan x gn!reader
🩹 genre: pure fluff, comfort, boo being sassy as usual yet the most loving partner too!!
🩹 series: svt as boyfriends
🩹 wc: 1k+
🩹 author's note: me going through bad days mean one more part added to my svt as boyfriend drabble series hehe. also i fell down today so bad, which in turn resulted into this idea as Boo had always been my comfort boy!Tell me if y'all like it🧸
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"Yah y/n watch your st- fuck not again" the sassy blonde walking behind shouts at the five footed shortie infront of him, who was now sitting on the road like a homeless, after tripping onto literal thin air.
You might be wondering who this butter footed person is right? It's no other than you yourself, aka the boo seungkwan's clumsy ass girlfriend.
Seungkwan quickly runs to the accident spot, extending his arms in an instant to pick you up in his embrace. "You need to be sent to the Louvre now you know?" Although he wanted to tease you some more for your mishaps but he could clearly see the pain and discomfort in your eyes, from the fall.
"Get up y/n. We need to get to the clinic right now" he still holds out his hands forwards for you to take support onto him while getting up. But to his surprise you refuse to even acknowledge the help offered and instead push up onto the concrete with your palms while slowly lifting your now aching butt from the road, wobbly standing up in the process.
"Tskk I don't bite girl!" Seungkwan throws a teasing tantrum at you while marching down towards his car, obviously hurt at the fact that you still don't consider him worthy enough to rely on.
"I don't really need to see a doctor Kwan. I'm now literally used to hurting my butt every few days!" you tug onto seungkwan's arms just before he reaches out to open the car's door for you, pulling the man to now face you,or rather tower you. Everyday you curse the universe for making you a woozi height! Like was it that hard to have your friend mingyu's height? Or at least his boyfriend wonwoo's?!?!?!
"Don't be silly you 'a slice of tangerine in place of a brain' person. You are clearly in pain and I won't take any excuses y/n. Get in the car right now" Seungkwan has always had this effect on you even after being so sassy and babygirly most of the times, the one that makes you follow his words like a kitten. So that meant you only had one option left and that was to get yourself decked in as a passenger princess, while your boyfriend drove you to the clinic.
The drive was literally like a mourning ground, spiced up by seungkwan's often sighs and worry in his eyes, alongside the fidgeting taps from your fingers.
The screeching of the tyres brought you out from the hole you've dug out onto your lap with your flaming beads, looking up to see that you're now in front of your most dreaded place - the doctor's chambers!!!
You were still seated clutching tight onto the leathers even though it was hurting your wound more, not wanting to go out and wishing that seungkwan would change his mind.
"Get down y/n. Don't make me drag you out like a five year old girl. Quick quick do you want a potato to replace your butt now?" he opens the door for you, unfastening the seatbelt and pulling you out of the passenger side, the clutch on his arms as gentle as an otter holding onto their child.
With no way out in front of you, you followed seungkwan like a duckling as he lead you into the reception, the xray room and finally to the doctor's!
"She has a minor fracture in her coccyx. It's better to give her complete rest for a week at least or we would need to operate her to get the fracture fixed!" the doctor now drops the bomb on the two of you! You were mentally cursing at him and wished that you could tell him to shut the fuck up. Why?
Cuz now Seungkwan would absolutely eat your brains out, treat you like a princess and not let you feel the ground for a whole goddamn week. And it was definitely not an unknown fact how stubborn this man was. If the doctor has told you to rest, he'll make sure to not let you get out of the bed at all, making you feel like a queen whose feet are too precious to touch the dirty floors.
"We definitely will doctor." he takes his own butt up from the chair, taking the prescriptions from the older's hands and helping you up from yours. "I'll make sure she heals completely within this time. Thank you!"
And with that your misery starts. Or should I say your royal days start.
"You know that you don't have to follow what he said right? I'll be able to deal with it myself only" you quietly blurt out to Kwan while walking down the white corridors, hoping that he would accept your shenanigans.
"Do I disgust you y/n? Do you not think me worthy enough to help you? To treat you in your tough times? Am I that unpleasant to you y/n?" seungkwan finally lets his pain out, standing amidst the parking lot, his voice breaking and eyes tinted with oncoming tears.
"N-no Kwan. Never!!! It's....it's just that" you take a halt before deciding whether you should let him see the true reason behind your actions. "It's just...just that I've always made myself that strong to...to take care of myself by my own, so I...I always feel....feel like a burden when others help me"
"I'm not others love, I'm your partner, your boyfriend. My duty is to look after my girl and treat her like cotton." Kwan takes his hands into yours, drawing small circles onto their top, trying to calm you down from the breakdown evitable in your eyes now.
"Besides I don't want to get engaged to a potato butt" he pats your head gently, flashing you with that same old sassy smile and side eyes of his, something you've always found the most attractive about him, the ones that made you fall for your childhood bestfriend out of all the people in the world.
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ninzhuo · 3 years
a voiced thank you note
02:37 AM satoru’s fingers plugged the hard drive into his computer. he slowly put his earbuds in and pressed play on the video. the sound of your soft voice flooded his ears and your face appeared on the screen.
“hey ‘toru,” you smiled, giving a small wave, “if you’re watching this, it means that something went wrong— but i don’t want you to be sad, i’m not.”
satoru paused the video, he felt a lump forming in the back of his throat. pushing it back, he took a deep breath of air and resumed the tape.
“i always wanted to be a hero; to use my abilities to help people,” you paused, sniffling a little. “i believed i could do the impossible, but i never imagined it would turn out like this. i’m glad it did.”
05:24 AM the white haired sorcerer woke up in his office chair, the beginning of a smile played on his lips until he remembered you weren’t there to greet him. his feet carried him to the kitchen of your— his— apartment. satoru poured himself a cup of the cold coffee that he’d made yesterday absentmindedly.
he felt the ghost of your arms wrapping around his torso. a single tear rolled down his cheek, trailing down to his chin until it plopped into his mug. neko, your cat, rubbed against his legs slowly, giving a plaintive meow.
satoru glanced at the couch, and for a second he was brought back to the time that you sat on the right side— your side— and helped itadori win against the white haired man in chess along with fushiguro. the smile you wore on your lips was forever imprinted in his memory, and he remembered that night so vividly because, it had been the night he understood that he wanted to marry you.
“i wouldn’t change anything about my time with you, my sweet, sweet fiancé; the most important person to me in the world.”
08:37 AM satoru trudged into his classroom silently, bringing an aura of cursed energy to every corner of the place. itadori was the first one to notice him.
“sensei, you should take the day off,” the boy said, giving his teacher a weak smile.
satoru gave itadori a saccharine smile, “i know what you’re thinking yuuji. but i’m fine.”
kugisaki sent fushiguro a look of worry, which went unnoticed by the oldest sorcerer. the messy haired boy looked down, feeling his eyes gloss over as he accepted that you really weren’t coming back.
01:26 PM satoru’s eyes looked at the grade four curse that fell to its feet in front of him.
“i wish i could be there to celebrate every new chapter, to witness every one of your successes—” 
he felt the ghost of a hand on his shoulder, and before he disappointed himself, he imagined your smiling face as you’d tease him about getting so happy over a low-grade curse being defeated.
“—just know that wherever i go in my life, you’ll always be by my side.”
08:46 PM satoru watched as neko nestled herself under his arm, the place where your head belonged when the both of you cuddled. he stared at the framed photo that sat on the coffee table. it had a single, long crack that ran down the middle of the frame. he remembered the fight that caused the fracture in the clear glass.
“why don’t you just leave then?” you’d asked, holding a small fushiguro close to your legs.
satoru’s jaw clenched, and the volume of his voice raised when he said, “because i’m the one who bought the place! if anything you should just go!”
“fine,” you said, taking fushiguro’s small hand and leaving the apartment, telling him that you two were going out for ice cream.
satoru’s foot kicked the coffee table, knocking over the photo, causing the crack.
10:19 PM satoru crawled into his bed, letting neko jump on and curl up next him. she gave a long meow, as if asking for you.
“i know,” he said, petting the cat’s head softly. “i know.”
your side of the bed was empty, and he didn’t have the strength to turn around and find himself  with no one to turn for.
“because of you, i know i will never, ever truly be alone.”
12:23 AM satoru was dreaming. he was holding a small baby, wrapped up in a blue blanket. he looked over to you, and a smile made its way onto his face. you grinned up at him and your baby.
03:37 AM the white haired sorcerer placed the earphone in their respective places. he pressed play on the unfinished video of you.
your face smiled softly on the screen, “thank you for everything.”
satoru felt his eyes tear up.
“for helping me be a hero and for loving me even if i wasn’t perfect.”
“you were,” he croaked, barely above a whisper.
“please remember that i love you and i always will.”
there was a pregnant pause. he stared at your face.
“something went wrong,” you said, smiling directly at the camera. “but i don’t want you to be sad— i’m not. ‘cuz i got to spend my life with you.”
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{{  IRL Update  }}
{{  Gonna put this under a cut cuz it’ll be lengthy and have images but IF YOU’RE CURIOUS ABOUT WHERE I’VE BEEN here’s my irl upate y’all  }}
So, I’ve been pretty exhausted these last several months, to the point where I couldn’t get to my sweet ol’ blog here. I honestly could barely keep up with my normal day-to-day activities. So, what’s been going on? A lot, honestly. Let’s start from the beginning, which was about February. My oral health stuff was overwhelming. If you’re new or need a refresher (cuz it’s been a hot minute no lie), I had some major dental issues back in August/September last year. I had an infection that was clawing it’s way into my jaw, which can be incredibly dangerous. They did an emergency procedure to remove all the infected nerve and issue, which is great. But there was still a lot of work to go through to get my entire mouth up to snuff. I’m still not done with it all if you can believe that, and it’s almost been a year since this started. I haven’t gone in a few months though for irl reasons (which I’ll list shortly) and because I got switched to a new dentist that has a hard time making time for me. But at least I’m at a point where I can operate without pain, so there’s that. I had one of two surgeries back in April, which I am recovered from, so now I just gotta wait for the dental surgeon to get a hold of me so we can make a date for the second one. Alright, so dental stuff sucks and ate at a lot of my time from February until now. What else, you might ask? Cosplay. I decided to take on a huge project for Anime Central this year, which was Sylvanas Windrunner from Blizzard’s franchise of games, but particularly her World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth version. I hadn’t taken on such an ambitious project before, so I was really sweating to get it done before the con. There was a lot of new materials and methods I had to practice with when it came to this costume. Some of it worked well, some of it ended in blood and tears. But, despite it all, I got most of it done. Most, because I didn’t make her bow/quiver, but honestly, what mattered is that the outfit itself was presentable and good. It...had some complications as far as making it sit properly on my harness. But that’s what I get when I rig it all together in the hotel room on Friday/Saturday. This is the fruit of my labor from about March through May:
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Hard to see but I had working LEDs and everything! I was so heccing proud of this honestly. There’s a ton I want to improve and upgrade on what I have, but honestly, I was just happen to get this out in time. Many sleepless nights were had, but it was worth it. Okay, so I was busy through May with this dental stuff AND the cosplay jazz. What about from end of May to now? I started focusing on my Patreon more--yeah, I have one of those! I use it for cosplay shoots, life updates, art stuff, etc. I had to sit down and do tutorials, make sure I record my methods for art and cosplay, and fulfill jazz on there. Here’s a little tidbit of what I’ve worked on (that I can share lol):
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So, what else? Well, wonderful question. I hacked my hair off at some point because I got liquid rubber in it from creating Sylvanas (Plastidip can eat my whole ass) which was pretty weird for me cuz I’ve had long hair since middle school.
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It feels...weird, but I also kinda like it. I hated short hair in middles school and vowed not to chop it off since then, but getting liquid rubber in your hair has a way of changing your perspective. I’m also a different person and have evolved from the ugly duckling I once was, so it feels a bit better having shorter hair now that I’m an adult. I had some irl family issues that I had to mitigate (I tend to be the level headed anchor in my family, so people come to me when disputes happen). That, and my birthday was actually in June! Long story short, my birthday is smack dab between two of my friends, so I had my get together the second to last weekend of June so the other girl could have the June 30th weekend (my actual birthday) for herself. Sadly, my get together started with a trampoline park...where I rolled my ankle. Badly. The ER tech who x-rayed my foot said I'd be lucky if my ankle wasn’t fractured. Well, luck was on my side and the doctor on staff confirmed it wasn’t fractured. However, I severely tore my ligament. I have to see an orthopedic doctor about it to determine the full damage, but she made it sound like physical therapy should be discussed. That was two weeks ago now and it’s still swollen and injured. I can walk on it finally but I can’t put more than my own weight on it without pain. I also can’t fully twist or extend my foot without strain either, so while I can safely walk on it, I’m playing it safe by not driving (I don’t trust myself to slam on the breaks in the event of an emergency) or wearing heels. It’s still super bruised and eggplant-y but it’s gotten better. I won’t show pics of it because feet are gross and my right foot is particularly nasty with bruising and swelling. And now we’ve come to present time! I’m just about to leave for a convention for the long weekend and won’t be back until Monday, but I’m putting my best foot forward fucking irony by returning to this blog now that the craziness has died down some. I do have some busy days to come, as I’ll be moving into a new place next month, but I won’t let that stop me from resuming my role as the energetic athlete and socializing with all y’all. Those who have known me before my hiatus and stayed--y’all the real MVPs. Those who recently followed me and have taken the time to read this--y’all the real MVPs too. Now that I’m back, I want to put the peddle to the metal and interact with all of you. Sorry I’ve been gone for so long--I’ll do my best now that I’ve returned! -- Lenore  <3
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Like I know what a broken wrist feels like (it's a hot burning sensation that didn't feel right tbh) but this is a sharp pain in the top of my foot and like I can wiggle my toes with only some mild pain
It literally feels like the bone in that part needs to crack but it can't and I really hope nothing is fractured cuz it's also my driving foot and I commute to campus so like... I can't...... not drive.......
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saiphyy · 7 years
Bursts in, Hi do ALL THE NUMBERS. ALL OF THEM. or just like all the even ones if its too much. also wtf thats my art ur using as your banner??? i LOVE YOU??? +_+
1.Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? i really like spotify2. is your room messy or clean? ehmm let’s say messy 3. what color are your eyes? hazel green4. do you like your name? why? yes, you can make cool nicknames with it andit’s one of my favorite names tbh5. what is your relationship status? single pleasesomeoneloveme6. describe your personality in 3 words or less. lovely, shy, anxious7. what color hair do you have? dark red8. what kind of car do you drive? color? I don’t have a car and I don’t drive9. where doyou shop? At the soup store10. how wouldyou describe your style? “?????”11. favoritesocial media account. Tumblr,youtube, vkontakte12. what size bed do you have? DoubleI guess?13. any siblings? Don’t have14.if youcan live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I honestly don’t know15. favoritesnapchat filter? THE NOIR FILTER!16.  favoritemakeup brand(s) I dunno, I’m not that intobrands and such but I usually buy from oriflame17.how manytimes a week do you shower? I shower every 2-3 days18. favoritetv show? Don’t have19. shoesize? 40-4120. how tallare you? 176cm21. sandalsor sneakers? sneakers22. do you goto the gym? No, but I want23. describeyour dream date. Just walking andtalking all night long24. how muchmoney do you have in your wallet at the moment? 190 lei25. whatcolor socks are you wearing?  lilac26.how manypillows do you sleep with? 4!!!!27. do youhave a job? what do you do?  Yes, I’m a waitress in a restaurant28. how manyfriends do you have? Not many29. whats theworst thing you have ever done?  Tbh I don’t remember and I don’t think I want toremember30. whatsyour favorite candle scent? Citrus likeoranges, lemon,31. 3favorite boy names  Ian Will(all names that start with w)Alexander/Sasha32. 3favorite girl names Alice Alexandra/SashaEllie33. favoriteactor?  nah34.  favoriteactress?  nah35.  who isyour celebrity crush? nah36.  favoritemovie? Hmm FantasticBeasts37.  do youread a lot? whats your favorite book?  I don’t really read a lot (shameonyounaty) maybe AnnaKarenina , right now Im reading Code Davinci38.  money orbrains?  Brains (cuz with brains youcan make money)39.  do youhave a nickname? what is it? Hopefriend ;D Naty, Nathaniel, Nata40.  how manytimes have you been to the hospital? with fractures never41.  top 5 favorite songs. Counting Stars by OneRepublic, Addictive by RoyalRepublic, All Good People by Delta Rae, What do we know by Thosand Foot Kruch ,The Beast of America by Nico Vega42.  do youtake any medications daily?  soothingpastiles but not daily43.  what isyour skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oilyand dry44.  what isyour biggest fear? Failing45.  how manykids do you want? 2?46.  whatsyour go to hair style? Ponytails, buns, loose(?)47.  what typeof house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  medium appartment48.  who isyour role model? No one tbh49.  what wasthe last compliment you received? From an old nice??? drunk customer50.  what wasthe last text you sent? “ :D!!!”51.  how oldwere you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 8-953.  what isyour dream car? Don’t have53.  opinionon smoking? Disgusting, at least don’t smokeright in front of me54.  do you goto college?  Actually graduated with atourism mangement degree55.  what isyour dream job? Web designsounds interesting56.  would yourather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  I’m a town person, I don’t think I could handle the rural life(especially in Moldova) , even thought sounds nice57.  do youtake shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yes58.  do youhave freckles? Yes, but theyaren’t that visible59.  do yousmile for pictures? Yes!!!60.  how manypictures do you have on your phone? Over 30061.  have youever peed in the woods? Of course62.  do youstill watch cartoons? YES63.  do youprefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? We don’t have Wendy’s and I don’t really like McDonalds64.  Favoritedipping sauce? Ketchup, adjica65.  what doyou wear to bed?  a shirt , long pants, SOCKS!66.  have youever won a spelling bee? we don’t have spelling bees67.   whatare your hobbies? Saying “I want to die”,editing, drawing/doodling comics, sometimes handcrafting68.  can youdraw? I’m just anamateur69.  do youplay an instrument? no70.  what wasthe last concert you saw? Okean Elsy71.  tea orcoffee? TEA72.  Starbucksor Dunkin Donuts? neither73.  do youwant to get married? I’m not ready, maybe when I’m 3074.  what isyour crush’s first and last initial?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtheymightbereadingthispost75.  are yougoing to change your last name when you get married? why76.  whatcolor looks best on you? Green, purple,blue, black77.  do youmiss anyone right now? yes78.  do yousleep with your door open or closed? Open -_- my cats love to walk during the night79.  do youbelieve in ghosts? yea80.  what isyour biggest pet peeve? Dripping sounds or repeated sounds 81.  lastperson you called` my dad82.  favoriteice cream flavor?  Chocolate and pistachio83.  regularoreos or golden oreos? Never ate oreos84.  chocolateor rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate sprinkles85.  whatshirt are you wearing? A hoodie86.  what isyour phone background? Night sky87.  are yououtgoing or shy? shy88.  do youlike it when people play with your hair? YES! JUST DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH MY HAIR!89.  do youlike your neighbors? I don’t know them  90.  do youwash your face? at night? in the morning? Yes, at night to wash my makeup and in the morning just to wake up91.  have youever been high? no92.  have youever been drunk?  Yes93.  lastthing you ate? Chicken liveryuuuum94.  favoritelyrics right now  nah95.  summer orwinter?  summer96.  day ornight? night97.  dark,milk, or white chocolate? White and milk chocolate 98.  favoritemonth?  April and august99.  what isyour zodiac sign Leo100.   whowas the last person you cried in front of? My parents 
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stillwooozy · 4 years
fuckkk well i was drunk and fell off my bike, fractured my wrist and broke + dislocated my big toe like a big loser. and i was about to go on a camping trip, RIP me
you know that song by Remo Drive about always getting hurt? like physically. like everyone else ‘growing up’ but the main singer is sitting here whining about “i keep on getting stitches and crashing my skateboard and eating shit daily” yeah thats just my life
i never really care, like boohoo i have to wear and cast and hobble around. once my wrist feels better i can drive cuz its my left foot thats fucked and no rules against driving in a cast i think.
but im a sad granola grunge man that gets excited about getting bit by mosiquitos and shitting behind a log. love my solo backpacking time. instead “quarantine” is extended by 2 months
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