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So I’m not able to do any drawing at my tablet at the moment cause I can’t bend my knee (dislocated it and am in immense pain) so here have some old fanart! If I’m not mistaken this is meant to be Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson though it could also be Piper Mclean from Hero of Olympus but I’m really not sure all I know is on the back it just read “Fanart: Riordenvers so idk.
Anyway I should be back to normal drawing soon enough plus spring break is coming up so I’ll have some free time! Thank the gods! I guess I could post sketch book drawing but it’s mostly gesture drawings a bunch of hands and song quotes so I’m not sure yet.
Any way that’s it for now! Bye!
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Fanfic Dilemma
Alrighty folks hello and welcome to: I need advice!
So I’m currently writing a Ninjago fic ( Why can't you explain?) and I’ve recently come across the headcannon of Lloyd being trans and I absolutely adore it BUT there is one tini tiny little problem: idk how to properly execute it.
So in the fic technically I already had a plot point planned about Lloyd not having a birth certificate for comedy reasons so Darkly’s and St. Onyx’s (it’s a place made for the fic) didn't question it when he was dropped off by this random family. And Ig Darkly’s got a letter at one point from like Garmadon or Misako or someone like “Yeah this is are kid Lloyd” and they were just like “okay that’s a pretty masculine name so you know”.  I love the idea of Lloyd getting his name purely because it’s a pun, like that’s perfection. 
But the thing is: I’m not a trans guy I’m just some random demi gal (she/they btw) and I was wondering if any of y’all have some advice for writing trans characters and stuff cause I want to do the best job that I can! So please leave any like advice or something where ever you please cause I’d really appreciate it! And don’t worry I will be doing my reading :)
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Have you ever wanted to see the pathetic excuse for a map that I made for my Royalty AU? Well you’re in luck!
I’m way to into this fanfic, I’m having boat loads of fun like I made a world anvil page and everything! Can y’all tell I’m hyper fixated?
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Did I perhaps see vouge fanart and immediately want to do it? Fuck yes!
So it took me for-fucking-ever to figure out what outfit I wanted to put Cole in and figuring out colors was even worse! His jacket was initially mean to be black with silver accents but I gave him rose earrings and I immediately knew I needed to go for pink and greens but I kept flip flopping back and forth between making the jacket green and making it pink but in the end I went with pink.
Anyway I had a whole lot of fun with this so I'm probably going to do more of these!
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Oh you want hot buff lady? Well I am VERY happy to oblige because I like hot buff ladies too!
So from the first time Nya came on screen I immediately got "Chill tall girl energy" and I just love her so much. I love that fact that she's constantly saving the guy's sorry asses and they're just like "Sorry Nya". And you can NOT tell me this gal ain't buff as hell, like she saw everyone else training and she was like "gimme a piece of that!"
I love her dynamic with Kai it's just so sweet and her relationship with Jay is the epitome of "Tall girlfriend/short boyfriend" and also "Two very ADHD goblins but in very different ways" though Idk if I ship it but I don't have any major problem with it, though her and Pixel might have been cute idk. (Also lets be honest with ourselves Cole and Nya were literally never gonna happen but I do think that she taught him how to do eyeliner).
I feel as if I should mention that Ninjago does indeed pass the Bechdel test because her and Pixel talk mechanics a lot and she also talks to Skylor multiple times about a variety of things! So yeah bet y'all weren't expecting that one!  
Anyhow as for her outfit I went with a very tech-wear aesthetic because I just though it fit, I threw her ninja symbol fucking everywhere and I had so much  fun with her shoes. I don't think she would wear this while working or anything, more like an out on the town ordeal or just generally when she doesn't have to get her hands dirty.
In conclusion I love Nya she carries literally and figuratively!
(PS. if you’ve already seen this elsewhere it’s because that was my other account cause I thought I lost this one)
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Ninjago yin and yang
Okay so like JUST watched the episode where Jay asks Nya to be his yang (very cute btw) and while I'm not really like a hard core Jaya shipper (I think that's the ship name) I did find the moment cute, even more so I love the implications of asking someone to be their "yang". Cause essentially you're asking "will you be my better half" which is just so sweet!
Also I love to imagine other ninja and them asking in their own cute little ways. Also you can't tell me Kai isn't the type to ask who ever (honestly I don't ship him and Skylor cause they barely interact anymore) to be his yin instead cause like he likes to be funny like that.  
I'd image Cole would probably also do something similar but more in a Edger Allen Poe "Tell me every terrible thing you've done and let me love you anyways" sort of way, cause you CAN'T tell me he doesn't still carry that theater kid/ dance kid dramatic flare!
Zane would probably be more normal about it, though he's a nerd so he'd maybe set up some cool display or something. (Though I really like Zane x Cole so I can only imagine the two both trying to do this at the same time and it being quite funny)
Also you can't tell me Skylor wouldn't be the type to do something extremely dramatic (have you SEEN her father) and so I'd imagine one day she goes to the ninja and is like "Yo I wanna ask [insert name] name here to be my yang y'all wanna help" and it ends up being like absolutely magical.
I'm actually low key intrigued to know what y'all interpretation would be, if anyone else wants to write how they think the ninja would ask someone to be their yang/yin I'm totally down to read that!    
Thank you and good day!
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Royal Au Zane and Pixel
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My wonderful robot children whom I love and adore!
Okay, so I was not expecting these designs to come out HALF as good as I think they did! I've never drawn Pixel or braids before and lord have mercy I had way too much fun with both. I debated changing Zane's hair but I honestly had no ideas for it so I kept his hair the same.
Also since this is an old-fashioned royal AU I didn't really think robots would exist so instead I clearly gave them prosthetic limbs. I gave them both two very different styles since Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg are different people and therefore would most likely have different design techniques.
Anyway they act like siblings and they absolutely love harassing each other, but they're also both really smart, and if you see them plotting together RUN cause otherwise, they will involve you in it without you even noticing. In conclusion, I love these smart morons!
The fic itself: All That We Can Give
(Also I got my account back yay!!! this is literally just a copy paste from my back up lol)
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Decided to make something a lil angsty cause I can, maybe I’ll make a follow up maybe I won’t idk.
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Season FUCKING 8 of Ninjago
So I have been emotionally demolished (big surprise there) because my favorite character, and please don’t behead me for this, was Garmadon. I’ve never really mentioned it before because I saw no need to, but gods.... I’m in physical pain.
Why is Garmadon my favorite character? (I swear this section matters)
Because I love the way the show handled his character, I love how even when he was evil even when he was infected with the Great Devourer's venom, he was clearly trying to be good, he played more of the role of an anti hero than a true utter villain in my personal opinion (the crew also said that was kinda the intention in the beginning so I’m not to far off base). He clearly cared about his son and his wife, with Lloyd seemingly knowing who his father was before he had even gotten the chance to meet his mother (I promise I will talk about Misako in this rant cause she does play into it) and Garmadon is shown doing pretty much nothing other than telling his son “I love you, you matter and please don’t be like me” in season one through till then end of season four and even in their short meeting in season five. 
Also it feels like the characters conveniently forget the fact that: isn’t the whole reason he’s evil because he was bit by the Great Devourer? The best comparison I can think of is blaming someone who was bit by a werewolf for becoming a werewolf, again not sure how else to put it. Also he’s shown doing a whole shit ton of good stuff before the evil like fully took over, like he fought multiple wars on the good side. 
But then after he’s like de-evil-fied he immediately becomes this really kind chill person (hm it’s almost like he was a fundamentally good person who got dealt a really bad hand) even swearing off fighting, only breaking that vow because his son is in danger. In fact after he’s turned not evil (idk man) he’s a really valuable member of the team who’s honestly a lot less reckless when it come to the ninja’s well beings, like seriously who left Wu in charge of these people, and even snapped at Wu when they got BLASTED OFF INTO SPACE. His redemption is rather slow with most of the ninja taking most of season two to truly warm up to him, even after they’re still clearly weary of him, which I freaking love btw.
Finally after multiple seasons of proving he is a better person, admitting past lies (such as the letter to Misako, which honestly if a letter was all it took to sway her one way or another I’m not really sure how loyal she truly is, but I digress), mending bonds and just generally doing things to prove himself a good person, then the ending of season four hits and he sacrifices himself in a final act selflessness to save everyone. And I’m sorry but the line “I had wanted to make the world in my image, but I realize I already have, in you.” To Lloyd as his last goodbye was just heart wrenching. His last goodbye was an act of selfless good and even after we see him in season five he’s not concerned about escaping he is concerned about his sons wellbeing. 
Why Harumi bringing him back makes me so upset.
So yeah that’s why I love Garmadon but why does it matter? Well because he died a good person. He died with people remembering his sacrifice as something good. Then Harumi brought him back, but not the Garmadon who loved his son more than anything, not the Garmadon who went through seasons of mending bonds, no she brought back the part of him entirely consumed with evil and hate, and it makes me so FUICKING mad!
Imagen you go through years of healing and change so you’ll be remembered not only for the evil you did but the good person you died as, only for someone to bring back the evil part of you to crush the image people had of you and wrecking the bonds you’d made leaving your memory utterly demolished and your family bond broken because some random girl decided she cared more about her own revenge and anger than the peace and good ending you had worked so hard to achieve.
Also the effect it’s going to have on Lloyd (Note I have not yet watched season 9 so take this as what I think would be the emotions he’d be feeling). His last true memories with his father were with the Garmadon who redeemed himself, it’s the person Lloyd considers to be his real father/the real Garmadon only for Harumi to bring back the man who Lloyd knows isn’t really his father only a hollow shell with his voice and snippets of memories. I can’t even imagine one how gut wrenchingly terrible it would feel to lose your parent only for someone to bring back what’s essentially an evil clone to destroy all the good that they had previously done.
Enough about Garmadon lets talk about season 8 (This section is far lighter)
This season was awesome! I loved most of the changes to the character designs and voices (apparently some people didn’t like the changes but honestly my only complaint has so be Kai’s hair color being kinda weird) it just felt like everyone’s voice actors were going so much harder this season, especially Zane, Cole and Nya’s like Nya’s voice and (let’s be honest) pretty bad hair cut was holding her back and since that all changed she’s honestly just so much cooler now! Also Zane switching from more human esq while in front of people while being robotic around his friends was just a fun rather personal touch, like it just felt like such a neat character quirk, like I just love to think of Zane not wanting to scare like younger children and stuff like that so he wears the more human appearance.  
I loved all the reveals of small character quirks, especially with Cole, like him apparently not liking public singing (do I smell possibilities for fanfiction) and being really good with kids, like that’s just so adorable. Also all of Cole and Zane’s little side quest was just more shipping fuel for me lol. I loved the Pixel reveal and it just feels so fitting for her to be samurai X like just way to fun!
Was the season perfect: no, but was it really freaking fun and enjoyable and depressing, yes yes it was! In conclusion this Lego show should not have this much of a hold over my emotions tbh, but I’m not gonna stop watch so ya know!
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Royal AU Lloyd and Skylor
The fanfic in question:  All That We Can Give
So in my royalty AU instead of having Chen and Garmadon have a sensei student dynamic (since it doesn’t make much sense to me and also makes me question how old Chen/Clouse are) and instead I had them be friends. I also just love the idea of Chen and Garmadon trying to figure out how to be single parents and just dropping their kids of with the other when they get to overwhelmed, like Chen gets really tired and is like “Alright Skylor you’re going to uncle Haito’s(Garmadon) pack your things!”
So since their dads are friends Lloyd and Skylor were raised together, they bonded over the fact they both had absent moms (Each for a different reason) and so now they’re besties who care about each other a whole freaking bunch.
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 Also as for Skylor’s design I decided to take Chinese influences since Chen is (from my research) a Chinese surname. I used her original color pallet for her clothes since I... I just really didn’t want to give her bright red hair I’m sorry! I also usually don’t draw pupils (and I’m not about to start, Skylor is an exception) but I just really loved the idea of giving her and Chen snake eyes as an homage to their Anacondrai plot line, and also to give her some extra visual flare!
As for Lloyd I just used the design I chose for him with a slightly more human base skin tone cause in this AU his father and him have a curse as apposed to being part Oni. 
So yeah I had so much fun with this and gods do I love the way Skylor’s whole ensemble came out from her hanfu to her jewelry I just had such a great time! Lloyd was fun to but he was very much so in my comfort zone. 
Anyway next is either gonna be the the Smart Siblings (Zane and Pixel) or are Eastern siblings (Kai and Nya) or the Southern (kinda) Cousin Duo (Cole and Jay) which ever I feel like drawing first! (Probably Zane and Pixel I just love them to much and I can’t wait for y’all to see what I have planned since I can’t make them robots!)
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Why does Cole Have super strength?
So this is actually a question that's been floating around my little rat brain for some time now, cause like it doesn’t make much sense, none of the other ninja have this power or any other extra power as far as we know so seemingly that’s there for like for no reason! Cole has is elemental power and super strength for no reason. But that got me thinking there’s an elemental master of speed so what if there was supposed to be an elemental master of strength (no this is not going to be angsty this is for the haha funnies) but the first spinjitzu master just happened to really like the master of earth so he was like “Hey how would you like a little extra something something!” and so now the elemental masters of earth have this extra random power.
I can just imagine how the conversation goes down:
Jay: Sensei Wu how come Cole haw super strength but no one else does
Cole: Fair question
Wu: Uh... My father favored the old elemental master of earth
Kai: What the hell does that mean!
Cole:... my great great something grandfather was just the first spinjitsu master sugar baby
Wu: That is not what I said...*whispering* but you might not be wrong 
Cole: Hey at least I got soemthing cool out of it 
Wu: Alright we’re changing the topic now
I just thought that would be really funny if the first earth elemental master was just the first spinjitzu masters favorite so they got a little extra gift.
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Happy Valentines Day Y’all!
I was originally gonna draw some Percy Jackson fanart as the 4th couple (Yes it was Percy and Annabeth) but then I ran out of time so I had to cut once couple and they were the last, so RIP to them lol!
(Also I was not aware Toph had children and got married in Kora, honestly that concept feels weird to me cause I viewed her as aro/ace or demi/ace)
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Why is the green ninja green?
Okay hear me out, why in the name of the lord is the green ninja green? It just feels like such a random color, like the Green Ninja is meant to be all of the elements right? Like sure it means things like luck and health but like that still doesn’t make it make sense you know. That’s why I propose that the green ninja should be the black ninja and the black ninja should be green. 
So as for the black ninja (which is just the earth ninja in this context) becoming green it’s pretty obvious we most associate the earth with the color green it just makes sense, but as for the green ninja being the black ninja instead? Well this is because the green ninja is supposed to be the ninja of essence (aka pretty much everything ig) and black is the mush of every single color it would only make sense. 
Now I’m sure someone is saying why not white, it represents purity or whatever, well 1) white actually fits with ice well 2) white is the absence of all color, and could represent absence/lacking power (which is not something Lloyd needs more of in his life) so it would make more sense if he was the black ninja.
Idk if other people have already said this but I thought I’d throw my hat into the ring ya know!
Uh... Royal AU art coming soon?     
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Royal Ninjago AU
UPDATE: The actual fic is called- All That We Can Give on Ao3 by SunflowerAndStrawberrySpice332
So this idea came to me when I was thinking about Garmadon’s whole technically being a Lord thing, so long awaited Royalty/generally old fashioned AU idea and how each character plays into it! (Also for the sake of clarity I will be using Garmadon as the surname since Wu and Garmadon’s names are kinda confusing seeing that Wu is also technically a surname, so they will be Wu Garmadon and Haitao Garmadon)
Lloyd: Is the son of Lord and Lady Garmadon, he is most likely to be the successor to his uncles throne due to the fact he has no children of his own and would be training to become a ruler instead of a ninja (in this AU Wu would have to be the older brother but we’re already changing a bunch of stuff so oh well) and along the way he makes friends with other nobility/castle goers.
Lord (or Prince depending on circumstances)Haitao Garmadon: The mysterious cursed brother of the king, he is disliked due to the fact most blame his brothers failed assignation attempt on him, with most making assumptions due to his cursed appearance. He tends to stay out of public eye which only adds to the eerie mystique around his already confusing public image.
Wu Garmadon: The kindly old king of the Western Kingdom who has a lot of regrets, one of which being not admitting his feelings for Misako (Stole that right from the show), though he does not drag his nephew down into those personal matters.
Lady Misako Garmadon: The mother of Lloyd and the wife of Lord Garmadon, she is said to be far more outspoken than her husband with her own fair share of controversy due to disappearing from public eye for multiple years after her son was born before returning over ten years later. What she was doing is still unknown to the public.
Now onto the other ninja! (I am changing last names and stuff, be warned)
Prince Kai Shiroma: The fiery prince of the Eastern Kingdom, twin brother of crowned princess Nya he is head of the kingdoms military and quite proud of it, he has close ties to the southern kingdom and hopes to make connections with the Western kingdom through the possible up and coming ruler.
Crowned Princess Nya Shiroma: She is the head strong soon to be Empress of the Eastern kingdom, after her fathers disappearance she has been preparing to take his throne with her royal advisors taking care of things until she comes of age. She is sweet and quick witted with plenty of secrets she’d rather keep under wraps from the public who is already hesitant of her rule.
Zane Julien: The adoptive son of a world famous traveling doctor Zane is a walking miracle having been brought back practically from the brink of death by the kindly doctor who proceed to raise him as his own and train him in the ways of medicine, philosophy and what ever else sparked his fancy. Him and his father are often at important political gala’s due to his ability to smell poisons, quickly becoming close with some of the royals.
Lady Pixel Borg: Brilliant daughter of acclaimed inventor Barron Cyrus Borg, she is an inventor in her own right and often travels alongside Zane and Dr. Julien when the location piques her interest. She’s extremely intelligent and her and Zane are often seen as a rather terrifying duo when seen whispering at gala’s and other events. 
Duke Jay Walker: A very distant cousin of Lloyd but with his parents still tied to the royal family of the Southern kingdom, his parents are most known for their funding of wild architectural projects, large donations and tendency to disappear for months only to reemerge with some new creation or idea. He is attempting to court Princess Nya though no one can tell his true intentions with this.
Crowned Prince Cole Zielle: He is level headed prince of the Southern Kingdom, he is popular among the public due to his flashy talents and tendency for extravagance. His mother died when he was young leaving him with only his father whom is an adored figure due to his donations towards the arts and music. It’s said though that the prince disappears for days on end every once in a while for reason unknown to most, because everyone has secrets.
That’s all that I have for now, but I have started writing some semblance of scenes for the actual fic which I promise you will get! Idk if I changed to much but at the same time this is an AU and I can do what I want, for what is the point of art if we can mold it in way we best see it! Let me know if Y'all have any suggestions or ideas cause I'd love to hear it. Anyway now that I've info dumped I think I’m gonna go eat a muffin and then pass out!
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Once again more art of my character Cyra.
For anyone who cares to know he’s from my story ‘I Need Some Space’ a story of a prince (Cyra) and an intergalactic rebel (Kaisho/Kai), they meet by happenstance after a delivery mission gone wrong with Kai crash landing on Cyra’s planet. It’s a story about healing and trauma all set in the wide open void of space!
This specific piece would be set in the future with him confronting his father for the first time in years after years of Cyra healing. Honestly I just wanted an excuse to draw Cyra since he’s like one of my favorite of my characters to draw!
Anyway if anyone wants to hear more about the story I’d be happy to tell.
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Lloyd Garmadon everybody!
Gods I had so much freaking fun drawing Lloyd, he’s just so scrunkly! Now I have had one of my friend argue that he wouldn’t be scrawny since he’s a ninja, but I object, he’s not a front lines fighter PLUS no offense but he gives off twig vibes.
Extra headcannon: The Aro/ace vibes are so strong I can practically taste it
Anyway expect some Atla fanart cause I just got into that show!
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Lloyd Headcannon time
So this is building off my friends headcannon that Lloyd never really gets that big nor tall, which makes sense he’s not really shown as much of a front lines more like a ‘hidden’ powerhouse kinda deal! 
So that made me think that Lloyd can fit into small space around the bounty and stuff like that. I think when he needs time to himself he just kinda melts into the nearest small space, cause he knows none of the other ninja or anyone can follow. In this headcannon he probably picked this up from his time at the school for bad boys cause back then vents and crawl spaces were the only places he got a break.
To go along with this he also tends to hide a lot of his things in these small spaces because at the school for bad boys people probably stole a lot so anything that mattered to you had to be hidden away, and very well hidden at that. After the ninjas took him in no one knew where he was keeping his things or where snacks kept disappearing to (cause your telling me the kid who lived on the street didn’t have food insecurity). This didn’t stop until everyone sat him down and told him pretty much point blank “We’re not gonna let you starve” after that he slowly eased into not hiding things, though I do imagen he still keeps some candy stashed away.
I imagen though some times he uses this ability for jokes, like he’s hidden all the spoons in different nooks an crannies. He doesn’t hide things that would be immediately noticeable instead he hides things that when missing cause a mild inconvenience. There are very few things he wont hide but there is a list. 1) Kai’s hair gel, Kai practically had a mental breakdown trying to find it, it was funny at first then it was just depressing 2) Nya’s hair ties, Lloyd uses them so when he hides them he can’t just ask for one he has to actually go find them 3) Cole’s eyeliner, it was terrifying, Lloyd had to sneak it back into Cole’s room cause he had no desire to admit he hid it and face Cole’s wrath 
There are some things that he REALLY likes taking though, things that are funny every single time 1) Misako’s glasses, he doesn’t even need to hide them he just needs to move them cause he knows everyone just pretends not to know where they are 2) Master Wu’s staff, it’s because every single time master Wu just pulls a new one out of thin air 3) A single shoe, anybody's shoe will do 4) Jay’s ninja uniform specifically because every time Lloyd takes it Jay’s voice get progressively higher and funnier as he looks for it 5) Literally anything of his fathers because he just get’s really confused, never mad cause of his vow and everything, but just utterly baffled. They all know Lloyd is the one hiding things at this point, but as long as he gives things back they don't really mind cause he thinks he just so damn clever. 
In conclusion Lloyd is still kinda a gremlin child he just knows how to act in public now. (Honestly the only reason he wasn’t a leash child is because his mother wasn’t there to put him on one)
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